Blackpilling deceivers, gnostics, and sophists need to be ignored. At least until we can change the laws back to outlawing them, ostracising them from civilised society, and in the worst cases make their nightmares come true by burning them at the stake.
My friend Adam posted a very nice, polite, well-reasoned missive for the indefatigable Ann Bernhardt, basically asking her a slightly different take on the question I have been asking her for years now.
My version: Ann, show me where in Canon Law it states there is a limit of duration to an interregnum.
Adam’s take: Ann, ALL of these “Cardinals” are demonstrable demon worshippers. And when Bergoglio kicks the bucket THEY will be “electing” the next “Pope”. Can you see why I am using inverted commas and why we 1958 Sedevacantists are correct and not you, laughably wrong 2023 sedevacantist?
But Ann will not respond to either of us, I am certain.
I know, I know, to you non-Catholics, and therefore non-Christians, this all sounds like the Baptist joke about the guy who’s gonna jump from a bridge.
But that’s only because you’re an ignorant heathen, a pretend-Christian of some rebellious Protestant denomination, or you simply never got round to reading the Patristic fathers, the history of Christianity, or the Bible. Take your pick, it doesn’t matter, because the point of this post is simply to show in the clear light of day, what a sophist, deceiver, and mollusc Bruce Charlton is, and why anyone sane will ignore pretty much anything he has to say.
I first came across Bruce because of an admittedly brilliant little pamphlet he wrote (free on the internet) called Addicted to Distraction. It really is good and you don’t need to be in any way religious to enjoy it.
That said, pretty much everything else after that has been a steaming pile of Gnosticism, spiritual deviancy, and sophistry.
For reasons only known to himself, (or perhaps the demons riding him) Bruce decided that the best thing he could do to Adam’s post was discourage anyone from being a proper Catholic. i.e. a Sedevacantist.
Interesting; since Bruce has professed for some time that he feels the closest thing he is Christianity-wise, is to a Mormon.
I thought he’d misspelt Moron (as I think Mormons have too) but he repeated it quite a lot a while back. Now, far be it from me to criticise anyone who believes Joseph Smith wasn’t a complete sex perverted charlatan who made the whole idiotic thing up, including there being golden sheets of words written by an Angel called Moroni (there’s a hint here, honest!) that he put inside a box and that only he, and he alone, could read, and then only with a seer stone inside his tuba hat, but no one else was allowed to see the sheets and the “translated” Angelic words were noted down by a scribe on the other side of a screen from Smith who “read them” using his special tuba hat. And that was how the Book of Mormon, and his fucking everyone’s wife, and the entire Moronic/Mormonic religion came about.
If you think I am having a fever-dream-hallucination, you are wrong, that insanity is literally how Mormonism came about. Yes. I know, it makes the Scientologists with their Xemu seem a LOT more plausible.
But yeah, when THAT guy starts telling people to NOT be proper Catholics… well… light him up is what I’m gonna do, so here it is. And here is Bruce’s first Gnostic comment.
bruce g charlton 1 day ago
@Adam – One difficulty of going back to Vatican II is logistical, given the importance given to a valid apostolic succession. Because most of what has happened in the RC church all over the world over the past half-century would be utterly invalidated.
Indeed, so large and complex is this problem, that it seems (obviously!) utterly impossible to unpick the valid from the invalid – and spiritually almost lethal even to try.
In other words, I am sure that a strict and logical legalism – even if completely honest and rigorously applied – cannot extricate the RCC from the mess that it now inhabits. Therefore, that legalistic approach to the problem is doomed to fail, and therefore should not be embarked-upon.
But that does Not mean the task is impossible, merely that a legalistic approach cannot accomplish the task.
I am sure that insofar as Roman Catholics are motivated to live in accordance with God’s will; then ways will be found in practice to “short circuit” these problems – and these ways will be clear and simple, and known in their hearts to be valid, by those Roman Catholics of genuine good will.
Thus will a part of the Roman Catholic survive and thrive – to the benefit of all.
But the strictly legalistic approach would (will) need to be let-go at some point; or else it will block what is necessary and good.
I wasn’t the first one to get a shot back at him…
Reply to bruce g charlton 1 day ago
That’s not the way this works. All that happened over the last several decades is in fact invalid and it can and must be recognized as such. Catholicism is not Romantic Christianity.
But I think mine was more balanced, fair and complete:
Reply to bruce g charlton 1 day ago
Bruce, you whiny, gnostic, coward.
Crawl back under the retarded rock of Moroni you climbed out from under.
You literally stated that the absurd cult of Mormonism is the closest you come to Christianity, and here you are, once again, trying to dissuade anyone from even thinking about sedevacantism; aka actual Catholicism, which is thriving and expanding daily and makes perfect sense since what happened with V2 is really simple enough an honest ten year old can understand it. But not deceivers like you. Just like you ran away from the truth I forced your nose into at my blog (you deleted my replies on yours) run along now, sede blogs are not places for spineless Brits like you.
If you think that didn’t explain too much, you’re right, but that’s because me and Bruce have had this out before, so if you need more information, you might start here for generics on Sedevacantism, or buy one of my books Believe! (short) or Reclaiming the Catholic Church (long).
If instead you want to read up on Bruce and me, knock yourself out, here. I started to call him out over a year ago.
Bruce ignored my comment, of course, but felt the need to keep making random sophistry up. Which is such bullshit I just need to break it up and comment on it.
Problems don’t go away just because they are unacknowledged; and the worst real problems are those due to unacknowledged metaphysical assumptions.
No, Bruce, the worst problem is intentional, lying deceivers like you trying to lead souls to Hell by lying to them.
One such is that the bottom line essence of Roman Catholicism is legalistic in nature – i.e. that the legal aspects trump all other considerations.
No Bruce. The Bottom Line of Catholicism is that it is the TRUTH. And the Truth cannot be lied about, changed, made different or perverted. Legalism, as YOU use it is simply subterfuge, lies, and twisting the truth. What the Church does is not “legalism” Bruce, it’s defending the factual, inerrant, infallible, eternal TRUTH. Yes, your very Nemesis, the thing that sends you scurrying like a cockroach for shadows and sophistry. You would not know this, being what you are, but you see Bruce, honest men will NEVER flex or bend or break before creatures of shadow like you. Nope. We will look at the truth and point it out, and call you out for the deceiving liar you are.
Until That is recognized as an assumption, and that assumption compared with other possible assumptions, then discussion cannot proceed beyond primary school playground verbal scraps (yawn…).
Yawn away you little runt. There is nothing assumed in Catholicism. It is reasoned, thought out, proven, checked against scripture and tradition and divine dogma, and reality. And because Jesus instituted the Church on Earth, and he is not a liar, the Church too, despite being filled with flawed men, remains infallible in its Magisterial teachings. Yes, even after there has been no valid Pope since 1958. Because Jesus promised he would be with us until the end times, and so it is. Real Priests and real Bishops continue to exist. Just nowhere in the Vatican. None within the Novus Ordo Satanic impostor religion pretending to be Catholicism. But as it always did, the Church continues to exist.
If discussion gets trapped by unexamined legalistic assumptions that contain necessarilydestructive consequences, then it will be Roman Catholicism that suffers.
There is no legalistic assumption, only undeniable fact and reality. There is nothing destructive in Catholicism. And in case you are wondering, yes, burning heretics at the stake is salutary and civilisational, as history has proven time and again, not destructive. Not even for the heretic, since contemplating his own burning flesh gives him time to ponder his errors and possibly repent, thus entering Purgatory and eventually Salvation too.
This is why fifth columnists within all churches have so often hidden their real (and anti-Christian – often personal, or ideological) agendas behind a façade of strict legalism. Such agents destroy and personally profit (or simply enjoy the process of destruction), while pretending to protect.
Nope. You’re now trying to conflate sophists and liars like yourself with being strict. The truth IS strict, Bruce. Reality IS strict. That’s just how it is. And so, liars like you are called out for the liars they are.
And the same can happen unconsciously, delusionally, or from a desire for “certainty” – in order, to “settle the question” once and for all. Many motives are possible.
Look at all the nonsense you’re throwing at Sedes, hoping something will stick. Amazing. Well, I know you’re not doing this “unconsciously” Bruce, it’s very intentional and conscious on your part. Nor is it delusional. Underhanded, subversive, deceitful, false, and cowardly, yes, it’s all of those, but not delusional. Well, except if you think your ploy will work on actual Catholics, then yes, you would be delusional. But that’s not your target, is it Bruce, no, like all the gatekeeping Satanists, your target is the newly interested neophyte. You aim to prevent anyone from even looking at sedevacantism. Because you know if they do they will see the perfect reasoning of it and become proper, actual, Christians. And that would leave you out in the cold. Well… for. bit, you’ll get to a real warm place in due course.
The point is that In These Times we can be sure that (later if not sooner) our fundamental assumptions will be exposed, and tested to breaking point. The question is: what then breaks?
You. Bruce. You break. And all those like you. You know what doesn’t break? Catholicism. Or Catholics. At most we die. And either as martyrs (the best of us) or as warriors, taking as many of you scum as possible down with us, except your ride will be a lot lower down and more permanent than ours.
It was good to see I was not the only one that recognised Bruce for what he is. CT had some pertinent thoughts on the matter.
C T Reply to bruce g charlton 15 hours ago
What a steaming heap of bafflegarble. When the new Inquisition is put into place, you are not going to make it.
As is known now, the Secret King Bruce had to continue to try to have the last word
bruce g charlton Reply to bruce g charlton 9 hours ago
I should add that I regard the basic “sede” stance – i.e. that the RCC was poisoned by Vatican II – as obviously correct.
Here he uses one of the tried and tested methods of the deceiver: “Oh but I agree with you, see? Now come walk with me down this yellow-bricked road…”
But I suggest that this position can and should be reached without recourse to legalism, and the solutions to Vatican II should not be legalistic either.
Transaltion: But I suggest that this position can and should be reached without recourse to TRUTH, and the solutions to Vatican II should not be TRUE either.
I would have thought it obvious that the Holy Ghost can and will (as I said) “short circuit” the impossibly complex legal problems to provide direct answers that can be agreed by all Catholics of good (i.e. genuinely Christian) motivation.
See? You are a “good” Catholic, if you listen to old uncle Bruce here who has genuine “Christian” motivation. And we’ll skip right over the simple fact that Catholicism IS Christianity. That the ONLY Christianity that has ever existed IS Catholicism, and all else is heresy, nonsense, lies and deceit.
What a serpentine mollusc you are Bruce, you might as well write, All men of good brotherhood can agree that good brotherhood and equality and liberty is the true “catholicism”. You freemason brothers would be proud.
But this can only happen if other factor/s than legalism are regarded as primary and foundational to the Catholic faith. Legalism (aka Pharisees-ism) – if adopted – will empower the wrong people by focusing on the letter, will utterly fail to solve the real problems – and will prove utterly destructive of the Christian spirit (as it always has done and will continue to do). If any church survives, it will be an empty shell.
Translation: But this can only happen if other factor/s than TRUTH are regarded as primary and foundational to the Catholic faith.
See Bruce, you have a bit of a hurdle here, in the sense that K2 or Mount Olympos is a “bit of a hill”. Catholicism has always stayed very clearly that it is the ONLY, ONE, TRUE, HOLY, APOSTOLIC, RELIGION. You really can’t get away from that. Now, you can agree or not. Don’t agree, then you’re not Catholic. Buh-Bye. Off you go, piss off and don’t bother us again. No Catholic cares about your opinions of Catholicism, you are not one of us, you don’t count. End of. Or you agree, in which case, you can’t water down the truth Bruce. You can’t twist it. You can’t change it. You can’t ignore it. Which is what you are advocating for. Precisely what you’d like Catholics to do is completely anathema to us. Oh, does it hurt you feel that we plainly say, we are right and yes, all of you who are not with us are wrong? Hmmm…I wonder who else said if you are not with me you’r against me. Anyone? Anyone? Guy in Galilee? Answered to the name of Jesus? Ever heard of Him, Bruce? Guess what, we Catholics ARE with him. People like you, I’m fairly sure He’s gonna say “I never knew you.” Go look it up. You might as well read that Bible one day eh?
CT too also fired back. More gentlemanly than I, as is often the case. But then I am not going for polite. I want to obliterate any shred of credibility these charlatanic gnostic deceivers have, forever. So Orbital Nukes is more my speed.
C T Reply to bruce g charlton 3 hours ago
You often make these weird mistakes — e.g. “pharisees-ism” — that make me wonder sometimes what language you actually speak.
No, God won’t “short-circuit” His own law. That’s a stupidity that only a maleducated, non-Christian midwit could envisage. The plain truth is that outside of the Church there is no salvation, therefore all who wish to be saved must be brought into It, legally and publicly because there is no other way. Baptisms and other sacraments must be performed properly, evil must be publicly renounced, penance must be visibly performed before the apostates can be accepted as Catholic.
You are not even a member of the Church. You are so far from being a well trained and educated cleric that you can only aspire to be a layman. You have no say, are entitled to no opinion, can offer no relevant advice on the matter.
Quite. And on that note, we once more, turn the page on the non-Christian, liar, deceiver and intentional sophist Bruce Charlton.
Kurgan Woodchipper Time!
Behold, ladies and gentlemen, yet another volunteer, sacrificing himself on the altar of the gods of retards, at the pious hands of your dutiful servant, my humble self.
Let us begin the mental flaying of this latest of LARPing retards.
First off, Moron of Simba, I don’t actually read Z blog. I have read it perhaps a handful of times in 10 years and certainly not in the last several months for sure, so I am not sure what made you think that. But then, as some famous Romans probably said before crushing some now extinct species of troglodytes: There is no accounting for retards.
That’s a literary joke for those who know some latin. Never mind, just hear the WOOSH sound and move on Moron.
Secondly, I have zero narcissistic personality traits. If you could actually read and if you did, you would have discovered that long ago, since I have explained my specific type of neurology in some detail. In any case, everyone that knows me personally can also attest that I have zero narcissistic personality traits. You, of course, being the usual retard, couldn’t tell the difference between a chicken and a donkey anyway, so it’s pointless to try to explain anything to you, nor, provide you with factual evidence. We know this without shadow of a doubt because you claim to be a someone who worships a “god” who sucks semen out of other men’s penises, including those of dead men. I didn’t claim this, you have:
Now, we know for a fact, that no one, literally no one, including retards like you, would get martyred in the name of the mythical cocksucker Odin. So, yes, you are a LARPer. To every single effect.
You are stupid, ignorant, obviously have massive latent homosexual tendencies or might be a raging homo yourself, given who you worship —or pretend to worship to be more accurate— and without doubt you are also a liar. We know this because you say you “don’t mind” about any of the false things you accuse me of doing, and yet, you felt the need to write this comment to show me how much you don’t mind.
Moving on…
You also conflate confidence with narcissism, once again, demonstrating your sub-par IQ and poor language as well as reasoning skills all-round. And ascribe my confidence to my success with women. Another tragic error. While learning about women, being a skill like anything else, certainly made my confidence in being able to attract women I was interested in grow —again, as with any other skill, if you practice it you get better at it— my personal generic level of confidence did not arise from this, but was there long before that and was developed in pretty early childhood; insofar as it can be developed beyond being an innate quality that is probably genetic on some level.
And the cherry on the top being your accusation that Catholicism is a) MY brand of anything, which is clearly absurd unless you think I am Jesus, in which case, your mental problems are even more severe than even I can imagine, b) “random”, given it’s literally the very root, beginning, middle and eventually end (at least insofar as the End Times are the “end” of anything) of Christianity. Catholicism IS Christianity. Now, if I were a Protestant, you might be able to accuse me of having rolled dice (lots of them!) or, more realistically using a large random number generator to pick a brand of fake Christianity, but you’re really shit out of luck on this one. Especially if you could read. At all.
So, yes, overall, you have succeeded in demonstrating (as usual) that:
Thanks for playing. Buh-bye now.
*Shoves drooling idiot into mass grave of spammed morons*
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By G | 20 November 2023 | Posted in Catholicism, Humour, Social Commentary, Zombie Apocalypse