Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Sede on Sede Violence

Adam has written a post about sedevacantism here.

Let me quote the pertinent part, in which he quotes a letter written by a fake priest who got chastised by a fake Archbishop, for doing a fake “traditional” blasphemous mass in Latin.

Let me quote a small passage from the end of his letter:

Despite the differences of opinion we have with them, we respect the Holy Father, Pope Francis and Archbishop Timothy Costelloe. We acknowledge them to legitimately hold their respective offices even if we do not understand and agree with all of their actions. We continue to pray for them in each and every Mass offered at St Anne’s.

The praying part is good and just. But the rest is straightforward naivety.

I find it a little ironic that Adam calls this fake priest writing to a fake Archbishop, “naïve”.

Don’t get me wrong. I like Adam and I consider him a friend, he’s a good guy and he’s visited me on the farm and a great time was had by all. I am not “having a go” at him. I also realise that his intent, or result anyway, is to educate and teach and thus bring to the truth those confused (or lazy) nominal “Catholics” that wallow (or prefer to wallow) in ignorance (or wilful ignorance) regarding Bergoglio and his retinue of pedophiles, cocaine fuelled partakers of homosexual orgies and general frauds and criminals that are currently in the Vatican as well as all those that continue to pretend that the Novus Orco is anything other than Satan’s Church.

Any ACTUAL Catholic knows this is the reality. Those who continue to pretend otherwise are either, lazy AND ignorant, flat out cowardly, or intentional deceivers. But that’s the lay people. None of the “clergy” can be excused. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

I don’t care if they tell you they were “fooled” I don’t care if they think Ratzi the Nazi was “Pope” instead of Bergy the Oleous. They have a DUTY to know. And their “ignorance” cannot be put down to mere indoctrination, generational ignorance or laziness. It is intentional.

It would be like a doctor not knowing that eating rat poison is bad for you. Or a surgeon thinking that use of an axe and no aesthetic for heart surgery is how you do it. Or an engineer thinking you can just pile bricks on top of each other without mortar to build skyscrapers.

These people are not naïve Adam.

They are guilty.

They are guilty of mass spiritual murder. They are leading souls to Hell on purpose. I would not give any mercy whatsoever to a child murdering rapist. Regardless of his personal sob story. So why on Earth give any to a mass-murderer on a spiritual level that is leading souls to eternal damnation?

To every Sedevacantist out there:

  1. Laity claiming they are Catholic MIGHT be, due to generational ignorance (born and raised in Novus Orco) but they are also LAZY. Because they profess that they believe in the Catholic God but made zero effort in studying the history and nature of Catholicism. So how important is it to them, really?
  2. Pretend clergy of ANY rank, that continues to profess the Vatican II Novus Orco heresies are HERETICS AT BEST! Get it? Because most likely they are KNOWING and INTENTIONAL Satanists. Certainly all the Cardinals that bowed down to the child-eating Demon Pachamama INSIDE the Vatican, absolutely are.
  3. You are infallibly and perpetually told that heretics are to be deprived of every natural human kindness. Ex Apostolato Officio.

So… you wanna become Catholic, then read a bit. Learn the history of the Church from the people who were there at the time. Read the patristic fathers. There are VOLUMES of stuff written before 200 AD. Read it.

And so learn what Catholicism is. Then follow it through. Read what Vatican II documents actually SAY. And learn why there has NOT been a valid Pope since 1958. Yes you can save yourself time by reading my books Believe! or Reclaiming the Catholic Church, but I don’t care if you learn from me and my work or somewhere else. Just learn.

And then stop acting as if the Satanist with Catholic masks on are relevant, or right about anything or not the fake, Satanic scum they are. Give them NO QUARTER.

I know, Adam is the nice guy going around the village saying “Guys, those people there are not really your friends, this is why…”

Well… there is a time and place. I am more the guy on horseback with a lance shouting “CHARGE!”

What Next?

There are three paths I can go down with respect to the next book I write.

NAZI MOON (linked) is now available at least in the US and CANADA and should be available soon in other countries too.

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I have been asked to do the relationship book by friends and men in general for years; at least 20 of them. I resisted the impulse* for at least a couple of decades, primarily because, as one of my alter egos/nicknames —given to me by friends in Italy over 20 years ago— said in one of the graphic novels he appears in: “Any man that says he has understood all there is to know about women, is either a liar or insane.” And it’s close enough to the truth in some ways. Nevertheless, I feel that after two divorces, a lot of women in between, and finally a proper Catholic marriage, not to mention 4 children I fathered, I have probably made —and persevered!— and (one hopes), learnt enough that it is probably acceptable to pass on a few pointers to younger men; at least on those issues I feel I have now got enough experience to retroactively note when I did the right thing (regardless of outcome), and when I did the wrong thing (again, regardless of outcome). I mention this, because as I say, there have been a lot of people asking me for this for a long time.

With regard to my non-fiction, each book I have written so far, is really mostly a compilation of my theories and conclusions formed with many years of experience.

The Face on Mars was the result of a lifelong interest in Astronomy from very early childhood. I understood what a light-year was at age four, thanks to an uncle who was, and remains, a total geek to this day. He also sent me a telescope in my early teens, with which I observed the mountains of the moon, and how the moon itself moved. I also saw Haley’s comet with it, from our home in Africa at the time. And to this day the concepts I put forth in that book were then, and for the most part continue to remain today, unique. Some have badly plagiarised aspects of it (hello Graham Hancock) but the overall main issue had not been understood by anyone I am aware of before I saw it. And most remain totally ignorant of it, despite the predictions and theories I made back in 1995, playing out as correct in the intervening time. The update in 2014 also added a new dimension to the reality of my ideas, which is partly expanded on a lot more in my fiction work.

Systema was similarly, a book I wrote after I had personally spend decades in the martial arts world. And I wanted to demystify a LOT of the nonsense that goes with many martial art “concepts” and their related egos, and which —in particular— seemed to have a vortex of “mystic ninjas” concerning the Russian system. Which is an impression many martial artists might have if they have not experience of it firsthand. By merely watching YouTube videos or hearing “fantastic” stories of almost magical ability, they are most likely going to assume it is some woo-woo nonsensical “martial art”. That thought is disabused within minutes of confronting any of the top exponents of it. Unfortunately, as always, along with the really good practitioners, there were also a lot of “mystic ninjas” and some of the practitioners did nothing to demystify the situation, so I did it. I have been doing martial arts since I was a very small child, thanks to my dad, so I had pretty extensive knowledge of it before I put hand-to-keyboard after almost four decades of it.

Reclaiming the Catholic Church was in some ways the “odd man out” because I had a road to Damascus Event in 2013 and the book came out in 2020, that is, only 7 years later. However, I had been reading different books on all the main religions, mysticism, “spiritual” and even New Age stuff, again, since my teens, and literally infiltrating various cults as a hobby, in order to see if anyone had anything that was demonstrably true, real, or worthwhile. I had settled on a basic Zen-Agnosticism, with a clear understanding there must be an intelligence behind creation (the math, astronomy, biology and physics, as well as logic, pretty much confirms it many, many, many times over) but no sense of a God as such that was specifically interested in us mere mortals, much less me specifically. That changed in a radical, unexpected and utterly surprising way, that while “subjective” in the sense that I cannot prove it to anyone else, was absolutely objective and very much so for me. The other part that helped was that because the Catholic Church has ALL of its rules and dogmas written down, it was fairly easy to follow the thread of its history and see the astonishing truth it is founded on. As it was, to see that the current inhabitants of the Vatican are, without putting too fine a point on it, flat out Satanists.

BELIEVE! Instead, published a year before RTCC, was a much smaller work, putting out my new, or updated, basic outline philosophy. For those who have read both books, you will notice that BELIEVE! is not even a fifth of the size of RTCC, at just under 100 pages, and is a lot more open with respect to overall views and concepts. RTCC was the follow up that basically said, “OK, so that’s sort of where I am with respect to religion as a whole (BELIEVE!) now let’s take a look at this one path that I state is the best one I can see so far, and in this book, (RTCC), I went full autist, covering every aspect of Sedevacantism (i.e. the actual, current, only Catholicism left) and demonstrating it in a manner that no one has so far even attempted to refute, much less succeeded. The result is that RTCC is the foundation on which BELIVE! is really sitting on, which is probably why even if a much smaller and less detailed book, BELIEVE! has resulted in now over 100 people converting to Sedevacantist Catholicism (aka simply: Catholicism).

The reason I point all this out, is because in these last two non-fiction books, it becomes obvious that even my overall looser and more generic ideas, as expressed in BELIEVE!, for example, clearly have had a lot of genuinely positive effects on people who read them. And we know it was this that sparked the results, because BELIEVE! came first, and yet, even without all the details (presented in RTCC), it had a serious impact on people’s lives.

I see a LOT of confusion, struggles and heartache among young men today concerning intimate relationships and finding the right woman.

I literally get questions, emails, or messages on the topic to a frequency that is starting to become hard to keep up with. And as anyone that reads my blog knows, I have a rather low opinions of PUAs, and would very much hate to be mistaken for one. That said, I know for a demonstrable fact that my advice benefits these younger men, because they are getting married, having babies, and resolving issues they had for many years of their lives. I have literally had everything from friends, neighbours and even strangers, asking for advice, on an ad hoc basis, to hypnosis sessions with people that were under clinical care as supposedly paranoid schizophrenics under medication that went on to stop the medication (yes with doctor approval and full knowledge of my sessions with them) and go on to have a productive life with a functioning relationship, when prior they were 29 year old virgins. And I have been doing this for at least 15 years, with positive results.

So, perhaps, there is some utility in putting together some of the baseline concepts concerning male-female interactions and so on.

The other options (SF saga continuation) or YA SF books are, respectively, more a divertimento for myself and, a less fun, but I think helpful addition to the current dearth of adventure stories for boys mostly. I am not aware of anything like the Hardy Boys and so on coming along anytime recently, which is why Castalia House is doing well printing old classics. I would not enjoy writing such books as much as my own adult Science Fiction, but it would not be too difficult to do and they should be able to be produced fairly quickly. Although, I am not likely to be acclaimed as a children’s author anytime soon, or even long after I am dust, so the effort might not be worth it.

Anyway, I’d appreciate your thoughts on the matter, so please feel free to leave comments after you vote, thanks. 

* Vox, on this post, referring to someone else, Taleb, in this case, said something that holds true for most of us. Personally I have always genuinely tried to resist the temptation, and often people have been quite “deflated” when trying to make me their “guru”, when, after being asked something I know little or nothing about or at least I don’t feel qualified to take a stand on, I simply say “I have no idea”. Some were quite insistent nevertheless and I always consciously dissuaded that, as I explained in some detail in my book Systema: The Russian Martial System.

Church Militant?

Oh, what, you want my opinion on the Gay grifters pretending to be Catholics? Ah… when will you guys begin to take heed of the things I tell you about gay and fake Catholics being Grifters?

I told you about at least three of them back in July 2020. Which was late for it anyway.

Or you could just type in their names like say Milo in the Search Me button on the right there.

Seriously, are any of you who read here even a little bit surprised by any of what was going on/is going on/will continue to go on at Church Militant?

If you read my blog regularly and you are… well… there may be a place for self-flagellation in proper Catholicism yet.


And this is why you can know without a doubt that NOVUS Ordo is NOT Catholicism, and why the only Christians left are Sedevacantists.

Interestingly though, the Sedes are more like the Empire… down to a few but loyal “emperors” and their “henchmen” going out there and through their diligent work, recruiting and uplifting proper Catholics, even as they spread the truth to rebellious fools.

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While we mere laymen, do the Lord’s work with heretics.

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The WHEN of the coming collapse

Vox posted a link to a simplicious post that is really excellent at explaining the coming crash and why and the variables. And his general view is very much in line with my own (remember I assumed within 5 years but possibly up to 10. Which I only realise now also brings us to 2033).

However, I have been somewhat fascinated by Vox predicting 2033 since I first heard about it several years ago, nearly a decade ago I think, now.

There are two routes as to why I am fascinated by it. One is the more mundane one, and one s a somewhat numinous one.

The mundane one is that Vox comes to these conclusions on the basis of (I think) quite detailed analyses of various things. Don’t ask me what things, because he’s doing things economists do, and I assume it entails going deep under his castle’s dungeons, drawing entrails from his enemies, boiling the tears of the givers of science fiction awards, and other dark and disgusting things only economists can stomach doing. My own approach to these things is to get a hunch and then synergistically, come out with a WAG (Wild-Assed-Guess).

Back in 1993-4, I was sure that the economy would collapse by the year 2000 at the latest based on my having touched with a tiny toe the waters that those creatures known as “traders” (in shares and stocks and options and baby parts, and cocaine) do within banks and other towers of misery.

Then 2000 came and went and I thought a bit like I did when I was 4 years old and I had asked about how money works and the grown ups tried to explain it to me and I figured none of it made any sense. But I assumed I was too small and this stuff was too complicated for me to grasp, so I must be wrong about it being completely insane system that makes no sense.

Of course, 4 year old me was right. It’s the rest of the world that is absolutely, completely, totally, fucking insane and illogical.

So the same thing happened and it was 2008 before it all crashed, and then I realised my error. I was unaware of Professor Cipolla’s First Law.

It had taken so long for the Ponzi scheme to crash because so many greedy, unprincipled, stupid and really stupid people ALL continued to buy into it and then double down. They are all playing 3 card monty with no third card and someone is stealing the bets, but they all keep at it because sometimes some of the stolen cash lands near them and they “win”.

So 2008 came. And they covered it up by robbing blind half the planet. And then 2014 came and they patched it up again, and started the Ukraine stuff. Then 2019 came and they invented Covid and proper Ukraine war. Now Covid is done, draconian laws telling nationals to shut up about the rapefugees stabbing their children or else go to jail are being put in place and chemtrails are going overboard to try and fry all our brains with the new 5G antennae, but it’s still not enough. The USA has literally increased its debt by another trillion, or is it two, hell, I forget.

So now there is the Gaza genocide, and all the media trying to make us feel sorry for the guys bombing civilians, hospitals and killing literally thousands of children. And that is definitely being dragged out, because the next step is to send all the Palestinians to Europe and the USA.

But… unless hot war with Russia and China and/or Iran and Syria kicks off soon, and unless Russia and China are also part of some really nefarious Satanic game of chess, the West is going to get that economic collapse soon.

And as I mentioned, by “soon” I expect in the next five years, but maybe a little “softer” for North America and Europe than it has historically been for 3rd world countries, or those that the West deemed needed to become 3rd world countries. So my estimate is about 2030 at the most but I am well aware I tend to be a pessimist, so 2033 certainly looks like a good date.

Now for the numinous part. Back in 1994-5 when I was researching and writing The Face on Mars, I read a book called the Great Pyramid Decoded, Peter Lemesurier, which was quite fascinating. And in there, he came up with this idea that the great Pyramid could also be used to predict a sort of general timeline of the future. It was not an idea I valued very much, because the premises he used to get there were in my view, rather shaky, although the man did a lot of valid and interesting work aside from that. And in any case he was not some crazy freak, but a guy with an interesting take on some odd things, and people like that can sometimes figure things out the rest of us miss (I know because I am one such guy in my own way).

Anyway, from memory, Lemesurier put it that a generic world collapse was going to happen in 2033. And that by around 2050 it was either finished or the real end times came, I forget which, and the book is either lost to one of my moved or one of my relatives, so I can’t check. But anyway, after the crash a time of good and perfection would come. I can’t recall if the 2050 part is when the bad stuff ends or the really bad stuff begins, before we then have a new golden age. You can see how the End Times narrative obviously keeps me awake at night. But anyway, though I didn’t think much of his methodology, I remembered this 2033 date as a “crash” date, and I find it fascinating that Vox came to it too. It’s quite specific, and Lemesurier had used some Biblical related “timeline” to come to his conclusions, and I may be wrong, but I think Vox once mentioned he had considered certain things from the Bible to… I forget… conclude something about economics, or the timing of something.

So I wonder about it. And now you know, and probably wonder about it too.

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