Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

What do men Really Want?

I am first of all reminded of this funny meme which is of some woman on twitter/X saying:

It’s true, men only want one thing, and it’s disgusting!

and the reply below it by some Chad:

So, wash it.

While the response is funny, the reality is a little bit different, and that reality is why I don’t rate PUAs as anything good in general, losers almost to a man, and missing the point of life and teaching others to miss it too.

Vox recently had a post about how the lure of the forbidden, or the hedonist, or worldly pleasures of life, are very real and only a Churchian type that has no knowledge of life can comfortably and arrogantly counsel things like, no, no, never any sex before marriage, or whatever the mortal sin is, as if simply stating that were protection enough from the temptations of the world.

And I tend to agree. The way I put it before is that while the ideal is indeed ideal, and it absolutely worked in the past, in the current post-apocalyptic moral landscape of radiation pools, death-plague, and zombies, the old chaste ways might indeed still work, and perhaps they do and are really best regardless. Perhaps, in some hidden Shangri-La I never came across yet. However, my personal experience has been that given the hellish landscape, you need to be able to navigate a little hell before you can climb out of the pit, and so far, three marriages by people under 30, all three couples now expecting, and all directly or indirectly as a result of becoming sedevacantists and navigating various scenarios before landing a properly converted and Catholic wife (in all three cases very pretty women too, it needs to be said) convince me that my ways and advice have at least some merit in producing the seeded for results of what men (and women) really want. In short, while my methods (such as they are) might not have the imprimatur of Church Bishops, or anything remotely approved by anyone Catholic, they do seem to produce positive results.

To my mind, when at war, the rules are partially decided by the enemy, and if the enemy in this case perverts everything good into a parody of itself, my approach is to take all his perversion and convert it to a parody of itself and thus back to the good.

So, the slutty trampy girl with a good heart, who gives herself to anyone in a heartbeat in the delusion of seeking love, while not the ideal first choice, in the extreme of the examples I am making, might just be the one that turns around with the allure of a properly respectful marriage where you have a LOT of sex, to make a LOT of children, and have them fill your home and hearts. They tempt the nominally Catholic schoolgirls with ever more degenerate behaviour, well, how about we tempt the degenerate girls to wear strictly longer dresses, wear a veil in church and become awesome housewives and mothers? Let’s see who wins that fight, shall we?

In that vein then, let me tell you what every man in today’s fallen world really wants:

They want a woman that is sexy, beautiful, sensual, sexual, kind, nurturing and loving and loyal to them, that shares the views on marriage, children and family.

99% of men, if given the choice between being a fuckboi with endless pussy on demand from all corners of the world, but never a family, or one woman for the rest of their life that is sexy and sensual, able and willing, a good wife and mother and loyal and kind and nurturing to him and their children, that also challenges him with her views and humour and thoughts, would choose the good wife.

Those men who would not are mostly:

  • Boomers. Yes. Still today.
  • Immature, having tasted the fruits of easy fornication, and been intoxicated by them, they are like an alcoholic, mistaking the over-indulgence of drinking with the pleasure of having a drink with friends and good food while never losing yourself in drink.
  • Perverted or damaged by sexual trauma early in life, twisted life experiences and so on.
  • Neurologically (physiologically) defective from birth.

It is true that a normal man, absent sex, and wanting it, unless he has made a conscious decision to be an ascetic monk, a priest or whatever, can begin to go slightly insane from his unsatisfied lust (women go even more insane and faster when they are sexually ignored and neglected by men, by the way). And the overwhelming availability of pornography is also likely to spark unwholesome expectations from a woman or women in general.

PUAs prey on such men. “Teaching” them all sorts of nonsense in terms of relations between men and women, based on flawed and only partial truths or at times completely baseless assumptions, and all in the quest to: Get married? Have children? Have a functional, happy life? No. All in the quest to simply get laid. Because in their tragically useless and shrivelled lives, the mere achievement of having sex with some women, pretty, good looking or “high status” as they may be, with the definite intent of also impressing your friends with your “ability” to bed such women IS the Holy Grail of happiness. Well, it isn’t. And PUAs intrinsically, whether directly or indirectly are essentially selling the message that it is. The “learnt” attitudes are extremely ruinous for the prospects of an actually happy and meaningful life. It’s not even that the prize doesn’t exist. It can exist. It’s just that the prize itself is a cheap plastic imitation of the actual prize in life.

I truly believe that it is far less damaging for an incel to hire a professional to get over his curiosity/lust/physical needs, a few times, and get over that desperation, so as to rebalance his brain and begin to take the necessary steps to seek and find the relationship he really would prefer, which is almost always, the good wife.

Look at the supposed “masters of seduction” that were PUAs a decade or more ago, where are they, what have they done, how are their lives?

Jail, suicide, broken families, married to a potato with a kid, and still pretending to be “masters of seduction” and so on. Mystery has at least one child with some woman he is not married to (she apparently is quite pretty and not a potato, by the way, I don’t know, I don’t care) and is still pretending to be the aging wise man of “getting women”. Which I think in modern parlance of the younger generation, elicits only a heightened sense of red-alert levels of “cringe”. It’s sad and pathetic.

But to return to the original point, do not think I am unaware of the allure of the carnal pleasures. I didn’t start out that way, that is as a manwhore risking drowning by pussy juice, but I always have had a good imagination, and perhaps Italians really are more naturally sexual, and then when the relationships I had tried my best to be good for failed, I eventually concluded that I simply was not built, or able to, have them, so I simply indulged my preferences and avoided any tensions by simply walking away from any encounter that in any way started to have the hint of red flags, or issues, or whatever. The minute it wasn’t fun anymore I’d simply say “Sayonara” and “Next!”.

So I am well aware of the lures and traps and temptations. Mostly because I indulged every single one of them, pretty much. And somehow, despite this, because of how I am built internally, I managed to survive. Not a light navigation through Hell, but rather an extended tour of it with side passages into the lowest pits, you know, just to get the full measure of the place, and then, by Grace, (some) prayer, and truly just God’s Mercy, found myself in a position where the right woman (for me, that is, she could be thought of as having all the red flags one might think of for a “normal” man) was gradually, then suddenly, there. And for every red flag she had of her own, I probably matched it with one or several of my own.

And certainly it has not been all roses and daisies floating on a cloud made of unicorn-rainbow farts and harp music, but… as only two scarred and battle-hardened veterans of worldly life can do, once they have tried every pleasure, survived every outrage to their minds, bodies and hearts, and knowing yet, still, despite it all, that love counts, that truth matters above all, that justice is a thing, we helped each other heal and feel loved. Not always kindly, not always easily. But in between, underneath it all, always knowing, in our own separate and different ways: She is the One. He is the One.

I absolutely do NOT recommend my path to anyone. Please be smarter and faster and kinder and easier and more intelligent, wise and loving than I have been. And seek someone suitable for you that is already well on her way to it, or maybe already there. If anything, I am but an example of how, even when you are lied to from the start, and you believe it, and are hurt and damaged and broken, time and again, by life, by people who are supposed to have been on your side, by your own heart not letting you give up even when you should, and you just keep getting up, eventually, even the devil gives up; and God finds you. As long as you too, are seeking and not just whining about your lot in life.

So, if you have travelled on the dark side, and been poisoned, take heart. No it is not easy. No, you will not suddenly find a virgin nymphomaniac nurse that loves cooking and cleaning your one bedroom rented apartment in the wrong side of town. And yes, you will have to get off your own ass and work, and scrabble, and train, and get your spine to be erect, and stand, and take it, and deliver it. To learn justice and honour and truth and discipline and not lose heart or mind even when life seems hell-bent on breaking you. It is. The enemy is. And are you going to let it? I don’t know about you, but, true to my namesake given to me by online friends, a thing I always thought even before I saw the film as a teenager:

It’s better to burn out than fade away.

So. Get yourself and your own sense of self squared away. Think on it. Make up your mind. Which kind of man are you?

Are you brave? Are you a liar? Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you stand back up when life kicks you in the balls and knees you in the face? Or do you cry out for an ambulance and the police? Do you complain about things that you don’t like or do you change them?

Who are you? And who do you want to become? Because they are never the same thing as long as you are alive on this Earth. And if you reach the place you wanted to be a year or ten years ago, you will also have learnt new things you want to learn and become more or less of. So keep walking, Keep climbing. And pick a woman that understands that while she will be loved (and make sure you do), and she will be protected and provided for, to the best of your ability at any given time, and that she will be respected (and make sure you understand what that means for you AND for her), that life is hard and you are both only human. You will screw up. So will she.

And you will both need to keep choosing each other through and past all of it. And that is the only way to be that matters, and the only way that real, lasting happiness can be achieved by both men and women, and she has to give of her femaleness and womanly ways just as much as you have to give of your male and manly ways. And combine and co-create a family and navigate the idiocy of the world, the corruption of it, the twisting of it, together, like good sailors on a small, but strong boat can navigate even the biggest storms.

That, is what men want. And, whether they admit it or not, like it or not, say it or not, it’s what women want too. Take it from me, because I am a man, and unlike women, who will tell you a bunch of things they think they want but mostly don’t actually want, I’m telling you what the good ones want. And the ones that don’t want it, don’t matter.

Choose your character, player one.

Assume you are playing a game, whether a computer or pen and paper one any you get to choose if you play a villager or a Spartan. The villager has a low chance of instant death but his existence is composed of basically grinding his job until he hits the grave. The highlights would be getting married, avoiding divorce or plague-death, having children and getting a bigger home/more land or more success at the chosen grind path.

The Spartan can be killed instantly by a bunch of things, enemy soldiers, his own traitorous wife/best friend/political opponent, he owns little in the way of material wealth except a functional home and a little land and the latest in weapon technology. He has duties he can’t avoid that might also get him killed and his rewards are: not dying, surviving assassination attempts, being glorified from afar by the masses (or vilified, regardless of heroic or vile deeds) and not answering to anyone you don’t want to, though you will be put on wanted posters for defying the local baron.

Now… in a game…who do you pick?

Most people go for the heroic Spartan.

In real life?

Almost no one.

Why, oh meek-hearted friend?

The real-life timid Times are those so terrified of divorce and their own ineptitude with women that they self-label as “I’m really choosing to be sexless by choice, see, so I am not a loser” aka MGTOW aka incels.

I have nothing but respect for those who work the grind, support their families and do well by them, they are truly heroic people. But while it is an admirable trait in practical endeavours of all kinds, it is an absolute lamentable thing in metaphysical matters.

Regardless of your religion, if any, where is your sense of Justice? Of ethics? Of truth? Honour? Courage? Virtue?

Where, of timid man?

What thing or person or concept are you willing to die defending?

And if none, then what kind of man are you?

Choose sir. Choose what kind of man you are.

I have been a proper Catholic (sedevacantist) since I was baptised in 2017, and I researched it obsessively for 4 years before that, but even when I was a Zen-Agnostic, and lived more by samurai-type principles, I never turned away from a potentially deadly situation even when I was working for people whose lives were corrupt to the core. It was not about them. It was about me. And as helpful to those who hired me that mentality was for them and less so to myself, it still had a value, it still had an honour and a courage and a point. Misguided though it may have been.

That zealotry may have not been pointed in the exact best direction then, but it was not evil or wrong per se. I was more like an efficient tool that if used correctly would be a force for good and if used wrongly might help more the less good (but not for long, because my sense of justice too was not impaired, mostly).

Ultimately, the point is that regardless of anything else, I have always placed an extreme value on truth. And I really believe the world is composed of people who merely pretend to be that way, and they are the very vast majority, and a few who really are that way.

Those few are the ones who make a difference.

I might fail or not at creating a community of hardcore Catholics in Italy, but you can bet everything you own I am not doing it for any reason other than truth as best as I can see it and live it.


Which character are you? And what are you doing with you game-life?

Sibling Cooperation

The four year old leads the three year old into the tool shed which he knows he’s not supposed to go into without me. There are power tools in there but nothing connected or that can be switched on. At most he can trip and bump himself against a shovel or something.

The wife sees them sneaking in and lets me know.

I observe from afar and they come out and one of them says to the other, “Ok, now let’s go back inside.”

Their secret mission of minor rebellion achieved in what they think is complete success and conspiratorial loyalty, they return to the main house in harmony.

This is how you know you’re parenting them right.

Christianity is the Older Religion

This needs repeating, and in the case of Americans, and Evangelicals in the specific, it needs to probably be driven home with a rubber mallet.

Sede Priest Explains Cassiciacum, etc.

Father Steenbergen is one of the most awesome people I know, and I am glad he did this interview. He even refers to the Finnish couple who came to visit me towards the 1:17 mark, and shortly after, indirectly, to people like me, with words to the effect of… you wouldn’t BELIEVE the kind of people that are coming to get baptised these days! Meaning people with no Catholic history in their background whatsoever that come to it in almost miraculous ways. And it’s true. Just over a decade ago, the idea I would one day be a hardcore Catholic would have made me spill my drink if I had been drinking. And here I am now.

All sorts of people are waking up to the truth, and it’s accelerating from the attendances I have seen over the last few years.

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