Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Sedeprivationism vs Sedevacantism

There has been a long and quiet suffering by many Catholics (sedevacantists) that goes beyond the mere situation of the Church presently with regard to the non-Catholic, Freemasons, Satanists and impostors presently occupying the Vatican. After all, that situation is easily understood by anyone that cares to look into Vatican II and is in any case prophesied in the visions of many saints as well as in Revelation, so really, there isn’t much to worry about.

The situation concerns the growing gulf between Sedeprivationists and Sedevacantists.

If you are interested in the details, you can either read my Reclaiming the Catholic Church, available on Amazon in paper format, or for less in digital format, direct from my E-Store.

Or you could read the argument as presented here, which is essentially absolutely correct.

I was unaware of the “Totalist” position, when I wrote my book, but logic is logic, and I made it clear in that book, as well as the reasons why, the only nod to the word sedeprivationism that I acknowledge was that technically it was a better name because the chair of Peter is not actually empty, but filled by an impostor that needs to be thrown off it on his ear ASAP.

But that is not what Sedeprivationists mean when they use the term, and they try to hold onto the completely outmoded and outdated theory of Cassiciacum of Father, and later Bishop, Guérard Des Lauriers. As I stated in RTCC, des Lauriers’ theory was a very charitable and possibly briefly “valid” idea to present to the world so as to give the more timid and cowardly clergy of the day (1965 to 1978 or so) a chance to speak up or at least take a position that did not promote the completely heretical Vatican II event and all those associated with it.

The Code of Canon Law of 1917, and simple logic a child can arrive at, is clear that since Roncalli was invalidly elected on at least three separate counts:

  1. He was a Freemason, which means he was not, and could not be, a Catholic.
  2. He was “elected” only after Giuseppe Siri was actually elected twice, and blackmailed into not accepting in order to protect what otherwise he was told would be a massacre of Catholic Bishops in the Communist East. Blackmail and any event that forces a non-free vote automatically renters the election invalid.
  3. Even if you ignore those two points it cannot be contested at all that Roncalli approved and signed off on the first two documents of Vatican II, one of which contains direct heresy in a number of ways and the other though not containing direct heresy was a document that said the heresy of Vatican II should be spread throughout the world by every means possible, so it was heretical in intent if not actual words of the text itself. This even was and is absolutely enough to designate Roncalli an antipope and as such completely invalid.

Montini came up after Roncally, and produced the remaining 14 documents of Vatican II every one of which is replete with heresy and inverts catholic dogma. He also changed the mass, which is absolutely not permitted so there is absolutely no doubt he too defected from the Catholic faith as per canon 188 part 4, and that if we are so generous as to assume he was a valid Catholic to begin with, which is questionable at best.

Every claimant to the Petrine see after Montini continued to promote and promulgate Vatican II and its manifest heresies, meaning they too at best defected from the Faith, but in any case had already done so by not denouncing Vatican II. And the same goes for any supposed clergy that does not reject Vatican II and its fake “Popes”.

This is not a matter of opinion, but one of Canon Law.

The position of the supposed Sedeprivationists is essentially a modified form of “recognise and resist”. On top of which Bishop Des Lauriers’ thesis, which I have in the original French, and have read, is also really doing quite the disservice to Aristotle, using concepts of form and spirit or material and formal that clearly Aristotle never intended to be used that way and which really have no place in Catholic theology.

Nevertheless, I can understand the wish to give some kind of a charitable “out” to people who might have been on the fence in the tumultuous times of the usurpation of the Church from 28th October 1958 to say the end of 1965, after Vatican II finished, but even if we generously allow for a period of say ten or twelve years after that, surely, by 1978 everyone that was going to call a heretic a heretic had ample time to do so, and those who did not and worse, continued to promote Vatican II, like the cowardly Vigano, who even has a doctorate in Canon Law, confirmed themselves as Heretics too, falling foul of the same Canon 188.4.

This is really not hard.

The Sedeprivationist clergy seems bent on “hoping” for a miraculous conversion of Bergoglio and the other pedophiles, Satanists, cocaine-driven homosexuals busy doing gay orgies in the Vatican and so on. That’s not going to happen, and even if it did, the rule is that a reformed heretic should have authority over absolutely no one and should spend the rest of their days in a monastery in perpetual penance, so even if the miracle of conscience, repentance and truth hit every one of those miserable scumbags in the head and they honestly converted right there, they would STILL not be allowed to act as clergy, perform sacraments or do anything else that clergy does, as Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio makes perfectly clear and which is still referenced by Canon 188.4 which in any case is moot since it was an ex cathedra pronouncement valid in perpetuity and was in any case the rule before it ever needed to be spelt out by Pope Paul IV in the 16th Century.

So, by all possible perspectives, the Sedeprivationist view is in error. And while the clergy espousing it are absolutely valid priests and Bishops, no one is questioning that, they are in error. And as this error has now been perpetrated for a long time, with increasing grumblings from the lay people that is reading shores that go from America to Australia and even in Russia, where there are sedevacantist communities that all are starting to realise that you cannot square this particular circle, it becomes incumbent upon the laity to correct the clergy.

We are in the current shameful state because the clergy of the Church in 1958 was weak and the laity initially deceived and when it became obvious that an usurpation had taken place, the clergy demonstrated themselves to be in the vast majority of cases, absolutely weak and cowardly where they were not actively Satanic Freemasons involved in the corruption of the Church for decades.

And when that began t come to light, the laity had been slumbering in complacency and also in weakness and comfort and cowardice and did not call out the corrupt, fake, impostors nor the weak cowardly clergy.

We cannot allow a similar situation to stand today, when the clear error of sedeprivationism continues to be perpetrated with inevitable consequences of further error and ultimately confusion, error, discord and possibly even defection from the faith, as any error or deviation from the truth ultimately results in.

As I am used to being the lightning rod for such discussions and debates, which are not a schism, I want to make it clear, but simply a more perfect ordering and understanding of Catholic dogma, I am presenting the first instance of this discontent among the laity here on this blog.

A more formal and combined public open letter will in due course be presented to those priests or Bishops, that are in error. And that error is the result of one of the following:

  1. In good faith but erroneous understanding, some have not studied the Catholic position in sufficient depth.
  2. Habitual obedience to Bishops even when they are in error and have no authority, since without a Pope there is no authority beyond that of performing sacraments and performing the usual duties clergy does when in an interregnum (between Popes).
  3. They are Bishops of Power instead of Piety and are overreaching their mandate from heaven, authority on Earth and over the laity in their misguided efforts to create a “bigger, stronger” renaissance of the true Catholic Church.

I have extremely good reasons, and plenty of evidence, to suggest that almost all and possibly really all, of the laity falls under points number one and two, above. Possibly many clergy that subscribe to sedeprivationism fall under point two, as well, although it is also clear a few are simply not as educated about Catholicism as they should be and are in fact in error as per point number one; undoubtedly in good faith, but error nevertheless.

More concerning is that Bishop who is acting as he is acting, in flagrant error of Canon Law and with imperious ego, because acting under the impetus of being a Bishop of Power, as defined by Rodney Stark in his History of the West How the West Won.

In brief, a Bishop or priest of Power is one that pushes the advancement of the church for the satisfaction of his own ego or worldly machinations. Despite the natural inclination one may have to see these people as evil egomaniacs, a couple of points need to be kept in mind.

Firstly, in some cases, while their ego is certainly ever-present, their intent may be to genuinely increase the spread, power and resilience of the Church. And in their minds whatever little “rules” or dogmas they may need to trample over are justified by the increased “glory” of the church. This in itself is an error of category, since it is the kind of error that laity, if anyone is supposed to be “okay” doing such things, should be taking on more than the clergy. it was crusaders that went off to war and Catholic knights that defended Malta, not priests and bishops taking up arms. So, whichever way you look at it, they are still in error, but their motives may not be as strictly selfish as one might at first imagine.

Secondly, even if they do happen to be egomaniacal narcissists that want to live in luxury, have big homes with servants and gold goblets to drink from, or whatever, the reality is that as a collateral side-effect, in the history of the Church, such despicable creatures nevertheless enriched the Church which permitted its expansion, the creation of amazing cathedrals and an increase in the faithful. Yes it was kind of a collateral effect, but it is a real thing anyway. So, even if at a personal level such clergy would be vile, God, historically, has managed to make at least some good flow from them, because at a worldly level, the use of funds and commitment towards creating more seminaries, more cathedrals and so on, and increasing the number of faithful, obviously has a positive effect.

As a result, I don’t necessarily object to some of the practices of priests or bishops of power, as long as:

  1. They do not break canon Law of Catholic Dogma.
  2. Their intent is not personal but for the benefit of the Church and this can be demonstrated by their personal living situation and so on.

Many other laymen and women are not as “charitable” as I am in this respect, and the grumblings at grassroots are becoming a low-level murmur reminiscent of an impeding avalanche or earthquake.

And such a thing we would all like to avoid. So, consider this simple, somewhat brutally direct, blog post to be an initial canary in the coal mine, in the hope that certain clergy takes note, some laity make them aware of it and they perhaps take note and begin to adjust accordingly, with all dignity and process due, and thus without any scandal or strife between the various faithful, be they clergy, or laity alike.

In my opinion the hope this will work on the relevant clergy of Power is absolutely remote, but, as our Lord tells us, we should first try quietly, then kindly, before we definitely call people to account.

This situation has been building for years, it’s not a flash in the pan, and it needs addressing.

I pray to our Lord that it gets resolved quietly and expediently by those responsible. And if not… well… we, remnant laity of the Catholic Church take our lead not from the timid types our grandfathers generation but rather from that of the Normans and Franks of 1095, from which, incidentally, on a personal level, my family line originates and can trace itself back to.

Glória Patri, et Fílío et Spirítui Sancto, sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculórum. Amen

Judas’ Witnesses

A while back we had a somewhat amusing visit by a pair of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an older man and a young and pretty woman. This tends to be the practice of Jehovah’s witnesses, to pair up an older person with younger one of opposite sex to tray and appeal to as wide a range of people as possible.

The older guy was walking down our driveway exclaiming what a beautiful place it was here and what a lovely forest and so on. I happened to have my scythe, seriously, no joke, as I was trying to clear the weeds and brambles around a dead tree I had to take down, and I started to walk towards them with the Italian version of “What?” on my face and a bit of a scowl. I don’t like people wandering onto my property unannounced and for no reason I could see.

To my “Yes?” The older guy continued to give no explanation and saying what an amazing property I have and how great the woods and the surrounds were. I kept walking right up to him and he eventually had to stop half-way down our long driveway. I just stood in front of him, scythe in hand, silent, waiting to see what he would eventually say he wanted. it was clear to me from his mannerism he was some kind of con man. I had no idea what nonsense he would be trying to sell, but I knew the type. Trying to be charming, affable, friendly. He had already irritated me in a number of ways. First by entering my property uninvited and unannounced. Secondly by ignoring my essentially asking him what he wanted without actually saying “What do you want?” but making it very clear that is what I was asking, and thirdly by his continued attempts to ingratiate himself into my good graces. So, although there was no mirror nearby, I have been told many times that my face is not particularly hard to read when I am pissed off and apparently it goes from “resting serial killer face” to “Imminently active serial killer face”.

Seeing me keeping silent he tried once more, in a way that he must have regretted later.

“Well, you have such a wonderful place her, like a paradise, nice and remote eh? No one here to bother you, well, except a few boars or wolves maybe, heh, heh.”

He really set himself up.

“I prefer wolves and boars to people. What do you want?”

His smile wavered and he brought his phone out and started to turn it while saying “Have you heard what the Bible says…”

He did not finish the sentence.

“I’m a sedevacantist catholic. Be on your way.” I pointed to the gate and turned and left. He wished me a good day as he quickly headed back uphill.

My daughter laughed at the situation and when she referred to them called them Judas’ witnesses. The first couple of times it was an honest mistake, because as she speaks three languages, sometimes words that are similar in one translate slightly differently in another. But it became our word for them pretty quickly.

It’s amazing how kids sometimes come up with much better words than we have for things. The 3 year old renamed the trampoline the jumpoline when she was 2 and it’s been the jumpoline ever since.

As an aside, someone told me once that the Judas’ witnesses try to convert you to their religion because the more people you convert the more likely you are to be one of the only 144,000 that will be allowed into heaven. So in reality, their trying to convert you is a kind of pyramid scheme were only the guys with the best numbers get it.

I never bothered to verify if this is specific to one set of Jehovah’s witnesses or all of them, nor do I care, because heretics will be heretics, so who cares, but I do think if true it’s a further nail in the coffin of heresy and hypocrisy they peddle, and it also makes me wonder… do they know which number they are on the heaven’s lotto game?

Important – Please share

I have been aware of this since 2019 or so and have pointed out disparate parts of it in various posts, but please take a look at this short video, it has a LOT of references so you can check for yourself it’s not woo-woo tin-foil hat stuff. And just so you know, I was aware of the possibility of this since the late 1990s, as one French doctor had discussed it briefly on TV before being completely memory-holed.

Please use the share button at the bottom of this blog post (you may need to click on the post itself to make sure the button appears at the bottom, it is not yet showing automatically if you are just on the main homepage and scrolling through the posts).

It is important people become aware of this before the next “pandemic” is manufactured, which by all indicators will take place in the not too distant future.

There are also a few indicators in the video of how the Vaxxed may begin to try to minimise/heal from these effects, and I will post on this specifically in more detail the near future.

And yes, I hope it gets picked up by WesternRifle Shooters Association, because they have a much bigger reach than I do. So if Concerned American takes it up, you have my thanks.

This is Absolutely the Way


I have added a Black Ink on watercolour paper drawing to the E-Book Store, done as my humble homage to Lent 2024.

You can purchase a print or even the original at the E-store.

Or just enjoy a view of it here for free.

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