Andrew Anglin posts at the Unz a perfectly reasonable summary of the current Russian situation concerning the terrorist attack.
He basically says what anyone normal already knows concerning Russia, the CIA, ISIS and the Tajik retards hired to kill 139 innocent civilians.
But he highlights one very important point, which is the summary of it all in a nutshell that the average American still finds hard to swallow and understand; which might have something to do with the fact that the average American can’t reliably find Australia, China and Russia on a world map.
In any case, that key principle worth understanding is this:
What the Moscow terror attack shows is that all of the enemies of the US government, and the Jews that control it, will be treated exactly like Palestinians. And the only thing you have to do to become an enemy of the US government is simply disagree with their world domination agenda.
The US government is a mad brute. It is an existential threat to all life on earth.
In that he is absolutely right, and anyone who has had a real understanding of global politics since after the second world war, has been aware of that. The demonic freaks like Kissinger and his sort have been instrumental in creating foreign policy of this nature since the 1940s, and in fact were responsible for the very creation of the conditions that led to the Second World War.
We have all been trained to believe Hitler was a madman that wanted to conquer the world, but if one is to manage to understand anything about our planet and how it works, he has to put aside all the fairy tales we have been raised on and look at the cold hard facts. And those indicate that Hitler made repeated and serious requests for peace. He literally wanted to avoid war and tried to do so repeatedly. Now, that’s not to say that he was necessarily a great and good guy, but the way he has been portrayed as essentially an insane and literally the most evil man that ever lived is not based in reality either. Just as the Jewish Bolsheviks that caused over 50 million deaths of civilians from intentional policies of everything right up to starvation are also never mentioned as anything other than “liberators of the proletariat” is equally skewed, since no one has been taught to think of them as mass-murdering fanatic demons, even though they caused the largest mass murder on Earth. Beaten today and the years to come, only by the people who run the pharmaceutical companies that have tried their best to see to it everyone on Earth is injected with a generic serum that has already killed untold millions, and which may eventually outdo the Bolsheviks in raw numbers. And you might want to look at who the people that run those companies are. You know, out of general curiosity. Or where the hormone replacement injections created to sterilise and mutilate children who are “transitioning” are built and by whom, and where in the world. Again, just out of curiosity.
Anyway, I digress, but do I?
After all, it is useful to understand how the world works at a macro level, is it not? And if and when you do realise what the thread that connects seemingly disparate events becomes obvious, it becomes really hard to continue to ignore it. Especially since seeing it makes your ability to predict the future increase in accuracy by several orders of magnitude.
For example, one of the commenters at that very post at the Unz wrote the following:
Russia should make use of hit squads and proxies in western countries to deal with politicians, military people and officials that sanction killing innocent civilians and terrorism within Russia. Only if they knew that they were going to be targets themselves would they shut their fat mouths. It could be done in such a way that would give Russia plausible deniability, but the big mouths would fear that they might be next and this would go a long way to stopping the terrorism. Russia once had a very effective network of moles, spies and persons willing to work for their cause, in the west, they need to rebuild their network.
And he is exactly right. Wars and the other atrocities that we are now all being conditioned to accept as normal would end instantly if the people that planned them were the ones paying the price of being dismembered by an explosion that tore them and their children into scraps of meat, instead of some poor bastard thousands of miles away from them who has absolutely no power to change anything at all, including the murder of his little children.
Putin, for all his demonisation by the West, is still playing like a true gentleman. A strategist that truly understood the nature of his enemy with less patience or restraint than Putin has shown, would have been building his secret network of assassins from about 2008 on and would now be activating them in earnest. And if he were serious, he would not be immediately obvious, and the people suddenly dropping dead of new cases of suddenly would start at the edges of the circle, with those who are no longer at the centre of things, like retired mass-murdering sow Nuland herself. And would gradually corral the perpetrators into an ever-shrinking circle of concentrated evil.
Nor would this process end, as long as a single one of these monsters that toy with the lives of innocents to satisfy their own personal evil ideologies remains breathing.
Imagine what the world might be like if such creatures as Kissinger not only were no more, but were never born to begin with.
If you do start to think this way, it is common to arrive to the false conclusion that sooner or later, any ideology or philosophy or religion will arrive at a point where some mass murder will happen.
While there may be some truth to that, I put to you this idea: if you really look at the causes, far more mass murderous wars with a far greater death toll have happened as a result of the Kissingers and Bolsheviks of this world than by the rule of any Catholic leader or emperor that ever lived. And not by a small margin. We are talking MANY orders of magnitude more.
Why would that be?
Because Catholicism follows a principle of game theory that makes it clear it is the winning strategy. It is co-operative and does not force itself on anyone but must be freely adopted. In a future post on game theory I will get into more details of this, but in essence the statistically superior strategy is of this co-operative nature that has a rule on it that you are also protective and fight back. If a more complicated game can be set up, where you have sub-factions factions within groups, I would bet a lot of money on it that a group that would statistically be practically unbeatable would be one that follows the same Catholic model but with one small change: one of its internal sub-factions is a dedicated group that goes after any other group, be it the main group as such or one of its sub-groups that is hostile, and does not stop doing so as long as the other side continues being hostile. It would have to be a very complicated game because one of its threats could end up being itself, so one of the rules would have to be that this internal sub-faction can never become larger than a set and tiny fraction of the whole.
Well, Catholic history was pretty much exactly that until it git complacent and stopped training part of its nobility for war. That, by the way, is where the saying Noblesse Oblige comes from.
A similar principle to the word Samurai, which means servant. Yes being a nobleman entitles you to certain privileges; and certain duties. Amongst which, defence of the realm. Catholic leaders ran the necessary wars from the front, not from some subterfugeous tunnel at the back. And yes that makes such leaders somewhat vulnerable, but only if they are unwilling to have trained and specialised defenders that are expert tunnel rat clearers.
One of the reasons I am absolutely dedicated to Catholicism, and yes I need to specify it every time: the real one, the one only Sedevacantists still adhere to, is precisely because even if you were to strip it of every supernatural and metaphysical reality, and kept only the outward behaviour of it, it STILL models the healthiest, fairest, most secure and humane system of civilisation the world has ever seen in its entire history. And once again, if you just put aside the lies you have been told from birth, this become immediately obvious based on the simple and clear facts before us.
We have ALL been subjected to massive lies about pretty much everything, since after all, I too used to hate “Catholicism” because I too had been taught to believe that it was X when it was the exact opposite of X in reality. So this process is not easy, but it is necessary, and all you have to do is look at what’s before your eyes.
Who is it that tries very hard to avoid civilian casualties in the Russia versus the USA deep state? And who instead goes after the civilians?
Who makes it policy to play the victim even as they carpet bomb starving and dying of thirst women, children and non-combatants by the thousands?
Who is demonised for simply defending his nation, his people, or even just his principles or his non-violent religion?
Who is vilified online for simply saying Christ is King on Palm Sunday? And by WHOM are they vilified?
Who has lied and lied and lied about the events that have taken place in the past and are taking place now under our very noses? And who tells the truth?
Who controls the information and who presents it in this or that way?
Who pushes the child-mutilating tranny agenda?
These are not questions without answers. These are questions that have very clear and precise answers that are not difficult to find. The difficulty lies in you allowing yourself to ask them. For you have been trained to think that to simply ask the question itself, which is the most natural and normal thing to do, and that we all should do daily, is itself, somehow a terrible taboo that makes us the bad guys if we do it.
It’s a lie.
Ask yourself all the questions. And then answer them.
When you are ready to become a Sedevacantist Catholic, feel free to join those of us that have taken that step years ago, and help us build a better future that will be thoroughly insulated from the deceivers going forward.
Jesus Christ is King
As some of you may know, apparently, being a Christian is anti-semitic.
This of course assumes that “being anti-semitic” means “telling the truth”.
Now, I doubt there are too many Jews reading this blog, but if there are, and you’re bleating in protest at the screen, all I can say to that, is: Be silent, liar.
Now, if you happen to be a Jew that is reading here and NOT bleating to the screen, or yourself, silently or loudly, but simply hate Christians and are willing to say so openly without playing the victim, but just simply stating your preference, or maybe stating why, you, as a Jew, prefer to worship Satan, or the God of this world, as your Rabbis are well aware and state so clearly, once again, at least you’re telling the truth, and on that single occasion and single event, and single matter, at the very least, as a Catholic, and therefore a lover of absolute truth, that attitude is more commendable than the first option mentioned.
And, always as a Catholic, we have always known, precisely who the Pharisees are, and what they are like, and how they feel about Jesus, and us as Christians. This is why in any valid, real, proper, Catholic Mass (the only ones left are the ones being said by Sedevacantist Priests and Bishops that say the proper, non-use cum Mass) there is the statement about praying for the conversion of the Jews. We know full well that they hate us and are our eternal enemies, who wish us evil, death and destruction and see us as nothing more than cattle to enslave, as, again, many of their most famous Rabbis have always admitted and said. But as we are Catholics, we do pray for our enemies. Which is not to say, that we “turn the other cheek” as your kind has so successfully indoctrinated the ignorant pretend-“Christians” of Protestantism and general Churchianity, which today, of course, includes all the Novus Orco fake “Catholics” to do.
We Catholics know full well that “turning the other cheek” is merely as regards to personal, inconsequential insults. When we are faced with an existential, murderous, persecuting and Satanic enemy, such as the Jews, or the ancient Roman Pagans, or the militant Muslims, we are fully entitled to defend ourselves, which as per our dogma of self-defence as well of Just War, entitles us to respond in kind and even pre-emptively so when required. And since you Jews are trying, and succeeding, in getting some Shabbos Goys paid to pass laws that literally outlaw the Bible, it is high time, that Christian countries pass laws outlawing the Talmud, which is a work of pedophiles that says in its very pages that it is not a crime to rape little children, or murder a non-jew, for that matter, and indeed ban the very practice of Judaism, since, obviously, anyone who subscribes such evil is not fit to be a member of any Christian society. And if you call yourself a Jew, then, clearly, you subscribe to being ok to rape little children, and killing non-jews, along with raping, robbing and lying to them too.
Christ is indeed King, and because we Catholics are a peaceful people until you give us reason not to be, we strongly advise any Jew, anywhere in the world, to immediately make Aliyah and return to Israel as soon as possible.
The inevitable noticing by literally everyone, of how Jews really see and treat anyone that is not Jewish, is unstoppable, even despite the almost total control that Jews have on the Mass media and literally almost all the politicians in the West, and don’t take my word for it, do the research of how this is the case, for example, here. Or perhaps more generally by reading the articles found here and then verifying for yourself if they are accurate or not. For this reason, the unrelenting noticing, it is very likely that at least some people, will, sooner or later, become so upset at the truths that we Catholics have known for two millennia, that they may decide to take unwise and violent action against any and all Jews.
We Catholics are aware that paradoxically, Jews hate us more than any other religion or people on Earth, and that is because we tell the truth. Which is why they have conspired to infiltrate the Catholic Church and destroy it for centuries, nearly achieving their aims by 1958, but, precisely because Catholicism IS true, they will not succeed in completely vanquishing the Church, as it continues to exist, and will continue to do so until our Lord and King returns. And paradoxically, we Catholics, despite being the ones you hate the most, have always, been the first to try to help you, first of all to convert to the truth, and secondly, to at least save your miserable and shrivelled souls for a little longer in this world, by avoiding the eventual inevitable backlash that comes to your people as a result of their practices. If you return home to Israel you are at lest among your own people and far from any such potential events. Of course, the fact that your brethren are busy geocoding Palestinians and carpet bombing starving and defenceless men, women and children may become a larger issue, but you know… something about chickens? Them coming home to roost? Especially given the things your people do to chickens in order to supposedly remove sin from yourselves, eh?
In any case, since it is now apparently illegal in some US states, but not anywhere else as far as I know, let us now look at just two, of the many verses from the Bible you have banned, because they tell the truth about your people.
1 Thessalonians 2:14-15
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
14 For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jews,
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men;
New International Version
14 For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone
Matthew 27:24-25
New International Version
24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his handsin front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”
25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
24 And Pilate seeing that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult was made; taking water washed his hands before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man; look you to it.
25 And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children.
Now, why would anyone want to outlaw these statements? Unless they were absolutely true, of course, and you knew it, yet somehow wanted to escape all the other consequences that such truth would reveal about you and how you act towards the entirety of the rest of humanity that is not part of your specific tribe?
I mean, I can’t thing of any other reason. My own ancestors I am sure probably did some shitty things, but they do not inform in any way about me or my practices or ways of treating other human beings I may have. Firstly because they never did for the entire time I was NOT a Catholic, and secondly because today that I AM a Catholic, any actions my ancestors took were either going against Catholic Dogma, in which case, if they were bad actions then they were wrong and did wrong and there is no shame in simply admitting it and recognising it as such; OR, they did not act against Catholic dogma, but acted instead in unison with it, in which case, they did nothing wrong, since Catholic dogma is fair and just and true and treats everyone deserving of it as a human being. Which is why Catholics do not try to convert anyone by force, and, dogmatically, do not perpetrate violence of any sort against anyone who is not either perpetrating or committing or intends to commit violence against them, in which case it is their duty to defend themselves.
Now, if you are a typical Protestant, you may want to begin to wonder, why the Jews have taught you to hate Catholicism and believe in the absolute fable that there ever has been such a thing as Judeo-Christianity. You have a lot of reading ahead of you. I suggest you may want to begin with a couple of the books I wrote, since they are filled with references and you can verify for yourself anything claimed in them. You can start with Believe! (short) and Reclaiming the Catholic Church (Long). Both available cheaper on my E-store in digital format, or you can find them on Amazon, just click on the Books I wrote Icon at the top left.
Oh, and in case I wasn’t clear: Christ is King.
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By G | 26 March 2024 | Posted in Catholicism, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Jews