Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Jesus Christ is King

As some of you may know, apparently, being a Christian is anti-semitic.

This of course assumes that “being anti-semitic” means “telling the truth”.

Now, I doubt there are too many Jews reading this blog, but if there are, and you’re bleating in protest at the screen, all I can say to that, is: Be silent, liar.

Now, if you happen to be a Jew that is reading here and NOT bleating to the screen, or yourself, silently or loudly, but simply hate Christians and are willing to say so openly without playing the victim, but just simply stating your preference, or maybe stating why, you, as a Jew, prefer to worship Satan, or the God of this world, as your Rabbis are well aware and state so clearly, once again, at least you’re telling the truth, and on that single occasion and single event, and single matter, at the very least, as a Catholic, and therefore a lover of absolute truth, that attitude is more commendable than the first option mentioned.

And, always as a Catholic, we have always known, precisely who the Pharisees are, and what they are like, and how they feel about Jesus, and us as Christians. This is why in any valid, real, proper, Catholic Mass (the only ones left are the ones being said by Sedevacantist Priests and Bishops that say the proper, non-use cum Mass) there is the statement about praying for the conversion of the Jews. We know full well that they hate us and are our eternal enemies, who wish us evil, death and destruction and see us as nothing more than cattle to enslave, as, again, many of their most famous Rabbis have always admitted and said. But as we are Catholics, we do pray for our enemies. Which is not to say, that we “turn the other cheek” as your kind has so successfully indoctrinated the ignorant pretend-“Christians” of Protestantism and general Churchianity, which today, of course, includes all the Novus Orco fake “Catholics” to do.

We Catholics know full well that “turning the other cheek” is merely as regards to personal, inconsequential insults. When we are faced with an existential, murderous, persecuting and Satanic enemy, such as the Jews, or the ancient Roman Pagans, or the militant Muslims, we are fully entitled to defend ourselves, which as per our dogma of self-defence as well of Just War, entitles us to respond in kind and even pre-emptively so when required. And since you Jews are trying, and succeeding, in getting some Shabbos Goys paid to pass laws that literally outlaw the Bible, it is high time, that Christian countries pass laws outlawing the Talmud, which is a work of pedophiles that says in its very pages that it is not a crime to rape little children, or murder a non-jew, for that matter, and indeed ban the very practice of Judaism, since, obviously, anyone who subscribes such evil is not fit to be a member of any Christian society. And if you call yourself a Jew, then, clearly, you subscribe to being ok to rape little children, and killing non-jews, along with raping, robbing and lying to them too.

Christ is indeed King, and because we Catholics are a peaceful people until you give us reason not to be, we strongly advise any Jew, anywhere in the world, to immediately make Aliyah and return to Israel as soon as possible.

The inevitable noticing by literally everyone, of how Jews really see and treat anyone that is not Jewish, is unstoppable, even despite the almost total control that Jews have on the Mass media and literally almost all the politicians in the West, and don’t take my word for it, do the research of how this is the case, for example, here. Or perhaps more generally by reading the articles found here and then verifying for yourself if they are accurate or not. For this reason, the unrelenting noticing, it is very likely that at least some people, will, sooner or later, become so upset at the truths that we Catholics have known for two millennia, that they may decide to take unwise and violent action against any and all Jews.

We Catholics are aware that paradoxically, Jews hate us more than any other religion or people on Earth, and that is because we tell the truth. Which is why they have conspired to infiltrate the Catholic Church and destroy it for centuries, nearly achieving their aims by 1958, but, precisely because Catholicism IS true, they will not succeed in completely vanquishing the Church, as it continues to exist, and will continue to do so until our Lord and King returns. And paradoxically, we Catholics, despite being the ones you hate the most, have always, been the first to try to help you, first of all to convert to the truth, and secondly, to at least save your miserable and shrivelled souls for a little longer in this world, by avoiding the eventual inevitable backlash that comes to your people as a result of their practices. If you return home to Israel you are at lest among your own people and far from any such potential events. Of course, the fact that your brethren are busy geocoding Palestinians and carpet bombing starving and defenceless men, women and children may become a larger issue, but you know… something about chickens? Them coming home to roost? Especially given the things your people do to chickens in order to supposedly remove sin from yourselves, eh?

In any case, since it is now apparently illegal in some US states, but not anywhere else as far as I know, let us now look at just two, of the many verses from the Bible you have banned, because they tell the truth about your people.

1 Thessalonians 2:14-15

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition

14 For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jews,

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men;

New International Version

14 For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone

Matthew 27:24-25

New International Version

24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his handsin front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”

25 All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition

24 And Pilate seeing that he prevailed nothing, but that rather a tumult was made; taking water washed his hands before the people, saying: I am innocent of the blood of this just man; look you to it.

25 And the whole people answering, said: His blood be upon us and our children.

Now, why would anyone want to outlaw these statements? Unless they were absolutely true, of course, and you knew it, yet somehow wanted to escape all the other consequences that such truth would reveal about you and how you act towards the entirety of the rest of humanity that is not part of your specific tribe?

I mean, I can’t thing of any other reason. My own ancestors I am sure probably did some shitty things, but they do not inform in any way about me or my practices or ways of treating other human beings I may have. Firstly because they never did for the entire time I was NOT a Catholic, and secondly because today that I AM a Catholic, any actions my ancestors took were either going against Catholic Dogma, in which case, if they were bad actions then they were wrong and did wrong and there is no shame in simply admitting it and recognising it as such; OR, they did not act against Catholic dogma, but acted instead in unison with it, in which case, they did nothing wrong, since Catholic dogma is fair and just and true and treats everyone deserving of it as a human being. Which is why Catholics do not try to convert anyone by force, and, dogmatically, do not perpetrate violence of any sort against anyone who is not either perpetrating or committing or intends to commit violence against them, in which case it is their duty to defend themselves.

Now, if you are a typical Protestant, you may want to begin to wonder, why the Jews have taught you to hate Catholicism and believe in the absolute fable that there ever has been such a thing as Judeo-Christianity. You have a lot of reading ahead of you. I suggest you may want to begin with a couple of the books I wrote, since they are filled with references and you can verify for yourself anything claimed in them. You can start with Believe! (short) and Reclaiming the Catholic Church (Long). Both available cheaper on my E-store in digital format, or you can find them on Amazon, just click on the Books I wrote Icon at the top left.

Oh, and in case I wasn’t clear: Christ is King.

A Sober Realization

Andrew Anglin posts at the Unz a perfectly reasonable summary of the current Russian situation concerning the terrorist attack.

He basically says what anyone normal already knows concerning Russia, the CIA, ISIS and the Tajik retards hired to kill 139 innocent civilians.

But he highlights one very important point, which is the summary of it all in a nutshell that the average American still finds hard to swallow and understand; which might have something to do with the fact that the average American can’t reliably find Australia, China and Russia on a world map.

In any case, that key principle worth understanding is this:

What the Moscow terror attack shows is that all of the enemies of the US government, and the Jews that control it, will be treated exactly like Palestinians. And the only thing you have to do to become an enemy of the US government is simply disagree with their world domination agenda.

The US government is a mad brute. It is an existential threat to all life on earth.

In that he is absolutely right, and anyone who has had a real understanding of global politics since after the second world war, has been aware of that. The demonic freaks like Kissinger and his sort have been instrumental in creating foreign policy of this nature since the 1940s, and in fact were responsible for the very creation of the conditions that led to the Second World War.

We have all been trained to believe Hitler was a madman that wanted to conquer the world, but if one is to manage to understand anything about our planet and how it works, he has to put aside all the fairy tales we have been raised on and look at the cold hard facts. And those indicate that Hitler made repeated and serious requests for peace. He literally wanted to avoid war and tried to do so repeatedly. Now, that’s not to say that he was necessarily a great and good guy, but the way he has been portrayed as essentially an insane and literally the most evil man that ever lived is not based in reality either. Just as the Jewish Bolsheviks that caused over 50 million deaths of civilians from intentional policies of everything right up to starvation are also never mentioned as anything other than “liberators of the proletariat” is equally skewed, since no one has been taught to think of them as mass-murdering fanatic demons, even though they caused the largest mass murder on Earth. Beaten today and the years to come, only by the people who run the pharmaceutical companies that have tried their best to see to it everyone on Earth is injected with a generic serum that has already killed untold millions, and which may eventually outdo the Bolsheviks in raw numbers. And you might want to look at who the people that run those companies are. You know, out of general curiosity. Or where the hormone replacement injections created to sterilise and mutilate children who are “transitioning” are built and by whom, and where in the world. Again, just out of curiosity.

Anyway, I digress, but do I?

After all, it is useful to understand how the world works at a macro level, is it not? And if and when you do realise what the thread that connects seemingly disparate events becomes obvious, it becomes really hard to continue to ignore it. Especially since seeing it makes your ability to predict the future increase in accuracy by several orders of magnitude.

For example, one of the commenters at that very post at the Unz wrote the following:

Russia should make use of hit squads and proxies in western countries to deal with politicians, military people and officials that sanction killing innocent civilians and terrorism within Russia. Only if they knew that they were going to be targets themselves would they shut their fat mouths. It could be done in such a way that would give Russia plausible deniability, but the big mouths would fear that they might be next and this would go a long way to stopping the terrorism. Russia once had a very effective network of moles, spies and persons willing to work for their cause, in the west, they need to rebuild their network.

And he is exactly right. Wars and the other atrocities that we are now all being conditioned to accept as normal would end instantly if the people that planned them were the ones paying the price of being dismembered by an explosion that tore them and their children into scraps of meat, instead of some poor bastard thousands of miles away from them who has absolutely no power to change anything at all, including the murder of his little children.

Putin, for all his demonisation by the West, is still playing like a true gentleman. A strategist that truly understood the nature of his enemy with less patience or restraint than Putin has shown, would have been building his secret network of assassins from about 2008 on and would now be activating them in earnest. And if he were serious, he would not be immediately obvious, and the people suddenly dropping dead of new cases of suddenly would start at the edges of the circle, with those who are no longer at the centre of things, like retired mass-murdering sow Nuland herself. And would gradually corral the perpetrators into an ever-shrinking circle of concentrated evil.

Nor would this process end, as long as a single one of these monsters that toy with the lives of innocents to satisfy their own personal evil ideologies remains breathing.

Imagine what the world might be like if such creatures as Kissinger not only were no more, but were never born to begin with.

If you do start to think this way, it is common to arrive to the false conclusion that sooner or later, any ideology or philosophy or religion will arrive at a point where some mass murder will happen.

While there may be some truth to that, I put to you this idea: if you really look at the causes, far more mass murderous wars with a far greater death toll have happened as a result of the Kissingers and Bolsheviks of this world than by the rule of any Catholic leader or emperor that ever lived. And not by a small margin. We are talking MANY orders of magnitude more.

Why would that be?

Because Catholicism follows a principle of game theory that makes it clear it is the winning strategy. It is co-operative and does not force itself on anyone but must be freely adopted. In a future post on game theory I will get into more details of this, but in essence the statistically superior strategy is of this co-operative nature that has a rule on it that you are also protective and fight back. If a more complicated game can be set up, where you have sub-factions factions within groups, I would bet a lot of money on it that a group that would statistically be practically unbeatable would be one that follows the same Catholic model but with one small change: one of its internal sub-factions is a dedicated group that goes after any other group, be it the main group as such or one of its sub-groups that is hostile, and does not stop doing so as long as the other side continues being hostile. It would have to be a very complicated game because one of its threats could end up being itself, so one of the rules would have to be that this internal sub-faction can never become larger than a set and tiny fraction of the whole.

Well, Catholic history was pretty much exactly that until it git complacent and stopped training part of its nobility for war. That, by the way, is where the saying Noblesse Oblige comes from.

A similar principle to the word Samurai, which means servant. Yes being a nobleman entitles you to certain privileges; and certain duties. Amongst which, defence of the realm. Catholic leaders ran the necessary wars from the front, not from some subterfugeous tunnel at the back. And yes that makes such leaders somewhat vulnerable, but only if they are unwilling to have trained and specialised defenders that are expert tunnel rat clearers.

One of the reasons I am absolutely dedicated to Catholicism, and yes I need to specify it every time: the real one, the one only Sedevacantists still adhere to, is precisely because even if you were to strip it of every supernatural and metaphysical reality, and kept only the outward behaviour of it, it STILL models the healthiest, fairest, most secure and humane system of civilisation the world has ever seen in its entire history. And once again, if you just put aside the lies you have been told from birth, this become immediately obvious based on the simple and clear facts before us.

We have ALL been subjected to massive lies about pretty much everything, since after all, I too used to hate “Catholicism” because I too had been taught to believe that it was X when it was the exact opposite of X in reality. So this process is not easy, but it is necessary, and all you have to do is look at what’s before your eyes.

Who is it that tries very hard to avoid civilian casualties in the Russia versus the USA deep state? And who instead goes after the civilians?

Who makes it policy to play the victim even as they carpet bomb starving and dying of thirst women, children and non-combatants by the thousands?

Who is demonised for simply defending his nation, his people, or even just his principles or his non-violent religion?

Who is vilified online for simply saying Christ is King on Palm Sunday? And by WHOM are they vilified?

Who has lied and lied and lied about the events that have taken place in the past and are taking place now under our very noses? And who tells the truth?

Who controls the information and who presents it in this or that way?

Who pushes the child-mutilating tranny agenda?

These are not questions without answers. These are questions that have very clear and precise answers that are not difficult to find. The difficulty lies in you allowing yourself to ask them. For you have been trained to think that to simply ask the question itself, which is the most natural and normal thing to do, and that we all should do daily, is itself, somehow a terrible taboo that makes us the bad guys if we do it.

It’s a lie.

Ask yourself all the questions. And then answer them.

When you are ready to become a Sedevacantist Catholic, feel free to join those of us that have taken that step years ago, and help us build a better future that will be thoroughly insulated from the deceivers going forward.

Some Spiritual Realities

It occurred to me that there is something quite obvious about the various religions that I had never considered before.

Catholicism originated from the most absurdly improbable roots and was so diffused throughout the world that we literally date our time on the basis of the birth of Jesus.

First, consider that Catholicism, or Christianity, since the words are synonymous as ALL Christianity was always and only Catholic before the infiltrations and schisms were created by the enemy, allowed anyone around the world, to participate in a Holy Mass that was identical wherever you were in the world, and regardless of what language you spoke. This was the case since the 1960s when the Satanic impostor Montini, against canon law, dogma and Catholicism itself, changed the Mass in line with the equally Satanic Vatican II events.

Secondly, consider that it started with 4 women and 11 guys too scared to adit they followed Jesus. And it civilised the world. Despite constant attacks from gnostics, other religions, atheists, $cienc-eh and so on. It’s really quite astonishing since the divine principles of Catholic dogma remain unchanged after 2000 years.

So let’s look at what other religions had also a decent run, time-wise at least.

Islam, of course, Hinduism, though it is mostly secularised, 40,000 versions and counting of Protestantism, which can’t really be said to agree on anything other than “Catholicism bad”, Eastern “Orthodoxy” which is starting to split off like Protestantism but much slower and in any case is really quite schizophrenic historically and hasn’t spread itself very far comparatively speaking and the only fruits it can boast of is that presently Russia is the least cucked country on the planet. Novus Ordo fake Catholicism doesn’t really count, because this Satanic institution was only really “born” in 1958, when Angelo Roncalli became the first of the current and ongoing era of fake Popes, but really the infiltrators are mask-wearing Stanists. Satanism itself, in its many, many, many guises and under its legion of names, is, of course older than Christianity, being the first rebellion, or Protestation, against truth. And of course, Pharisaical or Talmudic Judaism which is what people who call themselves Jews today are. There is also Buddhism and Shintoism, and I think that covers the main ones. People LARPing at being “Pagans” really fall in the category of cosplayers at comic book conventions, if not furries and other fetishists, so we can’t seriously consider them, especially given their pitiful numbers and not insignificant mental health issues.

There have been many other religions that fell to the wayside for many reasons, conquest often being the main one, either physical or intellectual/spiritual. The Pagan religions of the Vikings for example died out because they gradually and spontaneously converted to Catholicism. The Mayan beliefs died out because the Spanish conquered them and the survivors converted too. and so on.

But the point is that only religions that have a spiritual basis in reality tend to stand the test of time.

And according to Catholic doctrine and belief, every one of those religions does, to some extent, square with reality, because they essentially are the creation of, or the literal worshipping of demons.

I will give a necessarily very brief and absolutely incomplete and also reductionist view of each of them below. It will be easy to critique any of these thumbnail summaries for being “simplistic” or incomplete, nevertheless, they will give a good and not unfair general sense of each one. And for good measure, I will give an equally brief and objective view of Catholicism at the end so you can get a feel for the level of both reductionism and oversimplification, but also of fairness and no overt or intentional mischaracterisation of any of them.

Protestantism – (See also Catholicism below) – The idea that a unified religion with one set of rules agreed to by a hierarchy that referred directly to God and was promised to be infallible until the end of time, should be split into each individual interpreting these divine truths independently and on their own, from one book alone, that had been edited and had parts removed by the founder of this hydra-like religion, who also expressly stated that because “reason was the whore of the devil” it should essentially be abandoned and all his ideas and theories (or the ones of your own head) should be accepted purely on faith. The obviously deaf, dumb and blind kind, one presumes, since reason could not be part of it.

Islam – the idea that a mass-murdering pedophile could do no wrong, and was the spokesman for a God that does whatever He wants arbitrarily. Reason is once again not required. Merely obedience. Conquest and conversion by force is perfectly acceptable, and should ultimately be done as soon as you are strong enough to impose it on non-muslims. Treating anyone not Islamic as an enemy, lying to them, and pretending to be their friend, but always holding in your heart the concept that they are enemies, being the right way.

Hinduism – Belief in a wide ranging pantheon of Gods for various specific things each deity takes care of. Some of these deities are said to have been historical personages from the ancient past with extra-solar origins, and others are considered to be proper deities. Regardless of either case, human beings are divided into various classes from untouchables to nobles that are like princes and reincarnation is the only way you can move up or down the hierarchy, and this is achieved by burning or not accumulating Karma in your present life.

Catholicism (today only found in 1958 Sedevacantists) – The idea that God came down to Earth as a man to take on all the sins of the world past, present and future, and any human beings who accepted this truth and kept his laws and rules would also be saved from separation from God and thus Hell. The baseline behaviour is to treat others as you wish to be treated and to spread these good news all over the world, but no one can become catholic other than by free choice.

Novus Ordo “Catholicism” – false representation of Catholicism that inverts its dogmatic principles in order to create what is ultimately a false religion, analogous to Protestantism, which informed much of its creation, alongside the push from Jewish interests behind it too and the obvious Freemasonic infiltration the real Church suffered for centuries.

Eastern Orthodoxy – The idea that keeping Christianity mostly confined to your own country, that there is no overarching authority in it, and that splitting from the origins of Catholicism, then asking their help when Muslims go to war with you, and when the Catholics come to help, you literally backstab them and try and murder them 3 times in a row, you are somehow the victim when the fourth time they sack your capital city. You also ignore basic tenets of the original religion like priests being celibate, which were in place both before, during and after the arrival of Jesus Christ.

Buddhism – The idea that life is suffering and eternal permanent death (Nirvana, the absence of all desire and therefore consciousness) is the ultimate aim of reincarnation. Mostly harmless in its wider worldly extent, but ultimately nihilistic.

Shintoism/Zen agnosticism/Taoism – While each is a distinct belief system, they all have Buddhist origins and generally do not refute reincarnation and veneration of the ancestors for guidance. In this respect they are similar to Catholicism (veneration of Saints) although not with regard to reincarnation, which Catholicism refutes as irrelevant and unnecessary at best and possible demonic deception at worst. The emphasis is on trying to achieve serenity, balance and harmony in everyday life in order to achieve it also spiritually.

Judaism – The idea that Catholicism is the worst possible religion on Earth and needs to be destroyed, and that all non-Jews are but cattle to be enslaved in order to serve Jews. According to their own most revered Rabis, the Jews worship the god of this World, known by Catholics as Satan.

What can we deduce by this brief thumbnail summary of religions from a Catholic perspective then?

  • Judaism most directly serves Satan
  • Hinduism could be said to serve various demons and/or long-since dead personages that originated from space
  • Protestantism and Novus Ordo False Catholicism are a perversion of every Catholic Principle
  • Eastern “Orthodoxy” is schismatic at best
  • All Buddhist linked religions that do not worship pantheons of false Gods (ie Hinduism) or even any specific “gods” are the least bad of the Pagan religious beliefs, though far from ideal as while many of them promote generosity and friendliness towards strangers, there is no clearly defined rules on it.

If you also look at the fruits born by each of these religions over time, we see that Protestantism and more recently Novus Orcism (they are Orcs, let’s call them Orcs) are merely tools to secularise Catholicism into a human based false religion The object of “worship” is a false idol. A God with no set rules, no set divine Laws, where everyone is “free” to believe s they will and is saved anyway because they agree Jesus is King. That is literally the same level of “Christianity” that demons have. They too know Jesus is King. the result has also been acceptance of contraception, divorce, and ultimately baby murder because babies get in the way of reckless fornication with people you do NOT want to have children with.

Eastern “Orthodoxy” is slow-burn Protestantism, and hasn’t produced much of anything but its stagnant state is presently proving rather useful as a bulwark to the disintegration of faith in general in the West.

Hinduism is a horrible caste system where your station in life is determined solely by your birth, and can’t be escaped, nor is it desirable to escape it since anyway all is karma, so why bother. The resulting inefficiency, squalor and destitution of the people who practice this religion, compounded with purely worldly attempts to gain more wealth by any means necessary, is rather well-known, and surpassed only by Judaism which is, however, very effective at it, since its central principle is to enslave the world to bring it under the yoke of the Jews themselves who will rule all the non-Jews as their property and slaves.

Buddhist types are for the most part the equivalent of mostly harmless NPCs. Individuals may be positive or not, but overall as a religion they do not cause particularly good or bad societies, and the tendency tends to be towards them being organised, clean, safe and efficient.

Catholicism is the only religion that has drastically elevated the whole of humanity while keeping the individual at its core as the important thing, while also understanding his or her role in the wider social context.

There are really only four routes:

  • Direct Satanism
  • Indirect Satanism
  • Indirect Satanism Lite
  • Catholicism

So take your pick of the oldest religion of all, or one of its offshoots, or Catholicism.

Good Luck.

It’s not stupidity

Following on from the point of my previous post about how people are literally unable to see the pattern of the enemy playing both sides of the same coin, is the other problem, of thinking evil bastard are just incompetent fools.

Even Vox, on this post, he says:

The behavior of European leaders like Macron, Merkel, and Boris Johnson does often strike one as significantly out-of-touch with basic reality. When they talk about “defeating Russia” or “sanctioning China”, it makes one seriously wonder if they are even capable of basic math, let alone capable of understanding that the balance of power is no longer in their favor.

But it’s not stupidity that drives these people. It is a personal self-interest that makes your average clinical narcissist psychopath look like St. Francis of Assisi.

People like Macron are not sabre-rattling against Russia because they are dumb.

They do so because they are thoroughly corrupt to the very end of their souls.

Be it that they are involved in sexual things so disgusting and socially taboo that they would be lynched in the public square if the average person was even capable of imaging what they really get up to, or be it their insatiable greed for both fame, power and wealth, or as is usually the case a combination of both, the sad truth is that the average person, or even the well-read and intelligent person, really has absolutely not even an inkling of an idea of just how ferocious these demon-spawned creatures in human skin-suits are.

Your brain, dear reader, is like that of the average “investigator” in a Chthulu Mythos “adventure”. And if you were to find out the truth of these “people” that the WEF has placed strategically around the globe, Hollywood execs have placed in entertainment, and “others” have placed in the chairs of Presidents, Prime Ministers and “Popes”, you would start leaking sanity points from both your ears at a dizzying rate.

It is an uncommon mind that can learn of the things these people do and not take sanity points of damage that risk making their life unlivable.

The only historical type of man that I am aware of that could have been Catholic Knights, who were usually noblemen that had been trained both for war as well as to be Charitable Catholic men from the time they could walk and speak.

It is not a pleasant path, but it is a necessary one.

Never, ever, ascribe to stupidity what can be explained by raw, unadulterated, total, selfish, evil.

Learn this lesson.

Quickly and deeply. There isn’t much time left for you and your progeny to do so.

Gab: The Grift & The Decline

Recently, as everyone who is on the internet and not a boomer might know, Gab has decided to allow only accounts with a checkmark to post pictures and videos. This means paying customers.

The move was not very popular with most Gabbers and as a result Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab received some flak. Which prompted him to remove a bunch of people that criticised him from Gab and ban them.

Which made him even less popular.

Torba keep quoting scripture to defend his position on everything from changing his mind about free speech to why he did what he did.

There is a post that I fond a while back, that Vox Day also linked to, that seriously made Torba’s motives become questionable. And unlike Vox, I think it is pretty damning in its evidence AND conclusions.

In fairness, Vox tends to take the position of seeing Gab from a viability perspective, and given what I know of Vox and how he thinks, his personal detachment from the intricacies of whether, as he posted, it is a honeypot/grift combination or a genuine attempt at Alt-tech probably features very little in that equation.

Sure, from a practical perspective, ANY genuine Alt-tech will face formidable resistance from powerful enemies, so making the subscriber base put some skin in the game is essential to survival. No one is questioning that, but it’s also basic math, so not exactly an exciting revelation.

Despite its detractors, and among them also the valid ones, which are not few, Gab DID provide a service up to a point. If nothing else it allowed a free flow of information regarding the activities of people whom it is literally now illegal to criticise in any way in many parts of the world: Jews, and their aims, as well as their historical actions. Questioning the Holocaust is literally illegal in much of Europe. Questioning the murder of millions of Christians by the Bolshoviks however, is apparently fine even though the numbers are nearly an order of magnitude higher. Now, why would that be?

The thing is, for me, personally, the truth matters. And it matters more than the strategic aims. Which is not to say I am some spotless paladin of virtue. I think anyone that would accuse me of that would be laughed at by all, and I would be leading that charge, but personally, associating with actual deceivers is really not my thing. Which is not to say I won’t use their shit if it suits me. That includes Faceborg, Gab, and whatever else I may delve into. But I’m not going to buddy up to Zukboy or Torba for that matter, because whether Torba is actually a flytrap to suck in all the “antisemites” or as I prefer to think of some people, individuals that prefer the truth to comfortable lies, and then will sell them down the river or not, what I can ascertain for certain at this point is that Torba is far from honest.

And frankly I doubt he is any kind of “Christian” either. And by that I mean not only that he is not a Christian in the true sense of the word, since, as any reader here knows, only Sedevacantist Catholics are actual Christians, but I mean it even in the more generic sense of all the poor heretics who simply don’t know any better, because they are lazy, stupid, or both and as a result believe themselves to be “real” Christians while loyal to the Novus Orco fake Church, or one of the 40,000 denominations of Protestantism and so on. No, I mean that I suspect Torba is not even one of those guys, but rather puts on the skin suit of a “convinced” and “Christian” man as easily as I change T-shirts. Which is not to say that he may not be playing this part even within the confines of his own home.

But in any case we can definitely ascertain a few things about Torba (and hence Gab, since this relates to that really and not to Torba as an individual):

  • He lies about Gab stats and lies massively on it (evidence below)
  • He can’t be any kind of very convinced Christian as the details of his family and some employees he kept on long past due make clear at the post above as well as this one below:

  • He has made some poor choices in terms of leading Gab. This in itself would not be meaningful either way, because mistakes are never optional, they simply WILL happen, but it’s the kind of errors that are made that all point to the same general conclusion, which I will lay out at the end of this post.

First let’s look at the evidence for the numbers being fake. Now, you may think all of this rests on only Judge Dread and that we are buddies or something. Truth is he had blocked me almost right away on Gab, I forget for what, I think I corrected him on something about Christianity. Turns on Poast he’s fine. The thing is about this guy that while his take may or may not be to your liking I can’t recall an instance of him posting something false. And in any case he is not alone in his assessment of Gab, in fact, many of his observations rely on information provided by others.

An important point to understand is that when Gab used the mostly open source code from mastodon, it remained open to scrutiny. And this is where a lot of this information comes from.

Here Judge Dread is referring to when Gab left the federated environment of mastodon. Many thought it was because that environment is more like the early internet, except with most of the posters limiting their posts of a socially suicidal level of politically incorrect to mostly politics, race, and noticing the actions of certain ethnicities in particular, as well as generic grifters and so on. It’s like if 4chan was on twitter, and I have to say I am enjoying it. You can find me on there as @TheKurgan but let us continue examining the Gab fake numbers issue.

Second image is larger for legibility it’s a very useful timeline that demonstrates quite clearly that Gab never had the numbers it claimed, and still does not.

The fact that the guy who posted that was immediately banned and his posts deleted is also indicative that it’s real. Otherwise why not post the real numbers, it’s easy enough to do.

So, to my mind, this conclusively proves that Torba lies about how many real live humans he has active in Gab. And I had reached the exact same numbers by other deductive processes. I am not a tech guy and I don’t really care, but I do notice things others tend to miss. One of the surest indicators for me was the number of followers that Vox Day got when he rejoined Gab.

Vox had initially praised Torba’s Gab and joined it and brought several people over given that the man’s blog is visited by over 100k people a day.

But the Nazi-themed pornographers on Gab started to make very rough memes aimed art Vox and his family and Torba refused to take them down or punish the perpetrators in any way. Vox left Gab and denounced it and so did a lot of other people.

After that Torba eventually banned all porn on the site. Supposedly because he’s such a Christian. And eventually he and Vox made peace and Vox returned to Gab. Almost instantly Vox had 35k followers. It wasn’t organic or believable simply because the Gab subculture is pretty obvious, and would be to anyone that hung out in alt-dot forums since the early 90s and used chats to discuss physics that were infiltrated by feds and so on. There are basically three types of gabbers, Boomers making Boomer noises about ‘murica and bootstraps or cruises, or whatever, who are totally irrelevant to reality, then a noticeable amount of feds of various types. Rather lacklustre really. I recall old Dean from my days on the alt-dot antigravity forums, he was a persistent fed who but in his eight hours diligently and though it was obvious if you spot patterns who he worked for, it got so we were even kind of friendly. He debunking the truth and most of us on that board making fun of his government job. I guess you just can’t get good help these day, plus, most of them are probably millennials. Anyway, they are rather obvious and crude in their tactics. And then there are the real Gabbers which can be further divided into two general camps. Obsessed pro-nazi Hitlerites that think the Fürher did nothing wrong, and the more balanced 4chan types who know WWII was not how it was presented but don’t obsess over it and instead make fun of all the grifters, liars, and fakers in no specific order. The point is that none of these demographics would gravitate towards Vox with such alacrity.

I believe Torba immediately gave Vox full access to most of the human Gabbers plus maybe a dollop or two of bots. So the more detailed investigation above confirm things for me as far as I care to have them confirmed.

But OK, you might say, the guy is just trying to make a buck… and yes, yes he is. Based on the linked blogs above, it’s fairly obvious that Torba not only wanted to make a lot of money, but his arrogance and ego made him think he could be the next Elon Musk Lite. In fact he offered Gab to Elon for a couple of billion at one point. I didn’t screenshot the post, because I don’t care either way, but I remember it and thought it was ridiculous, and of course it is.

While twitter is a government, deep-state financed, data collection ad zeitgeist warping mechanism, and Elon is still marching to the general drumbeat of the ADL, Gab, with its roughly 30,000 users at best, a good chunk of which are undoubtedly feds from Israel and the USA predominantly, is at best a blip on the radar which is worth dragging for the names of vicious terrorists that post funny memes. Clearly civilisation destroying madmen. Can’t have Hitler memes and Kekistan frog memes out in the wild there. You think I am joking, but Ireland, Canada, and to a lesser extend Europe are passing laws that will literally land you in jail under a hate crime for years, while muslims that have raped little girl that may not even have reached puberty literally have got away with zero jail time.

The point is that Gab is certainly not worth millions, never mind billions.

And there are other problems, its CTO is, well… see for yourself.

Gab was supposedly a completely dox-free site, but as it turns out, Torba will happily hand over names to any fed agency that asks, despite his loudly claiming the opposite.

So, as I said, we can conclude that Gab was never as popular as Torba claimed, and is practically on life support now, as can be seen by the kind of slating that Torba receives daily on his own posts on Gab, as well as the low response number. We can also conclude Torba was in it primarily for the money, and possibly a little of the fame, or infamy, same-same I think. But things did not quite pan out as he’d hoped.

I don’t thing Torba is necessarily in bed directly with any alphabet soup types, but I could be wrong, after all the level of generic incompetence on both sides of that divide would make it pretty hard to differentiate it from just a generically chaotic and badly managed social media site. I do think it is scraped and infiltrated to the gills with feds from various corners of the globe though.

And lastly, on a personal note, as can be seen by the details in the linked posts by others above, it is absolutely questionable if Torba is even remotely Christian. I mean, to me he clearly isn’t, because as you all know by now, if you’re not a 1958 Sede Catholic, to me you’re a pagan/heretic/whatever, but even by the standards of Protestants, which are essentially the same as those of demons (agree Jesus Christ is Lord, which even demons know) he still doesn’t really pass the sniff test, because the stench that comes off him is not of an earnest believer in error, but rather of a grifter wearing a mask.

And I promplty expect I will be banned from Gab as soon as this post makes it way to Torba or his gay brothers’ beady little eyes.

So, why the long effort-post on all this?

One reason: To Educate those willing to learn.

The most consistent failure of human beings over the last 4 years has been a combination of the following things:

  • Believing the mainstream media and government. On anything.
  • Doing as they are told by the above.
  • Latching on to the first person even remotely hinting at the truth.

It’s that last one in bold that’s the killer. it is Satanic standard practice, used since the dawn of man, to play both sides of the same coin. Freemasons do it as an almost inviolable law. As do Jews in pretty much any business dealing I have personally seen happen. As do the fake “Catholics” I have exposed many times on this blog, like Milo, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall, and others.

It’s a trap.

I tend to focus on the intentional liars, grifters and deceivers, which all of the above mentioned are, but perhaps an even more dangerous type is the unintentional deceiver, which is where I would place torba. He’s not invested enough, perhaps not personally compromised enough to be blackmail able, and clearly probably not intelligent enough to be used directly and knowingly as a sponge to soak up anyone that might otherwise become effective at changing the zeitgeist.

My best guess is that Torba is an unwitting player at being the “conservative” or “right-wing” or “extremist” that really serves no purpose other than to defuse effective people sick of all the lies from getting together and forming groups of people that might change things, be it politically, in media, or however else. In short, insofar as he is not helpful to the cause of truth and justice, he is so by being a useful idiot to those who run things. And a minor useful idiot at that.

Gab has been “useful” is permitting a certain level of truth to escape the mental barricades they have worked for decades to install in all of us, and that too, in my opinion was mostly by chance and dumb luck. The freakozoid Nazi fan boys, LARPing Pagan “Odin worshippers” neurotypical weaponised autists and memers got a few things over the fence and that is good, but there is no one who will convince me that Gab is anything other than the personal and badly managed grift of Torba. And frankly, I don’t care, it’s fine. What I do care about is the truth, I’m not neurotypical myself, go figure, which is why this post.

Learn to spot the “other side of the same coin” boys and girls. Whether it be intentional or as in this case situational.

Anyway, I will be on Poast more. Here it is:

Go join and if you read my blog you can find me there as @TheKurgan along with several people who were banned from Gab.

This is my take too:

Now excuse me while I go ask Judge Dread about Catholicism and see if he blocks me again.

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