The Russians have seen the sabre rattling of the French Chihuahua, Macaroon, the brain damaged Polaks, and other assorted neurotic European poodles, all pushed by the increasingly neurotic Jewish masters at the helm behind the obese, fake-food filled, brain-stunned by drugs, Americans.
And since the Russian softly, softly diplomacy followed by surgical military precision designed to remove the roots of the cancer at their doorstep, rather than just the cancer itself, has not been heard by the Satanic pedophiles, bankers, and deluded idiots behind the deep state of the USA, the Russians are now making sure that this time they speak plainly.
For anyone to think the Russians are bluffing on this score, they literally would have to be abysmally ignorant of Russian culture/philosophy/strategy (checked that box! The gay freaks in charge are all of the above, and arrogantly assuming the things that worked in 1915-1917 will still work today), and also completely retarded (also checked this one! Maybe it’s the generational inbreeding).
Here is another, and the guy talking is not just a tv presenter or some random Russian guy. He is the press secretary for Vladimir Putin.
In other words, Russians don’t do American chest beating displays a la Trump. As it used to be the same in Italy when I was small, and watched karate competitions where my dad taught and trained, a brash display of ego, for Russians of a certain age, mine or higher certainly, is thought to demonstrate weakness. Unmanliness.
The Americanisation of the planet means that young people today have probably never seen a martial arts bout where the fighters fight, bleed, win and lose, and maintain a stoic bearing, no shouting, no smiling, nothing on their face but focus, and the crowd too, silent. Watching two men size each other up and fight fairly even if hard and brutally.
Russian culture still has this idea in its own way. As do all men worthy of the title in any meaningful way. They are not bluffing. They just realised that Americans and even more so, the people who run and own America, simply do not understand this concept. To them, words are the “thing”. And they need to be punched in the face every time they open their stupid mouth; and it takes several times before they learn that it will happen every time they do it, and so learn to shut it. Even then, they will never stop scheming and plotting. They really are like an entirely different species of creature, and the very concepts of honour, justice, love, and so on that are the very bedrock of European origins and Christian perspective, are thought of simply as weaknesses to exploit by these creatures. There can really never be a coexistence of such entirely different beings.
Separation or annihilation are the only possible outcomes, and sooner or later one of those two answers is what ultimately takes place between such diametrically opposed philosophies.
You can see this playing out in real time as Israel tries to exterminate the Palestinians by bombing and killing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilian men, women, children and babies, starving them, destroying their hospitals and killing them in mass graves while they are helped by the American forces to have news blackouts. The very concept of mercy, or empathy for innocent children does not exist, Netanyahu has labelled them Amalek, and as such deemed worthy of extermination down to their pets. Nor is there going to be any guilty consciences among the Jewish soldiers, because in Jewish thought, and their religion, anyone not Jewish is only a beast of burden put on Earth to serve them. That is literally the belief their own Rabbis have expressed many times over the millennia and expressed it really clearly in multiple ways in their Talmud. Can you coexist with “people” that see you only as a beast of burden? Who believe your life has no value at all when compared to theirs? No more than you might feel for a flea or a mosquito? In fact I would put it to you that if you are a normal human being, I have no doubt that the logic of the idea that even the flea or the mosquito or the bed-bug, or some other irritating parassite, has some right to exist probably at least touched your mind. Not so with people who murder children in cold blood and rape and murder innocents for fun and because they do not consider them human. And so I ask you: should such “people” that think and act that way be given the privilege of being treated as humans themselves? Not to my mind.
Any adult that sees me and my children and my people or any people, as simply some disposable thing to be used or killed or whatever at their whim, gets the same exact consideration from me that I would give to a rabid dog.
Just as you cannot have good and evil coexist, it is impossible to coexist with such beings.
Any attempt to entice you into doing so is simply how evil operates. It’s only the seller of sewage that will ever suggest you add it into your ice cream, never the ice cream seller that says you should blend the two.
Russia is sending out a clear message.
Those who have eyes to see will be starting to understand a lot more besides. Pay attention and chose a side, because there are only two sides and there is no middle, only war zones. And while it is entirely true that your choice is Jesus Christ or Lucifer, the details matter. At least they do if you don’t want to be just a private in the midst of the bloodbath with no perspective, no say, no choice in what part of the meatgrinder you end up in.
If you pay attention, even as a lowly private your chances improve greatly. So I hope you’re paying attention, whoever you are, and whatever your rank. Take note of how the enemy fights and who they are. And conduct yourself accordingly.
Brigands – A Review
Just started watching Brigands and it’s actually an Italian production, which I didn’t know, based in Sicily and shows Garibaldi in the opening scene being the scumbag he was. The acting is all in Italian with heavy Sicilian accent and some dialect. There is a little mistranslation in the first episode as the Piedmontese are referred to simply as “soldiers”, which is corrected later but makes a non Italian miss the point that each region of Italy, before the forced and unwanted “unification” was really a nation in its own right.
In the second episode, towards the end is a popular song. The words are very cool. I reproduce them in Italian as that is how they rhyme. They rhyme in the Sicilian dialect too but google translate is not going to help you with that. You can use google translate for the rough meaning from the Italian spellings.
Com’è bella la luna
E questa vita quando è in fiore
Col brigante e il contadino
Lotta contro l’oppressore
Che del mondo e del cielo
Pensa di essere il padrone
La terra ci ha donato il Padre Nostro (play on words here as Padre Nostro means Our Father)
Proteggi la famiglia
Brindiamo a lu guaglione (guaglione = boy but also street urchin in Napolitan slang)
A morte gli invasori
Prendiamo i loro denari
Finche siamo insieme
Non abbiamo paura
Delle cose che ci possono accadere
Seguiamo il lupo che ci guiderà
Non è per l’oro ma per la libertà
Per ogni uomo o donna che verrà
Dalla terra un brigante nascerà
Seguiamo il lupo che ci guiderà
Non è per l’oro ma per la libertà
Per ogni uomo o donna che cadrà
Dalla terra un brigante nascerà
It really has everything. The reality of the oppressors who think they own the land and the sky, and the fact that the so-called brigands, like the farmers, are just people that want to be free of them. And that for every man or woman that will be born, or killed, a new brigand will rise from the Earth.
I have never been one for singing around a fire, but I can listen to it when it is not done by drunks at least. I’m no singer, and no musician, I only know at most two songs off by heart, (linked below) but that is because mostly I am apart from most human beings. Some men are like that partly by nature, partly by what life makes them, I think it is what happens to a natural man that does not lose his nature and survives the slings and arrows of so-called modern life, with all its barbaries. Which is why I always got along with farmers, though I am not one, not by nature, temperament or talent. And why I also got along with brigands, at least those honest ones that have a code of sorts, even though I am not a brigand either, not by nature or temperament, the skill I have if I wanted to use it that way, but I do not. And both farmers and brigands, though recognising I am neither, also get along with me.
All natural people who have not lost their true nature are similar in some way. I am not Sicilian and though most think Sicilians are not reliable people, I always got on with them and found them reliable and honest. Then again, most people think Venetians are arrogant, underhanded schemers, while I see them as not falsely modest, proud, and hard to fool or take advantage of. So maybe Venetians and Sicilians have more in common than most other regions despite the distance and superficial differences in culture.
Anyway, I hope you translate the song. It’s a good hymn for present times, whoever you are.
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By G | 7 May 2024 | Posted in Farming Life, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary