Due to my writing on the Nazi regime of a fictionalised situation, as presented in my overlords of Mars series, culminating in the full trilogy currently available only under the single title Nazi Moon, as well as my continuing observations of the Talmudic religion, Jewish Leaders of the state of Israel and even Jewish behaviour in general, some readers have assumed and ascribed positions to me that I do not hold. In order to be absolutely clear on the matter, allow me then to state my position in very simple (but hopefully not simplified) terms.
1. No human being is precluded salvation other than by choice, as Catholic dogma clearly states. We all have free will and we all are able to know in our heart the order of the Universe because it is written in every grain of sand and every sunset and sunrise. Even lost tribes of indigenous people who have never heard the name of Jesus have a possibility (vanishingly small though it is) of being saved by a merciful God.
2. No human being is guaranteed salvation, not even after conversion. The idea of once saved always saved is an illogical nonsense only a people so historically and logically incapable as Protestants have been trained to be could possibly hold in their poorly functioning minds.
3. In my opinion, in the eyes of God, the soul of any human being has equal importance and He hopes and wishes for every one of us to be saved, but forcing it would invalidate free will, so ultimately, the choice is down to us, and if we seek the truth, by His Grace, He will see to it we find it eventually. Only extremely hard headed idiots like myself need a Road to Damascus event to show us the Way, for most, simple logic and observation is enough to lead to the ultimate truth of Catholicism. I console myself with the fact that even the Apostles were among the ones who had a hard head, Thomas being my favourite Apostle.
4. With regard to Nazism specifically, my position is precisely the one the Church held as per the Papal Encyclical of Pope Pious XI which in part reads:
8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community – however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things – whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.
9. Beware, Venerable Brethren, of that growing abuse, in speech as in writing, of the name of God as though it were a meaningless label, to be affixed to any creation, more or less arbitrary, of human speculation. Use your influence on the Faithful, that they refuse to yield to this aberration. Our God is the Personal God, supernatural, omnipotent, infinitely perfect, one in the Trinity of Persons, tri-personal in the unity of divine essence, the Creator of all existence. Lord, King and ultimate Consummator of the history of the world, who will not, and cannot, tolerate a rival God by His side.
10. This God, this Sovereign Master, has issued commandments whose value is independent of time and space, country and race. As God’s sun shines on every human face so His law knows neither privilege nor exception. Rulers and subjects, crowned and uncrowned, rich and poor are equally subject to His word. From the fullness of the Creators’ right there naturally arises the fullness of His right to be obeyed by individuals and communities, whoever they are. This obedience permeates all branches of activity in which moral values claim harmony with the law of God, and pervades all integration of the ever-changing laws of man into the immutable laws of God.
11. None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are “as a drop of a bucket” (Isaiah xI, 15).
12. The Bishops of the Church of Christ, “ordained in the things that appertain to God (Heb. v, 1) must watch that pernicious errors of this sort, and consequent practices more pernicious still, shall not gain a footing among their flock. It is part of their sacred obligations to do whatever is in their power to enforce respect for, and obedience to, the commandments of God, as these are the necessary foundation of all private life and public morality; to see that the rights of His Divine Majesty, His name and His word be not profaned; to put a stop to the blasphemies, which, in words and pictures, are multiplying like the sands of the desert; to encounter the obstinacy and provocations of those who deny, despise and hate God, by the never-failing reparatory prayers of the Faithful, hourly rising like incense to the All-Highest and staying His vengeance.
13. We thank you, Venerable Brethren, your priests and Faithful, who have persisted in their Christian duty and in the defense of God’s rights in the teeth of an aggressive paganism. Our gratitude, warmer still and admiring, goes out to those who, in fulfillment of their duty, have been deemed worthy of sacrifice and suffering for the love of God.
14. No faith in God can for long survive pure and unalloyed without the support of faith in Christ. “No one knoweth who the Son is, but the Father: and who the Father is, but the Son and to whom the Son will reveal Him” (Luke x. 22). “Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent” (John xvii. 3). Nobody, therefore, can say: “I believe in God, and that is enough religion for me,” for the Savior’s words brook no evasion: “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesseth the Son hath the Father also” (1John ii. 23).
15. In Jesus Christ, Son of God made Man, there shone the plentitude of divine revelation. “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets last of all, in these days hath spoken to us by His Son” (Heb. i. 1). The sacred books of the Old Testament are exclusively the word of God, and constitute a substantial part of his revelation; they are penetrated by a subdued light, harmonizing with the slow development of revelation, the dawn of the bright day of the redemption. As should be expected in historical and didactic books, they reflect in many particulars the imperfection, the weakness and sinfulness of man. But side by side with innumerable touches of greatness and nobleness, they also record the story of the chosen people, bearers of the Revelation and the Promise, repeatedly straying from God and turning to the world. Eyes not blinded by prejudice or passion will see in this prevarication, as reported by the Biblical history, the luminous splendor of the divine light revealing the saving plan which finally triumphs over every fault and sin. It is precisely in the twilight of this background that one perceives the striking perspective of the divine tutorship of salvation, as it warms, admonishes, strikes, raises and beautifies its elect. Nothing but ignorance and pride could blind one to the treasures hoarded in the Old Testament.
I held this position in essence even before I read the Papal Encyclical for the first time today, although, while familiar with many other aspects of Nazism, my disinterest in Catholicism prior to my conversion was such that I did not care about the relations the Church had with Nazism.
Keep in mind that encyclical was written in 1937. But even before I was Catholic, I have always had a very strong preference for Justice and Truth above all else, so my position was never really far from the actual Catholic Church, which today is to be found only in Sedevacantism, and of which not a shred remains in the Vatican or the impostors of the Novus Orco satanic sect.
I hope this clarifies the situation.
The Nazi reaction to the usual financial skulldrugery, sexual degeneracy and perversion, destruction of basic principles of Christian truth and justice the Jews invariably indulge in was certainly understandable and to some extent even justified, but to assume that Adolf Hitler was some kind of saint, or the Nazis a pure and righteous people without sin is as absurd as thinking every Jew under the sun is an evil monster deserving of death.
Broadly speaking, generalities, like clichés, are based in factual truth and if I say that generally speaking the Jews are an underhanded, sneaky people with principles of philosophy that diverge immensely from Catholic concepts of honour, truth, justice and reality, it is an undeniable fact.
Just as true is the fact that, generally speaking, the Germans of the WWII era were a people so desperate for leadership, and an ingrained sense of following orders and hierarchical authority that they would blindly march into behaviours more commensurate with sociopaths than normal human beings.
Is every Jew a monster? Was every Nazi one?
No. I am certain that in each camp some outstanding examples of human courage and honesty existed. Who, precisely, they might have been, only God knows for sure.
But are Jews today a dominant force for almost all that is wrong in the current dystopian global landscape? Absolutely, yes. Though I need to specify that the string pulling is done by an exceedingly small faction within the Jewish realm, and those within that subset have no problem at all subjecting even other Jews to the same (if not worse) genocidal pressures they envision for the rest of us; as prescribed by their Satanic religion after all, since a sacrifice of their own people, a literal Holocaust, is required before the emergence of their “Messiah”, that is, the Antichrist of our Catholic religion.
A Clarification on Nazism
Due to my writing on the Nazi regime of a fictionalised situation, as presented in my overlords of Mars series, culminating in the full trilogy currently available only under the single title Nazi Moon, as well as my continuing observations of the Talmudic religion, Jewish Leaders of the state of Israel and even Jewish behaviour in general, some readers have assumed and ascribed positions to me that I do not hold. In order to be absolutely clear on the matter, allow me then to state my position in very simple (but hopefully not simplified) terms.
1. No human being is precluded salvation other than by choice, as Catholic dogma clearly states. We all have free will and we all are able to know in our heart the order of the Universe because it is written in every grain of sand and every sunset and sunrise. Even lost tribes of indigenous people who have never heard the name of Jesus have a possibility (vanishingly small though it is) of being saved by a merciful God.
2. No human being is guaranteed salvation, not even after conversion. The idea of once saved always saved is an illogical nonsense only a people so historically and logically incapable as Protestants have been trained to be could possibly hold in their poorly functioning minds.
3. In my opinion, in the eyes of God, the soul of any human being has equal importance and He hopes and wishes for every one of us to be saved, but forcing it would invalidate free will, so ultimately, the choice is down to us, and if we seek the truth, by His Grace, He will see to it we find it eventually. Only extremely hard headed idiots like myself need a Road to Damascus event to show us the Way, for most, simple logic and observation is enough to lead to the ultimate truth of Catholicism. I console myself with the fact that even the Apostles were among the ones who had a hard head, Thomas being my favourite Apostle.
4. With regard to Nazism specifically, my position is precisely the one the Church held as per the Papal Encyclical of Pope Pious XI which in part reads:
8. Whoever exalts race, or the people, or the State, or a particular form of State, or the depositories of power, or any other fundamental value of the human community – however necessary and honorable be their function in worldly things – whoever raises these notions above their standard value and divinizes them to an idolatrous level, distorts and perverts an order of the world planned and created by God; he is far from the true faith in God and from the concept of life which that faith upholds.
9. Beware, Venerable Brethren, of that growing abuse, in speech as in writing, of the name of God as though it were a meaningless label, to be affixed to any creation, more or less arbitrary, of human speculation. Use your influence on the Faithful, that they refuse to yield to this aberration. Our God is the Personal God, supernatural, omnipotent, infinitely perfect, one in the Trinity of Persons, tri-personal in the unity of divine essence, the Creator of all existence. Lord, King and ultimate Consummator of the history of the world, who will not, and cannot, tolerate a rival God by His side.
10. This God, this Sovereign Master, has issued commandments whose value is independent of time and space, country and race. As God’s sun shines on every human face so His law knows neither privilege nor exception. Rulers and subjects, crowned and uncrowned, rich and poor are equally subject to His word. From the fullness of the Creators’ right there naturally arises the fullness of His right to be obeyed by individuals and communities, whoever they are. This obedience permeates all branches of activity in which moral values claim harmony with the law of God, and pervades all integration of the ever-changing laws of man into the immutable laws of God.
11. None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race, God, the Creator of the universe, King and Legislator of all nations before whose immensity they are “as a drop of a bucket” (Isaiah xI, 15).
12. The Bishops of the Church of Christ, “ordained in the things that appertain to God (Heb. v, 1) must watch that pernicious errors of this sort, and consequent practices more pernicious still, shall not gain a footing among their flock. It is part of their sacred obligations to do whatever is in their power to enforce respect for, and obedience to, the commandments of God, as these are the necessary foundation of all private life and public morality; to see that the rights of His Divine Majesty, His name and His word be not profaned; to put a stop to the blasphemies, which, in words and pictures, are multiplying like the sands of the desert; to encounter the obstinacy and provocations of those who deny, despise and hate God, by the never-failing reparatory prayers of the Faithful, hourly rising like incense to the All-Highest and staying His vengeance.
13. We thank you, Venerable Brethren, your priests and Faithful, who have persisted in their Christian duty and in the defense of God’s rights in the teeth of an aggressive paganism. Our gratitude, warmer still and admiring, goes out to those who, in fulfillment of their duty, have been deemed worthy of sacrifice and suffering for the love of God.
14. No faith in God can for long survive pure and unalloyed without the support of faith in Christ. “No one knoweth who the Son is, but the Father: and who the Father is, but the Son and to whom the Son will reveal Him” (Luke x. 22). “Now this is eternal life: That they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent” (John xvii. 3). Nobody, therefore, can say: “I believe in God, and that is enough religion for me,” for the Savior’s words brook no evasion: “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that confesseth the Son hath the Father also” (1John ii. 23).
15. In Jesus Christ, Son of God made Man, there shone the plentitude of divine revelation. “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets last of all, in these days hath spoken to us by His Son” (Heb. i. 1). The sacred books of the Old Testament are exclusively the word of God, and constitute a substantial part of his revelation; they are penetrated by a subdued light, harmonizing with the slow development of revelation, the dawn of the bright day of the redemption. As should be expected in historical and didactic books, they reflect in many particulars the imperfection, the weakness and sinfulness of man. But side by side with innumerable touches of greatness and nobleness, they also record the story of the chosen people, bearers of the Revelation and the Promise, repeatedly straying from God and turning to the world. Eyes not blinded by prejudice or passion will see in this prevarication, as reported by the Biblical history, the luminous splendor of the divine light revealing the saving plan which finally triumphs over every fault and sin. It is precisely in the twilight of this background that one perceives the striking perspective of the divine tutorship of salvation, as it warms, admonishes, strikes, raises and beautifies its elect. Nothing but ignorance and pride could blind one to the treasures hoarded in the Old Testament.
I held this position in essence even before I read the Papal Encyclical for the first time today, although, while familiar with many other aspects of Nazism, my disinterest in Catholicism prior to my conversion was such that I did not care about the relations the Church had with Nazism.
Keep in mind that encyclical was written in 1937. But even before I was Catholic, I have always had a very strong preference for Justice and Truth above all else, so my position was never really far from the actual Catholic Church, which today is to be found only in Sedevacantism, and of which not a shred remains in the Vatican or the impostors of the Novus Orco satanic sect.
I hope this clarifies the situation.
The Nazi reaction to the usual financial skulldrugery, sexual degeneracy and perversion, destruction of basic principles of Christian truth and justice the Jews invariably indulge in was certainly understandable and to some extent even justified, but to assume that Adolf Hitler was some kind of saint, or the Nazis a pure and righteous people without sin is as absurd as thinking every Jew under the sun is an evil monster deserving of death.
Broadly speaking, generalities, like clichés, are based in factual truth and if I say that generally speaking the Jews are an underhanded, sneaky people with principles of philosophy that diverge immensely from Catholic concepts of honour, truth, justice and reality, it is an undeniable fact.
Just as true is the fact that, generally speaking, the Germans of the WWII era were a people so desperate for leadership, and an ingrained sense of following orders and hierarchical authority that they would blindly march into behaviours more commensurate with sociopaths than normal human beings.
Is every Jew a monster? Was every Nazi one?
No. I am certain that in each camp some outstanding examples of human courage and honesty existed. Who, precisely, they might have been, only God knows for sure.
But are Jews today a dominant force for almost all that is wrong in the current dystopian global landscape? Absolutely, yes. Though I need to specify that the string pulling is done by an exceedingly small faction within the Jewish realm, and those within that subset have no problem at all subjecting even other Jews to the same (if not worse) genocidal pressures they envision for the rest of us; as prescribed by their Satanic religion after all, since a sacrifice of their own people, a literal Holocaust, is required before the emergence of their “Messiah”, that is, the Antichrist of our Catholic religion.
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By G | 12 May 2024 | Posted in Catholicism, Nazi Conspiracies, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within, The Jews