As I said, y’all gone and picked a weird agony uncle, but whatever… so here goes.
- This is mostly aimed at the same 18-24 year old Zyklons I wrote about earlier, but may apply to some millennials and some of the advice even to others. I know most of them are essentially illiterate, but maybe a father, uncle, or older brother that can read will find this post and pass it on to them. Or transcribe it to audio, whatever.
- It is mostly meant for European descent males. Whether in Europe, North America, Russia, or wherever else they may be.
- It is mostly meant for Purebloods, who I recommend very strongly breed only with other purebloods. Muties should stick to muties. I have explained why previously, but basically, this is the safest way to ensure that if there is to be a Pureblood continuation, it makes it, and if there are to be some mutants that naturally evolve to survive as a stable future line, that they do so too. It is the way of Gamma World. Deal with it.
- Your feelings don’t matter to reality, or to me. The sooner you learn that and learn to deal with reality, the sooner you can begin to learn to have your feelings in the privacy of your own home with those who love you and whom you love. And yet learn to be disciplined enough to not let your feelings rule your actions or your reactions. And if you do not yet have a loving home, then guess what; that’s what I’m trying to do here, teach you how to make one of your own.
Look that word “axioms” up. Seriously. I’ll tell you, but do it anyway. These are fundamental realities that are absolutely true. Your accepting them as such or not is irrelevant to me, but will make a big difference to how you live your life and if you end up happy or miserable and if you ever get to 99 years old and a decent rocking chair to reflect on your past.
- Winning is achieved by having a long marriage that produces multiple children who inherit from you all you can manage to create and accumulate for them before you die.
- The Catholic dogma of no divorce, and marriage being primarily for the production, raising, and education of healthy, strong children is the most correct and objectively successful model throughout the entire history of humanity. Adopt it, regardless of your belief in Catholicism or not.
- Research what r/K selection models are. Be a K. Raise your children to be K. Avoid r. Teach your children to avoid r.
- Men and women are not equal, never have been, never will be, and never should be. Statistically, historically, and objectively, those relationships that work best are where the man lovingly leads, and the woman lovingly follows, with mutual respect and due care for their roles. Again, the Catholic model for this is objectively the best, most successful and head and shoulders above every other model humanity has come up with. It produces the most joyous, successful, and happy families, and societies.
- When I say Catholic I mean, of course, actually Catholic, which today means Sedevacantist, and ONLY Sedevacantist. Do not ass-u-me that Bergoglio, the Vatican or ANYONE that in ANY WAY tolerates ANYTHING related to the Novus Ordo or Vatican II is a Catholic. They are not. If “clergy” they are knowing impostors working for Satanic ends. If laypeople at BEST they are lazy, deceived, ignorants. If you don’t know what a Sedevacantist is, pick up BELIEVE! And read it. It only takes about 2 hours and costs $10. And don’t worry, it won’t bore you with much theology, it’s been described as being written by a “Theologian-Berserker”. You’ll laugh.
- Your generation has been lied to at a deeper, more fundamental level than possibly any generation before you. The deprogramming will be tough and may cause pain. Do it anyway. Yes, waking up from the Matrix sucks, but reality beats fake all the time. Always. All the history you have been taught is a lie. All the things you have been taught to tolerate are lies and you should not tolerate them at all. The future economic landscape for you is best described as post-apocalyptic. That said, there can be some opportunities in such a landscape if you deal with reality and are flexible. They will most likely not look like “traditional” jobs. Maybe you’ll make your fortune selling heirloom seeds of actual plants. I don’t know, you’ll need to figure it out, things move fast and my focus is elsewhere at the moment. Be aware of the lies you have been told. Peel them back like an onion.
- NEVER, trust: Politicians, Lawyers, Policemen, Doctors. Do some good ones exist? Sure. Very few and far between, but guess what, they don’t mind you checking their stories out. Because anyone in any of those professions who is not corrupt to the bone, knows without a doubt that most in those professions are.
Alright then, now we got that out the way, let’s start:
The Basics
1. Read the other posts I already linked to above and use the Search Me link on the right to look for similar terms and posts.
2. The objective is to win. You do that by getting to 99 on your rocking chair having avoided jail, gold-digging whores, divorce, death, loneliness and all the shit that clown world will throw at you, and having an army of grandchildren and possibly great-grandchildren, all aware of clown world, armed to the teeth against it in every conceivable way, and happy, and joyous, and themselves going on to conquer more of our God’s green Earth out from under the pedophile, deviant scum that has robbed us of it.
3. You’re bound to fuck up along the way. It happens. Dust yourself off, get up, and carry on. I know what I’m talking about. I bought into some of the lies, everyone does, because we are born on this Earth, which is under the dominion of the Prince of Lies, and it had its impact on me.
Just as a short and very incomplete highlights list:
- I didn’t even want kids (the world is too ugly!)
- I didn’t believe in marriage until my 30s and then only as a secular kind of thing (the true spark was still buried deep).
- With no thought as to how to select a wife except my passions, I picked badly. So: divorced.
- Then I went through a lot of women as if they were disposable, which is wrong, aside from the fact a lot of them acted very much as if they were disposable.
- I selected the next wife on secular principles rather than faith based ones and chose spectacularly badly.
- I only realised having children was a good thing in my 40s.
- And I went on to have a child with the second wife. The child is the only good thing that came of that, as her true nature revealed itself quite quickly after marriage and exponentially so after my daughter was born.
- Second divorce. With rather more traumatic and long term consequences, I have partially described elsewhere. As a result I essentially lost access to my daughter for 8 years and for five of those it was pretty permanently. It’s fine now, my daughter lives with me and is an awesome young girl, but we both went through hellish times.
- It took literally a road to Damascus moment to prove to me that God not only exists but cares about every single one of us personally. Smarter or calmer men have achieved that knowledge by the simple and correct use of reason, even if perhaps with a lower IQ, their steady and reasonable thinking led them to be proper Catholics. Tony has written a few short books that in part describe his journey. This one was particularly enjoyable to read. He was 26 or so when he wrote it. It’s true that at his age I had written The Face on Mars (since updated) but at 26 I was basically spending my time punching people and being punched, having a gun on me at all times, because I worked in what is euphemistically called the “security” sector, and my philosophy of life was mostly limited to contemplating how to best apply Go Rin No Sho and Hagakure to life on this gay Earth I found myself on. The cyberpunk version of a samurai seemed to be the only reasonable way.
- Even then I only got baptised 4 years after I knew God was real. Because I didn’t particularly care about my immortal soul and my curiosity and lack of concern for myself led me to still work in a “commercial investigator” rather than a “people investigator” for a time.
- I never saved in my life, as I didn’t particularly care too much about anything like a legacy, as I had not even thought about children until my 40s
- In this time before baptism, while I did save for the first time in my life, I only did so sporadically, because although I had a daughter, I didn’t know if I would ever see her again before she would be an adult.
- And I still consorted with women that were beyond wrong for me, and I knew it, but I did so anyway because, I was curious, unconcerned with any damage it could cause me personally, and in part also because I had some compassion. Misplaced though it was. I tried to not judge anyone in particular as being beyond redemption, thinking how wrong I had been about life; my absent knowledge of God for so long. You can wander down some pretty nasty paths that way.
- Against all odds, I did marry again, properly and in Church for the first time, and we did indeed begin the process of a proper family with children. At the threshold of age 50. And I now have 3 children with my wife, all under age 4. Is it good? YES. But would it have been better if both me and her had our heads screwed on right and had started say 10 or 15 years earlier? Yes. It was impossible for us, and would not have worked any other way than it did, but ideally, yes. Because let me tell you, the energy levels are not the same even if by most standards I am well beyond the average level of fitness. Especially if you have no pension, a farm to try to get up and running, and still need to earn enough to feed everyone because the savings are gone into getting the farm.
- I don’t have a pension and my “plan” sounds insane to most, as I aim to create a sedevacantist community where I live that can hold its own against whatever Clown World decides to come up with next.
So the point is, when you do fuck up, just dust yourself off and get up again. And keep getting up. No one learnt how to walk without falling over hundreds or thousands of times. So just get up again. And don’t listen too much to the ideas others have about what you should or should not do. Especially ignore the critics that have done nothing of their own lives.
4. Keep away from the big mistakes. The main one is drugs. They don’t lead to anything good ever in the long run. The escape they provide is the biggest lie of all and it only leads you to a place from which there is no escape. They invariably cause damage that is mostly unrepairable, and what damage can be overcome, is not easy to do. They rob you of a real life and they provide nothing that a natural high can’t give you. The artificial, extreme high drugs give you comes with an inverse tax on your body. There is no free lunch and no free high. The depressive stage that comes after the high lasts a lot longer than any high you get and over time becomes a pattern of your psychology.
5. Stay out of jail. Usually that means to mostly not do stuff that can land you in it. But if you did end up there, life is not over yet. Survive, get out and determine yourself to never go back.
6. Learn to control your feelings and your passions. And if some do rule you, try to overcome them over the years.
7. Since the aim is to win, which means to get to age 99, on your rocking chair, surrounded by grandchildren, possibly great-grand children and knowing you left your own children enough of an inheritance that they can later build on and pass on to their own children. That means you need to find a wife if you are a man, or a husband if you are a woman, anything else is a lie and ends nowhere good, and make children with them. Live a long life together, as happy and pleasant as you can make it, while raising strong, positive, capable children that will make for excellent adults who will in turn go on to have successful marriages and families. Since that is the aim, where and how you find your wife or husband is not as important as how you treat and act with them. Most women will follow the man they think they are in love with. Few women will actually know that they are really in love with a specific man. Most women will believe themselves to be deeply in love with any man that gives them three consecutive orgasms each time they have sex, every day in a row for a week. Most men, are usually better able to discern when they are actually in love with a woman, but they too can be confused by plentiful and imaginative sex. The thing is that in a relationship that is based on secular principles the sex is extremely pivotal, and the relationship will not last long if the sex is bad or lacking for at least one of the two. But sex takes on a different quality when the focus is family and children and a shared religious faith. It is still an important part of a relationship, to be sure, and one that is in every way superior to the merely secular aspect of it, but it is not the central pivot of it. And even for those of us that may be more demanding in that department, it is relatively easy for a wife or husband that is indeed family oriented, to satisfy their partner as long as they have a modicum of imagination and functioning libido. Since the focus is the overall harmony of the household, the act of procreation is in any case not a chore, for either the husband or wife, but rather, part of the creating of harmony between them that literally creates their family.
8. Keep the above in mind when you consider the ubiquitous amounts of pornography, fake romance narratives you are constantly fed in films and TV shows, random hook-up culture, and jaded, black-pilled attitudes. (((They))) want you degenerate, lonely, disconnected, depressed and despairing of any hope of finding anyone to have a good life with. That is what they want. Beat them. Beat the odds. Win.
9. Save by buying land you can build on, in a good location, or property. Add to it as you can in your 20s and 30s and 40s. If I had done that I would be retired and able to spend even more time writing, playing with my children or doing whatever I want, instead of busting my ass every day (at least I am still doing it more or less on things I choose rather than are chosen for me). Build tangible assets and raise your children to manage and grow your assets so that they can leave more of it to their own children. And teach them to defend it from predation and warn them of the parasites of society.
10. Be reasonable and charitable with the weak and those who deserve it, but be ready to drop it all at a second’s notice and become merciless and implacable with the evil ones. We are in the current shit-show planet we are because weak men allowed it to get here. Don’t be one of them. I try to be a reasonable and charitable person most of the time, but woe betide anyone who tries to harm someone I love or acts in certain unjust and unacceptable ways in my presence.
That’s all for now. If you have specific questions leave a comment or ping me an email. Comments are preferred as the lessons from them may help others who read them.
This is why Apartheid is good
While certain aspects of Apartheid as it was practiced in South Africa in the 1980s was certainly rather evil, the concept in a positive and humane context is absolutely a net good.
It creates a TRULY diverse, and harmonious global reality when people that share certain cultural, ethnic and genetic traits are mostly in a specific geographical location that they historically find themselves in as a result of having literally killed off all the competition and then protecting it from intruders. In short, Italy for Italians, Sudan for the Sudanese, America for the Americans, and so on. And above all, Israel for the Jews. No really, all the Jews. Let them practice their religion and their customs and their transgenderism there, in their land. And let us practice our religion, and our culture, and our heterosexuality in our countries.
If you disagree, then go look up what Jews want for Europe, America and everywhere else, but NOT for Israel. Go on. look it up. The Jews are not shy in telling you themselves. All I am saying is, if it’s good enough for them, then it’s good enough for us. Or vice versa. Equality über alles right?
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By G | 8 March 2023 | Posted in Sedeprivationism, Social Commentary, The Jews