It has not gone unnoticed that I tend to be “unmerciful” in my descriptions of the liars, deceivers, and general gatekeepers we find ourselves surrounded by. Those who read my comments, after all, named me The Kurgan, precisely because of my happy-go-lucky attitude, mixed with a talent for taking heads, just like the maligned (real) hero of Highlander.
Those who pay attention however have noted a subtle but important difference between my criticisms and those of your average thunder and fire and brimstone “preacher” or critic.
That difference, difficult though it might be to see for those unfamiliar with truth, logic, reason and correct charity, is due to my subscribing, and submitting, to Catholicism. That is, in short, submitting not just to God, but to the rules of the Catholic Church. And, of course, as always, when I say The Catholic Church, I mean exactly that, not the current usurping impostors sitting in the Vatican or anything related to Vatican II and their false Popes, false clergy, false mass, false ordinations, false faith and literally satanic practices. As always, remember that Sedevacantism is the ONLY Catholicism left and Sedevacantists the ONLY Catholics left. It doesn’t matter if you like it, if you believe it, if you understand it or not. Just like the sun rising in the East, it is a fact of reality and one that can be verified fairly easily by anyone honest enough to investigate it, whether briefly as I did in BELIEVE! or thoroughly as I did in Reclaiming The Catholic Church. So, for the remainder of this post, this “aside” —which I have to keep hammering on because of the level of deception fostered on the average person— is simply deemed axiomatically accepted.
Rigidity of mind without divine grace becomes Calvinism. And Calvinism is not just retarded, illogical and demonstrably false, but it results in the kind of twisted puritanical nonsense that runs totally counter to human natures not just in the negative aspect of those natures, but in the positive aspects too. The kind of mental rigidity that supposedly “follows Jesus”, in typical Protestant fashion, is binary, black and white in nature not just in baseline principles, but in every aspect of its limited imagination, meaning that beauty, charity, compassion and so on, simply become casualties of the (limited) intellectual strife that such attitudes foster internally on people.
There are always two classes of theological concepts one can look at: The high-minded, detailed, intended aspects of a religion or faith, and the actual general effects it has on a population.
Now examine the high-minded versions of Calvinism… well… ok, what passes for high-minded in those mental cripples. Ultimately, it reduces to a sort of Islam. God already knows everything and already determined everything, so you are either one of the elect or not. You have to do everything exactly right as one of the elect, otherwise you are not one of them, but you can’t really know which one you are because only God knows for sure.
It is literally a lose-lose, retarded way to go through life. The “opposite” of Calvinism, the “Jesus is my boyfriend” TV-Evangelist style of “faith” is just as retarded, if in the opposite direction “Well, I follow Jesus, so I am saved”. The Once Saved Always Saved (TM) Franchise is just as moronic, in fact, perhaps more so than puritanical Calvinism. While Calvinism is the metal equivalent of living in a constant mental prison of guilt, shame, inflexibility and (essentially) existential terror, the libertine version of “christianity” fostered on people by the once saved always saved crowd is essentially total debauchery with a religious stamp of approval. And between these two extremes you get all sorts of colourful (as in rainbow striped) nonsense.
Catholicism has a difference from all of these intellectually unsatisfying (because ultimately false and falsifiable) positions. What you will notice in Protestantism, from Calvinism all the way to Jesus is my boyfriend, is that for all its supposedly vaunted “individualism” —after all, it’s all: interpreth as thou will— the aim is always to homogenise the masses. The individual, despite the lip-service paid to him or her, is really never actually considered. Nor can be. Since, by its very core, Protestantism is “unique” to every single person reading it, the illogical nonsense of Sola Scriptura being the mind-warping stick by which they live.
This “Sola Scriptura” nonsensical position is actually a very clever total inversion of individualism. Since every Protestant is theoretically capable of interpreting scripture all by himself (yes, it is as absurd as it sounds, given that the average person can’t even read two paragraphs of an article and rewrite it in their own words without crippling the message) you can’t possibly have a doctrine for it, which means that ultimately it all reduces to one grey oozing mass of “I am a Jesus follower!” with some within it, sticking absolutely inflexibly to some supposed “tenet” that they personally ascribe to, or that their sub-cult has brainwashed them into accepting as such.
Catholicism, instead, has always had the individual human person at its core. The core of Catholicism —as perfectly described even by the last valid Pope we had, Pope Pius XII, in his Mystici Corporis— is the lay family man or woman. The husband or wife that compose a family that makes children. The little guy is the guy in Catholicism. Yes, of course we have priests, and bishops, and a Pope, and it is a hierarchy, and there are also temporal secular leaders (emperors and kings and barons in times past) because even Heaven has a hierarchy, but the entire edifice is there for the purpose of serving the common man.
Catholicism has very clearly defined dogmas and rules, in fact they are all written down in the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law of 1917. So it certainly doesn’t lack intellectual rigour. But correct intellectual rigour deals with reality, not a fantastic lie of how man beings “should” be (but never have been). Puritanical Protestantism tries to force human beings to act, behave and think like automatons. Perfect machines that should never stray from the correct path. Or, alternatively, imperfect humans who will do all sorts of sin, so there is nothing to do other than say you follow Jesus and you’re saved anyway, so, you know…try to be “good” whatever “good” means to you specifically.
Catholicism is very clear on what is good and what is not good. It does not deviate from this. What it does is also recognise that as flawed humans, we are going to fail in some measure in trying to be perfect. In fact, it is practically guaranteed, since we are told none of us are perfect. This is why we have confession. The act of telling your priest your errors, weaknesses and bad deeds, within a context where the confessional seal will not be broken by the priest even on pain of death (which has been sadly tested throughout history and found to hold true) forces you to confront yourself weekly. To consider your actions before you do them in light of the having to confess them later. And gradually helps you become a better human being. Your sins are forgiven because you accept you have done them and try to not to them again or at least in the same way or to improve the length between your lapses, and your intent to do this is, must be, honest, lest your own self-deception begins to eat away at you.
And if you are of the high-minded variety and want to know the detailed ins and outs of Catholicism, well, you have entire libraries full of historical details of how this or that dogma and doctrine was interpreted, clarified and finally summarised in Canon Law. If you are legalistically, logically minded, Catholic dogma (and Roman Law) are an autist’s delight, because they are rules that follow a clear, bright, logical path, and that path is also humane. The more you investigate why this or that rule exists, the more the wisdom and charity and logic of the rule come to the fore, and slowly, you begin to realise that such perfect ruling does not derive from any human being, but can only be the purview of divinity. And that, as the Church teaches, the Church is merely the handmaiden of the Divine Grace that God gives us.
All the flawed humans that comprise and have comprised the Church have not been able to pervert or corrupt the truth, because the Church is indeed supernaturally protected from error. The Magisterium of the Church, int he form of Canon Law, is infallible because God has protected it from corruption. Even as the church was infiltrated and usurping freemasons satanists took over the Vatican, the Code of Canon Law was created and is the most vetted document in human history. Even as the Papacy was overrun by impostors, the truth of Catholicism was forever enshrined in writing. And even, as prophesied, Satan entered the Vatican, actual Catholics remain and continue to practice the same religion with the same Mass and the same ordinations and rituals as has been done for nearly two millennia. Yes Sedevacantists are the only remnant of Catholicism left, but this is not a shock, or even a surprise. If you read your Bible, it literally states this will be the case.
If you look at the high-minded sample of Catholics, you will not find any lack of logic, reason and reality-based factual, objective practices.
If you look at the overall common man and the mass experience of Catholicism, today, you will not see much evidence of it because in order to become Sedevacantists, most have actually got good powers of reading comprehension and tendencies to high-minded aspects of truth and faith, but luckily we have an abundance of historical facts to draw from. Even when most Catholics may have been illiterate, Catholic communities were the ones that had the best systems of justice, and societies that were safe, produced happy children and happy life-long marriages. Catholicism literally created the modern Western world and invented the scientific method (which we now have mostly lost to politics and lies).
Your average illiterate catholic peasant was a happier, free-er and more serene than your average protestant peasant by far. And the societies they created reflect this. Even today, almost 70 years since we had a valid Pope and the Church was so deeply and widely infiltrated by Satanists, those countries that used to be Catholics still have remnants of behaviour, even in their legal systems, that tend to concern themselves more with the individual and his real, human nature, than with he legalistic loopholes best suited for robots that the protestant nations have mechanised into creation.
The “loopholes” of Catholicism, like Baptism of Desire, say, are not loopholes at all, but rather realities based in truth, justice and divine grace. Not created by human minds trying to escape reality, like the nonsensical concept of “once saved always saved”.
A rule or law that does not consider the reality of human beings, is not based in reality, and as such is either useless or tyrannical, but can never be just. Catholicism has always, and will always be for the death penalty. Because some crimes deserve it and require it. Similarly, Catholic believe that yes, God can forgive any truly repentant soul. Yes, including a child-rapid mass-murderer. It is possible that at the last minute such a soul truly repents and instead of eternal hell is relegated to a long time in purgatory and eventually will also be in heaven and share in the beatific vision. It is absolutely possible. But, in Catholic thought, such a person would still be burnt at the stake. For his crimes demand it. And of course, while he is burning to a crisp, he may, indeed have time to reflect and actually repent, and God may well save him from eternal hellfire for it. But we, as mere mortals, can only ensure he is put to the fire, here on Earth.
It is perfectly logical, even if to the average protestant it may seem illogical or hypocritical, because such is the perspective when you can only see things in two-dimensions. To a 2D thinker, a line on the floor is an impassable wall, but to a 3D thinker, it is merely alive and one that can easily be traversed without any fault.
Consider then, the intellectual rigour required, for logic to be done correctly in the human context.
It may be salutary to have an example of this, and I may do a blog post on it soon.
A bunch of ecumenical heretics dislikes me. Oh dear…
As I have explained before, I dislike cowards perhaps even more than outright evil doers.
I mean, the evil doers at least could be said to have some kind of “principles” even if it is just to serve Satan and cause harm. But cowards, well, cowards have none, they are the squishy molluscs of humanity, willing to fit in any crevice and mould themselves to any lie. And in all honesty, I apologise to molluscs for the comparison.
Intellectual cowards are no exception. They perform twists of strawman-logic that would make a crack addled prostitute blush for shame.
My post on the intellectual cowardice and general incompetent nihilism of Bruce Charlton brought yet another bunch of intellectual heretics and cowards out of the woodwork to “defend” him. They show themselves up as intellectually dishonest right in their about page of course:
Let us count the ways in which they lie:
1. We are Christians: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox.
Yeah… so you are not Christian at all. You’re LARPing at it by being actually completely Protestant. Actual Catholics don’t recognise the schismatic Orthobros as validly Christians, much less the absurd 40,000 denominations and counting Protestants. Actual Orthobros also don’t see Catholics and certainly not Protestants as being valid Christians, and only the Protestants can hold the nonsensical position that anyone who says Jesus is Lord is a Christian. I mean, demons acknowledge that too… so yeah, they are just a bunch of happy clappy, kumbaya pretend “christians”. The correct word (at best) for these types is Churchians.
2. We believe our religion is true.
No, you don’t. You can’t say you believe X is true when you also assert Y and Z, neither of which is X and in fact are specifically NOT X are also true. Especially when Y has several competing versions of Y and Z has 40,000 competing versions. So you’re outright lying. What you really should say is that you will pretend to believe all sorts of conflicting and mutually exclusive nonsense in order to appear “tolerant” of the world and its lies. Because apparently, being tolerant of lies is a virtue. For you. Not for anyone intellectually honest, of course.
3. and we take the Bible and the Church Fathers as our guides
No, you don’t. If you did you would be actual Catholics.
4. We do not innovate religiously, for that is folly.
Ahahahhahahaha seriously, these people… I shake my head… how can anyone even remotely honest write this? Well they can’t. Because how can you, with a straight face, say you do not innovate religiously when you literally accept as “true” over 40,000 versions of your “truth”? And directly go completely against the Bible, tradition and the Church fathers all of which tell you to not deviate from the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church? Well you can’t. You have to be an absolutely shameless liar to do so, or a complete and utter drooling retard, and usually both.
5. We affirm our respective traditions where they disagree with the other branches of Christianity, but we do so respectfully, for we have much in common
Translation: We “respect” each other’s lies because being liars ourselves we can hardly point fingers. It has been and will always be a fact that actual Catholics affirm and believe, dogmatically, infallibly and forever that: There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Because Jesus, the Bible, the patristic fathers. So… if one actually was Catholic, one certainly cannot accept any other “branch” of “christianity” as being in any way valid. The same goes for the Orthobros schismatics. The only Churchians who could come up with this nonsense are the protestants, which is what this bunch of heretics are, regardless of what they pretend to be.
6. Mere Christianity
I have explained before my dissatisfaction with CS Lewis, which goes back to before I became a Christian, precisely because it is a mealy-mouthed “defence” of Churchianity and in typical British fashion, he skirts the main points, never actually facing them on, unlike, say, G.K. Chesterton.
7. and our enterprise has as much to do with society as with religion.
Translation: We are of the world as much as we are of “religion”. That’s really it.
That’s all we really need to know about them. And their incoherent squealing defence of Bruce is even worse. Yes that’s quite the achievement but it is. Honestly, I think “unhinged” is probably a better descriptor for them given the utter word salad they come up with.
They lament that one should simply “tell the truth” and support anyone who does, ever, when they do, even if they are demonic. Yes they literally say that.
So demons testify to the truth. That’s a novel one on me. But hey, I always said it: Protestants have the same method of measure for being a “christian” that demons do. At least these guys admit it, I suppose. And that’s literally the only truth they tell about themselves or anything else. Unwittingly, no doubt.
Oh and according to them, I criticised Bruce because of envy. Heh. That actually did get me to chuckle for real, as, I am sure, it would anyone that knows me in real life.
So yeah, thanks for confirming my points, that you gnostic, non-christian, heretic Churchians are a scourge on truth, and serve only to do the equivalent of adding large scoops of sewage to the ice cream of truth and then expect everyone to pretend it’s ice-cream.
No. It’s not. It’s sewage.
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By G | 23 May 2023 | Posted in Catholicism, Christianity, Impostors and Frauds, Sedeprivationism, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within