Archive for the ‘CE 2’ Category

Sex, Lies and Relationships

One of the most important activities we spend much of our lives doing, worrying about, trying to get into or out of is our intimate relationships.

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Understanding an overall framework of what relationships are is sadly something that  most of us never even consider. We almost never actually ask ourselves the simple question of what a relationship is for to any degree of depth. We are never taught how to do it and most of us never figure it out. As a result we generally suffer far more heart-ache than necessary  in our lives and for many, perhaps sadly even most people, the idyllic situation of a “perfect” relationship or at least deep inner peace with respect to the management of our (multiple?) intimate relationships never truly occurs. This post is an extremely brief introduction to the overall concept of what relationships are, and figuring out how to get into exactly the types you want to be in. Read more »

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