Vox wrote an interesting report on warhammer 40,000 and why it survived so long against leftist invasion. The original post he links to specifies that writing an RPG based in hardcore truths is resistant to woke agendas.
Well, this is precisely why I have made my RPG as it is.
Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse (SCZA) is written so as to be both humorous and entertaining yet useful as a learning tool too.
You can get it as a full colour hardcopy from Amazon, or as a PDF from my E-store.
And don’t take my word for it. Here is an Amazon review:
Andy Gryc
2.0 out of 5 stars
Verified Purchase
Fun idea, but ultimately not much usable
Reviewed in Canada on March 24, 2022
The “Inside pages” preview gives you a sense that this is a zombie apocalypse game in a world where all the conspiracy theories are real. Fun sounding premise, right? I thought so, so bought the book, but it wasn’t what I hoped for. For anyone else who’s considering buying this, let me explain my issues with it so you can see if it’s worth it or not for you. The book is in two major pieces – the story of the world, and the role playing system. The first part wasn’t really what I expected, and maybe that’s my fault. Here are my issues with the book. 1) By taking most conspiracy theories as factually true, the world it creates has a definite white nationalist tone. It’s all done tongue-in-cheek, but nevertheless, you have an anti-equality, anti-Semitic, transphobic, bigoted world-view that runs throughout. That’s not the kind of campaign I want to run. I play with women and visible minorities, but I wouldn’t want my campaign to be like this even if it was all white men – it just feels a bit gross to my modern sensibilities. Perhaps it’s my bad that I didn’t expect that outcome from the premise, since that seems to be the logical conclusion of most modern conspiracies. It’s a game that’s supposed to be dark, and I understand that – I just don’t want to breathe life into it. 2) The game also veers into pretty distinct religiosity. Again, I know it’s entertainment, but there’s an awful lot of the story dedicated to the Christians, a particular strain of Catholicism that is the “true” religion, good fighting evil, God and Satan, bishops, popes, priests, etc. This is more than just a normal character class or a faction, it seems like it’s the backbone of the new world order. Meh. Just won’t be that interesting to me or my players. 3) I could be wrong on this, but I don’t believe the zombies are intended to be literally zombies. If they are, it’s pretty darn subtle and easy to overlook. While there are a couple bits of colour text that say the “zombies” might even be commanded eat to flesh, it’s really more about how all the vaccinated are under mind control from the evil overlords. In other words, the “sheeple”. Instead of getting World War Z, it feels a bit more like a dysfunctional version of The Office. Again – unique perspective, but not what I was truly after. This is the factor that’s probably the biggest disappointment. 4) Finally, the game system. I give the author kudos for inventing a system that’s simple, uses standard dice, makes the players fragile, and is built on a bell curve. Those are all great attributes, although for me personally that’s only a 50% win. I think the game system is just a bit too simple – specifically character creation. Basically 2 stats and some optional skills. Don’t get me wrong – I hate Pathfinder and feel 5e is burdened with books and books of rules. But I think Chaosium’s Basic Role Playing has it just right. Just enough complexity for the GM and Player to manage easily at the table as well as giving lots of room to grow the character. Also, on the d6 thing – I’m just not a huge fan of d6 only systems. My crew has “invested” in tons of dice, so limiting them to one set only seems almost a bit cruel. Half the fun of an RPG is owning all the platonic solids. In summary, like most anything you’ll get for a real game, it’s a sourcebook. Every GM has their own personal tastes, and some will be able to use more that’s here than others. What I’ll personally be able to salvage from it in terms of good, usable, and playable ideas is less than a single page. I recognize the work that’s gone into it, and I’m not trying to be critical about the result – it just doesn’t match what I need. If you are expecting something more like a playable version of Max Brooks “Zombie Survival Guide” like I was, keep searching. But if you’re more open to taking today’s world and dialling up the dysfunction and conspiracies up to 11, it might be just for you.
All the other reviews are 5 stars, but I am not sure that Andy Gryc’s review is having the effect he intended. I know several people purchased the game as a result of it.
And for those already willing to experiment with the game system, the game could be easily adapted to play out some of the events found in the recent novella In the Shadows of Monte Castello.
The point is that with much of my fiction writing the baselines are rooted in very solid reality.
The whole Overlords of Mars trilogy as found in one volume (Nazi Moon) is soundly based on The Face on Mars written in 1995 and Systema written in 2011 and the thread of Reclaiming the Catholic Church shadows most things I do today.
So while the route and the road may be flexible, ultimately, if your entertainment is any good, it should reflect recognisable realities, regardless of how fantastic the setting might be.
And real virtues, such as courage, moral fortitude, reason, Justice and so on, are ultimately timeless, no matter how much the woke want to pretend otherwise.
Yeah, man! Because people like Rowling are just artists, and people who write for New Scientist are just, like Scientists, you know?
And what’s going on in Haiti, now led by a Cannibal military leader who wears a Freemasonic symbol as a prominently displayed necklace, is obviously just perfectly normal scientific research for the betterment of mankind.
It’s obviously done on an island to retain proper scientific controlled conditions. Clearly.
And anyone that thinks there is a massive influx of demonic and satanic influences becoming thoroughly exposed since the planned covid scamdemic is just a paranoid religious bigot.
Hey, you, the guy who looks like you might want to become a religious bigot, here, you like that? How ‘bout this? Maybe a little of this too, you know, to keep the little lady happy too?
No, you’re more like real science guy eh? Okay then, I got some of this, which explains pretty much everything, or maybe this, to fight off depression, ya know?
Look, I got plenty of stuff, you just gotta tell me what you like.
The first module is also available at the E-store and Amazon, but I would like to make sure it is, firstly wanted, and secondly relevant, so I am conducting a small poll as below, the first answer assumes you don’t care about the RPG game and/or about any modules for it. If that is the case I still would appreciating you taking the half-second it takes to indicate your lack of interest by clicking on that option.
The other options assume you either have or will have the game and are interested in the module too but prefer one of the identified scenarios.
The first ten people to leave an actual comment that want me to do so can also give their name and I will include them as either potential pre-made players characters or as relevant NPCs in the game. If you add some detail about yourself I’ll try to include it. By giving your name and leaving a comment you give explicit permission (but not a requirement I am obliged to fulfil) for me to use it in the module.
The module will get done only if there is sufficient interest, so please let me know.
UPDATE: One of my biggest detractors sent me a link to this video where the Bill Brockbrader guy is said to be a complete fake and worse, a pedophile. I didn’t do any research on Bill, and as I said in today’s stream, I was never a fan of Kerry Cassidy, so I don’t know what’s real or not, but I do know that Kerry Cassidy did interview a bunch of people that are clearly frauds. Whether she is involved and knows or not about Bill Brockbrader being a pedo etc, I don’t know. At any rate, the short and the long of it is this:
If Bill is a pedo, he deserves to be burnt at the stake regardless of whether his story is fake or absolutely real. My stance on that will never change, if I become Emperor, burning pesos at the stake will be the first law I resurrect and put in place.
Even if everything Bill says is a lie, which is entirely possible, my personal data points regarding not just Looking Glass, but the reality of precognition, telepathy, the effectiveness of prayer, the aether, the work of Harold Aspden and so on remain valid, and I came up with those long before I ever heard of Bill or Looking Glass. So the overall theme of this post remains unchanged other than for the point that you can eject everything related to Bill.
The overall theme of keeping a faithful belief in the good and our being able to reach it is important and I have personally lived through the reality of this for decades, so the baseline message does not change either, and neither does the possible route I present of how we might get there in real time.
The guy in the video says Crenshaw the one-eyed politician is a guy who will get the truth out there… and on that basis alone, his own ideas become somewhat suspect to me.
As always, we can conclude a few things either way.
First of all, listen to everyone but always make your own mind up, that has always been my advice in life to literally everyone and isn’t going to change.
Secondly, don’t sweat the enemies you have in life, sometimes they unintentionally prove useful in their efforts to criticise you.
Thirdly, even if you remove the entire Bill Brockbrader stuff and indeed the whole Looking Glass stuff from this post, the overall message does not change, because as I tried to point out at the start it’s based on physics. Physics very few people know about and even less people understand fully, but actual physics nonetheless, and the metaphysical aspects are actually also supported by this physics. Nevertheless, it is important to keep things straight, so you need to be aware of the critique.
This is gonna be a weird one, and if you are not familiar with some of my theories on physics and metaphysics, you might even go on to think it’s unhinged. Those of you who have used the Search Me function on the right and typed in key words like Maxwell, aether, Peter Garajev, solitonic waves, and Harold Aspden, might at least give me the benefit of the doubt.
After describing the situation for that game, marginally more dystopia than the present day, I had a section titled Light at the beginning of the Tunnel.
It read as follows:
The current situation is undeniably bleak. However, there are at least three separate scenarios that give us hope that there is not just a way to survive the current times, but to get out of them in a way that will provide an awakening of conscience and empathy that will render the Earth much closer to a paradise than it has ever been. Personally, I presume this will take place only after all the evil responsible persons involved have been hung by the neck to the nearest lamppost or burnt at the stake as the demonworshippers they are,[1] but some may have more optimistic views. In any case, I present them here as a way for you to have a clear sight of the fact that all is, most assuredly, not lost. Nor must you ever act or believe as if it is.
[1] After a fair trial by the Holy Inquisition, of course.
The three settings were, in turn:
The End Times (really only “good” if you’re a Sedevacantist Catholic of absolute Faith AND are really prepared and really lucky), The Not Quite End Times (really not fun, but you might survive if you are, again, a Sedevcantist Catholic, prepared, lucky and dangerous), or… Looking Glass.
Which I copy below in full for your edification.
Looking Glass: For those of you who harbour a hatred of religion, were raised on the Kool-Aid of I Fucking Love Science! Faceborg Groups Idiocy, or possibly were molested by a Novus Orco or Protestant “priest” and thus have resolved to drive a stake through the heart of anyone professing to be a Christian, or, yet again, are simply agnostic and have not yet found an overarching truth about the intelligence behind creation that cold logic and basic math indicate must exists,[1] this may be the most interesting perspective yet.
In the early to mid-1990s there were various “disclosures” about all sorts fantastic things.
Satanic ritual abuse of children was one of them. The Franklin scandal got swept under the carpet as magistrates, Judges, Police, Politicians and wealthy elite were all involved. Then it was relegated to the fevered imaginings of… you guessed it: Conspiracy Theorists. As were the scandals involving most of the Belgian parliament in a child sex trafficking ring. And the one involving most of the British Parliament and all of the BBC with Jimmy Saville at its centre.
There were UFO disclosures. There were Alien Hypothesis disclosures. One guy with an Italian name even released a book called The Face on Mars that posited, from a coldly scientific perspective, the idea that Mars had been destroyed by an interplanetary war and the survivors had been worshipped as Gods and Demigods on our Planet.
Various military or supposed military experts were crawling out of the woodwork discussing everything from Roswell to secret Nazi bases in Antarctica and weird genetic experiments. All, of course, were conspiracy theories.
There was a lot of information about HAARP, and Chem Trails, and MK Ultra, and the CIA, and gun running, and cocaine. All conspiracy theories. Even when they turned out to be true.
And mostly, they all turned out to be true.
At any rate, one of these conspiracy theories was about something called Looking Glass. The premise was that a system of quantum computers as well as possibly some paranormal technology linked to precognition had been created to predict various possible outcomes of the future.
One such military contractor that was involved with the project became a whistle-blower and stated that the powers that be that got the reports on the possible outcomes, which we can assume today are synonymous with the Evil Ones, had become very worried.
Apparently, no matter what scenario they presented to the Looking Glass technology, a result always came back that they would lose control of the sleeping, teeming masses of humanity. No matter what they did, there was a Great Awakening of consciousness coming and nothing could stop it. No matter what wars, or economic crashes, or diseases, or misery or other technology they would release, the end result would always be the same. An enormous shift in human consciousness that would result in unparalleled freedom for every human being on Earth. This was, as I say, the early to mid 1990s.
The whistle-blower described it as a chess game between two masters that both realised one player would win. It was inevitable, but the game was not yet over. The only options open to the losing player was to either resign now, or try and play every possible delaying move to the end even though the outcome was a foregone conclusion. This way the loser could cause as much damage and take as many pieces as he could off the eventual winner.
Some 30 years later, the Looking Glass project would seem to be playing out its death throes. Keep in mind that the UN Agenda 2021 and 2030 which outlined much of the events that started to take place in 2019, were supposed to take another decade to play out. And now it had all been ramped up suddenly. Making all the puppet governments, especially of the Western world, dance like monkey in so obvious a fashion that even many of the people of average intelligence began to see through the cracks.
Why the sudden warp-speed on the serum to every man woman and child? So rapidly introduced that the massive death they caused was eventually impossible to hide. Once everyone knew a few friends and relatives dropping dead of serum shot “complications,” which were really the designed and intended consequences, the medical establishment would cover up for it, along with the perennial mouthpiece of the indemoniated, the Mass Media.
Still, over time, the amount of people dying after taking the serum shot became so pronounced it started to affect national statistics. And the news was not good. The higher the percentage of the population that took the serum, the higher the overall mortality rate. The serum was deadly to young, healthy people, not just the elderly and it was sterilising to the females.
But despite all the damage the forced serum mandates were causing, if Looking Glass was not just a fable, no matter what they do, they will, in the end, lose. So, you just have to hold out long enough. Just like in the other two possibilities above.
[1] Seriously, the million monkeys on a million typewriters theory is abject nonsense. Do the actual math. There is a better chance of the Sun blinking out to the other side of the universe and back every time you snap your fingers a million times in a row than the universe being created by random chance. There is just not enough time in the created Universe for it to have happened. It’s not even a stretch. It’s just flat out impossible.
Here is the Youtube video where this came from. The stuff about Project Looking Glass starts at about 1 hour and 55 minutes in or so. But I would go in at about 1 hour and 47 minutes and listen to ten minutes before looking glass starts too. It’s worth it.
This interview was done in January 2012, and given he is first discussing things I absolutely am sure are real (space fleet, bases on Mars and the Moon, and so on) and I have been writing about since the mid 1990s, I find him fairly reliable and not crazy, and he does not appear insane to me either. Whatever you do, listen at least to the very last minute of this video too, it may be the most important bit of all.
But all this is preamble to my point.
From a “miracle” perspective, sure, anything can happen. From an End Days perspective, Jesus will come back on a white horse and trample all the bad guys. Ok.
But from a purely secular perspective, assuming what we are actually going towards is The Not Quite End Times and project Looking Glass and the event that the bad guys can’t avoid is the Great Awakening, instead of their planned Great Reset Dystopia, what would that look like? What set of circumstances might make such a supposed new age of prosperity, peace and goodness happen?
And to answer THAT question, I thought of a few possible things that could or maybe need to happen for such a situation to take place.
So… crazy introduction to the topic? Absolutely, but bear with me…
One thing that I think the Globohomo Pedovores have utterly miscalculated on, is that their desperate attempts to remain in control, have tragically backfired.
Any of us that have a functioning brain and kept at least half an eye on things have known since 2014 that the Usual Suspects wanted to destroy Russia via Ukraine “regime change”. And that Ukraine had zero chance against Russia in 2020. And shortly after the SMO started, that NATO and America too, also had —and continue to have— no chance against the Russia/China block.
But did you have “Israel tries to wipe out Palestine at the end of 2023” on your bingo card?
And Houtis with the equivalent of TL7 technology are crippling the US/Israel empire/alliance of TL9 military (Tech Level is a term from the Traveller RPG)?
So… how does the current atmosphere that is being daily fomented towards fear, hatred, chaos, starvation, economic collapse, and so on make you think we are heading towards?
Now, according to Bill Wood (real name Bill Brockbrader) what you ultimately really believe in your heart of hearts tends to become reality. I have had this sense internally, very strongly since I was a child.
[This is where the metaphysics, solitonic waves and so on comes into it… in other words, it’s not about me and my important feelings… it’s about how the vary foundations of reality work]
I was not worried in 1986 when the various predictions of the End of the World —supposedly based on Nostradamus— were prevalent. Nor when the Y2K catastrophes were being stated, or the 9/11 tower attacks by the deep state and blamed on the phantomatic Muslim terrorists happened, and even when the more recent Covid bio-engineered scam for the use of deadly genetic serums, did not concern me too much.
The fact is, that even BEFORE I became a hardcore Catholic with a strong faith, I have ALWAYS had a sense inside of me that whatever apocalypse comes my way, I am simply NOT the type to go quietly into the night. And if there is any type of possibility of survival, I am very likely to make it and then even thrive.
AFTER my becoming Catholic, it is an absolute reality that my faith has been tested in the scariest, most painful, deep ways. And while I at times wondered if I could survive some of these events, the reality is that it has increased my personal faith in a good outcome to a level that a few years ago I would have thought of as being not accessible to human beings, or at least certainly not to me, mere mortal.
So, while I already had the mindset that Bill Wood/Brockbrader mentions in that last minute of video above, and I would have had it regardless of me ever being aware of anything he discussed, project Looking Glass, or anything else, and while I absolutely advise you to have the same attitude, to reject the fear they are bombarding you with daily and the anger they try to provoke in you second by second, I also wanted to point out, what I think might happen in the worldly world of things.
What would happen if one of the Arab countries around Israel decided all of a sudden: Screw this. Let’s wipe out the Jews.
America, driven by the Jews who run it, would undoubtedly launch warships, planes, bombing campaigns… but… if they shrink from using nukes, there is just no boots on the ground they can place in that area of the world that would be effective at all. The US with a scant half-million soldiers or so, can’t even muster enough active troops to take on Russia, much less China, and not the Arabs in the Middle East either.
And if they did use nukes, it’s very likely Russia would too. And given the Americans literally have nothing that can stop the Russian hypersonic missiles, it would mean that in a nuclear war America is not quite as “safe” on the other side of the Atlantic as it might think. Especially since the Russians have already floated a few Russian nuclear subs along the USA’s coastline in a not too subtle silent statement that said: We can nuke you in your home too.
But in any case, the Americans simply don’t have the numbers for a land war in the Middle East.
Even if they brought the draft back, who would actually obey it?
And the soldiers they DO have now are partly MS13 Mexican gangs looking for citizenship, soyboys that will melt in the sun, trannies and homosexuals whose main aim in life is to get “shot” into daily, but would also get shot into out there in a far more penetrating experience they bargained for, and sub 85 IQ grunts that will likely cause more “friendly fire” deaths than enemy casualties.
And if one Arab country decides to go all in at Israel, the other Arab countries might join in too, logically assuming that the fastest they wipe out Israel from the map, the sooner the “Americans” have nothing left to fight for. And if the Arab world wipes out most of the Jews in Israel, and the truth about the various practices of those people comes more and more to light, as it has been doing for the last four months, other people around the world, be they Muslims or something else, might decide the time is ripe for solving the “Jewish Question” once and for all.
And if most of the Jews on the planet get wiped out, it is a virtual certainty that it will not happen bloodlessly or easily, or that it would be fun for pretty much anyone, but… if it happens, a lot of the puppet-masters of the American deep-state, and therefore also of the various European satrapies on a leash too, would begin to no longer have anyone on the other end of the leash.
Concepts like usury and fiat money might begin to be questioned in light of the sudden vacuum created by the bloody removal of a people that historically have created both of those mechanisms. And with those questionings might come the swing of the pendulum in the other direction on a lot of other things. Feminism, Transgenderism, the whole LGBT agenda, child trafficking, the reinstatement of the death penalty for various crimes and so on.
In short, the bloody and ugly wars/genocides and so on that may happen and that potentially could start tomorrow and be sudden and drastic beyond anyone’s imagination, could lead to a situation where nations return to being ethnically simple. Germans in Germany, Russians in Russia, and possibly even Venetians in Venice and Scots in Scotland, and so on. And such nations, unhampered by artificially created debt, with a reset of the very concept of fiat money, and a festooning of lampposts with current politicians, making way for less corrupt, WEF lapdogs, the Klaus Schwabs, Bill Gates, and so on of the world cemented permanently into their expensive underground bunkers, might very well begin to create a prosperity and human progress hereby unseen yet. And it would be founded on the creation of wealth based on the production of each man and nation, instead of the creation of a debt to serve, by each man and nation.
If that happened, if we didn’t already have bases on the Moon (I am sure we already do) we would put some there within a decade.
In short, a nasty, vicious, brutish war that no one expected, might wipe out Israel and the diaspora, and global financing and all things relating to the very concept of wealth and money and how it works, might just get redefined almost overnight. Other professions that would be almost instantly affected too would be politicians in general, the mass media, journalists and so on. In countries where honest but terrible men (because willing to do the unpleasant tasks of taking out bad people) came to power, journalists, lawyers, corrupt judges and so on, would be swinging right next to the politicians in rapid succession.
So, given the above, it would certainly begin to look like The End Times, but then it would revert, and a decade or two later it may very well come close to a paradise on (and off) Earth, meaning it was only The Not Quite the End Times.
So, anyway, that’s my take on a possible outcome that in a decade or two might make life on Earth a lot nicer than it is now, but also a lot nicer than it has ever been in the entire history of our species that we know about.
I mentioned in an earlier stream that I wanted to do a post on the current coming crash to try and predict it better, and I mentioned that my estimate timewise is perhaps end of 2025, but it may happen sooner, or, more likely, they may find new and novel ways to kick the can down the road while habituating us even more to ever tighter controls on everything we do and how we use any money we may have or be allowed to have. All while roping us into serfdom with digital money and so on.
Depending on your situation, your strategies may vary as to how to plan for the future. My small Role-Playing Game , set in the current Zombie Apocalypse, actually explains and highlights the various different strategies one might employ regardless of if you are a destitute millennial with no money and only debt to your name, or a capable millionaire.
The strategy overall is the same for everyone. Get rid of debt, or outrun it somehow, and stick to physical assets. The elite will use the concept of debt to try and assail your assets. So even if your home is paid off but you have still 50k of student loan debt, then guess what, they will try to take your house. This will work in some cases and be received by hillbillies with shotguns in other places, and of course, I can’t advocate anything illegal, but as we are talking about an RPG Game in the book, various concepts that might not play out well in real life might work just fine in the game, and one should also keep in mind that there are different risks in different countries. Depending on your referee for the game, a New Yorker that buys a bunch of land in the Okavango Delta and moves there with some serious off-grid solutions, without telling anyone anything, is probably fairly safe from debt collectors for a good number of years anyway. Although he mightn’t be as safe from the predations of the local military or even cross-border military when the SHTF properly.
The main thing you should focus on in real life, above all other considerations is mental fortitude.
If you’re depressed about being single, poor and with few prospects, change your frame. You can see it as being free and having a chance to try anything to better your lot in life without worrying about others or dependents. If you have a family and are poor and in debt, your condition is going to be more stressful, and perhaps the available solutions are less, but as they say, where there is a will, there is a way. I know a few people in that situation, but they are all slowly trying to alter their situation. No matter your current condition, you CAN improve it. Is it certain? No. Is it hard? Sure, it can be. But if you just keep making progress one step at a time, the changes over a period of months and years add up. So consolidate, try to get rid of any debt and make yourself as self-sufficient as possible.
The ideal solution is to be debt-free, own land and a home where you have either none or very low land-taxes and you own your land outright, this basically precludes the entire USA, but if you live in the USA you’ll be better placed than I to know the details. The advantage of the USA are it has a LOT of guns and you can own pretty much all of them. The down-side is that it is indeed a police state and if they want to get you they can.
Take these days between Christmas and New Year to strategise your future and my suggestion is to have emergency plan A and preferably also B and maybe C, while you work to your Blue-Sky goal X.
Above all, do NOT live in a state of constant fear. Teach your mind to be disciplined and resolve issues one at a time in an orderly fashion.
Make 2024 the year where you can get ready for whatever is coming.
May God bless you, find you and show you the true path.
In order to move away slightly from the sede on sede violence of the last posts, a quick question.
The Ebooks, including NAZI MOON, have now been done, along with some books that people requested for a while (like RTCC) but I was unhappy with the variation in layout. They will be available for Kindle, Apple Books, Kobo, Nook and Google Play from my E-Store.
HOWEVER, it will require you emailing the books to your device. It is not a difficult thing to do, you can usually just go to the settings of your kindle and it will show you what email you need to use, BUT, your kindle will only accept emails from registered addresses, so the Estore will not immediately be one that your Kindle recognises unless you add it to your approved email list on your devices in Amazon.
So you need to buy the ebook with the email you registered to your device So for example for an amazon kindle, this is usually the email you have registered with amazon.
You then download the ebook and forward it to your kindle email using your amazon registered email.
Like I said, it is fairly easy and many of you know this already, but that’s what I wanted to check. Please let me know in the poll below:
There are three paths I can go down with respect to the next book I write.
NAZI MOON (linked) is now available at least in the US and CANADA and should be available soon in other countries too.
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I have been asked to do the relationship book by friends and men in general for years; at least 20 of them. I resisted the impulse* for at least a couple of decades, primarily because, as one of my alter egos/nicknames —given to me by friends in Italy over 20 years ago— said in one of the graphic novels he appears in: “Any man that says he has understood all there is to know about women, is either a liar or insane.” And it’s close enough to the truth in some ways. Nevertheless, I feel that after two divorces, a lot of women in between, and finally a proper Catholic marriage, not to mention 4 children I fathered, I have probably made —and persevered!— and (one hopes), learnt enough that it is probably acceptable to pass on a few pointers to younger men; at least on those issues I feel I have now got enough experience to retroactively note when I did the right thing (regardless of outcome), and when I did the wrong thing (again, regardless of outcome). I mention this, because as I say, there have been a lot of people asking me for this for a long time.
With regard to my non-fiction, each book I have written so far, is really mostly a compilation of my theories and conclusions formed with many years of experience.
The Face on Mars was the result of a lifelong interest in Astronomy from very early childhood. I understood what a light-year was at age four, thanks to an uncle who was, and remains, a total geek to this day. He also sent me a telescope in my early teens, with which I observed the mountains of the moon, and how the moon itself moved. I also saw Haley’s comet with it, from our home in Africa at the time. And to this day the concepts I put forth in that book were then, and for the most part continue to remain today, unique. Some have badly plagiarised aspects of it (hello Graham Hancock) but the overall main issue had not been understood by anyone I am aware of before I saw it. And most remain totally ignorant of it, despite the predictions and theories I made back in 1995, playing out as correct in the intervening time. The update in 2014 also added a new dimension to the reality of my ideas, which is partly expanded on a lot more in my fiction work.
Systema was similarly, a book I wrote after I had personally spend decades in the martial arts world. And I wanted to demystify a LOT of the nonsense that goes with many martial art “concepts” and their related egos, and which —in particular— seemed to have a vortex of “mystic ninjas” concerning the Russian system. Which is an impression many martial artists might have if they have not experience of it firsthand. By merely watching YouTube videos or hearing “fantastic” stories of almost magical ability, they are most likely going to assume it is some woo-woo nonsensical “martial art”. That thought is disabused within minutes of confronting any of the top exponents of it. Unfortunately, as always, along with the really good practitioners, there were also a lot of “mystic ninjas” and some of the practitioners did nothing to demystify the situation, so I did it. I have been doing martial arts since I was a very small child, thanks to my dad, so I had pretty extensive knowledge of it before I put hand-to-keyboard after almost four decades of it.
Reclaiming the Catholic Church was in some ways the “odd man out” because I had a road to Damascus Event in 2013 and the book came out in 2020, that is, only 7 years later. However, I had been reading different books on all the main religions, mysticism, “spiritual” and even New Age stuff, again, since my teens, and literally infiltrating various cults as a hobby, in order to see if anyone had anything that was demonstrably true, real, or worthwhile. I had settled on a basic Zen-Agnosticism, with a clear understanding there must be an intelligence behind creation (the math, astronomy, biology and physics, as well as logic, pretty much confirms it many, many, many times over) but no sense of a God as such that was specifically interested in us mere mortals, much less me specifically. That changed in a radical, unexpected and utterly surprising way, that while “subjective” in the sense that I cannot prove it to anyone else, was absolutely objective and very much so for me. The other part that helped was that because the Catholic Church has ALL of its rules and dogmas written down, it was fairly easy to follow the thread of its history and see the astonishing truth it is founded on. As it was, to see that the current inhabitants of the Vatican are, without putting too fine a point on it, flat out Satanists.
BELIEVE! Instead, published a year before RTCC, was a much smaller work, putting out my new, or updated, basic outline philosophy. For those who have read both books, you will notice that BELIEVE! is not even a fifth of the size of RTCC, at just under 100 pages, and is a lot more open with respect to overall views and concepts. RTCC was the follow up that basically said, “OK, so that’s sort of where I am with respect to religion as a whole (BELIEVE!) now let’s take a look at this one path that I state is the best one I can see so far, and in this book, (RTCC), I went full autist, covering every aspect of Sedevacantism (i.e. the actual, current, only Catholicism left) and demonstrating it in a manner that no one has so far even attempted to refute, much less succeeded. The result is that RTCC is the foundation on which BELIVE! is really sitting on, which is probably why even if a much smaller and less detailed book, BELIEVE! has resulted in now over 100 people converting to Sedevacantist Catholicism (aka simply: Catholicism).
The reason I point all this out, is because in these last two non-fiction books, it becomes obvious that even my overall looser and more generic ideas, as expressed in BELIEVE!, for example, clearly have had a lot of genuinely positive effects on people who read them. And we know it was this that sparked the results, because BELIEVE! came first, and yet, even without all the details (presented in RTCC), it had a serious impact on people’s lives.
I see a LOT of confusion, struggles and heartache among young men today concerning intimate relationships and finding the right woman.
I literally get questions, emails, or messages on the topic to a frequency that is starting to become hard to keep up with. And as anyone that reads my blog knows, I have a rather low opinions of PUAs, and would very much hate to be mistaken for one. That said, I know for a demonstrable fact that my advice benefits these younger men, because they are getting married, having babies, and resolving issues they had for many years of their lives. I have literally had everything from friends, neighbours and even strangers, asking for advice, on an ad hoc basis, to hypnosis sessions with people that were under clinical care as supposedly paranoid schizophrenics under medication that went on to stop the medication (yes with doctor approval and full knowledge of my sessions with them) and go on to have a productive life with a functioning relationship, when prior they were 29 year old virgins. And I have been doing this for at least 15 years, with positive results.
So, perhaps, there is some utility in putting together some of the baseline concepts concerning male-female interactions and so on.
The other options (SF saga continuation) or YA SF books are, respectively, more a divertimento for myself and, a less fun, but I think helpful addition to the current dearth of adventure stories for boys mostly. I am not aware of anything like the Hardy Boys and so on coming along anytime recently, which is why Castalia House is doing well printing old classics. I would not enjoy writing such books as much as my own adult Science Fiction, but it would not be too difficult to do and they should be able to be produced fairly quickly. Although, I am not likely to be acclaimed as a children’s author anytime soon, or even long after I am dust, so the effort might not be worth it.
Anyway, I’d appreciate your thoughts on the matter, so please feel free to leave comments after you vote, thanks.
* Vox, on this post, referring to someone else, Taleb, in this case, said something that holds true for most of us. Personally I have always genuinely tried to resist the temptation, and often people have been quite “deflated” when trying to make me their “guru”, when, after being asked something I know little or nothing about or at least I don’t feel qualified to take a stand on, I simply say “I have no idea”. Some were quite insistent nevertheless and I always consciously dissuaded that, as I explained in some detail in my book Systema: The Russian Martial System.
While we wait to see if this revelatory 827 page doorstop of science fiction complete with antigravity ships, aliens, martian ruins, Nazis and their superweapons and mysticism and Russians and their technology and so on…
In the meantime, you can go here and see if there is anything you need to get or gift (there is a gift option so you can buy any of the ebooks there for someone else). It’s a little sparse at the moment, but I am aiming to get a bunch of stuff on there properly formatted for kindles, before Christmas, including some of the titles that were not available as ebooks before. And since delivery is immediate by email, you have until the last minute to get them.
The PDF games provided there have a long-standing traction with pen and paper role-players. I fully expect you guys to print them out after you get the PDFs, and enjoy playing them with your friends. Back when I started D&D, in deepest darkest Africa, getting any of the books was almost impossible and when one did, all of one’s friends would immediately find ways to get copies made, either at their parent’s business, friends who knew someone who had access to photocopiers and so on.
I also plan to try and get Reclaiming the Catholic Church up as an ebook, but it’s a fairly big job, at 530 printed pages and in a format that does not lend itself very well to the kindle format, nevertheless, that’s the aim, after all, it is heading to Christ’s Mass, so… I should really see if I can do it.
On that note, I will also be fulfilling my promise of dedicating a Mass to all those that supported the sponsoring of an Olive Tree with a Saint’s name for themselves or others or anonymously.
Thank you all, and I’ll advise here as soon as NAZI MOON is out on Amazon, where physical copies of my books will remain, as well as when more ebooks go up at my store.
Do your eyes glaze over when some economist starts talking? Me too. Mostly because they talk absolute nonsense and lies.
So let me explain a few things in a way we can all understand.
The financial crash of 2008 was something I predicted way back in 1995 but I expected it to happen at around the year 2000 at the latest. I didn’t use complicated formulas to figure it out. I had simply played in the stock market for a little bit, made some money and realised how it all worked. It was, and remains, a giant Ponzi scheme build on the vapours of smoke and the imaginings of that vapour. The only thing I had not accounted for was the level of both human greed, dishonesty and general stupidity. I had assumed that even brain damaged lemurs that took a cursory glance at the stock exchange would conclude as I did. And whether I was wrong (I was) or not, surely, anyone sane would not deal in such things (o my naive youth). Instead, of course, no one cares it’s a complete fabrication for themes part, and fake, and fraudulent, and made up of smoke and mirrors. They all just keep playing and they all get more and more people in it. Which makes the Ponzi scheme last longer. But eventually, it has to blow up.
The next crash, after that giant clusterfuck (which even if you only know the basics is ridiculously absurd) of 2008 was predicted (by bankers, this time, not me) for 2014-2015. And it didn’t really happen. Because guess what, whole governments were now jumping into the bandwagon.
The 2008 crash was felt most not by wealthy or even averagely well-to do Westerners. It was felt by third world countries the most. Keep in mind that at times the interest rate in places like South Africa hit 25%. Yes, that’s not a typo.
Places like Argentina in the late 80s and early 90s suffered massive crashes. So did places like Latvia. And they do not get a lot of publicity because it does not suit the “people” (indemoniated parasites) who run things to have you realise this stuff in any conscious way.
But this is what it was like if you lived in one of these countries. Say you worked hard all your life and saved, maybe to buy a house or to get one for your children, you have the local equivalent of say 500,000 US dollars in your bank account, squirrelled away over a lifetime. Then you wake up one day and literally from one day to the next you can’t access your money at all. And not only that, but it is now devalued so that the 500,000 you had is now worth 5,000 dollars. I personally know people that happened to who are my good friends. Imagine for a second how you would feel.
It really is a wonder that a lot more bankers have not been strung up from lampposts all around the world.
And by the way, just so you know, that is precisely what they rely on. Between the faceless bureaucracy they present to the world, and your civilised behaviour, they carry on with impunity, because you’re just gonna bend over yet again and take it, and take it, and take it.
Now, this sort of scenario has been pushed off from 2014-15 a few years, to 2020, then they created the genetic serum injection depopulation event and the Ponzi scheme suddenly went rage-steroid massive. So massive, and so fake, that apparently almost no one realises just how insane it is. They literally just decided to print many tons more money, and in fact, being as printing costs money and is kinda like, you know, work, they just added a bunch of numbers to some computers and gave out loans to governments and banks, and giant firms everywhere. In a way, this is “fine” since the whole fiat money thing was really a con anyway to a large extent. So now it’s like anyone with a shred of financial understanding just went:
“Ah fuck it. Let the peasants “enjoy” a brief reprieve if they are even remotely capable, but only so they go along with the lockdowns, serum injections and chemtrail “climate change” depopulation agenda. And anyway, later we turn the tap off and let them squat like the new pigs in the giant favelas we are creating.”
Now, we are not there… yet… but, and this is one aspect of WW3 most people have zero preparation for, I truly believe we will get there soon.
For example, imagine you’r a Palestinian who was just minding his own business a month ago. All of a sudden, because Bibi either allowed or perhaps even created a false flag on Israel (the accounts of everyone knowing about it and the response being PREVENTED for six hours, are now high-on undeniable) you are suddenly without water, electricity or basic services and you’re getting the crap bombed out of you. That’s pretty sudden.
But hey, it’s Palestine, right? Can’t happen near you, right? Well… have you seen what the streets of Paris look like lately? Or San Francisco? Or most big train terminals around Europe? How quick do you think those brown people —that you work very hard at not seeing the colour, incompatible culture and incompatible religion of— who have very little to lose when they are single, young men with no children or wives to worry or care about will keep behaving in a civilised manner when from one day to the next they have no money and no access to basic facilities?
I mean, you don’t even have to go that far. Mass raids of shops, with semi-feral “Londoners” which all seem melanin enhanced, are happening right in Oxford street. With little to no consequences. And have been happening in American large cities for at least a year. And that’s now. When pretty much everything still works.
But let’s say you planned ahead and are off into the countryside, not a vermin-infested giant city with potential zombies all just a hair’s breath away from turning on you and everything that is good and clean and edible. So you have a little plot of land, you’re fairly remote, but you still use the electric grid and water mains and you don’t quite manage to grow all the food you’d need to be self-sufficient (who does these days? Very, very very few small farmers can, if any). You have enough weapons to hold off a small army, especially if of mostly untrained zombies after easy prey. Even so, what happens to you and yours is suddenly all the money you have, whether in a bank or in cash under your mattress turns to zeros and toilet paper? What do you do? How do you survive?
Quite a few of you, no doubt, if realistic, might be thinking about becoming less than lawful citizens yourselves in such circumstances. So imagine how less well-off, less intelligent, less civilised people might behave.
But there is a way out… well, not really, more of a way in… but still. you could just take the serum, and settle for the basic universal income they will give you, wear only three sets of clothes a year, eat 3d printed “meat” and make do until the turbo-cancers get you.
Welcome to the Brave New World Citizen. You can have your new name tattooed on your forearm. No longer John Smith, you are now Jon-O-Smit 998976. And your friend computer will direct you to the nearest euthanasia booth if you are feeling too depressed to continue.
Sorry, Citizen, but in this brand new Alpha Complex, we are not using cloning technologies yet. there are still too many humans for the liking of the High Programmers… errr… and your friend computer has calculated the optimum number of people for this Alpha complex and it is minus eight hundred thousand, so do not fret, friend citizen, we will reach that quota soon with your help!
You think I am just making funny references to the RPG called Paranoia, but tell me, citizen, precisely how is what we are heading towards any different?
And, friend citizen, what are you doing about it? I’m curious and I’d like to know, to compare notes, so to speak, but then, so does friend computer, also want to know, so… yeah.
It’s almost as if you’re secretly a mutant (your brain still works properly, for the most part) and also member of a secret society. And we all know that either one of those two things is reason enough for friend computer to have you self-report to the nearest euthanasia booth.
So. Think about it. Think about how you would survive a sudden financial crash. And realise that this is why I do advise going off-grid as best as possible and as quick as possible. Short of massive armed revolution, becoming self-sufficient, at all levels, is the safest thing you can be doing right now.
On the basis of the recent poll I got this request:
Something Else – How to Survive Long Term in a WWIII Scenario for a married man with young children (Shelter, Food & Water, Surviving extreme Heat/Cold, Defense, How to keep your wife and children in good spirits, Not drawing attention to yourself, etc.)
It’s a pretty comprehensive question and an entire book could be written about each of the topics, so my reply will necessarily be brief and somewhat generic, but hopefully still specific enough to make a difference.
Good Spirits
Also known as Morale, may be the most important factor of all. It certainly tends to be in most conflicts throughout human history.
You should be aware of this, especially for your wife and children more than other factors. Consider: If you move to rural buttfuck-of-nowhere intersection and Hillbilly country, you might feel wholly relaxed that no one will waste a nuke or military to come steal your 3 goats and 15 chickens. However, your wife might miss things like actual shops where you buy food instead of have to skin and gut whatever you shot for dinner. She might even like to get a coffee at a cafe once in a while, frivolous degenerate that she is (joke! That’s a JOKE!). The rugged life of an off grid prepper that has his own bomb-shelter may be the stuff of manly dreams and boyhood joy, but generally is not seen in the same light by the gentler sex. So discuss these things and make sure everyone is clear on the difficulty and/or changes of lifestyle. Are there women out there that would love this life-style, sure. But they are a minority. And almost everyone likes hot water and indoor plumbing, and not freezing in winter. So, read my 4 part series on taking on clown world and winning (use the search me button on the right). If you do, you will see that ideally you need to pick your place on the basis of the geography you want to have ideally. Although, for most people that is already set, it is not too late to make the jump now (it is likely to be more expensive if you want to do it quickly, as always). The factors affecting morale are endless, and even more so for women, so it is difficult to give sound advice to all. One lady I spoke to was having trouble being an hour or so away from her family in what is still a pretty civilised area of a very urban country. She had not been living further from her parents than a few minutes and the change was a shock. The rural area she was in was not remote by any means but felt like it to her and feeling isolated with small children made her days feel like an interminable Groundhog Day. So you need to consider these things and take them into account.
Unlike men, most women will not be happy with an ideally fortified home in an ideal rural area, with a secure bomb shelter under the house, gun ports and plenty of weapons and stock-piles of ammo, food and clean water. Unless you have a wife like the one of the main guns-ho guy in the Tremor Films, what would seem to be ideal to a man is rarely ideal to a woman. She wants mani-pedi and spa locations nearby, a good hairdressers, nice friends to gossip and laugh with about the goings on in the town and their respective husbands and girlfriend’s love affairs and so on. Trivial nonsense that doesn’t matter in a hot war zone? You bet.
On the up-side, it’s mostly because women like these things that we don’t live in a permanent hot war zone, for the most part. Because we men tend to want to please them. And do they appreciate our efforts to give them a poisonous Starbucks on every corner in lieu of bashing irritating neighbours over the head with a nicely shaped stick? Not even a Thank you, kind Sir, I tell you. It’s just the way they are. No point getting upset about it.
So, the HOW you ensure good morale with your wife, is a giant minefield that no one on the internet can possibly navigate fully for you. I can only tell you to not ignore it, prepare for it, prepare her for it and consider that the things that are so insignificant to you that they may never even have entered your head all your life, might be extremely important for her. After all… she doesn’t even think about Rome daily!
Women are primarily solipsistic, so if they experience some discomfort, the Universe is out of whack and God should stop and make it right (through you mostly) and if He (you) don’t, then, you must be the problem. By and large. Your 14 hour days stacking wood for winter, pondering how to build a biological septic tank and your own solar panels, really are not as interesting to her as you would expect of any normal person.
You need to have a very deep connection based on honesty with your wife in order to navigate this well. And keep in mind off-grid farming is brutally hard. And even harder with small children to look after. So, building your community, having one that is active and fun and good is very helpful. Having little friends for your children is also very helpful.
That all said, I sincerely hope that your wife is good natured enough to be the kind of person that can read this entry and laugh, in unadmitted generic agreement with my caricatures. And more importantly, that she is smart and logical and objective enough, to realise that if and when the SHTF, she better be ready to take up a shovel and dig the dirt with you, and at minimum reload the rifles while you hold off the zombies, and preferably shoot some of them herself. How you find/foster/cultivate/generate that delicate balance of manicured nails, pretty, sexy dresses and chocachinos with friends with the realities of having your entrenched fall-back positions for the zombie apocalypse is a puzzle you need to figure out on your own. But figuring it out is VERY important, so don’t ignore it.
Children can generally be kept in good spirits by simply spending time playing with them and teaching them things in good order. Which of course takes up a lot of time, but our children (the little ones) are learning from us all the time and actually enjoy being helpful. The two older ones may need ye old dad’s foot in the backside to motivate them, because they were raised outside of functional family structures, unfortunately, but they are definitely improving and will get there soon enough, and when they do the sense of achievement for them and us both is also an awesome feeling to have. So make the entire concept of having good morale a game you enjoy instead of a chore you dread.
Not Drawing Attention to Yourself
Better than that is being thought of well by your neighbours and community. Help the people near you and be friendly and genuinely a good guy. Of course, if and when the SHTF they will also all come looking to you for help, so you need to balance that. For me that is relatively easy. I am a misanthrope by nature and don’t like people much as a rule, but I am polite and friendly to everyone, until they give me reason not to be, then there is no mistaking who I am and what kind of level of “force” I can bring to bear if required. Generally, if people realise you’re a nice guy but have no hesitation in turning heads of bad guys into pink clouds at the drop of a hat, you get the right balance of helpful (and good) friends, and respectful strangers. The down side is that if and when they DO get organised to come for you, they will actually be a force that is organised and to be reckoned with. But that is my way, because it comes naturally to me. You need to find your own natural way and work your strengths and better your weaknesses. I am not particularly worried about organised roaming gangs of zombies, because if and when it comes to that, there probably isn’t a worse guy to go after in a radius that probably reaches the nearest army base. Even so, I have made good friends where I live and will help my neighbours if I can or when needed and they do the same in return.
Shelter, Heat and Cold
Obviously, your primary home needs to be suitable for wherever you have chosen (or are forced) to live. I tried to pick a place that is not too extreme one way or the other, but in reality, it gets snow in winter (which will probably only increase over time) and is a bit too hot in summer with a lot of attendant bugs in all seasons (flies and mosquitoes in summer and stink bugs in winter). If the weather changes drastically here, a greenhouse will become a requirement (and I plan to have one anyway at some point) and livestock might require better shelter, but your primary shelter and provisions for heating in cold climate is obviously a priority that needs to be faced and that you need to be ready to address in a grid down situation. If not, I suggest you move! It is a lot easier to survive hot places than cold ones. I have plenty of wood to last me literally years and I installed a large wood stove that can heat the whole house and also be used for cooking (not as quickly as the gas stove, but in an emergency, the house remains livable and we can still cook food even without electricity or gas).
The next big item is electrical independence. the easiest way to have some of this is to have a generator and some fuel set aside. It is however a temporary and not a long-term solution. You eventually want to get at least enough solar panels to run your fridge and a couple of lights and at least one or two power tools at a time.
My gasifier project was meant to do this by providing wood to fuel a gasifier that could power a generator, meaning I would not have to rely on petrol. That project, however, has so far been a failure. Which is not to say it is impossible, only that the effort required to make it work in the first place is a lot more than I thought, and more importantly, the effort required to keep it functional if you get it working might be even an order of magnitude higher. That said, I still want to provide value to the people that supported the project, so I am looking at alternatives ways to at least give them something that might be of use or interest for them.
Overall, the main issues are to create a home that is self-sufficient in terms of the basics: Water, heating, food, electricity, and sewage processing.
If you have achieved that, 90% of your problems are taken care of. After that it’s just being able to maintain and even improve on things as you go and preparing with better shelter, better community engagement, better weapons, better food stockpiling and even alternatives to using cash and especially digital money. The economy WILL collapse at some point, it’s not an if, but a when, and when it does desperation will drive people to accept whatever draconian slavery will be imposed on them. The whole point is for you to be able to survive completely apart from that, and in turn be able to inspire and help others near you do the same.
If you saw the recent (2020) series based on the Brave New World of Aldus Huxley (and with he same name) you want to be one of those “troglodytes” living outside of the “utopic” city. And you certainly don’t want to end up caught by them and influenced and ultimately caged by them in any way. Ultimately, you want to be able to roam free and either KEEP them all locked up in their cities, or have their cities crumble to dust with the architects of them buried under them.
It’s already here
Vox wrote an interesting report on warhammer 40,000 and why it survived so long against leftist invasion. The original post he links to specifies that writing an RPG based in hardcore truths is resistant to woke agendas.
Well, this is precisely why I have made my RPG as it is.
Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse (SCZA) is written so as to be both humorous and entertaining yet useful as a learning tool too.
You can get it as a full colour hardcopy from Amazon, or as a PDF from my E-store.
And don’t take my word for it. Here is an Amazon review:
Andy Gryc
2.0 out of 5 stars
Verified Purchase
Fun idea, but ultimately not much usable
Reviewed in Canada on March 24, 2022
The “Inside pages” preview gives you a sense that this is a zombie apocalypse game in a world where all the conspiracy theories are real. Fun sounding premise, right? I thought so, so bought the book, but it wasn’t what I hoped for. For anyone else who’s considering buying this, let me explain my issues with it so you can see if it’s worth it or not for you. The book is in two major pieces – the story of the world, and the role playing system. The first part wasn’t really what I expected, and maybe that’s my fault. Here are my issues with the book. 1) By taking most conspiracy theories as factually true, the world it creates has a definite white nationalist tone. It’s all done tongue-in-cheek, but nevertheless, you have an anti-equality, anti-Semitic, transphobic, bigoted world-view that runs throughout. That’s not the kind of campaign I want to run. I play with women and visible minorities, but I wouldn’t want my campaign to be like this even if it was all white men – it just feels a bit gross to my modern sensibilities. Perhaps it’s my bad that I didn’t expect that outcome from the premise, since that seems to be the logical conclusion of most modern conspiracies. It’s a game that’s supposed to be dark, and I understand that – I just don’t want to breathe life into it. 2) The game also veers into pretty distinct religiosity. Again, I know it’s entertainment, but there’s an awful lot of the story dedicated to the Christians, a particular strain of Catholicism that is the “true” religion, good fighting evil, God and Satan, bishops, popes, priests, etc. This is more than just a normal character class or a faction, it seems like it’s the backbone of the new world order. Meh. Just won’t be that interesting to me or my players. 3) I could be wrong on this, but I don’t believe the zombies are intended to be literally zombies. If they are, it’s pretty darn subtle and easy to overlook. While there are a couple bits of colour text that say the “zombies” might even be commanded eat to flesh, it’s really more about how all the vaccinated are under mind control from the evil overlords. In other words, the “sheeple”. Instead of getting World War Z, it feels a bit more like a dysfunctional version of The Office. Again – unique perspective, but not what I was truly after. This is the factor that’s probably the biggest disappointment. 4) Finally, the game system. I give the author kudos for inventing a system that’s simple, uses standard dice, makes the players fragile, and is built on a bell curve. Those are all great attributes, although for me personally that’s only a 50% win. I think the game system is just a bit too simple – specifically character creation. Basically 2 stats and some optional skills. Don’t get me wrong – I hate Pathfinder and feel 5e is burdened with books and books of rules. But I think Chaosium’s Basic Role Playing has it just right. Just enough complexity for the GM and Player to manage easily at the table as well as giving lots of room to grow the character. Also, on the d6 thing – I’m just not a huge fan of d6 only systems. My crew has “invested” in tons of dice, so limiting them to one set only seems almost a bit cruel. Half the fun of an RPG is owning all the platonic solids. In summary, like most anything you’ll get for a real game, it’s a sourcebook. Every GM has their own personal tastes, and some will be able to use more that’s here than others. What I’ll personally be able to salvage from it in terms of good, usable, and playable ideas is less than a single page. I recognize the work that’s gone into it, and I’m not trying to be critical about the result – it just doesn’t match what I need. If you are expecting something more like a playable version of Max Brooks “Zombie Survival Guide” like I was, keep searching. But if you’re more open to taking today’s world and dialling up the dysfunction and conspiracies up to 11, it might be just for you.
All the other reviews are 5 stars, but I am not sure that Andy Gryc’s review is having the effect he intended. I know several people purchased the game as a result of it.
And there is of course a starter set Module for it (E-store PDF)
And for those already willing to experiment with the game system, the game could be easily adapted to play out some of the events found in the recent novella In the Shadows of Monte Castello.
The point is that with much of my fiction writing the baselines are rooted in very solid reality.
The whole Overlords of Mars trilogy as found in one volume (Nazi Moon) is soundly based on The Face on Mars written in 1995 and Systema written in 2011 and the thread of Reclaiming the Catholic Church shadows most things I do today.
So while the route and the road may be flexible, ultimately, if your entertainment is any good, it should reflect recognisable realities, regardless of how fantastic the setting might be.
And real virtues, such as courage, moral fortitude, reason, Justice and so on, are ultimately timeless, no matter how much the woke want to pretend otherwise.
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By G | 22 April 2024 | Posted in Social Commentary, StCZA - Module 0, StCZA - Q.O.R.G.