Archive for the ‘Overlords of Mars – 2’ Category


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Skipping the Asteroids?

Regulars here will know of Carol Rosin and Werner Von Braun. The Nazi head of the Apollo programme explained how the cold war, the subsequent “nations of concern”, then asteroids and finally an alien invasion was all theatre for essentially doing the whole alternative three, which is basically getting a tiny section of humanity off planet on various bases in our solar system and perhaps further afield too.

I cover these realities in my fiction trilogy currently available in full only as one volume called Nazi Moon (Amazon link is at the bottom of the description at that link if you prefer paper doorstoppers). That’s Carol Rosin in the video. She also testified before congress.

But in case you thought that was not real…

Here is just one of various predictive programming totally real news stories

Things might not be looking too good for the Pedovores in charge if they are skipping the whole asteroids narrative.

And if one asteroid just happens to land on my house and wipe me out… well… you’ll know it wasn’t really an asteroid.

Nazi Moon Tech in 1998

When I tell people my Science Fiction is mostly science with a little bit of fiction wrapped around it to tell a story, they assume I am merely trying to hype my own work.

A few people who bother to research a bit more on the technology I present in my stories, learn, to their surprise, that I really am just that terrible at self promotion and that what I discuss in my stories really is not far fetched at all.

In 1998, Susumi Tachi from the University of Tokyo created a cloak using retro-reflective projection technology. It was called the “Optical Camouflage”

On Epic World-Building…

Vox had an interesting post about the number of characters in epic fantasy novels and why this is the fundamental reason that the fat, boomer, George Rape Rape Martin will not finish his excretable fantasy saga before his heart pops and he dies.

I am not a fan, I found his books unreadable, and the very basis of his writing to be foul beyond words. it is the antithesis of why I read any fiction. Fiction should have something of the heroic in it. it can be a noir, it can be gritty, harsh, all of the above, but without some sense of the good, some numinous influence towards higher things, what is the point. the nihilist emo-goths that only want to write about rotting flesh and despair can all die in nuclear fire for my money.

Anyway, this is not about G Rape-Rape Martin and his crappy writing and even worse philosophy, but about the hard-core fact that go towards building an epic sized story.

Now I don’t write epic fantasy novels. I have done a couple of divertimentos in the Inferos Vortex books, and maybe one day they may add up to a decent sized book, but I am not sure if they qualify as fantasy. They tend to be a mix of quasi-horror, gritty gun stuff, some dark humour and a splash of science fiction “technology”.

What I have written, and God willing will also continue eventually, is epic Science Fiction. Nazi Moon clocks in at 827 pages, and since Vox made me thing about how many main characters I have, and I keep notes (so many notes, you have no idea how autistic I get about my SF world-building) I went to check, and over that length, I have some 63 characters, but several are just one-time appearances and others temporary ones, because I like to give some credence and personality even to the “extras” on my mental film set.

When it comes to primary characters I have about 15, which sounds like a lot, and there are about an equal number of secondary or lesser characters that have repeat appearances, but then, in truth, I am only half-way. I do plan to write three more books in that series. When I will get to them I do not know, but if I don’t die in the apocalypse first, I will finish them.

Experimental Substack for Fiction

So, I am trying to see if this will work, and since it’s free fiction involving Moon Nazis (but not only) I figure readers here might enjoy subscribing since it’s, like I said, free. If there are enough subscribers, and you spread the word to others too, I will definitely make it a regular thing I update. And for those of you that have read all the OOM books, well, you should probably enjoy this too.

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