Archive for the ‘Caveman Theory’ Category

This is the Ultimate Weapon

NOTE: Yes this is long. It also may literally change your life for the better in ways that are hard to imagine. And I wrote it primarily because my experiments on myself and in my own life seem to be bearing fruit.

Something very few people understand, even military men, veterans, life-long martial artists, strategists, UFC guys, boxers, and everything else in between, is that the number one, most important, absolute weapon you have, above all others, is this: Your Mind.

Your Weapon

Even people who you might assume have a grasp of the basic concept often miss the wood for the trees on this. I have been asked this by a few people who fancied themselves as overall decent strategists:

“What is the most important thing for a fighter?”

And to my reply of “Your mind,” they invariably scoff or try to divert it to some lesser aspect of my answer, like “Isn’t it getting up again?” or willpower, or perseverance and so on.

Well, guess what. Every one of those things begins in your mind.

Perseverance, later thinking, discipline, flexibility, pattern-recognition, literally all of it, begins, and ends, with your mind.

It sounds so stupidly obvious right? Duh! “Of course it’s your mind!” you’re thinking. What a dumb post…


Now consider a few other things.

The connection between your mind and your body has limits that are NOT understood by medical science almost entirely. The average doctor has no concept of the Placebo or Nocebo effects. They may mention them without realising they literally can save your life from supposedly incurable diseases as well as kill you when there is no external factor that should result in your death.

Unscrupulous grifters have made a whole industry of half-baked “truths” wrapped in lies concerning your ability to do anything from cure cancer to become a millionaire by the sheer power of repeating “affirmations” and “changing your mindset”.

Over 99% of hypnotists, psychologists and psychiatrists have little to no understanding of the link between the mind and the reality around it. There are enough experiments in neuroscience which are of the reproducible kind (meaning they are actually valid science) that essentially prove a host of things we can’t adequately explain:

  • Reality is literally changed by you observing it.
  • The mind can perceive, receive, and send information across vast distances or simply by focusing on something without any apparent way to do so (i.e. telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, remote viewing, psychometry and so on are actual things that exist).
  • The pain/emotions felt by loved ones can affect your mind as if you were experiencing it. And this can also function in connection with the item immediately above.
  • The mind is capable of entering altered states and/or dimensions where it can access information it had no previous knowledge of, and that information can be beneficial to the owner of the mind as well as others if/when it is shared/applied in the physical realm we inhabit.
  • Some degree of communication with people who have passed on can exist.
  • Some degree of communication with entities from other dimensions can exist. The intentions of such entities towards humanity in general can apparently range from beneficial to utter hatred (commonly thought of as Angelic beings, Demons and something in between, like Faeries).

There are also a great many stories, legends, and anecdotal events that seem to indicate that a certain level of miraculous manifestation of things may well be the result of a directed mind that using the correct approach, focuses or considers something in a way that sees it take place in the real world.

If you have digested all of the above, great. Keep that whole giant point present in one corner of the mind, then read below and get the next info-dump and then put that in one another corner of your mind, because only once you have put these two baseline points in your mind and can contemplate them from a bird’s eye view appropriately, can you then begin to see the third point, which defines our current situation. Only then, can I present you the overall theory and paradigm shift that I want you to digest and begin acting upon.

Your Weapon’s Base Efficiency and Maintenance

You know that old adage that “If you don’t program your mind, someone else will?” Well, it’s absolutely true. And while you may nod sagely or pay lip service to it, not a single one of us really appreciates the extent to which this is true. Not even me. And I am waaaaaaaayyyy beyond the normal human curve on this.

If you have small children, present them with a little problem that you know how to solve in one way. Give them time, encouragements and a good sensation you believe in them and most times you will find that they come up with ten different ways you didn’t think of on how to solve it. Imagine if we kept that way of thinking into adulthood. I certainly try to and I have changed career, country, and wives, a number of times. I have moved home 54 times and I am 54 years old. I have gone from being so broke all I had to eat was a bag of flower, some salt and tap water, to blowing over four grand on some clothing a girl I was seeing liked. I have spent more on a rifle I wanted than on any car I ever bought. And I have had many strange and incredible life experiences. I now have 5 children, am trying to learn to be a farmer, which is nothing I have any talent for and as of yesterday I just broke a part of the connector to the trincia because I am bad at this, but eventually I will become good at it. Because in my life, anything I have put my focus, mind and effort into, I have been able to achieve. Not without smacking my head into the occasional steel wall a few times mind you, but I have a deeply embedded belief that I am absolutely able to achieve whatever I decide to focus on. It’s harder to have laser like focus with 5 kids and wife than when you are single, but it’s also more important to be able to do so, so the focus is even more intense for me.

Despite all the above, I have always expected resistance from the world. And indeed I have found it. Whenever I changed job or country or home, almost everyone I knew was of the idea that “I was making a mistake” or that “it wouldn’t work” and so on. Very few people were ever supportive, and I learnt as a result to ignore pretty much everyone in that respect and only take the useful parts of any advice with regard to elements of whatever I was deciding to do.

My point in describing my own experience is not to make you think how cool I am, but rather the opposite if anything. What I am explicitly stating is that even with a lifetime of experience that validates my point that your mind affects your outcome more than any factor whatsoever, I am not, a millionaire with my own private island and fleet of all-female crewed yachts. Probably due to the fact that it is my belief that in order to achieve that it is very likely you would need to compromise some serious aspects of your integrity or soul. And in my over half a century on Earth I have come across only maybe one guy who potentially did not compromise himself and was very wealthy, but he had also started out with a lot of money from his father. Whether his son does as well, now that the man has passed, remains to be seen. I have not had such a situation in life so I can’t speak much to it, but I have observed enough wealthy people to know that it is rare for a son handed great wealth to remain a human being I think highly of from the perspective of how I measure people’s value.

My method of measurement may be a little “brutal” but it is absolutely correct in judging a man’s character and often also ability and other factors such as honesty, reliability, loyalty, and so on. One of the surest ways to know a man’s real heart is to put him in physical danger. the martial arts dojo I trained in for over a decade was perfect for this. people who acted like lords and masters of life, placed on that floor turned into scared, wet little men, and guys that were almost homeless could be literal lions without fear. The status one had in the so-called “civilised” world meant nothing on that dojo floor. And it was not all ability based. there were people who were technically very good that were weak internally, and guys that could barely adopt any of the classical stances that were nevertheless fighters in their heart. The mind a man has when facing physically and emotionally frightening things will very quickly tell you the condition of his weapon. I was no more than seven years old, maybe less, when a thing happened that made me freeze with fear. As it turned out it was nothing real, just an event my brain (and my brother’s too) interpreted as some kind of horror film about to play out with us as victims, when in reality it was a non-event. nevertheless, I resolved consciously back then to never react that way again. And in fairness, I never have. At other times in my life a few times things happened that were absolutely life-threatening or had the potential to be, and I never froze again. Even if I have been fearful, I never stopped acting and moving and doing, and without fail my tendency has always been to move towards the danger, to face it rather than to run away from it. I don’t think I can take credit for that though, as that is the case when others are involved too and it is a pretty baseline aspect of people whether you sort by self or sort by others. I tend to sort by others, certainly in extreme situations, and if anything, in life I had to try and force myself to sort by self a bit more. to the outside observer they are likely to assume I am much more of a selfish asshole than I actually am, but the conscious actions I take in “selfish asshole territory” are not faked; they are designed to reduce the numbers of “opportunistic parasites and general pains in the ass” types and keep them as far from me as possible.

Despite all the above, it should become relatively clear that my internal processes, despite being absolutely well-above average in terms of keeping people I don’t want near me at a distance, and allowing me a certain level of ability that has to date resulted in overall “success” as most people would define it, contains a high level of “conflict”.

In order to explain this better, let me explain a bit more: even if never achieving anything particularly spectacular, I would say that having achieved “good enough” status in a number of completely different fields qualifies in itself as a kind of pretty spectacular skill. And in a few fields I have certainly achieved a good level of world-class ability, even if not the usual “world-class” recognition that goes with that level of skill. Mostly due to the fact that those who get there are doing almost exclusively that one thing, while I am merely focusing on getting my own ability up there, not making a living off it or doing that to the exclusion of other things or even my main work.

The shifting from one skill or talent to another in such relatively rapid succession meant I generally always dealt with “resistance”. Any new endeavour has a high initial failure rate. Add to that the naysayers, the negative thinkers, the short-sighted and the resistance has never been confined merely to the practicalities involved, but rather to the false expectations of a weak world outside of my head too. The overall general frame of reference I have internally then, tends to be something along the lines of:

“Right, I am going to do this new things now, which should take X amount of time, except for the negative influences of A, B, C and D which will make it 2X and then the things I don’t know and mistakes I will make along the way that would maybe have not been all that relevant to X but mixed in with the various reactions from the outside world, will make it be at least 3X.”

By negative influences of other people, I mean really practical stuff, like to take one example:

I absolutely know my fiction writing is far better than the average “successful” writer in my genre. But I never took (nor take) the time to market myself, spread the word, network and do all the other things, including getting a proper agent and so on. I barely even ask people to leave me a review when they like my stuff. And I know my non-fiction writing is ALSO better than the vast majority of things written in any of the non-fiction fields I have so far covered. And yet, I am not a writer that makes a living from his writing. In a world where pure meritocracy is justly rewarded, I would be. But we live in a world where whoever makes the loudest noise generally wins At least until violence ensues, as America and nato are currently finding out with respect to Russia. I have always been rather secure in that aspect of life. Probably growing up with guns and doing martial arts from childhood had a lot to do with it, but also perhaps a genetic component. My paternal line of men seem to have always been people unafraid to get into armed conflicts as and when required.

Aside the practical reality of these negative influences there are also the “woo-woo” aspects which are, to my mind, actually more important than the physical ones. Consider that it has been neurologically proven that your brain will experience physical pain to a loved one as if it was happening to you. They literally can’t tell the brain scans apart. Does it not follow therefore, that if a loved one has zero faith in you, or worse, actively disbelieves your ability to achieve X, your own brain, unconsciously, will pick up on this and make it its “reality” just as it does with the physical pain experienced by the loved one instead of you?

Now, please don’t all become a bunch of whiny bitches blaming your failures on the people around you not being “supportive”. You’re probably a lazy, fat fucker that doesn’t get off his ass enough, but I mention this point, because it is a thing, and yet, it has also been demonstrated that whoever has a stronger belief system influences the other. So if you are a negative perspective see-er and a depression prone downer of a person that always feels unsatisfied, unhappy, miserable, bored and tired, guess what, you will tend to bring everyone around you down too. And since it is energetically harder to be upbeat and positive and happy, because it literally consumes more energy, on a long-enough timeline, the fearful, the depressed, the scared, the perennially negative-thinking types, will tend to drag down the overall perspective of everyone around them. Remember this when you next watch “the news” or read a newspaper. And note the general doom and gloom tone of pretty much every piece of information about the world you see around you. So let me continue with the example of my own brain as the test subject.

But in any case, aside the negative expectations of others and the reality of practical learning curves, the point is that I expect resistance. I expect strife. I expect struggle. And it invariably is there. What if I were to change my mind to expect an easy and simple natural ascension to heights of wealth and good results without the strife?

Doing so is not my natural inclination. I certainly am overall optimistic, but long experience has also taught me that if you can spot a problem from far enough away, you can generally at least avoid the worst of it, so I tend to be on the lookout for potential problems. What if I trained my brain to be on the lookout for potential “good waves” that would have me sail so far above the potential “rocks” (problems) I would normally see in the distance that they no longer are even a thing?

Well, it is not an easy or necessarily quick shift to make (but is it? Does it really need to take years? Or is it simply a choice?), but logic makes it clear it is a necessary one. And look at how quickly a child can go from total desperation to instant joy. If they can do it, why the hell would you not be able to? I have always believed this, and it is one of the sources of frustrations I have had over the years in my relationships. Women tend to want to focus on the negative in life. I have no idea why, but they love to wallow in misery. Just look at the absolute tripe, shitty films, and nonsense they almost universally claim is the very “essence” of love. I shit you not, my ex-sister in law, in all her best and truest good intention, gave me a DVD to watch as the “truest” embodiment of love (I had just had the latest somewhat painful break-up with some girl). It was the film PS I love you.

There is not a man on Earth that would watch that shit and think, oh yeah, this is all about true love. Quite the opposite really. But from the female perspective of wanting to be the centre of the universe while wallowing in her own misery and yet still being loved for herself, yet never changing from the miserable downer she is… oh well. It’s fantastic apparently. While for most men, probably dying in a fire is preferable.

My point (yes, yes, I write long sentences and take diversions along the way to better illustrate the overall point. Pay attention and don’t get lost, you feeble-minded half-wit who can’t deal with extended sentences!) is that:

  • You do have the capacity to switch emotional state quickly.
  • You do have the capacity to control your own thoughts.
  • You do have the capacity to repeat a behaviour until it becomes a habit.
  • The brain is plastic and remains so the more you use it and shift it throughout your life.

Given all of the above, you must, logically, have the capacity to shift even life-long patterns of thought and behaviour quickly and permanently. And there is probably an optimal way to do it, which I would guess has to do with everything from better nutrition, to learning the basics of logic, clear language, mathematics, as well as (mostly) internal factors such as your unconscious beliefs about yourself, reality, God, the possibility of X or Y being true and so on.

What the limits of any of our abilities is, is nowhere near as clear or even known as everyone around you would have you believe.

In short then, Your mind is your weapon, and its current state, is very poor. If we were to make an analogy, your World War II Mauser pistol, with selector switch that allows single shot, three round burst or fully automatic fire, has been lying in mud for 50 years and you have no ammo for it.

Even if you clean it and recondition it to perfection, you still have no ammo for it and are unsure of even how to load it or operate it. In short, you may as well be a caveman trying to figure out what it is and how to use it. At best, you may use it as a bludgeoning weapon, and those of us who are are already ahead of the curve even if technically speaking we are still very much on the very start of the retard slope of it on the extreme left of that curve.

Your Enemy’s Use of Your Weapon

Let’s start with a premise. Assume for a minute that your internal mental state determines your quality of life. This remains true regardless of your belief concerning whether your internal state can materially affect reality by such things as manifesting the things, people or conditions you want. At its most basic level, even if you are poor, ugly and alone, but are internally relatively happy and content, it sure beats being poor, ugly, alone and also internally miserable, depressed and hopeless.

So, even at its most basic level, this point remains true. It is also generally a logical fact that if your internal state is generally good, you will tend to have more energy available for everything from thinking to doing physical work. And having more energy available has, throughout human history, in any way that energy can ever be measured, generally correlated positively with a “better” or at least “easier” quality of life. And though those terms are subjective and may in fact be net negatives in an objective view, the fact remains that with more energy you can do more.

So, as long as you do more of the right things, it make sense that even if the only benefit you got from having a better internal state is limited to these things I discuss in the above two paragraphs, you’d still be better off putting into practice whatever would improve your internal state.

Add to it that there is at least the possibility that your internal state also may have a measurable effect on reality around you and therefore, on the principle of the butterfly effect, possibly radically affect the outcomes in your life on a long enough trajectory, (it is in fact empirically proven, but most people are simply not aware of the repeatable studies done and the neurological results achieved, nor are most people willing to wade through such things in detail to prove it for themselves) and you’d have to be a complete moron to not take the time and effort to sanitise your brain and how it thinks.

Right about now, you may be beginning to realise most of humanity is composed of morons. And that you are one of them too. Welcome to Professor Cipolla’s perspective of the human condition.

Given all of the above then, what is constantly being reinforced throughout this planet, to everyone on it, by every means possible. And if you are not in a coma, have you noticed what has absolutely ramped up dramatically in the last four years? Pay attention.

You are indoctrinated by a school system that instead of limiting itself to teaching you how to read, write, do mathematics, use language correctly and specifically, teach you how to observe and measure and test the world around you, spends most of its time to tell you implicitly and explicitly that your value is directly proportional to your ability to perform well at certain functions. This is not really wrong in certain respects. If you can’t do the basic things education is supposed to teach you at least decently, life is likely going to be more difficult for you. However, while it is true that your ability to do math will affect your ability to be a successful accountant, it says nothing about your ultimate value as a human being. One of the most honest people I ever met was intellectually incapable of grasping the concept of square metres, but I have yet to encounter a human being that was as scrupulously honest as that man. If human beings were correctly evaluated on their character as well as their ability (and of course that opens up a whole other debate on what and how you determine “correctly evaluated”) most people who work in finance would be relegated to cleaning out latrines by hand, as their minimum penance for their sins.

But let me try to stick to the point. The enemies that absolutely do NOT want you do be able to determine and use your own mind properly, very much would need you to have an internal state that is the exact opposite of the one you would pursue if you were a rational, logical, intelligent human being. So, aside the fact that we’re all morons and so not pursuing what we should, the enemy makes sure that instead of:

  • Joy
  • Serenity
  • Peace
  • Calm
  • Appreciation
  • Grace
  • Beauty
  • Gratitude
  • Love
  • Courage
  • Awe
  • Curiosity
  • Exploration
  • Focus
  • Concentration
  • Discipline
  • Laughter
  • Intimacy
  • Closeness
  • Tenderness
  • Empathy
  • Sensing Nature
  • Being in Nature
  • Learning about nature and its cycles
  • Learning about animals and their cycles and natures
  • Taking time to think and rest
  • Taking time to teach and care

You spend almost the entirety of your day with/on:

  • Concerns about money
  • Concerns about success
  • Concerns about stuff
  • Time at work for others to do things to earn enough money to survive
  • Just doing as you’re told
  • Not rocking the boat even if the boat is full of shit and sucking your soul dry
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Fear at every level:
    • Terrorism
    • Pandemics
    • Economic crashes
    • Not being loved
    • No one caring about you
    • Never being able to get out of the “hole” you’re in (whatever it is)
  • Never having time to yourself
  • Never having time in nature just for the sake of it
  • Not knowing anything about nature, its cycles or animals and theirs
  • Polluting and worrying about the pollution from fake things like “climate change” to very real things like chemtrails
  • Never taking risks
  • Never get curious about any of the things that divert from the prescribed path you should follow to “make it” in society
  • Worrying about what other people think about you
  • Not feeling appreciated, loved, or cared for
  • Not having “time” to appreciate, love, or care for anyone else
  • Seeing all the problems you still have to face
  • Not seeing any beauty anywhere
  • Stunning yourself in front of the TV with various “shows” and “Entertainment” that reinforces stereotypes you are told 24/7 you must conform to or else you are a bad person. Everything from:
    • LGBT nonsense that is clearly a deviation from nature
    • Absurd lies like men being able to be women and vice-versa
    • Nonsensical things like “gender”:
      • a) being a thing relating to humans instead of language (the correct word for differentiating between the only two sexes, male and female is sex; not gender.)
      • b) being a “social construct” when the right words for defining a “social construct” are actually made-up bullshit.
      • c) being “fluid” or “non-binary” or purple for that matter. I mean… it’s made-up shit, so you can Calvinball it as much as you like, but it doesn’t make it any more real.
    • Feminism being a good thing
    • Masculinity being “toxic”
    • Women and girls being just as physically capable and strong as any man or boy.
    • Girlbosses being all awesome
    • There being a real wage pay gap
    • Women being more empathetic and nurturing than men (they are less so. Yup. Look it up. And see the statistics on who abuses and even kills children more and what the general outcomes for children of single parent families are like)
    • Meritocracy being evil
    • Communism and commonality of outcome regardless of input being good
    • Jews always being smart and the good guys or the victims, never the underhand, nepotistic, stateless parasites that use usury and other financial tools, as well as a general influence with the mass media and entertainment industries which they disproportionately are present in, to degrade and destroy the host nation, financially, morally, ethically and especially degrading and perverting Christianity in particular; and having done so since before the time of Jesus, which is recorded even by ancient Roman emperors and statesmen of the time. Which may have something to do with the usual eventual pogrom and “persecutions” that seem to afflict only them and no one else, for no reason whatsoever at all. Any suggestion the reasons might in fact be the one described above, and there being plenty of evidence for it in each occurrence of them being “cast out”, can only be motivated by totally baseless antisemitism; for no reason at all.
    • The need to ignore observable reality with respect to the behaviour of various people from various cultures, religions and ethnicities and their incompatibility with each other and the inevitable problems that arise when such different people are forced to live in proximity to one another.
    • Every race on the planet being able to be the victim of racism except for white people, who are the only perpetrators of racism on the planet.
    • In general, white, heterosexual males being if not actively “evil” unfairly advantaged by some “privilege”. Why this should be other than the success such white heterosexual men have achieved in human history, with respect to everything from military conquest to scientific achievements, through their own efforts, is never explained.
    • Avoiding noticing observable reality at every level. Stating that the average Caucasian IQ is higher than the average Negroid IQ is taboo. And apparently so would be pointing out that the average Japanese IQ is higher than the average Caucasoid IQ. We are not supposed to notice there is a preponderance of blacks that are faster runners than whites and harder to knock out by being hit in the head in boxing, nor that on average the median Australian aborigine is not going to do anywhere near as well on a maths test as the average Chinese. We are all supposed to be absolutely equal and if we are not we are all supposed to artificially reduce ourselves to the lowest common denominator, because apparently, if we are all as “efficient” as the most crippled, mentally handicapped, gay post-operation, transgender “lesbian”, that thinks math is racist, the human race will flourish.
  • The suggestion you should do anything outside in the real world instead of rot your brain with he “entertainment” just listed directly above, instantly makes you a right-wing radical, potential domestic terrorist and obvious racist that hates homosexuals and wants to burn them at the stake independent from the fact that homosexuals are at least eleven TIMES more likely to indulge in the sexual abuse of children (and that on the REPORTED cases, which are always a fraction of the total cases).

Now, if you got through all that without running yourself a warm bath with some nice razor blades and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the tub with you, you may also have noted that I barely skimmed the surface of what is attempted to be pumped into your brain on a daily basis.

But wait! That’s not all! They are also:

  • Poisoning you with everything from genetic serums while trying to call them “vaccines” to injecting the same genetic altering stuff in your food.
  • Literally also the vaccines actually poison you.
  • Make you sick in many and varied ways then sell you the cure, which often just makes you sicker or even if it works doesn’t address the cause, only the symptoms.
  • Creating nano-technology and deploying it that literally makes you prone to being controlled at a distance by technologies that go back at least to the early 1990s and absolutely exist and have been tested and proven to work.
  • Using AI to note patterns of behaviour and reaction to emotions as well as individuate you specifically, so as to be able to automate general responses they can get from you at every level, intellectual, emotional, logical. Which allows them to control from the individual to masses of people autonomously, to produce any effect they wish, from mass hysteria to potentially mass hallucinations (for “supernatural” events), to you specifically possibly going so far as committing suicide.
  • Creating a totalitarian surveillance reality where you can no longer be anonymous or even participate in basic things like movement, travel and food shopping unless you follow the imposed regulations which are becoming stricter, more limiting and more expensive on a daily basis.
  • Constantly ensuring the legal system punishes anyone trying to resist this reality they are imposing on you, while ignoring or even rewarding those who add to the chaos, indiscipline, crime, and general degeneracy we are increasingly surrounded by.
  • At every level and in every turn, denigrate, deny, ridicule and try o actively suppress any belief in God, your own mind’s ability to overcome all of the above and so on.
    • If you actually pay attention you will note that not all religions are treated equal:
      • Islam is fine.
      • Judaism is fine.
      • Generic Protestant “Churchianity” is fine. Especially if they fly LGBT-Pedo flags.
      • Buddhism, especially if generic chanting variety is fine or at least not commented on.
      • Hinduism is fine.
      • Atheism is not just fine but almost glorified.
      • Agnosticism is fine and goes uncommented, mostly.
      • Zen meditation, esoteric Yoga and so on is fine.
      • Wicca and Paganism (both essentially LARPS) is fine.
      • Even Satanism is seen as eccentric but not really a “threat”.
      • Catholicism (Novus Ordo variety, so post Vatican II Satanists in disguise but still weighed down by the cultural weight of actual Catholicism) is seen as suspect and not really fine, but, yeah, ok, as long as they are “Catholics” that support abortion and gay marriage, it’s “tolerable”. And the original latin mass (even if it’s not really original because Vatican II changed it) should absolutely be abandoned.
      • Actual Catholics (Sedevacantists) that still perform the original Latin Mass and absolutely do NOT recognise any of the Novus Ordo Clergy as even Catholic, never mind valid… Well! These are obviously dangerous would-be terrorists that need to be infiltrated immediately by every intelligence agency available, and their priests and bishops preferably made examples of, along with their beliefs needing to be ridiculed, slandered and libelled.

I mean, it’s enough to make you curious about being a Sedevacantist Catholic, isn’t it?

So, assuming you are least resilient enough to have got this far without suck-starting a shotgun, what now?


So, we have discovered the following:

  1. Your Mind is your real only weapon in life.
  2. There is plenty of evidence and even empirical objective facts, to indicate that your mind can be used to literally improve your personal situation and quality of life in ways that are almost magical. While the overall reality remains objective, quite a lot of what you can achieve within it, may be at least in part, subject to your own subjective internal states and ways of being, acting and believing.
  3. You are a drooling retard (don’t worry, me too if it makes you feel better. Well, ok, maybe with a little less drool for me, but still, let’s not squabble) and you’re not maintaining it or looking after it at all and have barely any idea at all of how to use it and certainly no real idea or experience whatever of using it as intended.
  4. Your enemy (or THE Enemy if you prefer, with help from his minions) is running your brain for you. Pretty much 24/7. Which in turns affects and effectively controls your mind.

And now, probably, you’re at the point where you’re “thinking” (because you’re a drooling retard, remember? aAnd brainwashed by your enemy too):

“Yeah, yeah, cool, but can I just take a pill to fix all this? Because it sounds like you’re going to tell us to do some heavy lifting, or some work, or some difficult, tiring things… oh… Gawd… I’m already tired just imagining it, I don’t even know how I got this far… this is TL;DR. Someone better tell me if this guy starts selling vitamins. I may buy. What’s on Netflix?”

The Solution

If you are a retard, you will find the Solution to both be:

  1. A lot easier than you thought!
  2. Too hard to do.

And you know you’re a retard right? Remember how we figured it all out, we’re retards? Don’t go forgetting now, while I recount to you what the solution is.

All you need to do is:

  • Ignore the mass media and entertainment world as much as possible. they are not reality. They are lies told you to control your thoughts. And in almost every single case have zero informative or useful content for your actual day-to-day existence.
  • Take control of your own emotions and brute force make yourself think differently. Make the thoughts generate feelings and emotions. Actually make yourself feel happy. Make yourself feel calm (harder to do than happy!). It really does not take a lot of practice to realise you can actually make yourself feel however you wish. And while yes, there may be some things that invade your mind with worry, and it may be extremely difficult to make yourself feel a positive emotion when such things are before you, you may still ne able to do so while at least “partitioning” or temporarily “putting aside” those specific things.
  • Become conscious of the effects of your directed feelings that you make happen within yourself on your body.
  • Use your mind to consciously alter things in your body. I first learnt to do this through martial arts, but I can change my heartbeat, blood flow to a limb in my body, or production of adrenaline consciously. You can absolutely help unblock a stuck muscle, a point of tension and so on by simply imagining the area and willing it to relax. You should experiment with different approaches. Imagine more blood flowing there and carrying away lactic acid and other toxins. Imagine a flow of energy opening and relaxing the muscle there. Imagine your breath filling and cleansing that area and your exhalations removing tension by expelling out of the body. There are many ways you can explore this and my book on Systema covers principles of relaxation and mental attitude in general in a lot more detail in case you want to go deeper than can be expressed in a simple blog post (despite it’s length).
  • Begin to grasp the concept of how prayer works. I described this somewhat in the very short book BELIEVE! And in this video I did a few years ago, here. And then test it out in your own life.
  • With regard to whatever evil shit is going on in your life, practice the concept of rejecting it positively in your mind. This is NOT the ignoring of an issue, or the doing nothing about it. But rather the conscious, positive, thought, which you must translate to a feeling internally, that this thing, whatever it is, will not beat you, and even as you take actions to better the situation, you keep this feeling internally alive. You don’t need to worry about your positive thought being “realistic” either. I’ll give you a silly but relevant example. I got bitten by some flying little bugs we have here that unlike mosquitos and other things are almost invisible and have me reacting to it worse than a mosquito bite. one such bite was between the knuckles of my left hand and itchy as all hell. Well, I just focused for a moment on it and “imagined” all the “poison” or irritant, or whatever, being ejected from the little hole I had scratched over the bite and after about a minute of this it stopped itching. I was surprised but not convinced so I practiced doing this with other bites and not doing it with some. Unless I do the conscious exercise the bite continues to itch even a day or so later. When I do the exercise a little scab of yellowish fluid forms and the bite stops itching within a minute or so. I didn’t think such a thing could work, but I also learnt to not let my expectations limit my attempts at doing odd things. I do try not to “fly” off tall building and such, but when tested at this level, what’s the worst that can happen? I stay itchy. And at best, I figure out a way to apparently eject whatever the little bastards pollute me with.
  • Now… think of that applied to things like chemtrails, nanotech and EM waves. I am not saying you can become an immune superhuman to all that stuff… but… what does it cost you to try to imagine your body and natural systems rejecting and becoming impervious to those things? And even if it “only” activates the placebo effect, since the placebo effect has been proven to absolutely improve things… why wouldn’t you do it? Are you some kind of retard? Oh… yeah… wait…

So there you have it. I truly hope you can take the journey with me from the left side of the curve to the cowled mystic genius side of it on the right.

After all, if your mind is your ultimate weapon, how about you start using it? And while defence might be the first thing you begin to use it for, in time would it not make sense to use it in offence too? And wouldn’t the first way to do so be to teach others how to use this formidable, unstoppable, weapon we all are born with?

You’re welcome. And I plan to keep sharing what I learn more directly than I have until now. Feel free to share your stories here too.

Life Imitates Art

It is not new for me to write some fiction that later gets revealed to be a lot closer to fact than anyone, including me, had ever thought.

It is also the case that my non-fiction, tends to both be correct as well as ahead of the current paradigm of how reality operates by several decades.

This has been consistently true in really all of my published books, starting with the Face on Mars, which predicted realities about Mars and its magnetosphere as well as many other aspects of the Face and related “City” that have now essentially been proven true even if the level of “noise” from NASA and other current events has had the tendency of sweeping most of these facts under the conscious threshold of most people.

This makes it so that The Face on Mars remains absolutely relevant today and still explains more about human history, what happened on Mars (with factual, empirical evidence, not some woo-woo opinion) antigravity technology, and its origins and consequences than any single volume work ever written to date. And despite one of it central concepts being plagiarised by journalists like Graham Hancock, they still get the baseline history and its rather obvious deductive conclusions wrong, mostly because they have their own egos and pet opinions to overcome. A problem I don’t suffer from since I am merely genuinely interested in the facts, wherever they may lead me.

My personal opinions or imagined flights of fancy I put in my fiction work, as I did over a period of almost 30 years in my fiction omnibus of three books collated in one: Nazi Moon.

And as it turns out, a lot of the fiction in that story, certainly as relates to the technology, but also as it relates to human history to some extent, has outperformed my wildest expectations, since many of the things I thought I was simply “exaggerating” for cinematic effect, in fact prove to be a lot closer to already existing technology than I was aware of at the time of writing.

This is not really all that surprising, because if you are interested in physics, astronomy, space-flight technology, and so on, as you discover some of the enormous lies we have been fed and discover the truer aspects of certain concepts and technologies —and then you find geological and astronomical evidence that fits perfectly with the discovery and the theory you might have pieced together— then, any speculative projections you might make in order to write related science fiction will likely have a logical projection and thread that is often going to fit reality. Even if that reality is hidden or unknown to you when you come up with it.

What I did not expect was that I was spot on even with my most recent fiction, (In the Shadow of Monte Castello) which is what I would call mostly fantasy. That is, the “science” part of my Inferos Vortex series is pure “handwavium”.

Or so I thought.

As it turns out, my absolute fancy guess at the “real” purpose of CERN, turns out to… well… actually be the real purpose of CERN.

At this point I really don’t know what to say, other than load up on silver, small forges, and get thee to a Sede priest right away for baptism and bottles of Holy Water!

And yes, I promise the Inferos Vortex Series is going to be very quick. Book 2 will be out this month, and we’ll see if I do a book 3 or more, but if I do I promise they will be fast on each other’s tails unlike my Overlords of Mars (Nazi Moon) series which took me years to do.

I can say this with some confidence because I wrote book 1 – In the Shadow of Monte Castello in a little over a week. That’s because I wrote it mostly as a divertimento thinking about the opening scene as I was walking on the fields of my property late at night. When I decided to put it down, the rest followed completely naturally and amusingly. I genuinely had a lot of fun writing it. And the same goes for book 2, which is already 80% done despite the last month having been extremely difficult time-wise, and the book being considerably longer than the first one. I will definitely get book 2 out in the next couple of weeks or so and then we will see if it warrants a book 3. Which I have no idea about yet, as I rarely know how things will go until I see where the story goes myself.

What?! You think I control all aspects of what the characters in my story get up to?!? Those guys all have minds of their own. They’d run off the pages and roam the world free if I didn’t keep them inside the computer on my desk!

PS: all links above are to Amazon versions for paper copies only, but a few books are only available in E-Book format only and all E-books are available cheaper and only directly from my E-book store here.

The Magnitude of the Lie

It is truly difficult to transmit to other human beings how massively almost everything they believe is either complete nonsense or a lie.

I occasionally stray into the human pits of despair that are online “debates”. They are not really debates at all, they are more like the entertainment of watching someone club stupid people to death. It’s not exactly soul enriching or worth the time. Nevertheless, given my gushing optimism for the human race, being as I think only about 98% of it is composed of absolute morons, it is necessary for me to once in a while dip my foot in the festering sewer that is the average normie mindset.

Specifically I have watched a few clips of Andrew Wilson vivisecting the “brains” of a few feminists, only fans prostitutes, and related NPCs.

In truth I had to force myself to stomach more than a few minutes of the absolute IQ sapping radiant stupidity that comes out of these women’s mouths, because it is so absurd it literally could set your nerves on fire. I don’t know much about Andrew other than he says he is married has children and is an Eastern “Orthodox” Christian. He argues dialectically and has the patience of a saint despite being a schismatic and not exactly a genius since he stated on one clip I saw that the Catholic Church agrees with the Eastern “Orthodox” but they don’t agree with Catholicism. That’s obviously nonsensical, but after all, he is American and probably raised Protestant, so making the shift to Eastern Orthodox is certainly a step in the right direction.

That aside, and also putting aside the absolutely completely degenerate mindset of the whores on the whatever podcast, it needs to be realised that while the women’s mindset may be on the extreme end (one hopes), the reality is that a LOT of the issues they “believe” in, stem from the pernicious lies spread by feminism and their ever-present (((pushers of degeneracy))).

It is hard enough to realise how wrong most so-called “normal” positions are on DIE (Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equality) but when the bell curve on one side is shifted so far into literal Babylonian total depravity, it colours the rest of life and redshifts it all that much closer to Hell.

Now, I am no prude, I have enjoyed far more sex and sexual adventures and partners than the average man by at least an order of magnitude.

I certainly understand the allure of the forbidden, the temptation of the taboo, and the visceral pleasures of the flesh. I also know that I am unlike most men. The things I can (and have) survive, or go through, or walk past would cripple most men. It is not an exaggeration to say that, nor is it a boast. It is simply a fact.

Some guys are better chess players or smarter or more able to design a functioning rocket, I just happen to be better than most at surviving situations that most men may well find almost impossible to navigate. And it’s not even necessarily the function of great intelligence, it’s more akin to a talent or perhaps lucky survivor’s statistics, I mean, they say that death, divorce and moving home are the three most traumatic experiences a person can undergo. I was close to, and lost all four of my grandparents between my early teens and my 30s. I had two divorces, the last one included my first daughter too; and I have moved home 54 times and am now 54 years old. I also started my “career” a number of times, in different fields, starting from zero and with little or no money a number of times. I also have 5 children now and a Catholic (sedevacantist) which was unthinkable say 15 years ago. So perhaps it’s just a matter of if you throw enough guys into a meatgrinder life, at least a few survive and maybe they get better at it.

My point here is simply that when I discuss the issues facing men (or women for that matter) who want to be in a proper, life-long committed marriage to form a coherent and traditional nuclear family, I am not just whistling theoretical dixie. You could say I have definitely been in the trenches, the air-raids, the tank battles, the drone attacks, the psyops and the treachery that the modern day “battle of the sexes” and all the absolute bullshit that is shovelled into people’s heads about men and women and their roles in society that goes with it.

Nor have I come through it unscathed. No one goes through that stuff without taking body shots, but the point is that I always had this intrinsic belief that no matter how much you damage me, if I am still alive, I will get up again at some point. Maybe I’ll be crippled, maybe I won’t be able to run or fight as well, but I will get up. And I will not stop.

That mindset has allowed me to walk through valleys and mountains of deceit, lies, intentional misinformation, propaganda, and false narratives that most human beings are not even aware are being actively perpetrated on them.

And after all that, these are the simple, basic, truths I have concluded make life MOST worthwhile to live, in no particular order:

  • Be a MAN. Honour your word and give it out as rarely as possible and only if you really must. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
  • God is real and he is the Catholic God, and the One True Church is the Catholic Church. The Novus Ordo “Church” is a Satanic lie and should be rejected even harder than the poor ignorant Protestant 40,000 denominations of nonsense. Catholicism describes objective reality bette than any other system or philosophy, period.
  • The most important thing you can do in this life is be a good husband and a good father and lead your woman to having the opportunity of being a good wife and good mother. Within this context, the following things are true:
    • School is a damaging prison for children and unnatural for the most part. If at all possible educate them yourself (assuming you have at least the basic tools and intellect for doing so). If not immediately possible try to enrol them in the most rural, small, ethnically similar school possible.
    • Going to work out of the home and letting your wife do the same so your children can be raised by strangers is unnatural and not good. Your work should be such you can show it to your children and they can learn from it if possible, but in any case, you should be present in their daily life.
    • Your wife should be the nurturer and shelter for your children from your disciplining and rules laying down.
    • Rules of life with regard to how to treat others, each other and family should generally be laid down by the father, and be in agreement by the mother.
    • A little corporal punishment correctly administered goes a very long way towards instilling discipline and respect and becomes unnecessary for the most part once the child has reached the age of reason.
    • For the best raising of children, the mother should make it clear the father is the most important person in the house, and the father should make it clear the mother is the most important person to him as far as respect and deference of the children is concerned, but both parents should also be clear in their action and thought and spirit that the lives of their children are more important than their own or even each other’s lives.
  • Children are perfectly logical, don’t lie to them and explain things calmly and gradually and truthfully and they will astonish you with the level of comprehension they have.
  • Do not ignore your children. If one of them is upset find out why and deal with it. If they are being a spoilt brat, punish them or educate them as required, but do not let things fester. Mental torture that lasts long is more damaging and less educational than a spanked arse in just proportion.
  • Justice above Law.
  • Courage is more important than intelligence, imagination more than knowledge, and faith more than wisdom.
  • There is no Love without Justice and there is no Justice without Love.
  • Marriage is for life and should be in Church and almost no one today is equipped to make it a truly life-long commitment. Finding a woman that understands this and is willing to fight for it too is exceedingly difficult, and may not in fact exist in the wild, and you may have to educate, shape, and lead them to this truth. It is particularly hard to get women to understand this because marriage involves sacrifice and the general solipsism and biological selfishness of women has been weaponised against them by Feminism since the early 1960s without any respite. However, it is not impossible. The Truth will out, but it takes humility for a woman to accept this reality, even when it smacks them in the face repeatedly in life.
  • Reject any woman that has any kind of entrenched feminist ideals in her brain. Simply do not even bother wasting time with them. Even if you are a hedonist secularist without any religion, even just using them for a one-night stand is very often more trouble and riskier than the simple, secular pleasure, of sex for a night or a couple of nights at most is worth. And entertaining any kind of relationship with such a creature is demonstrably going to be more damaging to your life than probably trying to sleep with a venomous snake in your bed for the rest of your days.
  • Most religious people are liars and/or ignorants who have no idea what the basic tenets of their religion are, but you should absolutely judge them and treat them as if they did know.
  • Most humans are driven by their emotions and the lies they have bought into. Study Professor Cipolla’s theorem and learn it well, so that you might be fortified against the reality facing you.
  • Antigravity technology exists and was re-discovered officially by Thomas Townsend Brown first, then developed much further by the Nazis during WWII and eventually by the US Naval Research Laboratories.
  • Yes, the financial system is essentially controlled by the Rothschild family and a few others, and yes, they do want to enslave the rest of humanity, and yes, many of them are honest-to-God Satan worshippers. Regardless of whether you believe in the devil or not, they do. Regulate yourself accordingly.
  • Do not be too afraid to speak your mind. Of course, time and place, the truth can and will get you killed at times, so exercise some discernment, but do not keep quiet in the face of any of Clown World agendas. They are an insane and unhinged minority, let them know they need to get back under the rocks from which they crawled out of and be silent.
  • Logic, reason and objective reality are important and real things. Learn them.
  • Free Speech is an idiotic and deluded idea that has never, and will never, exist as long as humanity exists. Realise this truth, even if you are American and have been brainwashed into believing such a thing exists or ever did. Honestly, actual unicorns are more likely to have existed than this absolute fiction.
  • The IQ Gap is real and having one in your marriage is not a good thing. try to find a woman that is at least within 30 IQ points of you at most. Especially if you are relatively high IQ.

You certainly don’t HAVE to take my advice on life. No one is forcing you to, certainly, but, I would at least consider the words of a man that had survived multiple combat situations I might find myself in. Or who managed to find a way to reconcile the world with a lasting marriage and creation of a family, or who managed to play the system into accumulating enough wealth to leave a good legacy for his family. We all have choices to make as to how we choose to live, die and what we want to leave behind, if anything. there are many more bullet points, but this is about what I can do in one post. If you want more detailed information concerning relationships, Caveman Theory is there for it.

The Magnitude of the Lie

It is truly difficult to transmit to other human beings how massively almost everything they believe is either complete nonsense or a lie.

I occasionally stray into the human pits of despair that are online “debates”. They are not really debates at all, they are more like the entertainment of watching someone club stupid people to death. It’s not exactly soul enriching or worth the time. Nevertheless, given my gushing optimism for the human race, being as I think only about 98% of it is composed of absolute morons, it is necessary for me to once in a while dip my foot in the festering sewer that is the average normie mindset.

Specifically I have watched a few clips of Andrew Wilson vivisecting the “brains” of a few feminists, only fans prostitutes and related NPCs.

In truth I had to force myself to stomach more than a few minutes of the absolute IQ sapping radiant stupidity that comes out of these women’s mouths, because it is so absurd it literally could set your nerves on fire. I don’t know much about Andrew other than he says he is married has children and is an Eastern “Orthodox” Christian. He argues dialectically and has the patience of a saint despite being a schismatic and not exactly a genius since he stated on one clip I saw that the Catholic Church agrees with the Eastern “Orthodox” but they don’t agree with Catholicism. That’s obviously nonsensical, but after all, he is American and probably raised Protestant, so making the shift to Eastern Orthodox is certainly a step in the right direction.

That aside, and also putting aside the absolutely completely degenerate mindset of the whores on the whatever podcast, it needs to be realised that while the women’s mindset may be on the extreme end (one hopes), the reality is that a LOT of the issues they “believe” in, stem from the pernicious lies spread by feminism and their ever-present (((pushers of degeneracy))).

It is hard enough to realise how wrong most so-called “normal” positions are on DIE (Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equality) but when the bell curve on one side is shifted so far into literal Babylonian total depravity, it colours the rest of life and redshifts it all that much closer to Hell.

Now, I am no prude, I have enjoyed far more sex and sexual adventures and partners than the average man by at least an order of magnitude.

I certainly understand the allure of the forbidden, the temptation of the taboo, and the visceral pleasures of the flesh. I also know that I am unlike most men. The things I can (and have) survive, or go through, or walk past would cripple most men. It is not an exaggeration to say that, nor is it a boast. It is simply a fact. Some guys are better chess players or smarter or more able ro design a functioning rocket, I just happen to be really capable at both inserting myself into very weird/freaky/dangerous situations and coming back out of them. Not necessarily unscathed, but at least not crippled either. Besides, you know that old saying, scars heal, and chick dig them.

My point here is just that what advice or strategies or tactics I could give would for the most part not be useful, and in fact would most likely be damaging for most people, so I try to refrain from writing for you the “how to survive the Demonic aspect of humanity as you delve in areas of Hell where even demons fear to tread”.

It would cause more harm than good.

But I do hope that you will at least consider my stories and conclusions. You don’t have to put your hand on a hot plate if someone tells you about it and what happens when you do.

So, even if I assume it will fall on deaf ears, please, try to consider the following facets of what I can tell you is the truth based on my over half a century on this Earth.

For Women

If you’re a virgin or have a low(ish) body count of say 3 or less, KEEP IT THERE.

And instead of telling you the usual things about religion etc, I’ll tell you about the actual, undeniable, brain science related to why.

I don’t expect any of you women that might read this post to do so, but just in case there is a freaky 130 IQ slightly autistic girl that wants the data, read Richard Semon’s The Mneme, and Mapping the Mind by Rita Carter, and read my own post on how the human mind works too. That will give you the basics. But since 99.999999% of you will not read those works, allow me to give you the cliff notes. Every time you orgasm and/or have sex with a man your brain literally creates neural pathways towards creating a pair-bonding experience that in nature is supposed to be very strong and lasting (for both of you but much less so for men, due to differences in biology). These pathways are powerful and get deeper and more meaningful over time. They literally make valleys in your brain where the neurones interact with each other (it’s why “smooth-brain” is an insult denoting absolute stupidity because a brain with no valleys literally has no neurones interacting very much at all). Think of it as inscribing an old style vinyl record. The more you play that song (bang that guy) the deeper and more rich and textured will be the song.

If on the other hand you have a new song try to re-write over the last song every couple of weeks, pretty soon it’s all just white noise and all you get is the very temporary high of the actual orgasm or “new” body experience. Guess what this does to your ability to EVER pair bond with a man to have a family, and children and a stable existence. It literally kills it. And no, you are NOT different. No one is. It’s literally how the human wetware works. Those onlyfans whores who suck dicks on camera for cash? Yeah, ASIDE from no man really wanting to ever wife up someone like that, even if they did, you will not be able to stay. You literally would not be able to commit and stick it out. Like a junkie, even if it was fillet mignon put before you, you would find some excuse to go get your fix and then get back to eating second-hand McDs from trash cans.

If you’re a middling slut say 4-8 body count.

Read the above. Make better choices and try and take your time in selecting the next man (see below) and try to indeed make it your last one. It will take conscious effort. You will need to overlook his flaws (we all have them) and acknowledge your own too (much, much, harder for women to do). You need to know marriage is about making and raising children together, and in that respect, you should absolutely fixate into your head that marriage is for life. Your next man is to be the father of your children. And make sure he knows that is what you are in the market for, and realise if you pocked the wrong guy… tough titties. It’s FOR LIFE. That is the WHOLE and ONLY point of marriage.

If you just want to ride dicks until you get too old and wrinkly to get any, and will die alone and have been partially eaten by your cats by the time the stench of your corpse attracts enough attention to be discovered, then, by all means, carry on. Just don’t bitch about the consequences down the line. And there is no reason to get married at all in this case.

If you’re an advanced slut 9-15 body count.

As above, but you’re already at a threshold of past recovery. Most women with this level of body count will struggle to remain in a marriage even when kids are involved. The typical female solipsism will almost certainly make them want to “find themselves” and “recover their joy” and “eat, pray, fuck (oh sorry, they’ll call it “love” but it’s not) and they will just “want to be happy”. If you’re one of these women, you need to take a ling self-appraising look in the mirror and at the very least become conscious of the neural scratchings you have all over your brains and what they are doing to you and your relationship/s now and will do to you in the future.

If you’re a complete slut with a body count of 16-30.

Chances are you’re unrecoverable and your chances of a happy family life are slim. Divorce and heartache are the most probable outcomes.

The same lessons as above apply. How you deal with it from here on is up to you.

If you’re a City-Girl/nymphomaniac/amateur whore (you don’t charge hard cash because it didn’t enter your mind)/borderliner/habitual drunken slut/etc with a body count 30+

Assuming no hard drugs, alcoholism, childhood sexual abuse, or other serious daddy issues are involved, you are probably a highly sexed woman with an actual nymphomaniac trend. In general though, at least some, and usually more than a couple if not all four things are involved. You probably need a time alone in some remote place to introspect and rebalance. Your neural pathways are a scrambled mess, but with almost superhuman like determination, you could write your own path. It’s not anything most humans ever do. But short of some miraculous thing happening to you, the chances of a successful family life are small to none.

Professional Sluts: Body count up to and over 100.

Whether these are actual prostitutes or just really highly sexed women, and regardless of the reason why —not because it’s not important, context always makes a difference— the reality is that their pair-bonding ability is non-existent. In the case of professional whores who charge cash for sex they may well have a body-count of thousands. And IF they get past the seeing men as simply wallets with legs (which is hard for most of them to do) and IF they somehow conclude they would like to be with someone permanently and into old age (rarely do they want any, or at least, any more children), they may well have a more rational and considered approach to it and paradoxically, because their pair-bonding capacity has been all but completely cauterised, they will be more able to observe more objectively what is there and thus, potentially at least, make not terrible choices. They might actually pick decent enough men to spend the rest of their days with. However, their ability to do so will be rooted in brutal practicality that may feel rather cold and calculating, and as such, not be exactly enticing for a man to bond with. On the other hand, such a woman, IF she decides she wants to be in a permanent relationship, may well go the distance. The amateurs (party girls who just liked the dick a lot, and/or were drunks or junkies or whatever) are actually more of a train-wreck likelihood for a permanent relationship than professional prostitutes.

This is basically playing Russian roulette with five chambers loaded. At best. Most times it’s like playing Russian roulette with a semi-auto pistol.

As for the women this applies to. I don’t know what to tell you ladies… you’re seriously broken. All I know is God loves you and that sometimes, if you really ask, He really does show you the way.

For Men

The ability of a male to pair bond is also affected by multiple partners, but not as much or as deeply as that of a woman. That’s just biology. A horn dog guy is far more likely to cheat on a woman he decides to settle with than leave her. Which is why, historically, in many cultures, the odd affair here and there was more or less tolerated and occasionally even the woman could have one (if with far less frequency and with far more social backlash if it became public) and the general attitude was to pretend it didn’t happen and continue the relationship. That dynamic is essentially not prevalent anymore and is instead switching to more generally dysgenic situations like open relationships where one or both partners also have sex with other people from time to time. I am here, referring primarily to the “first world” or the West, or if you prefer, the predominantly caucasian part of the planet, which is just under 10% or so of the global population. Most African, Indian, and Chinese and Arabic relationships still follow their cultural traditions and will continue to do so for some time yet. The overall result of this is that while birthrates in the West of caucasians continue to drop, the birth rates of non caucasians will continue to stay the same or drop considerably less than those. The eventual result will either be a hardening of racial intermixing by the caucasians or eventual racial extinction as eventually the caucasian side vets mixed into the other races to become a remnant only in DNA, perhaps like Neanderthals did.

My prediction is that both things will happen, and if antigravity capable space travel becomes more prevalent than os admitted to today, the eventual colonisation of other planets will have been done primarily by the people who invented and perfected the technology, which essentially means caucasians.

That is a side issue, but it explains the consequences for both the planet and those of caucasoid origin, for the destruction of the traditional family unit as caucasians have had it for several millennia.

Personally I all for preserving every type of cultural and ethnic type that is either not harmful to others directly, or is segregated into its own area and kept there where it is. So for example, I am entirely for leaving the people of Sentinel Island alone as they clearly wish to be, for Arabs not to have Catholic Churches or Jewish Synagogues on their land and so on, but I am also for there being no mosques or synagogues on Catholic lands and so on.

Of course, my preferences have nothing to do with the natural way things unfold (absent my making my preferences count, that is) and the likelihood of the traditions of my people (the Venetians) disappearing are real if we don’t organise and work against that.

As a man, this should concern you. And if it does, and you think about it, it becomes obvious that the root of the issue is first of all the nuclear family, and secondly, that that was held together really well by above all Catholicism. Not some generic “christianity” which permitted secularism and all its Satanry to infiltrate, including Novus Ordo “Catholicism”, but rather, full blown Catholicism which currently resides only in sedevacantists.

Once you have reached the intellectual, objective, studied, reasoned, position that the nuclear family and sedevacantism are both true and necessary for civilisation, the next step is to simply wife up and community up.

There are enough people already doing this in my immediate sphere of influence that I am aware of, which is quite a bit smaller than the sphere of influence my books and videos have created so far, that I am confident that there will, indeed be enclaves of, or city states of, proper Catholics. I predicted this way back in 2014 and it’s proving to be slowly starting to happen on a general level amongst the young, even if they often lack the details. Even so, it is enough to see there is a shift happening. And paradoxically, the harder the (((powers that be))) try to swing against it, the more zealously Catholic they become. It’s truly interesting to observe, but with that preamble, let us look at your position vis a vis the women described above:

For younger men (and all men in general)

It is invariably easier and more beneficial for you and more likely to succeed if you pick a woman with as low a body count as possible that is wither already on the right path with respect to Catholicism, or is at least willing to be led there. The leading is important and should never be direct and authoritarian. This generally comes across as rigid, is often the left-over puritanical Calvinist zeitgeist of the fake religion of Protestant binary thinking and is completely counter-productive.

Instead YOU be as good a Catholic as you can be and explain your position with logic, reason, and charity and empathy, while not making ultimatums or demands that are immediately final before you really understand the consequences of you doing that, which in the main will at minimum be the dissolution of your relationship. A woman that loves and respects her man will gradually follow his example as long as he is coherent with himself and reliable to her.

I am personally aware of maybe only one woman that started out as sedevacantist among those couples that got together after coming across my work, but all the others converted to it in due course. And happily so, because there was no imposition.

Similarly, it has been shown that if the father attends church, the children are likely to do so later in life to an order of magnitude more than if only the mother does so.

Women and children naturally want and feel good to follow the way of a man that behaves like a good father and husband. It is basically how nature and God has built us. Every son wants to look up to his father, every girl wants to do so as well, every wife too. And every man wants to look at his wife and children and feel overjoyed grace at their love of him, as well as the urge to do his absolute best for them because of it.

Your best bet for this is to start with selecting a woman that has her neurology as close to this as possible. Body-count is the quickest and most reliable data point on this.

For older or more experiences men

If you’ve been around the block a few times yourself, your ability to negate some of the worst aspects of hypergamy and solipsism in a woman may let you select some that are higher in the slut-o-meter category, but:

  • It will STILL be hellish hard, and,
  • You STILL need to have a sense of your initial selection that has a baseline of possibility

That last point means that while it is possible that an ex-prostitute, ex-junkie, or current actual nymphomaniac ends up making a really excellent wife for someone, the chances of it are vanishingly small, to the point that it makes miracles like walking on water almost pedestrian by comparison. And that’s just the first half of it. The second half of it is that even if such a woman has the potential, the likelihood that it is you specifically that will activate it are, again, in the miraculous side of things. In general, such a woman might come to the right way of being, only when matched with something like an ex-pimp/serial killer that has had a personal experience of God that has re-written his DNA.

Or as my grandmothers used to say, “God makes them and then pairs them up.” Meaning every freak probably has its counterpart out there. But that is not a strategy for finding a wife and making a good family. Don’t try for that possibility and don’t look for it.

It does not work from intention, and only happens to a very few random people by the Grace of God alone. Their road is not one anyone should try and emulate, ever. Please understand that.

The best advice for a man is for him, regardless of age, to steep himself as deeply as he can in Catholicism proper. To understand that EVERYTHING that calls itself Catholic after 1958 that does not explicitly reject all the fake Popes from Roncalli on and reject all the “priests” and “bishops” who do not specifically and clearly reject Vatican II and its fake Popes, is NOT Catholic at all.

My books, BELIEVE! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church provide concise and detailed explanations of Catholicism complete with many references you can verify for yourself, and have helped many people understand the magnitude of the absolute lie and lies we have been steeped in from birth, so they may be of use to you too.

But whether you buy my books or not, I hope you study the points I am making here. If you do so honestly, eventually, you too will join us, because in the end there are only two sides, and no one gets to sit on the fence forever.


If you have read this far, male or female, married or not, Catholic or not, if you bother to take the time to honestly investigate what I discuss here, I think it will profit you regardless of where you end up. At a minimum, you should be able to conclude that the nuclear family is ultimately the core of life, and that as such there is a philosophy of it that marries up naturally with reality.

Investigating honestly what philosophy that is that most reflects reality as we find it, and that is best able to predict things because it is in fact based on how reality really operates, if you are objective and honest, in the end, there is no way around it, you will see that Catholicism really is that Way.

And I certainly don’t expect you to take my word for it. I just hope you will look, that is all it will take; God will do the rest. As long as you don’t actively reject His Graces, (which we all can do, having the free will to choose poorly) then you will come to the Truth eventually.

The Entire Problem and the Ultimate Solution

UPDATE: This was posted yesterday and as I was surprised at the low engagement I came to look at it and the post had been deleted. Luckily we are prepared for such things and it is now restored, but it is interesting to note that it definitely was published yesterday as several people I contacted had in fact read it. What do you know, I must be over the target again. And if I get cancelled here, not to worry, we have prepared for such events if they happen.

Vox’s most recent post has helped me coagulate the necessary elements of communication that I have been obviously missing —those troublesome 30 IQ point bridges of communication— in order to transmit to the average person concepts that should be absolutely obvious to everyone, at least as far as I am concerned, but that are apparently completely opaque to the average person.

This has been so much so an issue that throughout my life I am continuously… not exactly surprised, but something similar to it, perhaps the right word is repeatedly disappointed in the average human response to various events and specifically to events of a wide-ranging, global nature.

I have lived long enough that it is not a surprise, and I concluded long ago that the average person is a moron that has quite literally not a single original thought in his entire lifetime, being driven by the nonsense he sees on TV or that the media in general presents as a narrative.

This infects everything and creates a reality that is many orders of magnitude uglier, stupider, more boring, irrelevant and inconsequential in every respect than it needs to be.

And I mean everything. I am not taking about merely technological advancements that would mean we could already be travelling amongst the stars, not just between the moons and planets of out solar system (and no, I do mot mean in theory, I mean in practice, the technology not only existed but was even already developed decades ago, and that’s before we even bring antigravity technology into it — see The Face on Mars for further details). No, I am literally referring to everything in your life, from the type of interaction you have instead of what it could be, with your child, your wife or even your pet or a walk in nature, to the experience of beauty, love and intimacy you could have for everyone and everything around you, as well as the practical, real world, effective applications of reality based technologies and methodologies that could quite realistically cure almost every ailment we know of and bring humanity to live on other planets.

I know, it sounds like utopia and a pipe-dream. I KNOW how it sounds, but what have you got to lose except a few minutes reading this, and what if I am right? Strange as it seems, what if I can show you just how twisted and insane and stupid what you think is the limit of how things are is?

And what if you spread this around and other people get it too? Because I tell you right now that from all I know about resonance and its effects, it takes approximately only 1/1000 of a population, whether of living beings or of things like photons, to resonate at the same frequency, after which a tipping point is reached and the rest of the population (of living beings or photons) all “convert” to the same frequency and you get an effect that is so unexpected, so miraculous that it completely shatters the previous paradigm.

Simple light becomes a laser that cuts through steel. A population of frogs all suddenly learn a skill none of them previously even had. A small vibration becomes an earthquake. And I am not even convinced we need 1/1000 of the entire world’s population, which given we are about 8 billion now would mean 8,000,000 people. And Eight million people is not that many. There are plenty of YouTubers with many more followers than that. So this article could easily spread through the aether and change the world. The ideas I will present here are certainly not beyond anyone’s grasp in and of themselves. The difficulty is not in understanding or even testing and realising the truth of any one of its components or even a few of them. The greatest difficulty is in understanding (and verifying if necessary so it is real knowledge, not merely a theory held for a few minutes only to be discarded because it makes us feel uncomfortable) each part of the whole theory, each component, and then holding them, or putting them, all together into one coherent whole and seeing how each part affects the others and causes the inevitable, inescapable, resonating effect that no force can stop. No human force or even demonic force if you believe in such things.

Because unexpected as it may be, while each component part does not in itself necessarily present as part of a greater and more wholesome whole —in fact, some parts may even appear or even be, brutal, separate and “ugly” in and of themselves— when joined and infused with the other parts they too change and morph into something altogether wholesome and truly a harmonious whole.

So, allow me then to present first each component part of this larger idea. Each subset is simple, easy for anyone to understand and verify for themselves, you will not have any trouble here. The second half of each of these steps is to show you how that very simple and obvious truth was perverted and changed to the point that you yourself, while agreeing with the obvious point later come to think of it more in terms of “yes, but…(insert insurmountable objection here)” instead of “yes, that’s true and obvious and not a problem or difficult to put in practice.”

The third step is the big one, and that is to show you that if you can keep the simple and obvious true concepts in mind all together and link them, you come up with a system of behaviour for yourself and humanity at large too, that produces the “miraculous” conditions I mentioned above. The beauty of this is that even if you are the only one to do it, your own life will immeasurably improve in every way. It will not be the “miraculous” fly to the stars version it would be if at least 1/1000 of the planet gets it and acts it too, bit it will still kick the crap out of whatever your life is like now. Big claim? Sure. Real? Absolutely. Demonstrable? Provable? Yes, also absolutely. All you need to do is apply the concepts I will list below and understand how and why they have been perverted, and reject the perverted version and apply the original, true and obvious aspect together with all the other true and obvious and original aspects. Just doing that, I guarantee you, will absolutely change your life for the better.

And to be clear, better does not necessarily mean easier. Easy is a mutable concept and you may want to remember that old meme, that lists a bunch of things that are hard, and their opposite also being hard, and ultimately coming down to you choosing your hard.

For example, learning to read is hard. Being illiterate is hard. Choose your hard.

Being healthy is hard. Being unhealthy is hard. Choose your hard.

So I warn you now that like everything else in life, this too is like that. Reading all of this and putting it into practice is not easy. Continuing not to do it is far worse. So, choose your hard.

Right then, to the concepts first and later to how they have been perverted.

The Simple, Basic, Truths, and their Inversions



1. Physical Force Trumps everything else. 

Regardless of if it’s money, gold, status, influence, etcetera, when push comes to shove, physical violence is, always has been, and always will be, the final arbiter of any conflict resolution. 


Corollary to 1. 

Eventually, anything important enough, will come down to physical violence.









2. Objective reality exists

It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, if you like it or not, if you understand it or not, or even if you are ABLE to understand it or not. Every single experience of life we have confirms again and again and again that objective reality exists and is absolutely the same for everyone in the Universe. Your delusion that you are living in a dream, can fly, have your own “truth” or anyone else does, is absolute nonsense and has zero impact on reality, other than causing harm to yourself and anyone else stupid enough to believe such lies. You can easily disprove this by trying to flap your arms to fly off the fifth floor of any convenient building, thus removing your own delusion, as well as the negative effects of it for anyone else inclined to listen to your nonsense.




3. Equality has never existed and never will. this is an objective aspect of reality. 

Men and women are intrinsically different. Each man is different form every other man and groups of people of a certain ethnicity, culture or religion differ from each other in massive ways. While philosophically no one person has more of a “right” to life or is even necessarily “superior” in every respect (because the superiority depends on what you are measuring) only a mentally deranged person is unwilling to admit these differences, and similarly, only a coward is unwilling to admit that they affect much of life. People of differing origins, cultures and religions, should, as a general rule, stick to their own kind for the most peaceful and best results. Diversity and proximity inevitably results in conflict and conflict eventually leads to violence (see rule 1 above). The only sensible approach in life is to be aware of the differences, accept them, evaluate them on their own merits and act appropriately in the context within which this all takes place. Broadly speaking, each person should generally stay in their own nation, marry and reproduce with his or her own kind and people, and respect any different cultures or nations when visiting them. Genetic assimilation is not really possible in periods that relate to individual human lifetimes, and generally are not a good idea. While regulating these things with laws is seen as cruel and inhumane, there isa path to it that is acceptable. Reducing permanent immigration by foreigners to a small percentage in each case, using work-permits or temporary work visas, being tough on illegal immigration and so on is all perfectly humane and sensible without affecting any but a small percentage of people. The exception should never govern the rule.

4. Everything you do and say has consequences. Always did, and always will.

“Free Speech” is a completely Freemasonic idea that was perpetrated and could only be believed by possibly the most gullible population on Earth: Americans. It has never existed in the entirety of human history and never will even millennia from now. It is an idea so stupid that I was aware of this even as a young teenager, immediately upon the first time I came across the ridiculous concept.

5. Almost all political systems devolve into a struggle for the levers of power by those implementing the systems. Secular system absent a divine doctrine do so faster by orders of magnitude.

The only partial bulwark agains this has historically been been adherence to religious principles that unfortunately do need to be enforced and invariably the enforcers tend to become corrupt over time and correction becomes required. A system that recognises this and has produced the best results and been tested over many centuries, and has so far produced the best results for humanity has ever seen has been Catholic Christianity. At least until it was infiltrated (which took centuries) and perverted and twisted to produce the fake Novus Orco inversion of it. The only remnant of it being the fast-growing Sedevacantist (or unchanged and original version of) Catholicism. A corollary to this may have been the methodology invented and adopted by the Venetians to elect a Doge. No other system on Earth was as concerned with Justice as Catholicism. While other relatively stable systems did exist (Shintoism under Feudal Japan, Taoism under Imperial China, Traditional beliefs under the iron-fisted empire of Genghis Khan, the Rule of Imperial Rome prior to Christianity, Spartan culture, and others) none of them lasted anywhere near as long as Catholicism, which, though much reduced, still exists, against all odds, and has risen again and again throughout history, despite events that should have snuffed it out (the Arian heresy, the Roman Empire’s persecution of it, the infiltration of it by Satanists (Freemasons), the destruction of the protecting arm of the Church (the Royal houses of Europe)). Furthermore, it continues to exist and once again is growing. It is also single-handedly responsible for the largest increase in Justice, Beauty and the behaving with Virtues (Courage, Temperance, Justice, Fortitude, Loyalty, Honour, and so on) than any other religion, ideology or philosophy in the entire known history of Humanity. 

The Catholics are the only people to originally ban Usury and recognise the Christ-Killers (Jews) as needing special prayers for their salvation, since they had chosen to be generationally guilty for the crucifixion of Christ.

6. Jews do NOT have the same belief system or veneration of the same virtues we have. 

They simply believe they are the Chosen people, the only ones with real souls and everyone else is a beast of burden designed to serve them and no perpetration against them, including murder is a crime in their belief system. Present day Judaism is Talmudic and the laws of the Talmud are absolutely clear that anyone not a Jews is at best a beast of burden for the Jew to exploit.

Their ejection from some 110 countries or more is the direct result of their behaviours towards the host nations, and not a coincidence based on irrational hatred of Jews for no reason. 

The Talmud specifically states any crime including murder of non-Jews is not a crime and that having sex with children under the age of three is also not a crime, along with many other behaviours that are intolerable to normal people being perfectly acceptable when perpetrated on non-Jews.

The BIS (Bank for international Settlement) is a giant superbank that yes, does control the finances of the entire planet and is run by the Jewish Rothschild family among others, though under a hidden veil of secrecy for the most part.

1. Violence is wrong, evil and never the answer.

From “toxic masculinity” to “words can never hurt you” to jailing people for self-defence or even defence of others, we have all, globally, been trained to believe violence is ALWAYS wrong. This is, of course, and absolute lie.

Corollary inversion to 1. 

Certain classes of people/crimes should NEVER be responded to with violence. Women, homosexuals, the criminally insane, or whatever. This is, of course, just a furthering of the lie. If a black, handicapped lesbian is about to stab my child, you can bet your ass I would happily turn her head into a pink cloud and sleep like a baby, consequences be damned even in current clown world. In a sane world, of course, such an event would just be followed by the crowd giving a gentle golf clap of approval.


2. Everyone has their own “truth”

A man can be a woman, women can be men, men can get pregnant, everyone is equal but black/brown/off-white people are oppressed, homosexuality is perfectly normal, natural and to be celebrated, “adopting” babies from surrogate mothers to fulfil homosexual fantasies of having a “family” is not child trafficking and a perversion of the very essence of human nature. Pedophiles are just normal people and we should all accommodate them because age is just a number, sex with children is fine as long as the child “consents”. The objective statistics on child sexual abuse by homosexuals, higher incidence of suicide by sexually mutilated people undergoing a “sex change” and the incidence of violence in lesbian “marriages” are all just coincidences or part of a vast right-wing conspiracy, as Hillary Clinton would put it. I could add about 17,000 other insane nonsense to this list. You get the idea.

3. There is only one race, the Human race.

And everyone is equal. Except if they are white, then they are more racist, evil, oppressive and undeserving than anyone else. Racism can only be done by whites. George Floyd was a saint murdered by a racist policeman and no factual proof that he died of a heart seizure induced from a fentanyl overdose and that he was a violent criminal that threatened and injured a pregnant woman, among other felonies should ever be brought up. Systemic oppression, internalised misogyny, and internalised racism are real things and don’t you dare say otherwise. The fact that an Australian Aborigine and a Swedish woman look about as different as any other subspecies of creature might, and also have measurably different cognitive capacities and drastically different approaches to everything from problem-solving to adequate medical care or food consumption is not to be noticed. The jews are also absolutely never, ever, ever, the bad guys. they are victims and always will be, even when they genocide other peoples. Also, stop noticing it.












4. Free Speech is the best and truest way for a “democracy” to work.

This lie was invented simply so the Freemasons could ignore blasphemy laws to begin with and gradually every other moral, ethical and decent concept of behaviour. 





5. God is dead and Science and Secularist Atheism is the only sensible way forward. Please ignore the 100 million dead bodies this ideology in its various forms has produced in just the last 100 years or so. Above all, Catholicism is the worst of all, and filled with dirty pedophiles (ignore the fact that they are known as poor victims called Minor-Attracted-Persons when not part of “Catholicism”. Further ignore that such people were burnt at the stake in higher numbers than any other class of perpetrator during the Spanish and Portuguese inquisitions and were never tolerated by the Catholic Church prior to the Vatican II inversion and the first of the current fake Popes from 1958 to today). Every other religious belief is also not ideal, but they are ALL, without exception, better than Catholicism. Catholicism is the absolute worst. It is also the only religion that is specifically “antisemitic”. Well, originally anyway, the Novus Ordo has finally realised the Jews are like our older brothers and we should respect and revere them.






















6. Jews are persecuted innocents that can’t help being so successful in so many spheres of life because they are just smarter and more hard-working than everyone else.

Their success has nothing to do with nepotism, bribery, blackmail, underhand financial behaviours, usury, murder, or any other immoral tactic. It is also illegal and antisemitic, to notice that they have a higher incidence of child sexual abuse than anyone else, that their Talmud specifically states crimes against non Jews are fine, or that sex with children is acceptable. In fact, criticising the Jews in general or suggesting 6 million of them did not die in the Holocaust (even though they admit as much even in the Holocaust museum in Israel) is a crime and punishable by imprisonment and fines in many areas around the world and it should be a crime to criticise Jews anywhere by anyone in the world as per NOAHIDE Laws. The idea Jews control most of the world finances, mass media and entertainment is just a lie, And when it is demonstrated it is not a lie it is just because jews are so intelligent and successful.

That will do for now. Just six little (big) truths and if you can process them all at once in your head, then some other very basic, also simple, truth naturally will coalesce out of knowing the six above facts. In brief these are:

1. The need for a holistic, virtue-based (real virtues, not fake ones promoted today like the aptly named D.I.E. Ideology (Diversity, Inclusivity, Equality) system of belief that is as much as possible resistant to corruption, infiltration and subversion is required. It must necessarily be:

  • Based in reality
  • Exclusive of those with bad intent
  • Inclusive of those with good intend but remaining separatist in terms of culture, ethnicity and cultural preferences
  • Promoting of meritocracy based in virtue and achievement
  • Helpful to those weaker or less able but not to detriment of those stronger and more capable

2. The need to act as required in defence of the natural order of things, that have formed part of the most successful system of beliefs that has brought the most good to the largest number of people in the history of Humanity, that being, being the nuclear family, traditional marriage, traditional male and female roles and a reliance on honour, beauty, truth, honesty, charity, mercy and justice. But never at the detriment of truth, and above all justice. 

3. The need to reject as a whole the current system/s of control, which ultimately means the need to separate yourself from the need of FIAT money, at least until when such a new system has been implemented that does not permit usury and does not rely on the current systems of banking in place as control mechanisms. In the short term this means to achieve the self-sufficient production of food, clean water and energy for your immediate family and then your expanding community guided by the above points.

4. The need to have the capacity to protect yourself, your family, and your way of life, by all available means and avoiding violence when and if possible, but including it when this is no longer possible to avoid, under the principle of self-defence and Just war.

If you do realise these four principles, then you may find that the initial point is in fact, the cohesive belief system. Because without it, nothing lasts in time. And that System, as far as the human experience goes, has been Catholicism. It really doesn’t matter if you like or believe this, because remember, objective reality is a thing, and if you bother to study human history at all, the benefits of Catholicism overall, compared to any other system are simply undeniable by anyone even remotely honest. If that is the case, and if you are honest, then at the very least it deserves further investigation; and if you feel so inclined to save yourself some time you may wish to read Believe! (short quick read of a couple of hours) or Reclaiming the Catholic Church (more than five times as big as Believe! and packed with references you can verify for yourself.) But in any case, you need not buy my books specifically. Just educate yourself and see why Catholicism worked and still does. Then get up and begin forming your own community of Sedevacantists or join one of the ones already in place and forming, like the one I am building.

Once this veil of lies has been ripped from you, you can begin to see, even if you are not yet a catholic, so much of what you believe is an absolute lie. From the way you relate to your spouse or children or co-workers, to the way we live, work, and think about money, time, life in general, education and human worth and value as well as fundamental concepts like sex, marriage, love, intimacy, and so on. If the interpersonal relationships interest you, then you can also read Caveman Theory, which unlike the other books is NOT available in paper format on Amazon due to its content being politically “unacceptable” as is all truth today and throughout most of human history. 

In any case, realise that you are in no way as powerless and without options as you feel. And that the people ruling over you have almost no power once you see them and their lies for what they are and begin, without fanfare, without rage, without much of anything except steely-eyed determination, to remove yourself from their systems of influence. Use, leverage, and make us of their systems as you can and must in order to remove yourself gradually and permanently from them. Consider these simple but very true facts:

  • Taxes are not needed to have all the services we currently have
  • Fiat money is NOT the only way to have mediums of exchange
  • Leaving your family to go and work in order to provide for them is not how things were done for most of human history
  • Tangible assets like land and gold do not lose their value regardless of economic fluctuations artificial or real as they may be
  • Force trumps everything in the final analysis, so be able to deliver it if necessary
  • Respect from your spouse and children is not optional and never was throughout human history
  • Charity and cherishing your wife is also not optional towards her
  • Your physical ability matters, but your virtues are measured in your actions and inactions aside from your specific talents or lack thereof and remember that God often prefers to use broken tools to make His point
  • Putting your children in a box where they have to sit for 5 or 6 hours to learn mostly by rote a bunch of things that are aside from learning to read, write and do various forms of mathematics, as well as learn real (not falsified) history is not education but indoctrination
  • A violent reaction to an injustice, in proportion to the injustice, is perfectly natural and normal, regardless of what local laws may say about it. Obviously, acting intelligently in this regard is also not optional. Proportionality is also not optional. Killing someone because they bumped into you or damaged your car, is not acceptable. Killing someone raping your child or attempting to murder you is. 

Think through these concepts and see if you still recognise the world we currently live in as even remotely sane.

The Power of One

This post is one of those simple ones to summarise and extremely difficult to get into people’s head or to take positive action in their own lives with.

The basic message is simple:

Keep going. Literally every meaningful discovery, real progress, increase in truth, beauty and justice was inevitably the effort of one man (or less frequently one woman) against all odds.

The trend is that the lone individual, working endlessly, sometimes for years, makes the discovery/breakthrough/whatever that is to the good and then he is promptly buried, forgotten, and his name often also dragged through the mud as the vultures in human form take up his work as their own, slander it while aggrandising their own plagiarisms and so on.

This is the pattern. If you study any history at all, it is the process. Everyone knows Einstein, no one knows the names of the people whose work he shamelessly plagiarised, reworked and pretended to have come up with something brand new. Tesla changed the world more than any other single person except Jesus and yet until a couple of decades ago almost no one knew who he was or what he did. Only the internet brought back his relevance. Everyone knew who Edison was or Marconi, neither of which invented what they are known for first and in fact they stole it from Tesla and even didn’t make a good a job as he had. I know the feeling, since Graham Hancock did a similar thing, taking my The Face On Mars, plagiarising some concepts from it and STILL getting it wrong. But such is life, and such are journalists. Hancock, has made millions and I struggle to maintain my small farm. And Tesla died destitute and Edison was wealthy.

Maxwell figured out the equations and Heavyside crippled them.

Tesla created the alternating current motor and wanted the world to have free energy and JP Morgan and others saw to it we all have to pay for it.

I figured out a pivotal part of human history and the context of it and Hancock still can’t figure out that context in a way that makes coherent sense. Then again, his surname tells us all we need to know about him.

But the key difference is that the people who MAKE the discoveries are almost universally not doing it for the fame or the money. They are doing it for the literal pursuit of truth.

If and when you come across such people, regardless of the fact that like all human beings they will have their flaws, it is important to support them as best you can. I certainly always have and always will.

I was reading Agent 13’s third post on UVALDE and what it cost him, and it is very true and an important point to note that not only is it only one guy that usually figures something out, but if and when that one guy is taken out, a lot of truth is lost. My books are already out there, so there isn’t too much I am worried about, also because I think I have reached a sort of equilibrium with the powers that be. I am not large enough to be a worry, and the things I say, while true, tend to be on the esoteric and general side of things, so while at an individual level for those that take on the concepts they absolutely can be and are life-changing, it is unlikely to form a massive movement of tens of thousands of souls suddenly ready to be my armies of conquest. Also because I tend to avoid wanting to lead anything, and what little I do in that regard I do grudgingly and because it is needed and even then only in a small way. Which is not to say that if a million men suddenly decided to make me their warrior-king I wouldn’t put them to use, but in reality, I neither seek nor particularly want that. It would be a horrible pain in my backside and a distraction from the things I care about. On the other hand, if I did have a cadre of people willing to work hard at a few things, the positive effects that can be had are huge and more than the sum of its parts, which is why I keep slowly building up my little fiefdom.

From the Agent’s Post:

Thank you so much for being a paid sub! There are a lot of people out there who attack certain authors and try to get them to quit, but when I feel like giving up, I remember that there are also people out there who find what I have to share of importance enough to take money out of their pocket and share it with me and that’s a really big deal because you don’t have to do that, especially when inflation is at an all-time high and everyone is struggling. I also financially support those I find to be of importance in our movement. We are awesome souls because without support, Truthers feel alone, stranded on an island in Clown World and there’s nothing left to spread Truth for. 

Writing this series has been really difficult for me because it forced me to divulge my failures, mistakes and problems in my life including marriage issues, none of which are comfortable topics. It would have been so much easier to just write about my Uvalde findings and leave out everything else but I think it’s important that people get a glimpse into how evil and secretive The Powers that Be really are, especially toward researchers who look too deep. If you look back at Sandy Hook, there were thousands upon thousands of people digging and exposing so much information. Compare that to Uvalde and what do we see? A couple dozen people truly researching and thousands of others sharing their content. Where did all the Sandy researchers go? Well, we know many ended up dead, and based on my experience, a large portion had their good lives fall apart due to a sudden onslaught of happenstance.

Notice that? The Sandy Hook researchers that were actually the real researchers, not just the “spreaders” tended to die off in bizarre ways. Like the 9/11 researchers which now I think number in the over hundred dead bodies. Like the FTL (faster than light) researchers that started to disappear in the 70s, 80s, and 90s (today everyone is to stupi-fied by Tik-Tok to even read a full length novel, never mind research high tech stuff.

And yes, I have definitely been subjected to a few psyops over the years. Most notably and frequently in the 1990s after I published The Face on Mars and a little bit after the updated version in 2014. And a bit after the Systema book. I have been shadow banned and throttled in many online endeavours, losing a Youtube Channel that was really quite harmless but has proved impossible to regain control of despite repeated attempts and appeals to Google to do so, and so on. Anyway, none of this is really surprising, bandits will try to protect their turf and exposing them, their lies, their crimes or finding a way to avoid them and their extortions is bound to attract their attention in one way or another. Yet, to sit there and worry about it is pointless. Anyone that is worthy of being called a man will do what he does, regardless of the threats levelled against him.

And yes, they will go after your reputation, your marriage, everything. And God only knows how many men have been crushed by the Satanic forces and their demon-ridden puppets over the millennia, but after all, our very own Lord was crucified, so its should come as no surprise.

And that is my point. The point of this post is NOT the slings and arrows you might incur. That’s just to be expected. The point of this post is simply this:


If you have a passion for truth, whatever aspect of it you are digging into, carry on. It is only such people that create good things for humanity at large. And it is always single individuals or at best a pair of them, like the Wright brothers, say. Do not get disheartened, do not give up.

The Power of One is unbeatable and it begins with you and your spirit. One man not only can win against 10,000, he can inspire one million, and change life for all 8 billion of us down the line.

The secondary part of this post is this:


When you come across some crazy bastard that is trying to build a free energy machine and has survived a couple of freak “accidents”, fund him as best you can, even if it’s just five bucks to buy him coffee. You never know, that coffee, at the end of a crushing year, might just be the one that gives him that added neurone firing that will help him create something that will change the world. While we are all broken flawed, weak, nasty little creatures, it has been my experience that ultimately there are only two types of people. Those who love the truth and will die pursuing it if need be, and then there is everyone else.

As with my own version of the Male Socio-Sexual Hierarchy, (Alphas, Betas and Scouts) this is surely an oversimplification, (Truth Seekers/Everyone else) as there are many subsets of the people who do not choose to pursue truth relentlessly, and many of them are good and even decent people, but from my perspective, how relevant are they? What are they going to change? At best, they are logistics supporters. Which don’t get me wrong, they are saints; those who support the doers help immeasurably, and without them, nothing would get done, but they are even more anonymous than the lone genius, and more importantly, without them, the lone genius will likely still get there. Just much later and perhaps only at the end of his life.

But the fanatics are the ones that make the difference.

Certainly in those who are not fanatics for truth there are a huge number who enjoys truth well-enough, but just not when it hits a bit too close to home. Or when it exposes very unpleasant realities they don’t want to face or even be aware of. And we all do this to some extent. While I am a fanatic in regard to Truth, when those adverts or docu-dramas come on about starving children in Africa or the trafficked ones in Ukraine and so on, I change channel. I click elsewhere. It’s not that I don’t know about that stuff. I am more aware of it than 99.99999% of humans on Earth, which is why if I ever come across people involved in those activities in a nice remote area of say the Gobi Desert, there will be a slightly more composted patch of it after my passing, but I don’t need that reality, of which I am already aware, forced any further into my skull, since I am not going to dedicate myself to solving that particular problem. Not directly anyway, because even if I went super special forces and was funded by some oligarch to take out bad guys, which I admit would be a job I not only would enjoy, but think I would excel at (given a few caveats), the reality is that the mechanism that allow these realities to be in place would not even be dented by that approach, at least not very noticeably, and the truth is that such a “solution” while emotionally appealing is unrealistic.

If, however, you manage to get humanity to simply not rely on the entire concept of banking and the issuing of fiat money however, that would be really disruptive to those parasites pretending to be human beings that indulge in such activities.

Instant gratification is fun, but in serious matters I tend to play the very long game.

In a typical aspect of synchronicity, when I came here to write this there was a comment on my previous post by Sasha of Synlogos, which is a great aggregator of various blogs and sites that in the main spread (overall) a more positive approach to life I think. So go there and bookmark his site and then go visit it daily for updates on all your favourite zealots; of which, I hope I top your list.

But above all, never, ever, ever, let the bastards grind you down. And even if they do, rebuild yourself and get right back up. This is the Way.

To Young Women

This post goes out to them mostly, but really to everyone too. We have all been subjected to the absolutely toxic and dysgenic ideology of the narcissistic Boomers and their destruction of all that came before them that was good and healthy and worthwhile. They built nothing, climbing on the corpses of the things they destroyed only to aggrandise themselves while feverishly blocking their own offspring from either being born in the first place, or any effort to have them catch up to them.

And while there are exceptions here and there, the extremely absolute vast majority of boomers are an absolute toxic sludge of modernity, self-obsession and narcissistic demonry. And to one extent or other, we have all been polluted by its stench.

So… please read this post at Sigma Game, where a comment by a GenX lady was posted in full. Read the whole thing there, but here is the pivotal jist of it:

Most women are natural followers and need an in-group of other women to build and grow their identity. And the older Boomer women who should be our matriarchs are STD-ridden, Diamond Princess-cruising nightmares.

When I left my stunningly-successful-early-in-my career professional position to (a) stay home with babies and (b) turn my professional skills toward supporting my husband’s business endeavors, every single one of the Boomer women in both of our families let me know how shocked and disappointed they were in me. How I was setting myself up to be too dependent on my husband, and was throwing away all the opportunities they fought so hard for. This included both my mother who was living vicariously through me, my you-go-girl mother-in-law, all three of their sisters, and three boomer aged step-sisters.

Notably, all but one of them are divorced. The one who isn’t is miserable. So it didn’t take long to look at their lives and think, well, if they’re all disappointed in me it must be the right call for not ending up as a miserable old biddie like them.

And the comment on it by Vox is spot on:

This woman did exactly what I fault young women, particularly of the Millennial and Gen Z generations for not doing, which is paying attention to the outcomes of the older women who are attempting to advise you! Misery loves company, and failures love giving advice; in both cases, the wise young woman will reject both.

However, this will inevitably create a challenge for the woman who has neither mentors nor matriarchs from whom she can learn. I know one Gen X woman who rejected her Boomer mother’s insane ways, but it took her literal years to learn how to cook, clean, and make a home from scratch as a post-college adult, because she had no female role model younger than her grandmother upon whom she could rely.

Both the lady who wrote in and Vox absolutely right. And I can attest to it myself, since I certainly did not have a good role model for marriage, but I was lucky enough to spend a few formative years with my grandparents, which on both sides were an model of stability so solid that as a child you just took it for granted. And that is not because things were necessarily rosy between my paternal grandparents. But whatever things they may have gone through, it was kept intensely between them and never touched us as their grandchildren. The love they had for us was never conditional or faked. The primary concepts my brother and I picked up in growing up were probably limited to a limited warrior code of being honest, keeping your word, not taking any shit from anyone, but not be obsessive about it. Justice was the thing, not your ego. And self-reliance, mostly not because it was taught but because we were left to our own devices pretty much unless it was something extremely serious. And even then, sometimes it was down to us anyway. I suppose you could put it down to being raised by a Sigma boomer father in that respect. He wasn’t very present and when he was it was mostly corrective (even when he was wrong). But that all said, I have no animosity at all towards the man, and he certainly always came through when it counted, nor was his love ever in question. Even so, I can’t say the example we had was a good one, in terms of creating a stable family life.

My wife had even less of any kind of even distant view of a traditional marriage and family life, and it has indeed taken her a long time to find her way in even the basics, which given my own examples probably made everything harder on both of us. One thing that has however held everything together is that we both have either a learnt or natural element of deep loyalty. In general, to each other, and to our children. It is an odd kind of loyalty, because it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s shared in the same way at the same time, we are only getting to that point now, after 7 years of marriage, before that, I would say it was our own, individual sense of loyalty and justice that kept us on course even when things were not ideal.

And certainly, I think a lot of grace, or divine assistance too, came into it. By all metrics, our marriage should have been an absolute train derailment, caused by a car-crash pile up on the railway, due to an airplane smashing into a level crossing. At rush hour.

Instead, it’s starting to become what I might have imagined in. my most fevered and fantastic imagination, as an idealistic 16 year old wondering what the perfect life might look like.

And if I have to point to a single thing that made it most possible (you know, after miracles, divine intervention, possible cohorts of angels and so on) when it comes to our human attributes, I would say that it is without a doubt my wife’s ability to do something that very, very, very, very, few women are truly capable of to any decent degree, and it is this:

She has the capacity to pause, review, and recognise logical paths before her and her own errors regarding them.

It is really quite astonishing, because she is absolutely female. Her emotions are truly like a storm at sea, both in the good and the bad. I really believe no man has any real clue the levels of emotional tides that women experience, and I say that being a man that clearly has a wide range of them beyond most normal men. The astonishing thing, which I tried to transmit also in Caveman Theory, is that the more of a safe realm you give your woman’s emotions to run free, yet are able to keep them also “contained”, that is allow her to do her freak-outs but don’t get phased by them nor let them steer you onto the rocks of dissent, disrespect, or utter madness (and that last one can be hard to define!), the more, if she is at heart a healthy person (and not a raging narcissist, in which case, you may not survive) she may become able to reason herself back to sanity once the tsunami of whatever it was has passed.

Perhaps it’s because she’s English. Those people have the almost alien-like ability to simultaneously not know themselves very well or very deeply, and yet to try to do so by the use of cold and calm logic. Unfortunately the study, use and practice of logic in the last century or so has been vilified, negated and denied to most people. So, great damage to this ability has been done, and the Anglo-Saxon female realm has gone from trying to reason things out during the calm between emotions, to the simple rationalisation/justification of whatever emotion happens to be running them in any given moment.

Certainly she also has an IQ that is well above average, which also helps, firstly because there isn’t an actual 30 point IQ communication gap between us. Or at least, mostly there isn’t and those little gaps that can happen if not taking the time to examine them can be bridged by a calm conversation.

But whatever the reason, she has the ability to do logic if given time and space to do it. She still needs to sometimes be “corralled” to the “logic box” because there are things that otherwise will be ignored for years, and being that as well as extremely feminine, she also has the tendency towards wanting to be as free as the proverbial mustang running in the prairies, that corralling is really something only a vastly experienced cowboy with the talent to make it an art might be able to do. The fine line has to be taken that she has to see it for herself. The corral, needs to be seen from a distance, because if she suddenly finds herself in one, even one of her ow making, then it’s usually panic stations and red alarms going off. And she also has to see it is good, from a distance, because again, it might be perfect but if in her imagination it comes as a sudden imposition she will panic without even evaluating what it is. And then see has to see it is not a prison but a home, a place you return to, not one that prevents you being free, but in fact one that allows you even more, and real freedom, once you accept the responsibilities of it.

It is not always easy, and I have never been a patient man, which may be a curse for some, but perhaps, in her case, it is a good thing. Pretty women invariably get away with murder with men. Most are too timid to even point out certain things, never mind make it something they will insist is part of their life. In short, sometimes, it takes a bastard to point a spoilt pretty girl in the right direction. It is not a trope in all the girly romantic novels for no reason after all, cliched as it sounds.

But the point is that above all, as I have been saying for literally decades, women need to begin to learn how to do actual logic. Their wild emotions and crazy feelings need to be learnt to be put aside and things reasoned out. And not with a view to justifying their feelings, emotions or what they want to happen, but so that objective reality can be evaluated and where they have lacunae (gaps, holes of knowledge, behaviour, understanding, intimacy, or whatever) they, not their husbands, not their children, not society, not the universe, not God, but they, they themselves, need to change and take the appropriate action to rectify and improve the issue. Very few women do this process consciously.

Most women who have read this will at this point be screaming at the screen, saying that sentence is so much nonsense because they…(add endless list of self-recriminating statements here). So let me explain it another way, and if you are a woman, please, put your emotions aside and pay attention.

Being able to observe yourself critically but in an objective fashion is very difficult for all human beings, men as well as women, because we are mostly selfish, weak, petty, ego-driven, flawed, nasty, little creatures. Yes, all of us, in varying degrees, but all of us.

Women, being far more governed by their emotions than men, naturally find this exercise far more difficult than even most men. Compounded by the biological solipsism intrinsic to women, which they can no more help than other attributes of their biology, and it is really quite hard to do. This process, has nothing to do with, and is very different from, the constant self-recrimination that most women who are not actual full-blown narcissists do. Allow me to give an example that will be instantly familiar to any woman.

Every normal woman, no matter how physically attractive she is, will invariably find some flaw with herself if standing naked in front of a full-length mirror. I know because I have observed this myself with literally every woman I have been with. And trust me, at the risk of sounding arrogant, I have had some very pretty girlfriends. And yet, they will absolutely crap all over themselves about some non-issue, that can range from the shape of their fingers, to the way their hair falls on them, a slight defect like a birth-mark, a tooth that is not perfectly straight, you name it, they will see flaws that no man would care at all about when looking at the rest of them. Women do this not just about their bodies but any number of other utterly irrelevant things.

If I ask a friend over to my place, it hardly makes a difference to me if there are dead bodies stacked by the front door. He’s my buddy, he’s not coming over for the decor. My wife (and this is natural and a good thing, I am not saying it is not) will freak out and try and spic and span the whole house like a tornado if the postman is dropping a parcel off and I invite him for coffee. She is starting to learn (the hard way) that in rural setting with 5 children, she may as well ask for herds of unicorns to line up outside for filming. But regardless she still gets rather upset at life, the universe, and sadly, herself, for not having things as perfect as she would like.

But I am not talking about these sort of recriminations. they are mostly a slight disease of the mind, quirks, and the general approach a man should have is to try your best to put her mind at ease and let her see her efforts are appreciated and her “flaws” are meaningless or even endearing to you.

When I talk about correcting a behaviour or flaw, I mean important shit that can fuck up your life, like excessive solipsism, or disrespecting your husband for some idiotic feminist concept that has no place in a healthy society. If you are a stay at home housewife and your husband works all day, learn to cook. Learn to take care of the home. And if you think that is “below your standard as a woman” then explain to me why driving a truck for 15 hours a day and getting a back injury from it, or being a plumber and literally fixing people’s shitty pipes all day, or an. oil rig driller and being covered in slurry and toxic shit day and day out is not below a man’s standard. looking after your family as you are able to is your duty. And yes, we all have duties if we are human beings even worthy of the name. And yes, your duties are more important than some fake, magical, Disney/Hollywood fairy tale life. If I need to crawl through a pile of rotting dead bodies for my family to be safe and happy, I will not even hesitate. Hell, I wouldn’t hesitate if I have to MAKE the pile of dead bodies before I crawl through it. And I full expect my wife to be able to do the same if called upon it. Though I will volunteer first for the dead bodies stuff, so it’s only fair she is the primary cook at home. There is absolutely nothing intrinsically wrong in each one having different roles. Not respecting those roles or not performing our duty-bound actions in their regard is the problem. Not the thing or the doing of the thing.

The moment women learn to do a lot more logic than they have been taught in the last hundred years, the sooner they will get back to being the kind of heroines that their grandmothers and great-grand-mothers probably were; with the added bonus that the “feminizing” of the men that has taken place over the same period, has resulted in the minority of men that have remained men, instead of becoming metrosexual, androgynous, confused fools, better able to appreciate a woman who is properly a woman instead of a spoilt brat or a slovenly slattern.

In short, the attitude that having a big family with lots of children, that being as self-sufficient as possible, and that the traditional roles of a wife and husband in a traditional family are not just good things, but things to aspire to, today takes a conscious effort to understand and put into practice. Plus, as the doing so is not necessarily easy or the process entirely rosy, you need to work at it even as you gradually get an appreciation for it as you climb over the hurdles, especially at the starts, which without fail tend to be rooted in the following:

  • General laziness
  • General selfishness (greed for time to waste, consumer crap no one really needs, keeping up with the Joneses, lust for ever-changing sexual partners and gratification, gluttony to eat/travel/do as you please every minute of your day outside of work because your duty is ultimately and primarily focused on your having as easy a life as possible, gluttony for distraction TV/videogames/random hobbies with no real effect on your life)
  • General weakness. The usual “It’s too hard” without even trying. “I don’t know how” without ever trying to learn or find out. “I’m just not that kind of person” (too lazy). Which all falls under my label of, well, guess what, if you had a guy shoot you in the foot every time you whined about how you can’t, you’d learn to do it hopping on one leg after the first shot, and you would learn it right away. So it’s a matter of laziness and weakness of character ultimately.

Now, if you are wondering why anyone should put themselves through so much just to have a numerous and worthwhile and loyal family… well, I can’t help you. You’re probably the kind of person that will never do, achieve or teach anyone anything, other than possibly as an example of how not to be.

There is no substitute on Earth for a functional, loving, big family. I didn’t have one like that growing up. Neither did my wife. But we sure are going to keep working at making sure our children (and ourselves) do.

Reason 792 not to fear AI

Gavin Mounsey reviews the latest offering from probably bobble-head from India via AI through Amazon.

As a writer, I decided long ago, that even if I turn out to be like one of the last survivors of the Apocalypse, in a spirit similar to the stories of PKD, I’ll still be writing my stories the old-fashioned way, that is, from my brain, not some pastiche glued together by Indians and AI in the unholy union of incompetence that such pairings inevitably form.

The extent to which I have used AI so far is simply in the production of two covers, one for the book The Crusades, and the other for my latest divertimento, my rather well-received “horror” genre, In the Shadows of Monte Castello. The Crusades was a test run, really, to see what would result. And In the Shadow of Monte Castello is a book I wrote for pure fun (and to my surprise the test readers all enjoyed it a lot, which tells me perhaps I should just write what entertains me!) and as such I just wanted a quick cover to use. There is also a partial element of AI on the cover of Caveman Theory, but again, this was mostly a test. I could have just as easily used stock images. All the other covers I have designed myself although they were at times put together by others, or by artists commissioned to do it.

I do not fear AI at all. And neither should you. Familiarise yourself with it, use it if you really want or must, but realise it is just a soulless, dead thing pretending to be human. It isn’t. And it never will be, no matter what the insane transhumanists would like you to believe.

On the most important aspect of life

Recently I have been too busy with life to cover some of the things that really matter. And mixed in between my busy life I had several different examples of young(er) men either believing in the despair of modern times, or having bought the black pill on women, or relationships, or life in general, that I tried to answer to them briefly individually, but it brought home once more, why I write.

And in this regard, although most people would never pair these two very different books this way, I think both Caveman Theory and BELIEVE! are possibly the most important I have put together. Caveman Theory is only available as a digital E-book because there is no way Amazon or the other big stores would carry it, as it exposes a bit too much truth for the various peddlers of lies, while BELIEVE! You can find as a paper book there too.

In a way they are the opposite ends of the spectrum. BELIEVE! Was written from the perspective I wish I had encountered when the very concept of Christianity in general, never mind Catholicism in particular, seemed not just absurd and stupid, but even actively evil. There is no denying the Pedophiles and Satanic nonsense and protection of the Pedos that goes on in Bergoglio’s false Church, and Ratzinger’s before him, all the way back to 1958. They ARE evil. Not just as individual fake Popes and priests and Bishops, which the Church has always had, but in their entirety, as an organisation, the entirety of the Novus Ordo fake Catholic Church IS materially and demonstrably evil. And while a LOT of good people remain in it, through ignorance mostly, the same excuse cannot be held for their fake clerics. So of course one would think Catholicism is evil. And I did too. Because they fooled the whole world and what they practice now is the destruction of Catholicism. No one who does not remember Pious XII, who died on the 9th October 1958, has even ever seen or heard a Valid Pope. You’d have to be at least 80 today to have been ten when he died. Every “Pope” after him, every one of them since that day, has been an impostor. But that is a topic I cover in far more detail in Reclaiming The Catholic Church. In BELIEVE! I just cover the very basics in a way I never encountered when I was not Christian.

When I was a man that believed primarily in the concept of having a word, that is a man who kept his word, and had the concepts of honour, truth and justice, but no sense of any god whatsoever, and trusted only in reality as I saw it, and my wit and reflexes to navigate life. I had therefore spent my life in martial arts and doing whatever interested me most. I had spent time with many different women and even got married and divorced twice and all the pain and trouble that goes with that, and I’d hand plenty of extreme experiences in every respect, including supernatural ones that would have made any normal person believe at least something rather deeply. But nothing had moved me from my engineer’s and real scientist’s perspective of requiring empirical and objective, factual proof. I had theories. I could explain any of the supernatural events with multiple possibilities and ignore any subjective internal preference or feeling.

Being a little on the spectrum but high IQ does allow you to do that, objectively and fairly, which is why to the outside world they can sometimes assume I am some kind of sociopath, which is absolutely not the case, since it is not that I do not empathise or do not have feelings. I do, and they are usually stronger than most people’s because with a greater imagination also comes a greater ability to imagine the pain of others, but the advantage I have is a wiring of brain that means I cannot help but see the logic. The numbers. The cold reality behind it all. A little bit like Neo in the Matrix I suppose, while others get stuck in the emotions of the apparent situation, I have always been able to see the code flowing behind it. And then I can use that to get back into the apparent reality better armed and ready to take it on, which can make those more embedded in it assume I am some unfeeling alien. Capable and efficient beyond the norm, but unpredictable and at times apparently unfeeling to a degree that gives normal people a level of fear and discomfort they would rather avoid. And I, for my part, would rather avoid their frightened eyes and small minds too. I know they can’t help it and that it is me that is the “freak” from a statistical perspective, so their reaction is predictable and to be expected. But it is no less tiring for me.

Had I come across someone that had written BELIEVE! As I have —that dealt face on with the reality I saw every day and didn’t dodge the questions I had— in short, that would have presented the arguments as I have, and as I saw them, from someone that had done and been in and had done to them, everything from violence to fear, to love, and lust, and betrayal, to both pain and pleasure unexpected and surprising, perhaps I would have gone on to study the truth about Christianity sooner, and maybe I would have saved myself decades of unknowing search.

Well, in that respect, I think that little book BELIEVE! has succeeded. Many men and several women have now converted to Catholicism (the real one, Sedevacantist as we now need to specify in these times) in part at least because of that little book. And then have gone on to find their wife and marry her and now are awaiting the birth of their first child. These are all couples under thirty where the men range from being far from innocent, to generally originally fairly honest men if not necessarily pious.

In that respect then, BELIEVE! is more a text written for those men who wild and unafraid though they are, still have that sense of truth inside them, that will keep them seeking. Like me I guess, if you never stop, eventually it is true that you will find it. But it may take you twenty years or more than it should.

I wanted to help shorten that time. As far as I can tell —and honestly, to my great surprise— BELIEVE! Succeeded in that beyond my wildest dreams.

But some men (including me as I used to be) are really not interested in reading how some fool found God, and a Catholic God at that?! What nonsense. What a scam. Why would I pay some tenner or more for it, never mind read the stupid thing? No. I knew better! And besides, there is pussy to chase and women to fuck! Training and fighting to be had, and missions to accomplish! Fuck that kneeling fag and his cross.

Yeah. I been there too buddy-boy. So pick up your shield and run and charge. Go crashing into all the dragons and enemies, made of the illusion before us all. Fight hard now, mind. Don’t you slack off and be a weak-kneed bleeding faggot yourself now, you hear? No whining and self-pity when you get hurt and bleed like a bitch and are hurt and alone. No god before you, no god behind you, right? So get up. Stand. Fight hard you little bitch. Stop whining. So you go ahead and you do that. I guarantee, hard as you are, if you really do that without ever relenting, you will, in time, find the truth. And I can tell you three things about it now you might remember when you do:

First, it will take you a long time and it will hurt. You will learn and see and live through many things most men never do. But it will hurt and hurt bad. And when it does, if you quit, if you finally lie down and just die, you lose. You don’t get to find out the truth. This is the reality for most such men. The vast majority. But if you do make it, you will look back and see how long and how much error and pain you suffered that was unnecessary, and much worse, how much of it you caused in your zeal. In your honest search. In your best way… how so very wrong you were.

Second, you will know, even against your wish, against all your long-held beliefs, even if it were against the deep story of your ancestors you learned to love, against your best arguments and feelings, these two things: Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, the only King, and you owe him your eternal allegiance, and secondly, the Catholic Church is the only one that has always stated very clearly all of what that entails, and even the rules you don’t like have a logic and a reason and a divine sense to them, and following them can only result in good. There is a third little corollary to this, and it is that the Catholic Church is much reduced and only a few priests and bishops remain, they are called sedevacantists and hold to the eternal truth of their predecessors faithfully. The actual Vatican does not contain a single Catholic in it and is infested with Satanists and probably vast arrays of demons.

Third: you’ll think me a bastard for not having been more insistent that you read BELIEVE! Or at least G.K. Chesterton. But like you, I only found Chesterton after I already had my road to Damascus event.

Anyway, the fact remains many would not even look at BELIEVE! Almost on “principle” thinking I’m just another idiot/grifter/liar spouting Jesus nonsense.

But some of those guys might be interested in what I certainly was all my life: women.

Pretty, sexy women. Especially the ones willing and able to get naked with you and do all sorts of sexual stuff with you. And how to convince the ones not willing, to become more willing. Not in a bad way, not to just use them and get rid of them to hit some magic number of conquests. At least for me that was never a thing. I enjoyed women and I wanted our time together, brief or long, to be good and happy and fun for us both. Most women couldn’t keep up with me intellectually and very often physically too, so the long term stuff tended to become a kind of myth. A Shangri-La of legend, but I never became bitter or angry at women. I just treated them at the level they treated me, and moved on when they irritated me beyond a certain point, which in my case has always been a fairly low threshold, so… there was a lot of moving on. Originally, as a young man my intent was not to bang around as many women as possible. I just wanted one good one. Life just seemed to make that impossible for me. Or maybe me for them. So I just carried on. I wasn’t finding The One but hey, whatever, I was finding numbers two through to whatever, and enjoying the journey. But ideally, sure, I would have liked to find The One. And when I thought I had maybe found her a few times, it turned out to be a mirage. An illusion of my own mind, really. It was only AFTER, the road to Damascus event, only after that, that I realised how badly my own perspective in all this, women, sex, relationships, was lacking truth.

Not because I was such a liar or deceiver to women in general or any of them in particular. In fact, as a general rule I was brutally honest with them, which meant I was called a bastard more than a few times. The lack of truth was in my not having understood, or perhaps it is better to say in having forgotten, what the truth of love is.

We are all born with it originally (excepting maybe a few serious neurological malformations in the brain or soul).

I remember as a two or three year old playing in the dirt with this little girl my age, I still remember her name, Susanna. And I have since forgotten many of the names and even faces, of the women I have been inside of. So much so that I took to writing their names down at one point, because I knew otherwise I would never recall anything about them. Maybe not even any of the intimate moments. But I still remember little Susanna. Playing with her and feeling so content for that brief moment in my grandmother’s garden. Expecting nothing of her or her of me, and just being at peace and serene with her presence there to keep me company as we played. Even as a child my life was far from settled, so maybe it’s that, though I doubt it as I never saw the moving and travelling and changing country and all the rest of it as bad. It was all just a giant adventure, and I liked exploring, always have. So I really believe, as I look back now, to one of the very few clear memories I have from that age, now more than half a century behind me, that the sensation stayed with me so clear and so long because it was maybe the first time I truly experienced the real sensation of peace, and calm and calm joy that comes from love, unimpeded by anything else. Innocent, as two or three year olds are.

And that aspect, is not there anymore when you have fucked and fucked and fucked yourself into dozens of women and them into you, your heart and theirs battered and scarred by all the violent emotions of a life lived in the world and of the world, where the subtle truths of real meaning float alone only inside yourself, unable to connect with those of others except very briefly into a moment of brutal force you exert on each other to feel something. Where even the tender caresses are brutal and painful because ephemeral and not joined to each other’s hearts even when we might see them. You are there and I am here, there is no One.

So now I saw that. And I saw how I had lived and believed, and not for being a bad guy or having any bad intent, but how even so, my vision was so wrong. So mistaken. Honest. Brave even; persevering for certain at least, but alone almost always, even if not lonely. And just… mistaken. And then I took up to trying to read the Bible. And I read Ephasians. And Corinthians. And then I saw.

Then I remembered Susanna. And I knew.

I was always fascinated by astronomy. I have always understood from a very young age the distance between the stars. I was about four and certainly no older than six when I first understood what a light year was. And how far galaxies are from one another. Well, in that moment, in my bedroom at night, alone, in London, in that apartment on the Thames, the second one, not the nicer first one, after reading Ephasians, I sat there and realised how far I was from the truth of love.

That one person I had sought since I was sixteen, consciously, and then just as she became a blur of faces and bodies and orgasms.

My way of being, who I was, was so far from a man that could experience that kind of love, the real one, the one we all want and seek deep down, that I felt the distance between galaxies was short and nearby. I felt as if I was at the outer reaches of the know Universe and moving in the wrong direction anyway, the inertia and momentum of the Big Bang, making it so, regardless of my desire or even intent.

I knew then that at 43 or 44 years of age, either 10 or 11 years ago now, I forget the year but I suspect it was 2013, that I would never know that love I had unknowingly been looking for all my adult life. It simply was not possible for me. I was too far. Too far gone, too much seen and felt and experienced. There weren’t even any other humans out there, much less a woman that could or would love me that way or that I could love her that way, and she be able to experience it. It just was not a thing that could exist. I wasn’t bitter or angry or even very sad about it. A little lonely maybe, but not desperate or torn. Like an animal in a field. A dog alone somewhere with no owner and no pack. Like any animal alone. They feel a kind of something akin to mild sadness, the knowledge they are alone, but there is no sense of self-pity or tragedy. Just like getting wet in the rain. It just is.

And so I knew.

And I had seen and felt God by then, as much as any human being can without bursting into flames anyway, I guess. So I knew it was real and just how it was. And I carried on. I still had to work, and eat, and live, and yes, to fuck too. I carried on seeing women, but far less frequently and there were almost no one night stands any more. Not intentionally anyway. And I tried to put up with their nonsense calmly, because I could see now, who was I to judge them and their ways, after all? Me the voyager at the edge of the Universe. How much closer in their idiotic and irritating ways were they anyway compared to me, to a semblance of truth?

And I could not feel too much, anyway. Which paradoxically meant I spent more time with those women who are most damaged and irreparable. Their own errors of perception and life making them also… voyagers. Not as far lost as me, for they at least were ignorant of their condition. They may have not been all that far from the truth of love as I was, but their blindness meant they could not see the distance anyway. Nor could I explain it to them or even open their eyes. I could, at most, stay near them as best I could, if I could. It was another kind of loneliness. One I felt more than being simply alone by myself. The one woman I ended up spending the most time with in that twilight zone of the senses I was in for some years, was so damaged and hurt and broken, that I think there is a genuine possibility that she was at least partially possessed. She certainly exhibited aspects of it anyway. And whatever it was, emotional instability, or partial demonic influence, despite it, on some level, I did connect with her. It was fractured and partial and unhealthy probably, but on some level I did care for her, or I tried to anyway. Then I had a year in Venice. She came to visit a couple of times, but mostly I was alone and working, and I knew Venice would heal me in the most painful way possible, because that city is so beautiful it hurts. And to be there alone, walk its calles late at night, be alone in that splendour in spring and summer, and the mystic fog of autumn and winter, Christmas and New year alone, and my birthday and the ones of friends and family all far from me… it purifies your heart with beauty and calm.

And I started talking, messaging really, with a girl I had met almost a decade earlier. And just writing to each other on telegram. Sharing our lives and some things that happened in them. And so on.

The story with that possibly possessed woman ended badly. As I knew it probably would. And my work with the people that had me transfer to Venice ended in a similar fashion when I exposed to the owner that his managers were taking kickbacks.

In the films the guy who does that is the hero and wins, right? Well. I knew better, because I’d been in that position before, just not at the money I was getting paid this time. But money is just money. I like to have a clean shaven face mostly, and that requires looking in a mirror in the morning. I could have kept quiet and file false reports and would have had at least 100k stashed away which sure would be helpful now, and I don’t and I didn’t. So I kept my personal sense of honour (which I stress is only mine and may not even look remotely good to anyone else, but it is mine, and it works for me) and lost the money and the job. I moved back to London and then, that girl I had been talking to… well… we talked some more. In person. We went for dinner. We kissed. And then, one day, she just moved in. And yes, now we have 5 children between us, and yes I am no longer alone on the outer reaches of the Universe, but the whole impossible journey does not make any sense if you try to look at it with normal, human eyes. But that is where we all start from.

So I wrote Caveman Theory, to take the journey in the other way. Not after a fall, that like with Saul, blinded him for four days and then showed him God and made him a zealot that wrote half the New Testament as Paul.

That book I already wrote, and that’s BELIEVE!, and then I followed it with my attempt at doing a Thomas Aquinas, and laying out the case for the Catholic Church, and how to reclaim it in detail. And it is no wonder that both my books are both much smaller than the works produced by people they aspired to emulate (unconsciously until this very moment, and only in the dimmest sense, to form an analogy). I am no Paul, nor a Thomas Aquinas, but nevertheless those are the equivalent products insofar as my mind is able to emulate them.

Caveman Theory is the journey of the man who lives in the world and is of it and cares not for religion or God. All he knows are his senses and his untamed heart. And women (or men, if you are a woman). And if you are still a little bit human inside, however deeply buried, then, the thing you want, on some level, is to find that One.

And you may be blind. You may remain blind. But even so, in some way, even the wrong paths can lead to Rome. Honesty at least with yourself is a must, but perhaps, through your pursuit of love, in all the wrong places, through, lust, and emotion, and pain, heartache and sex, if you at least stay honest with yourself, and read the concepts in Caveman Theory, you will gently begin to see more and maybe your eyes will open when you see that ultimately, even with no God at all, with zero preaching on my side, just with the practical and the factual human truth before you, when it is stripped of all the lies, you will see a Truth that is larger than the mere whole. At least, that is my hope. And if not, well, then at least you’re still more likely to find a lasting relationship with the concepts in it than not.

Good luck soldier, or madam, as the case may be.

I hope my efforts are a help to you, it is, truly, the only reason I write anything, other than a small amount also for personal amusement (my last book In the Shadow of Monte Castello was mostly all just fun for me, but even then, a little of it was done for others too, even if less so than in any other book I have yet written so far).

But regardless of whether you ever buy a single one of my books or not, I sincerely hope you find your true Way. Your path. And that means the right people to share it with. And as far as I can tell, God intended for us to not be alone, so that means also that you find the right wife or husband for you, and are able to recognise her or him when you meet them, and not waste time in between.

God be with you in your search.

It’s All About the Science, Honest

Yeah, man! Because people like Rowling are just artists, and people who write for New Scientist are just, like Scientists, you know?

And what’s going on in Haiti, now led by a Cannibal military leader who wears a Freemasonic symbol as a prominently displayed necklace, is obviously just perfectly normal scientific research for the betterment of mankind.

It’s obviously done on an island to retain proper scientific controlled conditions. Clearly.

And anyone that thinks there is a massive influx of demonic and satanic influences becoming thoroughly exposed since the planned covid scamdemic is just a paranoid religious bigot.



Hey, you, the guy who looks like you might want to become a religious bigot, here, you like that? How ‘bout this? Maybe a little of this too, you know, to keep the little lady happy too?

No, you’re more like real science guy eh? Okay then, I got some of this, which explains pretty much everything, or maybe this, to fight off depression, ya know?

Look, I got plenty of stuff, you just gotta tell me what you like.

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