I realise that for most millennials and zoomers the second world war is mostly something they confuse with another legend, about something that happened long, long ago, in a Galaxy far, far away. Nevertheless, if you really want to understand something truly real about how this planet actually works, why all the screwed up things that do not make any logical sense are the way they are, and far more importantly, how any of them might change for the better, a global overview and understanding of human history is required.
See, if you are born in a work camp in North Korea where starvation, death of you and anyone near you at the whim of a chubby dictator, is the norm and so on, you would have no idea of any other life. You would almost certainly not even be able to THINK of escape, or a different life. After all, it’s all you know. Your starvation-level substandard food and poor to non existent health-care —-when it’s not actually experimental medical procedures performed on you for purposes that have absolutely nothing to do with bettering your situation—- are certainly not there to help you think better.
When ALL the information you have and have ever had is that you must fawn over dear leader like a God or die, you can’t possibly even imagine a world where you own your own home, car, clothes. Where you can research and read and learn what you want. A world where you can criticise, disagree or perhaps even get involved in the running and bettering of things.
How can you? You know nothing else.
Well, reader, you are that child. You are that innocent that has been raised in the intrinsic lies of a prison planet. And no, I am not exaggerating.
Oh you are undoubtedly better off than the Korean hypothetical child (except they are very real people too) if you can read this, but believe me, when I say you have absolutely no idea of what COULD be, in fact, you don’t even have a clue about what SHOULD be. None, I assure you.
And in order to even BEGIN to have the tiniest clue of what the reality really is, you need to have context. History. Information. Real information. Factual information. In short, you need the truth, however fragmented, however imperfect, about what actually exists beyond your immediate reality. Beyond the mental prison walls you have been raised from within.
That North Korean child needs to know history. If he knew that the place he was born into is just one, that almost everywhere else on Earth he would have a better chance at all those freedoms he can’t even entertain in his mind as aspirations, well, that knowledge might frustrate him enough to try to escape, but he would likely fail. He’d be like a rat in a maze just looking for an exit, and the people controlling the maze have plenty of experience at killing and neutering such rats. The whole of North Korea is designed to do just that.
If that North Korean child has access to the truth about his country, if he could see hundreds, or even thousands of years into the past of the region that is now North Korea, he would have an overview, an understanding, that NOTHING could remove from his mind. He wouldn’t just have a burning frustration in his heart and soul. He would have knowledge. The kind of knowledge that can become power. The kind of knowledge that is not just an ephemeral idea that vanishes on waking, but rather is the driving force that makes one plan and work and build a way to not just escape the immediate situation of the mental and then physical prison you are born into, but also to destroy the evil that has created the conditions that have been crushing you and your very core, your spirit, and robbing you of your deserved calm and peace and love and wealth and the very possibility of living a life that is an absolute joy and an adventure. A life where your efforts are not syphoned off, along with your very energy for life, by a vampiric system that has you as hooked up to despair as surely as a cow in a factory is hooked up to milk draining machinery.
Once you know the truth about what went on before, what used to be, and was taken away from you, what life was like and how, projecting that existence into the future, yes, we should really all be living an existence that currently we don’t even find in the most optimistic fantasy fiction, well… once that happens, you simply can’t forget. Can’t pretend you no longer know or have any alternative. Once you KNOW, you become a force that cannot be stopped.
It does not even mean you become a freedom fighter hiding in the hills. Your simple knowing, will literally begin to change the course of history. And your spreading of that knowledge to others becomes like a positive infection; a contagious dis-ease, that makes people naturally begin to gravitate away from the perpetration of the lie and towards an alternate existence.
Small actions of rebellion that cannot be stopped eventually turn into small acts of rebellion by the very enforcers, who although in a “better” position, are, for the most part, just as imprisoned as you are, that is: mentally first of all. He too knows no better. Keeping the slaves in line and hooked up to life-force draining despair-machines is all he knows too. And he knows his choice is enforce it on you 24/7 or replace you in it, while now he is only hooked up to the small-sized life-force draining despair-machine, and he even gets 2 hours a day when he’s enforcing it on you when he’s not even hooked up to it! And if he beats you more enthusiastically he might even get promoted to 4 hours off it and a 15 minute food-eating break!
I mean, you might not become best friends, but you understand how it works. And even that enforcer, if he knew… if he had access to that history that is even MORE severely banned from his eyes than it is from yours, well… that burning flame of rebellion and even revenge, would begin to start from a tiny fire to, eventually, a raging tornado of vengeance. Think on it. You have merely been a slave, but he… he has been tricked into being an enforcer. On causing the harm directly. He has been lied to into being the bad guy. How do you think you would react to that news?
Waking up to you being a slave hooked up to a life-force draining despair-machine is no picnic, although it beats the hell out of remaining asleep while hooked up to it. But imagine waking up to you being one of the people that hooks up babies to the same life-force draining despair-machines. Imagine the shame. The guilt.
And imagine how you would feel towards those who raised you from birth to be that creature. That monster that jabs the needles right into the little bodies of innocents. How do you think you’d feel? Forgive and forget just might not do it, don’t you think?
Now imagine what the people who created, invented, and currently run this entire system feel like.
The fat little tyrants at the top that ride on the waves of all your collective misery and laugh. And enjoy it. Who even revel in your misery and despair. It entertains them. They laugh at watching your child starve to death while they gorge themselves on eating delicate and rich meats. In fact, in some cases, those meats are literally made from dead babies they murdered in this or other fashions.
If you became aware of this reality, and others around you did, do you think it would not change? You know it would. You absolutely KNOW it would. It always has. Throughout ALL of human history, the ENTIRE story of humanity has been a back and forth between the fat little controllers and the teeming masses in despair.
Champions arise and the tide changes from time to time. Then things get better for a time and then the little fat controllers eventually resume power again, and the cycle repeats. But each time, human consciousness reaches —-in an absolute paradox—- simultaneously, both, ever-higher peaks of awareness and also ever-lower levels of stunned unconsciousness.
Now pay attention, because this next part is really crucial.
The stunned masses are like a herd of herbivores on an African plain. They will tend to go where all the other herbivores near them go.
80% of people are slaves.
The remaining 20% encompasses everything from the believer, to the warrior, to the deceiver, to the builder, to the few kings that arise from time to time.
Even as a slave though, your little light, your tiny fire inside, your little flame, matters. That little sharp, nervous, tiny, movement of one hoof from one herbivore is what gets the one next to it to do the same and then the two next to that one do it too, and before you know it, you have a stampede that engulfs and destroys all the mental barriers and physical ones too that the fat little controllers have built. The entire factory you are trapped in, all of you/us hooked up to despair-machines, collapses when the entire herd suddenly moves. And sure, maybe it was a warrior that started it all somewhere far from you. Or a believer that sparked a group somewhere else. Or a builder that created a way to use the cage-sides to climb out of the despair-machine. Maybe even a warrior-king started it all. But in any case, it is you and your little flame that is needed. It is you who eventually matter and make it happen, even with your tiniest movement towards freedom from the despair-machines and their fat little controllers.
And it ALL starts with knowing some history. It ALL starts with knowing what went on before. What is humanity really about? What kind of planet are we on?
So. Once this idea is in your head, you will, in most cases, either start researching and studying things until you see it for yourself —but that generally only happens if you are one of those 20% that are, to one extent or other, self-starters.
Sure, some slave gets there too, but overwhelmingly, they do not. And overwhelmingly, even the 20% types give up. They dig and see a new layer of lies and then another and another and another and they get tired and assume it’s lies all the way down. So they try to exist with as much despair as they can tolerate, and limp along.
It takes a real autist to dig through all the lies and come to something solid. And then, pretty much almost by blind chance. Because he might have dug in another direction and never got there.
And insofar as I have achieved anything, well, I am that autist. Or at least one of them. I have come across others that have found solid pieces of the truth about us and our place here. But only pieces. As far as I am aware, I have not come across anyone else to date that has put together the real history of humanity and that really provides a much wider picture than any I have seen before.
Certainly the second world war and the events of it, the REAL events of it, not the ones we have all been told about are the events, but the real ones, the motives, the people and their purposes behind the making and the creating of those wars, are a big piece. But even then just a piece. Not enough on its own to really light that flame for many; perhaps, at most, a few. But it lacks staying power, it lacks purpose in time. And tends to fade into a generally bitter ember.
Some find it in religion. In the truth of a loving God that in fact does make sense, despite the horrid prison we find humanity trapped into. And that gives a certain peace, a certain comfort, a level of serenity, sure. But hardly ever a burning fire of action. It is a flame, yes, but it is a little candle with a wind-shield and it remains but that. Sufficient for making your own individual life tolerable, but not really enough to start the blaze required. Nevertheless, it is a piece, for sure, a central one, and if you dig enough in that one, you realise that aside from a loving God, there is also the Enemy. And this is his prison-planet.
Now that CAN get you fired up enough. Oh yes. It can, and if you also have the real history of WWII understood (insofar as it can be) then you will be more of a firebrand. You could start something. And you definitely would begin to spread something to others. Because your internal flame is based on faith and love and God, not bitterness and rage and despair, so it can last, and spreading the word about a pivotal time of history does make a difference, but it is rare that you can infect a sufficient number of people with your level of faith AND historical knowledge. You’ll make waves but probably it will not start the stampede.
But now we come to a piece almost no one has. The existing actual technology that already exists, that is intimately tied to the Second World War, and… also… to ANCIENT human history.
Now, with this piece too, you have not just a blind hope, but a real hope. A hope based on a vision you can see in the distance. That’s more than mere hope. That’s a destination you can see and move towards.
And that information, that idea, I did see, I did figure out. By luck, or chance, or my particular blend of autistic-like determination and insatiable curiosity and fascination with possibilities and imaginings.
I first figured out that a LOT of what we are told is a lie very early on. But I had put it down mostly to people being dumb, rather than it being the result of a very intentional deceit perpetrated on us all on a global and historical scale that encompassed literally all of human history.
Then I figured out the technology. And I knew then, the scale of the lie was beyond the scope of a human mind to grasp, but it was still limited in my mind to the “movers and shakers” being mostly evil, power-hungry, selfish bastards, who, despite their ugly natures, also had some very real, and valid, security concerns.
And finally, by what I can only recognise as divine providence, I, a lifelong Zen Agnostic with no interest in the idea of a loving God whatsoever, because the concept was patently absurd, as far as I could see, especially given the scale of the other two pieces I mentioned just above, was suddenly made aware of that too: the reality of an actual Loving God and the situation humanity finds itself in, trapped on a planet under the dominion of the Enemy. And then it did all click into place. There is no extinguishing the flame of anyone that sees all three of these pieces.
So, there are two paths to it, really.
The engineer’s path and the slave’s path.
The engineer’s way, which is the solid discovery of each moving part, and then reconstructing it all, piece by undeniable piece, in which case I suggest, if you want to save time (and by that I mean decades), you read the following in this order:
2. Believe
3. A bunch of stuff on WWII (the bibliography in the Face on Mars will be helpful in this regard) and at least one or two books by Antony Sutton.
4. Reclaiming the Catholic Church Paper version or here for Ebook.
That is the path of the engineer. It is harder because it is real science. It’s like building an engine instead of just seeing a film or reading about it. But once you have done it, it is absolutely undeniable and you can infect others with this positive dis-ease in multiple ways. You can spread pieces and make little flames all over the place. You become a builder of ways. Spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical. And sometimes more than one or even all of them.
That is why it is the harder path. Because it is the path of the doer. Engineers are part of the 20%. Be they Builders, Believers, or Warriors, at their core, engineers are part of the 20% that can do.
The slave’s path instead is easier. You just read a story. And that story inspires you and makes you ready to move and begin to make little movements that change others. You spread the story and are that little hoof movement that can spark the entire herd into a stampede. You might never know if you even started it yourself or not, but just your knowing the story changes reality. And of course, sometimes a slave that reads a story discovers he was merely a sleeping engineer too.
And perhaps, if the story spreads enough, then we discover that ALL the slaves too are not just slaves, but artisans, and artists, and builders and farmers, and living and loving people whose gift to us all is kindness, and humility, and peace, and nurturing. And then you might find out, you, brash, doer, you, mighty engineer, you, fearless warrior, that the multitude of slaves, is, every one, a better human being than your bloody, forceful, enforcer-fighter-like soul.
And you, small, apparently unimportant, apparently insignificant, loving, kind, ex-slave, might find that battle-scarred warrior-builder, his eyes alight with the shame of his newfound truth about you and the multitudes like you, in his terrible and ferocious way, he too, was a slave, just like you.
And if this is your path, then I suggest you just read this story:
Nazi Moon (paper copy) or ebook, here.
Oh, and if you think, this whole post, everything I wrote here, and the books I spent years discovering and then putting together to share what I learnt with the world is just so as to get you to buy my books and make me “rich”, or just, yet another scam, then fuck you. Seriously.
I have been putting these pieces together for over 30 years. And have been writing longer than that. And in all that time, my writing, my books, was never even a relevant factor in my consideration of income. In fact, had I used the time I spent reading and researching and studying and writing on these topics in the most menial of paid jobs, I would undoubtedly be financially better off. It simply isn’t a factor in why I write. And should I ever reach a point where my writing were to become a significant or even main factor in my income, all it would mean is that I could then dedicate even more of my time to researching, deepening, and sharing more of what I find.
I mention this, only because, it is understandable that given the dominion of lies we all live under, that most people are so used to being scammed, so habituated to being promised utopia only to be robbed and drained even a little more of what tiny life-essence they have left, that it is natural to simply assume I am just another snake-oil salesman.
But I am not promising you that if you read the books I wrote, listed above, you will magically become the proud owner of great wealth, beauty and joy. All I am telling you, like a neighbouring prisoner in the cell of the Count of Monte Cristo, is that hey… here is the truth of how this place works. I hope you, or I, or someone else (that you might pass this on to), will figure out a way to get out of here and burn this structure to the ground, and free the rest of us too.
And what I am telling you, above even that, is that simply the act of doing this, of sharing this information with you, and you with someone else, however you come to it, whether from my books and writings or not, makes a difference. It changes things. It sets in motion a wave of movement that is inevitable.
That’s all.
I do hope your life, and mine, and more importantly that of our children, will become one of a freedom and a truth unexperienced by any previous iteration of humanity. But I’m not telling you anything so absurd as that my books will make that happen. I mean, who knows, they might, they might be that little hoof movement that moves the whole herd, but even if they were, I would almost certainly never know it, nor, honestly, would I care too much. The movement is the thing. The stampede is the thing. Whether I personally start it or not, does not really matter much to me at all.
I am just one guy, whether slave in the midst, warrior king triumphant, or (most likley) something in-between, is not important to me. I need not be one or the other for my own satisfaction.
I just want the movement to begin, to happen, and somehow, I don’t know exactly how, but I sense it, I can feel it.
It begun already. It’s here. It’s moving. I don’t know how fast or slow, how high or low, but it’s coming. And I am just adding to it as I can, and I think it can make a difference. No, more than that, I know it makes a difference. And it is what I have to add to the wave, so I do. And I hope and want, that you do too. So add to it too. Do you part.
Related: Livestream tonight on Nazi Secret Weapon Technology, hidden bases and more.
What Next?
There are three paths I can go down with respect to the next book I write.
NAZI MOON (linked) is now available at least in the US and CANADA and should be available soon in other countries too.
I have been asked to do the relationship book by friends and men in general for years; at least 20 of them. I resisted the impulse* for at least a couple of decades, primarily because, as one of my alter egos/nicknames —given to me by friends in Italy over 20 years ago— said in one of the graphic novels he appears in: “Any man that says he has understood all there is to know about women, is either a liar or insane.” And it’s close enough to the truth in some ways. Nevertheless, I feel that after two divorces, a lot of women in between, and finally a proper Catholic marriage, not to mention 4 children I fathered, I have probably made —and persevered!— and (one hopes), learnt enough that it is probably acceptable to pass on a few pointers to younger men; at least on those issues I feel I have now got enough experience to retroactively note when I did the right thing (regardless of outcome), and when I did the wrong thing (again, regardless of outcome). I mention this, because as I say, there have been a lot of people asking me for this for a long time.
With regard to my non-fiction, each book I have written so far, is really mostly a compilation of my theories and conclusions formed with many years of experience.
The Face on Mars was the result of a lifelong interest in Astronomy from very early childhood. I understood what a light-year was at age four, thanks to an uncle who was, and remains, a total geek to this day. He also sent me a telescope in my early teens, with which I observed the mountains of the moon, and how the moon itself moved. I also saw Haley’s comet with it, from our home in Africa at the time. And to this day the concepts I put forth in that book were then, and for the most part continue to remain today, unique. Some have badly plagiarised aspects of it (hello Graham Hancock) but the overall main issue had not been understood by anyone I am aware of before I saw it. And most remain totally ignorant of it, despite the predictions and theories I made back in 1995, playing out as correct in the intervening time. The update in 2014 also added a new dimension to the reality of my ideas, which is partly expanded on a lot more in my fiction work.
Systema was similarly, a book I wrote after I had personally spend decades in the martial arts world. And I wanted to demystify a LOT of the nonsense that goes with many martial art “concepts” and their related egos, and which —in particular— seemed to have a vortex of “mystic ninjas” concerning the Russian system. Which is an impression many martial artists might have if they have not experience of it firsthand. By merely watching YouTube videos or hearing “fantastic” stories of almost magical ability, they are most likely going to assume it is some woo-woo nonsensical “martial art”. That thought is disabused within minutes of confronting any of the top exponents of it. Unfortunately, as always, along with the really good practitioners, there were also a lot of “mystic ninjas” and some of the practitioners did nothing to demystify the situation, so I did it. I have been doing martial arts since I was a very small child, thanks to my dad, so I had pretty extensive knowledge of it before I put hand-to-keyboard after almost four decades of it.
Reclaiming the Catholic Church was in some ways the “odd man out” because I had a road to Damascus Event in 2013 and the book came out in 2020, that is, only 7 years later. However, I had been reading different books on all the main religions, mysticism, “spiritual” and even New Age stuff, again, since my teens, and literally infiltrating various cults as a hobby, in order to see if anyone had anything that was demonstrably true, real, or worthwhile. I had settled on a basic Zen-Agnosticism, with a clear understanding there must be an intelligence behind creation (the math, astronomy, biology and physics, as well as logic, pretty much confirms it many, many, many times over) but no sense of a God as such that was specifically interested in us mere mortals, much less me specifically. That changed in a radical, unexpected and utterly surprising way, that while “subjective” in the sense that I cannot prove it to anyone else, was absolutely objective and very much so for me. The other part that helped was that because the Catholic Church has ALL of its rules and dogmas written down, it was fairly easy to follow the thread of its history and see the astonishing truth it is founded on. As it was, to see that the current inhabitants of the Vatican are, without putting too fine a point on it, flat out Satanists.
BELIEVE! Instead, published a year before RTCC, was a much smaller work, putting out my new, or updated, basic outline philosophy. For those who have read both books, you will notice that BELIEVE! is not even a fifth of the size of RTCC, at just under 100 pages, and is a lot more open with respect to overall views and concepts. RTCC was the follow up that basically said, “OK, so that’s sort of where I am with respect to religion as a whole (BELIEVE!) now let’s take a look at this one path that I state is the best one I can see so far, and in this book, (RTCC), I went full autist, covering every aspect of Sedevacantism (i.e. the actual, current, only Catholicism left) and demonstrating it in a manner that no one has so far even attempted to refute, much less succeeded. The result is that RTCC is the foundation on which BELIVE! is really sitting on, which is probably why even if a much smaller and less detailed book, BELIEVE! has resulted in now over 100 people converting to Sedevacantist Catholicism (aka simply: Catholicism).
The reason I point all this out, is because in these last two non-fiction books, it becomes obvious that even my overall looser and more generic ideas, as expressed in BELIEVE!, for example, clearly have had a lot of genuinely positive effects on people who read them. And we know it was this that sparked the results, because BELIEVE! came first, and yet, even without all the details (presented in RTCC), it had a serious impact on people’s lives.
I see a LOT of confusion, struggles and heartache among young men today concerning intimate relationships and finding the right woman.
I literally get questions, emails, or messages on the topic to a frequency that is starting to become hard to keep up with. And as anyone that reads my blog knows, I have a rather low opinions of PUAs, and would very much hate to be mistaken for one. That said, I know for a demonstrable fact that my advice benefits these younger men, because they are getting married, having babies, and resolving issues they had for many years of their lives. I have literally had everything from friends, neighbours and even strangers, asking for advice, on an ad hoc basis, to hypnosis sessions with people that were under clinical care as supposedly paranoid schizophrenics under medication that went on to stop the medication (yes with doctor approval and full knowledge of my sessions with them) and go on to have a productive life with a functioning relationship, when prior they were 29 year old virgins. And I have been doing this for at least 15 years, with positive results.
So, perhaps, there is some utility in putting together some of the baseline concepts concerning male-female interactions and so on.
The other options (SF saga continuation) or YA SF books are, respectively, more a divertimento for myself and, a less fun, but I think helpful addition to the current dearth of adventure stories for boys mostly. I am not aware of anything like the Hardy Boys and so on coming along anytime recently, which is why Castalia House is doing well printing old classics. I would not enjoy writing such books as much as my own adult Science Fiction, but it would not be too difficult to do and they should be able to be produced fairly quickly. Although, I am not likely to be acclaimed as a children’s author anytime soon, or even long after I am dust, so the effort might not be worth it.
Anyway, I’d appreciate your thoughts on the matter, so please feel free to leave comments after you vote, thanks.
* Vox, on this post, referring to someone else, Taleb, in this case, said something that holds true for most of us. Personally I have always genuinely tried to resist the temptation, and often people have been quite “deflated” when trying to make me their “guru”, when, after being asked something I know little or nothing about or at least I don’t feel qualified to take a stand on, I simply say “I have no idea”. Some were quite insistent nevertheless and I always consciously dissuaded that, as I explained in some detail in my book Systema: The Russian Martial System.
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By G | 12 December 2023 | Posted in Ancient Technology, Believe, Books, Brazilian Ju Jitsu, Catholicism, Christianity, Face on Mars, Hypnosis, Increasing Happiness, Karate-Do, Martial Arts, Nazi Conspiracies, NAZI MOON, Overlords of Mars - 1, Overlords of Mars - 2, Poll, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Relationships, Relationships, RPGs, Sedeprivationism, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, StCZA - Module 0, StCZA - Q.O.R.G., Systema, Systema, The Dirty Old West, Writing