What has been called the placebo effect is in reality something far more complex and interesting than you have been led to believe.
And it has bearing on the current world situation to a very high degree.
The conclusions I come to are going to sound “fantastic”, at least to those unable to do logic and/or research the factual information I present for themselves, so as to verify I am not making anything up.
So, the approach will be to list a number of factual tests that have been done and have achieved the same results in a number of repeatable studies. Then I will present some additional information, usually not linked to the placebo effect at all, which will also require some research on your part in case you don’t want to take my word for it, which I always encourage you to do anyway. The research I mean, not taking my word for it. And finally I will explain what I think the placebo effect really is and how it works. And why it’s very important in the present dystopian reality we inhabit.
What is the placebo effect? A basic introduction.
The placebo effect is one that was noted by doctors when administering to a group of people some drug or medication that was supposed to make them better while administering to a control group sugar tablets or some other innocuous substance that did not contain the drug being used on the other patients.
What was discovered is that those taking the sugar tablets or saline solution or water, or whatever absolutely drug-free thing was being given to them, still healed better than people who received nothing and sometimes healed better than the ones taking the medication. This was thought to happen as a result of “mind over matter” the people receiving sugar tablets were not aware of being the control group, so they thought they were getting better and this somehow made them better. Some extreme cases of this have been well documented in a book called the holographic universe.
But if simple belief in a drug you were NOT being given could heal you, did you need the drug at all? So a series of tests with double blind situations were done. Over decades here is what the results showed time and again.
- If the patients did not know who was receiving the placebo (non-active sugar pills or water, etc) and they believed they were getting the drug they healed better than people not receiving anything.
- If the doctors administering the placebo did not know it was a placebo and thought it was an effective drug the patients improved too when compared to those who got nothing. In other words, the belief of the doctors alone transferred to the patients. And if I recall right, this was the case even if the patients knew it was a placebo but the doctors did not.
So. How would classical materialistic based science explain this transference of “belief”?
It can’t.
How does the placebo effect actually work?
Well. The Western version can’t. Unless you are familiar with at least some of the concepts discussed by Harold Aspen, Thomas Bearden, Michael Persinger and others and you are able to synergistically understand the links between them. You also need at least a rudimentary understanding of the physics of Burkhard Heim.
In Russia however, this is understood far better and in short, the psychotronic healing chambers I discuss in my “fiction” work are an easy way to grasp the concept of how you can heal people by use of various electromagnetic/frequency/resonance fields which can be induced mechanically. And I have it on good authority that such psychotronic healing chambers actually not only exist, but have existed for a long time. Decades at the very least.
The really important thing to note is that mechanical means of achieving such healing certainly may make the process easier and accessible to all, but they are not an absolute requirement.
Everyone from Tibetan monks, who are more likely to be able to “activate” such responses from the body, to even people I know personally, have at times healed in ways that are thought to be miraculous. You could, in effect say that the placebo effect is the way science has discovered or measured the results that can be achieved with genuine faith.
Of course, the danger here is that of falling into the trap of the unwashed, stinking, hippie masses of New Agers that will tell you if your child dies of cancer it’s because you and your child have negative vibes and don’t pray hard enough. Which is not just idiotic, bit also cruel in the way that only the truly uneducated ignorants can be.
So, allow me to explain the mechanism in simple, yet hopefully also relatively complete format.
My working hypothesis, which I have arrived at only after more than 15 years of practicing clinical hypnosis, is as follows:
- Yes, there probably is some state of mind/frequency/prayer that theoretically could or can heal just about anything. I have written in some more detail on this concept of how to pray correctly in both my Systema book as well as as in Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church. HOWEVER…
- And it’s a HUGE however, there usually can be and almost always are, very real obstacles to your being able to achieve this specific state for any given thing. Particularly when it is of a huge importance like the health of your child and so on. The reason being that fear, desire, doubt, and so on are all counter-productive, and how can you NOT have all of those things when something really important is on the line?
- In addition to the above-mentioned “states of mind” situations, there usually also are other physiological factors. Various blockages in your body which translate into mental counterparts. If, for example you have chronic tension in your shoulders and neck, you will have a corresponding mental mind-map that is similarly “fossilised” and thus unable to relax or otherwise assume the required physical state to produce the more etheric mental state (or electromagnetic field at the right frequency, if you prefer).
In normal effect, the placebo effect is the residual or partial ability you unconsciously have access to, or rather, to be more accurate, that your body has access to (almost without your awareness of it entirely) in order to naturally heal itself. Being unconscious, your conscious efforts to produce the same result will generally fail, unless you have achieved a relatively high level of internal congruity which honestly, 99.99% of human beings never are even aware of, much less actively seek it.
So what to do? And how do I know this anyway?
Learning to control your own body internally is a good first step, but even after a couple of decades of martial arts or meditation or learning how to control your heart rate, breathing and so on, it will not guarantee your ability to enter the right frame of mind or physiological state.
I know this because I have practiced martial arts for about 4 decades and hypnosis for more than 15 years. Hypnosis is intimately related to changing mental states and allowing your body to heal itself. Hypnosis goes beyond what most people assume is mere “suggestion”, which some interpret to mean “gullible” or weak-minded or something of the sort. All of which is nonsense.
Everyone can be hypnotised. In fact animals can be too. Which is not to say that every hypnotist can hypnotise every person. But the state of hypnotic trance is not only achievable by everyone, but it has profound effects on us when used correctly.
I have had patients that had visited up to 15 hypnotists, unsuccessfully, and smoked for many years, completely stop smoking after a 45 minute session with me. I have also seen the effects of hypnosis on the physical body, having experimented on this myself with regard to pain, scarring, healing of injuries and so on, but also on the bodies of others, from people that had MS to an accidental burn not evidencing as having taken place.
There is also the work of Peter Garajev, which I discussed in some depth in my System book, which explains how our DNA can also be thought of as a sort of mini-wormhole creator for information. Which is why things like timeline and regression therapy in hypnosis work and can seemingly reach back in time and undo various trauma or alter the past consequences in how they play out here in the present and the future.
The relevance today.
If you have read/understood my previous post on the space of variations, and the Mandala effect possibilities you may have begun to understand, that there is certainly enough scientific evidence (and I mean that as ACTUALLY scientific, not circus-monkey, politically trained “science”) that as God on some level wishes us to be co-creators of reality, and as we are made in His image, and we do have creationary power to some degree, we may well be able to influence reality. Certainly, at the very least, as it pertains to our own health; and quite possibly in much larger ways too. Your absolute faith can and does produce results and you can verify this for yourself scientifically by keeping track of your own experiences. Learning to control your emotions will inevitably help in many other spheres of life too, as does learning to flexibilise your body physically, as the practice of Systema teaches with pretty much every drill. And for a push into the direction you want to go, you can also use hypnosis, either learn how to self-hypnotise, or take a session or more, as needed.
In short, you have far more power over your own states of being than you have been led to believe.
The Fighter’s second most important asset
You can have the best mindset, the best geography, the best weapons, but if you are alone you will eventually be taken out.
That said, there are some important points that can be counter-intuitive, which one needs to understand so as not to give in to the black-pill despair they are trying so hard to force upon you (which goes to mindset, covered in the previous post).
Community goes to mindset (for most)
It is a fact that human beings, even misanthropic ones like myself, are creatures that require others of their kind to feel good and thrive. Ultimately, my misanthropy is a function of my IQ, which tends to “price me out of the market” in most cases. A common faith that is absolutely hot or cold, and not lukewarm churchianity can and does bridge the gap, because loyalty trumps intelligence in human affairs, and honesty (translated as genuine commitment) trumps numbers (of lukewarm “compatriots”). I specify these points about myself only because they hold true for all human societies that are civilisational (see previous post for the difference between civilisational societies and other types which are stagnant or parasitic).
For most people, community goes to (serves) mindset. That is, if you have a community of loved ones and friends around you, it makes life more bearable and keeps you in a more positive mindset than if you are alone, have no one that loves you and no one for you to love.
Those who have an intrinsic, fundamental warrior’s mindset, however, can make mindset go to (serve) community. In fact, that is the essence of a warrior. The word Samurai meant servant. Because a warrior’s ultimate aim, in the depths of his soul, is to protect the people he loves and bring honour and justice to the society he lives in. The stolen valour of the idiots that think wearing a uniform as a policeman or soldier automatically makes them “warriors” is just more of the fakery and plastic lies that have been fostered upon the planet by the parasites that run Hollywood and infect the general zeitgeist through lies in mass media, lies in schools, lies in entertainment, in film, in books, in the arts. Wearing a uniform does not a warrior make. Being one is the only way one is one, and paramount in a warrior’s way of being is a very refined sense of justice; which includes virtues like fairness, honour, honesty and courage, but above all, in the centre of the flame in his heart, at a warrior’s core, is sacrifice. His aim is to serve those he loves, to protect them and look after them. Not with words, not for glory or any fame, but because it is his nature. He would do that even if he would be covered in infamy.
Because of this peculiarity of mind, soul, intent, a warrior’s mindset can create community.
While normally community bolsters mindset, and this is true for everyone, a sufficiently strong mindset can create a community. It is, of course, a usually harder road, but can produce excellent results.
It is a path I have explored several times in my life, and also the one I chose presently. When I moved here, purchasing the land and home we are now in, I had no idea what the people around here were like and I did not care. I assumed the general mild personalities that one expects in most of Europe, and generally this is true of most places, but it did not concern me.
The core of my community is my wife and children, and everything beyond that, I will form myself by being the hub around which my type of community naturally wants to form.
Communities arise from chance and opportunities in most cases, but like any organic system, they can be engineered. The pedophelic parasites running things are demonstrating that daily, with shaping societies to accept all sorts of vile and absurd rules, taxations, forced toxic serums into the bodies of their children and themselves, limitations on what food and of what type you can eat or grow or have, and on and on and on. They are absolutely engineering society by brute force methods from the outside in, to the point that the Zyklon generation may have as many as one in five that believes the total fiction and counter-to-objective reality that the sex of a human being can be changed or is “fluid” or a “social construct”. In short, you have proof positive before your eyes that a community can be socially engineered to even reject objective facts and undeniable reality.
Just as you might think the ancients were foolish for believing in Zeus, yet you think it’s normal to accept homosexual “marriage” and adoption of children, seeing no possible evil consequences to the last two. While possibly understanding that worshipping fallen angels masquerading as gods is bad, you might accept that eating genetically modified foods that don’t produce viable natural seeds is required or even a net “good” because you have bought into the next narrative of “climate change” while ignoring chemtrails and HAARP geoengineering.
I point these things out merely to show you that not only can community be engineered by outside forces, and, that in fact it has been and is being engineered (to your personal detriment) but also to show you that you, yes you specifically and individually have also been subjected to this and still are in at least some areas. It is inevitable. We have all been lied to from birth and the process of seeing reality as it is while shedding the lies is far from easy, especially if your mindset is not that of a fighter (see previous post). Bit aside from all of these points, which are necessary for you to know about and see in order to see the bigger picture, the main point of this section is this:
A warrior mindset can be the core about which a community develops. In short, while most will try to move to a place they feel ties to, from cultural to familiar to faith-based and so on, a warrior can carve out a piece of land and say:
Here I stand.
And others will gather around him and follow him and create a community around him.
I chose this path because of two main reasons:
Firstly, I have done it before in several contexts in my life and always achieved it, initially doing so without the intent, only sheer bloody mindedness that I knew my way was true and good and screw anyone else that didn’t see it. Later in life I learnt I could do that and not even need to be so combative about it.
And secondly, I was (and remain) unaware of a community of people that sees things as I do and that are also hardcore sedevacantists. While I know quite a few Sedes, many of these are overseas now, and their situations and geography does not permit them to be near me now, and my remaining there would not have permitted me the creation of the type of community I sought either. So my choice was easy: pick a place that is geographically sound and that permits certain social realities, then, the community will come.
And this is indeed now beginning to form at the level where people are actively looking to purchase property within walking distance of mine, precisely so we can become a community of like minded people that help each other and create the type of society we want.
The point is, while most will feel it’s easier to simply join an existing community, and it is true, the type of communities we will need in the coming years and that our children will need in the future, do not currently exist in any kind of large number, so, we have to create them.
And that means someone has to start and be the focus of one. In short, take on the role of leader in some form or other, not for the glory, the gold, the concubines or anything other than the sacrifice of service for the safeguarding of the future of our children.
Which is why I say, if you already have such a community of, say, Appalachian mountain rednecks that think anyone who doesn’t marry their cousin is suspect, well, if they are your people, go for it, I hope you have a fetching cousin is all I can say. Is that the best solution? Not by a long shot, but anything that will actively resist the coming plans they have for you, short of cannibalism and first degree incest, is probably a better bet.
Personally I think a community that has the same Catholicism that the people who went on the first Crusade, in 1095, like Bohemond, Tancredi, and so on, or who defended Malta in 1565 like the Catholic knights there and their indomitable leader, Jean Parisot le Vallete, is not just the best solution, it is, the one true solution, because THAT Catholicism has been proven historically impossible to defeat; which is to be expected if you understand that our Lord Jesus Christ said he would be with is to the end.
Of course the Church has been infiltrated and the Vatican is a hive of pedophiles and Satanists, and yes, there has not been a valid Pope since 1958, but the remnant remains, Sedevacantism IS Catholicism, and the only one left and the only one that is as it always was, with proper ordination, proper sacraments and the true mass.
All those who investigate this issue honestly cannot escape the facts, which is why the short book I wrote a mere few years ago has helped more than 100 people to convert, get baptised and become Sedevacantist Catholics. (NB: the paperback is always more up to date than the kindle version in all my books).
And why those who wanted the details and the roadmap to how to reclaim the actual Catholic Church from the impostors that now usurp it also went on to read Reclaiming the Catholic Church. And why now they are beginning to make plans to move here nearby. And make trips here first to visit and help me on the farm. And get married in church to Sedevacantist women, and go on to make children, living as proper Catholics, with no divorce and no contraception.
Sure, the creating of a community is harder than the joining one, bit the beauty of Catholic communities is that within one generation we have multiplied in number several times.
I have five children and started only late in life, the last three are four years old, two and a half, and the last one is only five months old, and I am 53. There are newly wed couples in their early or mod twenties who are just starting out. Three such couples getting married just this year and yes they all found their way to sedevacantism theough my work, be it the books linked above or the YouTube channel, or Kurgan TV, where others also have contributed to a site that educates you about the reality we actually are in, the way to learn independently, and the real history of humanity, as well as other important skills.
I am but one man, and no, I am not especially important or to be glorified, God is. And yet look, in time, this place I chose will become a community of Sedevacantists and out children will play and learn with each other and grow in a place that is safe and true and men are men and women are women, truth and beauty and justice are present always and if others try to make it unsafe, we will repel them and make it so.
My point here in summary is this:
Mindset is the foundation (see previous post), and community is the first cornerstone, and if you can find a ready made one, great, but be careful because the kind of community you need to be part of to survive and thrive in the future has not existed for several centuries. We have to create them. And while the foundation of them are indeed to remain unchanged (real Catholicism) the current and future requirements are unique to our times. Yes the basis is the same, but the way they play out in the technology, defence, energy generation, communications and so on, we have to design.
And yes. I do have a plan. And yes, I will build it. And yes, they will come. They are already coming here. It’s no field of dreams. It’s fields of real men and real women, with real families, and, as the song says:
…beautiful fields lie just before me
Where God’s redeemed their vigils keep…
So, find your community, create one, or join us.
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By G | 22 May 2023 | Posted in Ancient Technology, Believe, Catholicism, Christianity, Farming Life, Increasing Happiness, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Relationships, Sedeprivationism, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, Systema, Zombie Apocalypse