Archive for the ‘Believe’ Category

The Lies Lie Heavy

It is something I have observed, and with increasing degree of scale that is probably logarithmic in nature, how the absolute falsehoods we are all born and raised in, seem to double, and triple, and quadruple, year on year.

We have now reached levels of deception and falsehood were literally people are killing themselves rather than do the most basic investigation into reality, use a modicum of logic, or face any of their totally erroneous premises.

What can anyone do against this complete tsunami of lies?

I have written four books of non-fiction in three very disparate areas of interest, that each can (and has for quite a few people), remove really quite a lot of veils of deception from your eyes, but even so, there is so much left that is corrosive poison, one never feels one has achieved very much.

The Face on Mars – essentially gave what remains the most complete —and since confirmed in many of my then theories over the last 27 years— history of what happened to Mars, which coincidentally sheds more light on the real history of humanity than probably any one book ever has. And it is based on absolutely rock-solid (real) scientific principles of methodology, observation and verifiability.

Systema – The Russian Martial System – Demystified some hyperbole about a martial system that uses a completely different approach to close quarter combat from any other martial art, and that in my over 4 decades of training I found to be vastly more effective in real situations than anything else I had trained in or come across. It also removed, to a certain extent, the tendency to have personality cults around gurus in general and explained some principles of the human mind-body connection in eminently practical ways that benefitted any sportsman, regardless of if he did martial arts or not, but also normal people who took on board some of the principles. They all found a general improvement in their day-to-day lives.

BELIEVE! REAL CHRISTIANITY TAKING CHRISTENDOM BACK: A Reply to the Pederast Infested Vatican, the Churchians of All Denominations and a Manual for Atheists, Agnostics and Would-be Pagans – This was a short book that I wrote in a style that I wish I had come across when I was in my mid-twenties. It does not mince words, I do not excuse all the inconsistencies, lies and nonsense of the conmen that call themselves priests or pastors or “Christians”. Instead, I delved deeply into the various branches of “Christianity” and made my case simply, directly and apparently effectively, since this small book has resulted in well over a 100 conversions to Sedevacantism (actual Catholicism, which has nothing to do with the Vatican, Bergolio, and the other Novus Orco impostors).

Reclaiming The Catholic Church: The True History of Vatican II and the Visible Remnant of the Real Catholic Church now that the Vatican is a Pederast Infested Hive of Impostors – As you can tell from the last two titles, I’m not the shy, pious, wallflower type, yet, I get emails regularly from people whose lives my books have apparently helped alter course. And I always am very clear to stress the effort and thanks belong to them, and the Grace, and Glory, only to God. I am, at best, possibly, but a pebble in the road that helps them to go more this or that way.

And for those who prefer video I create Kurgan TV with various series on various topics.

My point, however, is not to glorify in my works. I am very happy if they help you and if you read them, for I would not have bothered to write them if I didn’t think they were important things to share, I absolutely believe they are.

That said however, even if you read all of them and take them on board, you will, at best, become a real Catholic (which today means a sedevacantist) have a much better idea of how fantastic our real history is, and how to better operate your body and mind, possibly in a self-defence situation too if you also begin to train regularly.

To be sure that puts you way ahead of most humans on Earth, especially if you study and learn real Catholicism and the way that it applies to family. The creation of a family, the relationship between husband and wife, and theirs to their children, and the world.

But I have not yet put together anything that directly affects and deals with the pernicious lies that infect our world today, especially in the West, regarding a number of topics relating precisely to the aspect of the family.

How to create a successful one. How to find the right person. How to raise children well. How to future-proof yourself from the lies fed at you and everyone you love daily, all day, every day.

It is a huge and difficult topic. And in many cases, speaking bluntly and directly about it is probably simply “not allowed”. I doubt such a book would get published. Simply affirming that there are only two sexes and the word “gender” is to be used for grammar, not people, is probably enough to get you cancelled, if not imprisoned. God forbid you call Bruce Jenner, Bruce, instead of “Caytlin”. I mean, you might get away with raping a child, but “deadnaming” a mentally ill man that likes to pretend he’s a woman, Good good, no, that surely deserves jail time!

We have reached levels of clown-world nonsense that make the ancient gnostics either blush in shame or look at us from the tunnel of time in awe at how much further we have gone than they ever did. Burn a few thousand firstborn children alive in a giant statue of Moloch? Hey, look at us, we tear apart babies by the millions and have full on marches against anyone trying to prevent mass-baby-murder.

There is so much ground to cover, so many lies to burn down, that one is almost at a loss for where to begin. And of course, if you try to short-cut it and just tell people, that look, if you just become a proper Catholic and learn what that is and what they do and what they believe, your life is going to take a major turn for the better, they simply don’t believe you. They think it’s another con. And why wouldn’t they. I did too for almost 40 years. And I was LUCKY. I got a massive hit in the heart that forced me to look better. Most people don’t get that wake up call. I got several in my life and, again, I am lucky.

Don’t get me wrong, each time, like the red Indian man said in that film based on some short book I’d read (I forget the name of the author, the book, and the film, but it had Jennifer Lopez in it. Update: U-Turn) — The day comes, the Earthmaker is going to look right in your fucking heart and then you better know what it is you’re doing. Are you a human being? Or just some hungry ghost out there.

And it’s true. God will look straight into you and punch you right in your fucking Heart, and you can’t avoid shit.

Or words to that effect. And that, when it happens, is always, indeed, a big fat punch in the heart that knocks you on your ass far worse than any actual punch you ever got hit by.


If it doesn’t kill you; if you don’t catch fire right there and then; if you manage to crawl back up onto your knees and then eventually stand, spitting out all the blood, and sweat, and tears, and shit you need to get out of your system, then, by the Grace of God, you find out some truth and you realise “Oh. So… yeah… thank you.”

And then that passage in the Bible that tells you to be thankful for your troubles makes sense.

And yet.

How do I get through to you, unknown friend in your twenties, or your teens, or your thirties or eighties for that matter. How do I share with you the truth that makes all wounds better, and heals all pain better than any medicine? How do I find a way to help you see through a glass… less darkly?

Will you even listen? Will you look this way? Will you go down that road that is narrow and hard, but man, does it bring you to a place you have been hoping exists somewhere deep inside your scared and hurt and crushed little heart.

How do I help you find your way there? I don’t want the glory. I don’t care for fame. I could sure use the money and lots of it too, I would put it to good use, I am sure, but even that, I don’t do or want to share this with you for money. I don’t care if my name is never remembered by anyone and I disappear from memory the moment I drop dead, if only it would mean that a lot of people could experience, see, know, the truth about so many things, and the way to manage life, so much easier than what most of us try and do every minute of every day.

How I wish there was some light, some air, some food or drink I could give you to show you.

Well, there is. It’s proper baptism. But so many have been fooled that they already did that. It’s proper catechism. But so many more have been fooled that they already know enough. It’s the proper Holy Mass and Eucharist. But so many have been fooled into blasphemous and erroneous beliefs on this that they consider it a “dinner” or a “feast” or mere “ritual” and “superstition”.

Let me ask you; if I told you that by going to a specific tree near your house, once a day, for 100 days, and saying “How are you? I need a million blue!” As quietly or as loudly as you want, for 100 days, without skipping a day, you are guaranteed to then magically find 10 million dollars into your bank account, and you find a couple other people who say they did it and yes they got the money, some even show you their bank account with a couple of million left in it. But that’s it. In an hour I tell you this, and you meet two people. One takes you to his bank, shows you his account has 2 million left in it. The other guy doesn’t show you his account but points to his house a block away and it’s a massive villa. Say that happened.

Would you go say the silly phrase for 100 days without skipping a single day?

Well, would you?

And yet, all I think it would take is for you to read maybe Believe! which takes a couple of hours or so, and then attend a few Catholic Masses (Sedevacantist ones) as an observer only. Say three. And if after that you feel no pull, no sense that you should go further with this and read more, and learn more, and maybe become a proper Catholic, then so be it.

But what if I tell you that if you do that, chances are you will discover a level of meaning and answers to whatever ails you (which does not mean instant cure, though it can, but answers that over time make sense) that you never had before?

Is it not worth it to take a few hours of your life to try it and find out?

I pray you do.

Where to find a Sede Church.

God Answers in 2 Days Time

I have been very hesitant to write this post for a number of years. Mainly because, generally, when it comes to non-fiction work that I wish to share with others, I tend to have some 20 years of experience in it. The Face on Mars was written at age 26 after an entire childhood and teenage years and all of my 20s obsessed with astronomy. Systema was written after three decades of martial arts, and RTCC was written after seven years of obsessive, intense study, of only a part of Catholicism as it pertains to where/what is actual Catholicism and the real Catholic Church.

This post addresses something I have been studying for a whole decade now, but personally I would prefer to have another ten years of study before I can really make some more accurate statements concerning the science of prayer. That said, I think this information is pertinent and important, so, despite it not being as detailed in terms of data points, repeatability and so on, as I would like, I think it is at a “good enough” point that it would be helpful for many people.

The post of yesterday was basically the foundation for this one. Definitely read the post from yesterday concerning the problem of evil first if you are to make any sense of this one.

I have explained before in video a couple of times and in my book BELIEVE! and also RTCC how prayer works under specific conditions.

The point here is that if you begin to study prayer as an actual scientist —you know, like the last ones that lived, in the late 1800s, who would have approved of my blog’s baroque background, not the current day’s trained, political circus monkeys— you will find that it follows certain parameters.

In summarised format they are these:

  • If you are praying for help: Your request for help should be ABSENT of desire, hope, despair, fear, expectation and so on. In short, difficult as this is to explain, this type of prayer is successful when you hold the wished for outcome inside you (for me it feels as if inside your heart/chest area) but WITHOUT expressly asking, trying to reach for, begging for, yearn for or have self-pity for yourself in the waiting for it. It is extremely difficult to explain in words what the correct approach is, but I hope my description here at least helps guide you.
  • If you are praying for certain people/things/results that are not directly necessarily help for you: The process is not different from above, but there is more “leeway” since your desire/fear/worry is generally lower.
  • If you are praying to connect with God and/or make you a better person: Again, the sensation is usually easier to achieve if you stay in the positive aspect of the wished for improvement. An excited, “looking forward to it” and somewhat mildly expectant (but NOT overly so) attitude towards your better self, is not a bad thing. Your hard-wished for desire and impatient awaiting of your new “powers” is NOT good and will not produce results.
  • If you are praying for God to show you the way: Especially during particularly difficult times or events, tragedies, and so on. It is imperative to keep the right, fear and pain-free attitude mentioned above in the first point. Of course, this is extremely hard to do. This is where actual faith, not the “blind” faith people pay lip service to, but real faith, an intrinsic sense that even through the tragedy of pain that you are sensing in this moment, God does love you and there is some kind of good that will ultimately result, and acceptance of God’s Love knowing best even if you can’t understand it and would likely be even raging against such a thing, is very, very important (and of course almost impossible to do if you are experiencing massive grief and so on). The ability to stay inside yourself in communion with God (for me wordless, sensing and not talking, nor even verbalising internally is best, except maybe for a few words at most, is best) is the main thing. And a genuine trust that eventually it will make sense. God will show you the Way, not as a forced idea, but rather, a surrendering trust in His mercy and love, is pivotal.

What I have tentatively discovered in these ten years, is that if you perform prayer correctly, it is almost always answered, and in “emergency” cases, usually within 2 days.

The 2 days timeline seems to be real and true not just for me but in general. John C. Wright, the notable SF writer had a similar experience of 2 days. I did multiple times under different but difficult conditions, and it appears that others who understand this method or stumbled upon it by chance also get the 2 days effect.

The first time this happened to me was on the 3rd of March 2013, after a completely emotion/desire/hope/fear/expectation free request made after not having slept since the previous 26th of February. I had made the request, almost as a throwaway “ask” but with no contempt, self-pity or anything like that. I had reached the very bottom of the barrel and in that moment after 5 days of mental torture I don’t wish on my worst enemy, I had simply asked something like: “Oh, yeah, spirits, ancestors, God, whoever, or whatever is or may be out there, if you can help me, please help me.”

I had forgotten about it five minutes later. Two days later I had the almost literal Road to Damascus moment that proved to me beyond any doubt that God exists, is Love and knows every single one of us utterly intimately.

Up to that point, I didn’t even believe in “God” as such, just at best a vague, intelligence behind creation, but certainly not one that could possibly concern itself with the details of my utterly insignificant existence in a Universe with over a trillion starts per Galaxy and trillions upon trillions of Galaxies.

The subsequent discoveries concerning God, actual Catholicism (Sedevacantism) and so on, surprised no one more than me. Of all the religions on Earth I had studied previously, Catholicism in my mind was second only to Islam as the worst possible religion any sane person could believe in. And yet… here I am. God has a truly funny sense of humour.

So, if you are in the midst of despair, hard times, demonic oppression, or whatever it is, and need help, I hope the above guidelines help you get in touch with God and His Mercy and Love.

Feel free to post a comment or ping me an email a couple of days from now if it works.

God bless you and keep you and help you every one.

The Problem of Evil

I don’t mean in the spiritual/existential sense, since I already addressed that fully in BELIEVE!

Unlike C.S. Lewis that in typically British fashion beats around the bush for a whole book without ever really dealing with the issue in a decisive manner. From a logical perspective, in that sense, the problem of evil is trivial to consider: it is the inevitable result of free will. If you consider the syllogism:

1. God is Love

2. Love cannot exist without Free Will

3. Free Will results in imperfect actions and evil actions

The fact that God can (sometimes in very mysterious ways, sometimes in miraculous ones and, presumably, sometimes, in ways we learn only after death) make good come out of even evil acts further shows that despite free will, He, ultimately, and without tipping the scale of Free Will, aims to the Good, always.

But what about how evil plays out in the here and now, in your immediate life or mine?

How to deal with that?

One answer for all situations doesn’t fit. Because there are as infinite a number of evils as responses to it.

My personal view of intractable evil, such as pedophiles, serial killers and psychological vampires that ruin lives is pretty much that a properly ordered society would burn them at the stake and scatter the remains in the local bog.

But most times in our lives, the evil we face is insidious, fog-like, and carried out by wholly human agents, with no need to assume demonic possession.

It’s the bureaucracy put in place by those minions of Satan, lawyers and politicians.

It’s the rampant wokeism and feminist zeitgeist.

It’s your own ego, spinning in the darkness of your petty heart, telling you, you are being hard done by and everyone else is to blame.

Biblically, whether we are persecuted in reality, by actual enemies, or have misfortune befall us, like Job, or whether we ourselves, through our own errors or bad judgement or greed or selfishness or whatever other sin, the answer to our misfortunes is always essentially the same.

We are told, in essence to:

1. Confess our sins – admit the truth of your own part in whatever the situation is.

2. Submit to God – This is the hard one, and most misunderstood, because slightly different depending on part 1 above. Let’s see the differences:

If you are the perpetrator of bad things, this means facing and accepting your own badness, evil, if you like, error, selfish, envious, lazy, etc etc as being a motive force in the shit you now find yourself in. That’s a hard thing for most. Impossible for many. Then, if you do manage it, you need to fully repent. What this means, internally, is a genuine sense of regret, wish to atone, make amends. Sometimes it will be too late to make amends or atone in the world and then we must just learn the lesson and never again repeat the error. That last part is the real key. And it forces needed change ON YOU. Not on the world, your wish for revenge, justice, etc

If you are the sufferer of unjust crimes or fates, the instruction, (see Job) is the same, to thank God for your troubles, and calmly ask for mercy and understanding, because in some way it has a purpose, or even if not, one will emerge, by the Grace of God. Of course, the instinctive reaction is that such thinking is tautological. No matter what happens, God is good and you are a flawed human, so suck it up. Doesn’t sit well with most people. The thing is, if you assume for a second that this really is the case, and act accordingly, you will have a qualitatively different experience than if you do not. One you can’t experience without actually doing it honestly.

3. Pray and wait as you walk – Prayer should be more of a connection to God, a meditation, not a supplication and begging. It can be, occasionally, but should not be the main aim of your prayer generally. And await the truth to descend on you in due course. The waiting is personally the hardest for me and feels like Hell. It is only slightly improved by submitting to God, but any improvement is totally worth it, so I try. And in that submitting, sometimes, you catch glimpses of something approaching that love-world reality I have mentioned before.

My aim is to try to live in that love-world reality. I don’t know if I will ever be able to do so, but one can’t achieve anything if one doesn’t try. I think in that love-world place, perhaps, one has a different and better way to approach the evil that is in the world and that befalls us daily. At least, this is my sense, and my only consolation when truly bad things happen.

It is, once again, astonishing to me, how if one merely understands and uses the Bible, the answers it provides are very practical and work on human problems we deal with daily.

UPDATE: Tony Lowe suggested the below, which is a very good addition to this post. Regardless of if any “Shadow Council” members are involved or not, as I always say, if the model works, and provides useful gains, use it.

A related thought about prayer…

When we are suffering through life and trying to endure in patience, whether they come from ourselves or otherwise, one will experience lots of thoughts, feelings and inclinations that encourage them to fear, despair, misery, sloth or just straight up living in sin.

One can begin to regard such suggestions as if they come from a shadow counsel of figures who do, in fact, hate you.

When they give their suggestions we can then consider: what would these counsels actually be like if a good spirit spoke them? What might God say to this? Or, of course, we can straight-up ask Him, laying all of our doubts and darkness at His feet: “This is what the counsels are saying… what do You think of this? What would You have me consider?”

That isn’t to say that such a practice will always dispel our fear or unease (nor should it, necessarily) but it does allow each occasion of doubt to become an occasion of learning, understanding and fuel for patience.

On a personal note of this very important point, different personalities may fare better or worse with different approaches. My own combative nature can sometimes more easily be “dragged” into a “fight” of the will by said “shadow council” which usually has only temporary good results, and then returns to a rather dark place, sometimes more so than before. The prevailing trap here is anger which can lead to rage.

Prayer at such times is difficult for me, as it seems to me a weakness, a kind of whining or begging when things are not going our way.

One technique that has worked somewhat better and which, I think, if I can master, would become really very powerful, is to simply try to remain in God’s Grace, in silence. It’s a difficult thing to describe in words, as it’s a wordless internal activity for me. It is almost a drawing of your own magnetic field inside yourself, as if trying to pull it all in, into the centre of my heart or chest. And to try to remain still there, with no fear or sadness or anger, just a kind of… trust… a faith I suppose. A sense of knowing you’re in the right place and something to prove it will eventually come along.

It too doesn’t last too long, but it can make the hours pass better, and falling out of it is not as corrosive as the “fight of will”. The prevailing trap being a sense of loneliness, abandonment, or self-pity, which can lead to despair if allowed to persist. My tendencies to self-pity are far less likely than my tendencies to anger, so, for me at least it is more useful. Perhaps it is different for others, but personally I think not, I think this way is superior to the “will to fight”/

I think, in my humble opinion, it may be the beginning of actual, effective, real faith. At least that is my preliminary consideration.

Honest Intellectual Debate

This very useful process, which is actually the correct procedure of philosophy, originating with the ancient Greeks in the formalised sense and later improved and refined by Catholic thinkers, remains essentially unchanged and just as useful as it ever was.

Since today most people have no idea of how it works, or how to do it, I though I would provide a little starter pack.

The order of how to properly argue —which does not mean “fight to win” but rather, present your ideas honestly to subject them to equally honest criticism so as to improve them and the theories that follow from them— is thus:

  1. State your Axioms — these are concepts, items, or ideas that are stated as being true and valid or correct for the purposes of the argument. Some examples might be: The Sun rises in the East, 2 plus 2 is 4 and so on. Axioms might not necessarily be true or correct, but for the purpose of the argument are accepted by both sides as being so. Which of course, does not mean that they need to be accepted by the other side if there is sufficient evidence to bring them into question. Even then though, it is often intellectually useful to have some “as if” axioms. For example, to disprove the idiotic idea of a flat Earth, you can posit the axiom that the Earth is flat and the sun is a little ball of fire sixty miles up. You would then have to do all the steps outlined below to show how this would work and how it matches with what we observe. The very fact not a single moron that believes in the absurd idea of a flat Earth has been able to do this, tends to prove the point that only idiots believe in the flat Earth “theory”.
  2. State your Premises — These are points that you believe or have supporting evidence for being true, but are open to criticism. Or may be true only under certain limited conditions which you are detailing in order to present your hypothesis. For example, while it is true that human beings can and do survive in environments where there is no breathable air (when in the womb and if you ever saw the film the Abyss, there are partial exceptions) your premise accepted for the general theory you want to present might be that “Humans need air to live”. Depending on the theory presented, premises can be few or many, more or less detailed and so on. Generally these are also the points which the counterpart “attacks” or tests for correctness, viability, context and so on.
  3. Present your Hypothesis — The argument you make usually takes the form: Given these axioms and premises I posit that… X
  4. Present your Theory — This takes the some of: Given Hypothesis X I just presented, we should be able to observe Y, Z and A1 (with or without special conditions that may or may not be required, which can be constraints of the theory, meaning the observations are expected only under specific conditions which should be deducible from the axioms and premises.

That concludes the presentation and formation of a Theory.

It should then be presented to the relevant people interested in so as to stress-test it. That is only part 1 of the testing process. The real test, or part 2 of it, comes when you take the theory and apply it in the real world and note if the expected observations take place. This is the experimental stage.

A good theory predicts specific results/observations and these are repeatable and consistent when performed by others who retain the parameters of the experiment.

This whole process of arguing (putting the theory through it’s intellectual paces, looking for errors in logic, and reasoning) is completely pointless if it is not done honestly. Ego, has no place in this process.

Unfortunately, as we have seen, most humans are utterly incapable of being intellectually honest, and ego runs amok like a giant dragon, devouring all in the land.

This is why YouTube “debates” are nowadays simply the equivalent of watching two hobos fight over a ten dollar bill for the “entertainment” of monkey-level IQ in-duh-viduals. I refer to these things as Internet bum fights (bum as in hobo/homeless drunk/junkie).

My “debate” with Vajay Drier was such an event. And the average cretin that listens to Jay Dyer thought he “won” because he made more monkey noises and bluster. When in fact, he completely lost the argument on all fronts, as the written after report proved. But since people are illiterate today, I will soon post the video with spliced in all the proofs, so that it is clear also for those who do not read.

Honest Intellectual arguing is practically a lost art that informs real science and is the bedrock of real philosophy.

What people call “philosophy’ nowadays is as corrupted and degenerate from it’s true origins and reality as what most people call “Catholicism” is from actual Catholicism.

It is a sad state of affairs, but I hope, with totally unreasonable optimism, that this blog might, in due course, become something of a haven for honest intellectual explorers of ideas.

When I was 26, I wrote The Face on Mars (updated and re-issued in 2014).

In the intervening 27 years since, not a single one of my theories has been proven wrong, and in fact, most of them have only had further supporting evidence come out to demonstrate the likelihood that I am indeed very much correct about the origin, causes and nature of the artefacts, as well as the implications of them.

The same is true to date of Reclaiming The Catholic Church.

This is not so much because I am oh so smart (yes, yes, I am, but that’s not the point!) It is primarily because I learnt how to apply the logical process of arguing correctly as it was originally intended to be applied at a young age.

In fact, you will find that if you do not corrupt their young minds, children naturally use this process to learn about the world around them. the often hilarious little “errors” of deduction they make, are the result of not having enough data or not yet being able to properly conceptualise that data within a given concept.

For example, when my two year old (Piglet) is scarfing down the tenth piece of salami and her mother tells her “…that’s not good for your belly, you should stop now.” her instant reply, with a smile, is:

“Yes, but for my mouth.”

And it’s a perfect argument. Ok, mom, maybe it’s not good for my belly, but it’s just great for my taste buds! The fact that the consequences of binging on what she likes the taste of are more important than the pleasure felt by her mouth, is a step too far with unknown data she knows nothing about.

Sadly, in the modern age, most adults have less capacity to argue honestly than my two or my four year olds.

Taboos, Magic and the Human Mind

There is an excellent article on taboos and their differences in different races and cultures, it is truly a good piece, so I suggest you read the whole thing.

I want to focus on one aspect of it that I witnessed myself in extreme context when I was only four years old, but I remember absolutely clearly.

First, a piece from the article for context:

Taboos in Africa where Schweitzer served were not (always) the same for every person, like they are in our culture. In Schweitzer’s society, taboos were created at the individual level, whereas for us they are usually more general. All whites now are forbidden certain speech here, for instance.

Schweitzer says, “There is nothing in life that may not give occasion to a taboo.” Taboos originated in any number of ways, holders often inventing them for themselves, and also desiring to do so

One instance: “In the neighborhood of Samkita there lived a woman whose taboo was that she must never touch a broom but do all her sweeping with her hands.” A more important example:

During my first stay, a tragic taboo affair happened at Samkita. A boy at the Mission school there had as his taboo that he must not eat plantains, and must even be careful not to eat any food out of a cooking-pot in which plantains had been cooked immediately before. One day his schoolfellows told him that he had eaten fish from a pot in which there had been remains of plantain. He was immediately seized with cramp and died after few hours. A missionary who was present gave me an account of this perplexing affair.

The modern European will seek for a scientific, medical explanation. A pastime of historians is diagnosing figures from the past from tenuous clues, so strong is the urge to put everything into accepted medical bins. In this case, the modern European will surmise that the boy had a serious allergy, maybe, and the chemical reactions inside his body brought about by eating the plantain caused his death. 

This proves, as do the actions of the unfortunate boy himself, that it is not unusual to try to fit the round pegs of observation into the square holes of theory that culture provides.

But notice, and notice carefully, that there is no indication that the pot had any plantains in it! The other boys only said there were. The taboo killed the boy. 

If you’re not sold by that story, realize there are many, many other similar ones. They are anyway well known, or used to be. And not restricted to Africans. Fahrenbach tells us Comanche life was in most respects ruled by strict custom enforced by taboos, which we discussed before.

What’s important to us today is the causative effect of the taboo. Taboos caused illness and death. There is no doubt of this. Just as other forms of magic gave health and preserved life. There is no doubt of this either.

Europeans call the health-giving properties of magic the “placebo effect”, to make it sound like science, as all things must. Giving a thing a label is sufficient to put it into a bin, so we can more or less forget about it, as if the label has explained something. It’s not surprising that this label-explaining happens most in psychology. Theories on causal mechanisms abound, but there is no consensus, and many contradictions.

Interestingly, no magic-oriented culture would quail at prescribing magic readily, whereas our science-oriented culture has many long hang-wringing debates over whether prescribing placebos is ethical. We desire to cure people, but we don’t want anybody to stray too far from science.

Taboo translated into science is nocebo, a more recent coinage than placebo. It took a lot longer for science to acknowledge the causative evil effects of taboo violation. Yet nocebos are just more label-making: nothing has been explained. But the acknowledgement is a step forward.

The above paragraphs are absolutely correct. I covered some of this in my posts that included commentary on Maxwell’s equations, the aether and scalar potentials and energy transmissions. I touch on the subject of various “paranormal” phenomena and how to be able to do them yourself in my book Systema, which literally teaches you how to do things like short range telepathy, sensing of various things, from colour to intent and so on, but I want to describe an event I saw with my own eyes when I was four years old in Nigeria.

First, let me state that I have always had an excellent memory right from age two or so. I mention this because a lot of people find that unbelievable, at least as unbelievable that they can’t recall anything prior to age seven or in some cases even later, which to me looks like either retardation or traumatic emotional damage. Perhaps my Asperger’s helps in that regard for I was not short of significant emotional events in childhood, but I recall them all clearly. Anyway, on to the thing I saw.

The Fulani are a semi-nomadic tribe that in Nigeria in 1973, when I was there, for the most part acted as guards. they were honest and didn’t steal, so people used to hire them to guard building sites at night, their homes and so on. Where we lived there were two western style houses, one in which my family, composed of my dad, mom, brother and myself lived, and the other where my dad’s boss, Vincenzo Valsesia lived. They were two bedroom places with one toilet and a lounge/dining area and a veranda enclosed by mosquito netting where windows would be. The kitchen was separate from the lounge/dining area and was accessed via a short covered walkway that linked the kitchen to the dining/lounge room. Giant jumping spiders an inch or two long would run along the walls and jump from one corner to the other, toads, frogs and scorpions were ever-present and so was the occasional rabid dog that would come charging out of the surrounding jungle with literal foam at the mouth and that my dad would invariably dispatch with his shotgun. Once this happened directly at us on a day he was home, though when the workers mentioned one was about my dad would return home and guard us. We had a radio that kept in touch with the site he worked as, managing the construction of Army barracks in an otherwise sparse jungle location with clearings only for our houses and a bit further away the house of another expatriate company, I think it was Costain.

The Fulani had some of their huts not far from our home, roughly between ours and Mr. Valsesia’s place. Their leader lived there and sometimes played with me, using his warrior sticks they used as weapons and giving me a smaller stick to teach me how to fight with them. He was a gentle and kind man, but he had the lean body of a runner and he led his men wisely and strongly. He was not afraid not weak in any way and my dad often jumped in his land-rover with the Fulani chief in the passenger seat to go chase some thieves that had tried to raid one of the building sites for materials.

I remember one day he was playing with me, showing me how to strike with the sticks, he was using his own real weapon-like staves —he had a longer and a shorter one, using both simultaneously— and I had just a small one I was using as a tiny samurai in two-handed fashion. At one point I struck his main staff and it split down the middle breaking in two with a long crack going lengthwise up it. The chief looked astonished. Looked at his staff incredulously then shook his head and just walked away without another word to me. At the time, I was unsure if his staff had really broken or if he had intentionally substituted it for one that he knew would break to maybe make me think I was a great “warrior”. I was unsure of this second hypothesis though, because the staff he was using was a well-worn one and as far as I knew was the one he always had, and secondly, his reaction. He did not congratulate me or do any of the usual good-natured speaking he did (in a language I didn’t understand of course, as he didn’t understand mine either). On reflection, though, in hindsight, his reaction I am sure was genuine, and probably went something along the lines of these white devils being so powerful in their magic that even one of their little boys could destroy his main weapons with a single good blow. I say this because of the other event I witnessed around the same time.

The Fulani chief was I think nominally Muslim, and as such they had up to four wives, him being a chief he had four, and I recall he explained to my dad once that four wives was really the limit, in theory you could have more, but if you got a fifth one, you should “fire” one of the others.

His wives were ranked by age, and the older one was the leader-wife, and in descending order of age came the other three. One of the younger wives, I think it was the second-youngest, did not get along well with the chief wife. The women washed their dishes and pots religiously, every day, in sight of our home, as their camp was only a few dozen metres from us and my brother and I would roam the area, playing, looking for bugs, frogs, and generally doing whatever we wanted without anyone worrying unduly about the occasional snake, scorpions, or wild rabid dogs that infested the area. Such is the way GenX was raised.

I therefore was a prime witness to the older chief-wife washing all the pots and pans and then the younger wife throwing dirt on them and running away laughing. The older wife cursed at her a bit then washed them again. This happened more than once. I was fascinated because even at age four, I did not understand why the older wife did not simply beat the younger one, or, just leave the pots dirty and tell her husband when he came home. Being a little older now I guess that the reason was that the husband, as chief, had his hands full all day with various things and the last thing he wanted to do was come home to dirty plates and arguing wives. Possibly, each wife also had set chores, so the pots being clean may have been the responsibility of the chief-wife and, rightly, any excuses for not having it done would be seen in extremely poor light. So, after the third warning that the older chief-wife gave, and the third time the younger one threw dirt on the cleaned plates, the older wife got a very determined look on her face, grabbed a small piece of baboon skin, said a few mysterious words and then began chasing the younger wife around the courtyard, which was really just bare reddish earth with no fence or wall at all until it reached the untamed jungle. The younger wife ran away screaming and sort of laughing, in that kind of genuine fear that however things you will escape, but the older wife, though not as young, was crafty, and anticipated the turns and swirls that the younger one made, and soon caught the back of her T-shirt with her left hand and shoved the piece of baboon skin down the back of her shirt/dress combination.

Instantly the younger wife threw herself on the ground and started screaming and twisting and rolling about. It looked straight out of some exorcism film in reverse. She screamed and jumped and twisted on the floor like something possessed, then seemed to pass out in a fever and just lay there. The older wife I recall, stood watching it all and when the younger one lapsed into her moaning fever-coma she turned away with a satisfied smirk on her face and went back to washing her plates for the last time today.

The other wives, helped by some friends carried the malingering younger wife into their hut. The woman could not walk or talk and they had to carry her. Shortly thereafter my dad returned home in his Land Rover with the chief beside him. The Fulani had a system where they would shout out and from one to the other they would soon reach wherever the chief or thieves at a building site where. So the chief was soon aware he had to come home and he had asked my dad to bring him home to get there faster.

The chief went in to see the semi-comatose wife and my dad went along to see what was up. I followed them and tried to quietly tell my dad what had happened, but my dad, being a Westerner and thinking probably that his four year old son was unlikely to be able to solve what he assumed was a malarial fever (except they didn’t get it like we did) or some other disease, wasn’t listening to me very much, worried about the woman.

When we were all next to the woman lying on her bed and moaning softly, my dad felt her forehead and knew she did have a real fever, which was partly why he wasn’t listening to me. He tried to explain to the chief she was ill and tried to find out how long she had been feeling ill. It was only when the chief managed to explain that it was some Ju-ju that he finally listened to me. Ju-ju was the word for black magic. At that point my dad finally looked at me and asked me what happened. I still recall what I told him at the time in Italian:

“there is nothing wrong with her dad, she was running around and laughing today, ask the other people here. But she was throwing dirt of the other woman’s cleaned plates, so that one got upset and chased her with a piece of baboon skin and threw it down her shirt. After that she rolled around on the floor screaming and just lay there.” My dad pointed out that the woman had a real fever though, to which I said, “I know she has a fever, but it’s all in her head dad.” My father probably wasn’t sure if I had really understood the situation, I was four after all, but he asked the other people there and despite the language barriers, realised I had summarised what had taken place correctly.

He thought for a bit, then went home with me and when alone double checked with me exactly what had happened, which I repeated to him. he then took a couple of aspirins, and crushed them into a powder. We then returned to the chief and my dad explained that this powder was a powerful white man Ju-ju that would heal his wife and she would sleep and be fine in the morning. they mixed the white powdered aspirins into a bit of water, which made it bitter, but all the better for the Ju-ju I guess, and slowly made the woman sip it. She had been in her semi-comatose state but had heard everything my dad had explained laboriously through the half-english, half-fulani, half-italian and not good with fractions explanations. As soon as she drank the medicine the woman fell asleep snoring. And the next morning she was up and about physically fine but with a much subdued and morose affect.

There was literally nothing wrong with her other than her mind, culture and belief system told her there was. that piece of baboon skin would have had zero effect on me. And not because I was a magical small white warrior-king that can destroy the chief’s main weapon with a common stick I picked off the ground, but because I didn’t believe that shit.

That said, I was a teenager when I learnt that I too was susceptible to the same wrong way of belief. As a kid I used to get sick very easily, especially with sore throats, flus, as well as gut-folding stomach aches. I also got regular nose-bleeds but they didn’t bother me beyond staining my clothes if I wasn’t careful. I was so ill that at one point I missed about three months of school, being in bed with fever, cough, sore throats and so on. When I finally returned to school I was physically weak from having been in bed so long. On the walk home, a thundershower of the type you get in Africa suddenly drenched me. You can go from sunny to torrential rain in seconds and I was wet through all my clothes, just a few hundred metres from home. As I shivered in the cold rain I realised the rain and being cold this way was a certain reason that I would be ill again. All I needed to catch a cold was to literally get cold or rained on and I would be sick the next day or within hours. I had literally just spent three months in bed, had had one day at school and now I was going to get sick again. I felt an absolute rage rise up inside me and I determined right there and then that I would not get sick froths stupid rain and I would not get sick again.

From that day on my incidence of flu and so on disappeared back to what most people would call “normal”, And I was not sick the next day or for a long time after. I still get the occasional man-flu, but I did not get sick at all for most of my life after I realised the power my mind had on it. Even my stomach issues which have a basis in Gilbert’s disease, a genetic disorder of the liver, have much improved as I applied this lesson to them. It is true that covid really did knock me on my ass and pneumonia nearly killed me in April of last year and I had a recurrence in November and that I have been a bit far from perfect health for a while, but I do think there are external factors too. That said, the lesson is still in there and I have been better lately even as I take steps to reduce the external factors, like mould, diet, and next some way to avoid the worst effects of the chemtrails, which I am researching, but above all, mindset counts far more than you think.

I am now in the process of consciously applying the positives of the “placebo” effect, which I wrote about on this blog before, in as many aspects of my life as I can. And it is indeed having results already.

There is a link between “positive thinking” (which is mostly a con-job sold by grifters in the format it is most often presented in) correct prayer, and the right mental attitude of responsible creator instead of “powerless victim”, but finding the right balance and applying correctly is a fine balancing act. Or maybe I just think it is. Either way, positive results are happening gradually but continuously, not just for me, but also for those that have asked for help in changing their minds in this fashion.

I hope you will consider your own placebos, nocebos, taboos and superstitions and alter them as required to produce better effects in your life.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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