Archive for the ‘Billionaire Pedophiles’ Category

The Artemivsk-Bakhmut Radius

The German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild, was the first to calculate what is normally referred to as the Event Horizon, that is, the radius at which a collapsing star or black hole does not let even light escape, and as such becomes a black hole.

Karl, did this in 1916 while fighting in the trenches of WWI. He was clearly an uncommon man that could see beyond his immediate circumstances even when these were rather dire.

In any case, I would now like to bring your attention to another black hole radius: The Artemivsk-Bakhmut Radius.

This is the location in the ex-fake country called Ukraine, where one could say that either directly or indirectly, pretty much everything disappears.

About 140 billion US $ have disappeared, countless NATO weapons and Ukrainian (and some Russian) soldiers and so on have been ground to dead dust.

And it doesn’t seem it will end any time soon.

The AB Radius is gradual. It is strongest at the epicentre of the actual geographical location of the ex-city of Artemivsk-Bakhmut, where everything from men, materiel, money, possibly UFOs and God only knows what else, seems to disappear, usually in flashes of Russian artillery and drone fire, but it has radiating lines of propagating force that reach into every household of the Western Hemisphere and indeed the world.

Extracting mostly energy, money and health from the rest of the planet.

It seems to be a self-feeding mechanism.

Producing the effect is Corrupt Political Western Powers (CPWP), divided by Parasitic Foreign Impostors (PFI), multiplied by Corrupting Potential of Western Puppet-Leaders (CPWPL) which is a complicated calculation because this is a variable factor that ranges from near-infinity to beyond-infinity; that’s the left side of the formula. On the right side of the formula you have Russian Will to Survive as a Nation (RWSN), multiplied by Chinese Will to Survive as an Entity (CWSE). The parallel product of these formulae is that on the left we have a net negative number that fluctuates as a combination of the result of negative trillions of dollars multiplied by the potential loss of billions of souls, and on the right hand side a small positive number of the irrational fluctuating number known as Human Hope.

In mathematical terms then:


Which reduces to:

-x Trillion USD * -y Souls : HH<0.0001%

For the non-mathematicians: Russia is not going to have a massive offensive that takes over Ukraine, because it does not help them reduce their actual enemies, the USA, and the NATO puppets being run by the deep state Satanic self-declared “elite” to a state of impotent military flaccidity and economic poverty while also fomenting huge social unrest at home, with concomitant rebellions, fragmentations and balkanisations.

On the other side, the Homoglobalists are completely incapable of doing anything other than feeding the maw of war for multiple reasons.

First of all, stopping would mean loss of profits for those of them that benefit financially from the continued war.

Secondly, it would expose even more their crimes against humanity, and it’s not as if anyone who cares doesn’t already know most of them, but because the actual in-your-face presentation of them, even to the docile, retarded, brainwashed, obese masses, is likely to cause instability to a degree even the protected “elite” might find uncomfortable.

Thirdly, it is an admission of defeat for various of the factions, be it the Jewish Messianic ones, the actual Satan worshipping Freemasons in high positions, and also their entire Wester World puppets that think they are very important people.

Fourth, there is a small but real possibility that either the winners, or the completely fed up populations of the West, may set up ropes around lampposts, guillotines in their town squares, drawing and quartering horses, or stakes to be burned at —according to cultural preferences— in order to have some popular regime change spread around the West as a whole.

And there you have it. Please be sure to keep me as the person who gave the AB Radius it’s name, if not the official discoverer of it, since I am sure several high-minded Russians have undoubtedly come to the same theorem, and may have just been too busy in a trench to publish. I have no problem sharing the glory with such physicists on the field, of course.

Thank you.

Yes, all the names mentioned are of Jews

But I am sure that’s it’s just a Cohencidence.

Probably nothing to do with the passages in the Talmud that says it’s perfectly acceptable and no sin at all to rape children under the age of 3.

The video below is only a couple of minutes long. Look at the way the Zyklons are trying to shut the prof down when he shows the links between Anarchists (antifa types), homosexuality, and pedophiles. Using unassailable facts, no less.

Maybe one in five Zyklons really is not just LGBT, but actually is a pedophile?

What say you Zyklons?

The first rule of pedophile billionaires…

…is that you can’t talk about the truth.

This rather excellent individual, Peter Flaherty, whom I had never heard of before, spoke unquestionable facts at a shareholder’s meeting and before his 3 minutes were up, he was physically arrested by actual police.

Although the archived daily mail article above is a faithful reporting of the events seen on video, this is a longer clip than the one provided by the daily mail, that shows the start of his speech too.

Flaherty said Buffet had ‘donated tens of billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’, adding: ‘If “woke” culture is a disease, then philanthropy is the virus. The Gates Foundation bankrolls the teaching of Critical Race Theory around the country, including that math is inherently racist.
‘The Gates Foundation offers a Gender Identity Toolbox which asserts that gender is the result of ‘socially and culturally constructed ideas.
‘This is a lie. Gender is not a cultural construct. It is a genetic and biological fact.’
At this point, he appeared to be interrupted by Berkshire official Cathy Woollums, but Flaherty insisted he would not be ‘censored’ and appealed to Buffet that he be allowed to continue.
Buffet agreed but reminded him of his three-minute limitation.
Flaherty replied ‘of course’, before continuing: ‘We know how much Bill Gates cares about children. He met and traveled with Jeffrey Epstein many times after Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.’

It’s very interesting, is it not, that Flaherty was arrested so quickly for… umm… well, stating objective, indisputable facts.

And Hunter Biden hasn’t even been charged with anything yet, despite there being video of him with actual children on his laptop, smoking crack and brandishing a weapon, while naked.

But you keep thinking voting is gonna solve things? Ok millennial.

UPDATE: This is the only post I had to write twice and on the desktop, as the upload from my phone first failed, then was not saveable as a draft and finally was partially hidden. Just a coincidence I am sure.

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