It is truly difficult to transmit to other human beings how massively almost everything they believe is either complete nonsense or a lie.
I occasionally stray into the human pits of despair that are online “debates”. They are not really debates at all, they are more like the entertainment of watching someone club stupid people to death. It’s not exactly soul enriching or worth the time. Nevertheless, given my gushing optimism for the human race, being as I think only about 98% of it is composed of absolute morons, it is necessary for me to once in a while dip my foot in the festering sewer that is the average normie mindset.
Specifically I have watched a few clips of Andrew Wilson vivisecting the “brains” of a few feminists, only fans prostitutes, and related NPCs.
In truth I had to force myself to stomach more than a few minutes of the absolute IQ sapping radiant stupidity that comes out of these women’s mouths, because it is so absurd it literally could set your nerves on fire. I don’t know much about Andrew other than he says he is married has children and is an Eastern “Orthodox” Christian. He argues dialectically and has the patience of a saint despite being a schismatic and not exactly a genius since he stated on one clip I saw that the Catholic Church agrees with the Eastern “Orthodox” but they don’t agree with Catholicism. That’s obviously nonsensical, but after all, he is American and probably raised Protestant, so making the shift to Eastern Orthodox is certainly a step in the right direction.
That aside, and also putting aside the absolutely completely degenerate mindset of the whores on the whatever podcast, it needs to be realised that while the women’s mindset may be on the extreme end (one hopes), the reality is that a LOT of the issues they “believe” in, stem from the pernicious lies spread by feminism and their ever-present (((pushers of degeneracy))).
It is hard enough to realise how wrong most so-called “normal” positions are on DIE (Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equality) but when the bell curve on one side is shifted so far into literal Babylonian total depravity, it colours the rest of life and redshifts it all that much closer to Hell.
Now, I am no prude, I have enjoyed far more sex and sexual adventures and partners than the average man by at least an order of magnitude.
I certainly understand the allure of the forbidden, the temptation of the taboo, and the visceral pleasures of the flesh. I also know that I am unlike most men. The things I can (and have) survive, or go through, or walk past would cripple most men. It is not an exaggeration to say that, nor is it a boast. It is simply a fact.
Some guys are better chess players or smarter or more able to design a functioning rocket, I just happen to be better than most at surviving situations that most men may well find almost impossible to navigate. And it’s not even necessarily the function of great intelligence, it’s more akin to a talent or perhaps lucky survivor’s statistics, I mean, they say that death, divorce and moving home are the three most traumatic experiences a person can undergo. I was close to, and lost all four of my grandparents between my early teens and my 30s. I had two divorces, the last one included my first daughter too; and I have moved home 54 times and am now 54 years old. I also started my “career” a number of times, in different fields, starting from zero and with little or no money a number of times. I also have 5 children now and a Catholic (sedevacantist) which was unthinkable say 15 years ago. So perhaps it’s just a matter of if you throw enough guys into a meatgrinder life, at least a few survive and maybe they get better at it.
My point here is simply that when I discuss the issues facing men (or women for that matter) who want to be in a proper, life-long committed marriage to form a coherent and traditional nuclear family, I am not just whistling theoretical dixie. You could say I have definitely been in the trenches, the air-raids, the tank battles, the drone attacks, the psyops and the treachery that the modern day “battle of the sexes” and all the absolute bullshit that is shovelled into people’s heads about men and women and their roles in society that goes with it.
Nor have I come through it unscathed. No one goes through that stuff without taking body shots, but the point is that I always had this intrinsic belief that no matter how much you damage me, if I am still alive, I will get up again at some point. Maybe I’ll be crippled, maybe I won’t be able to run or fight as well, but I will get up. And I will not stop.
That mindset has allowed me to walk through valleys and mountains of deceit, lies, intentional misinformation, propaganda, and false narratives that most human beings are not even aware are being actively perpetrated on them.
And after all that, these are the simple, basic, truths I have concluded make life MOST worthwhile to live, in no particular order:
- Be a MAN. Honour your word and give it out as rarely as possible and only if you really must. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
- God is real and he is the Catholic God, and the One True Church is the Catholic Church. The Novus Ordo “Church” is a Satanic lie and should be rejected even harder than the poor ignorant Protestant 40,000 denominations of nonsense. Catholicism describes objective reality bette than any other system or philosophy, period.
- The most important thing you can do in this life is be a good husband and a good father and lead your woman to having the opportunity of being a good wife and good mother. Within this context, the following things are true:
- School is a damaging prison for children and unnatural for the most part. If at all possible educate them yourself (assuming you have at least the basic tools and intellect for doing so). If not immediately possible try to enrol them in the most rural, small, ethnically similar school possible.
- Going to work out of the home and letting your wife do the same so your children can be raised by strangers is unnatural and not good. Your work should be such you can show it to your children and they can learn from it if possible, but in any case, you should be present in their daily life.
- Your wife should be the nurturer and shelter for your children from your disciplining and rules laying down.
- Rules of life with regard to how to treat others, each other and family should generally be laid down by the father, and be in agreement by the mother.
- A little corporal punishment correctly administered goes a very long way towards instilling discipline and respect and becomes unnecessary for the most part once the child has reached the age of reason.
- For the best raising of children, the mother should make it clear the father is the most important person in the house, and the father should make it clear the mother is the most important person to him as far as respect and deference of the children is concerned, but both parents should also be clear in their action and thought and spirit that the lives of their children are more important than their own or even each other’s lives.
- Children are perfectly logical, don’t lie to them and explain things calmly and gradually and truthfully and they will astonish you with the level of comprehension they have.
- Do not ignore your children. If one of them is upset find out why and deal with it. If they are being a spoilt brat, punish them or educate them as required, but do not let things fester. Mental torture that lasts long is more damaging and less educational than a spanked arse in just proportion.
- Justice above Law.
- Courage is more important than intelligence, imagination more than knowledge, and faith more than wisdom.
- There is no Love without Justice and there is no Justice without Love.
- Marriage is for life and should be in Church and almost no one today is equipped to make it a truly life-long commitment. Finding a woman that understands this and is willing to fight for it too is exceedingly difficult, and may not in fact exist in the wild, and you may have to educate, shape, and lead them to this truth. It is particularly hard to get women to understand this because marriage involves sacrifice and the general solipsism and biological selfishness of women has been weaponised against them by Feminism since the early 1960s without any respite. However, it is not impossible. The Truth will out, but it takes humility for a woman to accept this reality, even when it smacks them in the face repeatedly in life.
- Reject any woman that has any kind of entrenched feminist ideals in her brain. Simply do not even bother wasting time with them. Even if you are a hedonist secularist without any religion, even just using them for a one-night stand is very often more trouble and riskier than the simple, secular pleasure, of sex for a night or a couple of nights at most is worth. And entertaining any kind of relationship with such a creature is demonstrably going to be more damaging to your life than probably trying to sleep with a venomous snake in your bed for the rest of your days.
- Most religious people are liars and/or ignorants who have no idea what the basic tenets of their religion are, but you should absolutely judge them and treat them as if they did know.
- Most humans are driven by their emotions and the lies they have bought into. Study Professor Cipolla’s theorem and learn it well, so that you might be fortified against the reality facing you.
- Antigravity technology exists and was re-discovered officially by Thomas Townsend Brown first, then developed much further by the Nazis during WWII and eventually by the US Naval Research Laboratories.
- Yes, the financial system is essentially controlled by the Rothschild family and a few others, and yes, they do want to enslave the rest of humanity, and yes, many of them are honest-to-God Satan worshippers. Regardless of whether you believe in the devil or not, they do. Regulate yourself accordingly.
- Do not be too afraid to speak your mind. Of course, time and place, the truth can and will get you killed at times, so exercise some discernment, but do not keep quiet in the face of any of Clown World agendas. They are an insane and unhinged minority, let them know they need to get back under the rocks from which they crawled out of and be silent.
- Logic, reason and objective reality are important and real things. Learn them.
- Free Speech is an idiotic and deluded idea that has never, and will never, exist as long as humanity exists. Realise this truth, even if you are American and have been brainwashed into believing such a thing exists or ever did. Honestly, actual unicorns are more likely to have existed than this absolute fiction.
- The IQ Gap is real and having one in your marriage is not a good thing. try to find a woman that is at least within 30 IQ points of you at most. Especially if you are relatively high IQ.
You certainly don’t HAVE to take my advice on life. No one is forcing you to, certainly, but, I would at least consider the words of a man that had survived multiple combat situations I might find myself in. Or who managed to find a way to reconcile the world with a lasting marriage and creation of a family, or who managed to play the system into accumulating enough wealth to leave a good legacy for his family. We all have choices to make as to how we choose to live, die and what we want to leave behind, if anything. there are many more bullet points, but this is about what I can do in one post. If you want more detailed information concerning relationships, Caveman Theory is there for it.
The Speciation of the Species
It is usually my practice to observe something for a fairly long time before making any kind of new observation that is not commonly noticed by most, but in this case my observation is only about 4 years in the making so it may be a premature one, nevertheless I think it can be helpful to some, so here it is.
The human race is rapidly going to split into various different strata or types. It is hard to resist the analogy with the Role-Playing Game set in a post-apocalyptic world called Gamma World, although it is not really that as much as a mixture of the series Altered Carbon (season 1 is all I saw) and H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine.
The untermensch/morlocks
The vast underclass of morlocks will invariably have various and differing characteristics but their overarching feature will be their powerlessness, poverty and being at the mercy of not just the ruling class, but of every class above them. In practical terms they will be the untouchables of the Hindu caste system. And it will be a fine line between them and the homeless crack-heads that will begin to drop dead like flies in large numbers. At any rate, you don’t want to be one of these poor creatures we may refer to as NPCs. By and large the teeming masses of India, Africa and Asia, whether in their original geographical locations or overseas, invading other countries, are all people who will only “provide” poverty, crime, disease, and collapsing infrastructure at every level. They will be used cynically as weapons in their masses, as is already the case, and will constitute the vast majority of humans on Earth. If you are unfortunate enough to be born in this situation it will be extremely hard for you to get out of it and it will be made harder as time passes. These are the people they want to use as cannon fodder, science experiments, medical test-beds of new technology, and so on.
The lower class
This is where the kind of people who had their own home and a little bit of disposable income will soon end up. Barely making ends meet, renting, not quite eating the bug paste, but not eating meat or fish either other than on special occasions. They too will be at the mercy of every class above them and possibly will be required to be “vaxxed” and have a “universal basic income” even if at first it might be called something else at first; some kind of hook from the government to reel you in.
The rich
These will be of two types, the generationally wealthy, that is, people whose parents and grandparents made the wealth and they essentially are just inheritors of it, and perhaps a few of them will not be total moral vampires, but they will be rare and few and far between. It’s not the wealth per se that necessarily corrupts, but the fact that it is literally almost impossible to make any great wealth if you are not somehow in with the corrupt. The other type will be those that have fully embraced their natures and have no problem lording it over others.
The Chief Vampires
These are those who fancy themselves the elite and their lieutenants. The Bill Gates, the Klaus Schwabs, Soros’ spawn, Zuckeberg and so on who are the mere handmaidens of the real puppeteers like the Rothschilds owners of the Bank of International Settlement, the Federal Reserve and so on. They absolutely see the morlocks as useless eaters and/or playthings to do with as they wish and are most amused by, including mass murder of them etc. the lower class are their faceless go-to slave class that does whatever menial task required of them and barely above the untermensch and untouchable status, and in fact quite interchangeable with it individually but slightly less so on large scales projects. They see the rich with a mixture of amusement and contempt. Amusement at how the masses view the rich with such hatred and envy when these Chief Vampires know that they are, as a class, entirely bought and paid for mostly and certainly every single one of their lieutenants is.
The rich can be thought of as the footsoldiers of the Chief Vampires, and as such considered to be their first line of defence. How the masses react to the rich gives the Chief Vampires the data they need to then direct their lieutenants accordingly. The contempt comes when any of those allowed to form part of the class of the rich makes the error of thinking they belong to the same class as the lieutenants of the Chief Vampires, or worse, the actual Chief Vampires themselves.
The Lieutenants are the real enforcers and workforce of the Chief Vampires, putting in place the systems that the Chief Vampires want to be realised in order to control the rest of humanity as they wish.
The Independents
There will be several different types of these, and in a way this entire class, with its many types, essentially forms the core of what we might call the original humanity. Despite the large number of factions identified below (and even sub-factions within them) independents as a whole are a minority on Earth, comprising probably no more than 20% of humanity at the most optimistic, and realistically, almost certainly less than 10% as a whole. Consider for example that the Caucasoid race as a whole is somewhat less than 10% of the world population and the majority of those people are not independents even if the largest number of independents tend to be Caucasoid.
Independents will tend to be resourceful, and generally dislike having anyone impose their rules on them. As such they can be thought of as interchangeably useful, obstructive, dangerous, admirable, a threat to be extinguished, someone that one is secretly envious of, and even entertaining diversions to be messed with or made examples of. And they can be thought of in this way by everyone from the rich, the Chief Vampires and even the independents classes themselves. Furthermore, their status within each class by the various individuals in them can and usually does shift even for the individuals, or can have multiple labels on them at once. A Chief Vampire might actually notice an independent as a curiosity and at times perhaps even toy with them for entertainment, study or to satisfy their hint of envy at these creatures that attempt so desperately (and in the eyes of the Chief Vampires futilely so) to be… well… free and indeed independent. The rich will tend to somewhat admire and envy them as well as occasionally hate them for it, but it’s the lieutenants of the Chief Vampires who generally hate them the most. The independents are the very antithesis of what the Lietenants themselves are: people who regardless of the consequences and at times even just ignorance or blind faith, believe and even act as if they were free to think and do as they please! How dare they!
Security Personnel – These guys are generally not exactly completely or even meant to be independents, but by virtue of their positions have some autonomy and at times and historically can and have become even forces to be reckoned with when/if they turn on their masters and/or leave their employ. Their positions give them insights into the inner workings of the machinery of control and while they are mostly picked for their lack of imagination, propensity for following orders and so on, you get the occasional one that has some slightly more evolved brain or who slipped through the net by ascribing to samurai principles of duty without setting off too many alarm bells about other aspects of his character that are actually well evolved beyond the usual soldier/cop/grunt level.
Cult Leaders – What? You thought all Independents were the good guys fighting the good fight? Some of them are just grifters with a narrative and in it just for themselves. The Chief Vampires (CV) their Lieutenants, and even the rich can see these types as a sort of pressure release valve. They soak up large numbers of the disaffected, particularly single, heterosexual, younger men, and also drain them of what little finances they have along with giving them some grift or nonsense to waste their energy and time on. These are the Andrew Tates, the Jordan Petersons, the Ivan Thrones, most of the “famous” YouTubers and politicians and talking heads. They keep the teeming masses of Morlocks and the lower classes in check, and spinning on empty, which keeps things safer and more manageable by the people higher up like the rich and their masters and so on. Regardless of whether the cult leader or grifter actually believes their ideology or is in it just for the grift, they are mostly useful idiots to the classes above.
Religious Communities – In many respects these are often indistinguishable from cults because, well… so many of them are in fact cults, though they may not be focused on any individual/s as such. And even when they form a functional mini-society they are almost invariably never a threat to the rich and above since they are mostly of the non-violent variety. So for example, the Amish are not a threat and they remove any potentially disaffected who could organise in more dangerous ways as far as the rich and above are concerned. They may fit into the Chthulian model of being “eaten last” as long as their movement does not become too big or in competition with any aspect of the plan the CVs have in store for humanity. Some exceptions might be:
Barons – These are people that may have achieved genuine wealth without being bought and paid for. Their wealth is not on a par with the rich even, never mind those above them, but they have achieved a level of safety in this regard that somewhat insulates them from the plans of the CVs and their Lieutenants and even the Rich, and they may have come to conclude that the plans of the CVs and so on are distasteful enough they want no part of it. They are able for the most part to remain separate from the turmoil, but sooner or later they will have to declare for a side and they are well aware that going against the CVs will entail a battle that will try to ruin them and their offspring in the long term, so in the main they are not clear and present dangers and can be kept mostly “on side” or at least not very effective by the rich and the Lieutenants they may come into contact with. These types also tend to be cautious so are unlikely to declare openly against the plans of the CVs and even if they do they can usually be converted or persuaded to become just another grift or cult that syphons off any energy that would otherwise become more focused against the CVs in more meaningful ways.
Warlords – These are mostly prevalent in already Chaotic and broken societies and historically could be large enough to even be regarded as a whole “nation”. These however have mostly been broken up now, North Korea and the Houtis being the current exceptions. In other instances these may be regional African leaders, though the leaders of such can become leaders of independent nations, such as the events of the last year or so in Niger. These types are usually in a constant fight for power and survival so in the greater scheme of things nothing for the CVs to be too concerned about… unless… and until someone like Putin comes along and helps them organise better as an antagonistic block that may go rogue down the line and require a nice little war to be brought back in line, along with the opportunity for blood sacrifices, child trafficking and profit that war invariably brings to the CVs.
Hermits and Lone Wolves – Not really a threat to the CVs due to their being individual dots on an entire landscape. Even if one of them goes rogue, it is far more likely they bump off only a very minor player like a judge or a Rich, and so on. Historically they never even get violent much at all and if they do they don’t get to strike to even the Lieutenant level, never mind the CV level.
Now that the various types have been identified, chances are that if you are reading here you fall into one of the independent categories.
Personally I have gone from Lone Wolf, which was most of my entire life, simply wanting to be left alone, to now being still a relatively Lone Wolf but creating a religious, Sedevacantist Type 2 community around me. I am still too small and the community too new, small and scattered to matter at all, and perhaps, even if I eventually succeed, I will be only thought of as an oddity worthy of study for a while in the curiosity one might have for a tiny creature that fancies itself as relevant, but I have no doubt that if I do succeed in any meaningful way, the eye of Sauron will take note.
But my point here is a much broader one than merely what grouping you or I fall into. My point here concerns the future of my children and their children and the children after them.
I am aware of the existence of technology that can easily get us to the starts. And have been aware of it since my mid twenties. More recently I have also become aware of the spiritual realities involved on this planet and the way things really work.
My concern is that if the Chief Vampires get their way, humanity, or certainly the part of humanity that actually matters, that is worthy of being a star-faring race because of their nature, not just the availability of the technology, will not make it.
And I want us to make it.
I do not know if only this planet, or —as I more likely suspect— the entirety of material creation is under the Dominion of the Prince of Lies, but regardless of the extent of his reign, temporary though it is, it is my duty, and yours, if you are a real human being, to fight against him and all his minions, whatever forms they take.
The only people that may get access to that technology and use it in a positive, non-destructive way, to increase human freedom instead of decrease it, and reach out to whatever other intelligences must exist out there in due course, are those that currently fall in the Independent class.
Technically any weird sequence of events may get an Independent faction to achieve antigravity technology. Holding on to it against the onslaught that the Chief Vampires would unleash against such a group will be extremely difficult though. But even if they manage to do that, there remains an aspect that is going to work out for the good in only one of those faction: Sedevacantists Type 2.
That’s because absent an absolute moral path, the errors of ego, human flaws and so on, only get magnified as errors with terrible consequences for large numbers of people. Throughout the history of humanity, only a few people had the will and faith to choose death over breaking what they perceived as their sacred duty, and we still know their names millennia later. Many of these were Pagans or Heathens of some kind:
The Samurai, the Spartans, the Romans of warrior class, and probably others, but, while undeniably honourable in their ways, there was no absolute sense of Justice, Charity, Mercy, Beauty, and above all: Love.
Only Catholicism has had the kind of Martyrs that consistently died for Love of mankind as a whole, unspeciated, unpartisan, and indeed, our Lord Himself died for the love of his very enemies. The many, many martyrs of Catholicism like those who went willingly to be eaten by lions or to be shot by firing squad as a Priest who would not break the vow of confession. The Catholic warriors who went to certain death to protect Christendom as a whole, even when those who called for their help stabbed them in the back.
Only adherence to dogmatic Catholic principles, can result in a star-faring humanity that is not a blight on the rest of the Galaxies around us. And for those of you that think any “Christianity” will do, no. It won’t. No version of Christianity other than Catholicism has had the number of consistent martyrs of the type I just described.
Eastern “Orthodoxy” has a few (mostly by claiming Catholic martyrs as if they were “theirs” too) bit even that is only due to its relative nearness to Catholicism when compared to the other heretic versions of Chirchianity trying to pass as “Christians”. The same goes for the Copts even if their numbers are far lower than even the Eastern schismatics.
So, although my choice of becoming Catholic (1958 Sede) did not originally have anything to do with the eventual hopeful future of humanity, it turns out that, as is logical, the truth reflects in every way itself.
Above all, Catholicism is true, and if you do take the time to study it and its history and it fruits, you will soon enough come to realise that no other religion has been as beneficial and created as much beauty for humanity. It is the only light worth moving towards.
And wither way, whether you like it, see it, believe it or not, we are, as a species, being prodded, pushed, forced and in every way, good or bad, being made to keep moving towards the speciation I have laid out above. So chose a path, because if you do not, one will absolutely be chosen for you, and the likelihood is that without a lot if action from you, you will be shoved in the ranks of the Morlocks. So…
Choose wisely.
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By G | 28 June 2024 | Posted in Billionaire Pedophiles, Catholicism, Human Performance, Increasing Happiness, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within, The Jews