Archive for the ‘Billionaire Pedophiles’ Category

WWIII – The Nuclear Threat

Simplicius does the work I am too lazy (and bored by the subject) to do in terms of explaining in detailed steps what exactly is going on at the front lines of WWIII that we have been in since early 2020 when the biological, genetic, and psychological attack on much of humanity was started by the Satanic Pedophiles that run most of this planet. His post on the (more) recent attempts by the gay cocaine dwarf to create a nuclear incident is rather detailed and informative, and takes you through the whole things well.

The likelihood of some kind of nuclear incident soon at one of the two nuclear plants is definitely raised to “probable” in my mind, due to the fact that they have a lot of embedded foreign media types now reporting (totally illegal, by the way) from the area of Russia that the Ukis have managed to push into.

Here is a small part of his post:

Right now, the information campaign being coordinated in parallel with the Kursk offensive is reaching a deafening fever pitch. NATO and its vast intel machinery are working overtime to push the narrative that the Kursk campaign is ‘overwhelming’ Putin and Russia, that internal fissures are threatening to swallow Putin’s ‘regime’ whole, and that things are generally collapsing for Russia. Even the latest Western articles are switching to this last blind shot in the dark to give Ukraine a chance: 

The latest push includes all kinds of provocations, such as foreign journalists—from UK and Italy—embedded with the AFU, illegally entering sovereign Russian territory to report from it. 

Here’s British CNN correspondent illegally entering Russian territory:

[Go see the two short videos on his site]

This includes infamous American mercenary outfit ‘Forward Observation Group’ flaunting the fact they too are allegedly in Kursk: 

This is a timed and calculated provocation, meant to push Russia to the brink, hitting every conceivable pressure point of outrage, stoking ancestral Russian pride and patriotism. And it’s true, the invasion is a black eye on Russia, to an extent—but it must be considered within the grander overall scope of the situation: things feel terminal for Ukraine; Zelensky is accelerating as if propelled by some unprecedentedly urgent impetus. By his own actions, he’s demonstrating that Ukraine appears to be on the brink, and the West is giving its all in what may amount to be one final heroic propaganda provocation to try to stir Russia out of its comfort zone. 

[see video of that warmongering asshole ex-mayor of London Boris Johnson at Simplicius site]

We can see the two-pronged urgency emerge from the dire situation on Ukraine’s eastern flank in Donbass, as the collapse continues to accelerate there. 

Do read the whole thing, especially if you are still somewhat prone to reading Western Newspapers or watching Western News Channels, or caring about Western pretend voting charades and so on.

If however you want the unfiltered Kurgan summary, here it is:

It’s all kabuki as usual. The Ukis, pushed by the (((US-Bankers))) led NATO puppets, managed to get a foothold in Russia somewhat near a second Russian Power Station in the Kursk region, (the first one now being in “new” Russian territory if I recall right). The idea is to either:

Promote Russian willingness to come to the negotiating table, which is totally retarded, because Putin has already made it clear there will be no negotiations with people who are agreement incapable, so any “negotiations” will be limited to Putin saying: “Do this.” And the Ukis and combined Clown World saying “Yes sir, thank you sir.”

The other alternative is to try and provoke Russia into a nuclear event response. What I mean by this is that the Bankers running the USA like their bitch, and the USA running most of Western Europe like their poodles, will try to cause some kind of nuclear-like attack on Russia. I mean by this, the destruction of one or both of the nuclear plants, a dirty “tactical” nuke or two in the area or something similar. Prodded to this extent, Russia will have no real alternative but to respond in some fashion. What that response would be is hard to say, but keep in mind that apparently UK spies from MI6 and the usual American mercenaries and CIA types are all helping with he attacks on the power stations. And this is being confirmed by Russia but pretty much by the fact that countries like the UK and Italy already have embedded presstitutes in the forward operations of the Ukis (with my deepest apologies to crack-whores, street-walkers, and prostitutes who are a far more honest, dignified, and honourable lot than your average Wester journalist).

If the Clown Worlder Pedovampires manage to push Putin to a nuclear response, the gloves are pretty much off and Europe is likely to become a literal wasteland, complete with mutants, radioactive craters, and a scorched Earth, to one degree or other. This is the hoped for response by the Satanists. I know its hard to believe, but you really need to educate yourself about what Freemasons are, what they believe, who they are serving, and what their ultimate master-plan, as laid out in quite some detail by their guru Albert Pike is. It literally is the bringing of Hell on Earth to satisfy their master Lucifer and bring on what they see the new era of “enlightenment”. Which is one of their pet phrases, along with “equality, brotherhood of man, and freedom”, yes, the egalitè fraternitè and libertè of the French revolutions, which murdered Catholics by the tens of thousands, including torturing babies, bankrupted the French government and blamed it on Luis and Marie Antoniette, who lost their heads on it, and the money was used to fund the American revolution that created the first Freemason country in the world, the USA. Which is why all manner of degeneracy, filth and absolute inhuman crap spews forth from there.

Programs like Jerry Springer, in the early 1990s were unknown in the rest of the world, and the first time my brother and I saw them we were flabbergasted at what a cesspool of total degeneracy America was. We called those shows “Why did you fuck my uncle’s dog.” because in essence, that is what they were. And most of that stuff is pushed by the people who run Hollywood and many of the media there, which, Cohen-cidentally, also happen to mostly be Jews, who also Cohen-cidentally, if you listen to their Rabbis and read their Talmud, tell you quite clearly that the Judaic religion worships the ruler of this world, that is, Satan, not God the Father.

This is not hyperbole. You really should investigate the matter yourself if you don’t believe me. Please go ahead and prove me wrong.

Now, as to whether they will succeed or not in making Europe the hard battleground for WWIII, I think it’s always possible, but somewhat unlikely.

First of all, even the puppets of the “Americans” running America and by extension Europe, are starting to realise that if it does devolve to Nuclear War, they too will get fried. But more importantly, the average European citizen has absolutely no wish whatsoever of even entering a conventional war with Russia. Never mind a nuclear one.

The Clown Worlders in Europe are banking on Putin’s decency, which is to say, that they think even if they produce a dirty nuke bomb somewhere in Russia (that is not say Moscow, or St. Petersburg) Putin will be too humane and polite to nuke London or New York. Maybe. If I was him, I also probably would not nuke one of those two cities. But Langley in Virginia? You bet. Or maybe Quantico. Or one or two of the Amrican Nuclear bases in Europe. Not with a Tsar Bomba, mind you, just an equivalent tac nuke. Probably a clean-ish one to let the citizens know, “Hey, sorry, but if you guys don’t get rid of these pedovampires, we have to, and if you live near them and continue to support them, well… we’ll try to not nuke you with dirty bombs, but ya know, omelettes and eggshells.”

So that’s my take.


The one I always tell you guys. Get out of the cities, prepare as best you can to be fiat-money independent, water and food secure, security secure (guns, ammo, defences of your home and family), and build a community of co-religious people with common mindset and interests. For me it’s Sedevacantists, and only Sedevacantists, because in our brief 3 years here we have already noted that people who wanted to be part of this community but were not proper Catholics invariably flaked, gave up, or turned on us. All things I expected, but was refreshing to see happen in real terms. It’s solidified the remaining people to see things as they are and it is a unanimous perspective now among us. If you’re not a proper Catholic (the only Catholics left are Sedevacantist), we’re basically not interested in your joining us.

Catholicism has risen from the ashes time and again, and overturned heresies and situations that by all metrics should have wiped it out countless times. The reason is that Jesus promised he will be with His Church until the End Times. And that’s good enough for all of us here to have utter faith in. Our job is simply to prepare and make things as ready as we can for His return. Which, as far as I can tell from Revelation, simply means to hold on and not lose faith no matter what foul evil befalls us.

I know the people who usually link to these updates are unlikely to do so now, because I think most of them are protestant, but hey, if you think your Church from the year 1800 or even 1521, or your Novus Ordo fake “Catholicism” is going to out-perform the only Christianity that has ever existed on Earth, you go for it. Create your community of co-religionists and good luck to you.

Trusting the Government

I just finished reading Agent 13’s last post on the Uvalde shooting. It’s a massive series, but the harassment he received alone is worth noting.

I have encountered something similar shortly after I wrote The Face on Mars, and periodically get some digital psyops, so it’s nothing new for me, but most people are not aware of the levels these creatures will go to to silence the truth.

When you realise that the world is run by Satanic pedophiles, however, things start to make sense. Here is tiny extract from Agent 13’s post:

My story: On August 10th, Targeted Justice (Substack) published a post called Silent Hit

This post is about law enforcement admitting, on video, that a “target” (the driver who he pulled over, a “non-investigative subject”was labeled “Silent Hit” on the cops end, meaning, “don’t tell this citizen”. This made me feel a little vindicated because it proves it is possible for police to be secretly doing sh*t to innocent people who have no idea it is happening.  Around this same time I received an email from a reader who was dealing with harassment on the same level as mine and even worse in many ways. This person had their neighborhood covered in fliers featuring terrible, dishonest materials written about them. They are not a journalist, but they too crossed an invisible line. 

Then, on August 12th, SGT Report published Shadow State Wet Works which was about the government secretly installing child sexual material onto whistleblowers computers so they could imprison them. All three of these instances further reiterated that we really are dealing with people who are so set on keeping their secrets that they will stop at nothing, and they can’t kill everyone, so they force silence, through harassment or jail.

And they DO kill the more troublesome ones, of course. The recent plane crash in Brazil that had 7 or 8 doctors that had vowed to expose the contents of the COVID genetic serums, or the death of the Italian Doctor that had a cure and explanation of the entire COVID scamdemic are just two cases amongst many.

But pay attention to two important points:

One – They can, will and do upload child rape image sand videos into innocent people’s computers so as to make them completely irredeemable in the eyes of most normies. This also has the added benefit (for them) that any actual pedophiles can then claim they are merely innocent truthers too, blurring the reality between good an evil yet further. And they don’t care at all about legal process, as even one of their own will tell you.

Two – there was a mini series on Amazon called The Capture which essentially made it absolutely clear that they can fake any kind of video now, and in fact even create it out of thin air of you doing crimes you never did. Including, potentially, children rape. It is absolutely worth watching. I have known this for a while because more than a decade ago, when I finished writing the second book in the Overlords of Mars Series (Stasis) I had a friend I trained with do the cover for me. He is now a very big guy in the special effects industry in the USA and back in 2013 he showed me how with one mouse click, an EXTREMELY high resolution image of a woman could be filtered to make her look absolutely perfect, blending in any tiny skin blemish so seamlessly it looked like the original. When I expressed surprise a the speed of this, he looked at me as if I was some caveman that had just discovered fire, and in his French-accented English he told me that this was nothing, they could do it on video in real time, with live feeds.

“You think what you see on TV even when it’s live is real? This is why everyone looks beautiful.”

There were even primitive versions of this in the early 1990s which they tried to use to blame the poor guy they “arrested” for the mass shooting of Port Alfred. It was a poor job of the video of the actual shooter with a still photo of Bryant glued to the face of the individual. Bryant was the supposed “perpetrator”, a man with an 85 IQ that had never held a gun in his hands except a couple months prior when two “new friends” took him to the range, who somehow managed to kill I think it was 31 people with 29 shots and stop 2 vehicles with a Mossad trained drill of 3 round each.

The conclusion is that we have now reached a point where you can’t really believe anything you don’t see with your own eyes. And even then, if you have been vaxxed, you could be susceptible to brain manipulation, by remote EM waves, which could be the real reason all those 5G antennas are up. To say nothing of project bluebeam and a few advanced technologies like antigravity that can be used to create all sorts of situations, and so on.

So what can you do?

Same as always:

  • Vote – Not because it changes things, but because it makes it harder for them and because here and there some of the not completely sold out people at lower rungs of the Satanic agenda may actually be half-decent humans and now and then if you get a few of them near each other, we can re-infiltrate their Satanism with Catholic Crusaders. This is easier in local, and smaller councils, so get in there now.
  • Prepare to be able to survive a complete economic meltdown where all the money you have turns to dust.
  • Have weapons to defend yourself and your property.
  • Bide your time, but work as hard as you can to build your position from frightened and ignorant, to educated and fearless.

And above all: Never, ever, EVER, Trust the Government.

Zelensky of Ukraine, about to go the way of Zelensky of Adam

Adam Piggott had his pig, which he named Zelensky, slaughtered a few months ago, and it looks like the West is finally about ready to do the same.

From Simplicius’ Substack:

Press Bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service:

➡️Ukraine is slowly but surely turning into a “black hole” of Europe. The head of the Kiev regime has moved to feverish actions, since he is mainly concerned with preserving his own position of power, which has been shaken since the expiration of his presidential term on May 20.

➡️Discontent with Zelensky is growing in the American elite. In both the Democratic and Republican parties, the voices of those who doubt the targeted spending of billions of dollars of military aid that Kiev receives are becoming increasingly loud. Zelensky is taking crazy steps that threaten to escalate far beyond Ukraine.

➡️Replacing Zelensky, according to the United States, will allow the West to better prepare for negotiations with Russia on a settlement. Former Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov is currently being considered as a suitable candidate. The Americans consider Avakov’s strengths to be his continuing contacts with the leaders of European countries. The US has already been instructed to work out a scenario for Avakov’s rise to power in Kiev; the issue is being discussed with Tymoshenko, Poroshenko and the Servant of the People deputies.

Some last sundry items: 

Not a joke: Germany has finally issued an arrest warrant to a man named Volodomyr Z. for the attack on Nord Stream:

From the Sky News article above: 

Poland has confirmed that it had received a European arrest warrant for a Ukrainian man from German authorities related to the attack on Nord Stream gas pipelines.

Police believe the man, last known to have lived in Poland, was one of the divers who allegedly planted explosive devices on pipelines running from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea in September 2022, according to German media.

The surreal part is that there is not a single peep from German government or society as to the question of how it’s possible they’re militarily backing a country which carried out the worst economic terrorist act in German history unto them. 

Aside the rather “coincidental” name of the “saboteur” the last sentence is very telling of how Clown World “operates”.

The left hand always reaching for the butt of the right hand, which is trying to insert the left hand into it. In short, it is so stupid, fundamentally broken, and retarded, that a child could do better.

The Americans blow up the Nord Strem pipelines. Everyone pretends to believe the idiotic idea that in today’s perennially monitored prison planet, we can’t figure out who did it, despite ONE American journalist actually still having his own testicles and spelling it out, with plenty of evidence. Then, when the cocaine-fuelled gay dwarf in Ukraine has run out of any potential usefulness in the gigantic money-laundering operation, it’s time to blame it on… well, him. Or you know, someone with the same name, anyway, because who cares, he just needs to die. He’s not even an “elected” president anymore, even by Clown World, “we make the votes up” standards; he is literally now an illegal despot with no mandate whatsoever, including from his puppet-master.

As I have said before, Putin should get some special ops guys to keep Zelensky alive as long as possible. Russia could not have asked for a better “leader” of the Western follies. He is completely ineffective in all areas, except begging and subtracting billions and all sorts of armaments and equipment from the West, before essentially throwing it away under Russia Artillery fire. He is single-handedly reducing the economies of Europe and the effectiveness of the by now transgender, gay, feminised American military to a pink shadow of its former self. All while accumulating unrecoverable losses on every front in Ukraine itself.

The (((elites))) running things will remove him soon enough, I believe. They tried to blow Trump’s brains out on live TV, and Zelensky is arguably causing them a much bigger problem to the bottom line, but perhaps more importantly, if he lives, he can become a source of the most revelational aspects of how Globohomo elites run things.

A quiet retirement in exile will not do, because Zelensky has proven himself time and again, to be the most unreliable, backstabbing freak that has been seen as a public figure since… I don’t know… Charlie Manson, maybe?

So, my prediction is that Zelensky will not die of old age. It will be blamed on the Russians, no doubt, and everyone will have to pretend to be sad, maybe even riot a bit, you know in solidarity with that Fentanyl Fiend, George Floyd. Snorting felons of a feather and all that.

Truly the burning glow from my porch has never looked this entertaining.

Idiot Fatigue

I have written before about WWIII Fatigue. Idiot Fatigue is somewhat worse.

It is the realisation that only a minute number of people are not entirely fooled by most of the absurd lies we all have to live under, like Fiat Money, the given reasons for War (instead of the valid reasons one may have for the murder of evil people), the concept that anyone anywhere is actually living in a Democracy instead of a tyrannical and demonic machine, lies so blatant you have to be functionally retarded to believe them: 9/11, the “official” story of the Moon landings (as opposed to what I think happened), the covid scam, “vaccines”, and on and on, and on.

The reality is that we are surrounded by idiots. Imbecilles. People too stupid to have an original thought if their life depended on it. People who are so dumb they are literally self-euthanising themselves and their entire people in the name of some absurd lie that boils down to having “good manners” towards people that literally want to rape and murder you and your people.

And professor Cipolla was, and remains, absolutely right. The number of idiots is ALWAYS more than you can possibly imagine.

Which means that things will get very dark eventually.

It’s not that the evil Satanists trying to kill most of us are any smarter really, no, they are just more evil, more focused and driven by the demons that own them, to perpetrate their monstrous plans on us in the hope that they will rule in Hell instead of be playthings like they plan to make the survivors among us.

But they too are stupid.

For one they bet on the evil guy, which is KNOWN will and can only, ultimately lose.

But such is the way of the fly. They have no concept of long term planning, or even thinking of tomorrow. Tomorrow is someone else’s problem. Even if that someone else is them in the future, because to them, that guy in the future is not them, but some random guy they don’t care about. That is how short time preference works. Only the perennial here and now exists in their stultified brains.

And so I wonder, if the Satanists were smart, all the idiots would already be dead, and then they would have a problem because while the survivors may not all be good, at least some of them would be, and if they are not idiots, they could prove a problem. But the Satanists are idiots too. Cunning, but not actually intelligent as such.

So what will result is an ongoing drawn-out chaos that will fatigue even the few smart evil Satanists in due course. The cattle will not die off fully in their lifetime you see, and if they need to escalate to a full nuclear war they too may end up as casualties, regardless of how well they think they have planned, because… that’s the trouble with idiots, as professor Cipolla stated, they are far more dangerous than mere evil people. Their idiocy makes them unpredictable and makes them do things so stupid no one can predict or prevent the damage they can cause; least of all the idiots themselves.

So, whether you are a smart (and ridiculously wealthy, because of fraud and lies and so on) Satanist, or a smart Catholic (surviving by your wits and reflexes alone probably) the reality is that you may be in a similar state of being, which is to wait until all the idiots, or at least a large enough number of them, have died off. Only at that point, can you then begin to rebuild, or if necessary, fight back. Put it this way, if 7.5 billion people died all tomorrow, whoever is left, will have trouble enough to survive and create a functional way to continue surviving, whether it will be by foraging for food in the post-apocalyptic ruins, or gathering enough half-dead slaves to keep the airflow in your underground evil Satanist ™ bunker going by tying them up to manual windmills once the power fails (because of some idiot you thought was an electrician).

If you are a secularist you may find little between the Satanist and the Catholic, or you may prefer the Satanist because he has the illusion of comfort, but that comfort is, like the “pride” of the homosexuals, merely a fake. A veneer. That is… just another lie. What they do not have, what they will neve have, is an inner comfort. The Catholic’s life may seem harsh, and unforgiving and painful, and it is, externally. But internally we are at peace. We need not hope, nor fear. Because unlike the Satanists, who deep down know their debt WILL become due, and they WILL be eaten, and not quite last, but rather, before even the Catholic, certainly from the metaphysical perspective. While we Catholic know that no matter what befalls us, our souls are on the side of Justice, and God. Their master will consume them eternally for their brief, temporary, and anxiety-wracked lives. Ours will give us eternal life and serenity in our hearts.

But the Satanists cannot think, nor see ahead. They’re the flies, of the Lord of the flies.

This Zionist

Piece of shit responds

To the murder of these 3 little girls

and the serious wounding (still critical) of several others by a 17 year old African that was born in UK because his African parents were allowed to remain in Europe.

Not a word about the murderer having to face the full force of the law. Not of the Arab with a giant knife showing up at the funeral that started the “mindless” mob.

Anyone still supporting the British government today, especially if working for the armed forces, might as well be classified as supporters of child murderers and pedophiles.

The disgusting trAvesty of a human being acting as PM of the UK is also for the genocide in Gaza, of course, so there really is no hyperbole here at all.

Western Chauvinist comments on telegram.


Bebe King (6)

Elsie Stancombe (8)

Alice Dasilva Aguiar (9)

These are the 3 little girls whose stabbing murder means nothing to the British system or their system pigs on the ground.  The reaction to their deaths will be contained by the system until it can be buried.  Then it will be swept under the rug until another non does something else to Our Children.  The only way Our People will truly keep the memory of these children alive is by organizing into something more long term and effective than a temporary protest mob.

Join British Nationalist groups:

Vanguard Britannica

Active Club England

Youth Alliance

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