Try to understand that China was there several years ago already.
Archive for the ‘Billionaire Pedophiles’ Category
WWIII – The Nuclear Threat
Simplicius does the work I am too lazy (and bored by the subject) to do in terms of explaining in detailed steps what exactly is going on at the front lines of WWIII that we have been in since early 2020 when the biological, genetic, and psychological attack on much of humanity was started by the Satanic Pedophiles that run most of this planet. His post on the (more) recent attempts by the gay cocaine dwarf to create a nuclear incident is rather detailed and informative, and takes you through the whole things well.
The likelihood of some kind of nuclear incident soon at one of the two nuclear plants is definitely raised to “probable” in my mind, due to the fact that they have a lot of embedded foreign media types now reporting (totally illegal, by the way) from the area of Russia that the Ukis have managed to push into.
Here is a small part of his post:
Right now, the information campaign being coordinated in parallel with the Kursk offensive is reaching a deafening fever pitch. NATO and its vast intel machinery are working overtime to push the narrative that the Kursk campaign is ‘overwhelming’ Putin and Russia, that internal fissures are threatening to swallow Putin’s ‘regime’ whole, and that things are generally collapsing for Russia. Even the latest Western articles are switching to this last blind shot in the dark to give Ukraine a chance:
The latest push includes all kinds of provocations, such as foreign journalists—from UK and Italy—embedded with the AFU, illegally entering sovereign Russian territory to report from it.
Here’s British CNN correspondent illegally entering Russian territory:
[Go see the two short videos on his site]
This includes infamous American mercenary outfit ‘Forward Observation Group’ flaunting the fact they too are allegedly in Kursk:
This is a timed and calculated provocation, meant to push Russia to the brink, hitting every conceivable pressure point of outrage, stoking ancestral Russian pride and patriotism. And it’s true, the invasion is a black eye on Russia, to an extent—but it must be considered within the grander overall scope of the situation: things feel terminal for Ukraine; Zelensky is accelerating as if propelled by some unprecedentedly urgent impetus. By his own actions, he’s demonstrating that Ukraine appears to be on the brink, and the West is giving its all in what may amount to be one final heroic propaganda provocation to try to stir Russia out of its comfort zone.
[see video of that warmongering asshole ex-mayor of London Boris Johnson at Simplicius site]
We can see the two-pronged urgency emerge from the dire situation on Ukraine’s eastern flank in Donbass, as the collapse continues to accelerate there.
Do read the whole thing, especially if you are still somewhat prone to reading Western Newspapers or watching Western News Channels, or caring about Western pretend voting charades and so on.
If however you want the unfiltered Kurgan summary, here it is:
It’s all kabuki as usual. The Ukis, pushed by the (((US-Bankers))) led NATO puppets, managed to get a foothold in Russia somewhat near a second Russian Power Station in the Kursk region, (the first one now being in “new” Russian territory if I recall right). The idea is to either:
Promote Russian willingness to come to the negotiating table, which is totally retarded, because Putin has already made it clear there will be no negotiations with people who are agreement incapable, so any “negotiations” will be limited to Putin saying: “Do this.” And the Ukis and combined Clown World saying “Yes sir, thank you sir.”
The other alternative is to try and provoke Russia into a nuclear event response. What I mean by this is that the Bankers running the USA like their bitch, and the USA running most of Western Europe like their poodles, will try to cause some kind of nuclear-like attack on Russia. I mean by this, the destruction of one or both of the nuclear plants, a dirty “tactical” nuke or two in the area or something similar. Prodded to this extent, Russia will have no real alternative but to respond in some fashion. What that response would be is hard to say, but keep in mind that apparently UK spies from MI6 and the usual American mercenaries and CIA types are all helping with he attacks on the power stations. And this is being confirmed by Russia but pretty much by the fact that countries like the UK and Italy already have embedded presstitutes in the forward operations of the Ukis (with my deepest apologies to crack-whores, street-walkers, and prostitutes who are a far more honest, dignified, and honourable lot than your average Wester journalist).
If the Clown Worlder Pedovampires manage to push Putin to a nuclear response, the gloves are pretty much off and Europe is likely to become a literal wasteland, complete with mutants, radioactive craters, and a scorched Earth, to one degree or other. This is the hoped for response by the Satanists. I know its hard to believe, but you really need to educate yourself about what Freemasons are, what they believe, who they are serving, and what their ultimate master-plan, as laid out in quite some detail by their guru Albert Pike is. It literally is the bringing of Hell on Earth to satisfy their master Lucifer and bring on what they see the new era of “enlightenment”. Which is one of their pet phrases, along with “equality, brotherhood of man, and freedom”, yes, the egalitè fraternitè and libertè of the French revolutions, which murdered Catholics by the tens of thousands, including torturing babies, bankrupted the French government and blamed it on Luis and Marie Antoniette, who lost their heads on it, and the money was used to fund the American revolution that created the first Freemason country in the world, the USA. Which is why all manner of degeneracy, filth and absolute inhuman crap spews forth from there.
Programs like Jerry Springer, in the early 1990s were unknown in the rest of the world, and the first time my brother and I saw them we were flabbergasted at what a cesspool of total degeneracy America was. We called those shows “Why did you fuck my uncle’s dog.” because in essence, that is what they were. And most of that stuff is pushed by the people who run Hollywood and many of the media there, which, Cohen-cidentally, also happen to mostly be Jews, who also Cohen-cidentally, if you listen to their Rabbis and read their Talmud, tell you quite clearly that the Judaic religion worships the ruler of this world, that is, Satan, not God the Father.
This is not hyperbole. You really should investigate the matter yourself if you don’t believe me. Please go ahead and prove me wrong.
Now, as to whether they will succeed or not in making Europe the hard battleground for WWIII, I think it’s always possible, but somewhat unlikely.
First of all, even the puppets of the “Americans” running America and by extension Europe, are starting to realise that if it does devolve to Nuclear War, they too will get fried. But more importantly, the average European citizen has absolutely no wish whatsoever of even entering a conventional war with Russia. Never mind a nuclear one.
The Clown Worlders in Europe are banking on Putin’s decency, which is to say, that they think even if they produce a dirty nuke bomb somewhere in Russia (that is not say Moscow, or St. Petersburg) Putin will be too humane and polite to nuke London or New York. Maybe. If I was him, I also probably would not nuke one of those two cities. But Langley in Virginia? You bet. Or maybe Quantico. Or one or two of the Amrican Nuclear bases in Europe. Not with a Tsar Bomba, mind you, just an equivalent tac nuke. Probably a clean-ish one to let the citizens know, “Hey, sorry, but if you guys don’t get rid of these pedovampires, we have to, and if you live near them and continue to support them, well… we’ll try to not nuke you with dirty bombs, but ya know, omelettes and eggshells.”
So that’s my take.
The one I always tell you guys. Get out of the cities, prepare as best you can to be fiat-money independent, water and food secure, security secure (guns, ammo, defences of your home and family), and build a community of co-religious people with common mindset and interests. For me it’s Sedevacantists, and only Sedevacantists, because in our brief 3 years here we have already noted that people who wanted to be part of this community but were not proper Catholics invariably flaked, gave up, or turned on us. All things I expected, but was refreshing to see happen in real terms. It’s solidified the remaining people to see things as they are and it is a unanimous perspective now among us. If you’re not a proper Catholic (the only Catholics left are Sedevacantist), we’re basically not interested in your joining us.
Catholicism has risen from the ashes time and again, and overturned heresies and situations that by all metrics should have wiped it out countless times. The reason is that Jesus promised he will be with His Church until the End Times. And that’s good enough for all of us here to have utter faith in. Our job is simply to prepare and make things as ready as we can for His return. Which, as far as I can tell from Revelation, simply means to hold on and not lose faith no matter what foul evil befalls us.
I know the people who usually link to these updates are unlikely to do so now, because I think most of them are protestant, but hey, if you think your Church from the year 1800 or even 1521, or your Novus Ordo fake “Catholicism” is going to out-perform the only Christianity that has ever existed on Earth, you go for it. Create your community of co-religionists and good luck to you.
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Nightmare Cyborgs
Assuming this is real and actually works as reported, we may indeed have begun to enter a truly demonic nightmare scenario where human brain matter is being used to work as faster and more efficient computers.
What actually happens to those living cells and any potential consciousness that they may exhibit… well… that’s just weird mysticism and not real $cience, right?
From the article:
It is worth recapping how the Neuroplatform works. The wetware architecture mixes hardware, software, and biology using a quartet of Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEAs) housing human brain organoids in a microfluidic life support system. 3D tissue masses are interfaced and stimulated by eight electrodes, with monitoring cameras and a tuned software stack so that researchers can input data variables and read and interpret processor output.
The information available about FinalSpark’s Neuroplatform has grown in recent months on the journey to remote rental availability. A blog post in July provided a closer look at how the labs create organoids and how the researchers are sure they are packed with neurons. An earlier blog post shared a macrograph of a single brain organoid, reproduced above, which is estimated to contain 10,000 living human neurons.
See that part right at the end? The 10,000 living human neurons? Where do you think they get those?
I’m sure it’s nothing totally evil and vile like say… from killing babies to get them, right?
And a linked article makes it clear that the neurons in question have a limited lifespan.
Biological processor organoids ‘live’ about 100 days
Silicon chips can last years, sometimes decades. The neuronal structures that form bioprocessors are also said to have a long lifespan, but are only “suitable for experiments that run for several months,” says FinalSpark. Initially, the firm’s MEAs would only last a few hours, but refinements to the system mean an organoid lifespan is currently expected to be around 100 days.
But it’s not like they might be taking part of a living brain and then forcing some machine code into it to work as a mind-slave for a few months before it finally has the sweet release of death.
And it’s not like time may work differently in whatever level of semi-consciousness those living brain parts may have, right?
I mean there is absolutely no chance at all that subjectively those 100 days, in which trillions upon trillions of artificial operations are forced brutally and mechanistically through those neurons that experience is felt as torture, with each single operation as some kind of hellish experience, right?
Of course not, because $cience, right? It’s all settled $cience, like climate change, the Moon landings having happened exactly like the filming of it on the Moon and not in a studio on Earth, and the genetic injections that have been killing animals for 30 years with mRNA stuff that alters your DNA now being entirely safe and effective, even if they cause myocarditis and don’t prevent any kind of contagion. Because $cience!
Isn’t progress grand?!
But don’t worry, I’m sure it’s not as if they are trying anything more than this.
A full DNA computer is a step closer, thanks to a new technology that could store petabytes of data in DNA for thousands or even millions of years. The system can also process data, as demonstrated by solving sudoku puzzles. You have more data storage capacity in your little finger than the best electronic hard drive. And we mean that literally – every cell in your body can hold about 800 MB of data, and you’re made of trillions of cells so every one of us is a walking, talking, super-dense data center. It’s not surprising then that scientists have been working to tap into that incredibly efficient natural data storage system.
That’s not making the duration in Hell be essentially infinite for any of the living matter involved, right?
I mean, come on, didn’t you ever read William Gibson or watch the film Johnny Mnemonic? Isn’t that future just so cool? What with their coffin-sized “homes” and rented out body parts and brain matter/computer interface plugs?
Just don’t be a throwback bigot, right?
Remember: The $cience is settled, safe and effective!
Now please report any doubts to your friend the Computer.
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By G | 28 August 2024 | Posted in Actual Science, Artificial Intelligence, Billionaire Pedophiles, Social Commentary, Zombie Apocalypse