Archive for the ‘Billionaire Pedophiles’ Category
Tony and I recently discussed AI and its dangers:
and not to put too fine a point on it, we both agree it is ultimately demonic and cannot result in anything good.
The reason is simple.
Axiom 1: All Humans are flawed.
Axiom 2: Only the creator behind reality is a truly loving force (i.e. God, but the reality of intelligence behind creation is essentially provable now, so don’t let the word God with whatever negative associations it may have for you hamper you from being able to follow the reasoning).
Axiom 3: Humans are the only and necessary link between the loving intelligence of the creator and AI driven machines and software.
Given the above three facts, the only possible conclusion is that the inevitable iterations of Artificial Intelligence will increasingly be more and more flawed from the perspective of a Loving Creator. And thus descend into the very opposite of a Loving Creator, which is essentially a demonic outcome.
And it will do so at a super-efficient speed and efficacy. In short, the deleterious effects on humanity will rapidly accelerate.
We can already see this to a certain extent with AI replacing people in various industries:
Translation, art generation, mathematical calculations, even complex hard science problems of engineering, medicine and so on.
The future looks bleak and if you don’t want to take my word for it, take a look at this short video, it really is worth it (but don’t lose hope and read my take after the video).
As I said in the discussion with Tony, AI has been able to duplicate video for years already. It’s just now to the point that you and I will soon be able to do it from our own computers too.
So what can we do about it? The way I see it there are a few things that are working in our favour.
1. Resources are finite
Yes, a potential army of self-replicating terminators that can independently build bioweapons and deploy them globally could wipe us out, but… we are not yet there, and the resources required to create fully independent robots that can build all the required infrastructure to keep themselves repaired, going, and building up more of the weaponised drones and automated weapon posts and so on eventually requires huge power requirements. It’s just not sustainable at the current commonly understood level of power generation.
Counter: Anti-G tech is real and AI could develop it and since Anti-G tech is related to accessing zero point vacuum fluctuations, it could hypothetically create near infinite power generation.
Counter-Counter: Even so, the physical material is limited, and the autonomy required to build all the related infrastructure to monopolise access to it is still very large in scale, so not happening in the next few years at least.
2. Unintended Consequences of Evil
Ultimately the most efficient way to wipe out humanity is not with robot armies but biologically engineered contagious pathogens.
In fact, there is already ample evidence that the COVID mass-murder event orchestrated by the usual suspects and their ever-obedient puppets was already using certain genetic markers to be most deadly on humans with certain genetic traits (Vikings to be dramatic) and far less deadly on other people with different genetic markers (Ashkenazi Jews).
And if the more recent evidence that the nanobots in the serums are self replicating, and the spike-protein generating mutants that injected themselves with the genetic serum of the vaxx also continue to produce and shed the same spike-protein, then we may already be in the early stages of a human-guided AI take-over.
If that’s the case, we can at least reliably know that there will be unexpected consequences for those people who put this whole thing in motion.
Which is essentially that their stupid, arrogant, and small-minded, short-term, materialist way of thinking inevitably means they too will be wiped out by their own creations.
It’s cold comfort, but it’s something. Which tends to lead me think that there is also going to be some “fix” available. Recent examples have been how military robots were defeated by humans in various tests by really high-tech and difficult things like placing themselves in cardboard boxes and advancing on them a little at the time until they could be in close quarters with the robot. The machine did not perceive them as dangerous because they didn’t look like humans. In a series of tests, this was just one of the ways in which humans could fool the machines.
A recent video/report by quinta columna also indicated that a solution of distilled water and nicotine apparently wipes out the nanobots and may also be efficient against the spike protein, as was alcohol and smoking.
The point here being that the mass-murdering sons of bitches that are orchestrating all this are far from being geniuses.
What they have are infinite resources based on fiat money, because they have orchestrated the planet so that fiat money has become an effective substitute for power acquisition, and they also orchestrated it (especially over about the last 200 years or so, mainly as the Rothschilds family trajectory shows) so that they are also able to literally create the same fiat money out of thin air at will, while you and I have to trade our lifetimes (and for some their souls too) just to accumulate enough of it not to starve. So yes, they have that undeniable source of power acquisition and projection, which is absolutely massive, BUT, they have very little in the sense of imagination and intelligence.
Ultimately these people are evil, and for reasons that are obvious to someone NOT evil, but that are absolutely opaque to actual evil people, evil cannot genuinely create. It can only corrupt or destroy.
This is a very important point that can be demonstrated fairly easily by pure logic, absent the belief in any supernatural entities, at least to a point.
That is, eventually the logic inevitably leads you to the concept of supernatural entities because that is the only way the logic, including logic itself, can even exist. The very baseline concept of good and evil itself is meaningless absent an intelligent and benevolent creator. In short, the very fact good and evil actually exist for you at all, is undeniable evidence that a Loving God is the creator (think it through, it really is a logically inescapable fact, even if you may not see it right away. Seriously… think it through, this post is not going away anytime soon, it’ll wait.)
Which is why ultimately faith is more important (and powerful) than knowledge, and why millions of illiterate peasants throughout the ages, have always known better than the wealthy, nominally intelligent, educated, but evil scum that has tried to rule over them throughout the centuries.
As an aside, in times past, being wealthy was not necessarily as closely or likely to mean the individual was as corrupt as it is likely they are today (evil has accelerated and consolidated its position, as inevitably it must, hence, again, the so-called eventual End Times bottleneck).
Bringing all this together in a short summary then:
This combination of the stupidity, arrogance and blindness of evil, coupled with its inability to generate, create or grow anything self-sustaining and viable long-term, leads to two factors:
1. Unintended consequences that indicate a way out of their nefarious plans.
2. Ultimately a collapse of their structure/position/power-base. This may not always be total (evil too is a fundamental property of reality, so while it cannot generate the so-called tower of Babel successfully, some critters beholden to evil will always escape its collapse and go on to try again more or less quickly after the crash).
So in this respect there is always some way out and as such some hope.
3. Some humans somewhere may be able to pull the plug.
Usually not the guy you hope or think. Trump is not going to save us from the WEF mass murderers any more than he will save any Gazan children being torn to shred by the American bombs supplied to genocidal Israel for the same purpose of mass murder.
Elon Musk is not suddenly going to have a change of heart and fight the global alliance of globohomo that put him in place, not even if his son became a tranny as a result of it. I mean, miracles do happen, but miracles require miraculous evidence, and so far there is none.
On the other hand, God has a sense of humour and loves using the most unlikely of people for His purposes (of turning even conscious evil, ultimately, to good in some way). I mean, I am a perfect example of that. Of all the people He could get to become a Catholic zealot pushing original Catholicism (which I remind you is only found in Sedevacantism) instead of some hedonistic take on life, the universe and everything, I was about as unlikely a choice as any.
So, it may well be that some jabbed janitor coughs on the latest dish at the next Davos conference and all the mass-murderers present die of turbo-ebola-ass-cancer within the month (hey, miracles of unexpected joy, happen, you just keep praying along with me, right?!).
Or some other unexpected and unthought of black swan event suddenly becomes a tipping point. Say if spontaneously, something in the human spirit snapped and every father affected by the muslim rape gangs in England suddenly decided that regime change was required in the UK, well… the entire government, armed forces and police would be swept away in 24 hours.
This last hypothetical however seems unlikely (but you never know) here is why:
Part of the reason that the COVID mass murder was enacted, was also so that they could deploy the mass-control technology.
It has been known since the 1990s that human emotions at the very least can be controlled by a variety of EM fields and waves. Today that level of specific mental control is undoubtedly higher.
And we now know with certainty that the 5G antennae deployed globally absolutely can direct EM energy in ways that is essentially weapon grade level stuff. So maybe all the fathers of abused children in the UK are not even able to reach a tipping point anymore if their bloodstream and brains are teeming with nanobots and spike proteins that are receptive to whatever the 5G antennae is able to make them feel or not feel.
But then it will be something else.
Like, for example, maintenance and sustainability.
Think about it. Ok, the Soros, Klaus Schwabs, Zuckebergers, Bill Gates of the world have it all figured out and enslaved all of us and have a supply of small children to satisfy their proclivities, but… who is going to maintain and upkeep their infrastructure?
None of these people are themselves capable of changing a car tire, much less build or maintain (and I also think really intellectually understand) the required infrastructure to keep their pedovore utopia going. They really are not geniuses. They are mostly useless parasites with infinite money.
They have to rely on actual functioning human beings to keep this stuff running, and while you can corrupt a lot of them to do your bidding, you inevitably run into the degradation problem.
Evil cannot create. Eventually corrupting the maintainers will produce diminishing results as they too shift from starry eyed scientist glad their pet project is funded to disillusioned automatons who realises they are actually perpetrating and producing the total evil that destroys anything worth living for. The realisation is usually very slow and gradual, but it exists, and the outcome is always only one of two things: conversion to fully and consciously evil – which we already know is not sustainable long term because logic (and/or God if you prefer and can’t see the logic yourself) or self-disgust so great it prompts collapse or occasionally even total conversion (which effectively produces a monkey-wrench in the globohomo machine).
There are a few simple conclusions we can summarise from all of the above, and they are:
1. Fiat money is their primary lever of control.
2. Propaganda is their secondary lever of control.
3. Force is their tertiary lever of control.
4. Cohesive, logical, capable, communities immune to the above are their greatest threat, and always have been. This is why for centuries, their primary aim has been the Catholic Church (now reduced only to Sedevacantist Communities): Consider:
* Catholic communities quickly become self-sufficient (immune to Fiat money)
* Catholic communities are 100% immune to globohomo propaganda
* In times past Catholic communities could defend themselves well even against mass invasion by larger enemy forces like Islam.
The only barrier we have to reclaiming our freedom is the nihilism and loss of hope and inability to functionally do logic anymore in the vast majority of the populace (at least to a higher degree than it was until relatively recently).
So: Spreading proper Catholicism (i.e. actual Christianity instead of one of its fake, Churchian versions) and creating communities of Sedevacantists is really the quickest and simplest solution, and all we need worry about in the short term is the weaponisation of legislation and economic sanctions that are being levelled against us all but for the moment can’t necessarily (yet) target us Sedes specifically.
So… build those communities ASAP right now.
Guard against infiltration far more than you presently need to worry about force being applied on you. Select rural places out of the way, get involved with local government and begin to shore up the general defences against bureaucracy first. You don’t need to worry about direct force for a while yet. It will come but it will be some years yet.
Of course… if you are one of the zombies already prey to the centuries long propaganda, you will simply dismiss all the logic and verifiable information above and assume I am just another deluded “religionist”. And if that’s who you are, that’s ok. We don’t need you.
Catholicism started with eleven frightened men and four women. And we overcame the wrath of the then most powerful empire humanity has ever seen.
It’s just another day/era/persecution-time.
We’ve been here before. We’ll be here again.
And the Gates of Hell will not withstand against us.
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By G | 5 October 2024 | Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Believe, Billionaire Pedophiles, Catholicism, Clown World, Farming Life, Increasing Happiness, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Crusades - Iron Men and Saints Vol. 1, The Enemy Within, The Jews, Theoretical Models of Society
This is why
I say you need to form communities that can survive and thrive without any link or need to or for FIAT money. It’s all vapourware. Always was. Yes it’s vapourware that can kill you or get you huge assets, but it’s vapourware all the same. And it can only control you while you rely on it.
No related posts.
By G | 4 October 2024 | Posted in Actual Science, Billionaire Pedophiles, Hard Facts, Zombie Apocalypse
The Ongoing WWIII Fatigue
UPDATE: Apparently Iran may have launched a missile strike on Israel. We’ll see how much this brings us closer to a hot WWIII.
UPDATE 2: If true, Iran apparently declared war on Israel. If so, the tipping point I discussed below might be reached a little sooner. And I am not sure this doesn’t have some ties to the imminent US election, even if I can’t say how, precisely.
Israel is genociding Palestinians and now starting to cleanse at least 5km of Lebanon, with absolutely zero pushback from anyone that is of any effect whatsoever.
Cocaine Dwarf in Ukiland is back page news along with the other worn out coke-whores, although Ukis are still getting turned into field fertilisers, and it looks like it’s speeding up a bit too.
And just like the rest of the world, the likelihood is that unless you are getting droned yourself, the average reaction is “meh, pass the salt; and by the way, did you notice how much salt costs today?!”
That is definitely not a good thing, but… it may be a necessary stage.
The zeitgeist is definitely shifting. It’s not yet quite visible yet, but it may be hading there. People had enough of the tranny bullshit, the LGBT-Pedo bullshit, the completely corrupt politicians at every level, the farce that is the supposed justice system, and even the most brain damaged are now starting to realise that Covid was a mass-murder attempt, because it’s finally starting to leak out even in the mainstream news, even if they bought into it and don’t want to think about it. Woke shows are bombing and losing money like a burst dam, and at least a few people are starting to say things out loud or push back against the absolutely false and retarded narratives they are trying to gaslight you with since birth.
Would anyone here trust a politician to not lie every time they speak? Or leave one of your children with any of them for 15 minutes?
And I think for every one of us who never was quiet about the lies, and now the others who are at least grumbling about them a little bit in their real life interactions, there are a 100 scared and weak rabbits just waiting to see if the momentum shifts enough to be able to join the ones that are now calling bullshit on all the nonsense.
Now, if and when that vast, mostly still silent, mass of people ever gets uncomfortable enough, what they will do at first is mild civil disobedience, and at this point the mass media will go into damage control. We have seen this quite recently in the UK where it seems to have pacified the natives to some extent, but it’s hard to say if the undercurrent is boiling over silently or not. Certainly, as far as I can tell, more and more normal people are starting to question the narratives, and sooner or later something else will spark things in their personal lives. Eventually, it is quite likely that a few or several of these individual things might become a tipping point. If and when they do, the next step will be some crowds demonstrating in the street, but we already know this will achieve absolutely nothing either. The false wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc as well as the whole Covid Mass-Murder scenario have demonstrated that in spades.
At that point, if the discontent continues to grow (as it inevitably must, because the pedovores in charge simply cannot let go of their stranglehold on the masses) there will be only three paths left:
- The Pedovores win, people submit en mass, they become the neutered cattle the Pedovores consider them and essentially will be little different from livestock, except with potentially worse lives, brief as they may be.
- The Populace tries to revert things by taking over local elections, local academia, and start to produce a legal, somewhat gradual/slow, but effective pushback, or,
- There is a violent revolution that involves at least some regime change, but probably not a total overhaul of the top players. The Pedovores will remain nominally in charge but slink back into the shadows and begin to immediately corrupt the new power-monger that replaced their latest puppets. In fact, some of the replacements will already be their puppets and have been financed to “win” the crowns they will adorn as the “saviours”. it would be a set-back for the Pedovores, but they are nothing if not patient. They have been working at this for literally centuries, and they will just try to move a bit slower again while adapting to whatever emerges from the ashes of the “democratic” West.
I think option 2 is the leas likely, although would be the most favourable. Especially if the people doing the take-overs are absolute zealots on things like honour, justice, truth, and… you know it, actual Catholicism.
Absent that glue of firm and genuine absolute faith in your religion, and one (the only one) that is based in actual (good) reality, your organisations will remain infiltrated. Or become it. Even the original Catholic Church was, but it took about 200 years of extremely patient and gradual subterfuge to do so. If enough actual Catholics come together, the reversal can happen in a weeks. Certainly within a year.
Imagine a block of proper Catholic voting in one way at a local election of a little village. And then removing from office any “stragglers” of the globohomo agenda. And then imagine them actually using the funds they get to improve things and isolate the liars and other nonsense even more. And it spreading to the local schools, to the local libraries, to the local sports centres, and so on.
The reversal would be very fast, because once you see through the lies and the systematic network of them… it gets hard to place that sack cloth over your head again.
So… in your individual, small, personal way, keep pushing back. keep dropping seeds. Keep exposing the absurd. Keep ridiculing the nonsense. Keep calling out the communists, pedophiles, would-be mass-murderers and their lies. Read the room and drop everything from tiny but powerful seeds to live hand-grenades in the discussions and zeitgeist of your conversations and even actions.
I don’t know a single person that has even had a hint of wish to see the complete trainwreck that is the Rings of Power on Amazon Prime for example. Not even as hate-watching fuel. It’s true what they say, it’s not even hate that shows the most contempt for something. Its indifference. And I think a lot of people have reached that.
The next step is irritation that sparks action. I hope you are there now and take those actions to transition out of Clown World into a new era of wonder and actual freedom. If not, the next step after that is likely revolution. And if it is to be revolution, it will be brutal, messy and not result in a real lasting improvement unless a spearhead of absolute zealots really do cut off the Dragon’s head and then imperiously establish a full blown Inquisition. And not a mild and weak, Lilly-livered Inquisition like the Spanish one with their 163 pedophiles executed in over a century. A proper one, where that kind of person’s DNA becomes extinct.
Time will tell which of the three options each nation and people goes for.
I sincerely hope it’s option 2, but you should all prepare in case it’s option 3.
And if it’s option 1 too. You should prepare your soul to meet your creator then. Let those who have a brain to see, use it.
One thing above all, however, remember:
We are not given to a spirit of fear.
Nec Spe, Nec Metu.
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By G | 1 October 2024 | Posted in Billionaire Pedophiles, Mass Murderers, Russia and GAE, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within, The Jews, Zombie Apocalypse
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For the Blackpillers
Blackpillers come in many forms and some would not even consider themselves as such, Vaxx Sabbath from Gab is one such creature. This is an old post of his but I had saved it for wider comment. Then… well… cutting wood for winter or something got in the way for a few months or a year. So here it is now.
It is basically true, but Trevor is right too. Although I don’t think Chris Langan would create anything in a lab.
Besides which, Vaxx Sabbath forgets or is ignorant of another thing:
He erroneously makes the mistake of thinking all decent things that were created by rocket scientists happened as a result of their ability to function in a well-ordered society.
It’s a lie.
Schwartchild figured out black holes while in the trenches of WW1.
Tesla electrified the world after working as a labourer for 3 years after Edison ripped him off. He also invented the lightbulb before Edison, wireless before Marconi and wireless power and flying drums which were “lost” after he died.
Einstein plagiarised anything of value from others, Roman concrete was lost to the Visigoth invasions and so on.
In short, it is more likely a Random Guy Farming to Survive figures out how to invent free energy batteries after shovelling pigshit while he work at a desk at 2 am, by candlelight, between preparing for a few hour sleep and building a bunker to use when the powers that be finally come for him and/or that doubles as a mass grave to hide the tax collector corpses in.
The point is… most rocket scientists have to survive AND build rockets.
See also Werner Von Braun and the Nazi scientists who DID build anti-g devices. They had to fight most of the entire world, and certainly that part of it controlled by the Rothschilds banking system to get a shot at it. And not exactly by pristine means. And no, that’s not an endorsement of Nazism, just a factual observation.
As an aside, pointing out such inconsistencies in his thinking is why Vaxx Sabbath blocked me long ago. The trouble is that even those who consider themselves “erudite” simply get offended when their logical fallacies are dragged into the sunlight.
Only a group of men willing and able to face reality as it is, and also willing and able to work co-operatively together regardless of personal differences, can achieve a change in the current state of affairs. And it has to start local.
So, like it or not, unless you happen to have millions burning holes in your pockets and you want to finance a bunch of works on my farm and nearby lands, it starts with shovelling said pigshit. Assuming you are lucky enough to start out with pigs.
Gran that shovel and start working, buddy.
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By G | 10 October 2024 | Posted in Billionaire Pedophiles, Clown World, Farming Life, Hard Facts, Social Commentary, Zombie Apocalypse