Those who read here know that the Novus Ordo is nothing but a coven of impostors and pederasts, but a reader sent me the following, at the end of an email:
On another topic, have to tell you that the mascalzoni in the House of Windsor (you mentioned them) are not British but Germans, likely Ashkenazi.
Even wiki admits: in 1901, a line of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha succeeded the House of Hanover to the British monarchy with the accession of King Edward VII, son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. In 1917, the name of the British royal house was changed from the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the English Windsor, taking its name from the royal residence in Berkshire.They changed their names because of the anti-German sentiment in England after that war to end all wars.
I knew about their Germanic genes, of course, but until I found out all the male sons are circumcised by a Rabbi, or at least a few decades ago, I would have probably thought the label of being Ashkenazi was fanciful invention.
Considering the more recent information that the males are indeed snipped by a Rabbi, AND that they are the last surviving royal house in Europe, when all others were wiped out by the machinations of the Satanists (Freemasons, Illuminati, Carbonari, they took different names in different countries to further muddy the waters) certainly does make it look like quite the Cohen-cidence. Not that I have any incontrovertible evidence one way out he other, nor care particularly, as my interest in the entire ruling class is essentially limited to that a carpenter may have had in the late 1700s in, oh, say France.
Yes, they DO want to kill you
Which in a way is less worse than the enslavement process they are also putting in place in parallel.
Don’t take my word for it, just open you eyes and look at the Cohen-cidences:
And also, yeah, they are literally telling you.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the world’s population 500 years ago was about 500 million, which just happens to Cohen-cidentally be the same number that used to be on the Georgia Guidestones that they wanted to reduce the world’s population down to. And do you think if we magically were reduced to only 500 million people that you would be free then? Putting aside the fact that you have to dispose of 7.5 BILLION bodies for a moment.
So yeah. Please wake up.
It really doesn’t matter if you believe in Satan and Satanists.
They believe in you.
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By G | 25 November 2023 | Posted in Billionaire Pedophiles, Freemasons, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within