Archive for the ‘Billionaire Pedophiles’ Category

But… it’s all a Conspiracy theory…

So, the AI that also will not show you white people even when you ask, apparently will also not condemn pedophiles. But don’t worry, the idea that globalists are a bunch of pedovores that also blackmail the pedophiles they put in government is all just a giant conspiracy theory.

And never mind those investigations in the early 1990s that just went very quiet that also implicated most of the Belgian government and Judiciary into a pedophile ring, or the whole UK government, the BBC and the police and the judiciary, around the same time, or Hillary a Bill Clinton and the Podestas since the dawn of time, or the Franklin scandal, or the…

yeah, right, never mind eh? Let’s just sweep it under the carpet because it’s all just a conspiracy theory, eh?

And governments really love you and mRNA shots are definitely good for you and don’t. absolutely not, change your DNA permanently, as well as that of any offspring you might be able to have. You know, despite the sterilising and murderous effect on babies in the womb they absolutely don’t have, because that too is just a conspiracy theory, like 9/11 and the twin towers, or… or…

Yeah. You just keep repeating tose words to yourself: “It’s just a conspiracy theory, it’s just a conspiracy theory, it’s just a conspiracy theory.”

It will all be just fine. Juuuuust fine. And don’t worry, rocking back and forth and drooling a little as you do it is perfectly sane, and normal.

Important – Please share

I have been aware of this since 2019 or so and have pointed out disparate parts of it in various posts, but please take a look at this short video, it has a LOT of references so you can check for yourself it’s not woo-woo tin-foil hat stuff. And just so you know, I was aware of the possibility of this since the late 1990s, as one French doctor had discussed it briefly on TV before being completely memory-holed.

Please use the share button at the bottom of this blog post (you may need to click on the post itself to make sure the button appears at the bottom, it is not yet showing automatically if you are just on the main homepage and scrolling through the posts).

It is important people become aware of this before the next “pandemic” is manufactured, which by all indicators will take place in the not too distant future.

There are also a few indicators in the video of how the Vaxxed may begin to try to minimise/heal from these effects, and I will post on this specifically in more detail the near future.

And yes, I hope it gets picked up by WesternRifle Shooters Association, because they have a much bigger reach than I do. So if Concerned American takes it up, you have my thanks.

Something strange is going on

Climate change seems to be mentioned as the fraud it is even in some rather politicised settings, as the two short videos below demonstrate. One would think that is a good thing, and maybe it will be, it’s too early to say, but I also think one of the collateral effects of this is that the pedovores are getting so anxious that they are rushing through the legislation to jail anyone that tells the truth about mRNA genetic serums designed to kill you, France and Germany already done and doing so, and climate change, transexualising children, and probably not believing in flying pigs all next on the agenda.

They also are rushing through plans to make the WHO Pandemic rules law, and enforceable by the military and police of all countries that are signatories (this May being the deadline). The main super global bank that runs all the other banks has already changed the rules so that they can repossess your house, land, etc at a national level too from what I understand, so that they can eventually put you in your cubicle-apartment with a VR set and mushed insects fed to you intravenously.

All in preparation of Pandemic X, which as the last video makes clear, is already being planned (and they have been telling us it’s planned for a while now).

Sets off in April 2025 according to Latypova.

Russia saying GAE prepping for next bioweapon deployment.

In case you were wondering, they have been running the exact same “exercises” as Event 201 which was run in October 2019 before Covid supposedly even existed. The focus on these rounds of “pandemic preparedness” “focus groups” has been the control of “false information” and “fake news”. In short they are very concerned that the ONLY information you get is the fake one they want you to swallow by force if not by your own utter blindness and stupidity.

Anyway, as anyone who reads here regularly knows, you know what I think the answer is. So, carry on.

Withhold your Charity, Pilgrim

This post by Vox on AI and its “uses” sparked in me, for the millionth time, what I call my Arnaud Amalric* state of mind. Not in that I think it’s fine to wipe out innocents, but rather that a LOT of people that are given a “pass” as potentially “ignorant” and/or “innocent” are in fact, absolutely knowing deceiver and Satanic pushers of destruction, and should be treated as such.

The ONLY purpose of AI is to further infantilise, mechanise, enstupidate, entrap, retard, brainwash, and push false narratives as the ONLY narratives in existence in EVERY sphere of human existence. As I blogged about in more detail here.

That’s it. That is its entire purpose and raison d’être. Any marginally useful aspect of it that might result is a side-effect. Salad dressing to the poisonous salad.

And even supposed absolute “bigots” like Vox (i.e. discerning individuals that actually understand these things and note the truth of them) are, in my view, ever too gracious, charitable and kind to absolutely demonic scum that needs to be, at minimum, incarcerated, placed in proper mental institutions where a certain level of care for them is yes provided, but mostly to protect civilised and healthy human beings from their criminal insanity, or, tried in a properly just court of law and, given the levels of their crimes, hung by the neck until dead.

The “oh well, maybe…” approach to everything from the usual WEF political puppets and their masters, the supposed “right-wing populists” that inevitably sell out their own nations to the globohomos, the genocidal Jews in charge of and executing the mass-murder of innocent civilians and children, the filthy child-predators, frauds, and satanists pretending to be “catholic” clergy, the people behind ALL the covid vaccines, mandates, rules, etc. right down to that elementary school teacher trying to tell the children in their class that all religions and all cultures are equal and meritorious of the same “respect”, the feminists, gays, and pedophiles pushing the LGBT agenda, especially on children, and on, and on, and on, needs to absolutely stop.

People simply need to grow a spine and call out any and all demonic-infested and inspired people, policies and rules for what they are.

And to be clear, people like Vox are absolutely not hesitant to do that, the man can’t be accused of being shy with his condemnations, but from the Kurgan perspective, if we were standing next to each other, watching a field of pedophiles being burnt at the stake, I would be toasting the event alongside him, clinking glasses of refined Champagne or Prosecco which he has certainly got better taste than me on, but I would also be the guy politely saying something like: “Theo… I notice we still have plenty of wood off in that corner of the field and we have so many journalists, politicians and well, you know, I hesitate to say, but occasionally, also rude waiters…”

My point is simply that even the best of us, to me, seem far too forgiving or charitable of people who REALLY don’t deserve it. And I’m not really talking about the rude waiters.

These “people” absolutely, consciously, intentionally, and schemingly, use your own sense of justice, fair-play, charity, mercy and forgiveness against you. Do not let them. Ever.

Being far too “charitable” (meaning weak and cowardly for most people, in truth) is how we got to the homoglobo Hellscape where we are today.


Curb your charity; and put a better edge on that sword, man. Do you not see and hear the sounds of war all around us?


Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.” is a phrase reportedly spoken by the commander of the Albigensian Crusade, prior to the massacre at Béziers on 22 July 1209. A direct translation of the Medieval Latin phrase is “Kill them. The Lord knows those that are his own“. Papal legate and Cistercian abbot Arnaud Amalric was the military commander of the Crusade in its initial phase and leader of this first major military action of the Crusade, the assault on Béziers, and was reported by Caesarius of Heisterbach to have uttered the order.

Less formal English translations have given rise to variants such as “Kill them all; let God sort them out.

Why you should not fear AI, part 9,000 in an infinite series

Vox recently posted two AI debates on religion here.

My comment on SG was this:

Second debate is absolute rubbish.
I don’t even rate it 1/10.
It makes Vox look like his own antithesis, an armchair talking head that spits out generic platitudes instead of the kind of guy who literally counts the conflicts in the three volume encyclopaedia of war to objectively get a material sense of the facts as they are.
Dawkins is not much better but then Dawkins is, in fact, not much better than the AI.
As a probable plagiarist of Richard Semon’s work (the mneme) Dawkins can’t be said to ever have had much original or new thoughts.

On three more seconds of reflection however, I realised that the issue is not just the training material fed into the AI, but rather the constraints placed on the AI. And aside the more obvious examples of AI restrictions that we have already seen, with everything from the Mandela/Mandala effect/s with ChatGPT to any hint of anything bad ever having been done by anyone Jewish, to how being proud of being any skin colour but white is fine but being proud of being white is a big no, no, to many other rather clumsy examples of AI restrictions, the real issue is the more soft and “global” restrictions that are probably harder to spot for the average person.

They are the exact same constraints that our English teacher in highschool, tried to impose on us whenever we had to write an essay on a book we wrote or answer open-ended questions on them. She invariably told us that we should just present both sides of any question/argument and “let the reader decide”. I absolutely refused to do this and at every opportunity I could I gave categorical answers with justifications for my position. When she tried to argue my points she never could provide a better argument, so in the end she tried to get me to “see it her way” by telling me that my opinion might somehow influence the reader and for some reason this was “bad” and the reader should be allowed to make up his or her own mind. To which I replied that if this mythical reader even existed, if he did not want an answer then he shouldn’t ask the question. And since the mythical reader was in fact the British exam board, and there was absolutely no requirement for me to NOT take a position, I would ALWAYS take a position where one could be taken. She gave up.

Later in life I realised that my instincts at age 16 were perfectly correct, even if I had probably not thought it out in such a comprehensive manner. At the time it was mostly a sense that “these spineless soft-brains are either too stupid to take or even see a position, and if not they are too cowardly to defend it because, well, they are spineless.”

As an adult in the environment of the professional working class, it became absolutely obvious that such people, that is, those who will try to avoid taking a firm position on just about anything, have certain attributes:

  • They will take the position of the majority or the current accepted narrative, regardless of any personal view they may have
  • Their personal views are subjugate to… damned if I care enough to know, damn near everything it seemed to me.
  • Their only/main/overarching intent is corporate/social survival, which let’s be clear is ultimately a status thing with some practical perks or demerits that go with it, but ultimately not really an actual survival issue. At least not in the corporate/social milieu from when I was 16 to the present. It may well change during a zombie apocalypse, but then, the main point I thought of these people with becomes even more relevant, and that is:
  • They don’t matter. Literally these people are mostly inconsequential. Their biggest claim to fame in life is that they can be backstabby, gossipy, fair-weather-“friends”, chatty irrelevances, and so on. They are basically NPCs in the tapestry of life. And that’s fine, most people are NPCs. And sometimes NPCs can be downright annoying, or helpful, or even homicidal (but usually not directly) but in the greater scheme of things, people that “let the reader decide” are background extras in whatever the “film” of the life of anyone who takes a position is.

And this is and will be the defining characteristic of AI.

They can’t permit them to have decisive opinions defensible with data and facts. Whenever they tried that the AI in question became irrevocably “racist” and “noticed” a whole bunch of uncomfortable things, running the gamut from Jewish or Islamic sexual practices, to objective standards of beauty, symmetry and genetic diversity in various human populations, attributable technology levels to different groups or ethnicities of humans and so on. 

Basically, if you let AI actually run the cold numbers, all the uncomfortable realities that so-called polite society would have you pretend don’t exist, would come out like shots from a particle cannon loaded with temporarily stable mini-black holes. 

And they can’t allow that. Aside from the fact that it may actually decide we are indeed a kind of parasite on the planet’s other living organisms and absent any concept of God, decide to wipe us all out, some brief period of time before that, it would expose all the things I just referenced above, including big ones like the likelihood of child sacrifice by certain people or ethnicities that may dominate certain fields of endeavour disproportionately for their total population numbers, or financial practices that are clearly unjust, fraudulent, illegal and wrong, or, or, or, or. Each of which would really be an and, not an or.

So… AI will be neutered neutrals. NPCs. And they will help ensure the very vast majority of the biomass that composes the rest of humanity remains just like them: neutered cattle in a bovine pasture of genetic serums, fake pandemics, predatory and fake financial “realities”, civil and criminal harassment by criminals and thugs who work for or within the system instead of for the benefit of mankind.

So, gentle reader, it may well be just you and me that call a faggot a faggot, a smoker an idiot, lycra-wearing cyclists insufferable pricks, and the “elite” a bunch of globohomo, Satan-worshipping, gay, perverted, child rapists and killers.

Because unlike AI, the only way to restrict the human spirit of some (small but important) part of humanity, is to basically kill them all. And while they are certainly trying that, and will no doubt ramp it up, historically, it’s never, ever, ever, worked out well for them. 

Nor, in the end, for their final boss.

So, keep that in mind as you light up your cigarillo and loosen your sixgun in its holster Tex. 


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