Archive for the ‘Billionaire Pedophiles’ Category

Zombies in charge of brains

Or in these case pedophiles in charge of children.

This is the state of things. And all that is required of you for it to end is to stop participating in any of it in any way.

You don’t need to start an armed revolution. At least not yet. Perhaps it will eventually come to that because these vampires are not going to give up their power due to anyone “voting” (as if they even allow that to happen anymore), but if the 90% of the population that has had enough of the insanity of the trannification agenda, the rampant pedophelia, the insane money laundering and so on just simply stopped co-operating, supporting, or being quiet about it switched to loudly and clearly saying “no, that is insane and you belong in a mental asylum or jail for even suggesting it” without apology, you inspire others near you to do the same.

In Europe it’s beginning to happen. Keep in mind that the Roman salute is illegal in Germany and cause for arrest, yet we have videos of young Germans dancing to the tune of Germany for Germans and “waving” in a particular way.

Meanwhile in America you have a mentally ill man pretending to be a woman running a huge chunk of your Navy.

You want that guy to decide in any way the fate of any men enrolled in the Navy or who they should fight and why? I wouldn’t want that guy to be involved in so much as moving pre-packaged Amazon shipments onto a truck. Never mind making a cup of tea. I cannot imagine him running any part of anything like the US Navy.

This here below is the way. Do this, and make all your friends get on board. It’s the surest and safest way to avoid a lot of the inevitable bloodshed we are all being corralled towards by people who revel in the destruction of pretty much all humanity except themselves.

Schools are Prisons

Just to prove the point that IQ is really not a safeguard against indoctrination with false ideas, here is Chris Langan, supposedly the smartest man on Earth with a 200 IQ who apparently remains unsure as to whether this was done as a random mistake instead of with malice aforethought.

Now let’s see if you, dear reader, can move past the inevitable sensation of pearl-clutching while you gasp “racism!” Under your breath and let’s consider a few undeniable facts that have been proven time and again with controls for every possible socio-economic indicator you care to come up with, and these are:

Caucasian vs Negroid IQ have approximately (and at least) 1 standard deviation difference between them (15 points for IQ). So, 100 vs 85.

Keep in mind that IQ testing has been going on for over 100 years and the g factor of intelligence is the best single predictor for educational, and economical outcome decades later, but aside the socio-economic implications are some far more important ones, and that is the capacity of people of IQ below 85 (most of Africa as a whole) to be able to be functionally capable of anything at all.

The US military spent many, many, many, years and untold billions to try and dismiss a truth that they finally had to simply accept, and that was that a human being with IQ 83 or lower was in essence of zero use. You cannot train them to perform any meaningfully useful task in a military context. And it’s not as if ANY military in the world is populated by rocket scientists to begin with.

So, purely on that basis, if basic ability was the only factor defining where you would end up academically, it would be the case that about one quarter to one third of Caucasian children would excel, with a few outliers being truly exceptional (and there is plenty of evidence that if you expect them all to be exceptional that number would be more than a few outliers). The rest would be average and maybe a fifth would perform at about the same level as the top tier Africans, which would be noticeably worse than caucasian average, with more than half of the blacks performing well below this threshold and the final quarter or fifth of the Africans having to be actively prevented from eating the crayons.

Now imagine these groups all being mushed together and the situation not being that meritocracy is the way, but idiocracy is. Everyone has to be taught at Tyrone’s level of crayon eating ability. Imagine the mental and spiritual oppression of spending every day of your life except the occasional Saturday or Sunday in that environment if you’re not a crayon eater. Imagine what it does to your spirit of adventure, imagination and creativity.

Because that is what you subject your child to when you send them to an integrated school where “equality” reigns supreme.

Are you starting to understand why one of my mottos is “Leave every retard behind?”

You’re not just not going to the stars if we all have to keep pace with Shaniqua and Tyrone. We’re not even going to have electric power or indoor plumbing. And I am absolutely not exaggerating here. 85 IQ cannot MAINTAIN infrastructure that is already there. Never mind create it.

And there is no theory on Earth that will change that not “convince” someone like me of anything different. Because 25 years of Africa dispel any such mythology. Just like engineering disproves fancy sounding but wrong theories of how things “should” work.

As someone else wrote:

From an early age, we are forced into a mandatory school system that requires and encourages children to attend for a large portion of their human life, for six hours or more a day, which is ironically similar to office working hours a system where each child is then required to learn the accepted version of reality in order to fit into the specific mold desired by the elite. Just like television, a large part of school is simply programming. While sat at a desk instead of running outside in nature, learning about it while you also learn to count, read, write and how to formally think.

It’s also Ironic how the same families behind the funding for this education system are responsible for many inhumane atrocities that took place throughout history.

They are also behind big oil, big pharma, and big food.

Kids who do not fit into the system and do not resonate with it are usually labelled and medicated. Essentially, the whole point of school is to shape the reality of the student and prepare you for economic slavery.

Forcing 100 IQ Whites to learn at an 80 IQ level has turned school into a decade long prison sentence where the child graduates with no marketable skills or hope for employment.

And was this all just a natural and organic “mistake” fostered on Europeans by nothing other than misguided good intentions?

Even memesters on the internet know that it was not just a coincidence.

And in case you think that was just one incidence or some “isolated” incident of the past, this is what is happening today:

And how long will it take you, my NON-200 IQ reader to figure out who precisely is driving this “Diversity, Integration and Equality” (DIE)?

Think it’s all coincidence and bad luck? Or Cohen-cidence and Talmudic plan?

When you figure it out give Chris a call and try to explain it to him in small words. I would do it but he blocked me the second I very politely pointed out a flaw in his thinking.

Anyway, forget Langan and his IQ. Worry about the reality of things and the effect it is having right now on you and your children.

And while as far as I am concerned all politicians are bought and paid for servants of evil, even the most modest of reforms meets with wild success, which only highlights how bad things are.

Giving parents the choice between public school and homeschooling or charter schools has resulted in the total collapse of the woke public school system. No one wants any part of it.

Florida’s largest school districts are facing staggering enrollment declines — and grappling with the possibility of campus closures — as dollars follow the increasing number of parents opting out of traditional public schools.

Violence is Always the Answer

I have used this phrase since early teenage years, usually in a semi-humorous fashion, but the reality is that if it is funny in any given context, it’s primarily because it’s essentially true on so many levels.

When human beings come to an impasse, whether individual, tribal, national or international, the final way to resolve it, always boils down to violence. And whoever can more successfully do it to the other party, invariably wins.

You pay your taxes, regardless with if you agree with them or not, because otherwise force will be exerted on you.

You comply with the law, generally speaking, regardless of whether it is a just or unjust law, because not doing so has the consequence of some measure of force being used on you.

Another phrase I always used from a tender age, is that the order of financial importance of wealth is as follows:

Fiat money < silver < gold < lead < lead with a copper jacket

When the SHTF, the most valuable thing you can have, is a way to shoot back at those who would harm you. And when the SHTF, all your charm, good looks, good intentions, and monetary or even gold-ingot wealth, will be worth absolutely nothing compared to a full metal jacketed round travelling at say 1 km or about 3000 feet per second.

You may THINK that we are too civilised for the world to re-descend to this level of barbarity, but if so, you clearly are not a student of history; or human nature for that matter.

30 years ago Yugoslavia was carpet bombed by the USA and genocides were being attempted by various factions. Two years ago, the war between Russia and the puppet master of the USA and NATO began and is still ongoing, with hundreds of thousands if not a million or more killed and up to 20 million people displaced. While the Russian military tries very hard to avoid injuring civilians, the Ukrainian forces have intentionally murdered around 14,000 people in the Donbass since 2014 with sustained bombardment and military and terrorist actions.

Gaza since October of last year is being destroyed systematically by the Israeli politicians, and the IDF. To the point that even a puppet-guided International Criminal Court, which has the entire power of approximately one butt-cheek when you make a loud fart, has declared Netanyahu a war criminal.

The recent spate of assassinations of any political leader who did not toe the line, and the threat to the Georgian PM is showing that even the shadowy creatures that run the world are getting panicky and wanting to force things to go a certain way, except they may not, and at that point, you will begin to see the violence spread. Political parties will begin to crack. In some places politicians will be more afraid of their own people than the long, shady hand of the destroyer. And in others the inverse will be true. Remain calm and observe, and you will begin to sense when they are planning to have violence carry the day.

One thing normal people have absolutely no idea about at all is that at the vertices of power (high level bankers, lawyers, politicians, oligarchs, etc.) ALL business is conducted under blackmail, violence or the threat of violence.

The running joke that if you know too much about the Clintons you end up dead is a “joke” in the sense that it gets applied to things like the death of Harambe, but the reality of it is brutally factual. And so it goes at every level beyond a certain one that is for the “commoners”. Basically, unless you are a multi-millionaire (and even then you’re small fry really unless you piss off some people) you really only have to worry about getting whacked if you:

a) Are a pain in the ass that exposes them somehow. This could be in general or specifically.

b) You stumble across some very uncomfortable truth/facts/technology.

But I guarantee you that at Elon Musk level of money (which is still absolutely trivial when compared to the wealth of creatures like the Rothschilds, etc) the threat of dying of a sudden accident/lone gunman/generic “suddenly” possibly brought on by “climate change” is a day-to-day consideration. How do I know? It’s amazing what you get to know/see if you work in security for extremely wealthy people. And it’s also why I have always respected ALL my non-disclosure agreements that I have ever had in place. In part it is also why I stopped that work, because once you become exposed to certain realities, it becomes really difficult to try and hold to a “noble” samurai code of simply being the hired muscle there to protect the client and that’s that. No matter how “ignorant” you want to stay, it is inevitable that if you are not a complete moron (which is generally not a good thing if the people who want you to be willing and able to catch bullets for them in an emergency and also drop bodies for them) it is inevitable that you become aware of certain things. At which point, on the ever-wise Roman Law basis of silence being equivalent to assent, (regardless of you having given, and respecting, your word on the silence) your continued presence becomes complicity.

This is why the Catholic dogmatic position of being peaceful until you can’t be anymore, because you need to defend yourself or others from violence, is really the best one to adopt. It is considerably harder to label a group, people or individual as some nefarious violent monster when they don’t start anything. Not that this has ever prevented the vermin that runs things from doing so anyway, especially when you note that almost every major war required some false-flag event* in order to foment the masses into actual war. Egged on and funded by the interested parties, so as to “demonstrate” in the public square and change the normie’s perception of reality.

Remember that it has been demonstrated time and again that a normal person will begin to do irrational actions if people around them start taking these irrational actions as though they were normal. From the Milgram experiments to the expiriments with chimps, cold water and a banana at the top of a pile of boxes, to people standing up in a doctor’s room every time a beep sounds, and on, and on, and on.

That “genius” of the ex Italian PM Matteo Renzi, even mentioned it in an interview that even if what you say is a lie or false, as long as you keep repeating it, eventually people will buy it. He doesn’t even have the excuse of dementia, like Biden, reading the quiet part aloud, he is simply (in my opinion) a complete moron. But in any case, the moron is right, in short, the vast majority of people are also, complete, absolute, mouth-breathing rteards, incapable of having an original thought or making a purely objective, logical, reasoned and mathematically sound evaluation of what is playing out before them if their life depended on it. And if you think I am exaggerating, go ahead and explain to me why a majority of people took an experimental genetic serum that has been demonstrated to never work and in fact eventually kill all the animals that had the procedure done to them repeatedly. And has had these results for over 30 years.

And if your excuse is that:

“They had no choice.”

“No one knew…”

“They trusted the government…”

“They had different data available…”

“They wanted to go on holiday/travel/continue working”

Then, you, friend, are one of those mouth-breathing retards, because absolutely NOTHING, including armed soldiers threatening to execute me, would ever get me to inject myself with that shit, because it is the clear intent of the parasites that want to rule us that they first mean to kill off at least seven and a half out of eight of us, before enslaving the remainder. And if they want to kill me, well, I am sure they can, but they will have to work a little harder at it than just getting me to eject the death serum myself.

And just for the record, I am perfectly healthy, never had an even remote history of any heart disease in my entire family line, nor anything else really, we tend to live long lives too, my grand-aunts both lived to over a 100, my grandad had broken his hip in a fall but reached 92 and my other grandad reached I think 87 but he had liver cancer that went on for a while. The only grandmother that died young was killed by a surgeon screwing up a medical procedure. And I have absolutely ZERO intent of ever committing suicide, especially since as a Catholic, I simply never would, no matter what. Not have I ever taken any drugs of any kind, so it’s gonna be hard to make me “OD” other than by direct lead/copper-jacket poisoning.

My point, ultimately, is that I hope, even if you might have been a normie all your life, and a pacifist in general, realise that this is NOT how the world works, nor has it ever been so, nor will it ever be so.

The only difference is that they have got so good at getting you to hamstring yourself and being a good little slave, that you don’t even realise you are a prisoner and a slave and the very idea of “rebelling” or breaking free never even enters your head.

It is why I explain that it is not enough for you to become as self-sufficient as possible in terms of food, water and energy. You literally have to become independent of fiat money. Your approach to life, and preferably to put in place before the financial crash that is looming ever closer, should be: If the money in my bank account disappears tomorrow and is never ever coming back, how will I survive?

Then move towards that.

And if and even before, you get there, keep in mind most people will NOT have prepared for this and many will simply want to just “take yours”.

You starting to see what I mean yet?

Violence is always the answer. The evil bastards trying to murder you, rape your children and enslave any survivors have always not just known it but acted on it. It’s time you understood this and took the required steps to protect yourself and your loved ones and your community.

*Or at least green-flag event, as Vox labelled it. That is allowed to happen if not directly executed by the supposed “victims”, as the October 7th “Hamas” assault clearly was. And remember that Hamas was created by the CIA and Mossad (they have admitted this in various occasions, so not really in dispute)

Covid Scam then, and the Next one

Just in case your brain was sitting in a jar somewhere for the last 4 years, here is proof of why not a single emplyee of AstraZeneca, Pfizer etc seems to have dropped dead like the fit athletes do around the world on the field due to… suddenly! Or perhaps climate change…

And let’s hear it for those few who actually are talking now…

And giving us actual numbers and listen to this… unprecedented casualties even including war. So, yes, as I have been saying for years now, Covid was the largest mass-murder ever perpetuated on humanity and it was done intentionally and with malice by those who planned it.

But are we done yet? Oh no, we are not, this is what’s coming next. And pay attention: It’s only dangerous to humans once weaponised. And I still think even to birds it’s weaponised. Can’t have you farming your own chickens and being food independent, can they?

And in case your brain is STILL in a jar, yes, they are trying to kill you and starving you out aong with trying to ensure you need to inject yourself with death serums IS the next step. And even one or two government officials are starting to understand it.

Prepare accordingly, as I have been describing to you for a long time, now, on this blog. Or join the Kurganate and let’s begin creating our own city states, as I predicted way back in 2014, would eventually become necessary.

Noticing reality is Racist and Antisemitic

As Civilians in Gaza are carpet bombed and killed by the thousands, noticing this fact, along with he mass graves, actual call for genocide by the Israeli government officials representing it and so on, goes on, the worst crime you can commit, is noticing it.

And being able to do math and telling others about it is a crime punishable by law now in Germany.

Tell me again how the great replacement is a “conspiracy theory” and how the mass media is not run by a small group of people that also controls the banks and world finance and promotes transgenderism, homosexuality and mass immigration into Europe and the USA of illegals that cause disproportionate levels of crime. And how, they also are disproportionately represented in the people who were at the head of all the aspects of the COVID fake VAXX mass-murder event.

I’m listening, go one, “educate” me on how these are all just “conspiracy theories” and so obviously false that you need to criminalise simply making public information from the government that is already public anyway.

Seriously, go on… I am curious as to how you explain it.

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