Archive for the ‘Agnostic Christianity’ Category

CHILD 44 – A Brief Review (No Spoilers)




This has made it onto the top 10 films I have ever seen. When searching for the image above, I also came across the fact that the average review for it is very poor, between one and three stars, which initially (and stupidly) shocked me.

This film is truly amazing and or a variety of reasons, but primary amongst them is that it is a very real portrayal of what happens when Political Correctness becomes the ideology of the day. And yes, I really do mean that, and yes, the emphasis on Political Correctness is indeed on Political. But do not be fooled.

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Hugos 2015 – The Hurricane of Hypocrisy

This post is going to be long, but I had to do it, because I had a sign from above you see. I had been thinking of joining the tornado of blog posts on this topic, but what clinched it was that I bought a kinder egg for my daughter and when I opened it for her it had this in it.


Seriously. I am not making this up.

Unless you have been living under a rock with all things relating to writing and science fiction in particular, that is the Hugo awards, you will by now know about the main cause of puppy related sadness. If you do not, here is the best link of the whole summary of it written by the creator of the sad puppies campaign himself in his reply to George RR Martin, the creator of a Song of Ice and Fire (better known as a Game of Thrones from the TV series) who wrote a series of thinly veiled disingenuous posts (here is a big one) about the whole Sad Puppies campaign.

Wait, did I just call the creator of a Game of Thrones a liar? Yes. Yes I most certainly did. And that is doing him a favour, because the alternative is that he is so completely incompetent at reading and comprehension that he would have had to obviously have suddenly developed an advanced case of Alzheimer’s and/or it would mean all of his books have been clearly ghostwritten by someone other than him.

“Whoa there cowboy,” you might say, “them’s pretty strong fighting words. You got anything to back that up?”

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As the Russian hackers and others devoted to this site have noticed, it has been rather dormant for some time. To say the last two years have been rough would be like saying that World War Two was a slight disagreement. Those who know why know, those who don’t don’t.

The poem IF, by Rudyard Kipling, has been a favourite of mine since I first read it as a teenager, and it pretty much describes my sense of things. Along with the parts of the samurai poem I know by heart, they have, at difficult times, been a source of some comfort. This time they fell far short. So much so I didn’t even think of them. And instead, something else happened. After a week of no sleep, I went to see a film.

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