If you have seen the last two posts before this one, and if you have eyes and ears and a couple of neurones that still fire regularly within your skull, you may have noticed, especially over the last four years, the relentless descent of life in general on planet Earth, towards a dystopic horror show that would make living under the Nazi rule at its height seem like a breath of fresh and freedom-filled air.
Especially since we are only at the beginning. Digital cash, travel restrictions, higher taxes, new regulations preventing you from growing your own food, having your own water and driving your own vehicles are all on the way. Chemtrails poisoning everything under the sun, foodstuffs and animals laced with mRNA “vaxxes” whether you want to take them or not, 5G and related EM weaponry in every lamppost to activate illegal military grade radiation that can be pinpointed to you specifically if need be and so on, might give you a depressing sense that there is no way out and no escape.
Well, I want to point you to three things that counter that very sensation which is PRECISELY what the puppet masters want you to feel. Because people that feel hopeless and beaten ARE hopeless and beaten. I have seen this in real life countless times and martial arts thousands of times, and martial arts is just a proxy, a training exercise for real life but even there, the man who does not know how to give up often wins. In life it is many times more obviously so. The guy who keeps at it when everyone else has given up invariably wins or dies trying. Most people are so scared of the “dies trying” part they never even start. The reality is that fear is ALWAYS an illusion. Even when there is a legitimate reason, or many, to be afraid, the conscious, reasoned approach to do it anyway is going to ALWAYS show you that the fear was in huge part a lie.
You will not know or have any experience of this if you have never faced fearful situations in life, and sadly, most humans in the West today have had such easy lives they have never done so. Well, time to start. That piece of information about fear always being an illusion on some level? That was a bonus, free point. Here are the other three:
1. It is not universal.
There are still people, even entire governments, resisting this nonsense. And from places that had one of the highest criminalities in the world. Among the chaos can come the unexpected. All it takes is one or a few men with courage. I have featured a video by this man before. Even better than this one. He is the president of El Salvador. Here he is telling every single member of his government that they will be investigated for corruption and jailed if found guilty.
And it’s not just words with this guy. He jailed thousands of gang members using the army, in huge jails and when the gangs threatened to attack the normal citizens in retaliation he came on national television and told the whole nation if any citizens were harmed the thousands of thugs in jail would not receive any food or drink. “Not one grain of rice,” he said.
Here are a few images from the Salvadorian prisons:
It’s head down and run, bitch. You do what you’re told or there will not be the gap of a second between your thought of rebellion and a truncheon cracking your forcibly shaved head. What clothes? It’s hot in El Salvador. A pair of shorts is all you need.
So, keep that in mind. And keep in mind how to get there. What the conditions are and were.
Before this El Salvador was a complete gangster’s playpen. People were murdered, raped and terrorised daily. In other words, everyone had to be so sick and tired of it all, that they would pretty much start risking their life to end this situation. And you need to recognise two things about that:
1. You need to appreciate just how bad things need to get before your neighbours, or worse, you, decide to act towards making a better nation of your country.
2. That same fear and desperation is going to be used against you to get you to agree to ever more dystopian and tyrannical systems of control. Precisely so that you do NOT organise yourself and become the next president of El Salvador wherever you are (which usually means just mayor of the town you are in).
And then you need to realise a third thing.
In order to be able to lead people out of the sewer, you have to provide them with alternatives. Viable ones. Ones that have a future.
2. The Elite and their puppet masters are few and scared
They still rule over us and “cut our mikes off” with censorship and fear at every turn, but there are a few fighting the good fight. Support people like MEP Christine Anderson who unashamedly and forthrightly has been vociferously telling the truth about Covid and its masters in the EU parliament from the start.
Listen to this when she exposes Von der Leyen for massive corruption, and look at the reaction, not just of fear, but of the votes at the end.
“We must show Von der Leyen the red card; she is now being investigated by the public prosecutor’s office for corruption…. Von der Leyen negotiated a 35 billion euro vaccine contract with the CEO of Pfizer via SMS text messages.”
And look at the vote:
Of 316 of them, 248 are for certain, confirmed parasites, there is no doubt of that. 7 of them are too scared to express an opinion either way, but a whole 61 are prepared to go against the puppet in charge. That’s almost 20% and although many of those votes will be for political manoeuvring reasons and not have anything to do with justice or truth, it’s still a healthy sign that even if only for political make-believe, the bastards that were most responsible for the biggest mass-murder in history may yet end up at least in jail, and if governments actually return to be in any way reflective of their national interests, they may well even end up receiving capital punishment, as the vast majority of normal people have always known that the death penalty does work as deterrent, as well as a cleanser of the genetic pool. Which is why there is almost no crime at all in places like Singapore.
The point here is that while small, somewhat fractured and a little hard to support, there already ARE people you can help get into power to change things. Is it enough? No. Nowhere near. Should YOU start to do something to lead people in your own community, even if you have no wish to lead? Absolutely, yes. In fact, especially if you would rather be left alone, you are precisely the kind of guy that needs to get in power. It doesn’t matter where, it could be the local PTA, the deputy mayor in a little village, whatever. Make the effort. Meet people. Help them see things clearer. Start.
3. It starts with people.
Seeing the evil scum get away with things makes one want to join the rebel alliance, the wolverines, and so on. But there is no need for any violent revolution. At least not yet, and maybe there never will be a need for it, as things have tipping points and the puppets may be swept away in a tide of populist revolution that may even be mostly peaceful. It may be 2020 BLM in the USA’s version of “mostly peaceful” protests or not, but the lower rungs of power can be cleansed this way. It’s the chief parasites at the top that are very difficult to remove, but that is a topic for another post.
What is needed is an alternative, and in order to really create one, you need to disengage entirely from the entire system. This means ultimately disengage from the financial system. If you have your own water, power, and food, all that is left for them to come after you is violence, and it would be started by them, giving you legitimacy of response even in the popular mind.
So learn and organise how to purchase land and work it. It’s hard, it uses up all your time and energy and then some, but as you begin to make a community of it, it gets easier and as it grows you need less and less from the beast/slavery system we all operate under. If you manage to get yourself power without the grid in sufficient quantities to run your home and tools, and have sufficient clean water and can produce your own food, the only thing left is petrol and fuel to run farm machinery. And if you have a community, one tractor goes a long way among friends.
More importantly, working the Earth creates human connections unlike any you ever had before. I created the pen and paper RPG Surviving the Current Zombie Apocalypse in order to give young men an easy introduction into sitting around a table with a few friends face to face instead of behind computer screens, because with a few hours of practice you can interact in the flesh, sharing your imaginations and laughing a great deal, while you don’t even realise you are solving problems that may well help you later in life. That is a soft entry into the reality of human contact and camaraderie. If you want the fast forward version, start farming the land and getting to know your farming neighbours. No man that works the land is an island, nor can he be. You will regain a sense of humanity that you have never experienced before unless you are in fact from a farming family. The benefit of your specific culture, religion, ethnicity suddenly becomes obvious. You begin to understand why people from “diverse” backgrounds cannot live in harmony unless the diverse percentage is a tiny one indeed that knows it is a guest and acts like it. And I apply that to myself too. I am a Venetian in a land that is Not my own. They are Romagnoli, and probably a better people than mine. They are friendlier, more generous, kinder. Venetians are known to be brusquer, curiouser, more confrontational, suspicious, and generally ornery and unfriendly. And about as territorial as badgers, with a similar temperament towards invaders. But we have our reasons. We have travelled and dealt with the world you see. Nevertheless, as I am not in my land here, while retaining all my Venetian characteristics, I do my best to be a good neighbour and friend and treat everyone politely until they give me reason not to, which so far has not yet presented itself, somewhat to my amazement and incredulity. Because that is what rural farmland is like pretty much everywhere on Earth. The language and culture may vary, but I am fairly sure that although I would personally be far less comfortable as one, I could probably get along with my Afghani goat farmer neighbours in Afghanistan, if I were to move there and become a goat farmer. And they probably would treat me well and kindly despite me being a kaffir with a heretic religion as far as they are concerned. The moment I import 50,000 of my people there however… well… one can hardly blame them if they decided I was suddenly persona non grata.
The point is you need to prepare yourself AND your people. Just as a farmer prepares the soil for planting, you too need to start. And though it may be late, there is still time. Begin. Either get your own place, hustle to do so, however small, or join forces and get one with other people (and use contracts, don’t be stupid) or help a guy who already is doing so by joining his community.
Potentially the land I have could feed several families living nearby who might not own any land at all, but they can help by providing their time, resources and labour. That is what a community is about and for.
So prepare yourself and others to become entirely independent of the beast system. That also opens you up to another good thing. Big families. If you can feed and house all of them, as well as raise them yourself because you are at home all day on your little piece of land, you can have plenty of children. And they can be raised with truth in their life instead of the lies you and I were fed from childhood.
So do not be black-pilled. Be excited about the great adventure before us all, wherever you may be starting from.
God smiles upon those who exert themselves in the right way. May God smile on you, reader.
Covid Scam then, and the Next one
Just in case your brain was sitting in a jar somewhere for the last 4 years, here is proof of why not a single emplyee of AstraZeneca, Pfizer etc seems to have dropped dead like the fit athletes do around the world on the field due to… suddenly! Or perhaps climate change…
And let’s hear it for those few who actually are talking now…
And giving us actual numbers and listen to this… unprecedented casualties even including war. So, yes, as I have been saying for years now, Covid was the largest mass-murder ever perpetuated on humanity and it was done intentionally and with malice by those who planned it.
But are we done yet? Oh no, we are not, this is what’s coming next. And pay attention: It’s only dangerous to humans once weaponised. And I still think even to birds it’s weaponised. Can’t have you farming your own chickens and being food independent, can they?
And in case your brain is STILL in a jar, yes, they are trying to kill you and starving you out aong with trying to ensure you need to inject yourself with death serums IS the next step. And even one or two government officials are starting to understand it.
Prepare accordingly, as I have been describing to you for a long time, now, on this blog. Or join the Kurganate and let’s begin creating our own city states, as I predicted way back in 2014, would eventually become necessary.
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By G | 11 May 2024 | Posted in Actual Science, Billionaire Pedophiles, Clown World, Farming Life, Medical Science, Social Commentary, Zombie Apocalypse