Assuming this is real and actually works as reported, we may indeed have begun to enter a truly demonic nightmare scenario where human brain matter is being used to work as faster and more efficient computers.
What actually happens to those living cells and any potential consciousness that they may exhibit… well… that’s just weird mysticism and not real $cience, right?
From the article:
It is worth recapping how the Neuroplatform works. The wetware architecture mixes hardware, software, and biology using a quartet of Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEAs) housing human brain organoids in a microfluidic life support system. 3D tissue masses are interfaced and stimulated by eight electrodes, with monitoring cameras and a tuned software stack so that researchers can input data variables and read and interpret processor output.
The information available about FinalSpark’s Neuroplatform has grown in recent months on the journey to remote rental availability. A blog post in July provided a closer look at how the labs create organoids and how the researchers are sure they are packed with neurons. An earlier blog post shared a macrograph of a single brain organoid, reproduced above, which is estimated to contain 10,000 living human neurons.
See that part right at the end? The 10,000 living human neurons? Where do you think they get those?
I’m sure it’s nothing totally evil and vile like say… from killing babies to get them, right?
And a linked article makes it clear that the neurons in question have a limited lifespan.
Biological processor organoids ‘live’ about 100 days
Silicon chips can last years, sometimes decades. The neuronal structures that form bioprocessors are also said to have a long lifespan, but are only “suitable for experiments that run for several months,” says FinalSpark. Initially, the firm’s MEAs would only last a few hours, but refinements to the system mean an organoid lifespan is currently expected to be around 100 days.
But it’s not like they might be taking part of a living brain and then forcing some machine code into it to work as a mind-slave for a few months before it finally has the sweet release of death.
And it’s not like time may work differently in whatever level of semi-consciousness those living brain parts may have, right?
I mean there is absolutely no chance at all that subjectively those 100 days, in which trillions upon trillions of artificial operations are forced brutally and mechanistically through those neurons that experience is feltas torture, with each single operation as some kind of hellish experience, right?
Of course not, because $cience, right? It’s all settled $cience, like climate change, the Moon landings having happened exactly like the filming of it on the Moon and not in a studio on Earth, and the genetic injections that have been killing animals for 30 years with mRNA stuff that alters your DNA now being entirely safe and effective, even if they cause myocarditis and don’t prevent any kind of contagion. Because $cience!
A full DNA computer is a step closer, thanks to a new technology that could store petabytes of data in DNA for thousands or even millions of years. The system can also process data, as demonstrated by solving sudoku puzzles. You have more data storage capacity in your little finger than the best electronic hard drive. And we mean that literally – every cell in your body can hold about 800 MB of data, and you’re made of trillions of cells so every one of us is a walking, talking, super-dense data center. It’s not surprising then that scientists have been working to tap into that incredibly efficient natural data storage system.
That’s not making the duration in Hell be essentially infinite for any of the living matter involved, right?
I mean, come on, didn’t you ever read William Gibson or watch the film Johnny Mnemonic? Isn’t that future just so cool? What with their coffin-sized “homes” and rented out body parts and brain matter/computer interface plugs?
Just don’t be a throwback bigot, right?
Remember: The $cience is settled, safe and effective!
Now please report any doubts to your friend the Computer.
The ancients were far more advanced than modern people at almost every level on a personal level of ability to do things. Both mentally as well as physically. Your average man from the year 1000 could endure a lot more than the perfumed princes of today.
An actual knight in armour in the crusades would make a modern soldier look like a pansy in a tutu on any comparable physical test of endurance or strength, and above all, mental fortitude.
But even certain aspects of their technology were advanced, and comparatively also higher quality.
Even when the actual technology was not in fact more advanced, the level of skill in building it was absolutely phenomenal.
Obsidian knives made from a type of volcanic glass are so sharp they cut on a cellular level. They have been used as tools since the Stone Age.
The mechanical Turk although not an actual intelligent robot, is nevertheless an ingenious device that took a lot of time and extremely precise work to construct.
If you bother to read the classics, Herodotus, Homers, Plato, Aristotle, Julius Cesar, you will realise that the ancient also had great thinkers.
If modern men aspired to be more like their ancestors, the world could only benefit from it.
Vox made an obvious but often ignored point. Precisely because it is so obvious, it often becomes invisible. Referring to the new York Times article that signals the need to dump Biden, Vox ends thusly:
Anyhow, the signals are being sent out. And all the various schools of SJWs, liberals, and progressives will dutifully change their course in perfect formation now that the elite media are broadcasting the new Narrative.
He is absolutely correct. And that is the one and pretty much only real strenght of the rabbits; their cohesion. And it is, very much an unconscious behaviour requiring no intelligence or conscious thought at all. In fact, any hint of such is disruptive to the process, which can be best understood as being practically identical to how schools of fish move. It is a process transmitted to the group by non-conscious processes that involve magnetic fields for the most part. In humans a small level of social consciousness/indoctrination is also present but I posit that the main purposes of the graphite in the genetic serums and the ubiquitous installation of 5G towers around the world is precisely for the electro-magnetic modulation of masses of human beings. The generic brain fog, gut biome distuptions, and general lethargy experienced by people around the world (but primarily by Caucasoids of non-Ashkenazi descent) is, in my humble opinion, absolutely related to at minimum:
The genetic serum “vaxx” injections
The bioweapon of covid itself
The shedding by the Vaxxed
The GMO food
The mRNA poisons being introduced in every aspect of the food chain
The self-replicating nanotechnology present in both the vaxxed and increasingly, in the environment as a whole (more details on this later)
The general enstupidation broght about by more traditional means of indoctrination, namely:
The denial of objective reality, logic and math in all its forms (sexual confusion agenda, propagation of mental illness and victim ideology etc etc)
Subpar schooling at all levels (effectively schools are indoctrination factories today)
Destruction of language and attention spans by use of mobile devices and intentional modulation and imprecision of word usage
5G and many other radio and electro-magnetic effects you are being subjected to without even being aware of it.
Your DNA being specifically targetted by several of the abive technologies, which I posited a while back (April 2023) but has now been absolutely and empirically verified.
As a natural, non-Ashkenazi human that falls squarely in the population most targetted by DNA (I am of literal Norman/Frankish Crusader stock with some admixture due to the Venetian propensity for sampling of pretty females regardless of specific ethnicities) I am subject to all of the weaponised technologies mentioned above and also been subjected to a certain direct level of ticket-offering (buy-out of your soul/philosophy/integrity) which were invariably rejected because recognised as such, and also direct psyops, which so far has not raised itself to the directly lethal level, possibly because though undoubtedly a pain in the ass for would-be masters of the Universe I am not exactly a direct threat on any real level and some of my concepts may also be useful to them and/or I might be somewhat entertaining to observe for various reasons (see previous post The Speciation of Species 2 posts down).
My point is that if all of the above makes you feel anger and despair, don’t. That plays into their plan for you. And herebelow, are some pointers on how to best survive and navigate the situation, as well as how to begin to organise meaningfully.
In order of importance then:
1. Mindset – The shortest way I can tell you to fortify this at a level that becomes impervious to pretty much almost anything is to become a proper Catholic. I know most readers here have no idea what a 1958 Sedevacantist Catholic is, and why it matters and so on, and few will have the inclination to look into it, but this is just the TL;DR version. The previous post (2 down) called the speciation of the Species describes a little bit more the various traps, tricks, obfuscations and lies that the enemy uses to prevent almost anyone from finding out the truth about Catholicism, what it really is and was before the usurpation of 1958 and why pretty much everything you ever have been told about Catholicism is a dirty set of lies, which anyone who actually studies history properly will see, including non-Catholic historians like Rodney Stark who literally wrote a book to dispel the worst and biggest lies spread about Catholicism (mostly by embittered protestants and murderous atheists since the French Revolution, which was really a Freemasonic take-over see the previous post on before this one on How Evil Made America in its image) which have become part of the general zeitgeist of Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic Protestantism around the world.
You may get along fine for a while on some other philosophy, your unknowingly corrupted and fake version of “Christianity”, your buds infused Samurai code, your vicious and hardened mindset, Buddhism, martial arts prowess, or whatever, but in the end, Having gone through many of those stages of various belief/unbelief myself, and never having actively ever sought out to become any kind of Christian, my own Road to Damascus moment came so hard and undeniably that I could no longer ignore it. And I confirm that while never having relented mentally before to any perceived enemies, my resilience today is a multiple of the one I had before, and I assure you most humans could not keep up with me before. Similar shifts in mental resilience I have observed in literally every Sedevcantist Catholic I know.
Get your mind right and literally no attack can cause you despair of fear to any really meaningful level and certainly not a temporary one. While many religions might offer some relief, only Catholicism, because it is so deeply rooted in absolute Truth creates the kind of conviction that cannot be shaken, and in turn it creates the next very important component…
2. Community – While there are many levels of “community” I am referring here specifically to a group of people that would unhesitatingly climb in foxholes next to you and stay there to the end or victory. Once again, I have had the good fortune of having very good friends throughout my life, and I certainly had loyal friends that would not have run off, but they were the solitary exceptions and even then, over decades things shift. The only people I have found that are absolute zealots and are Spartan level loyal are 1958 Sedevacantist Catholics. And please believe me, I worked for years in the security world of close protection, trained and taught martial arts in various countries for decades and consider loyalty to your friends and loved ones one of the absolute necessities of life. I have never been short of men who would keep their word, be real friends when the SHTF and so on. But NOTHING has ever compared to the loyalty and steadfastness I have experienced from 1958 Sedevacantist and these regardless of if they were battle-hardened ex-mercenaries, or mild-mannered flower arrangers. These people are literally like an impenetrable wall of faith.
Lastly, Catholics are not an anaemic religion unable or unwilling to defend itself when and if necessary, as the history of Catholicism clearly demonstrates. Obviously, ignore the fake “Catholic” impostor clergy and their directives from 1958 on. Here is a site you can use to locate the nearest non-use cum sedevacantist masses.
Community also requires the gradual but steady take-over of various structures, from the local PTA board to industry, and especially politics and academia. The whole point is to return your little area, village, city block, or whatever you are involved in to a level of sanity, morality, health and order that has been steadily eroded since at least the Second World War, but has roots in a couple of centuries earlier and has been done gradually, intentionally and with evil aforethought.
3. Marriage and Children – I thought if perhaps geography should be next, but on reflection this is more important. Your marriage needs to be as solid as possible, and while there ar never guarantees of anything in life, once again, a proper, 1958 Sedevacantist marriage is absolutely indissoluble other than by death. And a person who truly believes will not even begin to attempt divorce, since such a thing does not properly speaking exist in Catholicism. And even if people no longer can live together, they will not divorce nor take on other lovers, which tends to foster a certain willingness to reconcile and make things work. Many men are scared of divorce rape, which is understandable, but having survived two divorces, I say “Meh. Shit happens, try to be wiser in your initial choice than I ever was, and if you are already on a Sedevacatist path the likelihood of divorce is pretty much almost zero if you wife-to-be is not faking it. Making a lot of children is important for various reasons:
It is the main purpose of Marriage and the command of it from God.
More children means more Catholics and a community of Catholics that will continue to grow as your children and those of other Catholics play, grow and learn together and in turn will get married to each other and grow the community. The number of people that a few Catholic families alone can generate over 20 or 40 years is quite astonishing.
It tends to make it very clear in your head what you should be working towards, which is to secure a future for your progeny.
4. Geography – The intent here is to select as best you can an area that allows you to have the items above as best as possible, so figure out where the nearest Sede location may be if that is part of it, then try to pick something rural that has good access to water and friable land to grow your own food and raise your own animals. Try to steer clear of large cities and as much government regulation and bureaucracy as you can. Understand that farming your own food and trying to go off-grid are very difficult, time and money consuming endeavours, but absolutely worth it. And if you can get it going, your reliance on clean water (increasingly hard to get given the crap they are putting in the water system) food from various nefarious sources, and power 9electricity) will drop considerably and if you can make those three things autonomously your reliance on fiat money itself also drops dramatically, which is the primary lever of control for the entire planet, not just you individually.
5. Defence – Eventually, no matter how peaceful, law-abiding, and friendly you are, the enemy will come for you in some way or other, whether directly and intentionally or indirectly or even unintentionally (say total economic collapse happens, random rioters and looters will find your mini-paradise very attractive). So you need to prepare, again, not just at the individual, but also at the community level.
Those are the big picture parts, now for some specifics.
For the nano-tech and chemtrails the above helps, but probably getting a greenhouse and your own food and water filtration sources going or made available to you by reliable third parties are the way to go. there may also be a few spots on Earth that are relatively free of this stuff for now, but they are not ideal places, so really only viable if you are already there, like rural parts of Africa perhaps, which will have their own challenges and might not even give you the option to be reading this.
I truly believe a mental/spiritual component absolutely helps to protect you from these things. You may think I am just a crazy Catholic Zealot, but to borrow from the demonic inspired Beatle: I am not the only one! And there is at least some empirical and anecdotal evidence to suggest I am at least somewhat correct on this.
I believe the Chief Vampires that have created these conditions must have a way to immunise themselves from these technologies and we already know that the Israeli have certainly done so, since despite their very high levels of Vaxx takers, their birth rates are now nice and high, while other highly vaxxed countries that do not have Ashkenazi genetics are having very suppressed birth rates, excess deaths, infertile and babies dying in the womb, like for example Portugal. If this is the case, aside from genetics, I also think there must be ways they can create EM field that protect them from the various nano-bots, shedders and so on. And even if this is not the case (these people are certainly evil and “clever” but they are far from smart and in some respects are downright retarded, so it’s certainly possible their experiment got away from them) in nature there usually tends to be a small percentage of the population that is either naturally immune to the nefarious crap these Vampires do, or becomes it or finds a way around it, so don’t lose heart.
Exercise helps, as does understanding what works best in your specific type of body.
Stay away as much as you can from anything Pharma-related. Almost every ailment on Earth can be cured with home made remedies, and aside certain situations, particularly those requiring surgery for certain injuries and so on, you’re best off having as clean as possible a food source and learning about various plants, raw honey, proper olive oil and so on.
In a subsequent post I will explain what the power of the K selected (Wolves) are and how this can be used against the r selected (rabbits).
They have a very real power in their fish-like monolithic observance of whatever false narrative is presented to them. It is the power of the unthinking zombie horde. Mindless and thoughtless they cause untold damage and trample and destroy everything in their path, however, a hardened fortress can be almost impervious to them, and a much smaller but very determined force can inflict massive losses on them (metaphorical as well as physical, depending on the scenario) and even scatter and demoralise them on a very large scale that is well out of proportion for their numbers. We will explore such concept in another post.
Having watched the miniseries based on the book the 3 body problem i thought I’d catch up with the latest info on Proxima Centauri, as it’s been a while since I could dedicate myself to astronomy again.
This little video makes it fairly clear that despite the optimistic narrative, it is very unlikely aliens reside there, which is what I had surmised a couple or more decades ago and the new data does not impact that at all, really. Still, it’s interesting.
I have been aware of the technological ability to control people by various forms of technology that directly affects the brain for almost 3 decades. And I have posted before on this as well as to a post that had recovered the video that was from 1995 of a French doctor who had also managed to get on TV to warn people of this technology.
More recently due to the Covid scam, I posited that there are reasons to believe the stuff they wanted to inject people with was also possibly an experiment in direct mind control Syndicate style.
Just to prove the point that IQ is really not a safeguard against indoctrination with false ideas, here is Chris Langan, supposedly the smartest man on Earth with a 200 IQ who apparently remains unsure as to whether this was done as a random mistake instead of with malice aforethought.
Now let’s see if you, dear reader, can move past the inevitable sensation of pearl-clutching while you gasp “racism!” Under your breath and let’s consider a few undeniable facts that have been proven time and again with controls for every possible socio-economic indicator you care to come up with, and these are:
Caucasian vs Negroid IQ have approximately (and at least) 1 standard deviation difference between them (15 points for IQ). So, 100 vs 85.
Keep in mind that IQ testing has been going on for over 100 years and the g factor of intelligence is the best single predictor for educational, and economical outcome decades later, but aside the socio-economic implications are some far more important ones, and that is the capacity of people of IQ below 85 (most of Africa as a whole) to be able to be functionally capable of anything at all.
The US military spent many, many, many, years and untold billions to try and dismiss a truth that they finally had to simply accept, and that was that a human being with IQ 83 or lower was in essence of zero use. You cannot train them to perform any meaningfully useful task in a military context. And it’s not as if ANY military in the world is populated by rocket scientists to begin with.
So, purely on that basis, if basic ability was the only factor defining where you would end up academically, it would be the case that about one quarter to one third of Caucasian children would excel, with a few outliers being truly exceptional (and there is plenty of evidence that if you expect them all to be exceptional that number would be more than a few outliers). The rest would be average and maybe a fifth would perform at about the same level as the top tier Africans, which would be noticeably worse than caucasian average, with more than half of the blacks performing well below this threshold and the final quarter or fifth of the Africans having to be actively prevented from eating the crayons.
Now imagine these groups all being mushed together and the situation not being that meritocracy is the way, but idiocracy is. Everyone has to be taught at Tyrone’s level of crayon eating ability. Imagine the mental and spiritual oppression of spending every day of your life except the occasional Saturday or Sunday in that environment if you’re not a crayon eater. Imagine what it does to your spirit of adventure, imagination and creativity.
Because that is what you subject your child to when you send them to an integrated school where “equality” reigns supreme.
Are you starting to understand why one of my mottos is “Leave every retard behind?”
You’re not just not going to the stars if we all have to keep pace with Shaniqua and Tyrone. We’re not even going to have electric power or indoor plumbing. And I am absolutely not exaggerating here. 85 IQ cannot MAINTAIN infrastructure that is already there. Never mind create it.
And there is no theory on Earth that will change that not “convince” someone like me of anything different. Because 25 years of Africa dispel any such mythology. Just like engineering disproves fancy sounding but wrong theories of how things “should” work.
As someone else wrote:
From an early age, we are forced into a mandatory school system that requires and encourages children to attend for a large portion of their human life, for six hours or more a day, which is ironically similar to office working hours a system where each child is then required to learn the accepted version of reality in order to fit into the specific mold desired by the elite. Just like television, a large part of school is simply programming. While sat at a desk instead of running outside in nature, learning about it while you also learn to count, read, write and how to formally think.
It’s also Ironic how the same families behind the funding for this education system are responsible for many inhumane atrocities that took place throughout history.
They are also behind big oil, big pharma, and big food.
Kids who do not fit into the system and do not resonate with it are usually labelled and medicated. Essentially, the whole point of school is to shape the reality of the student and prepare you for economic slavery.
Forcing 100 IQ Whites to learn at an 80 IQ level has turned school into a decade long prison sentence where the child graduates with no marketable skills or hope for employment.
And was this all just a natural and organic “mistake” fostered on Europeans by nothing other than misguided good intentions?
Even memesters on the internet know that it was not just a coincidence.
And in case you think that was just one incidence or some “isolated” incident of the past, this is what is happening today:
And how long will it take you, my NON-200 IQ reader to figure out who precisely is driving this “Diversity, Integration and Equality” (DIE)?
Think it’s all coincidence and bad luck? Or Cohen-cidence and Talmudic plan?
When you figure it out give Chris a call and try to explain it to him in small words. I would do it but he blocked me the second I very politely pointed out a flaw in his thinking.
Anyway, forget Langan and his IQ. Worry about the reality of things and the effect it is having right now on you and your children.
And while as far as I am concerned all politicians are bought and paid for servants of evil, even the most modest of reforms meets with wild success, which only highlights how bad things are.
Giving parents the choice between public school and homeschooling or charter schools has resulted in the total collapse of the woke public school system. No one wants any part of it.
Florida’s largest school districts are facing staggering enrollment declines — and grappling with the possibility of campus closures — as dollars follow the increasing number of parents opting out of traditional public schools.
I have used this phrase since early teenage years, usually in a semi-humorous fashion, but the reality is that if it is funny in any given context, it’s primarily because it’s essentially true on so many levels.
When human beings come to an impasse, whether individual, tribal, national or international, the final way to resolve it, always boils down to violence. And whoever can more successfully do it to the other party, invariably wins.
You pay your taxes, regardless with if you agree with them or not, because otherwise force will be exerted on you.
You comply with the law, generally speaking, regardless of whether it is a just or unjust law, because not doing so has the consequence of some measure of force being used on you.
Another phrase I always used from a tender age, is that the order of financial importance of wealth is as follows:
Fiat money < silver < gold < lead < lead with a copper jacket
When the SHTF, the most valuable thing you can have, is a way to shoot back at those who would harm you. And when the SHTF, all your charm, good looks, good intentions, and monetary or even gold-ingot wealth, will be worth absolutely nothing compared to a full metal jacketed round travelling at say 1 km or about 3000 feet per second.
You may THINK that we are too civilised for the world to re-descend to this level of barbarity, but if so, you clearly are not a student of history; or human nature for that matter.
30 years ago Yugoslavia was carpet bombed by the USA and genocides were being attempted by various factions. Two years ago, the war between Russia and the puppet master of the USA and NATO began and is still ongoing, with hundreds of thousands if not a million or more killed and up to 20 million people displaced. While the Russian military tries very hard to avoid injuring civilians, the Ukrainian forces have intentionally murdered around 14,000 people in the Donbass since 2014 with sustained bombardment and military and terrorist actions.
Gaza since October of last year is being destroyed systematically by the Israeli politicians, and the IDF. To the point that even a puppet-guided International Criminal Court, which has the entire power of approximately one butt-cheek when you make a loud fart, has declared Netanyahu a war criminal.
The recent spate of assassinations of any political leader who did not toe the line, and the threat to the Georgian PM is showing that even the shadowy creatures that run the world are getting panicky and wanting to force things to go a certain way, except they may not, and at that point, you will begin to see the violence spread. Political parties will begin to crack. In some places politicians will be more afraid of their own people than the long, shady hand of the destroyer. And in others the inverse will be true. Remain calm and observe, and you will begin to sense when they are planning to have violence carry the day.
One thing normal people have absolutely no idea about at all is that at the vertices of power (high level bankers, lawyers, politicians, oligarchs, etc.) ALL business is conducted under blackmail, violence or the threat of violence.
The running joke that if you know too much about the Clintons you end up dead is a “joke” in the sense that it gets applied to things like the death of Harambe, but the reality of it is brutally factual. And so it goes at every level beyond a certain one that is for the “commoners”. Basically, unless you are a multi-millionaire (and even then you’re small fry really unless you piss off some people) you really only have to worry about getting whacked if you:
a) Are a pain in the ass that exposes them somehow. This could be in general or specifically.
b) You stumble across some very uncomfortable truth/facts/technology.
But I guarantee you that at Elon Musk level of money (which is still absolutely trivial when compared to the wealth of creatures like the Rothschilds, etc) the threat of dying of a sudden accident/lone gunman/generic “suddenly” possibly brought on by “climate change” is a day-to-day consideration. How do I know? It’s amazing what you get to know/see if you work in security for extremely wealthy people. And it’s also why I have always respected ALL my non-disclosure agreements that I have ever had in place. In part it is also why I stopped that work, because once you become exposed to certain realities, it becomes really difficult to try and hold to a “noble” samurai code of simply being the hired muscle there to protect the client and that’s that. No matter how “ignorant” you want to stay, it is inevitable that if you are not a complete moron (which is generally not a good thing if the people who want you to be willing and able to catch bullets for them in an emergency and also drop bodies for them) it is inevitable that you become aware of certain things. At which point, on the ever-wise Roman Law basis of silence being equivalent to assent, (regardless of you having given, and respecting, your word on the silence) your continued presence becomes complicity.
This is why the Catholic dogmatic position of being peaceful until you can’t be anymore, because you need to defend yourself or others from violence, is really the best one to adopt. It is considerably harder to label a group, people or individual as some nefarious violent monster when they don’t start anything. Not that this has ever prevented the vermin that runs things from doing so anyway, especially when you note that almost every major war required some false-flag event* in order to foment the masses into actual war. Egged on and funded by the interested parties, so as to “demonstrate” in the public square and change the normie’s perception of reality.
Remember that it has been demonstrated time and again that a normal person will begin to do irrational actions if people around them start taking these irrational actions as though they were normal. From the Milgram experiments to the expiriments with chimps, cold water and a banana at the top of a pile of boxes, to people standing up in a doctor’s room every time a beep sounds, and on, and on, and on.
That “genius” of the ex Italian PM Matteo Renzi, even mentioned it in an interview that even if what you say is a lie or false, as long as you keep repeating it, eventually people will buy it. He doesn’t even have the excuse of dementia, like Biden, reading the quiet part aloud, he is simply (in my opinion) a complete moron. But in any case, the moron is right, in short, the vast majority of people are also, complete, absolute, mouth-breathing rteards, incapable of having an original thought or making a purely objective, logical, reasoned and mathematically sound evaluation of what is playing out before them if their life depended on it. And if you think I am exaggerating, go ahead and explain to me why a majority of people took an experimental genetic serum that has been demonstrated to never work and in fact eventually kill all the animals that had the procedure done to them repeatedly. And has had these results for over 30 years.
And if your excuse is that:
“They had no choice.”
“No one knew…”
“They trusted the government…”
“They had different data available…”
“They wanted to go on holiday/travel/continue working”
Then, you, friend, are one of those mouth-breathing retards, because absolutely NOTHING, including armed soldiers threatening to execute me, would ever get me to inject myself with that shit, because it is the clear intent of the parasites that want to rule us that they first mean to kill off at least seven and a half out of eight of us, before enslaving the remainder. And if they want to kill me, well, I am sure they can, but they will have to work a little harder at it than just getting me to eject the death serum myself.
And just for the record, I am perfectly healthy, never had an even remote history of any heart disease in my entire family line, nor anything else really, we tend to live long lives too, my grand-aunts both lived to over a 100, my grandad had broken his hip in a fall but reached 92 and my other grandad reached I think 87 but he had liver cancer that went on for a while. The only grandmother that died young was killed by a surgeon screwing up a medical procedure. And I have absolutely ZERO intent of ever committing suicide, especially since as a Catholic, I simply never would, no matter what. Not have I ever taken any drugs of any kind, so it’s gonna be hard to make me “OD” other than by direct lead/copper-jacket poisoning.
My point, ultimately, is that I hope, even if you might have been a normie all your life, and a pacifist in general, realise that this is NOT how the world works, nor has it ever been so, nor will it ever be so.
The only difference is that they have got so good at getting you to hamstring yourself and being a good little slave, that you don’t even realise you are a prisoner and a slave and the very idea of “rebelling” or breaking free never even enters your head.
It is why I explain that it is not enough for you to become as self-sufficient as possible in terms of food, water and energy. You literally have to become independent of fiat money. Your approach to life, and preferably to put in place before the financial crash that is looming ever closer, should be: If the money in my bank account disappears tomorrow and is never ever coming back, how will I survive?
Then move towards that.
And if and even before, you get there, keep in mind most people will NOT have prepared for this and many will simply want to just “take yours”.
You starting to see what I mean yet?
Violence is always the answer. The evil bastards trying to murder you, rape your children and enslave any survivors have always not just known it but acted on it. It’s time you understood this and took the required steps to protect yourself and your loved ones and your community.
*Or at least green-flag event, as Vox labelled it. That is allowed to happen if not directly executed by the supposed “victims”, as the October 7th “Hamas” assault clearly was. And remember that Hamas was created by the CIA and Mossad (they have admitted this in various occasions, so not really in dispute)
I do not know much at all about this Andrew guy debating the woman, I saw (or rather, mostly listened to) over an hour of this podcast he did with a feminist and from first impression he seems to be very cogent, and to give credit to the woman, she is at least trying to respond to his dialectic commentary and reasoning. That is, she is, doing her best, I believe, to reply to his clear logic with actual logic.
What you see here is basically an honest woman being faced with her own solipsism.
Her retreats to rhetoric or “feelings” are generally curbed and although he sometimes has to reframe the question a few times, when she eventually grasps it she tries to answer it honestly. This in and of itself is exceedingly rare, so I have to give her absolute credit for it. In fact, after I wrote this I watched a bit more, and Andrew too gives her the same credit at around 1 hour and 27 minutes.
If feminists could actually do logic and debate honestly, this would be a typical outcome.
Which brings me to the point I wanted to make, which will drive the average woman absolutely batshit insane with apoplexy at my “misogyny”, but which in reality is fully based in the natural patriarchal instinct to wish to protect women in general from their own characteristically irrational tendencies.
I am usually too busy to listen to anything of this length, but I managed to hear about an hour and a half of it, and I will try to hear the rest as I can, but he makes a LOT of very cogent, interesting points that are very fundamental level stuff. Right from the start, he manages to make her understand that everything relates ultimately to force, and although he doesn’t quite get her to understand his point about moral relativism, it is not through lack of trying, and on her part, it becomes quite clear that she simply does not have the intellectual capacity to:
a) keep up with him and fully grasp what he is saying, and
b) either have reasoned out her positions beforehand, or be able to reason them out on the fly.
I fairness to her, she does, honestly reason quite a few of them out on the fly, so she is honestly trying to do that, but the fact she even had to resort to this means she had never really considered these basic questions to begin with, which again, does not put her in a glowing light intellectually speaking.
AND YET… she has performed overwhelmingly better than 99% of feminists I have ever seen trying to stand their ground. I may put her, roughly speaking on a similar footing with Camille Paglia, who is still a trainwreck, but as far as feminists go, she’s not as terrible as the overwhelming majority. This girl is still young, so I sincerely hope there is some time for her to undo some of the indoctrination she clearly has taken on board (as have all of us at some point in our lives).
Now to my point, which is this:
I think this debate, and even this rather polite, intelligent and well-intentioned woman, are strong evidence of the fact that women simply are not, generally speaking able or capable of even understanding the fundamental aspects of civilisation, and that, is ultimately the reason they cannot be entrusted with really any aspect of it beyond those that they are naturally built for, which is child-rearing and taking care of their home in a symbiotic, intimate, and loving relationship with their husbands.
The simple fact is that this young woman, who has not thought about such basic things as the pill affecting birth rates and abortion being anti-natalist, gets to “vote” (not really, none of us do, but we’re looking at the logic of things, not the brutal reality of the nefarious shit going on on top of the lack of logic too). She clearly has no real objective right to do so. She is ignorant and unschooled on such basic things that her vote can only be a vote for chaos, ultimately. And notice how she has zero comment or comeback to the very real point that women were not allowed to vote on a referendum of if they should be allowed a vote, because the overwhelming majority of them were against it because they then understood that to give the women a vote would reduce them to second tier “men” while totally removing their moral benefits that they had purely as a result of being a woman.
If you can follow the logic, this in and of itself also makes it abundantly clear that liberalism, and the eternal pursuit of unlimited freedom, is absolutely Satanic and can ONLY bring to desolation and destruction for all.
It also highlights that the ONLY morality that exists and that can exist is one that derives from divine concepts and laws. If there is no God at all, then all concepts of morality are null and void and all actions are morally equivalent. At best you can define them as preferences, but you have no basis whatever to claim a moral imperative.
The problem then is only, if there is a God, WHICH religion best approximates His will?
And when you get to this point, taking a very high view that encompasses as long a period of history as possible is absolutely vital. The fruits borne by any given religion should give an indication is it is overall good or bad for humanity as a whole, and thus help make it more obvious to you which religion is based in reality, and which is a pack of comfortable lies for other ends.
If you look at all the main world religions, with this broad perspective, it become obvious at a glance that Catholicism is far superior to all other examples. You might disagree, but you can only do so if you are historically ignorant and going on your “feelings”, and are less capable than the woman in that podcast to simply take a look and be honest about things. I’ll give you a primer in comparatives:
Ended slavery
Ended women being chattel
Made marriage permanent until death
Made the primary purpose of marriage the production and raising of children
Has the golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated
Has the dogma of loving your neighbour and being peaceful and honest to all until or unless they act badly towards you first
Even then, it has the dogma of the possibility of redemption and forgiveness (not obviating punishment for transgressions though)
It essentially created the real scientific method
It dogmatically refers to its dogma and rules as requiring to be in line with reason and logic at all turns and has only a very few accepted mysteries (the trinity for example being one of them)
It fosters honesty and admission of faults (confession) on a regular basis, which instills an overall betterment for everyone at large
It is a dogmatic principle of Catholicism that defence of yourself or innocents is your duty, and this can include pre-emptive action (the concepts of Self-defence and Just War are part of Catholic dogma)
It has absolute respect for justice and hence a dogmatic acceptance and need for the death penalty for certain crimes
Children are viewed as a blessing and all life held as sacred (which is absolutely NOT a contradiction with the point immediately above. Because the minute you treat life as chattel, then you get treated as same)
It fostered the greatest evolution of art, beauty, honesty, and promotion of all the virtues of justice, love, charity, courage, fortitude and beauty, and justly condemned the sins of pride, avarice, greed, sloth, lust, gluttony, and envy
It promotes the veneration of saints, which in turn promotes an understanding and appreciation as well as a remembrance of historical reality and events, both in the good and bad aspects
It promotes the respectful treatment of women while understanding that they are not equal to men, nor is this reason to mistreat them
It probably only requires looking at that list to realise no other religion compares to it, and it’s far from complete. As for the negatives that can be attributed to men who professed to be members of it, similar negatives can be seen and counted in all religions by men who profess to belong to that specific religion.
There also a lot of demonstrable lies that have been stated about Catholicism by its enemies that anyone who actually bothers to try and verify will become aware of. In fact, even convinced NON-Catholics who are honest admit this, notably, historian Rodney Stark in his book Bearing False Witness, or perhaps his book named Reformation Myths, though I have not read that one, so am not certain. But Stark has always been an honest historian, even admitting his own faults if his research had not been done properly in later works, which is far more than can be said about most historians.
A sad truth about Catholicism however is that it was absolutely infiltrated fro the last 250 years or so, culminating in its almost total destruction and inversion, which from 1958 onwards has seen only false Popes on the throne of Peter and false Novus Ordo clergy pretending to be Catholics that have fooled the vast majority of would-be Catholics. The only actual Catholic Clergy left (both Bishops and Priests) are Sedevacantist ones, and the only Catholics actually following the religion in any way accurately are sedevacantists, which are a small fraction of nominal Novus ordo “Catholics”, although their numbers are growing very fast as people begin to realise the truth of this situation.
Islam and Judaism
I lump them together for a very simple reasons, aside from the many, many, many, questionable dogmas of it, I think two will suffice to point out why these cannot be any good:
Both these religions say it’s ok to deceive, cheat or even kill people who are not members of it, and it is perfectly fine to pretend to be their friend, but in fact be lying to them until you are powerful enough to impose your will on them.
Both religions accept child rape as normal and nothing to be punished or even considered a crime.
Hinduism, Shintoism and Buddhism
Although quite different in details, these all share some essential features and common origins. The principle of reincarnation being key and Buddhism essentially being an offshoot of the more generic Hinduism, and Shintoism clearly also having Buddhist/Taoist influences.
Hinduism is clearly the worst of the lot as it imposes the concept of caste systems, which one can hardly move out of as a person born in India. The panopticon of so many gods and goddesses which resemble quite a bit all the human failings that we also saw in the Ancient Greek and Roman pantheons make this religion little more than the idolisation of anything from cows, to rats, to false idols and quite possibly demons. It has some roots in historical realities that took place long ago, but the process of “Chinese telephone” that played out over the ages has reduced it to a fantastic nonsensical bunch of disjointed fables.
Shintoism and Buddhism tend to be at least generally pacifist and their belief in reincarnation and veneration of ancestors is not at terrible odds with Christianity, but it is a far less complete guide to life and has far less morality in it than Catholicism. The overall attempt at achieving a total absence of desire is also the pursuit of permanent death, though some Buddhists will deny this, ultimately, that is what Nirvana means. And that kind of mindset is not exactly conducive to a particular virtue of caring for others, your extended family (besides elders holding a position of authority) or any other specific virtues, though overall Shintoist and Buddhists tend to be far more reliable than Hindus, who are not compelled to be honest at all.
Zen Buddhism and Taoism
Is a more separate aspect, of buddhism, and could be considered more a philosophy than a religion, being somewhat similar to stoicism, although ultimately more positive than stoicism. It concentrates on doing the best you can at any given moment, in any given situation. The general concept is also relatively pacifistic in nature, but able to respond with violence when or if threatened.
This is a degradation and secularisation of Christianity (Catholicism) and is wholly responsible for only almost entirely negative results, to wit:
The adoption of contraceptive
The permission of divorce
Which directly leads to sex before marriage
Which directly leads to sex mainly for fun instead of daily for procreation
Which directly leads to seeing children as a burden
Which directly leads to abortion
The extended and continuing “progressive” agenda of liberalism
Which leads to the adoption of a veneer of “Christianity” that has “personal interpretation” as the only rule
Which leads to the over 40,000 “denominations” of watered down, irrational and nonsensical versions of faux-christianity
Has been directly responsible for placing emotions above reason, a total inversion of actual Christian (Catholic) dogma, which is no surprise given that its original creator Luther stated that “Reason is the whore of the devil” and in fact, generally speaking, Protestants are indoctrinated in their false religion to the extent thatchy are literally incapable of changing their mind based on objective facts that contradict their emotional comfort zones, similarly to Muslims in this regard, appeals to logic fall on deaf ears.
The acceptance, eventual request for “equality” and “recognition” and ultimately forced “celebration” of deviant sexual behaviour and mental illness, like homosexuality and transgenderism respectively.
The shielding and “protecting” of Israel and the jewish masters that run the USA as being their “greatest ally” whilst denying the reality of the Talmudic Jewish religion, which have been brilliantly and concisely described by Rob Unz, himself a Jew, here: The Jewish Plot to Enslave Humanity.
Eastern “Orthodoxy”
Among all the religions described, Eastern “Orthodox” are the closest to Catholicism, diverging mostly on a few rarefied theological principles of little practical consequence and the main one being the rejection of the Pope as supreme leader of Christianity, which is a ridiculous reason since Popes existed for all the 1021 years previous to their schism, and were accepted by all as the supreme leaders. Something that was in any case affirmed and even reaffirmed multiple times, including a few hundred years after the schism. But overall their fruits are not as grand or positive as Catholicism, primarily also because they are essentially an insular religion that has strong national identities. Greek “Orthodox” are not in much of any kind of “communion” with Russian “Orthodox”, which in turn are not in much communion with Romanian “Orthodox” or Lithuanian “Orthodox”, and so on. So:
Their influence and spreading of the gospel has been weak, and their defence of Christianity abysmal when confronting the Muslims,
with whom they ganged up to try and kill the very Catholics that came to their aid some 41 years AFTER the schism. Betraying and murdering the Catholics three crusades in a row and then bitching and crying to this day when the fourth crusade sacked Constantinople (and did so in a relatively mild way, by the way).
They also failed to secure their own lands that had been taken over by the Muslims and when after 200 years the Catholics who protected those lands with contributions from Europe could no longer afford to do so refused to take ownership of all the fortified structured the Catholics had built for them and let those lands descent into Islam.
And today they are “in communion” with the fake “Catholics” who are actually Freemasons and Satanists (but I repeat myself), led by Arch-heretic and probably never-was-Catholic fake Pope Bergoglio, making them not just schismatics but also heretics too.
Despite all this, the Orthos are the closest to modelling reality AFTER the remaining Catholics.
This is just a LARP (Live Action Role Playing Game) With occasional Cos-play aspects (People who get dressed up as fictional comic book characters at fantasy conventions). No one actually “believes” in Odin, or Freya, or Apollo, or Zeus, or Quetzalcoatl, or Cit-Bolon-Tum, they just pretend to. No one would give up their life rather than denounce one of these fake “Gods”, while hundreds of thousands if not millions have become martyrs for Christ over the last two millennia.
Returning to the baseline point
If you are wondering how we went from a podcast on feminism to the differences between religions, then I’d say it’s safe to assume that you have not been able to follow the logical thread and I advise you to go back and review it, but the overriding point is that since religion (as a model of objective reality) is the only way that morality can be defined in a way that is valid (assuming there is a God) then looking at the religions of the world is paramount in order to understand which one is best and:
Best models reality, and
Produces the best result for humanity at large
And if you think that Catholicism too is invalid, as are all the other religions (and Catholicism expressly states this, all other religions are false) then you have to note that the ABSENCE of any religion, including even ones like Islam has invariably resulted in massive degradation and mass murder. The Atheists of communism are responsible for over 100 million murders in just the last century alone. In short, the BEST thing that has ever happened to humanity at large, and by a HUGE margin, id Catholicism, and absolutely every aspect of human history demonstartes it in aces all the way.
So… in that context, women have a role that is pretty clearly understood, and is frankly better than any other system, including the current one that has ever existed on this Earth.
In Catholicism women are:
Protected (including from their own irrationality and wild emotions)
Accommodated inasmuch as a man is generally able to, so as to make their life as easy and comfortable as possible
Shielded from the general ugliness of the world as much as a man is generally able to do so
Treated with respect
Commensurate with these benefits also come various duties, which generally speaking are:
Accepting the fact that generally speaking (and if they have been wise in their choice of husband) their husband, though an imperfect human being will do whatever he does PRIMARILY to benefit his family, his children and his wife and himself, in THAT order.
Accepting the fact that being generally more practical and given their instinct to place their family before themselves, absent a quite large gap in IQ where the woman is considerably smarter and wiser, a man will tend to mostly make good decisions for their shared future and while this will not always be the case, a good husband will also listen to a wife’s concerns if she has valid ones.
Accept that generally speaking, she should overall be more in charge of the day to day running of the household and the raising of children, particularly in their early years.
Be a positive, nurturing, supportive and respectful mate to her husband.
It does not mean a woman cannot work if she has that inclination, but surely, as a general rule, no role, no job, is more important than being a mother, and given this consideration, all other concepts of work or career become subjugate to it.
In essence, Catholicism recognises what has been demonstrated in the podcast I refer to at the start, that essentially, women are less capable of making important decisions and follow through with corresponding action for the benefit of civilisation as a whole than men are and this difference is notable, important and enough to determine if a civilisation thrives or dies.
Just as you would not want children to run industry, government or the military, neither should women. And just as you wouldn’t want children to be able to vote (because they would be fooled by literally every nonsensical scam and lie that politicians would tell them) neither should women, and essentially for the same reasons. They are not really equipped to have thought the issues through and be able to consider the ramifications, nor are they as capable at implementing any of the necessary systems that civilisation requires, from enforcing law and order to constructing nuclear power plants, and no, the rare exceptions of women who might be capable to, do not exist in any meaningful numbers and do not, as a whole, have any meaningful impact on the greater society at large. Which is not to say they do not exist and should not be celebrated when they do produce some meaningful contribution. St. Joan of Arc being one of many examples one could mention. But every one Joan of Arc, we have a hundred or a thousand St. Pauls or St Adrianus, or even just non-saint Jean-Parisot Le Vallette, or Nikola Tesla.
You might not LIKE the conclusions I describe here, but I think it is really quite impossible to dispute them. And as such, it makes far more sense to accept them and work sensibly towards working together to create a far more Catholic world than we have now.
UPDATE: Adam Piggott pointed out the image is labelled as being from 2018. So my theory below is probably 100% wrong unless this guy was an early secret test subject.
Chalk one up to confirmation bias and not paying attention. Happens to all of us at one time or another. The important thing is to simply own up when you screw up. I have left the error below unchanged for the sake of honesty and suitable self-punishment for such a simple and stupid error.
In the interest of actual balance, since this was brought up by several people privately as well as in one comment, there is also this aspect to consider.
How could this possibly have happened? Surely it had nothing at all to do with the generic experiment combining genetic alteration, mind control via 5G by production of organic antenna in our bodies, sterilisation, and HIV, that was the COVID-19 Vaxx.
No, of course not, that would be a paranoid conspiracy theory with no basis in reality, except for, well, millions of dead bodies around the world and many multiples of that who are severely injured, and well, little things like this:
On Tuesday, The New England Journal of Medicine tweeted the most recent addition to its photo series of the most visually arresting medical anomalies. The image is of a mysterious, branchlike structure that, posted elsewhere, would probably pass for a cherry-red chunk of some underground root system or a piece of bright reef coral. But this is no creature of the deep. It’s a completely intact, six-inch-wide clot of human blood in the exact shape of the right bronchial tree, one of the two key tubular networks that ferry air to and from the lungs. And it was coughed up in one piece.
So, yeah. Total mystery. Not related to the Vaxx at all. Must be climate change.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, strap yourselves in for the probable next manufactured scamdemic. If it isn’t going to be the thing that kills children by having them bleed from their eyes, ears and other orifices, they will blame the sneezing of chickens for the next bioweapon attack on you.
Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield warned last week on NewsNation:
“I’m obviously most worried about bird flu. Right now, it takes five amino acid changes for it to be effectively infecting humans. That’s a pretty heavy species barrier – but this virus is already in 26 mammal species, as you most recently saw cattle. But in the laboratory, I could make it highly infectious for humans in just months.”
Redfield continued:
“That’s the real threat. That’s the real biosecurity threat that these university labs are doing bio-experiments that are intentionally modifying viruses – and I think bird flu is going to be the cause of the Great Pandemic – where they’re teaching these viruses to be more infectious for humans.”
Nightmare Cyborgs
Assuming this is real and actually works as reported, we may indeed have begun to enter a truly demonic nightmare scenario where human brain matter is being used to work as faster and more efficient computers.
What actually happens to those living cells and any potential consciousness that they may exhibit… well… that’s just weird mysticism and not real $cience, right?
From the article:
It is worth recapping how the Neuroplatform works. The wetware architecture mixes hardware, software, and biology using a quartet of Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEAs) housing human brain organoids in a microfluidic life support system. 3D tissue masses are interfaced and stimulated by eight electrodes, with monitoring cameras and a tuned software stack so that researchers can input data variables and read and interpret processor output.
The information available about FinalSpark’s Neuroplatform has grown in recent months on the journey to remote rental availability. A blog post in July provided a closer look at how the labs create organoids and how the researchers are sure they are packed with neurons. An earlier blog post shared a macrograph of a single brain organoid, reproduced above, which is estimated to contain 10,000 living human neurons.
See that part right at the end? The 10,000 living human neurons? Where do you think they get those?
I’m sure it’s nothing totally evil and vile like say… from killing babies to get them, right?
And a linked article makes it clear that the neurons in question have a limited lifespan.
Biological processor organoids ‘live’ about 100 days
Silicon chips can last years, sometimes decades. The neuronal structures that form bioprocessors are also said to have a long lifespan, but are only “suitable for experiments that run for several months,” says FinalSpark. Initially, the firm’s MEAs would only last a few hours, but refinements to the system mean an organoid lifespan is currently expected to be around 100 days.
But it’s not like they might be taking part of a living brain and then forcing some machine code into it to work as a mind-slave for a few months before it finally has the sweet release of death.
And it’s not like time may work differently in whatever level of semi-consciousness those living brain parts may have, right?
I mean there is absolutely no chance at all that subjectively those 100 days, in which trillions upon trillions of artificial operations are forced brutally and mechanistically through those neurons that experience is felt as torture, with each single operation as some kind of hellish experience, right?
Of course not, because $cience, right? It’s all settled $cience, like climate change, the Moon landings having happened exactly like the filming of it on the Moon and not in a studio on Earth, and the genetic injections that have been killing animals for 30 years with mRNA stuff that alters your DNA now being entirely safe and effective, even if they cause myocarditis and don’t prevent any kind of contagion. Because $cience!
Isn’t progress grand?!
But don’t worry, I’m sure it’s not as if they are trying anything more than this.
A full DNA computer is a step closer, thanks to a new technology that could store petabytes of data in DNA for thousands or even millions of years. The system can also process data, as demonstrated by solving sudoku puzzles. You have more data storage capacity in your little finger than the best electronic hard drive. And we mean that literally – every cell in your body can hold about 800 MB of data, and you’re made of trillions of cells so every one of us is a walking, talking, super-dense data center. It’s not surprising then that scientists have been working to tap into that incredibly efficient natural data storage system.
That’s not making the duration in Hell be essentially infinite for any of the living matter involved, right?
I mean, come on, didn’t you ever read William Gibson or watch the film Johnny Mnemonic? Isn’t that future just so cool? What with their coffin-sized “homes” and rented out body parts and brain matter/computer interface plugs?
Just don’t be a throwback bigot, right?
Remember: The $cience is settled, safe and effective!
Now please report any doubts to your friend the Computer.
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By G | 28 August 2024 | Posted in Actual Science, Artificial Intelligence, Billionaire Pedophiles, Social Commentary, Zombie Apocalypse