Archive for the ‘Actual Science’ Category

The Coming Ice Age and Reflecting on Great Men

I have been predicting this (by using science that is actually backed up by observation, instead of political narratives) on this blog, since at least November 2021, as I wrote then:

The only model of global weather patterns and “climate change” that has been something like 97-98% accurate for the last 30 years is a Russian model that is based on the Sun’s activity. For context, the last ice-age only 2 of the Sun’s magnetic fields had gone out of phase. This time it’s all 4. You keep believing in global warming if you want, you special child in a yellow bus, you, but I strongly suggest you buy an extra jumper this Christmas. 

But of course, my prediction of potential pole shift has been exactly on track since 1995, as explained in the original version of The Face on Mars.

I tell you, honestly, if meritocracy was ever a thing on this planet my ideas and concepts would have already catapulted me into riches and fame my children would not be able to spend in their lifetime. But then again, throughout human history, while occasionally the men that figured out really important stuff or did important things do get eventually some post-humous fame, most remain anonymous and unknown in their own lifetime. Tesla, Leonidas, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and others may have been as close as it gets to getting known for their genius while they lived. People like Harold Aspden, Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev, Burkhardt Heim, and the half dozen or so that were plagiarised by the sexually incestuous, child abandoning, fraud called Albert Einstein, will for most people remain unknowns.

I suspect I will suffer a similar fate, perhaps the stuff I write about now will be seen in the future as “prescient” or “ahead of its time” but in any case I doubt it can ever be allowed to “spread” other than by literal word of mouth of the small pockets of literate people who still read books of some substance.

My grandfather, who was born in 1907, when I saw him one of the last times, in the late 1990s, asked me what The Face on Mars was about. I spent about 2 hours talking to him about the concepts in it and how they all tied together. He interrupted only a few times to ask pertinent questions that I was working towards anyway. At the end of it he asked me how the book was doing. I told him I had managed to sell enough of them by going physically to bookshops and doing signings outside their doors for a day just before Christmas to put a sizeable deposit on a piece of bare land up the West Coast a hundred or so kilometres from Cape Town, in South Africa.

He asked me if it had been picked up by major book distributors. I told him no, despite it having appeared briefly on CNN and a few TV programmes in the USA and UK and on radio in South Africa.

He nodded sagely and said: “That’s what I thought. You were born too early. They might understand this stuff about 200 years from now.”

While most people might feel frustrated by such a view (and from time to time it does bother me a little, but not anywhere near as much as anyone assumes, and in a way that is quite different from the way anyone expects) I was genuinely flattered. My grandfather, who as time passes has grown in my estimation of a man I loved and respected already when he was alive, had not only understood everything I spoke of, anticipated some of it as I was telling him, but given his life experience, had truly grasped its essence in the wider context of the human experience. If I had any regrets it would be of not having said thank you to him for those words. Then again, the Filotto men have never been overly demonstrative with each other. Not for lack of feeling, passion, or some misguided view of propriety; it’s just that we sense things and know. Words often reduce instead of edify.

Anyway, in case you were fooled by the constant idiotic nonsense of “global warming”, I hope that you are finally realising that the most likely future is a very frigid one.

Don’t take my word for it. Look up those links and research that now 35 year old model of weather on Earth modelled on the Sun’s activity (memory-holed though it seems to be after a cursory search) and as always: Know (for) Yourself.

PS: Yes, I realise by the title of this post and what I wrote, that I seem to be placing myself in the ranks of “great men”, but that is not the intent at all. My generally quasi autistic lack of concern about social status simply tends to not process things as most people do, which often results in misunderstandings based on the average normie ego. My point in this post was not about my “greatness” but rather about the overall importance of ideas ahead of their time, and while yes, I had more than a few such ideas, I do not (yet) consider myself in the same category as the men I mentioned, and only time, and probably other people’s eventual objective opinions will determine where I fall in the hierarchy of men who had figured out some relevant things. Probably after I reach the end of my life anyway, so it’s not something I give much importance to either way.


This pinned post aims to give both new and old visitors the quick links to the main parts of this site that are most important, and gets updated with any new stuff fairly regularly so it’s a good idea to check it now and then.

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Blog Look Will Remain Unchanged

The People have spoken. I will also add a brief (say under 9,000 words!) explanation as to why.

Perhaps my binging of the series Mad Men has inclined me to explain myself more than usual concerning a topic I hardly ever mention but that is actually quite important to me: Aesthetics.

And since you all have short attention spans I put a heading below in underlined bold you can skip to.

The Poll remains open so it may accumulate more votes over time, but I am also quite sure that most of the critics have spoken already.

I also received some texts and emails and one of the most balanced was an email that explained how the eye naturally tracks from top left to bottom right for Westerners, and that while, yes, the fruitfly attention span is a real thing, and people probably don’t even notice the sidebars and links there, this site has a unique look that is not really found anywhere else; and that —for anyone with a little discernment— makes it stand out from the endless deserts of slick, clean, pristine, and sterile sites that all resemble each other.

And he has a point. I don’t know about you, but I can barely stomach seeing another substack layout.

He was probably too polite to point out what my most constructive critic spells out, which is that he thinks the blog looks like a Warhammer 40K site and that there is so much content it looks like a reddit sub with 50,000 posts.

While I resent the Reddit comparison, I understand this site is not one-dimensional, and that can be “overwhelming” for some, after all, I cover everything from Ancient Technology to the Zombie Apocalypse, and everything in between, with serious posts about astronomy, Mars, The Catholic Church, Martial Arts, Christianity, Hypnosis, Science Fiction deeply steeped in Nazi “Conspiracy theories” that are rooted in factual events, random thoughts on the farming life, occasional humorous anecdotes about my not quite feral, but certainly savage children, and many, many, other topics, as the categories list (now fixed after the hack attack) on the right clearly shows.

So, yeah, I guess the average overstimulated, non-existent attention-span, partially woke, partially boomerzeigest infected, possibly apathetic GenXer, depressed Millennial, or stoned GenZ reader may find the site too much “effort” to peruse, investigate, navigate, and explore.

I get it.

But you see, as I wrote back in 2009 when I created this site’s look, from scratch, out of my own ideas and head, and despite it offering both Hypnosis Services (which are actually being requested more lately, with good results in general) as well as a link to my E-store for digital versions of books I wrote (most of which are also on Amazon), and some watercolours I do when time permits, the primary thing this site is about is not what you might think.

It is not politics, hypnosis, science, science fiction, writing, or really any of the categories listed on the right; but rather, it is about an overall, encompassing category I mentioned right at the very origin of this site:


As I wrote in 2009 (the site launched in early 2010 but I had written up the various pieces a few months earlier):

The world we inhabit, and the universe we find ourselves in, is an absolutely incredible and fascinating thing. In truth, almost everything I do stems from my ever-growing curiosity about many, many things. 

This site means to attract a very unique type of reader.

The ideal daily visitor is a person that is still curious about life and the world we live in. Increasingly frustrated or angered by the increasing enstupidation and zombification of humanity all around us, but not crippled by it. Not a nihilist or a person lacking in hope and ability as a result of the grind they put us all under. I want the rebels that prefer to live out in the wastelands with single action revolvers, filtered water catchment tanks, solar panels, and water turbines, far away from the drug-addled inhabitants of the Brave New World Cities where you will be provided for, own nothing, and be drugged, lied to and brainwashed into “happiness”.

Such people will NEVER agree with everything I think, opine on or write. There will be things I say that will piss them off, or they will disagree with, BUT and this is key, they are the type of person that CAN be persuaded by facts. And as such, even the things I write that may piss them off may later, one day, when presented in a way that suits them more, be digested, metabolised and assimilated. They may, in fact, change their mind. And sometimes they may change mine.

Everyone likes to think they are that type of person, who can change his mind based on solid facts, but I estimate that at minimum over 85% of people are simply not. And if I had to guesstimate the actual number of people that can turn their long-held beliefs on a dime when presented with irrefutable evidence, I would say that at the most optimistic and generous, it is under 2%.

So, I know. I am my own worst enemy from a financial, economic, or fame perspective. And while I care absolutely not at all for fame, I could certainly appreciate being able to make a living just from my writing and sharing of concepts, stories, and ideas I have discovered in my rather eventful life. That would be truly awesome.

But not at the cost of my integrity.

I ENJOY writing this blog. And while it lay mostly dormant for years at a time, because my life was too full, chaotic and dynamic for me to give this much thought, since 3 years ago, I have begun an attempt to create a stable family home. It’s not a coincidence given I have also fathered three children in the last 5 years.

And while I have no more time (in fact, probably less), no less chaos, and certainly a LOT more worries and a LOT less money than I did before, continuing to write here actually gives me some of the spiritual fuel that inspires me and keeps me going.

Yes, the Satanists in charge may nuke the site tomorrow from orbit, or I may get droned or microwaved into a “heart attack” for it, or whatever.

C’est la vie.

But in the meantime I’ll carry on as I see fit.

And in doing so, the people that will most likely be attracted to this site are the types who WILL look at the links on the sidebars.

The types of people who DO read full length books and enjoy them, even if they too are harassed, squashed into cubicles, robbed of their time and sanity and souls every day.

They are the people who remain curious, defiant, who are able to change their mind based on facts, enjoy a story or a laugh with a man they agree on some things with and disagree on others, without either one ever losing respect for each other.

They are the type who, perhaps, also understand my sense of taste.

The Aesthetics of this most Excellent and Tonic Verbarium of Ideas

In my opinion, the last natural, real, honest, scientists, were best exemplified in the late 1800s. It was a time when equipment and machinery was crafted with care and skill, but also with a pleasing aesthetic.

Scientific observation was meticulously undertaken with patient recording of results and while the scientific method was held to tightly, the imagination of men was unfettered. We could envision sky-ships and then we built them.

Cognac and good cigars were served in the well-furnished libraries of men who could theorise on the laws of gravity as easily as discuss the possibility of remote areas of the world that might house supposedly extinct species. Men who would travel to far-away lands to explore ancient and mysterious ruins to discover the real origins of mankind. Men who did not fear an intellectual conversation, nor a brawl when the occasion called for it. Men who could argue honestly in search of truth, not the mere satisfaction of ego.

Such is the design of this site.

The slightly baroque look of the wallpaper reminiscent of hand-crafted wood-panelling, the various links and addendums to the site analogous to hidden doors in the library, or a secret panel in the desk, behind which was to be found even more astonishing information and locations.

It was a time where a man could be a real scientist, an explorer, a polymath, hold his own in discussions with the most esteemed experts of various royal societies, but not shy away from a bare knuckle fight or a duel with rapiers at dawn.

It was a better time, when men (and women) of good breeding, or at least quick wit, were naturally more observant, could make something of themselves through their own efforts, and were free to explore thoughts, ideas, lands and cultures with no one bothering them too much beyond possibly trying to kill them for time to time; but usually for economic or personal reasons, which are at least understandable, unlike much of the wokeness of the present day.

So that, is the look I was going for.

And I would say it has stood the test of time.

It is not a design that has “aged out”.

It was intentionally started as something you might expect to find well over one hundred years ago, in a slightly cyberpunkish, Space 1899, Jules Verne and HG Wells novel, sort of way.

The intent here, is that while the tone can range from rough and brusque to rarefied and abstract, the point is freedom to think. Freedom to explore.

And in fact, in writing out this explanation for you, gentle readers and kind supporters of my work (and yes, you too, those who hate-read here in fury, and even you, Dean, 30-year veteran of the NSA/CIA/FBI/Spook outfit that is designated as my personal agent), I am reminded of that original intent as well as the ways I may have strayed from it here and there, as every man will.

At times my tone has been cruder than I prefer, but then, it is a very raw and evil world we inhabit, and I, nor my target audience, is a prude. The odd curse or graphic sentence here and there is not anything I will lose sleep over, but perhaps, I can find a better way to temper my expressions.

I do not know yet if this site will ever reach a large enough readership that it might result in continued patronage of the things I offer and mention here, I hope it does, and soon. But regardless if it ever does or not, I will continue to write here in this spirit; and the changes that might come to this site (other than what Dean and his friends might have in store for us all) will probably be limited to a consolidation, of various concepts or topics. Perhaps an addition of a forum for people to discuss various ideas.

And there is certainly scope for people to contribute.

The SOE side of things has never taken off because the readership I have is small, and we are all increasingly struggling to survive, but the structure for it is all identified and it would be awesome if other natural scientists from around the world took it upon themselves to do experiments, report them back here and get them to be added to the Adventure Science Library, which I have not had a chance to work on and update in years.

Similarly, you might want to actually physically join me in Italy or at least contribute to the efforts of The Kurganate. One man already has bought property near me, another lives here already, and more would come here tomorrow if they had the funds to do so. Some are working towards it.

Or you might just support my efforts by reading my books, or subscribing with a membership to my YouTube channel.

Or… you could simply use the share button at the bottom of each blog post (you need to actually click on the blog post individually for the button to appear at the end of a post, but we are working on it showing even if you are just on the main page) and send whatever post interests you to a friend.

In Conclusion

I know this site is not for everyone.

It was never meant to be.

It was always meant to be for that discerning, objective, rational, curious, adventurous yet scientific type of person. Maybe they all died out in the late 1800s, or maybe I really am from Mars, and was transported here as a very small baby, in a perverse reversal of John Carter’s situation. But whatever the case may be, and as much harder as becoming a Warlord of Terra is, I plan to continue on as a, possibly Martian, erudite polymath, with a large vocabulary, a small to inexistent capacity for suffering fools, and a partiality for rapiers, blades and firearms, exploring ancient ruins, and hunting for cryptids.

As all the best of my kind from 1888 or so did.

Words Matter

In the various studies of how the mind works and how we process information, are various tests that show with varying degrees of precision, which modality people use to process information as their primary channel.

My own tests were producing invariably strange results that went beyond the normal range of what they are supposed to measure. It was only after I understood what this meant, that I could really better understand certain concepts and even events that had occurred to me that remained somewhat “unexplainable” or could even be considered “supernatural”, but that once I understood two things, suddenly all made sense.

The two things were that:

Firstly, my primary mode of processing information is kinaesthetic (touch), and that to a degree that is not considered, or even accounted for, in any test I have seen, and the second part of it is that this ability or level of processing of information actually extends beyond the physical body.

We all have magnetic fields and I believe having a sufficiently sensitive perception of kinaesthetic information means you can perceive information through this field too. There is, in fact, enough scientifically repeatable science to show this is a real phenomenon by the way, and on a personal level, experiences I lived through while working in close protection and even before that as a child as well as many examples in my decades of martial art training, have proven this to me without any doubt remaining.

Lastly, there is also sufficient evidence that this magnetic field may also allow us to receive information from much further afield than most suspect. And once again, there is plenty of clinically observed and tested evidence for this too. A good place to start for this would be Professor Michael Persinger’s video, No More Secrets.

Anyway, my usual digression into what many may assume is some self-glorification, is, also as usual, not that, but rather the presentation of evidence that I have absolute, objective, reason to believe in. I realise of course that this may well look subjective to the reader, but for any regular readers, I think that my dedication to the highest truth I am capable of presenting is clear. I have no problem admitting error when I make it and realise it, and nothing I have said about my experiences can, or has ever been, refuted as untrue.

At any rate, this post is not really about my processing of information by my primary method, which is kinaesthetically (that is, by the sense of touch), interesting as it may be (especially when I consider, as some women I knew in my past pointed out, that I spent a great deal of time punching and kicking other men and being punched and kicked by them in turn).

It is instead, commentary on my second most used sense to process information, which is my sense of hearing, so, really as far as humans are concerned, the processing of words.

Most people use the three senses of touch, hearing and sight to process information, and there are relatively simple ways of determining what their primary, secondary and tertiary senses are for processing the world around them.

Mine, in order, are kinaesthetic (to a degree often not measurable by the tests), hearing (combined with what is sometimes described as audio/digital, which is a kind of formalised logical processing that can be viewed as linked/analogous/close-to internal self-talk) and finally sight.

I found it interesting when I first took these tests over months and years, that sight always was the least important of the senses for me in terms of how I processed the world around me. In a sense, it could be said I have an inbuilt “protection” from being fooled by my “lying eyes”. While hearing, for tonality, sounds and words, is my second most used sense, again, interesting, because the spoken content usually only forms about 7% of what people perceive/use in communication between them. I suspect it’s lower for women or higher for men, but that’s another blog post.

I recall a distinct point in time, talking to a very pretty woman, how the words that were coming out of her mouth were saying one thing, but every other aspect of her that I was processing unconsciously by both that sense of touch —even if we were not touching— and my eyes and what they noticed unconsciously, was telling me the exact opposite.

It was a strange enough and conscious enough experience that I wrote it down later that day.

And some ten or so years later I was able to confirm with the person in question that my non-verbal perception was in fact the correct one, and not her verbal expression. The fact I had written it down and still had that diary made it objectively possible to verify this with certainty.

Words and their meaning have always mattered to me, to the same degree that they tend to matter to little children —now that I have enough of them to notice how precise they are with them— and in general, my expressions in words tend to be autistically accurate.

It is with some interest then, that I noticed long before I was aware of any of these things, that the actual words of a song mattered to me far more than the melody of it. Songs that were popular with large numbers of people would not appeal to me at all, and vice-versa, because of the intrinsic (or perceived) meaning of their lyrics.

For example, the song Brothers in Arms, by dire straits, is one of my top two or three songs ever, maybe the top one, and it is considered somewhat morbid by many people. It certainly has a melancholic quality to it, but for me, its central message is intensely positive. It is saying that even as we literally kill and main each other, in this stupid and broken world, the only thing that makes sense, the only truth, is love.

Similarly, one of the songs both I and my little son since he was a baby like is A Higher Love.

And in the version most familiar to me for the last few years since he was born, you can see why the video might have influenced that.

And even the “original” I was mostly familiar with of Whitney Houston was one I liked a lot too.

As does the little Viking by the way.

We both liked Whitney Houston songs and this one would make him sit and stare in silent awe every time it came on.

Aside a slight streak of appreciation for what might be described as the “exotic” look, which seems to be a genetic trait in the males of my family, and possibly Venetians in general, as we tend to want to explore uncharted lands and certainly have a propensity for becoming very interested in any attractive looking females of said far-away lands, the reality is that most of Houston’s songs had lyrics that could be related to love in general or even gospel music. She was initially presented as a church-going, pristine and innocent christian girl with a great voice.

And for all I know maybe she really was, initially. Her eventual swallowing by the Satanic industry that is music, film, and related activities, may certainly have been the devouring of yet another initially innocent soul.

The point though, is that aside the attractive visuals, it was always the words that ultimately had me enjoying the songs.

And little did I know that the actual original song A Higher Love was by Steve Winwood in 1986.

For some reason, listening to this version with the lyrics visible and only landscapes as background, has an even more powerful effect on me.

Yeah, that little devil symbol in the top left bothers me too, but it doesn’t show in the video.

I know too, why it affects me more deeply.

The “Original” Whitney Houston song from 1990 makes the lyrics be ambiguously about possibly a love that yes may be about God, or from God, but could also be interpreted as the kind of love a woman and a man might share on this Earth.

The Kygo version my son and I saw the most as a full video (endless times) definitely brought the lyrics down to Earth and from the merely possibly Earthly romantic to the definitely Earthly lustful, with a hint of possible romance. The visuals almost entirely obscuring the divine original intent of the real original version of Winwood’s version.

Seeing that video with only the words and landscapes gives a very deep and much more powerful sense of the song.

The original intent of divine love is clear and beautiful, and its undeniable link to our search for it in each other as romantic love is a poignant reminder of our human condition, how weak and fragile and desperate we all are, and one can’t help but feel a tender loving for the misery of the human race while hearing this song.

It’s the kind of feeling of love that hurts.

The same one that I experience from listening to Brothers in Arms.

Part of the reason I am such a misanthrope, is precisely because it is the stupidity, pettiness, weakness, fear, greed, laziness, envy, jealousy, gluttony, and perhaps, above all, cowardice of humanity at large that causes us to live as we do on this planet. That is, oppressed by pedophiles and satanists that have grabbled their way to power by subterfuge, deception, blackmail, and controlling the means of exchange (money), in ways that are meant to enrich them materially while impoverishing us all not just materially, but even worse, spiritually.

Such creatures, should have had their heads lopped off by men of character as soon as they were first discovered to be what they are.

But aside what John C. Wright labelled as the Noble Savage, who at least had a code of conduct or honour (though I assure you it would not be one you would enjoy living under, for they were invariably brutal) the only people who can be said to have ever shown the fortitude, courage and correct violent action more often than not, were Catholic knights.

While Romans, Spartans and Japanese Samurai all have had a history of courage, their rules and codes of conduct were often rather brutal. Catholics were the only warrior class that had chivalry and good conduct towards the weak that was as gentle and humane as it was, brutal though it may appear to us, enfaggotated weaklings of modernity.

If we are ever to free ourselves of the indemoniated critters that currently are controlling the reins of financial, political, media power, and most often force as well, we will need such men again. Men capable of acting for the greater good as is required, without fear and in the full knowledge that their actions will be met with vicious slander, attacks of all kinds and eventually even assassination. And such men should respond and act accordingly.

Words matter. Your word matters. The Word, in case you forgot, is another name for Jesus Christ.

And God is Love.

And as my family motto for at least 800 years states:

Love Conquers All.

Which is not to say sometimes you don’t have to wipe out some demon-infested servants of Satan. But lovingly. And with a prayer over their Hellish carcasses afterwards. Or you know, when you get a chance, because sometimes these flying monkey-imps come in swarms.

The Most Important Book I Ever Read

For some years now, I have toyed with making some kind of list of the ten most important or enjoyable books I have read (different lists) but it has been very hard, mostly because I could easily extend both lists to 20 or 30, and partly because many books I (most) have been lost to moves and unfortunate storage choices by my relatives when I left them in their care.

Nevertheless, I recently posted on the Best book I ever read. But that was my attempt at mixing what I thought was important with what I enjoyed. By the same token, my own books, The Face on Mars could be of the same category, if for very different reasons. While Reclaiming the Catholic Church – The True History of Vatican II and the Visible Remnant of the Real Catholic Church now that the Vatican is a Pederast Infested Hive of Impostors, to my mind, would be important, but probably not as fun to read (still way ahead of any book on theology I read to date though).

Believe! On the other hand was a short book and to the point, with references, and relatively entertaining too, and it probably had far more of an impact than the detailed deep dive that Reclaiming had. Certainly I didn’t expect whole families to convert to Catholic Sedevacantism as regularly and as frequently as that little book seemed to have inspired. So one could say it was a useful book.

By the above metrics then, I hope to explain why I consider this book, freely available at the link, to be the most important I ever read.

Carlo Cipolla was obviously a brilliant man, but his book, THE BASIC LAWS OF HUMAN STUPIDITY is truly ground-breaking.

He encapsulated in both hilarious yet perfectly accurate scientific notation, just how human stupidity presents itself in observable reality.

As he mentions in his own first edition of the book.

In fact, the publisher’s note alone is worth reproducing in full:


Originally written in English, The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity was published for the first time in 1976 in a numbered and private edition bearing the unlikely imprint of “Mad Millers.”

The author believed that his short essay could be fully appreciated only in the language in which it had been written. He consequently long declined any proposal to have it translated. Only in 1988 did he accept the idea of its publication in an Italian version as part of the volume titled Allegro ma non troppo, together with the essay Pepper, Wine (and Wool) as the Dynamic Factors of the Social and Economic Development of the Middle Ages, also originally written in English and published privately by Mad Millers for Christmas 1973.

Allegro ma non troppo has been a bestseller both in Italy and in all the countries where translated versions have appeared. Yet, with an irony that the author of these laws would have appreciated, it has never been published in the language in which it was first written.

Thus, more than a quarter of a century since the publication of Allegro ma non troppo, this in fact is the first edition that makes The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity available in its original version.

The private edition of 1976 was preceded by the following publisher’s note written by the author himself:

The Mad Millers printed only a limited number of copies of this book, which addresses itself not to stupid people but to those who on occasion have to deal with such people. To add that none of those who will receive this book can possibly fall in area of the basic graph (figure 1) is therefore a work of supererogation. Nevertheless, like most works of supererogation, it is better done than left undone. For, as the Chinese philosopher said: “Erudition is the source of universal wisdom: but that does not prevent it from being an occasional cause of misunderstanding between friends.”

Supererogation means to do more than is required (especially in a work). So Cipolla is saying that although it should be obvious that stupid people will not be the ones reading it or making use of it, it is best to state it, even if it should be obvious, and he (politely in my opinion) states that this is necessary even among “erudite” friends, in order to avoid misunderstanding.

Now you know why I have rather long-run-on sentences and verbose paragraphs to make relatively simple points. I could make them in a sentence, but then… the “erudites” who grasp the full meaning would be a tiny number indeed!

I also agree that though he was Italian, the work is really best appreciated in English, which is how he wrote it. I find the same is true of much of my own work. The English language is perfectly technical and lends itself far better to technical explanations, scientific work, and precise language. We Lagos tend to lose something in translation in the written word if we can’t add a look, a hand gesture, or both. And the number of people who can write in technically excellent Italian are probably down to a half dozen. those who can appreciate it may ten or so.

At any rate, you really need to read this short book the Professor left for the non-stupid.

The planet is fast approaching a critical mass of stupidity that may well result in the extinction of the human race, or at least, of that part of it that makes life on this planet marginally tolerable despite the teeming waves of idiots we are constantly surrounded by.

Mostly, this is because of a corollary I would like to add to his Fifth Law of Human Stupidity.


Professor Cipolla himself already understood the inevitable result of the relationship between stupid people and power (in the political and force-projection sense), as he wrote finally at the end of the fifth law:

In a country that is moving downhill, the fraction of stupid people is still equal to σ; however, in the remaining population one notices among those in power an alarming proliferation of the bandits with overtones of stupidity (subarea BS of quadrant in figure 3) and among those not in power an equally alarming growth in the number of helpless individuals (area in the basic graph, figure 1). Such change in the composition of the non-stupid population inevitably strengthens the destructive power of the σ fraction and makes decline a certainty. And the country goes to Hell.

Given the current state of affairs however, it is important to spell this out in even simpler terms:

The Bandits use the Stupid to weaponise them against any attempt (by the Intelligent) of removing them from power.

It may be the natural (or Divinely Ordained) order of things that humanity is indeed to go extinct, as some giant Universe 25 experiment with mice, be that as it may, surely, as a member of the Intelligent group, it behoves us to do whatever we can to ensure the continuation of at least our part of humanity, as best we can.

Aside the fact that humans are not mice, and that the Universe 25 narrative played very much in the depopulationist boomer agenda espoused by the culprits of the recent mass-murder event called COVID, with its related fake “vaccines” that are really murderous genetic serums, there is also the fact that if intelligent humans organise and come together, their effect on the planet is far more impactful than the masses of idiots that inevitably get in our way to derail plans and efforts, as they invariably do.

In short, the book Cipolla wrote is extremely important because it formally recognises a fundamental issue that humanity has to face in order to survive the next stage of human advancement: The increasing and intentional stupidification of the human race by a few bandits orchestrating it.

Only a concerted effort by organised intelligent people can counter this global phenomenon.

Which, of course, is why I started trying to build up a Sedevacantist Catholic Community in a remote village in Italy. While my wife and I, despite our rather advanced age for it, certainly did not shirking our duty of making a bunch of children.

It is heartening to see that other sedevacantist couples, younger and therefore likely to produce many more children, are trying to do the same in their own ways in various places around the world.

The independent cell-nature of the Sede Catholics, coupled with absolutely shared dogmatic values, is a strong combination for weathering all sorts of nefarious events and plots by the Bandits; and historically too, no one has been quite as successful at rising from the supposed ashes of their religion.

So we are on good ground.

Go read Professor Cipolla’s Magnum Opus. It is truly wonderful and important.

A faint hope

This is why

I say you need to form communities that can survive and thrive without any link or need to or for FIAT money. It’s all vapourware. Always was. Yes it’s vapourware that can kill you or get you huge assets, but it’s vapourware all the same. And it can only control you while you rely on it.

Zombie Apocalypse may have begun

If this report is true, it could be really bad news real fast.

I first blogged about this in February of 2023 and I suggest you read that post in full. This has been in the works since at least 2021.

OCTOBER 2, 2024 8:22 PM CET


Two passengers suspected of carrying the lethal and highly contagious Marburg virus set off alarm at Hamburg’s main train station on Wednesday afternoon. 

Emergency crews in full protective gear boarded a train from Frankfurt after a 26-year-old medical student and his girlfriend developed flu-like symptoms on the train. Passengers were evacuated and police closed two tracks at the station for several hours before reopening them.

The Bild tabloid reported that the student had arrived by plane directly from Rwanda, where he’d been in contact with a patient who was later diagnosed as infected with Marburg. 

Rwanda, a landlocked country in East Africa, is currently experiencing an outbreak of the deadly virus. According to the country’s health ministry, eight people have died from the virus since last Sunday, while 26 cases have been confirmed.

The Marburg virus causes fever with symptoms including convulsions, bloody vomiting and diarrhea, and has a mortality rate of up to 88 percent, according to the World Health Organization. People become infected through contact with the bodily fluids of infected victims. 

The student and his girlfriend were taken to the Eppendorf University Hospital, which specializes in tropical diseases. Their luggage was impounded. 

Depending on whether (or more probably, how dangerously) the virus has been weaponised in a lab or is a genuine natural outbreak, this could go from nothingburger to actual Zombie apocalypse in a matter if weeks.

The other alternative, of course, as I personally suspect if I absolutely had to bet on it, is that this is some kind of a test run. Either to test the public reaction, perfect their virus when released in the wild, or it may just be the usual “efficiency and competency” of the globohomos and their pet project just escaped the lab.

In any case, given the possible severity of this thing, it would absolutely result in global lockdowns that would make the COVID excesses look like a joyful summer breeze.

Prepare accordingly if you have not already spent the last 4 years doing so.

HAARP basics

I’m fairly sure most readers here are aware of HAARP, but just in case you were not…

Enjoy the collapse. Personally I am just waiting for the full Zombie Apocalypse, and getting a little tired of the wait.

The transhumanist agenda and possible solution

UPDATE: I have a much better idea that yes, this information is accurate.

I have no idea how accurate any of this is, but if true, the use of nicotine and water solution details from the original paper (in Spanish is fine) would be very welcome if one of you can find it.

I tend to think am fairly certain there is more than some truth to it, because when researching this my desktop spontaneously restarted a few times and it took ages to be able to save a archive of Substack that may be complete nonsense (the reference David Icke) but also has some names and bits that could be interesting to follow up: you can find it here:

More relavntly perhaps is the exhaustive work of The Quinta Columna.

The Quinta Columna is in Spanish mostly but their work as far as i have looked into it has been impeccable and I have verified the various issues concerning 5G and the ability to modify people’s thoughts etc long ago, as I was aware of this technology in the mid 1990s.

Their latest claim is that anaesthetic shots from dentists appear to contain some of this graphene stuff and this has apperently now been confirmed. Good thing my last visit I went for I refused the shots then. And that a solution of distilled water and nicotine appears to heavily degrade the nanotech in them. Similarly, alcohol does too. Delgado explains some of the reasons in more detail, and I found a text on it here.

Here is the relevant extracts:

Remember we were told that alcohol caused the supposed vaccine to lose its efficacy, right? And remember also those studies that were brought out by different countries that talked about nicotine, apparently, having some kind of integration and they were studying it because there was less COVID-19 disease with nicotine, remember that? With smokers there were fewer infections? Well, all this has a scientific basis based on graphene. 

Moreover, you see, it happened that COVID-19 patients had inhibition of an enzyme called myeloperoxidase. Right. This means that it is an enzyme that acts as a neutrophil, that is to say, what it supposedly does is to trap and engulf macrophages macrophages (SARS-CoV-2), but it really does it with graphene. Myeloperoxidase is an enzyme that biodegrades graphene

What are these myeloperoxidase enzyme disruptors? 

Well, it is precisely alcohol (ethanol) that degrades graphene. Ethanol biodegrades graphene in the body because it increases myeloperoxidase production. Nicotine increases myeloperoxidase production. Therefore, it also degrades graphene. 

That is why these studies were related in terms of this popular disease (COVID-19) caused by the inhalation or inoculation of graphene, by various methods. In other words, we have literally hunted them down. 

Graphene has been inhaled not only by those FFP2 masks —which were originally installed and then removed. Graphene, once inhaled, causes bilateral pneumonias. When it is at the neuronal level it causes neurodegeneration or neurodegenerative in general. Why? Because what is done when one measures with a multimeter the people who are magnetized after inoculation, is the graphene, which is looking for magnetocytes —which are neuronal cells that do precisely what they do is thinking—. Thinking is electrical impulses and they generate electromagnetic fields. Magnetocytes are magnetic cells that we have naturally in brain tissue. However, they are now enhanced by the superconductor graphene. Therefore, they receive signals much better and emit signals. Magnetized or vaccinated people (which is the same thing) emit and receive a signal. The objective was to behaviorally control the population

What is done is to emit frequencies, so that when we have measured with a multimeter —placing the electrodes at the occipital base of the skull—, we observe currents that oscillate between 180 mV, positive and negative in an alternating manner. When alternating currents are made -we are also going to present the study so that you know it-, what is done is to depolarize the cell bioelectrically: the transmembrane potential is altered. What you get is a sweep at the cellular level. That is to say, the phenomenon of cell necrosis and apoptosis appears. The cell commits suicide because it never finds dialectic equilibrium. It is constantly being changed with alternating currents. 

This variable electric field is what generates variable electromagnetic fields. That is why the magnet adheres in some areas and repels in others at the same time. Okay, all this based on observation, which is the scientific method and not based on mRNA or protein Spike papers, which is just another tall tale. Get to understand it yourselves. 

With this, as I say, all the tissues are broken, first at the neuronal level and then at the tissue level, and this is the consequence of the inoculation of people with memory loss, lack of memory, pronounced Alzheimer’s disease —if they already had it—, loss of memory capacity, loss of ability to think easily, and strange and bizarre behavior: neurodegeneration in general. And that is why a “brain tsunami” of mental delirium, bipolar disorders, abnormal psychological behavioral phenomena, a brain tsunami in July —in the official version caused by the coronavirus that we never had sequenced, evidently due to the global and simultaneous switching on of this 5G technology— is announced for next month. Some will say, “No, the technology is on.” Yes, it is on, but not the emission of frequencies that they are going to send to cause those alternating variable electromagnetic fields. This is what these “smart” people who want to talk so much do not know. 

As I say, all this information will be broken down point by point in the nightly live broadcast of La Quinta Columna today, probably the most interesting, since we have been at the forefront of the planet in this investigation, in this track, and we have definitely finished with the plandemia from the point of view of the origin; from the point of view of what is currently happening; and from the point of view of what they intend to do. 

He also states that he does not mean for people to start smoking and become alcoholics with this information and that soon, more in depth information and studies will be done.

The weird thing is that I have never been a drinker but since COVID, I have absolutely felt the need to take short sips of wine at the oddest and most random of times. My liver has a disorder by which alcohol generally disagrees with me. All booze with sulphides basically gives me liver ache from as little as a sip, except tequila, because it doesn’t have them. And yet, despite this, I felt the need to drink a quarter glass of wine with the main meal and sometimes take a literal sip in the morning. Weird behaviour I never had before, but I did listen to my body and did it.

This appears to also explain the rather constant inflammation I have kept at bay with my most excellent olive oil, and the general reduced lung capacity or efficiency I have experienced to a degree never before seen in my life.

I shall be experimenting myself and updating you all on the effects.

The olive oil export to the USA is being hampered by some fear by the local oil mill, which I hope to get past, or it may have to be limited to individual orders mailed at the expense and risk of individual buyers, but it would be very expensive as the posting to the USA is no joke and there is the possibility that customs does not let it through, even if theoretically as far as I can tell they should. The situation is easier if you are in Europe or the UK, but I have not given up.

Anyway, I truly hope this helps and I hope and Western Rifle Shooters as well as anyone else with blogs or an online presence will push this information far and wide. Thank you.

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