Bruce Charlton Part IV

Bruce continues to shy away from facing —even if only intellectually— the obvious.

He makes a fairly reasoned argument in this post (a bit verbose and repetitive, but I can hardly point fingers in that regard!), which are mostly summarised in the following paragraphs and which I will critique:

This means if we want action to be taken, we our-selves must take action essentially alone – without back-up, with our particular gifts and disadvantages, and from the exact situation in which we find-ourselves here-and-now.

While he makes the correct point that no one is coming to save you, so you either have to become your own saviour, or become an extremely loyal and obedient follower of someone who takes up that mantle, Bruce is absolutely wrong about having to do so alone and without backup.

His perspective here is one that, ironically enough, he later identifies as the very causation of his skewed perspective: Bruce doesn’t really have a well-founded faith. No one but Bruce has his Faith, whatever it is (gnostic Mormonism at best). And even if he were to surround himself with other gnostics that skew Mormon, there would still be no community cohesion. Because a fake religion rooted in lies cannot bear good fruit. Certainly not in a repeatable, reliable fashion. That’s because cults rarely last beyond the lifespan of the cult leader and perhaps a few of his disciples. In this regard Mormonism has achieved a certain success in its propagation, but it still remains a cult and one originating with freemasonry, so, that explains to a certain extent, it’s durability despite its absurd mythology: it is a lie compared to what it pretends to be, but there is a Satanic underbelly that is real and as with Islam, keeps it going.

But I digress. The point is that no one really believes the Mormon story. Just like no one really believes in the Xemu of scientology.

It may be situationally or economically advantageous, or in Bruce’s case, intellectually advantageous if one wants to be seen as an iconoclast, without ever having to bother to actually take a real stand.

And because no one believes it, no one is really going to sacrifice much to create a Mormon compound. Certainly not from scratch. Maybe the big megachurches will ramp up the brainwashing to hoard goods and services, but as he points out, the big megachurches are already converged.

Because each who acts positively will be acting alone in an unique situation, there can be no generic good advice about ‘what to do’. So – don’t ask for it!

Again, this presupposes your “gnostic-mormonism-for-one” is how everyone goes about things. But that is, of course, nonsense. For centuries, Catholics have started tiny communities in the middle of absolutely murderous hostility and thrived. A common faith that is true, based on reality and God, like Catholicism (Sedevacantism) gives every member an unshakable faith. And not only can you find plenty of good advice, you know for a fact it worked. From the rules of St. Benedict to the ones of St. Bernard, there are plenty of examples of small Catholic communities going on to become economic power-houses.

And because he is working essentially alone and with no back-up; anyone who is genuinely engaged in serious ‘material‘ action to change modern society positively would be stupid to reveal his plans publicly!

And yet, I have made plenty of blog posts about it, enacted my plan and continue to do so, and receive help, both in the forms of advice and physical labour. In terms of help spreading the word and prayers. And slowly, but powerfully, the community begins to form. From embryonic to a rallying point, and soon to an actual group of people geographically next to each other.

Not is it difficult to lost the practical material things you need to do:

  • Be a sedevacantist Catholic.
  • Purchase land or a home near me
  • Pool resources to create viable farmland
  • Infiltrate local politics and dismantle the bureaucracies in favour of benign dictatorships
  • I always stated it clearly from the beginning: The Kurganate is not a democracy. Not even a little bit. It’s an absolute dictatorship. Whether I am benign or not to any one member specifically depends on their contribution to the community, their honesty and their faith. So far, I have had no reason to treat anyone to a trip to the dungeons, so I’d say it’s going well.

And here we come to another crux: the material versus the spiritual.

A truly adjusted man does not see these two realms so starkly separated, for one informs the other, and vice-versa. A Catholic should be able to live in the world well, without being of it. “Well” of course probably needs to be defined, but one hint… it’s not having a Joel Osteen lifestyle.

Those who ask for action mean ‘action in the material realm’ – and they do not regard spiritual action as real. They regard spiritual activity as just an excuse for sheltering and hiding; for doing-nothing.

In many cases it is precisely that.

However, given the realities; spiritual action must be primary, must come first, must be done before any realistic change that material action can possibly succeed.

Yes, Bruce. And where, pray tell, would such spiritual impetus for action come from? One of the 40,000 atomised “interpreth as thou will” cults of Protestantism? Your own cult of quasi-Mormon Bruce? Or maybe, just maybe, you might want to look at actual Christianity, that is Sedevacantist Catholicism, because that is the only one that is actually true.

2 Responses to “Bruce Charlton Part IV”

  1. Jerome Galobrious says:

    “Mere Christianity” is the tradition of the church up through 381 AD, i.e. the authentic tradition before 5th century bafoons invented all the Mary worship and 7th/8th century invented worship of images. You are a gatekeeper for idolatry.

    • G says:

      No. It isn’t, and it wasn’t. And your abysmal ignorance has been exposed both here on this blog and everywhere where a historian cared to mention the truth based on facts and surviving records.
      The “Mary Worship” idiocy is something only the stupidest and most illiterate of Protestant Churchman’s still try to use, since anyone that can actually read or has been on the internet longer than 3 minutes can verify is a complete lie. Your stupid has only been permitted here as one of those who gets shown to the world for precisely the idiot he is, so the other idiots can either learn to read, or at least learn to keep quiet around me. Either one works for me. Now go away, you’re relegated to spam forevermore after this comment for not following the rules and outright lying as well as blaspheming.

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