Blatherers are not relevant

If you are one of those people that thinks that blogging on the internet about the evils of the world and whining about it, or even whining about how young men should be doing X or young women should be doing Y (yes, pun intended) it still isn’t doing much of anything.

You write a book that leads people to a certain action or activity or teaches them a skill or gives them information that has been hidden or unknown ok, that’s better.

But best of all is you taking action in the real world. And while securing your own situation obviously and necessarily must come first, creating that community of zealots that bind together in hard times, is the immediate second thing, and you should really ideally be doing them concurrently as best you can.

I recently had a back and forth over substack comments with on Mark Bisone. That link is to my final comment, but you can thread back up on it and see how it progressed. All on John of Barsoom’s Substack comment section, which is sort of like having two homeless drunks fighting in your front yard because it’s one of those that doesn’t have a proper fence and is just adjacent to the road.

In any case, it became quickly apparent that this Bisone guy had no real clue. He’s the kind who writes pompously lengthy screeds to show you how smart and poetic he is and as Shakespeare said (I paraphrase) it’s all a bunch of hot air about nothing.

He tried to “shame me” into being less “arrogant” (i.e. calling him out on his various consciously chosen flaws), and “prideful” (real, PhULEEEZE! Stop pointing out how I am so deficient in effectiveness and results!) and questioned my “approach” to things despite the fact he hasn’t achieved a fraction of my results.

And finally he dodged the straight forward question of whether Vatican 2 and all its pomps is heresy most foul or not.

So, a wishy-washy, not here, nor there guy, who fancies himself as some sort of “traditionalist” or even (laughably) possibly Catholic layman, that is lukewarm throughout, and achieves little to no measurable impact on anyone’s life other than continuing and perpetrating the generic fog of despair and whining, providing no real applicable positive results.

Yet, I don’t doubt many will look to his writing and like chimps before a stone altar they will OOOOHHHH and AAAHHHHHH, and be enthralled by the fancy words and the verbose and belaboured “points” he makes.

And indeed he is considered somewhat of a “firebrand” I suppose, by a guy like John of Barsoom. Which is fine, because John is very much an intellectual and a theoretician, he’s sort of your crazy and mostly harmless alchemist trying to find how to turn base metals into silver. Or al least copper. And you never know, he might find something totally unexpected that adds to the discourse, but Mark Bisone, seem to me to just be blatherer. And the sole purpose of Blatherers is to waste your time.

When faced with these people always ask them what have they achieved.

  • Did you take the vaxx?
  • Did you stop anyone else from taking it? How exactly?
  • Do you own a business unrelated to your blogging or ideas you present here? If yes, is this a way to get clients?
  • What have you achieved in life that you think has value for others after the day you die?
  • Does he have children?
  • Are they married?

In person, it’s easier to assess quite a few other things, like, for example, are they able to take a punch? (Which does not mean you should punch them out the blue. But you should be able to assess their potential ability to get in a physical confrontation without needing to get into one).

And most importantly, what, if anything, are they doing in the physical world? Are they organising a community? Are they building something? Or at least moving towards it?

I’d take a 20 year old with a go-bag he’s prepared for emergencies, over a boomer with a ranch that has no clue what the problem is.

In the end, no one is coming to save you, no political system is going to fix any of this, and the internet is not real life.

So go on and BUILD your life. The one you want, not the one you’re not really into but is easy anyway.

2 Responses to “Blatherers are not relevant”

  1. Nara9174 says:

    John Barsoom: “it has the stink of truth in it.”
    OK, John. Bye-bye.

    As for Mark Bisone (is that Italian or a female bison?), I imagine your reaction might be like Robin William’s in Mrs. Doubtfire: “I think I made a friend.”

  2. […] as a model to recognise the inevitable dozens of impostors, time wasters and so on. I recently engaged a “Substacker” that while presenting as a “Hardcore Trad” after a few exchanges demonstrated himself to be […]

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