No one likes to be betrayed, but I am not talking about infidelity in your marriage here, rather, I am trying, as I have for years, to make you understand a core deceit that you have been living with all your life, like a hooded hawk, without even realising it.
It has always amazed me over the last 4 decades or so, how often the masses, but also a decent number of supposedly, or even apparently intelligent people get fooled, and deceived by what to me, at first glance immediately give off a whiff of… sulphur? Deceit? Lies wired into the DNA. In short, the nefarious stench of the Freemasonic gatekeeper.
If you were to study the history of the Catholic Church, you would come across plots so devious and intricate and ancient that any desire to delve into old conspiracies would be sated within hours and last probably the rest of your natural life if you wanted to keep digging. I covered the main aspects in RTCC, but the fact is that since the official formation of the Illuminati in 1776, the strategy of the Satanists (they have, like their boss, many, many names, Carbonari, Illuminati, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and on and on and on) has always been the same:
- Foment the masses into “regime change” by using class structure (marxism), race (BLM, Critical Race Theory, Math being racist, white “privilege” etcetera), religion (Islam vs everyone, Judaism being an innocent bystander/victim only wanting the best for humanity, Christianity in all it’s forms needing to be Protestant and less “problematic” about things like family, marriage, homosexuality, and so on), sex (feminism, homosexuality, gay adoption, trannies, bestiality, and pedophelia) and whatever else they can think up that is a Satanic inversion of the truth, that will get the useful idiot cattle into creating a stampede. It doesn’t really matter who gets trampled, chaos and the breakdown of cvil society and the inversion of justice is good.
- Because naturally a percentage of people who are not COMPLETE morons will not like this, set up a number of “leaders” in the political, intellectual, legal, and social arenas, as “opponents” or “truth-tellers”. The purpose of this is manifold:
- It gives the Satanists a good sense of the mass trends and success/failure of their campaigns
- It identifies with specificity any potential resistors and “troublemakers” to their plans, so they can be dealt with in a number of ways.
- It controls the followers of these “leaders” because invariably, they are “ineffective” they “fail” or they simply do a 180 degree about face.
The point is that the Satanists, always, always, ALWAYS rig the game. Bet on red they win, bet on black, you lose.
And even relatively sharp people like James Delingpole get taken in by these deceivers. His recent talk with David Icke and his post about it explain it, but he does not do a very good job in either case. If you look at the podcast from about one hour and thirty minutes in or so, James misses the opportunity to nail Icke to the floor by hammering the one nail he is absolutely correct on.
Aside his fantastic, reptilianoid theories (which he has mutated into more palatable stuff over the years since he first started) even if you were to accept his ideas as somewhat coherent, James makes a very solid point: If Icke’s theories are correct, and we are being run in a simulation by demonic entities that use human bloodlines to control and enslave us and our “waking up” just means we see the bigger “allness” of it all but there is no God, no loving creator, no actual specific saviour, then what’s the point? And what is the origin of it all? Icke avoids the question like a greased eel and never gives a straight answer, and James gets flustered and lets him slide off.
I would never waste 15 seconds of my time on Icke other than to expose him, so I would never have given him my time to begin with, but if I had been on that panel, I would have relentlessly hammered the point home. What’s it all about David? Where is “God” in your philosophy? And Icke kind of admitted there isn’t really a God, just an “allness”. But if that’s all there is, why the demons? Why their need to corrupt humanity? Are they just interdimnsional parasites and we are unlucky in this part of the Universe? It is, of course, nonsensical, and insofar as it could be making sense to a point, you lose sight of the fact that its real, subterfugeous and hidden aim, is really to distance you from the truth of God and hence the truth of how to fight back and not fall into deception and eventually the despair of hell.
Icke and Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, and Milo YankmyPoleUs, Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate (and his Gamma wizard that runs him), Emo Jones, Gay Gary Voris, Taylor Marshall, black science man, bowtie “do butt stuff’ science man, the entire Vatican, Bergoglio and his retinue of pedophiles and frauds, Protestantism as a whole, the “right” and “left” political parties, really pretty much everything in modern life is really just designed to distract you, delay you, and waste your life in inconsequential, or (better yet for them) self-destructive, nefarious, degenerate nonsense, and if you begin to get an inkling of an idea about the truth, then they want you wallowing in the retard pool of the fake “truthers” that tell you tidbits of information and then blend it in with complete nonsense. The Flat Earth stuff is a typical example. Mix it in and get operatives to bring it up in groups that maybe are actually looking at real stuff, like antigravity technology, and it gives the whole exercise a sudden stench of retardation and so-called normal people don’t even look at any of it because it’s like picking sewage out of your ice-cream.
And these are not coincidences or temporary efforts, there are endless money and conscious plots to stop any truth, and real resistance, and any truth about Catholicism at all getting out. There are powerful people with essentially infinite resources dedicated to this stuff. So they are not going away and no, none of them are “salvageable”.
I have been explaining this in as many ways as possible since my early to mid-twenties. It is literally a strategy identified in the Permanent Instructions to the Alta Vendita (Carbonari) and these documents were captured and discussed in the Papacy some 200 years ago. I mention them in RTCC and translate some extracts and related documents, so you don’t have to take my word for it, I give you the references.
But above all, my point is simply this:
BEWARE the gatekeepers. When a nobody suddenly shoots to fame for being “a good guy” against the homoglobos, be extremely suspicious, and look into his background. Especially if they are heavily funded.
Of course, aside the gatekeepers there are also a bunch of cracked eggs that believe all sorts of insane stuff, like the Flat Earthers, and so on, but the David Ickes of the world can be both in your face as well as subtle, and you need to learn to spot them in the wild.
And if you are despairing right now and thinking, but then, what is true? What refuge is there?
Refuge? Not much son, we are at war don’t you know? It’s a war between Satan and his minions, in all their forms, and Christ and his soldiers, on the other side. Here, learn about 1958 Sedevacantist Catholicism, AFTER you learn about REAL Catholicism first. Then tell me if that doesn’t describe and fit and make sense of the world as we have it today better than any other philosophy since the dawn of man.
No refuge, but there is an almost dry trench here, plenty of ammo, a good bayonet and trench clubs, and if you keep on your toes, you might even get a cup of hot coffee and some toast and jam before we crawl through the mud in the dead of night to go send those demons back to the pit they crawled out of.
Welcome. (Pats you on the back as he hands you your rifle and ammo).
You manage to put things together better than most. I think the reason most people shut all of this out is because it is too confusing and complicated and humans for the most part are quite simple creatures. And as you point out, there are organizations with unlimited funds out there constantly muddying the waters.