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Because Truth Matters

Vox posted about the recent “new” scandal concerning how the Satanic Church of Bergoglio, that is, the impostor Church pretending to be the Catholic Church has been funding the mass criminal border invasion of rapists, thieves, murderers and other illegals into Italy and Europe.

He ended with this comment:

One of the reasons I refuse to tolerate the never-ending internecine Christian civil wars is that I see no point in paying attention to labels and dogma when the spiritual version of WWIII is currently in full effect. If, at this point, you can’t recognize the difference between those who are actively and knowingly serving Clown World and those who are doing their best, however misguided they might be, to serve Jesus Christ, your opinion is irrelevant.

When you consider the current landscape of what passes for Christianity, it’s good that people like Vox exist.

But as far as actual Christians are concerned, people like me, or, more importantly, the structure within which I exist, are absolutely pivotal.

Allow me to expound a bit.

In military terms, the current landscape of Christianity is essentially a post-apocalyptic hellscape where bandits and demons roam the radioactive plains.

There are rumours everywhere of these quasi-mythical people known variously as crusaders, bishops, priests, exorcists and so on, all of whom are on the side of Good and Beauty and Justice and God; but at each turn that the wandering survivors try to find or reach any such guru or “church” or group of survivors, all they find are charlatans, impostors, frauds, con men, child traffickers, slavers, pedophiles and murderers.

In this analogy, Vox is like an honest guy who is waving a flag with a cross on it, who tries to do right by any and all that want to join his group of survivors. A community of sorts is formed and produces a certain synergy of results. They communicate, help each other over their CB radios and so on. And it is good such communities and bands of would-be Christians exist.

However, logically, either actual Christians, the quasi-mythological ones with the Crusaders, the Bishops, the Priests, the Exorcists and so on exist or they do not. Even more importantly, either those type of Christians were based in a real, actual, reality of God that is true and real, or else they were just a more coherent version of the ragtag bunch of shell-shocked survivors that call themselves “christian” that gather round the likes of Vox.

Now, if there is no God, if the Bible is just a human creation without any divine design within it, then, it matters little which band of deluded fools you join. Although, even then, a more convinced group of deluded fools will tend to achieve more per capita, in real terms.

But… if God is real, and Good, and Loving, and Just, then… He must, logic and reason dictate, have rules. And not loose, fly by night, anything-goes kinda rules. And if one looks at history objectively, it becomes patently clear to anyone of normal intelligence that is not already indoctrinated in a false religion, that Catholicism, from the year 33 to 1958, has been the absolutely best thing that has ever happened to Humanity.

The fruits of it are undeniable.

As are the fruits of the rotten, secularisation and perversion of Christianity that is the result of Protestantism, or the “do whatever you want” version of Churchianity, with 40,000 denominations and counting — 40,000 if one is charitable, for not only each “church” but each individual in Protestantism is his own Pope, Bishop, Priest, Confessor and everything else rolled into one, it’s the very essence of that rebellion against God that professes itself to be “Christianity” known as Protestantism—

So. While the road is indeed hard and narrow, if God is real, then two things must, necessarily hold true:

1. His Church must continue to exist right up to the End Times, even if much reduced and persecuted, and,

2. His is the ONLY Church that matters. Everyone else outside of it is simply wrong.

And no matter how good their intentions, people who can’t do basic math can’t build functioning and functional high rise buildings, bridges beyond very limited ones, or anything else that constitutes a lasting civilisation.

And the same is true of people who, while perhaps being very well intentioned have the most fundamental and basic rules of life and reality, wrong.

The future, if there is one, most certainly will not be made by some random Protestant “denomination” or group. Precisely because the very concept of proper cohesion and co-operation between such people is ultimately flawed and impossible to a degree that means it cannot last. And while historically vipers have always infiltrated the true Church, the current times make that particular offence far leas likely.

Sedevacantists (i.e. the ONLY actual Catholics left, ergo, the only actual Christians left) are so clear, strict and aware of the rules that given their relatively small size and familiarity with each other, any hint of falsehood, infiltration or corruption is immediately placed under the spotlight. As it should be.

Of course, every charlatan and fraud under the sun will scream the loudest that we Sedevacantists are just like “everyone else” that is frauds and schismatics and whatever else, and indeed the loudest screamers are the very impostors pretending to be or represent the Catholic Church.

And even the well-intentioned but ultimately wrong among people like those who gather around Vox will remain confused and deceived and probably see people like me as just some kind of ornery contrarians, but, how else would the innumerate who try and fail for five centuries in a row to build a single high-rise building greet what to them appears to be just another sect of people who, like them, can’t do basic math?

Especially since most of them are completely unaware that unlike their “churches” sedevacantist ones are usually filled to capacity and in fact growing, and growing with young couples who make a lot of children.

So, let the Vox Days of the world gather the well-intentioned. It certainly beats them wandering around the wastelands to be eaten by the mutants passing themselves off as good human beings, but as time passes, it will eventually become clear to those who have eyes to see, that there is only ONE true, holy, apostolic, and infallible church, and it is the Catholic one and always has been. And though much reduced in size (as the Bible itself even predicts) it will continue to the end, until the return of Christ.

And it is all those who fail to discern this, whose opinions will ultimately be totally irrelevant.

Like it or not, believe it or not, that group of crusaders, bishops, priests, exorcists and so on, that what most think are legends are based on, not only did exist, they continue to do so, in an unbroken apostolic thread, from Christ to today.

And like it or not, believe it or not, you can’t make up your own rules.

Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.

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