Ann Triples and Quadruples Down.

In her latest post on the subject she admits that the Petrine See has been vacant before for up to two years and ten months. And goes on to add that two years and ten months is NOT some line in the sand.

Because well… as I have been saying for years… there IS no line in the sand. There IS no rule for how long an interregnum can last.

So tell me Ann, of Bergoglio lasts another 20 years, will you then STILL be TOTES DIFFERENT from is 1958 Sedes?

Even more absurdly, she goes in her immediately previous post, to quote various doctors of the Church that state that one cannot be considered a schismatic if in good conscience he assumes the present “Pope” to be invalid due to rumor or fact that convinces him of this to the best of his ability and conscience to grasp.

So, to summarise, we 1958 sedes:

1. Are NOT schismatics. Since fact, reason, logic, Catholic doctrine AND the infallible magisterium of the Church, in the form of Canon Law, ALL line up telling us we are indeed correct in our belief that from Roncalli to Bergoglio they all are fake clergy, as are ALL Novus Ordo “clergy”, without exception, so any “Pope” that may come from their ranks would similarly be invalid.

2. Are NOT wrong on Catholic dogma, canon law or doctrine. And Ann cannot, at ALL find any fault with our reasoning in fact.

But… we are still wrong because… oh yeah, according to Ann we’re very stupid.

But she will not say exactly HOW or precisely WHY she thinks this, other than implying that 64 years is too long. Yet she refuses to say where the line of “too long” is.

And then she accuses US of being incapable of doing basic logic?

OooooK Ann.

How’s that bottle of tequila doing? Wait, what number bottle is that? This stuff’s not cheap you know…

2 Responses to “Ann Triples and Quadruples Down.”

  1. Pope Candidate says:

    Even if we accept your basic premise, this is different in that previous “interegnums” (if you insist on callling them that) were not attended by a change in ordination rites, and even if a two year
    “interegnum” had been attended by a change in ordinations rights it would be irrelevant; but after so long with false ordination rites there is nobody left validly ordained to even elect a pope. Then the same cardinals who elected an “antipope” (lol the things you guys invent!) could also elect an antiantipope or just a pope. Now the cardinals were ordained with V2 rites so there are none. Therefore the Catholic church is gone and cannot come back. If not, elect me pope now.

    • G says:

      You are both ignorant AND stupid. And your comment is only shown here as a lesson to others before you are relegated to the spam bin forever.
      So, retard, here are the facts:

      1. It’s spelt with two r’s. Retard. And that’s what it’s called. From the Latin: between kingdoms.

      2. There is no one validly ordained in the Novus Orco Church (yes it’s a play on words [in latin] from Novus Ordo. It’s ok, you won’t understand). But that’s irrelevant because no one in the Novus Orco is even Catholic. So it’s obvious. Nor do we care. Just like we don’t care Protestant “pastors” are not Christian either.

      3. There ARE valid bishops and priest which remained true to the Church. They are… drum roll… sedevacantist priests and bishops. Shocking eh. That logic thing.

      4. If and when enough nominal “catholics” wake up to reality (morphic resonance suggests the tipping point might be about 2 million or so) and there is a shift in consciousness about Catholicism per se, THEN, and only THEN, would a prudent clergy call for a Papal election.
      So there absolutely is a mechanism for recovery and it would not even be a first. The Arian heresy converged between 97-99% of all bishops before recovering from the heresy.

      5. Even of there is no further Popes elected and this is it, that too is predicted as what happens in the End Times. So maybe that’s where we are. Which, again, is not a concern for a believer.

      Thanks for playing. You’re now relegated to spam, along with all your retarded, mouth-breathing, stupid and ignorant, uneducated, illiterate kind. Buh-bye.

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