Despite my making fun of her pride and inability to do proper logic with respect to Sedevacantism, the Neo-Sedevacantist Ann Bernhardt has posted a very true and pertinent post. Enjoy it here.
Just remember that Ann is completely wrong about Catholicism and NONE, not a single one of the fake Popes from Angelo Roncalli on have been even Catholics, never mind legitimate Popes. Vatican II is heretical in toto and so is anyone who does not reject it and all its pomps.
In short, proper Catholics are 1958 Sedevacantists. Ann is only a 2023 “Sedevacantist” and she still has not told me when the time lag between “crazy” and “totally reasonable and properly Catholic is.” I hope she does so before another 52 years pass. I might not make it to 106.
Tags: Ann Barnhardt