This may be a longish one, but hopefully those of you who care about actual Christianity may find it instructive, useful, and perhaps even entertaining.
Ann Barnhardt, while saying Sedevacantists are being spiteful, raging at her and so on, actually calls people like me ideologues who are working for Satan. No, I’m not making this up.
I’ll post the relevant parts of her blog post below with commentary so you can see for yourself.
Yes, the 1958 Sedevacantists AND the “Fwanciss is definitely Pope, stoopid!” contingent are already sending spiteful, mocking emails. I’ll post some later so you can see their hissing, pride-soaked venom as they try desperately to hold the irrational premise that the objective binary reality of Pope Benedict being dead and the See being vacant for a matter of minutes is “exactly the same thing” as the error and corollary IDEOLOGY that there has been no Pope since the death of Pope Pius XII sixty-four years ago in ARSH 1958.
I have no doubt, some who emailed her may well fit her description, and my own blog posts have certainly been mocking, but not in a vicious way, (certainly by my standards anyway, being as rhetoric nukes are a speciality) and I believe, rather, in a way fitting to her demonstrated egotistical pride. Which I specified in an earlier post (use the search me button on the sidebar if you care)
But I always made it a point to explain I believe Ann is sincere in her error. That I did not think she is an intentional deceiver. I still hold that view, however, as I have noticed with others –Bishop Sanborn being the prime example– once a person not only begins to live in dogmatic and canonical error, but prides themselves in it, they seem to begin a descent into deeper error and deeper pride rather quickly.
Now, far be it from me to pretend to be a model Catholic. I also always stated that I may not be a very good one, but I am a fervent one. I have many flaws and some are hard to correct even over time, but I do not pride myself on these things. On some I may be stubborn and if asked specifically I may explain my thinking, but none of my flaws continue in a specific and clear assault against reason as a result of personal pride. Despite my many flaws, putting my ego before reason and logic has never been one of mine. Possibly putting my sense of justice before reason has, but it is not for personal pride, I assure you, no matter how it may look to you or others.
That all said, Ann seems intent in making two false accusations against me and people I know personally that while different (and better than me) in many respects all hold the same generic beliefs. One accusation is somewhat excusable; she believes we are ideologues. That is, that our Sedevacantism is the result of some cargo cult-like brainwashing. This is absolutely false, I certainly am unaware of a single Sedevacantist that I met personally that is one or became one as a result of anything other than deep, personal investigation, reflection and study. Usually over a period of years. I don’t even know anyone that is a “cradle Sedevacantist”.
So that accusation is as false as, say, the often repeated, and retarded, accusation of Protestants that Catholics “worship Mary and the Saints”. It may be “understandable” but only insofar as that the person/s making such accusations are either, lazily ignorant of having ever looked into the matter deeper than 30 seconds on even converged google would take, or are knowingly and intentionally remaining “ignorant” because to do otherwise would put the lie to their nonsensical accusation.
Now, Ann is not stupid. Or ignorant. So, unfortunately I can only conclude she is intentionally remaining “ignorant” of our position. Out of charity I have assumed from the start that this is due to her personal pride, injured by, I believe –because I take her word for it– what I would call trailer-park-pope “sedevacantists” i.e. mentally challenged schizophrenics, autists, and con-men who have “elected” some quasi-homeless guy as the “real” Pope, or who belong to spook-infested “wandering Bishops” of the “old Catholic Church” (literally a CIA psyops that was linked to JFK murder and a bunch of other stuff).
I believe her when she said that such “sedevacantists” emailed her horrible, pornographic, vile messages. But I would posit two things:
Firstly: such people are not actual sedevacantist and I assume not Catholic at all. My personal experience of sedevacantist is that they are unfailingly polite, dignified and morally as well as logically sound. They tend to be men and women that can disagree with you totally while remaining completely composed and dignified as they explain their perspective. In fact, in my experience, I am, honestly, the rudest, most outspoken of the lot. Genuinely, without exception so far.
Secondly: Ann has certainly said enough about herself to make it clear she is absolutely and totally (rightly) rejectful of anything even mildly suggestive of sexual impropriety. So, being called a whore, receiving sexually explicit insults and so on, I have no doubt, are absolutely offensive to her and by whatever measure “painful” enough that they cause a real (and rightful) resentment towards the perpetrators, and, as a rule, against the totality of whatever “class” one might tend to put them in. So, if she has associated such insults with Sedevacantist, it is not unreasonable to assume that she considers the lot of us as basically rapey orcs deserving of hellfire. Be that as it may, her perception is in error by every metric that I have any personal experience of.
I do not mean that her reaction is in error. Remember that since even my teens, I have always stated clearly (yes in writing even some 30 years ago) that the whole concept of “freedom of speech” is absolute nonsense that only a people as enstupidated by brainwashing as the average Americans are could believe in. Similarly, even as a pre-teen, when I first heard the English adage “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” I there and then thought the whole concept was absolutely retarded and the people who came up with it absolute idiots. And I have not changed my mind since. You may disagree (if you are stupid and lack any kind of imagination) but that would be because you are wrong and I am right. I’ll give you an example at the end of this post to prove it.*
So it is not her reaction to the vile messages that is wrong. But it is wrong to assume those who sent it are actually Sedevacantists, and, in any case, it is wrong to let a personal offence colour out perception of objective facts unrelated to it. If a child rapist says 2 and 2 is 4, it would be absurd for me to reject that, and therefore math as a whole, simply because the person who said it, as far as I’m concerned, deserves to be burnt at the stake.
So, even if she hates Sedes on principle, she should STILL take the five minutes it would take to either confirm, or REJECT our position on FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE FACTS. Not her emotions.
But I believe she knows the facts, which are easy enough to summarise:
1. Roncalli approved the first two Vatican II docs before he died. This is indisputable. One of those has direct heresy in it, making him an antipope posthumously (as most of the more than 40 antipopes before him have been). He was also a Freemason and the vote that made him “Pope” was the result of blackmail against Giuseppe Siri, who was voted Pope twice before Roncalli was “picked”. Election by blackmail is invalid. So it is very clear Roncalli was not viably elected, but even if you ignore this, it remains clear he was a public and notorious heretic since nothing is more public than official documents issued by the Vatican for the whole world. As a result, Roncalli falls foul of canon 188.4 of the code of canon law of 1917 which was (and remains) in full force in 1958.
2. Every antipope after Roncalli, to date either produced the remaining 14 documents of Vatican 2 (Montini) or promulgated them and continued to pretend they were Catholic doctrine when in fact they ALL contain direct heresy. As far as I know I am the only person that has detailed at least SOME of the DIRECT heresy present in 15 of the 16 documents (see RTCC).
So, in short, there is no escaping the fact that sedevacantists are correct. As per Code 188.4 and as per the infallible and perpetual encyclical of Pope Paul IV Cum-ex Apostolato Officio, on which Canon 188.4 is based (as the notes to it make clear).
Ann knows this. I am sure she does.
She also knows that there is NO RULE whatever concerning how long an interregnum lasts (the period between Popes when none occupy the seat). We KNOW FOR A FACT that interregnums without anyone on the seat lasted at least a few years before. We also know that there was a period that lasted some 70 years during which there were 2 and even 3 “Popes” and during which time it was almost impossible for the average Catholic at the time to know which was legitimate, and it all got sorted out only after most of them died. So it’s not like we haven’t got precedents to go on.
Her ONLY objection is as below:
64 years is too long.
That’s it.
And that is an Ann Barnhardt opinion. Supported by NOTHING in Catholic dogma or Canon Law. Literally nothing. But it gets worse, because not only does she refuse to address the facts that are black on white written down as per the infallible magisterium of the Church, but she goes on to accuse those of us who DO follow it as being agents of Satan.
I’m happy to let them vent not only their spiteful rage, but their dishonesty – because I don’t believe that any of them are stupid enough to not savvy the difference. But what they ARE trying to do is convince as many “normies” as possible of the lie that it IS the same, thus sowing chaos, error and confusion exactly likethe enemy who came into the wheat field and sowed the weeds.
And to that I DO take objection. Very much so.
So Ann, supposedly, according to you I am not stupid. I am evil.
Yet you:
1. Refuse to show me where my supposedly fake stupidity lies. Where is the error, Ann. Point it out clearly in small words, since it’s so obvious, yes? After all, maybe I really am that stupid, and if it’s so obvious why not take a minute to spell it out?
2. Choose to believe a bunch of demonstrable heretics (if not apostate or even never-were Catholics) were “Popes” and presently are “priests” and “bishops” when most of them have not even been validly ordained.
3. You quote “canon law” from the fake, invalid, “code” of 1983, created by the same enemies of the Church, as if it was valid, (which it is not) yet you ignore and choose to not ever mention or show your reasoning as to why you do so, the code of 1917 which was infallibly present, valid and remains the most vetted document ever compiled on Earth in 1958 and to this day.
I KNOW you got this before. I know you received my emails on it. And I know you will continue NOT to address this. Which tells me that your error is one of pure pride at this stage Ann.
I am genuinely sorry for the suffering some orcs may have inflicted on you, and I still think your error is genuine, but you can only ignore facts so long before it mutates from an error due to a wound to an error due to pride.
In my opinion you have now crossed that line. And the next one is not far off, and that is knowing and intentional deceit to salvage your ego.
I Truly hope you don’t cross that line and come to your senses very soon. I pray you do.
* Example of why absolutism of free speech and the whole “sticks and stones” nonsense is nonsense, for the mentally challenged: A child rapist knocks on your door and cheerfully announces he saw you have beautiful children and he will try to rape one as soon as practicable.
What would a good father do in such a situation? Turn the pedo’s head into a pink cloud there and then. If you do not, it is only because, either, you are a vile child rapist yourself, or, you fear the consequences due to your local law. But in many, even most, places on Earth not too long ago, such a response would not even have been punished by the law.
Now I hear the morons say “Oh but that is not free speech because…” shut the fuck up. You just proved my point.
Ann doubles down
This may be a longish one, but hopefully those of you who care about actual Christianity may find it instructive, useful, and perhaps even entertaining.
Ann Barnhardt, while saying Sedevacantists are being spiteful, raging at her and so on, actually calls people like me ideologues who are working for Satan. No, I’m not making this up.
I’ll post the relevant parts of her blog post below with commentary so you can see for yourself.
I have no doubt, some who emailed her may well fit her description, and my own blog posts have certainly been mocking, but not in a vicious way, (certainly by my standards anyway, being as rhetoric nukes are a speciality) and I believe, rather, in a way fitting to her demonstrated egotistical pride. Which I specified in an earlier post (use the search me button on the sidebar if you care)
But I always made it a point to explain I believe Ann is sincere in her error. That I did not think she is an intentional deceiver. I still hold that view, however, as I have noticed with others –Bishop Sanborn being the prime example– once a person not only begins to live in dogmatic and canonical error, but prides themselves in it, they seem to begin a descent into deeper error and deeper pride rather quickly.
Now, far be it from me to pretend to be a model Catholic. I also always stated that I may not be a very good one, but I am a fervent one. I have many flaws and some are hard to correct even over time, but I do not pride myself on these things. On some I may be stubborn and if asked specifically I may explain my thinking, but none of my flaws continue in a specific and clear assault against reason as a result of personal pride. Despite my many flaws, putting my ego before reason and logic has never been one of mine. Possibly putting my sense of justice before reason has, but it is not for personal pride, I assure you, no matter how it may look to you or others.
That all said, Ann seems intent in making two false accusations against me and people I know personally that while different (and better than me) in many respects all hold the same generic beliefs. One accusation is somewhat excusable; she believes we are ideologues. That is, that our Sedevacantism is the result of some cargo cult-like brainwashing. This is absolutely false, I certainly am unaware of a single Sedevacantist that I met personally that is one or became one as a result of anything other than deep, personal investigation, reflection and study. Usually over a period of years. I don’t even know anyone that is a “cradle Sedevacantist”.
So that accusation is as false as, say, the often repeated, and retarded, accusation of Protestants that Catholics “worship Mary and the Saints”. It may be “understandable” but only insofar as that the person/s making such accusations are either, lazily ignorant of having ever looked into the matter deeper than 30 seconds on even converged google would take, or are knowingly and intentionally remaining “ignorant” because to do otherwise would put the lie to their nonsensical accusation.
Now, Ann is not stupid. Or ignorant. So, unfortunately I can only conclude she is intentionally remaining “ignorant” of our position. Out of charity I have assumed from the start that this is due to her personal pride, injured by, I believe –because I take her word for it– what I would call trailer-park-pope “sedevacantists” i.e. mentally challenged schizophrenics, autists, and con-men who have “elected” some quasi-homeless guy as the “real” Pope, or who belong to spook-infested “wandering Bishops” of the “old Catholic Church” (literally a CIA psyops that was linked to JFK murder and a bunch of other stuff).
I believe her when she said that such “sedevacantists” emailed her horrible, pornographic, vile messages. But I would posit two things:
Firstly: such people are not actual sedevacantist and I assume not Catholic at all. My personal experience of sedevacantist is that they are unfailingly polite, dignified and morally as well as logically sound. They tend to be men and women that can disagree with you totally while remaining completely composed and dignified as they explain their perspective. In fact, in my experience, I am, honestly, the rudest, most outspoken of the lot. Genuinely, without exception so far.
Secondly: Ann has certainly said enough about herself to make it clear she is absolutely and totally (rightly) rejectful of anything even mildly suggestive of sexual impropriety. So, being called a whore, receiving sexually explicit insults and so on, I have no doubt, are absolutely offensive to her and by whatever measure “painful” enough that they cause a real (and rightful) resentment towards the perpetrators, and, as a rule, against the totality of whatever “class” one might tend to put them in. So, if she has associated such insults with Sedevacantist, it is not unreasonable to assume that she considers the lot of us as basically rapey orcs deserving of hellfire. Be that as it may, her perception is in error by every metric that I have any personal experience of.
I do not mean that her reaction is in error. Remember that since even my teens, I have always stated clearly (yes in writing even some 30 years ago) that the whole concept of “freedom of speech” is absolute nonsense that only a people as enstupidated by brainwashing as the average Americans are could believe in. Similarly, even as a pre-teen, when I first heard the English adage “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” I there and then thought the whole concept was absolutely retarded and the people who came up with it absolute idiots. And I have not changed my mind since. You may disagree (if you are stupid and lack any kind of imagination) but that would be because you are wrong and I am right. I’ll give you an example at the end of this post to prove it.*
So it is not her reaction to the vile messages that is wrong. But it is wrong to assume those who sent it are actually Sedevacantists, and, in any case, it is wrong to let a personal offence colour out perception of objective facts unrelated to it. If a child rapist says 2 and 2 is 4, it would be absurd for me to reject that, and therefore math as a whole, simply because the person who said it, as far as I’m concerned, deserves to be burnt at the stake.
So, even if she hates Sedes on principle, she should STILL take the five minutes it would take to either confirm, or REJECT our position on FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE FACTS. Not her emotions.
But I believe she knows the facts, which are easy enough to summarise:
1. Roncalli approved the first two Vatican II docs before he died. This is indisputable. One of those has direct heresy in it, making him an antipope posthumously (as most of the more than 40 antipopes before him have been). He was also a Freemason and the vote that made him “Pope” was the result of blackmail against Giuseppe Siri, who was voted Pope twice before Roncalli was “picked”. Election by blackmail is invalid. So it is very clear Roncalli was not viably elected, but even if you ignore this, it remains clear he was a public and notorious heretic since nothing is more public than official documents issued by the Vatican for the whole world. As a result, Roncalli falls foul of canon 188.4 of the code of canon law of 1917 which was (and remains) in full force in 1958.
2. Every antipope after Roncalli, to date either produced the remaining 14 documents of Vatican 2 (Montini) or promulgated them and continued to pretend they were Catholic doctrine when in fact they ALL contain direct heresy. As far as I know I am the only person that has detailed at least SOME of the DIRECT heresy present in 15 of the 16 documents (see RTCC).
So, in short, there is no escaping the fact that sedevacantists are correct. As per Code 188.4 and as per the infallible and perpetual encyclical of Pope Paul IV Cum-ex Apostolato Officio, on which Canon 188.4 is based (as the notes to it make clear).
Ann knows this. I am sure she does.
She also knows that there is NO RULE whatever concerning how long an interregnum lasts (the period between Popes when none occupy the seat). We KNOW FOR A FACT that interregnums without anyone on the seat lasted at least a few years before. We also know that there was a period that lasted some 70 years during which there were 2 and even 3 “Popes” and during which time it was almost impossible for the average Catholic at the time to know which was legitimate, and it all got sorted out only after most of them died. So it’s not like we haven’t got precedents to go on.
Her ONLY objection is as below:
64 years is too long.
That’s it.
And that is an Ann Barnhardt opinion. Supported by NOTHING in Catholic dogma or Canon Law. Literally nothing. But it gets worse, because not only does she refuse to address the facts that are black on white written down as per the infallible magisterium of the Church, but she goes on to accuse those of us who DO follow it as being agents of Satan.
And to that I DO take objection. Very much so.
So Ann, supposedly, according to you I am not stupid. I am evil.
Yet you:
1. Refuse to show me where my supposedly fake stupidity lies. Where is the error, Ann. Point it out clearly in small words, since it’s so obvious, yes? After all, maybe I really am that stupid, and if it’s so obvious why not take a minute to spell it out?
2. Choose to believe a bunch of demonstrable heretics (if not apostate or even never-were Catholics) were “Popes” and presently are “priests” and “bishops” when most of them have not even been validly ordained.
3. You quote “canon law” from the fake, invalid, “code” of 1983, created by the same enemies of the Church, as if it was valid, (which it is not) yet you ignore and choose to not ever mention or show your reasoning as to why you do so, the code of 1917 which was infallibly present, valid and remains the most vetted document ever compiled on Earth in 1958 and to this day.
I KNOW you got this before. I know you received my emails on it. And I know you will continue NOT to address this. Which tells me that your error is one of pure pride at this stage Ann.
I am genuinely sorry for the suffering some orcs may have inflicted on you, and I still think your error is genuine, but you can only ignore facts so long before it mutates from an error due to a wound to an error due to pride.
In my opinion you have now crossed that line. And the next one is not far off, and that is knowing and intentional deceit to salvage your ego.
I Truly hope you don’t cross that line and come to your senses very soon. I pray you do.
* Example of why absolutism of free speech and the whole “sticks and stones” nonsense is nonsense, for the mentally challenged: A child rapist knocks on your door and cheerfully announces he saw you have beautiful children and he will try to rape one as soon as practicable.
What would a good father do in such a situation? Turn the pedo’s head into a pink cloud there and then. If you do not, it is only because, either, you are a vile child rapist yourself, or, you fear the consequences due to your local law. But in many, even most, places on Earth not too long ago, such a response would not even have been punished by the law.
Now I hear the morons say “Oh but that is not free speech because…” shut the fuck up. You just proved my point.
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