Ann continues to push the completely false narrative that Ratzi-the-Nazi is the real Pope and only Bergy-the-Oleous is a fake Pope.
This is, of course, patent nonsense.
Let us count the ways:
1. Angelo Roncalli was the first fake “Pope” in the current streak. He was a Freemason, which disqualifies him from Catholicism altogether, never mind the Papacy.
2. Giuseppe Siri was actually voted Pope TWICE before Roncalli was finally voted “Pope” and this only because Siri was threatened with the lie that because he was a hardcore actual Catholic, if he became Pope, the Soviets would murder a bunch of Bishops in Eastern Europe. As per Canon Law, any enclave that is coerced by blackmail, threat, fear, violence, bribery or any other thing that forces an outcome that is not free of coercion is invalid de facto. And we now know thanks to FBI documents as well as the appearance of white smoke that then got denied (first time ever) that this took place.
3. Roncalli approved and signed off on the first two documents of the completely heretical Vatican II assault on the Church. While technically Inter Mirifica did not contain any heresy (the only one of the 16 documents exempt form direct heresy), the other one, Sacrosanctum Concilium is rife with heresy.
As per Canon 188 part 4 and Cum-ex Apostolato Officio, heresy is recognised also retroactively as has in fact happened dozens of times for “Popes” that turned out to be heretics or illegitimately elected etc. prior to 1958.
In short, there is absolutely no doubt Roncalli was NOT Pope. And since Montini after him released the remaining 14 documents of Vatican II, each of which is ALSO rife with heresy, it makes him, and all those who teach, promulgate, accept or receive those who do as Catholics ALSO heretics. Again, Cum-Ex Apostolato Officio is extremely clear and direct on this, nor is it difficult to understand. The logic is very clear and simple. A public, notorious heretic is not and cannot be a Catholic and as such cannot be valid clergy of the Church. And anyone that receives them as valid in turn becomes a heretic too.
It really is NOT rocket science. Hell, it’s not even slingshot ballistics science.
It’s more like 2+2=4 level of difficulty.
Yet Ann persists in saying Sedevacantism is an error. You know what she has NEVER done, refuses to do, and is utterly incapable of doing?
Presenting a logical reason why Sedevacantism is not valid. Mind you, she’s in plentiful company. Literally no one has made a single valid argument. Not one.
Oh they have lied about having done so.
They have pretended to do so.
But so far, no one has actually shown ANY error in logic, Canon Law, or facts that would even remotely refute sedevacantism.
And until Ann does, we can only assume that what I said is why:
Ann was and remains emotionally invested in being a Novus Orcian because she has said herself, she would otherwise feel as if she would be abandoning God during the Eucharist. So a form of pathological loyalty or charity rooted in the egomaniacal concept that somehow Jesus (God) needs us to “save” Him from being left to the tender mercies of the Satanist practicing a fake Mass.
And later, her egomania did come through, expressing how even if she and Mazza and one other whose name I forget, were the only Catholics left they would still be right.
And finally, she admits that when Ratzi buys his plot of Hellfire, she will at that point become a sedevacantist herself.
Which, of course, is precisely the choice actual Catholics made in 1958 when Roncalli became a fake “Pope”.
So… wakey, wakey Ann.
So who is pope? If nobody is pope then why should I not leave my post as a Cardinal in the Foman Catholic Church and go Orthodox or Prot? Silly Sedevanticist, trix are for popes.
Oh look, a Freemason showed up to try to do what they always do. Talk nonsense.
Firstly, you disgusting Satanist liar, you expose yourself immediately by admitting that if you have no “Pope” according to you, the only option left is to become an apostate.
Amazing. And somehow you put this forth as an argument!
Secondly, you’re a troll, but IF you were an actual Cardinal then you are 100% guaranteed to be a practitioner of Satanic Freemasonry so you know full well the arguments and are of course aware I am correct.
And there have been literally hundreds of times when there was no Pope. So… yeah, clearly your side is not sending their best.
1/10 you MUST try harder.
[…] I stopped reading Ann regularly after it became clear to me that the main reason she would not “see” the truth about the Sedevacantist position was due to her own ego. […]