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And the Fearmongering Continues

If you are the intellectual type, you can read this long-ass screed by Simplicius here, about how it’s all about to close in and the technocrats are going to own your blood with digital chips embedded in your ass (because that is the closest point to where the brain is for a lot of people) and Putin is also in on all of it, And you and me and everyone is doomed, doomed, DOOMED! Except if maybe you sit in the lotus position and meditate and pray that Generation Alpha (my son and daughters) will save you.

And in case you survive like a rat, you are even more doomed because then Nuclear war will wipe you out. According to this woman anyway, who.. WROTE A BOOK! So you really need to panic.

Here is one guy who at least puts a little reality back into the nuclear war scenario. And who also gives excellent book recommendations. For fun. That is fun books. I mean, he misses me out, but hey, I didn’t know about him either, but I feel we might get along. UPDATE: Adam Piggott tells me the man is a Covidiot who thinks Ukraine are the good guys. Oh well. You see how I am too optimistic still about humans…

The truth is really a LOT simpler. Especially if you understand one very, very, very, simple point:


I wish that single sentence would be enough for most readers to think about for 15 seconds, make the relevant logical syllogisms and then act accordingly.

If that were the case, there would be no COVID, the Satanists would have all been burnt at the stake and almost everyone would be a decent (sedevacantist) Catholic.

But instead we have OnlyFans tikTokers trying to discuss economic theory with their anus winking at the screen.

SO… allow me to expand…

You need to stop believing ll the bullshit on your screens.

You need to stop being such a fat, lazy, comfortable, weak, moron.

You need to simply get off your ass and start working towards what you want and ignore the naysayers, the black-pillars, the weak, the scared, the retarded.

Get fit, buy land in rural areas, get/built/buy a home there, I wrote plenty about how to defeat Clown World and yes, I know most of you are penniless and have no way to do this big style, but I addressed that too. Get a backpack, get a go bag. Figure out the geography, and at least prepare, but above all, DO NOT BUY INTO ANY OF THEIR BULLSHIT.

Start with civil disobedience and speaking your mind. I don’t care if I am in public, in polite company or anywhere else. I make sure everyone is aware of my stance of everything from the child-mutilating sex changes that Clown World wants to impose on children, to the genetic death serums they tried to force us to take, to the fact that it is mostly Jews that run the World economy and media, and that these bankers have been behind (and continue to be) behind every war, and human misery that has happened.

I don’t go around with a sandwich board, but anyone that engages in conversation with me that is not limited to the specifics of what the interaction is or the weather, and who asks my opinion or proffers their own is not left in any doubt of what I think about any of the topics they care to mention.

I had a guy that services gas bottles almost run out of the house thinking I was some kind of Nazi, which I think he was too scared to hear when I told him I don;t subscribe to Nazi ideology either.

The point is, I don’t do this with “fire in my belly”. I just do it. Like eating a sandwich or drinking a glass of water, and to the occasional shocked:

“Oh Mah Gawd! Are you Racist/Homophobic/Misogynist?”

I explain my position succinctly while testing theirs:

“Are you ok with raping little children? Are you ok with people whose religion is ok with it? I am not. Please answer.”

“Are you aware of the incidence of child sexual abuse both within the homosexual communities as well as their active incidence of perpetrating it? Why not? Are you aware if everyone was homosexual the human race would end? Can you define “natural” for me?”

“Are you aware women are more emotional than men? Do you think children have the same capacity for emotional control that adults do? Why don’t 4 year olds vote? Please explain to me how FIAT money works. Or define to me the principal foundational points of the three main world religions that affect life on this planet. Can’t do it? Why should you even vote then?”

It has a very salutary effect.

First, I have yet to meet a single person that openly disagrees with me. Secondly everyone is polite, regardless of their real opinions. Thirdly, they either stay far away from me after that, or else become friendlier.

But above all, I don’t CARE about what they are saying. And neither should you. Build your community. Build your food independence. Build your water independence. Stop relying on smart-phone anything.

Make them all work in cash money and paper, and if a shop refuses to deal in cash, stop using it.

The whole point is, as I said some 10 years ago:

City states will return.

Real Christianity (actual Catholicism in the form of Sedevacantsm has the only legitimate claim to it on Earth, regardless of if you like it or not) is what will make the difference.

They can’t impose their rules on people who don’t need them for anything and who are willing and able to resist them. You still have time. Move your ass. Stop whining and complaining and doing absolutely fuck all.


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