And now on the R&R…

This is a detailed commentary on the Catholic Church. If you are a regular reader here you should know all this, but as readership here has gone up considerably lately, here is a cliff’s notes. For a better cliff’s notes read Believe! Or for really in depth stuff read RTCC.

If you already know the below, skip to the next section below.

1. What the Catholic Church actually is and is not.

The Catholic Church is the Church created on Earth by Jesus Christ. Its members put together the Bible and had a hierarchy with Popes, Bishops and Priests from the start. The Church went on unchanged in its divine principles and with rules for these as well as for the governing of the human aspects of law, that were all eventually codified in one document called the Code of Canon Law of 1917. This collated all the rules in one place from literally thousands of documents spread over 2000 years. This document, along with whatever Papal encyclicals or ex Cathedra rulings of valid Popes were issued from 1917 until 9th October 1958 constitute the official rules of the Church under Roman Law. Which differs very much from Common or Anglo-Saxon law and even more so from American “law” which is really a joke.

After 1958, fake Catholics (Freemasons, Communists, homosexuals, pedophiles, and Satanists of every kind (carbonari, illuminati, etc etc)) had so infiltrated the Church that Angelo Roncalli, a confirmed freemason and thus a non-Catholic satanist (Catholics can’t be Freemasons) was falsely and illegally elected “Pope”. Effectively being an antipope. This is not new. The Church had over 40 antipopes before 1958. However, we have had nothing but antipopes since 1958. So what most people think is the Catholic Church is instead a hive of pedophiles and Satanists of various persuasions. There is not a single Catholic in the Vatican today.

The only Catholics left are those that still follow the same Catholicism that always was and that is embodied in the CoCL of 1917. Because as a result of Roncalli and his next Satanist in line, Montini, the heretic and abominable Vatican 2 documents were produced which literally tried to invert Catholicism from the ground up and has largely succeeded in the minds of most people who are not Catholic as well as a majority of supposedly “Catholic” people who, ignorant (by design) of their own religion, assume that Bergoglio or any of the antipopes before him were valid. None are. These impostors are all Novus Ordo (New Order) fake Catholics that have inverted the whole of Catholicism including the Holy Mass. I call them Novus Orco as they are simply the latest breed of Orc.

And the reasons for this are very simple and clear and laid out in the CoCL of 1917, which specifies anything these impostors do is fake and irrelevant to actual Catholicism and a lie.

So… the only Catholics left are now known as Sedevacantists (from when the seat of the Pope is empty because between Popes usually when one dies). The rules of Catholicism are such that certain things are done differently when between Popes, a condition known as interregnum (from latin, between realms).

We have now been without Pope, that is, in an extended interregnum since 1958. Contrary to the intentionally maleducated masses, the Catholic Church does not end without a Pope, it simply waits for a real one, and cases of over 70 years of confusion have happened before. Nevertheless, a Catholic believes that no matter how bad things get, the true Church will always remain visible until the return of Jesus (by which time the End Times will be upon us and only a tiny fragment of believers will remain, as told in Revelation).

And while Sedevacantist Catholics are a tiny percentage when compared to the fooled millions who think they are Catholics, but are just fooled ignorants, our Church is certainly far more visible today than it was, say, under Emperor Nero. And we are growing in numbers every day. That said, the attacks against us are many and multiform, which is to be expected, since we are the last Christians left on Earth.

The most pernicious nonsense is not the lies that comes from Bergoglio and his Imps, or the brainwashed Protestants screeching at us try at “I am too a Christian!!” As they tear up, or even the schismatic and insular “Orthodox” of the East, (or their almost extinct friends the Copts) who, at least, are both worlds closer to the truth than any Protestant can ever be. No, the worst attacks come from closer to home, the Recognise and Resist crowd.

These are supposed Catholics that advise, against all reason, logic, and Catholic dogma, that you should both recognise Bergoglio as a Pope yet resist his rules as he is behaving badly. This is nonsense. If a Pope is actually a Pope then his rulings are valid and as a Catholic you should obey them. If he is not a Pope then his rulings are lies and nonsense and should be totally discarded along with him and anyone that agrees with him.

There is no grey area here.

The society of SSPX is one such R&R organisation.

2. Why anything other than Sedevacantism is NOT Catholicism.

In one image:

The Protestant pushed idiotic idea that if you put a man in a situation where sex with women is forbidden he will turn into a pedophile, is about as cogent as saying that if you put a lion in a crocodile enclosure he will somehow become a reptile. No. Straight men that choose the priesthood do not become pedophiles because they give up sex. Pedophiles join the Satanic Novus Ordo cult to get access to children.

The SSPX is ultimately merely an extension of the Novus Orco Satanic tribe. While many good people came out of it and in due course became priests or bishops or lay people of proper Catholic persuasion, ultimately only Sedevacantism is Catholicism. And while much, much, closer to sedevacantism, the traditionalist sedeprivationists, who still cling to a very charitable thesis printed in Cassiciacum back in the 1970s are clearly clutching at straws.

This theory says that the fake Popes might have been elected validly (they were not and we now know conclusively none were validly elected) and this might “materially” be Popes but not formally or spiritually. Which for practical purposes was at the time a very charitable attempt to appeal to the conscience of the fake clergy and those who went along with it to repent and start acting like proper Catholics and reject the heresies of Vatican 2. But with the benefit of time, it is clear that those who side in any way with the Novus Orco are either orcs themselves, or soon will be, and as such we should have nothing to do with them.

Lastly, a quick reminder that as a priest, as with any type of leadership position, the penalties for fraud, misconduct and taking advantage of people you preside over, should be much harsher than for a normal person.

Which is why in proper Catholic times, if a priest ever did molest a child, he was taken to the nearest bog by the town’s men and drowned in it. Usually with the child that was offended as witness, so that they knew that no man there thought less of him for what had been done to him, and all loved him enough to risk jail for… well, we can’t call it murder, lynching without a license? Executing justice outside of official channels? Something like that anyway. And in many cases if the local police chief or sheriff did come to question anyone, the same group of me would all stand, possibly armed, shoulder to shoulder, and the law officer would invariably decide no crime had been committed.

If you are a father of children, ponder these things and ask yourself what world would you prefer to live in? Sedevacantists already know, as actual Catholics have known throughout the ages.

You may not be or care to become a Catholic, but you can hardly argue against the culture we built for the rest of the world, or the one we still have and are busy rebuilding for future generations, who will remember us and our names, as even Protestants may recall the names of Crusaders from a thousand years ago that they somehow conveniently forget were all, to a man, Catholics like us, and not Protestants of any kind.

The message is always the same. There is only ONE Church. The same one since He built it and told us to keep His rules. And you are either in it, or you are outside of it. Accept no substitutes, imitations, or plagiarisms.

2 Responses to “And now on the R&R…”

  1. Wopanda says:

    I read somewhere that if there was no bog, the offender would be drowned in a lake or river, and the child then trampled the head of the corpse. And as you said, it would be erased from the minds of the entire village

    • G says:

      Oh, I doubt it would be “erased” from anyone’s mind. Just… difficult to remember… but I know what you mean.

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