And designed to ruin your brain, your health, your ability to think clearly, to judge appropriately and to respond and act as required by reason, logic, truth and beauty.
Become aware of this at every level.
Free Speech is a monstrous lie designed to let that which is obscene, blasphemous, evil and perverted to be spread like a cancer in the minds of all, so as to being them into degeneracy of the lowest order.
Feminism is a monstrous lie designed to cripple women into avoiding the protection, love and tenderness that normal, balanced, manly men naturally have for them in the natural order of things. It is also designed to destroy their most beautiful and endearing quality of being feminine, loving, tender, nurturing, and funny in their own shifting and ephemeral emotions that can be like a small tornado, and when nurtured in love, a source of daily joy to observe and be engulfed by. It too is designed to harden men to the acidly and unnatural behaviour of “feminists” and then to women in general, promoting the treating of what is a woman as if she were an emotionally unstable man. It tries to pretend the physical difference in the brain structure of men and women do not result in different mental attitudes, capacities and behaviours. It is an assault on the natural and compatible interrelation between a man and a woman and the natural and healthy functioning of a family as the bedrock of civilisation and functioning society.
Democracy is a lie. It is the lie that your say matters. We have seen this to be an absolute nonsense. A million people marched against war in Iraq in London. And yet the UK went. Democracy is the simple use of the mass media to feed various narratives to the sheep as well as counter-narratives, in the place of bread and circus while the puppets pretending to be the leaders dance to the tune of the oligarchs behind the scenes.
Fiat money is a lie. It’s a debt based Ponzi scheme and anyone who tried to do away with it gets killed. Be it Gaddafi and his dinars or the use of the gold standard and so on.
Secularism is a lie. The truth is that a spiritual reality is the foundation of the physical reality we inhabit, and the people who hate you and want to destroy you absolutely have a religion, and they worship the Enemy of Christianity. You may think, as I did for some 40 years that this is a ridiculous idea. And that’s the point. You’re supposed to think it’s absurd. No one guards against the absurd. And don’t take my word for it. Read the Talmud (preferably a fairly faithful translation, as you want to know what the reality is, right?)
Almost all of History is corrupt and much of it is a lie. The crusaders were the good guys, not the bad guys. The Catholic crusaders were absolutely right and justified in sacking Constantinople. The Nazis burnt books on transgenderism, and there were never gas chambers in the death camps. Hitler was financed by Wall Street. The twin towers, and especially building 7, did not collapse because of the plane hits, they collapsed because Israeli Mossad placed demolition charges in the buildings months before. The pyramids at Giza were not built to bury Cheops or indeed by the people at the time of his reign. Advanced technology existed before on this planet. Vatican II was an usurpation of the Catholic Church that nearly destroyed it. The only Christians left are Sedevacantist Caholics, the rest are either LARPing at it (Protestants) or mistaken (Eastern Orthodox).
And on, and on, and on.
The only truth I have found to date, after more than half a century on Earth is that Catholicism is true, and creates the best possible families and hence society, and the enemy hates it with the fire of a thousand burning pits of Hell.
I too, like you, used to believe otherwise.
I hope you will look into it. It is not the easy path, but it is true.
All Wokeism is a Filthy Lie
And designed to ruin your brain, your health, your ability to think clearly, to judge appropriately and to respond and act as required by reason, logic, truth and beauty.
Become aware of this at every level.
Free Speech is a monstrous lie designed to let that which is obscene, blasphemous, evil and perverted to be spread like a cancer in the minds of all, so as to being them into degeneracy of the lowest order.
Feminism is a monstrous lie designed to cripple women into avoiding the protection, love and tenderness that normal, balanced, manly men naturally have for them in the natural order of things. It is also designed to destroy their most beautiful and endearing quality of being feminine, loving, tender, nurturing, and funny in their own shifting and ephemeral emotions that can be like a small tornado, and when nurtured in love, a source of daily joy to observe and be engulfed by. It too is designed to harden men to the acidly and unnatural behaviour of “feminists” and then to women in general, promoting the treating of what is a woman as if she were an emotionally unstable man. It tries to pretend the physical difference in the brain structure of men and women do not result in different mental attitudes, capacities and behaviours. It is an assault on the natural and compatible interrelation between a man and a woman and the natural and healthy functioning of a family as the bedrock of civilisation and functioning society.
Democracy is a lie. It is the lie that your say matters. We have seen this to be an absolute nonsense. A million people marched against war in Iraq in London. And yet the UK went. Democracy is the simple use of the mass media to feed various narratives to the sheep as well as counter-narratives, in the place of bread and circus while the puppets pretending to be the leaders dance to the tune of the oligarchs behind the scenes.
Fiat money is a lie. It’s a debt based Ponzi scheme and anyone who tried to do away with it gets killed. Be it Gaddafi and his dinars or the use of the gold standard and so on.
Secularism is a lie. The truth is that a spiritual reality is the foundation of the physical reality we inhabit, and the people who hate you and want to destroy you absolutely have a religion, and they worship the Enemy of Christianity. You may think, as I did for some 40 years that this is a ridiculous idea. And that’s the point. You’re supposed to think it’s absurd. No one guards against the absurd. And don’t take my word for it. Read the Talmud (preferably a fairly faithful translation, as you want to know what the reality is, right?)
Almost all of History is corrupt and much of it is a lie. The crusaders were the good guys, not the bad guys. The Catholic crusaders were absolutely right and justified in sacking Constantinople. The Nazis burnt books on transgenderism, and there were never gas chambers in the death camps. Hitler was financed by Wall Street. The twin towers, and especially building 7, did not collapse because of the plane hits, they collapsed because Israeli Mossad placed demolition charges in the buildings months before. The pyramids at Giza were not built to bury Cheops or indeed by the people at the time of his reign. Advanced technology existed before on this planet. Vatican II was an usurpation of the Catholic Church that nearly destroyed it. The only Christians left are Sedevacantist Caholics, the rest are either LARPing at it (Protestants) or mistaken (Eastern Orthodox).
And on, and on, and on.
The only truth I have found to date, after more than half a century on Earth is that Catholicism is true, and creates the best possible families and hence society, and the enemy hates it with the fire of a thousand burning pits of Hell.
I too, like you, used to believe otherwise.
I hope you will look into it. It is not the easy path, but it is true.
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