As readers of this blog will know, I tend to track Milo’s slow descent into Hell for personal entertainment as well as an occasional warning to people who might be inclined to follow his gay brand of Novus Orco fake Catholicism directly into the fire below.
I posted before how he’s rapidly becoming what he was always destined to become, as I predicted nearly a decade ago now (in relative “privacy” to some online group) when I still thought that despite his deep personal flaws he was at least somewhat useful at pushing back the general globohomo narrative.
Well, since about a week or two before the end of Lent until now, he has obsessively posted about an individual I had zero knowledge of, a barracuda-faced Indian/Pakistani gay guy called either Ali Alexander or Ali Akbar, or whatever, who apparently is a good butt-buddy of that other homosexual, Nikki, Fuentes of the absurd “grouper” movement, America First.
Now, I have mentioned before that Nikki, is obviously gay. Straight men do not go on 10 hour dates with tranny guys calling themselves catboi, nor do they have tranny sex tabs open when watching their favourite porn, both of which Nikki has done. His butt-buddy/general/tea-boy/whatever the fuck he is, Ali, is not just a flaming homosexual, but he is also a pederast, soliciting young boys for pictures of their privates and masturbatory video for his own use.
So… what can we gather from all this?
Well, as anyone who has looked at my posts on Milo before will know, we have:
- Supposedly “ex” gay Gary Voris, who tries to go by his second name Michael (because the archangel) had Milo, supposedly also “ex” gay and shamed “personality” working for him for a bit, trying to hawk plastic Mary statuettes on TV infomercials. Gary runs “Church Militant” which was funded by the same Opus Dei guy who funded EM Jones, or Emo Jones, as I call him, and Taylor Marshall (Tay-Tay).
- Milo originally went to work for Gary because he crashed and burnt on a Joe Rogan podcast where he admitted to being present at Hollywood parties where underage boys were being plied with drugs and booze in order to be sodomised by various “personalities”. Which he has yet to name. As a result, his funding by yet another rich gatekeeper type was pulled and Milo left in Freemason purgatory for a few years. Church Militant and his no longer being actively gay was supposed to be his rebirth.
- Milo then tries to work for Marjorie Taylor Greene as an unpaid Intern, seems to quit that as quietly as he started it, then tries to latch on to Jewish controlled and drugged up (by his Jewish handler) famous rapper Ye on a supposedly run for President for 2024. Yes, it’s like the plot line of a bad comedy dreamt up by people huffing cheap lead paint while on meth. He introduces Nikki to Ye then leaves the campaign after various accusations.
- Ali continues to solicit dick pics and masturbation videos from young men, some underage, and Milo is aware of it and informs Nikki, who basically goes “meh, it’s not rape-rape”.
- At some point, don’t ask me why exactly, this is waaaaay more gay crap than anyone should ever have to know about, Milo decides to out Ali publicly. After he basically outed Laura Loomer as a sexual predator who gives unwanted blowjobs to young men she finds attractive while pretending she is Jewish (which Milo himself did until recently when he “discovered” he wasn’t Jewish after all).
- Nikki Continues to go “meh.” Even after it’s obvious Ali is indeed a disgusting barracuda-faced predatory homosexual who is trying to get young men to insert their penises in his moray-eel faced jaws. As if just being gay wasn’t horrific enough. And in fact Nikki basically says publicly, “meh. no one was raped, it’s fine.”
- At which point, at least SOME of the metrosexuals that form the majority of the “grouper” America First movement might begin to go….”errr waitaminute…our esteemed leader hangs out with Ali and Beardson, both known to solicit sexual images from underage people, he goes on a ten hour date with a transvestite he posts the video of some of it online, he enjoys watching tranny porn on his computer…wait, wait…MAYBE HE’S GAY!”
- Oh, and we KNOW Ali is also a Fed and that milo too fed stuff to the Feds at some point in the past. We also know that Dick Spencer is a Fed and we can surmise he is probably gay too.
You’ll forgive me if I don’t have much faith in the boomer generation building awesome spaceships. In fact I’d be amazed if they manage to retain indoor plumbing and heating.
It was entirely obvious from the start that Nikki and his entire AF movement was gay and fake from the start, and AF probably stood for Anal Fisting long before they tried to change it to America First, though, given the current direction of America, one could argue the terms are synonymous.
I told you all, and anyone with a brain has known this since literally childhood:
That’s it. That’s all there is. And until a Herculean effort analogous to clearing the Stygian stables is undertaken, that is all it will ever be.
PS: Oh, but don’t worry, the Patriot Front guys are TOTALLY LEGIT and not a Fed operation at all. Nu-huh. You BELIEVE IT, Patriot!