Adding Nonsense to Obfuscate

Ron Unz makes a case for the little gay Macaroon’s and equally gay Obummer’s wives actually being women (and beards) instead of Trannies in drag (and actual lovers).

He makes some valid points and I have never bothered to investigate either claim beyond a cursory look, especially the gay Frenchman’s one.

Generally speaking, I have been happy to think Big Mike really is a man, and while I have no strong opinion either way, if the French “first lady” turned out to be a man, I would not be particularly surprised.

Now Unz makes a very strong point, with which I have always agreed and always been clear about. I used to tell every single person that raved about Alex Jones or David Icke, that you had to be mentally retarded to not realise that both of these guys were hired and made artificially “famous” (and well off) exactly for the purpose of mixing abject nonsense with real facts.

This was extremely obvious to anyone that had researched the physics of antigravity technology in the early 1990s as I did, or studied the very real situation on Mars, as I did.

The bizarre psyops that was applied/attempted on me after I wrote The Face on Mars, including at least one very strange burglary, was really quite easily understood in light of the demonstrable facts related to that technology as well as the correctness of my theories concerning real human history.

The strategy of mixing nonsense into real facts has only become more prevalent over the ensuing three decades, as Unz puts it:

This closely relates to a general strategy often employed by the political establishment that I had sketched out a couple of years ago. Serious investigations of wrongdoing can be deflected by promoting a wide variety of competing conspiratorial narratives, especially wildly exaggerated or ridiculous ones, thereby concealing accusations that seem likely to be true in a huge blizzard of somewhat similar falsehoods.

He is correct in this.

However, and there is an important however here, while Mr. Unz is undoubtedly a voice of reason and sanity in a world in chaos, and his precise, detailed and careful analysis of various “conspiracy theories” which are actually absolutely factual conspiracies that have been exposed, and are not theories at all, is absolutely necessary and welcome, his cautious approach does have one small but important flaw.

Let me try to explain what that is:

The careful and detailed dissemination of the truth absolutely matters, in principle firstly, and secondly because it informs those few that may still have integrity as well as the will and courage to try to change things. But remember that this is a small number of people and they tend to be mostly powerless. They have been routinely excised, ejected, barred and ostracised from entering into any positions of any real power for many decades in a row.

What can and will change things are the zombies.

The zombies are stupid. The evil Satanically inspired bastards that run things by blackmail, murder, corruption, and all the other vile methods have proven this. The Covid Scamdemic was largely an IQ test and the majority of the planet failed it. Badly. Injecting themselves, and worse, their children, with genetic serums that have been routinely deadly and utter failures in all animal trials for the last 30 years.

So that is a fact. The average person is easily led to his own suicide by basic manipulation. And even when the evidence of it is shown to them by the same media outlets that convinced them to inject themselves, the cognitive dissonance that they made an idiotic choice is too strong for them to accept and they pretend they are fine, while internally they start to go mildly insane.

That zombie wave is what kept the ones of us with a functioning mind relatively trapped by lockdowns, being disemployed and so on.

But if we can get the same zombies to turn on their puppetmasters, there is then a large mass of people that will become, like a zombie wave, unstoppable. And since logic and dialectic do not work, if some level of emotional impetus is required, so be it.

I don’t care if Big Mike really is a woman or not. But if that is what sparks the population of the USA to remove all the various deep state actors that have covered up the fact that his/her “husband” Barry the Muslim is also a very gay crack smoker, then so be it.

Obviously flat Earth, Reptilian leaders and much such nonsense is just that, nonsense, and the people who believe it are far too stupid to ever be any kind of useful idiot to the side that understands objective reality is a thing, but there is a fairly large number of people that are not that far gone that have no idea just how bad things are.

When Unz says Bibi is not a fake Jew and likely not a pedophile, he is maybe right (I would not be shocked if Bibi was a pedo). But he is not addressing the really and truly utterly evil things that DO happen in “elite” circles. The fact that children really are raped and killed for fun, as well as harvested for adrenochrome.

There is absolute truth and factual evidence to back this up. Throwing in “Satanic pedophile is a psyops” is not actually all that helpful. Because just on Jeffrey Epstein alone, you can easily make the case paedophelia is absolutely rampant in the top circles of industry and government.

The problem Unz suffers from is a willingness to not believe the real level of evil that humans can achieve. I think Mr. Unz, like many people, is not best served by a mix of fundamental naivety, willingness to hope/see the least worst scenario in any given situation and people, and probably a basic level of decency that makes it difficult for him to even imagine the levels of depravity and evil that these people wanting to utterly control and own the rest of us are capable of.

But those facts need to get out. As horrific, unpalatable and absurd as they sound, they are mostly factually true, and if and when that is demonstrated beyond doubt to the zombie masses, they might just find a better wall to try and climb over in world war Z style. At that point, the zombie horde can become useful.

So… do not hold back, drop hints, or outright hard facts, to get normies to gradually begin to understand who and how the people that govern us go about doing so, and why.

Believe me, the truth is ugly enough it would affect a change within a week if it were all exposed publicly.

So keep digging and let the Unz do his job.

2 Responses to “Adding Nonsense to Obfuscate”

  1. Pytor says:

    Yeah, I recently did a small dig on antigrav. hard to filter truth from disinfo, but I got that there are physics. “public physics” that is pushed by frauds like einstein and oppenheimer to obsfucate with math. And classified physics based on aether? quantum fields? zero-point? this physics can *somehow* use EM to alter gravity. anyway that was as far as I got. It was a huge topic, requires lots more digging. there was something compelling about it all tho, maybe a chance to know some deeper truth about the world

    • G says:

      Indeed. If you have not read The Face on Mars I wrote originally almost 30 years ago and updated 10 years ago, I suggest you take a look. The references in it at the time were good information. Many have been memory holed, but not all.

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