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AAANDDD we can say Goodbye to another useless incel

I talked about him before and mentioned he MIGHT be interesting if only because of his anti-Putin take, which purported to be from the Slav perspective. Perhaps some of his points were even valid. But overall he was like a Slavic Never Trumper.

Is Trump man’s salvation? Or even just America’s? Nope. Not even close. But is he waaaaay better than KamelToe Harridan? Even if he really is a Jewish owned goyim? The answer there is still yes. And ditto Putin. Is he some kind of saviour of man, or even just Russia? Nope to the first, although he may well be with the second one, but in any case, the overall point is Putin is without a doubt the best thing that could happen to Russia when you compare him to… who should have taken over? the Jewish British spy Russian guy pretending to run for President that died (of purely natural causes I’m sure?) Yeah, right.

But that aside, his latest piece glorifies an absolute retarded incel: Curt/Kurt Dolittle who, as providence invariably has it has a telling surname. In case you don’t know, and believe me you are luckier for it, Mr. Dolittle is a complete moron. He has come up with absurd theories of society based on “property rights” that run to thousands of pages of mind-numbing idiocy pulled straight from his nether regions, where he does all of his “thinking”, mostly in a bitter rant towards women and why none of them ever did anything other than possibly vomit a little on first contact with him; and has drawn the most retarded conclusions to try to justify his natural repulsiveness to women and pretty much life in general.

And Rurik lionises him as some great intellectual.

It is also clear that our would-be slav Rurik is really an incel himself, this was clear from his writing in general long before this post, but even more so in this piece that is almost homoerotic in its vacillating fever-dream of the deep complexities of male friendship and his vivisection of a concept that is about as plain and simple as it can be, and then trying to draw some deep parallels between Anglo and slav “friendships”.

All of which message could be summarised in a postcard.

But to make Dolittle the master avatar of Western male friendship is a bit like putting Bruce Jenner on the cover of TIME and making him woman of the year. Only more absurd.

Suffice it to say that I no longer subscribe to his substack even out of mild curiosity, and literally nothing he ever has to say again is of any relevance if that is the best he can do and in fact appears to be just the first post in a series!

But don’t despair, I see Johann has written another post on meritocracy and although I have only read the title so far, I deeply suspect after the last retarded nonsensical post on meritocracy, that this one might well outperform it in how many IQ points it murders if you read it. But I will delve in for your benefit dear readers…. exposing the nonsense on substacks so you don’t need to take sanity hits to your walk through these Chthulian corridors of misinformation, bullshit, lies, and rampant idiocy.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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