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A Question for a hypothetical Scenario

Assume a race of aliens has the ability to basically clone or adapt themselves to look exactly like human beings except for a tiny mark, a symbol, say, either tattooed somewhere on their body, or occasionally no tattoo, but adherence to using a specific item of clothing, say a type of hat, or a handkerchief of a specific colour say.

So, in short, while some of the aliens could be recognised by the tattoo in the case of those who sport it, others could only be inferred by a specific item of clothing that they carry on their person, but that obviously, also non-aliens can carry on their person, either unknowingly, or intentionally to try and either curry favour with the aliens or to appear as one of them to the humans, for whatever reason.

Let’s also postulate that these aliens have nefarious intentions towards humanity at large and their first order of business is to get rid of all those people who:

  1. Understand they are aliens and expose them as such
  2. Have the best chance technologically and socially to prevent their nefarious actions and intent to subjugate the whole of humanity to a state of perpetual slavery and depopulation
  3. Organise to prevent their take over

Now, given their human appearance and lack of ease in understanding they are aliens, and secondly, that they have evil intent towards us, I think it’s fairly obvious that the average person would have trouble even being aware an existential threat to their entire civilisation even exists.

Even if they DO become aware and research and realise this is real, they will have an almost impossible task in trying to convince other humans, especially given the level of distraction the average human is subjected to daily.

But there is more. Suppose that in the past of human history, throughout the centuries, these aliens have, at different times and places, been recognised as a threat, and different groups of people took action against them. Sometimes violent, other times, merely excluding them from certain geographic areas, since they looked perfectly human and no normal person would have tolerated what they saw as a genocide.

Yet, these pushbacks from humanity, over the centuries, became always labelled as unjust, the persecution of innocents and so on. You could see how much more difficult that would make the task of the humans who become aware of the aliens and their plans. Exposing them would become almost impossible socially.

Now add to the fact that the aliens all seem to be linked by a kind of telepathy, or some other form of communication, that the humans are unaware of and don’t really recognise. Very quickly, the aliens, though an overall minority on the planet, would infest positions in government and begin to dictate policies in all countries around the globe, to begin acting in a coordinated fashion to the detriment of humanity in general. What are the things these aliens might want to begin doing on a large scale, and over long periods of time? Because remember, they have been among us for centuries.

I think the following would definitely be things they want to do:

  1. Erase any history that exposes their existence and their practices as well as how to recognise them as aliens.
  2. Create systems of taxation, bureaucracy, legislation that all overburden the local humans in each region, and focusing first of all on the people and geographic areas that have the highest level of technology and best communication.
  3. Create multiple systems of distraction and malediction. If the humans can be kept distracted, stupid, overwhelmed with he daily concern of living and so on, they won’t have time to even notice the aliens, much less act against them in concert.
  4. Take over the financial reins of each nation and eventually centralise them as much as possible, with aliens being ultimately in charge of the very process of the creation of money and how and why this is distributed at national and supra-national levels.
  5. Incite as much chaos as possible, especially in the more technologically advanced ethnicities and geographic areas. This can be done by mass movement of peoples from very different and disparate cultures, religions and wealth levels. The more mixed and chaotic the cultures, the more there will be clashes, further distractions and a general breakdown of any kind of law and order, as social cohesion breaks down.
  6. Ensure that the entire legal and government system, works in favour of the most technologically incapable sections of humanity and to the detriment of those most able to organise and create both technology as well as robust social systems of law and order.
  7. Begin a strong system of sexual confusion, promoting any and all lifestyles that do not result in reproduction, and/or that can damage and collapse the normal nuclear family that is the bedrock of humanity, and has been for millennia.
  8. As much as possible, turn the humans one against the other, by any and all means possible. Men against women, gays against straight, one religion against all the others and vice versa, nation against nation, ethnicity against ethnicity, culture against culture, history against narrative and so on.
  9. Begin a process of malediction that begins to intrinsically question hard science and replaces it with emotional and subjective political issues. Math can suddenly become racist, for example. Men can suddenly become women, or vice versa. Child rape can become merely a sexual preference. A nuclear family composed of a man and woman of the same ethnicity, background and culture becomes vile and racist. Borders that protect different cultures and societies from each other become barriers to “social justice” and are to be done away with, and so on.
  10. Infiltrate and corrupt the medical profession, and begin to make global efforts to force theoretically “helpful” vaccines and other drugs onto healthy people, especially children, so as to begin to weaken their natural immune systems and actually make them less healthy in large numbers over long periods of time. Use the fear of illness and the need to safeguard the weakest members of society as a moral crowbar to begin to implement these things, especially in the most advanced human populations.

Alright, starting to feel pretty dystopian yet?

Good, good. Now assume that on Earth there is ONE organisation, that is at least a couple of millennia old, that has always been aware of these aliens. They started out small, but then grew very large, but eventually they too were infiltrated over the centuries and corrupted and very nearly destroyed. Let’s say this organisation is a religious one, that has rituals and orders and so on, with a military arm and a clerical arm. Now that it has been almost completely corrupted, however, a small core of them continue to exist, and practice their religion, as well as the knowledge of the aliens, if not completely in secret, certainly to the almost total ignorance of most of humanity.

Suppose also, that you, as the aliens, are aware of this last remnant of hardcore human loyalists. What are the actions you might take, aside from direct force of violence?

You might slander them, call them all sort of crazy, bigoted, racist and on and on. In fact, you would try to exclude them as some kind of cultish band of crazy people. You would do all in your power to keep people ignorant of their history, of the fact that their religion models reality better than any other systems humans had ever come into contact with, and the fact that their rules were all codified and written down and have consistently produced safe havens of human progress, safety and advanced civilisation.

While you would be far less critical of all the other misguided religions on the planet, and in fact, even help promote many of them, especially those you have convinced that you are their greatest ally, you would absolutely try to stomp this small band of resistance fighter out of existence.

So… here, finally, is the question.

Assume you are just a normal human, going about your business, unaware of most of this stuff, and then, in whatever way, and by whatever means, you begin to become aware of all of the above. What would you do?

Would you take the time to investigate the seemingly absurd claims about alien invaders hellbent on the total enslavement and massive reduction of the human race?

Would you investigate the belief systems and history of the small band of remaining resistance fighter?

Would you be willing to have all your dearly held beliefs exploded in the face of factual evidence that yes, these things are in fact true?

Realistically, would you take the time to really look into it? Or would you pretend you never came across any of this and just carry on with your day to day life and hope it was all just a bad dream?

Honestly, I am curious, what would you do?

In a way, it’s the same question one might ask of the original film the Matrix. Would you want to wake up and become part of the resistance against the aliens? Or would you choose to remain oblivious in your caged in state?

I put it to you that most will choose to remain caged in. Especially those who are not in already poor and tragic circumstances. I put it to you that the boomer ethic of “hey, I am still ok, screw the world” would preside majorly in almost all of the people who stumble upon the reality of the evil aliens.

And I call such people NPCs. Non-player characters. After all, just like in role playing games, be they Dungeons and Dragons, Traveller, or my own Q.O.R.G. , only a few take the risk to become relevant in the world they live in.

So that’s my question. What do you do?

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