A Net Good

One of the principal reasons I have been a misanthrope from an early age is because of the hypocrisy and stupidity of the average human.

As I have recently posted concerning your potential critics being usually drug-addled alcoholics with dysfunctional children trying to tell you how to parent or live your life, and how supposed gurus of sexuality and relationships tend to be involuntary celibate, socially inept desperates, I wanted, as is normally the case, to also try and give some hope and inspiration.

I don’t know who needs to know this or indeed if anyone will actually investigate this deeply enough that it becomes a factor in their life, but I know many people have done so, as a direct result of things I have written, and they inform me periodically about how much healthier and happier their life is as a result.

Any regular readers should already be aware of the fact that I have presented in depth how a properly Catholic people not only have created the best civilisation ever recorded in human history, but how I believe they will do so again.

I was baptised on May 25th 2017, so not long ago in the scheme of things, although, in my life, one should probably measure things in dog years, since in the intervening six and a half years I changed job at least 4 times, moved home 3 times, got married in Church, had three children, bought a small farm, moved country, and started the makings of a small Catholic community. The first person to purchase property near me and join those efforts is currently signing on his house purchase contract in the next couple of days.

Despite all that movement and associated turbulence, the reality is that I have been practically helped by other Catholics (all sedevacantists as my family is) to a degree that I have never had before in my life by any group of people or individuals.

The main issue between me and other humans has never been one related to intelligence. Yes, the disparity is a thing, and yes the IQ communication gap is very real and has real effects on your life, mostly negative at an interpersonal level, but IQ per se has never been a factor in my friendships. One of the most loyal and honest people I ever met, a young Motswana I worked with for a few years, was (and remains) incapable of grasping the concept of square metres. Yet I would trust him with a million dollars in cash or taking care of one of my children long before I would do so with almost any of the Europeans I worked with since.

No, the deciding factor has never been IQ, culture (insofar as it does not apply to the real reason), race or much of anything else. The main, pivotal, key factor is the dishonesty.

Hypocrisy is the worst form of dishonesty as far as I am concerned. And the level of it in most humans surpasses my tolerance for it, which is, admittedly, very low. When you add stupidity to hypocrisy, well… let’s just say that my tolerance drops to a frosty 0 degrees Kelvin.

Catholicism, the real one only continued presently by Sedevacantists, is, undoubtedly a net good. It produces strong and helpful communities of people that you can rely on and that rely on you. It produces healthy, balanced, happy children, and couples that correctly understand the nuclear family dynamics for the good of not just themselves or their children, but for the entire family.

But even if you are not Catholic, consider: what is the level of hypocrisy in your own life?

In the life of your supposed friends or relatives?

Who do you most get on with? What is their level of hypocrisy?

If you are like me, the key factor that makes other people creatures you simply do not enjoy the company of, is, and always will be, hypocrisy.

And for those too lazy to google it:

But for me, the absolute definition is a fourth one:

Applying, or trying to apply, or impose, rules, laws, judgements or behaviours on others that you avoid and do not comply with yourself.

You can see why, if that is your key philosophy concerning how you value other humans, entire classes of people are almost instantly excluded from consideration:

Politicians, most so-called law enforcement, all heretical, apostate, fake “clergy”, any kind of “woke” person, since their ideology is inherently hypocritical, and so on and on.

So, while the habitual drunk that smokes dope daily right next to their small child with soiled nappies, obviously become a complete nullity with zero value in your life whatsoever, there are also less obvious results.

For example, people that are stereotypically considered “bad guys” can in fact be more honest and less hypocritical than the stereotypically “good guys”.

Who would you trust more, after all, one of the bought and paid for supposedly professional doctors that pushed hard to inject your child with a genetic serum that in the BEST of cases was demonstrated for the previous 30 years to eventually result in an autoimmune disorder that becomes fatal in all animal testing, and that it is now also demonstrated in various batches contained graphite, HIV virii, and other nefarious substances, OR, a bank robber that for all his criminal activity has a code that he will never hurt women or children?

It is not always immediately obvious where anyone’s lines of behaviour are, but once you are able to figure out their level of hypocrisy, everything suddenly clarifies a great deal.

In my experience for example, I have always found that people that work primarily with their hands, as a general rule, are more honest and less hypocritical than most white collar workers.

Be they farmers, metal workers, soldiers, are they rougher? Sure. Are they less polite? Absolutely. Are there more liable to try and punch you in the face if you piss them off? Yes.

And most people stop there and see no further.

So, try to see the net good from a perspective of the absence of hypocrisy.

But are they also more fundamentally honest than the soft-handed white collar workers you exchange pleasantries on a daily basis at the office? In my experience, also yes.

2 Responses to “A Net Good”

  1. Linda S Fox says:

    I’m going to have to think about this for a while. I know that I fall short of this measure, and I want to pray on how I can improve (perfection not being possible).

    I’ve long gone along with “white lies” – Why, no! That haircut is just fine! – and similar falsehoods.

    But, have I allowed that to bleed into outright lies not justified by social conventions? Have I failed to measure up in other ways?

    • G says:

      We all have. In multiple ways. The better use of time is to learn, think and improve, as you are doing. Crying over spilt milk is far less useful.

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