My take on Lent is that while one might argue about Fish on Fridays, and so on, ultimately, the point of Lent is three-fold.
- Giving a correct sense of reverence, respect, remembrance and proper honouring of our Lord’s harsh path through this Earth.
- Fasting, as with most mortifications of the flesh, inspires a deeper sense of the numinous, a better understanding of prayer and so on. A chosen “hardship” invariably is one that produces results easier and in a better fashion, generally speaking than a God-sent one (especially if you’ve ignored all signs he may have sent before).
- It teaches you discipline, over a period that is more than a day or two.
These are all useful things, however, I am also very aware of the passage in Romans 14:14
“I know, and am confident in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean of itself; but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.”
I have not followed Lent pretty much at all, with some small temporary exceptions, however, throughout my life, I have taken periods where I would not touch a specific thing. Like no sugar, or no alcohol, or no coffee, or whatever. Sometimes these were related to food/drink as a general health boost, although I never really suffered from anything that would need me to make such choices. It was primarily a result of my martial arts training and me wanting to discipline my mind in things other than mere training and fighting, and since eating and drinking are pretty instinctual, I decided to take time to experiment. I at times went up to six months without drinking any alcoholic drink, or touching anything sugary, and so on. It is a good practice to do.
I have also done water only fasts for several days and complete fasts for up to 48 hours (no water or anything else) while going about my day in a normal manner. All these practices make you more aware of the spiritual in some way or other, though they might be difficult for some people who are not used to it and obviously, as always, you are responsible for your own actions. Don’t go doing some weird fast that ruins your health and blame it on me or having read this blog.
So I take Lent in that spirit. My last post might not be perfect from a Lent point of view, especially of a priest of a layman that knows his stuff, but it is a first approach for me, and given that generally I tend to favour meat, since grains and so on often are not ideal for me, it should be an interesting test for me to undergo.
I posted the Idiot’s Guide to Lent precisely so that people who are not familiar with it can maybe tag along and try it in a similar fashion.
Anyway, that’s my take.
Enjoy the next 40 days of tiny, self-chosen, privation.
Tags: catholicism, Lent, sedevacantism
Pardon me, Mister Kurgan, but in a previous post you mentioned some Russian martial art that helped the Russians to kick your ass, just as you would defeat a child. Even though you are a self-described big man.
I cannot remember the name of that martial art. The Method, or something?? It’s driving me nuts trying to recall it.
And I pretty much surfed around your blog at random before reading about it, so cannot find the page where you mentioned it. Would you kindly tell it to me? I would like to check it out. Though it’s not likely anyone in my neighborhood would have even heard of it. But… you never know.
Thanks in advance, and good luck with the boat project, if you ever undertake it.
Well, now I am certain to be registered as a complete idiot in your book. For the second time commenting on your site, I have to issue a mea culpa. Two for two.
I somehow EASILY found your list of books AFTER asking you about the martial art you learned from Russians. It’s called “Systema”.
Anyway, I am a devout Catholic, so you will have to tolerate me when we get to Heaven. Too bad for you.
It’s not the fact we make mistakes that is the problem. We all make plenty of those. Realising it and learning from them and doing our very best not to repeat them is the way, so you’re doing fine. And hopefully by “devout Catholic” you mean 1958 sedevacantist. If not, I suggest you read another of my books, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, to review any objections you might have.
I am not a sedevacantist. By “devout Catholic” I mean that I pray daily (multiple times), do penance on Wednesdays and Fridays, give to those who ask of me (monetary alms, assistance, etc.), I go to reconciliation weekly, and try to go to mass and or pray the Rosary daily. Most importantly, I know the triune God is real and Catholicism is the truth. I don’t think so, I KNOW so. There is no doubt in my faith. Not because of anything I have done, but because of what God has done and the grace, love and mercy He has given me.
My experience is that the spiritual gains from any mass, be it TLM or NO, depend heavily on the virtues of the priest and the congregants, and not at all on the latest questionable comment from the pope. The church has had bad popes before, and even multiple popes before, yet continues to stand. And it always will stand.
I also keep up with the messages from the seers and mystics of the church, mostly at the website ‘countdown to the kingdom’ dot com. Repeatedly, the Blessed Virgin has warned that all will seem lost with the state of the church, but in the end her immaculate heart will triumph. I believe her!
If you believe in the sacraments, then doing a “mass” that goes against Quo Primum, with a “priest” that has never been validly ordained, following a “Pope” that is merely the last in a line of non-catholics that have usurped the throne of Peter precisely to bring destruction to the faithful, is really not being very Catholic at all. I believe your intent is earnest, but this is not about a “bad” Pope. The Borgias were bad Popes, but even they never tried to alter the faith. From Roncalli on, they have literally tried to make Catholicism just another branch of Protestantism, possibly with a bit extra pedophelia thrown in. Anyway, I have written my books on the topic and done my part. You will, no doubt, do as you see fit, but whether you LOOK at the information or not before continuing forth, is on you, not on me or anyone else. Truth matters. Honour matters. And who we give our loyalty to matters. I stand with the sedevacantist Priests and Bishops that continue to respect the infallible Magisterium of the Church. Others will do as they think best. Whatever their motives.