You really only need to scratch the surface to see that pedophiles run things at the head of the snake.
And you really only need to scratch the surface ro see who runs things the world over by having total control of for example all the finances of the world, which work in a way that even a child, once it’s explained, concludes is absolutely unfair and insane.
So here are a couple of videos and a schematic used before to paint you the picture in a very simple way.
So that is how the world is controlled at a practical, worldly level. The financiers create debt based money out of thin air, and you have to work your guts off for it while being in debt for its very creation, and the corridors of power are infested with pedophiles that are all blackmailable, and you cannot enter the club of the super rich without being a child rapist of some sort or so bent it makes no difference. And it does make you “untouchable”; well, until you become inconvenient or want to get out. See Hunter Biden, caught on camera having sex and drugs with children and nothing is happening to him even years later. Hell he dropped a coke bag in the White House and no one, no one at all, including with all the cameras and secret service and CSI of America could figure out who could possible have dropped it. Yup. It’s all just so much “supposition”. Well, except for all the incriminating shit on his laptop, which is 100% verified real.
And who runs the finance stuff again? Because they are at the top of the pyramid, oh yeah… right…
And who are we never, ever, ever, allowed to criticise, on pain of jail time for doing so?
Right now, there is an entire nation literally being wiped off the face of the Earth, with innocent civilian men, women, children and babies being ripped apart by bombs and being shot at with impunity by Israeli military, and the entire mass media of the planet is simply trying to pretend that Israel is the victim here.
Questioning the Jewish narrative of history is also punishable by jail time in many countries around the world, although no other historical event in human history is treated this way, including those events that actually resulted in proportionally a much higher level of total destruction of a people.
Noticing any of these things is apparently to be referred to as antisemitism. Because calling it factual reality may soon be also a crime.
As might be noticing who and why has been behind the destruction of every European royal house as well as the intended destruction of Catholicism, the infiltration of the Catholic Church and the demonisation of it to all the simpletons that were historically illiterate enough to consider themselves Protestants, as if that were a branch of Christianity that was in any way valid, instead of what it is: a blatant admission of an inability to do basic logic and be abysmally ignorant of the most easily verifiable facts by the simple process of reading the patristic fathers’ writings.
It really should not be difficult to put these pieces together in the present day. Especially when so much has recently been revealed about so much and so many. The attendees at Davos, the people behind the covid mass-murder scam, the people who have funded Hamas, ISIS, and were literally dancing in the streets when 9/11 happened and how that was brought about, and planned, which also explains how building 7 came down.
It really is starting to be really easy to notice certain things. But are you noticing them? Or are you doing your very best impression of an ostrich with its head in the sand so you can keep pretending everything is just fine, and there is really no one anywhere responsible for anything?
Are you noticing yet? Or are you pretending to be an atheist about how the world works too, instead of only about whose dominion this planet is under?
And if you have noticed the worldly aspects, is it so difficult to notice which religions say it’s ok to rape little children and which say it is a sin that should be punishable by death?
Is it really that hard to figure out what Jesus stated plainly in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 and Matthew 12:34 and 23:33?
Are you going to keep ignoring reality because not doing so might be uncomfortable and might mean making some choices and taking some actions to secure your own and your children’s future? Are you happy being ruled over by those who are currently de facto running the world?
Or are you organising yourself to become free of that group of Satanic pedophiles?
Are you claiming to yourself and others that nothing can be done? Or are you doing something?
Only you can answer these questions. No one will do it for you.
Who Runs the World?
You really only need to scratch the surface to see that pedophiles run things at the head of the snake.
And you really only need to scratch the surface ro see who runs things the world over by having total control of for example all the finances of the world, which work in a way that even a child, once it’s explained, concludes is absolutely unfair and insane.
So here are a couple of videos and a schematic used before to paint you the picture in a very simple way.
So that is how the world is controlled at a practical, worldly level. The financiers create debt based money out of thin air, and you have to work your guts off for it while being in debt for its very creation, and the corridors of power are infested with pedophiles that are all blackmailable, and you cannot enter the club of the super rich without being a child rapist of some sort or so bent it makes no difference. And it does make you “untouchable”; well, until you become inconvenient or want to get out. See Hunter Biden, caught on camera having sex and drugs with children and nothing is happening to him even years later. Hell he dropped a coke bag in the White House and no one, no one at all, including with all the cameras and secret service and CSI of America could figure out who could possible have dropped it. Yup. It’s all just so much “supposition”. Well, except for all the incriminating shit on his laptop, which is 100% verified real.
And who runs the finance stuff again? Because they are at the top of the pyramid, oh yeah… right…
And who are we never, ever, ever, allowed to criticise, on pain of jail time for doing so?
Right now, there is an entire nation literally being wiped off the face of the Earth, with innocent civilian men, women, children and babies being ripped apart by bombs and being shot at with impunity by Israeli military, and the entire mass media of the planet is simply trying to pretend that Israel is the victim here.
Questioning the Jewish narrative of history is also punishable by jail time in many countries around the world, although no other historical event in human history is treated this way, including those events that actually resulted in proportionally a much higher level of total destruction of a people.
Noticing any of these things is apparently to be referred to as antisemitism. Because calling it factual reality may soon be also a crime.
As might be noticing who and why has been behind the destruction of every European royal house as well as the intended destruction of Catholicism, the infiltration of the Catholic Church and the demonisation of it to all the simpletons that were historically illiterate enough to consider themselves Protestants, as if that were a branch of Christianity that was in any way valid, instead of what it is: a blatant admission of an inability to do basic logic and be abysmally ignorant of the most easily verifiable facts by the simple process of reading the patristic fathers’ writings.
It really should not be difficult to put these pieces together in the present day. Especially when so much has recently been revealed about so much and so many. The attendees at Davos, the people behind the covid mass-murder scam, the people who have funded Hamas, ISIS, and were literally dancing in the streets when 9/11 happened and how that was brought about, and planned, which also explains how building 7 came down.
It really is starting to be really easy to notice certain things. But are you noticing them? Or are you doing your very best impression of an ostrich with its head in the sand so you can keep pretending everything is just fine, and there is really no one anywhere responsible for anything?
Are you noticing yet? Or are you pretending to be an atheist about how the world works too, instead of only about whose dominion this planet is under?
And if you have noticed the worldly aspects, is it so difficult to notice which religions say it’s ok to rape little children and which say it is a sin that should be punishable by death?
Is it really that hard to figure out what Jesus stated plainly in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 and Matthew 12:34 and 23:33?
Are you going to keep ignoring reality because not doing so might be uncomfortable and might mean making some choices and taking some actions to secure your own and your children’s future? Are you happy being ruled over by those who are currently de facto running the world?
Or are you organising yourself to become free of that group of Satanic pedophiles?
Are you claiming to yourself and others that nothing can be done? Or are you doing something?
Only you can answer these questions. No one will do it for you.
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