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Christendom Returning

On Easter Sunday we have had more attacks on Catholic Churches days after the recent burning of Notre Dame.

These are clear signs that the Church is the target of the eternal psychopath. After all, you know you’re heading in the right direction when the fire intensifies. Consider:

1. The Catholic Church has been attacked for centuries and was finally fully infiltrated by 1958, so much so that every Pope since then has been an apostate and heretic intent on collapsing the church more.

2. By 1965 these same infiltrators had created the completely heretic Vatican 2 which was designed to corrupt what was left of the real Catholic Church, and mostly succeeded.

3. The increased admission of predatory homosexuals into seminaries.

4. The creation of a “new” completely fake and corrupt canon law in 1983.

5. The placing of Bergoglio, probable herald of the antichrist, in the by now satanic Vatican.

6. The actual physical attacks and destruction of hundreds of Catholic Churches just in France over the last two years, and now around the world.

So, mourn for the dead and injured, but realise, the time of being a lukewarm Churchian is over.

Be a proper Christian, preferably a pre 1958 Catholic by my reckoning at least, and understand that platitudes will not do. The crusaders did not safeguard Christendom by being Churchians. They did it by fighting back all the way to Jerusalem. Catholicism literally created Christendom. Do not confuse it with the false religion trying to pull a bait and switch on you that Bergoglio personifies.

Trust in faith, honour, truth, beauty and justice, and fight back against the godless servants of evil wherever you find them and however you can in your corner of the world. Resist the corrupt judges, lawyers, politicians and generic secular scum that infests our fallen planet, fight the aggressors wherever you find them, in whatever measure is possible for you while protecting your family. Whether that be the vociferous rejection of absurd lies such as transgender nonsense ideology that has mentally ill men sharing bathrooms with little girls, or literally shooting back at ISIS murderers of Christians in a war zone.

Fight for truth, beauty, justice and your faith. God does will that.

Deus Vult.

Let this Easter be your rebirth into true Catholicism and true Christianity, and become brothers in arms.

One Response to “Christendom Returning”

  1. Larry says:


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