Archive for November 2024

Kurgan’s Peace Plan for the World.

It’s a simple but genial plan (even if I say so myself).

Every nation should adopt this policy.

The leader of a nation and his closest advisers, alongside the most highly placed CEOs of financial institutions, both private and state controlled, and their children aged 18+, both male and female, automatically get drafted as front-line troops in ANY war that is declared between their nation and any another.

While they are away fighting, from a random pool of volunteers that have to have the right attributes (minimum IQ, general sanity etc) replacements are selected at random by an open lottery done with analogue means with independent oversight from randomly selected commoners (like jury duty). If they continue to perpetuate the war for more than 3 months, they get to become the new troops and a new bunch is randomly selected to replace them.

Anyone trying to dodge the draft by any invalid means (fleeing the country, etc) is sentenced to death by firing squad.

Potentially we can also extend this to anyone with a a net worth of 1 billion dollars plus. I mean you need more troops out there, it’s WAR after all.

And let’s dress them all in primary colours so each side can easily see who the enemy is. Besides, it makes it more fun and colourful for everyone.

If the every nation on Earth did that, how many actual wars do you think we’d have on Earth?

Go ahead and spread the word, just be good and give attribution eh? I want that Nobel peace prize money!

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

Russia Sends a Subtle Message

Russian Warship with hypersonic missiles goes for a training exercise in the English Channel. Nonchalantly, while whistling to itself.

A Russian navy warship equipped with Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, has recently conducted counter-terrorism drills in the English channel and is now carrying out missions in the Atlantic Ocean., according to Russian news agencies.

The Northern Fleet ship, Admiral Golovko, engaged in exercises simulating drone attacks from air and sea as part of its training.

The vessel is capable of reaching speeds several times the speed of sound and a range of up to 900 km, poses a significant challenge to defence systems.

This deployment marks the Admiral Golovko’s first long-distance mission since joining the Russian Navy in December 2023. The ship departed from its northern base on 2 November.

Now, in case your geography is a little sketchy, the English Channel is that bit of water between the UK and France. It’s not exactly a very wide stretch of water. A guy I used to work with has crossed it 9 different times. By swimming.

And playing around with hypersonic missiles there means you are within about 100km of London and 200km of Paris, so you could land a nuke on London in less than a minute and one in Paris in about a minute and a half. If you use the “slow” Hypersonic missiles. If they use an Avangard it’s about 12 seconds, and under 30 seconds for Paris.

Now, you may think, as I do, that this is just a friendly warning, and it probably is, but it’s basically the equivalent of drawing a loaded firearm in your “colleague’s” house and waving it at his face, purportedly to show him how easily you can draw it and get it ready while pointing at his head. It’s the kind of “friendly warning” no one does without very good reason, and almost certainly without the willingness to go to the next step if the message is not dutifully (and quickly) received.

Don’t get me wrong, I still think almost all the politicians of the planet are scum, but if Putin gives a bunch of captive governments, like my own, at least a chance to escape the diaspora “Americans” that run the USA a little bit, and maybe send all the US military bases back to the USA (where all sane US citizens actually would prefer they are), more power to him.

Of course, it would all just be so much easier if everything was done by a system closer to the intent of what the guy who wrote Assassination Politics came up with decades ago (and for which his life was practically ruined). Of course, it was a more innocent time back then, and we didn’t realise quite how pervasive the deep state was, (well, some of us did, but we were called “crazy conspiracy theorists”) that system today would just make it easier to have only puppets in place.

If there was a system in place that saw to it that any warmongers had to be on the front-line, dressed in bright red, how many wars do you think would be waged?

If any of the banksters and their minions that pull the strings of politicians all just had to be formed into an armed front-line battalion in case of ANY war, regardless of the supposed cause? How many wars do you think there would be then?

We could literally have peace on Earth by seeing to it that the higher up the ladder of corporate or state finance you are, as well as the higher up the ladder of political leadership you are, you automatically get drafted into any conflict your nation enters into. And a small percentage also gets drafted into any secret/special/black-ops that happen. Penalty for dodging the draft? Execution by firing squad.

Let’s call it the Kurgan’s Peace Plan for the World. I’ll post on it next.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

On Sex, Concubinage, and Marriage

I have been reading James Wharram’s autobiography People of the Sea (the second one, really, his first book was titled Two girls, two Catamarans ).

In it he describes his life and his… obsession seems too strong a word for the kind of guy I think he was, but certainly shall we say, lifelong interest, in sailing and, I think, being free.

It is a common enough sensation in those of us with an explorer’s heart. When I was 16, I wanted to get a yacht and just sail the world, maybe trading stuff from one port to another. Visiting exotic places in far away lands, seeing lands and people I was curious about, but also, for me at least, that mystic pull of the Ocean. There is something of the divine, and of the terrifying; the ancient, and fickle Gods of Odysseus,  but also the glorious beauty of God in the Ocean.

I moved to Cape Town with all my possessions in one car aged 19 to get away from my father mostly, but also because of the Ocean. On the day I left home for good, I received the most incredible letter from my grandfather, with whom I used to write. I had told him I was leaving home in a previous letter. I wish I still had that letter, but my family, every one of them, from my brother, mother and father, were never very good at keeping my possessions, even when I specifically left instructions to please care for this or that thing. Girlfriends and wives too, now I think of it. Present wife excepted. So my mother threw it out.

But I still remember his neat handwriting and the words. Telling me he lost his father at 19 and left to another city to make his way, and he had no doubts I would do well, too, saying at 19 I was like a young lion, forging ahead.

I loved that man. Still do. And one day I look forward to seeing him again.

Maybe it’s genetic. We are Venetians after all, and all my children love the Ocean.

I never did get to buy a yacht and travel around the world that way, but I certainly did travel a lot anyway. On planes mostly. And I have seen a fair amount of it all.

I understand the pull towards the unknown.

In my twenties and thirties and even up to forty, before I had a daughter, I would have jumped at the chance to travel to Mars. Risks and all.

And even now, if you told me I could have my family on a little antigravity ship… I would be tearing around the Galaxy to check everything out.

But I think now… what life would I have had on that yacht?

James Wharram wrote how he did his first Atlantic crossing, in a catamaran of his own design that he built himself, with two girls, with whom he was obviously having a sexual relationship. He had a child with one woman, who however committed suicide shortly afterwards. Apparently as a result of some long-standing trauma from the horrors she had seen in the second world war in Germany.

In this book, People of the Sea, which I am not even half-way through, he has already described how he made his living selling his boat designs and how he and five women build a much larger boat, Tahini . And it is fairly clear he also had a sexual relationship with all five women.

Aside the morality for a moment (we’ll return to it, it’s the main point of this post) you have to admire the man in some way. He essentially almost singlehandedly brought to life an old —but new in the West— style of sailboat, the catamaran, and took on a life that is without a doubt fraught with emotional tests few men can survive, and a real level of danger. He also sailed home-made boats in storms with an all female crew, which is nearly as trying as juggling a sexual relationship with four of five women in the confines of a yacht at sea.

Most secular guys would probably give a limb to live like that.

Maybe I would have wanted that life too if I had got the yacht, I certainly always had it as a go-to, that I would have liked a 70 foot Trimaran with an all female crew of masseuse trained supermodels, but in reality… I mean, I am certain that as a young guy with zero knowledge of any religion aside my basic zen-agnostic-stoicism blend, there is no way I would not have enjoyed the experience or at least delved into it deeply… but… reflecting on my life and the debauched side of it that I certainly experienced even if it did not involve all-female crews… I have to say that such an existence seems to me to be really quite lonely.

No, it’s not a typo.

I mean lonely.

Perhaps not if you don’t know anything else though, it’s hard to say.

I have certainly juggled multiple women at a time, and though it was not on a yacht and they were not with each other in the same space and the same time as with me —it was more of a rotating door type thing although they were aware of each other— the point was simply that I was passing the time. I was simply distracting myself from the monotony of life and pretty much everything in it.

It got to the point that I actually got tired of it. I remember the day precisely and it was a fully conscious decision. I had been in blissful solitude at home, doing nothing much, binge watching NCIS, and in a self-reflecting mood I realised that I was aware that I could have carried on into old age never settling on just one woman. I knew even if I lived to a hundred I would never be missing female company if I wanted it. But the very nature of the rotating door of faces, bodies, intimacies, got so that the thrill of a new body, or new initial rush, new sexual explorations, became… well… what they always were. Just a distraction. Like consuming tiktok videos instead of reading a good book. Or playing solitaire or candy crush on your phone instead of doing something —anything— better.

And so I thought I’d try getting married (again) and having children. And of course, my method for selecting a (second) wife was predicated on my experience, so… it had quite a bit to do with the sex side of things, the external look, and the agreeability.

All of which was a rather superficial perspective on things and for which, I ignored definite hints of red flags. Because hey, no one is perfect right… so yeah…

That went spectacularly wrong and the only good thing of it was my daughter, who after her first birthday I missed the next eight years of, but now she has been living with me for three years, and I can’t ever have that time back, but still, she is here, she chose it, and made it happen too, which is pretty incredible, but in that in-between time, I also married again, and my daughter was one of the only people I told it to at the time. There wasn’t anyone else really in my daily life that mattered that much. Or hers I guess. We went away and got married in Belgium, with two strangers as our witnesses in a Church in a smallish town.

Then I had more children, but also my life with my third (and final!) wife has been pretty intense from the start. 7 years later it feels both as if we just met a few months ago and also as if we’d been together 20 years.

It’s only with reflection and appreciation of intangibles that you realise things that are hard to put into words.

For example:

Is my life harder, less comfortable and less free now? Yes. Absolutely.

Do I miss my more comfortable, more free, much easier life of before? No. Not at all. The only thing I miss of it is the money I was making then compared to now, and I also know getting back up there is harder given the far more onerous and static things I have to deal with. But the only real concern I have is for the chance to give my children enough opportunities to at least give them a decent start in life, though, the way things are going, maybe reading the wind, knowing about ballistics, and how to make a fire in the wild, might be as good as it gets.

And I’d like my wife to feel more comfortable, but hey, she too has (more grudgingly than me I think) understood that there are more important things. But women do tend to have a tendency to look at the past with melancholy more than men. Pillars of salt and all that.

While the best approach of course is to neither live in the past nor the future, but live right here and make it as good as you can, because the past is gone and the future is not written yet, no matter what you might imagine.

Anyway, as I work in the olive grove, trying to do the job on my own that usually a team of men would do, back aching, my elbow acting up again, and my deviated septum making breathing more difficult than it should be, I also find myself contemplating life and what matters.

Children matter.

Family matters (not always the one you were born into, especially if you had boomer parents!)

Marriage matters.

The latest iphone does not.

In fact even phones in general may not matter that much.

TV DEFINITELY does not matter.

Reading good books does.

Logic and reason matter.

The natural rhythm of life, of nature, of seasons and plants and animals matters (and we are busy destroying it, but not like they tell you. Chemtrails matter. Climate change does not. HAARP matters. Electric cars matter only in that they are impossible on a global scale and terrible for any kind of non-polluting concept.

Being free to THINK whatever you want matters.

Offending stupid people doesn’t (I mean they may kill you for it, it’s probable even, but those fucking NPCs really don’t matter anyway).

Not having another human decide what you can eat, think, watch, do, believe, explore or look into matters.

Justice matters. Laws that don’t serve justice don’t matter.

Honesty matters.

Dishonest people matter; they make everything worse.

Your health matters.

Love matters. Actual Love, not the horse-trading “you be nice to me so I can be nice to you” most people do.

Sacrifice matters.

Beauty matters.

Beauty is the most subtle and possibly the closest to the divine of all virtues.

And in this ongoing and infinite list of thoughts of what matters and what does not…

Does having sex with five different women at will, like in a harem —presumably a happy one in which no jealousy exists even, however utopic that sounds— matter?

As an experience? Perhaps… but compared to what?

Compared to not having sex at all? Sure, then I’d say it does matter.

Compared to having a wife and children and a happy family? No. No, it doesn’t matter at all.

And so I started to sense, not just think or intellectualise about being married and having children. Which is what most men do today. Especially younger men. Intellectualise, I mean.

They may say they want a proper wife and marriage and children, but it is a little bit like a young boy, having read about the Illiad, wanting to find, make, or have a bronze armour and a Hoplon shield and plumed bronze helmets to go to war for the attentions of the mythical Helen.

It sounds good, or cool, or right. But it’s really just an intellectual thing.

Now I have lived it a few years, and I look back at myself when I was 16, alone in a small room in Stratford-Upon-Avon, thinking about life and how I had ended up in England to study because of a friend being there, far from my family and siblings… and pondering what it all meant and what made sense… the feeling was the same. I really was always just after one girl that would fit with me.

The monologue voiceover the character played by Sean Penn in the film The Thin Red Line, does at the end of the film resonated with me deeply as a 20-something year old. It was pretty much how I had always thought. Still is in a way, except…

We, my generation, were raised in a completely deracinated, degenerated society, composed of our baby boomer parents, that if we survived their abortions of us, basically shat in everything that came before them and taught you only their way and that only their absurdly egotistical philosophies were good and real and true. All else was lies and bad.

And now I know better. A whole LOT better. And mine is not second-hand information.

I went to dig and find out the truth myself. Like a man obsessed, because in truth I am. Always have been.

I understand Wharram’s wish to explore, to be free… but above all, I wish to know the highest truth it is possible to know.

Wharram may have looked at the stars to navigate, and his women for their varied characters and ways to love.

But even if I were sailing, and looking at stars to navigate, part of me would still wonder about those planets far away, and the space between the stars, the vast enormity of it, and how it would feel to sail there… in that eternal emptiness punctuated by beauty so vast…

And I have known plenty of women, beautiful and sexy and interesting and varied and kind or cruel and everything in between, but ultimately, I only need and want one. And a lifetime might just be enough to explore really and truly every part of her, and her of me, and see, in the thrill and the danger and the excitement and the fear and the alarm and the reckoning and ultimately the love, of it all, of her, of me, of us, if we can reach that point of unity, that blends us so, that even the words of the Bible are not enough to really give a sense of it… the “one flesh” it mentions marriage is… but how many actually experience it?

Men and women have died looking for it.

They all spend their life waiting for it.

Hoping it really exists and finds them.

And then, even when it does, if it’s too uncomfortable, or unexpected, or it hurts, or is too much, they run away from it and lie to themselves about what it was.

But I ask you, reader, what kind of life is it if you are not seeking that at the very least? However imperfectly and weakly and frightened you might be, what else could possibly matter more when compared to that?

I put it to you, that ultimately, it really is true:

Love conquers all.

And for me at least, that entails a depth of intimacy that goes well beyond the sexual, though, of course, it cannot exist either without it. And I just don’t see you can have that with multiple women at once.

I know you can have a thrill, a sensation of excitement, like a rollercoaster ride that is really fun. Sure. But that doesn’t compare to a rally through a continent or three.

And while the rally through a continent or three is almost guaranteed to have some pain, sweat and tears in it, which do you think will mean more to you at the end of it?

A rollercoaster ride, or even an endless sequence of them, or that rally across deserts, snow, rain, forest and jungles, cities and highways, and everything in between?

I know I cannot explain to you the beauty of marriage.

Hell, I been married three times and I’m only just figuring it out, but I can try. I must try.

Because the entire world around you is lying to you.

Podcasts like whatever , and even supposed religionists like Andrew Wilson and his wife, even if they claim to be fighting “for” “traditional values” (whatever that is), are really all presenting the undertone of marriage being a terrible idea.

Because laws, and secular powers, and feminism and, and, and…

Well, you know what? Marriage to the wrong person really IS a terrible idea! (Insert 1990s, badge with written on it “Ask me How!”)

Marriage to the right person?

It’s tough. It can really suck some days.

It may make you ponder if life is just one cruel joke some days. Yeah. That’s marriage to the right person. But you know what? When those days pass, you also have days where you realise the truth of things, the truth of what actually matters in life, really matters…

…and then you’ll want to fall to your knees to thank God because you feel the Grace he has given you might be some mistake, bad accounting by St.Peter, or something.

And you look at your children and know they will cause you endless pain in their lives. But they also will make you cry with how much you love them and their unique, awesome, and funny souls.

So, I know maybe you have been listening to that fake: Andrew Tate; and you think fast cars and a harem is what life’s about; or maybe another fake, some “Pastor” from a heretic pretend-church, telling you some screwed up puritan version of what a marriage should look like; but listen, at the most crude: reproduction serves the continuation of humanity.

But if there is no higher truth, no higher love, then why bother, right?

On the other hand… if there is a God, then marriage and making children and raising them as best you can is the point.

The entire point.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

Vaccines are Poisonous

Don’t take my word for it. Consider this:

Having been called a liar by Anthony Fauci for saying that “not one of the 72 vaccines mandated for children has ever been safety tested”, RFK Jr. sued Fauci. After a year of stonewalling, Fauci’s lawyers admitted that RFK Jr. had been right all along. “There’s no downstream liability, there’s no front-end safety testing… and there’s no marketing and advertising costs, because the federal government is ordering 78 million school kids to take that vaccine every year. What better product could you have? And so there was a gold rush to add all these new vaccines to the schedule… because if you get onto that schedule, it’s a billion dollars a year for your company. So we got all of these new vaccines, 72 shots, 16 vaccines… And that year, 1989, we saw an explosion in chronic disease in American children… ADHD, sleep disorders, language delays, ASD, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, ticks, narcolepsy. Autism went from one in 10,000 in my generation… to one in every 34 kids today.” RFK Jr.

The same applies to Italy and I believe Germany. In fact, I am pretty sure (but not certain) that this applies to pretty much every vaccine ever created.

But… but… surely they are good for us anyway?

Wait… think about that thought, if you are so deeply brainwashed you actually had it:

You mean that injecting your child 72 times with random shit that has never been tested for safety is ok with you?

But that’s not all. Have you any idea the kind of ingredients vaccines have?

Well, unless you hurried up to get some information on this BEFORE Covid you may be out of luck trying to find anything now. Google or duckduck go have absolutely memory holed any studies or comprehensive lists of ingredients found in the “common” or “good” vaccines. Never mind the covid genetic serums which are not and never have been vaccines. They are DNA altering genetic serums that have been done and studied on animals for about 30 years, with inevitably bad results for the poor animals they tested this stuff on.

The excuse you will find on any remaining sites that even admit things like formaldehyde and aluminium and a bunch of other toxic crap is inside vaccines, ranging from aborted baby cells to shark liver, yes, I am not kidding, is that they are at “safe levels” they are at low enough levels that (presumably by magic) they absolutely do NOT cause cancer, or any other bad thing. Because you know, there is this magic line, on one side of which you can get that crap injected into you and it’s perfectly fine. You only get the cancer/myocarditis/turbo-alien-dna/whatever bad effects if you go over that line!

Right. Of course.

And if you believe that, I want to ask you, what is a good amount of raw sewage you want in your ice cream?

I mean, come on, just a gas-fart-sized little spray of raw sewage along with your macadamia nuts on the sundae? No? A tiny little thimbleful well blended? Still no? What are you, some kind of anti-scientist!

And that is basically the story.

And you know what else? No one can (yet) force you, in the West at least, to have anything injected into your body or your children’s bodies against your will.

I mean, sure they can fire you from your job, refuse you entry to all sorts of places, and fine you (more fool you if you pay any such fine) for not injecting yourself with some autist-death-serum, but they can’t actually physically hold you or your children down and jab you.

And if they ever start doing that, then you’d be fully entitled to jab them back and first, with your toxic heavy metal of choice. They might make it “illegal” by then, but then, wearing glasses was a death penalty under the communism of Pol Pot too. If you choose the “law” above Justice, then you’re not anyone I want to know.

And if you are unsure what Justice is, then, please, for the love of God, read these few pages . They are literally a few pages of A4 if you print them, less than 10, from memory.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

On Making Children

To one extent or other, we have all been infected by that vicious Boomer malady of thinking children are essentially a net “negative” in life. I know a LOT of GenXers were raised in that nonsense. I sure was. And it took me a while to wake myself out of it. Children were seen as a burden, a ball-and chain in the road of life. An expense that would cripple your life. Something that would limit or remove your hedonistic holidays, your sexcapades of the swinging 60s and 70s and some of the 80s.

Children, in short, were the worst kind of lumbering baggage.

And if THAT didn’t put you off having them, because hey, maybe you think children are cool and great and loving and lovable and funny and your duty to have and protect and teach how to navigate the world? Well then there was the faux-empathy.

Look at the state of the world! Nostradamus predicted we will all die in nuclear war in 1986! Ok, well, maybe it was 1987. No? Yeah well, look, it’s like early 1990s now and the Soviet Union is collapsing now so nuclear war is certain. And Iran. No? Well, Y2K bug will wipe out all the computers and then the alien invasion Nostradamus predicted…

You get the idea.

And climate change. But also, greed, and consumerism (which they absolutely both pushed (still do) and revel in (still do)) and you young people are just lazy and not making enough money in all the industries we have closed off access to, and the feminism we pushed so you need two incomes just to survive, and the globalism we pushed so you no longer even KNOW about your culture, and your job can be done cheaper (if infinitely worse) by a foreigner that will happily get paid half what you do because compared to where he comes from it’s still paradise.

So, yeah. I was more leaning on the side of: “My God this planet is completely filled with stupid people, why would I want to foster that on an innocent soul just to propagate my DNA?”

In a secular world-view, it’s not really too wrong. In fact, I wrote another post on marriage that ties into this one, maybe I should have posted that one first, but it was on my phone. I’ll get to it. Read them together.

I mean it is basically a nihilistic/atheistic view, though I was more Zen-Agnostic with no fear of permanent-death if that was the way it would be. It was only later in life, but long before I became a Catholic, that I figured all the Boomerisms (and there were a lot of them, and they all stacked) were nonsense and lies. I couldn’t necessarily argue every point on secular terms (not because I could not intellectually, but because I didn’t need to, I could sense the error-stack) but I simply knew it was nonsense. So I had one child.

And some of the worst fears materialised pretty fast about her life and what it might become shortly after she was born and parentally abducted by her mother to Brazil.

But that experience also led me to a Road to Damascus Moment without which I would not be a believer. I truly think really hard-headed people get road to Damascus moments because they are too dense to see things any other way. I certainly know plenty of intese and smart young men who became Sedes (proper Catholics) based on pure reasoning their way there. Not me. I had to crash and burn before God must have thought: “Yup. This one is definitely retarded. He ain’t gonna figure it out. Alright son, here I am for a few moments. You get it now?”

At which point, just like Saul/Paul, you feel like the absolute stupid bastard you have been and then you try to pick yourself up and become a little less of a stupid bastard.

After that, I did not think I would even have a long term meaningful relationship anymore, much less marriage and children. I distinctly recall when I figured out by reading Ephasians and suddenly it all clicked, what marriage was supposed to be. And how in one way it was really sort of close to how I used to think about it as a little kid, and how very, very, very far I had strayed, and how many women and how much life I had been through, and how now, because of it all I was light-years away, Galaxies away, from what that marriage might be. It was an impossible thing for me to ever know or see or be part of. I was so far I didn’t even feel too bad about it. The concept of a real marriage was so obviously out of my reach that pining over it would be like crying because you will never see a T-Rex in the flesh.

And yet, four years later I was getting married. In a proper Catholic Church, (i.e. a sedevacantist Church, not a Vatican II Satanic Sect one) as a baptised Catholic.

And three years after that my first daughter came to live with me and has been here for three years. And she has another four siblings now.

Because once I got married as a Catholic, which means, once I had already understood what a real marriage was, and then became an actual person that by choice commits to a life in which that sacrament of marriage is understood as such, and after that actually entered into such a marriage, then, the having children is the obvious, good, great, wonderful, whole absolute major point of marriage. Though it is not the only one, of course, but it is the absolute mainstay of it.

Neither my wife nor I ever had any religious upbringing. So when we first met, some ten years and a bit before we actually seriously got together, if we had remained together then, as she put it once, there is a good chance one of us would have murdered the other. Sometimes of course, that may still be the case, but that’s acceptable. After all, as Catholics we certainly can’t divorce. And it is to the death… so…

But in reality, whatever ups and downs all marriages have, and if like me and her you find your One, that somehow you just know in your soul is it, either from the first time you lay eyes on them, or because you just can’t quit them, even when you really think you want to, and are brave or foolish enough to marry them, and they you, and you are both as intense as each other, well… I have written on this before… a lot of those marriages may end up in homicide, or worse, a thousand ships from Greece, and ten years of many men killing each other. But if they do not, they tend to be the ones songs and stories are written about that last millennia. And sometimes, of course even the bad ones get written about, like those Achaeans and Myrmidons and Trojans.

But… if and when you get past your fires and flares, and find the right balance, the one thing you cannot deny to each other, is that your children are a gift. They are the most awesome thing ever, and all the boomer lies and the destruction they did, the wasteland of lies they left before us, dissolves like the bad dream and time-thief it was.

If Catholicism had remained uncorrupted by the freemasons, if England had remained Catholic instead of deviate from it by the theological hit-man and nun-fornicator Luther and the serial-wife-killer Henry, and yet she and I had met at the ages we originally did, I wonder how many more children we might have.

It is pointless to speculate and neither of us is melancholic by nature, but even so, if you think about it, how many souls have the boomers delayed or denied?

Vox Day recently wrote an article about how at least this reduced the numbers of those who bought into the boomer lies, and that is a good thing. I understand his sentiment, but by and large, the people reproducing at high rates, other than those who like my wife and I do so with clear intentionality, which generally stems from a deep understanding or at least belief in your religion, do not tend to be exactly the people who might be able to maintain, never mind create a civilised society.

The Boomer death-knell of babies was rung primarily in the West. The supposedly uncivilised third worlders were never fed it to the same extent, and if they were, they were too “uncivilised” and too “ignorant” to pay it any heed. And good for them; but all that said, it does not make their offspring and their progeny any more capable of maintaining the complex civilisations built by the West for a people of a different background, culture and mentality.

I don’t disagree that if you talk about INTENTIONALITY, then those who chose to ignore the Boomers are certainly more fit to have around, but I think precious few people intentionally rejected the Boomer-Doomer attitudes. At least that is what I saw in the general population of the West that was secularised.

And yes, it’s true that the Boomer lies are all starting to finally crumble, young people are becoming Sedevacantist Catholics in droves. My friends tell me it’s happening all over too, not just locally. Our Churches keep filling up with young people with a bunch of children. Which means all the other lies, about religion, Catholicism in particular, as well as about having children and so on, are indeed failing. The News, the only altar at which Boomers believed religiously is dead too. One hopes “entertainment” also dies and has a rebirth in more sane avenues. And a lot of the “technology” and “efficiency” is also starting to show cracks.

Maybe, just maybe, those of us that have seen that wasteland of lies begin to crack, may yet produce enough offspring to create City States of people that are just advanced enough to defend themselves from the vampires that now run things, while being also just “uncivilised” enough to keep having a lot of children. And starting young to do so.

In just three families of Catholics we know perfectly we have… I lost count. It was 15 children a while back, but I think maybe two or three more are either on the way or here already. And none of these are especially young couples. mostly they are Genders like me. The Zoomer couples I know though… all three of them have a baby within a year of marriage. And I don’t think any of them will stop. Give it 20 years, and if we move near each other there will be hundreds of us.

And I promise you, whatever “burden” a child may be in practical terms, it is nothing compared to the joy and love they bring. That’s true even when things go spectacularly wrong, but do try to do things in the right order, unlike people like me:

Get Catholic. Get Baptised. Get Confirmed. THEN Get married (to a Catholic too!) and THEN have a bunch of children.

And make sure you’re a proper Catholic, not one of those poor, fooled Vatican II laypeople who neve bothered to learn what Catholicism is and what Vatican II is.

Obligatory plug for my books on what Catholicism is: Go here and read Believe! or Reclaiming the Catholic Church. If you want it in paper format the link for Amazon is there in the description of each too.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

Propaganda Works. On YOU Specifically.

It has been the umpteenth verification of Professor Cipolla’s First Law of human stupidity, to see the reaction to the Trump “victory”.

Even supposedly erudite and intelligent Americans have been high-fiving electronically all over the internet and backslapping themselves on how great things will be. Even when they say they know it’s all huffing Hopium, they still do it.

Because they are brainwashed.

Look, I’m sorry to tell you, but this is how things stand:

  • Pedovores and the Rothschilds and their kind (Soros, Gates, Bourla, etc) run things.
  • Trump isn’t going to change that.
  • America is a Freemason Country run from diaspora and actual Israelis.
  • America is the greatest exporter of spiritual degeneracy and filth the planet has ever seen.
  • Extremely evil and twisted people are at the top of things, particularly anyone originating from the World Economic Forum, which covers most of the Western politicians, and… quite a few of the Eastern ones too.
  • Freemasons always play both sides of the coin to ensure their victory.

Or let me put it to you in picture format you may appreciate more.

and also:

There are literal little children being blow to bits and starved to death as well as dying of thirst by Israel and no one says anything about it at all.

In Italy a beekeper who has a honey stand at a local market had a sign that only said:

Stop Bombing Gaza. Stop War.

Someone complained and the Carabinieri asked him to remove the sign. He refused. they wrote him up for a 430 Euro fine. It was voided later, but you get the point.

Trump has been vociferously supportive of the mass-murderer and convicted criminal, by the International Criminal Court, Benji Netanyahu.

No one cares.

You can excuse it to yourself however you want, but the reality is it’s just like those adverts about starving Africans in the 1980s. You just switch the advert off and move on. And after all, what can you do about it beside vote for the lesser evil as it appears to you?

Well, you could build up a community of like-minded people. You could begin trying to become totally independent of FIAT money somehow. You could teach your children about the kind of hypocritical pond scum that floats to the top of most of politics. The lies you were told about almost all the history you have been taught in school.

Or you could continue sitting on your ever-expanding posterior and do nothing besides binge-watch TV and eat some plastic, flavoured as almost food. Sure. it’s your prerogative. You know what I find even dumber than that last option though?

Cheering on thinking Trump will save America.

He will not. But he may have given it another four years of breathing space.

If I were you I’d get busy on that “craaaaazzzyy” Idea only conspiracy theorists that have been right 30 years in a row have, of getting out of the city, building a community, stock up on ways to fend for yourself in terms of water, food, fuel and energy, and don’t forget the ammo for the weapons to ensure you can hold on to what’s yours or help one of those community guys you are friends with keep his.

I know, I know, my ideas are so far out there. Like telling people thirty years ago that every single phonically and email they sent was recorded. Or twenty years ago that their TV station was doing it too now. Or that antigravity technology has existed since WWII (built by Germans first), and also a lot longer before that. Or that there used to be an ocean on Mars, which there was, which means it couldn’t have had a 7 millibar atmosphere, which means it had to have a temperature that was higher than freezing, and that its geology tells us it had oxygen, and that giant face and nearby buildings, not to mention the now thousands of “strange” images that are also “touched up” before release, still also get through with anomalies, or the stuff on the Moon that has been going on since before 1969… oh but why bother. it’s just my crazy ideas right?

So go on and cheer Trump, or Kameltoe Harris, I mean, I know she failed at becoming president of the USA, but Bergoglio is getting on, maybe she can replace him as “Pope” of the “Catholic Church”.

I just have one question: If it’s all bullshit. If it’s all a pack of lies and we really are being run by pedovores and banisters (but I repeat myself). If things like the Bank of International Settlement really is some monstrous thing created by monstrous creatures, if the scam Werner von Braun told us about in the 1970s that has so far played out perfectly really is the playbook (asteroids next then fake alien invasion, though they seem to be skipping the asteroid threat right now) if I happen to be right about most of it… Then, my question is:

What are YOU going to do about it?

Are you depressed? Are you in denial?

Are you too scared and unused to thinking for yourself you have no idea WHAT to do?

Are you just going to carry on as normal, hoping everyone else will too, just like they do on Wall Street even though they all know it’s a giant Ponzi scheme and will crash eventually?

I’m just curious, stranger. Whatcha gonna do?

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

A Critique of Adam’s 28 Essentials for a Man

Again, please understand, I like Adam, he is a good friend and even if he is Australian, I am not “having a go” at his list. I am merely discussing it (in my usual brutal and direct fashion to save time, and because I have this intro already and what more do you want, a salve for your fragile feelings?).

Furthermore, his list of 28 traits seems to be from around 2016, so I expect a LOT of these will have changed or been upgraded, at least in his mind, if not his blog.

The TL;DR version is simply this:

All a man needs to do in life is: Know (for) Himself.

I explained this in more depth in my book on the Russian Martial System I practiced then taught for years: Systema.

In essence it’s the oldest, simplest, and most complete instruction for any man so as to become a complete and best version of himself. Above all: Know Yourself.

I merely improved upon it a little by adding the bracketed (for) in between the two words. The point of this was because aside from knowing yourself at the very core, you also need to test and figure things out for yourself before you can really be sure about anything. Of course, some things we all take for granted, the Sun rising in the East and 2+2=4 kind of stuff, but if you have any doubt at all… investigate. Seek the highest objective truth in all things. In other words, Know for yourself.

By bracketing the (for) I allow for both versions.

And that, is really all you need.

Now, if you wish my take on Adam’s 28 things that he recons you need to be a “real man” or a modern man (why that should differ from an ancient man is nowhere explained) 1 here you are:

  1. Moderate in the physical world is fine, moderate in spirit is not. Be an absolute zealot in the truth. Will you make mistakes? Certainly. Try to avoid life-altering ones. But moderate in dealing with the evil, deceitful, liars of this world? No.
  2. Shaving: I agree. Leaving aside any Deniro stuff (he’s an insufferable lib in real life who avoided any investigation into an alleged incident with a minor decades ago) and with the corollary that this applies to a man that has social duties (like work in an office) but it in no way forms part of his core. Men that are actually men don’t stress overmuch on this stuff. And if you turn up at their home or their hobby away from people unnanounced you may find him unshaven and in his underpants while he takes a spanner to his car or weighs the powder for his ammo on a little scale by hand. Because 1. if you’re going to be a moderate in the physical, that hardly means being picture perfect 24/7, now, does it?
  3. This just falls under the generic label of don’t be a pussy or a faggot. No need to “never say sorry”. Say it when it is correct to do so. Tell everyone to fuck off when it’s not. This is so simple, that I wonder why anyone has to spell it out. Like all of these things, the one and only thing you really need to do is simply to know yourself.
  4. Agree. Do some form of sport ideally.  I value aerobic exercise above mere strength,  so I disagree with Adam’s take on it. But I come from a long martial arts background, and I can tell you that without exception, the easiest people to defeat are body builders. And more often than you believe, years of antigravity exercises (pushups, squats, chinups etc) will make you actually stronger than people who lift weights at the gym.
  5. Bullshit. A man will drink whatever, whenever, if he wants to, and not have a single second worrying about the absurd and superficial concept of uncorking a bottle of wine as some fucking male rite of passage. Without exception, the best men I have known would drink the most refined champagne or the cheapest boxed wine with the same approach. And not care at all if they found the box wine agreed with them more. Pondering such superficial nonsense is the mark of someone that feels he needs to masquerade as a “real man”.
  6. See 5.
  7. While apparently this has some truth to it, in reality, this falls under the generic rule that a man does what he wants and goes where he wants. Pretty much regardless of anything else beyond his personal (and necessarily well-defined, because: know yourself) ethics. I have met plenty of people who travelled a lot and yet remained unmitigated faggots, and men who lived all their life in the place they were born who were undoubtedly men. Travel, as with the number of women you have bedded can, give you a broader perspective on life in general and maybe open your eyes to some truth about the human conditions, but it can also lull you into a false sense of accomplishment. Or worse, lead you into thinking that the traveling, or the sex, in se makes you “cooler”, or better. Furthermore, Travel as, when, and how, YOU see fit. There is something to learn from travelling alone as there is to doing so with friends, relatives, or even people you dislike. Travelling in se is not the thing. As always, your living through it and learning your own limits, behaviours, interactions, and thoughts, is. Limiting it to travelling solo is an artificially sterilised version of life.
  8. Generally agree with caveats. Some professions require a degree to be practiced, like being a surgeon, or an engineer, so if you are set on one of those, you probably need to get a degree. Can’t argue with that, it’s math. And notwithstanding the fact I never much followed this sound advice, it is sound advice and it should be learnt at a young age.
  9. Can’t argue with that, it’s math. And notwithstanding the fact I never much followed this sound advice, it is sound advice and it should be learnt at a young age.
  10. Confidence can ONLY come from… you guessed it… KNOWING YOURSELF. If you do, it doesn’t matter what others think or say. Ultimately confidence is simply a superb knowledge of self and of being successful at being as you want to be and continuing to do so more often over time reinforces that self-knowledge and corrects it as required.
  11. Well… again, knowing yourself necessarily means spending at least some time alone.
  12. Well, that’s just normal humans in general surely. Only ruminants and feral beasts eat with their mouth open. This needs to be said?
  13. Again… this is basic stuff. Can I cook? Yes. Do I care to cook myself 5 star meals? No. I have more important things to worry about, though yes, eating healthily matters, but when I lived alone I basically ate octopus, bresaola, the occasional fish and sometimes a tub of 1kg of natural yoghurt and some lard. And water. I don’t think I switched the stove on once a week, other than for an occasional steak or stew. Cooking for others can be a rare thing and then it’s different, maybe some guys like cooking. Good for them. Is it an essential? No. It’s just a basic thing, like you should be aware of how to use a gun, a knife, and change a tire. Nothing special about it.
  14. Meh. It depends. Being offended at personal slights is pointless. But sometimes, teaching an ignorant boor a lesson is a charitable act.
  15. Again, I don’t see reading books as anything very different from breathing air. Anyone that is not actually illiterate (in which case he should learn how to become literate) or a complete moron, should read books. His addendum that it is the seeking of knowledge and not the reading in se that is important, is… again, obvious. And of course it all starts (and ends) with knowledge of…? Yup. Yourself.
  16. I can’t even imagine contemplating the contemplation of recycling or not as being an essential quality for being a man. Or, excuse me, a “modern man”. What? Who cares?
  17. I’m afraid I (again) simply cannot relate. I hate shopping for clothes for myself. If I were a millionaire I’d have some guy that can tell measures with a look build me the kind of clothes I’d like to wear. My wife might leave me, but I know I would look awesome. I have a suit that cost over a grand and was tailor made and I have suits bought of the rack and a couple that were sized. I have expensive dress shoes and random torn sneakers. Currently I don’t think I have a pair of jeans that isn’t ripped or stained somewhere, because I have worked on my farm for the last 3 years. I suppose it’s good generic advice to buy the best clothes you can. My contention has been that unless you turn up in your underpants at a cocktail party that is formal dress, you can mostly get by anyway. And in fact, if you did turn up at a cocktail party in your underpants, play it just right and you may become the star of the evening. In my twenties I regularly used to get asked where I bought this or that shirt (by men! And no, not gay ones either) because I like “different” ones, but I never had any idea of what store it came from, and the thought my clothing was there to compete against other mens’ clothing simply never occurred to me. I just bought what I liked. Or, rather, more often, getting dragged to shops by whatever woman I was with at the time, I’d point to something and ask if she could just please guess my size so I don’t have to waste more time trying it on.
  18. Eh. Depends, but generally I agree. I left home at age 16 for school and basically never went back. But of course, if you are taking care of your dying father or something, different story. But yeah, as a rule, make your own way.
  19. This falls directly under the label of knowing yourself. The deeper you dig, the more you will discover things you want to change, and then, so you should.
  20. Sure. Get a second, third and fourth opinion too. Then ignore everyone and make up your own mind. That is what I do and what I advise my children to do.
  21. In the simplest, crudest, most distilled form —which also explains why I basically say PUAs are mostly useless frauds— so-called “game” is just being a man. Who Knows Himself, has chosen to be how he is and acts accordingly. Pretty much any man that does that will have “game” as long as he deals with reality and not some internal delusion (which you won’t do if… yup… you Know Yourself).
  22. The general thought here is that you should not be a slave to technology, with which I agree.
  23. Yup. And getting on with it, is just being a man.
  24. Not being in a serious relationship with any woman you don’t plan to marry within six months was in essence how I started out. And in fairness, I never remained in any relationship that I didn’t think at least had the potential to become lifelong for more than a very brief period of time that expressly was understood to be mostly for mutual entertainment. So In general I agree, despite from the outside my life looking very little like this at first glance.
  25. Bullshit. With an explanation for the braindead: If something warrants me crying, I will cry. I don’t give a tiny shit about what anyone thinks of it. To date, not a single person has dared to say I was “weak” or whatever synonym one might use for that, because of it. Admittedly I don’t cry often, it’s relatively rare, and as you get older, things that hurt still don’t make you cry, but again, this obsession with the external and superficial “look” is such faggotry. I have zero problem crying for something that touches me deep enough. In my old (and eventually to be resuscitated blog) I wrote about how hearing a song while I was dancing (well spinning her around anyway) while holding my one year old daughter, when I actually heard and understood the lyrics, got to me all of a sudden (for reasons I explained then). No one was there other than my wife, but even if the room had been filled with Marlboro Men and the Camel guy from the cigarette pack, not a single one of them would have dared poke fun in a nasty way, because they would be crying next, while trying to re-swallow their balls back down to where they were before I kicked them. The point is not that man should never cry. It’s just that if you cry like and for the same reasons a woman, a little girl or little boy might, well… then there you are.
  26. Generally my approach is that a father should teach his children to at least understand when they are to PRETEND to be civilised. And to not get caught if and when they behave as God and their (hopefully mostly good) true nature intended.
  27. Life being unfair is common knowledge to everyone that is not an NPC above age 7, surely? This needs to be spelt out? For whom? To whom is this list even directed?!
  28. Aside my current mission to form a Catholic (Sede) community that becomes self-sufficient enough to survive and overcome clown world and provide a haven for our children in the future, I have to admit that I have moved through life primarily if not alone, certainly on my own terms and without undue concern what anyone else thought of it. I always had good friends within a short time of moving to a new place, but again, that is just because if you know yourself, you recognise other men that know themselves too. And when one of these is of a similar mind, you quickly can become very good friends. Of course, having good friends is good. But I can go weeks without seeing another man and think nothing of it. Nor do I think I, for myself, necessarily need a group of men to associate with. I did, for years, I trained and taught karate and Systema over decades, so of course I had friends and other men to bounce thoughts off of, but I never saw this as any specific thing I went after, it was just a byproduct of my interests.

So that is my take on each of his takes, but lest you get the idea I am just taking potshots at Adam, I am not. I am only saying that almost 10 years later, and a divorce behind him, Adam has probably distilled a lot of those thoughts, and it is good to help each other “purify” our philosophies between friends.

As I said, my own philosophy is really very simple and was put in specific writing back in 2011, though I’d held it since my teenage years. And the greeks knew it too, since the saying still survives at Delphi, where I visited, almost by accident, in Greece.

Know Yourself.

A really decent review on a book I have not read.


So let me do it here. The changing of social mores, times and “acceptable” behaviour do NOT require that men somehow become “different”. Transport an ancient Spartan to the modern world and explain to him how things work and he may well end up in jail or dead if he is not too smart. If he is, he will change his approach, without shifting one iota from his core belief systems. A man is a man. Here, a thousand years ago or a thousand year hence.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

Churchianity is NOT Christianity

I had an interesting comment, probably from a confused millennial type that wanted to know if any part of Islam, specifically the “controlling women with lash and gun” was anything I ever saw as positive.

It is a sign of the times that such a stupid question even dares be asked, and even more troubling that the people asking it have no idea of what they are even saying.

It is an “understandable” (if you’re really ignorant and too lazy or stupid to educate yourself) reaction to the current zeitgeist of the world, but not for anyone that is not an NPC.

The basic premise underlying such a thought is that “Christianity” has become weak and effeminate. But here people are (as usual) simply not using words correctly.

Christianity remains unchanged from the time of Christ and its men are no less virile and its women no less feminine than they were two thousand years ago. But of course that only applies to actual Christians.

Protestants are NOT Christians.

Muslims are NOT Christians.

Hindus are NOT Christians.

Eastern Orthodox ARE Christians, but schismatics, so in mortal error.

Novus Ordo “clergy” are NOT Christian.

Novus Ordo laypeople ARE Christian but in terrible error due to sloth (they are so ignorant of their own religion they believe that the Novus Ordo Vatican II sect is Catholic, instead of what it actually is: Satanic)

The ONLY properly Christian people are Catholics. It was always this way. Since the very beginning, it was always stated, from Jesus and the Apostles on, that either you are in the Catholic Church, or you are out of it and hence out of salvation.

And today, the ONLY Actually correct Catholics left are Sedevacantist of the 1958 timeline that are totalists. That is, those Catholics that are aware (and aware of the reasons why) there has been no valid pope since Pope Pius XII died.

Those who are 2023 Sedevacantists, who think Ratzinger was a valid Pope are just like the other Vatican II “Catholics” in terrible error and thus in peril of their souls.

But if you go and look at any actual Catholic (Sedevacantist) family, you will find men that are men and women that are women, and no need for lash or gun, because each sex is perfectly happy to do their role and perform their duties accordingly.

And you also find a LOT of children. Because Catholics do not use contraception and do not divorce.

You may not like it, and the Protestants screech like banshees when you tell them, but only Christians are actually Christians. And the only Christians are Sedevacantist Catholics today. Catholics have always been the ONLY Christians.

And just because yourself something doesn’t mean you are. I could call myself an African Pigmy as much as I like, but I will never be one. And you can call yourself a “Christian” as much as you like, but until you get properly baptised as a 1958 Sedevacantist Catholic (aka Catholic), and accept the infallible magisterium of the Church and all of Catholic dogma, you are only an impostor, a Churchian pretending to be something you are not.

You can get as angry or as dismissive as you like. You can shout whatever names you want at me, but it will not change the facts.

And if instead you were actually a proper man that is NOT feminised by the Churchian zeitgeist, you would take up the trouble of reading up on Church history, discover that yes, it was Catholics, with Popes, transubstantiation, Holy Mass, and all the sacraments of Holy Mother Church that put the Bible together. And it was Catholics that were always the only Christians and translated the original documents of the Bible from primary sources, while the German monk with a penchant for having sex with nuns and raping the maid, CHANGED the Bible and then created 40,000 sects of individualistic “my interpretation is the only real Churchianity” nonsense. And you would have to concede that the only possible real Christianity that could ever have existed MUST have been there from the start, and the ONLY Christianity that was there from the start and did not deviate from the truth, and apostolic succession is and always has been Catholicism.

But you are probably just a seething protestant and you probably will not look into this, because it’s too much for the emotionally underdeveloped to take on adult themes concerning anything of any importance.

And from the heavens, professor Cipolla looks down on us and smiles melancholically.

They should really make that man a Saint once we get a real Pope again.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

Puppets Change, Puppetteers don’t

My post on the Trump Victory was met on Social Galactic and a few mails I got, by the usual band of retarded binary thinkers, that somehow read that I said Trump was part of the Deep State Swamp.

So, allow me to explain this using short words, short sentences and videos for the illiterate and comprehension impaired. Let’s start with a video

Are you getting it yet?

And to be clear, I did not say Trump is part of the swamp. Not that I am saying he definitely is not part of it either. The point is that Trump is NOT the God-Emperor everyone hoped he was.

Was Trump good in 2016? Yes, he definitely was better than any other President the USA had that I am aware of, and certainly in living memory, but he does not have the constitution to do what needs to be done. the 2020 election was stolen, ayone that can do math and isn’t a zombie knows this. And if you are president and you can definitely see you were robbed by the Deep state after 4 years of being in power two things, at a minimum can be said:

  1. You certainly did not drain the swamp in those 4 years (and we know this since some of his closest advisors were clearly enemies of Trump and of the American people and the world in general).
  2. You don’t have the required killer instinct to do what needs doing.

And the puppet masters who actually RULE and RUN the Swamp and therefore the entire West, have not changed or been disenfranchised in any meaningful way. Are you unaware that highly placed members of the Italian government have testified in court that the Dominion machines perpetrated the fraud for 2020 but also that generally there are some 55 countries around the world whose elections are being manipulated by the same swamp creatures that installed complete puppets like Shit-water in Canada (Turd-eau, from the French)?

Are you STILL unaware of the Bank of International Settlement is, who owns and runs it and what it actually does, can do, and does?

Are you still so absolutely brainwashed that you think you are going to vote your way out of this?

Voting matter precisely because of what I said in the Trump Wins post a couple of days ago: If the lesser evil wins, (or the in any case non Inquisition like candidate) it gives you more time to prepare and set things up. In the case of America, Trump is good for Americans, it kicks the inevitable collapse of that country down the road a bit, maybe even 4 years. But it’s bad for the rest of the World, because America is the originator of the most concentrated Satanic rubbish of anywhere on the planet, and the longer it lasts, the longer the Satanic grip on the West lasts. Not a surprise since it was a Freemason (Satanist) created country to begin with, and has been run by Freemasons on Freemason rules pretty much since the war of independence that was funded by Freemasons in France that ruined the French monarchy doing it laying the blame for the bankruptcy of the country at Louis and Antoniette’s necks. Literally.

So… I hope you get it.

Do I hope Trump cleans house this time around, driven by an Elon Musk that has also turned on his masters because of his Trannified son? Sure. Do I hope Trump learnt his lesson and gets rid of the pedovores running things and the Banksters at the Fed, the Fed itself and even the illegal income taxes? Sure. Will it happen?

Short of a literal miracle and multiple road to Damascus events happening to some key people in his administration, as well as Trump himself… Not a chance in hell.

And that’s all I’m saying.

Keep building your communities, keep preparing, and keep understanding that th baseline of everything is spiritual. You can’t build a long-lasting community if it is not founded on real spiritual realities. And only one of those has stood the test of time: Catholicism and today that is found only in Sedevacantist Catholicism, because the Novus Ordo version is just another iteration of Freemasonic Satanrty.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here


TLDR Version – As Mao put it, all politics comes out of the barrel of a gun.

Every Venetian child above the age of five knows this, so it’s not exactly a revelation to me or anyone of normal intelligence, but there are some slightly less well-known aspects that make a huge difference.

Last night I had a chat with a very interesting gentleman who may also soon be moving to Italy and possibly to join our Sede community. he has an interesting background and (like most real humans) might be somewhat of an unexpected Sedevacantist, but that’s not the point. The point is that when I moved here 3 years ago and said I would form a Kurganate of Sedevacantists that are co-ordinated, helpful to each other, all have a REAL and deep belief in actual Catholicism, 1 and over time would form a viable communityt hat had the power and capacity to resist clown world, many may have thought I was some kind of insane weirdo intent on becoming a cult leader. 2

This is par for the course, because everyone has been trained for some 80 years to be docile, to assume anyone trying to get organised for the common good is a con-man or a grifter (because MANY are) and even when, like me, I ask nothing of people who want to form part of this community other than their sincerity in their faith, because we have found that people who have initially “good intentions” but are NOT Catholic and have no intent in becoming proper Catholics, inevitably, end up being a net negative. We have tested this multiple times in the last 5 years, even before we moved to Italy, and although I blogged about this at my original blog at (temporarily down as we resolve the major hack that was done on it by US state actors, which is in itself a good indicator I was over the target), the simple reality is that if you want a community that is absolutely resilient to Clown World it needs to have, at a bare minimum as a foundation, a common religious faith.

Catholicism (again, the real one, not the pedo-commie-Bergoglio version) has got two thousand years of constant proof that not only it is resilient, but it continues to remain even when more than 90% of it fails, like it has done today with the usurpation of Vatican II, or it did during the Arian Heresy, when 99% of all clergy became heretic.

In short, Catholicism is true and the only real Christianity that has ever existed, but even if you don’t believe that, and you think your personal cult of Protestantism number 7,942 is the “real” Christianity, or your weird pagan Wicca belief is, the point is that until you have a COHERENT religious (spiritual) underpinning, nothing you do will last beyond your generation, at best. This was all explained in a multi-part series I was writing at the old blog (don’t worry, it WILL come back) called Theoretical Models of Society (TMOS). This is the cliff notes version. Anyway, at a minimum you NEED a coherent spiritual underpinning that is homogenous. Which is why Protestantism will never produce long-term effective results. Its very nature is atomised individualism.

Catholicism respects the individual in absolute terms, but within the context of the broader principle of what it means to be a human being, which is why Catholicism is always far more subtle, nuanced and deep than any brand of Protestantsim, yet has always been unwavering in its dogmatic belief in, absolutes, like, for example, the death penalty for certain crimes, or the duty of any Catholic man to protect the innocents, his family or himself, including by pre-emptively acting first. In short, if an intruder breaks into your home, you don’t have to wait for him to first shoot at you, rape your wife or murder your children. You can turn his head into a pink cloud long before he does those things. And of course, afterwards, you really should say a Hail Mary over his headless corpse, and of course, given the laws today, that are a far cry from anything resembling justice, you will almost certainly be subjected to severe consequences by the secular powers, but from a Catholic perspective, you’re in the right.

Let me quickly reiterate in very summarised form what you really need to resist Clown World successfully even if it gets nasty (as it almost certainly will in the next few years/decades):

  1. Community – You can’t fight the whole of Clown World alone. Not even if you’re Batman. But a community means several things:
    1. It must be coherent3 and this necessarily implies a very strong shared belief system that goes to the very core of the members of this community. Personally I have worked and had friends for years in things like armed close protection, martial arts and so on, and NOTHING even came close to the coherence, loyalty and deep, mutual respect, I have found between proper Catholics (i.e. Sedevacantists).
    2. It must be numerous enough to make some difference.
    3. It must be self-sufficient and independent of Clown World at the very practical level. This in turn implies many things, such as:
      1. Clean Water
      2. Clean food production
      3. Available energy/fuel
      4. Available medicine, surgery, dentistry
      5. Ability to defend your property, family and community
      6. Ultimately, the real ultimate freedom is to be able to be independent of Fiat money. This is not easy and anyone that has tried to do this on a global scale was murdered for it, but within a relatively “small” (but big enough to matter) community if you grow your own food and have your own community members providing essential services, the reality is that even if money disappeared, you would still be able to survive, which is a net impossibility for 99.999% of the planet’s inhabitants.
  2. The ability to defend yourself – Ultimately this means weapons, and the willingness to use them in self-defence. Most people have no idea how effective even a small group is when they are armed. There is the story of the Bundy Standoff. Bundy, a rancher who had the support of a community of cowboys and when the federal government turned up with eight car-fulls of armed federal agents, they found themselves facing several dozen armed cowboys with rifles and handguns in they hands, peacefully observing. The Feds got back in their cars and left. There is the sort of one man who had an altercation with a policeman or state trooper over some dispute of his not having either a gun or his car licence I forget, anyway, the fight got physical and the man bit the officer, then got away in his car and retired to his ranch, which was family owned and composed of 20-30 adult family members too. The forces of supposed law and order were told in no uncertain terms that any attempt to enter the property to arrest this man would me met with firepower. The man did not leave his ranch for decades, but no one went to arrest him either, and I believe ultimately he was pardoned some decades later. The point is that no one wants to be the tip of the spear that gets blown away from either side of whatever conflict you may be on.

A substacker I only just started reading , but that seems to be one of the more astute writers, made this point very clear, and I want to copy it here:

See : Mosca’s Law — hostile organized minorities always end up dominating in Liberal societies.

Zelensky actually turned on his own oligarch sponsor (Kholomoisky) and ran him out of power. Since then, he hasn’t been able to make friendly with any of the other gangs in Ukraine or Donbass (or Russia). Zelensky doesn’t seem to have anyone in his corner outside of his own cabinet in Ukraine that I know of. Usually, this kind of a situation leads to an overthrow by a coup or a “populist” revolution or forced elections that the incumbent is guaranteed to lose. But, because Zelensky has a foreign backer that is sending over huge amounts of money, Zelensky and his team have enough money coming in that they can continue to outbid the competition for the loyalty of key people in the country. In Ukraine’s case, we are talking about the secret police and the military and the armed paramilitary gangs bankrolled by oligarchs.

This is how all power politics works. Power politics is perennial. Take the time to study it instead of debating who gets to pee and poo in what toilet.

Now, of course, you don’t want to be weird and end up as Waco 2.0, but the point is that organised groups that are able to defend themselves tend to get left alone longer and when powerful and large enough tend to also be able to self-determine eventually. This is ideally all done peacefully, but human history is replete with examples where eventually that peacefulness comes to an end. The world is divided into three types of people:

Those who want to rule over you.

Those who want to be left alone.

Everyone else (they will follow whoever wins the fight).

The sad reality is that in order to be left alone, you have to have enough firepower to be too much of a hassle to be ruled over. and in order to do that you need to be a large enough group of people, and in order to do THAT, you probably have to rule over some people.

Sad as that vicious circle of Hell is on this broken Earth, a Catholic domain is the most objectively just, fair and ultimately free (within the confines of Catholic dogma) than any other system humans have come up with to date.

“But muh Capitalism!” You say?

No buddy. Capitalism, Communism, whatever -ism that is not deeply rooted in life-and-death level of importance spiritual underpinnings, will collapse as soon as violent and forceful pressure is brought to bear on it. The Capitalist will abandon his profit margins to escape the Gulag and the firing squad. So will the Communist abandon his Socialist agenda, and the Churchian his “Jesus is my boyfriend” lukewarm belief system. You know who you won’t bend? A priest that is willing to be killed rather than break the sacramental seal of confession. A Catholic that would rather be tortured to death than renounce Christ. And no, your local Baptist “Pastor” or Methodist, or Seventh day adventist, or mormon, isn’r going to choose the firing squad over his personal version of “Jesus in his heart”. And even if he did, his 200 followers would not.

Catholics on the other hand, have been standing shoulder to shoulder, choosing to be eaten by lions, crucified and set on fire, be decapitated, and fight to the death when outnumbered over 100:1 (and win! Multiple times!) since the very time of Christ on Earth. The lukewarm Churchian’s calling themselves “Catholics” are simply fooled ignorants of the Novus Ordo sect that has been masquerading as Catholicism since 1958, but actual Catholics, to not retreat an inch.

And yes, we are peaceful. We don’t mean to start any revolution or war. Until we need to because you will not leave us alone.

Catholics suffered the predations of Islam for nearly 400 years before they responded with he first Crusade, then they shoved the Muslims back to their original spawning areas and removed them from Europe and kept them out for the next 900 years. Only now are the (((usual suspects))), starting a new kind of invasion by use of their favourite shock troops, the Muslims and Africans whose illegal and unfettered immigration they fund with infinite money created out of thin air.

While also brainwashing you 24/7 that while it is perfectly acceptable for you to be proud to be X, as long as X is anything but anyone of caucasian European descent, it is totally unacceptable for you to want your national language, culture and people to remain as they are instead of blended with people of completely different ethnicities, religions and cultures. Especially since such “blending” has NEVER worked, throughout human history. You know what happens? Extinction. Genocide. Mass removal of people. Just ask the Cheyenne of America, the Ainu of Japan, all the people that no longer exist that Genghis Kan took exception to.

It doesn’t matter if you are a nice guy or not. It doesn’t matter if you are peaceful or not. When things get ugly, and sooner or later they always do, 4 your skin colour will be your uniform, whether you like it or not. So will your ultimate deeply held absolute belief. if that is Catholicism, even in the midst of horrors, you will still be able to retain some semblance of humanity. If it is not, your agnosticism, atheism, random paganism and so on, will either be forced to shift to actual Catholicism but a road to Damascus event, or, you will revert to the most base, animalistic, me-first survival instinct of beasts trapped in a corner.

So, regardless of if you agree with my Crusader-like sentiments or not, whatever your belief system is, the formula remains the same, you need to find people that are on the same page and get together with them.

Oh… and we Catholics will also outbreed you. Just saying.


Sedevacantist clergy are the only real Catholic clergy left, so, not the pederast infested Satanic Vatican II sect that pretends to be the face of Catholicism, but the only actual Catholics left with valid priests and bishops, even if we have been in an interregnum without a valid Pope since 1958.


Those who know me however, including people who stayed with us on the farm and helped us immensely to get things cleared (the place was a mess when we arrived) are aware that while the Kurganate will never be a democracy, I have zero interest in being any kind of leader, or guru, and whatever I do I do to secure a future for my and other people’s children. With any luck, whatever ugliness we may need to face, we will be able to face ourselves, so our children don’t have to.


This implies standardised and DEEPLY held spiritual beliefs, since the underpinning of all reality is ultimately spiritual. Lukewarm belief systems are not coherent in a community when that community gets put under pressure by external forces. Spirit IS the underpinning of all reality. Even if you are an atheist, aside having the intellectual maturity of an angry teenager, your modality of operation is based on a (false) ideology of belief. Your actions or on-actions stem from your belief system, which is intangible and immaterial; i.e. spiritual, even if you might call it “ideology” thoughts, ideas, etc. Catholicism stands head and shoulders above every other religion in regard to COHESION, because it is codified and as such can be accepted only as a whole, not in parts. Which makes for strong believers ready and willing to do and be anything from formidable fighters to peaceful and willing martyrs. The rules of Catholicism are literally all written down in the Code of Canon Law of 1917, as a summary of 2,000 years of infallible and precise descriptions of concepts of eternal divine law, (and also of mutable human Church laws) derived from the very Bible the Catholics put together some 300 years after Christ ascended, as well as the same tradition that had Popes, the Holy Mass, confession and so on, all before they actually compiled the Bible. Thousands of documents were researched to ensure no contradiction or logical flaw was present in the putting together of the CoCL of 1917 (and astonishingly, none were, which is to me at least proof that the Church is indeed protected supernaturally by Jesus’s promise that He will be with us until the End of Days).


The unprecedented relatively peaceful state of Europe after 1945 through to 2019 or so, is an aberration in the timeline, and unprecedented. The pendulum has started the swing back, and it will only pick up speed.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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