The ancient writing at Delphi, which is the title of this post, was updated in my Systema book to:
Know (for) Yourself
Meaning know yourself but also find out the truth of any given thing or situation based on your own efforts, not simply swallowing whole whatever narrative you are given.
Earlier today I received the following question from a reader:
You have mentioned self-knowledge several times now.
How does a man know himself?
which, in all honesty, made me hesitate. It really is such a complete disconnect for me to even begin to TRY to put myself in the shoes of someone that would genuinely ask this that for a time I just had the equivalent of a brain-freeze. As you might if you saw a leprechaun riding a unicorn, flying through the air due to its rainbow farts.
Except without the rational explanation that if I saw that I would assume I had been drugged by my many enemies.
Here I didn’t even have that luxury. This was horrifyingly real!
My first natural instinct (based on my long-standing motto of:
Leave every retard behind
) was to dismiss such a question as so pathetic as to not warrant a reply.
Surely such a creature is so irrelevant as to not really deserve the disruption it might take to try to instruct it? It’s like the wounded bird out of the nest. What are the chances of its survival?
However, as it happens, I recognised the commenter, who has had a rather longish history of interacting with me privately; and being aware of his circumstances, I also knew this gentleman is definitely trying hard to be his best self.
Never one to shy away from acknowledging that my way/path/methods are not for the faint of heart, as well as being aware that other ways (best suited to people other than myself) exist that may (or may not) produce positive results for the average person —which I mostly consider an NPC unworthy of wasting time on— I have decided to attempt to answer the question as kindly, honestly and charitably as I am able.
Which is probably still not going to be very kind, or charitable, but at least it will be very honest.
Here goes then, my Millennial milque-toast friends.
How does a man know himself?
There are two easy answers to this.
Ask yourself honest questions about yourself and provide yourself honest answers, warts and all, on how you likely would react in different scenarios, and compare them to how you want to act instead. Changing from the would to the wanted way, is the process of improving yourself.
Place yourself in situations that test you emotionally, spiritually, physically, and overcome the challenges. This is best done in controlled environments, such as a martial arts class, and life will generally also throw you curve balls of different intensity throughout your life. Deal with it. In this respect, taking up a martial arts class is absolutely helpful, and if you want to have some advantage in doing so, you can certainly get, read and absorb my book on Systema, regardless of what martial art you may have available for you to join.
As I said, the answers are easy. The putting them into practice less so. Especially if you have an ingrained tendency to deceive yourself about yourself. And this is where the disconnect for me happens, because I was simply born with a general inability to do this. I am honestly not sure if I am a mutant because of this, or if everyone else is.
The reality however is that —while as every human being on Earth I made and make mistakes, misjudge, assume, or believe things in error, including occasionally about my ability— generally speaking, my errors tend to be on the side of caution on one hand (thinking I probably cannot really do X and finding out later that in fact I can, usually after I have taken it on like a man possessed and made whatever mistakes, sacrifices and errors along the way), or with regard to being too charitable to people who really don’t deserve it on the other hand. In the second instance this trend has been gradually shrunk with age and experience, but sometimes I still do it, kind of on purpose, knowing it’s an error, but just as an occasional test, and taking the necessary precautions. A sort of wearing gloves to see if the scorpion will still try to sting me kind of thing.
Now, the immediate follow-up question from your average NPC/Millennial is:
(insert whiny voice): “But sir…
do we do that? It’s so
Because punches to the head hurt (newsflash: yes, they do. For everyone. Suck it up buttercup!) and being honest with themselves apparently goes counter to some false prime directive they have wired into their DNA, possibly by Satan himself, or maybe by boomer-era poison doctrine, (but I repeat myself), that tells them they are the SPECIALEST of rainbow farting, magical unicorns, and the Universe owes them an ass-in-butter constant easy existence.
And honestly all I have to say to those unwilling to even take the first step after the entire solution and the entire map has been shown to them (points 1 and 2 above) is pretty much nothing.
My reaction is to merely to walk away and leave them to wallow and drown in their own despair, stupidity, weakness, or whatever label you want to put on their apparent inability to simply get off their arse and begin the journey of ten thousand steps and simply get on with it and continue getting on with it until the day they drop dead.
What else you got to do on this Earth until then anyway?
And to the ten quintillion answers that begin with “But…” to that question, all I have is disgust and scorn.
You are not special.
Your “special” and “unique” challenges that apply magically only to you have been experienced by billions of other humans throughout history.
And even if you are the rare and extremely unfortunate only hermaphrodite quadriplegic with multiple sclerosis and AIDS because you are raped daily by your infected male nurse? While I certainly can sympathise and wish or even pray your situation improves or were easier, the reality is that those are the cards you got dealt. And those are the only cards you have to play, so make the best of it regardless.
It’s the same for everyone, and whining and crying and finding excuses as to why your “very special and unique” circumstances make it “oh so much harder for you specifically”, really does not change the simple fact that if you want to cross the desert, you need to get off your arse, and start walking.
No one can cross it for you.
No one will carry you (because it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE, even if they were deluded enough to want to do it) across it.
The ONLY way to get on the other side of it is to get up and start walking.
That’s it.
No mystery, no secret technique, no special circumstances, and no, no matter how much you “prepare”, none of it matters at all. The only thing that matters is the doing.
Right now, and every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, and week, and month, and year that comes after it; until the day you draw your last breath.
There is not even a final destination where you can rest and go “Ahhhh! I have learnt it all now!”
You may get a reprieve, you get certainly some achievements and satisfactions along the way, but if you are a man, you never cease being one, and that entails continuing to learn, evolve, better yourself, increase your abilities, physical as long as you can, mental as long as you can, and spiritual as long as you can. Regardless of any comparative “measurements” you might be inclined to take; because they are in any case pointless.
There is only one of you on this Earth, and none like you came before nor will come after. So what point is there for comparison, other than perhaps only in a very mild and generic sense to get a sense of where in the endless herd of humanity you might fall, more or less?
The only thing that matters is your continued efforts throughout your existence.
There is no final destination other than the grave, and that is not even the end anyway.
There is only the doing or the not doing.
So get off your arse and start walking. Or don’t. It’s only, always, and forever, up to only you. And no one else.
And now that I have dispensed this tidbit of absolutely, blindingly, obvious “wisdom”, I will continue my own walk across the endless desert. What you do now is up to you, and only you.
Good luck.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
No related posts.
By SubStackSyncer | 29 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack
Further, you need to know that most of you reading this will resist this post far more than the other two.
The reason is explained here in the next few sentences.
The feedback I had is that the post on Pornography as Political Brainwashing was apparently received a far better than the one on WHO is doing this.
This is not a surprise. Allow me to explain why, as this too is necessary to be understood before we can even approach the WHY.
The human mind is reductive as a default modality. It is the rare mind that can perceive and be interested by the many subtle and non-obvious elements of life. Applied to the previous two posts then they average reader is likely to reduce them in a simplified sense to:
Pornography is a tool to control people and achieve a general reduction and destruction of society so as to more easily control them and reduce their numbers.
It’s the Jews. And they do a whole other lot of noxious stuff besides the pornography.
The first point is easier to accept, because it is not as widely discussed, and the evidence for it is pretty conclusive. In fact it was already discovered to be conclusive
almost 100 years ago
But this information has not been widely explained in any detail so my presenting it is novel, logical, and interesting, and you can see it prevalent and active in your life. So it’s easier to digest.
The second point on the other hand has been guarded against by some 70 years of propaganda on literally every channel, be it entertainment, politically, socially, in education, and in finance. And the guarding has been vicious, sustained and merciless. Going right up to murder to prevent the truth from coming out on the one hand and preying on your virtues of fairness, honesty and charity on the other. The fact that the “poor victims” are also simultaneously mass murdering innocents, and have done so throughout their history, is swept under the carpet of the relentless hysteria of their victimhood on the one hand and the mute silence of their atrocities on the other, thanks to their mastery and control of most of the mass media.
Add to this that obviously not EVERY jew is secretly plotting your demise and that a few of the puppet masters appear to not be jews at all (though some actually are while pretending not to be), and the reductive idea that the Jewish tribe is somehow complicit and mostly responsible for many of the evils of Clown World, becomes instantly unpalatable to the average reader.
The factual evidence is in fact overwhelming but as we already know, the majority of humanity acts not based on reason and logic but only on the emotions that they have been trained to respond to. And that includes the majority of you reading this, even if almost none of you would admit it even to themselves.
So, of course the second point is less “palatable” and in fact may colour your perception of anything else I might write. From rational guy that writes interesting stuff based on facts, in the mind of many I may now be “some kind of antisemitic bigot”, quite regardless of the truth concerning such a concept.
Nevertheless, if you are able to let go of whatever preconceived ideas you may have, at least for the purpose of the intellectual exercise, and observe all the available facts, the conclusions are almost inescapable and indeed in line with what I wrote so far.
This third point, the WHY, anyone —regardless of their ethnicity— might behave in the ways that we have seen aim to control, kill, and degrade us, would seem to be nonsensical to most people.
Yet… again, if you are willing to simply look at the evidence you will find that the reason is pretty clear, regardless of how insane it may appear to you or even to most nominally normal people.
Since we have broadly identified the group of people that push the various murderous, crippling, dysgenic, evil agendas of communism, the destruction of the nuclear family, feminism, abortion, diversity, homosexuality, transgenderism, inclusivity and equality (each of which terms is used in the toxic ideology the tribe applies to these terms), it would make sense that we should at least take a look at any specific belief system they might have that might shed a bit of light on WHY they might behave that way.
Once again, if you do this, especially if you first spend some time investigating why these people seem to have pissed off every people and culture on the planet at some point, and done so to a level that resulted in their physical expulsion from various territories and nations over a thousand times, you will soon learn that while they superficially state they believe in the old testament, this is in fact a lie.
The old testament is essentially little more than a stack of prophecies heralding the arrival of Jesus Christ and the book of Isaiah specifically is very problematic for modern day Jews as it pretty much points to Jesus as the Messiah.
But the modern Jewish religion is only a continuation of the Pharisaical rejection and hatred of our Lord, and their real religion is the Talmud. The Talmud is basically commentary on the Torah (Old Testament) and was not translated into other languages for many years. When it was, it was often not translated honestly, and it took a long while for any true translations to see the light of day, not without troubles for the translators it needs to be said.
If you bother to read the Talmud, or can find many of the statements made by extremely famous Rabbis in the past that have now been rather extensively disappeared and memory holed even on archive servers, it will become VERY clear, VERY quickly that the modern pharisaical religion known as Judaism today, broadly speaking entails:
Dominating the Goym (non-Jews) through deception, subterfuge and “cleverness”
Being very clear that the Jews are the only real humans, the rest of humanity are really just beasts of burden
After their Messiah arrives (which coincidentally is known as the Antichrist by Catholics) each jew will have a bit more than 2700 gym as his or her personal slaves to serve them
The life of a Gym is as nothing compared to the one of a jew and killing them, robbing them, raping them and lying to them is not a crime for a Jew.
Raping children of age 3 or less is not considered a crime.
Their God is the God of this world, (Satan) not the Christian God.
Jesus Christ is thought of as the most evil of people and considered to be in Hell boiling in excrement.
I have
blogged on this before
, including pages from the Talmud as I am aware most people will assume I am just making this up. I wish I were. I am not however. The old blog is still getting “healed” so if not all the image show up let me know and I will update it.
In any case, there are many more outrageous and frankly evil concepts in the Talmud, but as a general rule, the above should suffice. The main take-away is that to an observant jew, non-Jews are considered at best as you might consider a farm animal that may be slaughtered at will for food. And at worst, actively hated.
Now, the usual response to this, even once the facts are placed before someone and are checked and found to be absolutely true, tends to be along the lines of:
“Well, anyway, most jews are not even aware of these things.”
Even if that were true, which I would not assume off the bat, the logic here is flawed. It’s like saying that a group of people goes around calling themselves mass-murderers, and a good number of their members behave as such, when confronted with the fact that some of their members actually behave as mass-murderers say “Oh, we don’t know anything about that! And we had no idea being a mass-murderer means you kill people!” AND in any case, even after it is pointed out to them, do they react in horror and adjust their own lives and stop calling themselves mass-murderers? Nope. And again you can see this today, and throughout their history. Recently various members of the IDF were arrested for raping innocent civilian Palestinians, (a small fraction of the accused) what happened? The citizens of Israel rioted and stormed the place where these few soldiers were being held in order to…
liberate them!
Or if you have a strong stomach, you can see the interviews of the now old veterans of the previous war against the Palestinians and Lebanese and see the very Jews that took part themselves admitting the things they did gleefully.
So, once again, the point being made here is that the evidence that the Jewish ideology is essentially anti-human towards anyone not Jewish is pretty much chiselled in stone. And this is true regardless of any Jews that may not act or behave that way.
And by the laws of logic and common sense, if someone states they belong to a particular system of belief, it is incumbent upon everyone to take them at their word and presume they subscribe to those beliefs. Why else would anyone say they belong to a system of beliefs they do not actually agree with?
So as a starting point, at minimum, we MUST ascribe the religion of the jews as being at least one if not the main pillar of why they behave as they do.
And in fact, if we compare this belief system with their historical behaviour through the ages, we see that it certainly fits and explains a lot.
If we delve a little deeper we find out that this was always known about the jews up until after the Second World War.
The ancient Romans even before Christ talked about it, as did every one of the other 1004 times the jews were expelled from some region or nation.
That’s a lot of evidence that they actually behave this way and always have.
But of course, after WWII the Jews have had the Holocaust Shield, which incidentally is a multi billion (if not trillion) dollar business. Once again, don’t take my word for it. Research it yourself.
And we also know for a fact that a lot of the most horrific stories about the Holocaust have since been demonstrated to be pure fiction. Here is a particularly hilarious one that makes you wonder how anyone could ever believe such fantasy:
here is the link
(go the bottom of the page) in case you think I am making it up. How long it will last I don’t know.
His last publication seems to be in 2016 when he would have had to be 71. But one wonders how he survived the gassing that supposedly killed his mother. One can only conclude that baby Yari must have pushed his way out of the gas chamber’s wooden doors, and then milked camp goats for food —probably in the snow— to survive, while he taught himself Hebrew from a discarded and partially burnt edition of the Talmud, which he could do thanks to his always mentioned superior IQ of the Jews.
There are of course stories of how the Nazis murdered a jew every morning by placing him in a cage with an eagle and a bear who would, together, proceed to tear the unfortunate Jew limb from limb. And we shall shield our eyes from the even more horrific death that the Nazis allegedly induced by masturbation machines. And of course, we will say the deathbed confessions of several Jews that had fantastic stories of concentration camp survival, who finally admitted they never were even in any camp at all. Sometimes to the furious indignation of their relatives who had believed them all their lives.
None of this is to say that jews were not actively persecuted in Nazi Germany, of course. But only to point out that the story of that whole affairs may not be quite as you believe. The revision of the official” number of Jews killed at Auschwitz for example went from 4 million down to 2 million in the early 1990s and today stands at about 900,000 people “most of them” says the plaque, Jews. So somewhere along the line the number must have dropped from 6 to at least 3, yet no one seems to be able to do that math in public, thanks to the absolutely monstrous and total propaganda machine on this specific topic.
By the way, Yari’s fantastic story is not even unique, although the other stories of this sort are a little less bold at least. Well. A little, I said.
See this one for example.
And we shall gloss over very famous hoaxes or forgeries, like the Anne Frank diary, which has now been really quite conclusively proven to be a fiction,
not to mention the kind of mentality you would have to have as the father of a girl that was murdered, to try and make bank on her death in such a way.
At any rate, let’s now move on, since there is hopefully enough initial starting points for an honest person to take away at least one of the Reasons of the WHY:
They believe, worship, and serve Satan.
And it really doesn’t matter if you believe in the devil or not, because the thing is… THEY DO. And they act accordingly.
The Spirit World
If you have read the links above, then you know that there must be competing factions even at the spiritual level. And if you are Catholic, then you know that on one side we have self-sacrifice (as our Lord did) as well as Just War, self-defence and the duty as a man to protect the innocent, and on the other we have Lucifer and his host of fallen angels.
Absurd as it may sound to you, raised in a totally secular society, if you bother to take the time to notice things, especially at crime scenes, you will find that there is a quite subtle yet evident, sense of the darkly numinous and that the hints at the intelligence behind the negative aspects is rather profound.
But if the Jewish bankers (but I repeat myself) have managed to remain mostly under the radar for centuries, imagine how much better the devil has done it for himself.
Ultimately the WHY is because Lucifer hates us with all of his intense malignant passion and intent.
At a merely humanistic level (but devoid of any religious belief) the WHY would seem to have to be merely about wealth and overall control of humanity. But this goal leaves much to be explained, because some of the pathways of of it are simply not worth the risk or effort. The banksters want to rule you because… they want to. And they can. And that’s about all the motivation you need in order to remain hidden in the shadows trying to control the entire human race… maybe… but would it be enough to sustain the dedication of your entire adult life to the position of say priest, only to cause gradual influence and added liberalism? It seems a bit of a stretch, since many of these things appeared only years after I was born in 1969.
If, however, you designate an eternal psychopath (that hates humanity) as having the ability to influence the actions of human beings and even groups, who worship this entity and do its bidding, then you will find that the mystery or concern with how long it takes for this creature’s plans to bear rotten fruit, suddenly vanish. It all fits.
And if you review Catholic dogma, this too will start to fit. So much so that if you are objective, it will likely make you wobble in your Generic Churchainity ™.
Now put all the pieces together, and suddenly, some evil entity that wants us dead makes quite a bit of a sense.
Feel free to disagree in the comments, as usual, though do try to stay on topic if you at all can; thanks.
J.D Unwin’s book is fascinating and worth the read, considering he had reached his conclusions based on empirical study, not mere conjecture or opinion.
Unmasking Anne Frank
, by Ikuo Suzuki. Of course, trying to find this book itself, on any online search engine is almost impossible, and of course it is not available on Amazon either. But
you can read about the book here
at least. And you can find it at the
publisher’s site here
. No doubt the publisher will be thought of as just terrible antisemites, but it is rather interesting that as usual, no one has come forward with a factual refutation of the information provided by Mr. Suzuki.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
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By SubStackSyncer | 29 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack
If you have not read the immediately previous post, I suggest you do, even if you think you “already know what it’s about” from just reading the title. I assure you there are elements of that reality you have not seen or become aware of; and it’s sort of required reading before even being able to digest the next paragraph, never mind the whole post.
Imagine if a group of people has understood precisely the mechanisms of having you behave in certain ways simply by exposing you to certain information that stimulates certain urges or hard-wired response patterns in your biology, what they can do with that knowledge.
What do you think would be the very FIRST thing they do when it comes to controlling the mass-reactions of most of humanity?
If you said “protect themselves from discovery, exposure and punishment”, congratulations, you have won the prize for “not completely brainwashed yet” candidate.
That would be their first priority, and it would have several layers:
Layer One: Invisibility
Whatever the masses need to believe concerning the non-existence of such a group of people would be pushed to the forefront of social consciousness in a variety of ways. The very first way is not what you think, that is, the official ridiculing or denial of the existence of such a group. That’s four levels downs; at least.
The first way is massive distraction, which comes in many forms but we’ll just point out two, even though each of these can be split into several dozen tentacles just off the top of my head and I am sure yours.
Your worries about being able to stay healthy, pay the rent, feed your family, be able to survive are the best and preferred distractors. As long as you are spending all your energy doing that and just struggling to stay above water, you’re not going to be thinking about how fiat money works, or who is running things, or why, or be able to hear any metaphysical explanations of anything, or figure out how to get or build free-energy devices, and so on.
If you are not struggling to survive (and who isn’t nowadays), the next level is the entertainment distractors. Binge-watching TV and film while you grow increasingly fat and sedentary (being fed literal poisons instead of actual food, to make you even more stunned and docile and brain-fogged). Needing to have the latest shiny object, smartphone, car, etc. Or looking “cool” so you can finally score that contraception popping hottie that has porn-star looks and behaviour your “friends” can envy and make you feel superior over. Even the more serious among us, may be distracted by supposedly “worthwhile” endeavours like becoming wealthy through your work (for status, toys, and other material goods and services), or famous (for social recognition, and wealth), even if it might be for winning a gold medal at the Olympics (if you still believe such an organisation is in any way egalitarian and based on the principles of good sportsmanship).
That’s only two levels of invisibility and they capture well over 90% of the human population on Earth.
The third level is Anonymity. These people and their various gatherings and groupings and factions prefer to remain anonymous. If someone is famous and well known, you can be relatively certain of two things:
On some level they must have been complicit
They are almost certainly not the show-runners
Take Elon Musk. Supposedly the wealthiest man on Earth? Well that’s nonsense, because who has ever really counted what the Rothschilds or Rockefeller empires come to?
Well actually one man has tried
, and even by the most conservative of calculations, by comparison, Elon Musk is as broke as you or I.
Even so, consider this:
Do you have any idea who those 91 are? How many can you name right away? A half dozen? Maybe ten? And that’s just Americans.
But the group of people who controls the masses… to you REALLY think they care about national borders? Or that such things apply to them? You are aware that every country on Earth has various requirements for citizenship and in each instance, one of those requirements is that you can literally BUY your citizenship if you pay enough money for it? Not that they need to have the citizenship to do whatever they want anyway.
So now you have seen only three of the first four layers of their invisibility and only now at the fourth level (and we are really talking macro-levels here, because we have not gone into any granularity at all concerning any one of the above layers, especially the first one, where additional laws, taxes and regulations make the simple running of day-to-day life already close to impossible) have we reached the ridicule and deny level.
If you did not accept the prevailing narrative of a BUNCH of things, including news stories on the daily and instead took your own eyes and common sense to make a judgement, like for example saying that none of the three buildings that collapsed on their own footprint during 9/11 were taken down by planes, especially building seven, which got hit by nothing, but collapsed on its own footprint in freewill, exactly like controlled demolitions do, well… you must be a CRAAAAZZZYY “Conspiracy Theorist” then. You tin-foil hat wearing weirdo. And if your perfectly factual, logical, well reasoned argument on things like say the number of bodies that could ever be found concerning a world recognised event, or the evidence for certain things that “everyone knows” really did happen, doesn’t actually seem to exist, and you begin to get any kind of traction… well… if you are lucky enough to not have a fatal accident, you can be ridiculed by the global mass media and if that doesn’t work enough, you can become party to horrific crimes that can be proven by your propensity for watching or having on your internet connected computers, child-pornography. And so on… Which leads us to the second layer in which these people protect themself from discovery in the first place…
Layer Two: Force
As I have always said from a very young age, having grown up with firearms: When the S
HTF, the most valuable metal is copper-jacketed lead.
Fiat money is just a communal delusion, gold and silver are an agreed value exchange method that has retained its intrinsic agreed value for literally millennia, but nothing compares to bullets out of a gun (and today drones, artillery and intercontinental hypersonic missiles).
If you begin to do anything that might affect the self-appointed masters of humanity, in any meaningful fashion, and if the initial intimidation, blackmail, or buyouts don’t work, the next step is your removal by force. Whether by a supposed “natural” or “accidental” death, or by droning you, shooting you, making it look like “regular crime” or whatever, a group that has managed to remain practically invisible while pulling the strings of how society (d)evolves is hardly going to have any qualms about removing anything or anyone that might upset their elite status. To these people, the rest of humanity is as their cattle and sheep to be fleeced and controlled much as a farmer controls his domesticated farm animals (although with considerable less humanity than the average farmer).
Once you begin to delve into this aspect of their methods of preventing anyone from figuring out exactly who they are, and exactly what they do, which would VERY quickly lead to a mass of humanity literally ripping these monstrous creatures from their ivory thrones and probably hanging them from the nearest lamppost, it will not be long before you ask yourself WHY they do it. But that will be for the next post. Here, remember, we are still trying to identify the WHO.
Now, as with the first layer of protection, this second layer has multiple sub-layers, because we are not just talking about them offing the lone genius that figures out how to build cars that run on water (it’s been done multiple times in the last four or five years), or disappearing someone that exposes the crimes of the Clintons, the Epsteins and the Sean Coombs of this world. We are also including things like the War in Ukraine, and the creating conditions that will spark wars where the cattle will murder each other and do atrocities on each other, while the puppet-masters gain even more wealth, power and control from the conflict, making money on both sides of the deal. In fact, if you begin to look at the reasons behind almost any conflict that has taken place in the history of mankind, contrary to popular belief, only about 7% of wars had anything to do with religion, and more than half of those were perpetrated by Islam. The remaining 93% are almost invariably to do with wealth and acquisition of land (wealth) and control of natural resources. And since these “people” who create the conditions for these wars understand the real nature of wealth, their focus is not so much on FIAT money, but on land and natural resources.
Remember that FIAT money is essentially a fiction they have sold to the rest of us who must slave for the crumbs of it, while the actual money itself is created from thin air by these puppet-masters, and diverted (by various and convoluted means usually, but also transparently directly when you understand the mechanisms they put in place) to their supporters, and shock troops.
Occasionally, perhaps, if the world is lucky, one of their manservants, be it possibly Putin or possibly Elon or Donald, to a
certain degree
may rebel and upset the apple cart a little.
However, troublesome as these people might be, they do not ever really challenge the status quo of the real vampires at the top. What happens instead is that within the top vampires, as in all houses of evil, there is hardly any co-operation. Each top vampire wants to be THE top vampire and so on. So the various factions of vampires fight with each other and use these “champions” as the proxy leaders of the masses. Sometimes a few of these “champions” switch faction and the little people like you and me remain enthralled by the new “saviour” that will surely make things better.
If you are any kind of student of history, you will know that the story of humanity is pretty much the story of how a tiny group of people hold the power of life and death over millions (now billions) and do pretty much whatever they want all the time. Over centuries, a little of the tiny, shreds of the crumbs, of the farts of the fleas that feed on the crumbs, trickle down to the average person in the form of some temporary and apparent “improvement” of justice. A particularly good book in this regard, is the unexpected personal history of Ranulph Fiennes, the world renowned explorer
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
. If you read that book, because it is a contraction of a lot of English history in a few pages, it becomes obvious that the process of history is basically the story of these absolutely horrid people with huge power, going about their lives like some of the ancient Gods from Greek and Roman mythology, pursuing their endless quest for power, riches and control, and using the majority of humanity as their foot soldiers if not footstools. Any betterment of conditions for the average person is a kind of side effect that happens mostly by accident rather than any wish to elevate the human condition
per se
The singular exception to this state of affairs in human history has been the Catholic Church. From about the year 33 AD to 1958 AD it exerted the most positive effect on humanity that have ever been seen, to the exclusion of any other empire, ideology or religious belief, none of which come even remotely close to the effects and results that Catholicism brought to humanity.
Unfortunately, certainly since the mid 1700s, the group that has devoted themselves to the control of humanity for literally millennia, has been extremely focused and active in infiltrating and destroying the Catholic Church from within, and over the last 250 years or so, have managed to be extremely successful at it. So much so, that on the 28th of October 1958, the first of a presently unbroken line of Satanists has in fact usurped, and illegally and invalidly sat on the throne of Peter, pretending to be Popes and thus fooling and diverting the greater number of people into believing they and their endless heresies —first encoded in the 16 documents of Vatican II but since spread far and wide in myriad ways— are somehow valid dogma of Catholicism, when the exact opposite is true. As a result, the degradation of humanity has proceeded at a furiously fast pace. And it could be argued that aside from the various financial power-plays, at least one of the entire reasons for WWI and its continuation in WWII was the very weakening and eventual destruction of Catholicism. A plan that had been put together already some 500 years ago by the fake and possibly ethnically Jewish “monk” Martin Luther.
But if one begins to look into history quite deeply, and then begins to note certain patterns, and behaviours on a large scale, with a bird’s eye view of things, then they will relatively quickly come into the third layer of protection…
Level Three: (Im)Plausible Deniability
If you start to look into the financial causes of WWI, the perpetrators of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the financiers of WWII and of Hitler too, and then you begin to also note who the originators of freemasonry and the illuminati, or carbonari sects and such things are, you may come to the conclusion that certainly at least
some elements
of the people who call themselves Jews, be involved.
And yet, these are the only people that literally laws have been made so that they cannot be criticised. You really don’t need to believe me on this. Look it up. In case the current mass murder of men, women and children non-combatant to the tune of tens of thousands, and the displacement of. couple of million human beings currently happening in Gaza and surrounds is not enough.
Now, even just reading this, the average person, even rational and logical, will begin to feel aa certain level of unease. “Blaming the Jews” has been linked to all sort of apparently completely taboo ideas such as holocaust denial, or a persecution of perfectly innocent people due to some deeply held racism for reasons that apparently have nothing to do with reality.
It is a fact that no competent historian even in Israel will ever say that actually six million Jews were killed in concentration camps, or indeed were killed in total during WWII. It is a fact because even the official plaque at Auschwitz used to read that “four million jews were executed here” but in 1992 or so it was reduced to “two million jews” and today it reads something like “approximately 900,000 people died here, most of them Jews”. So a t minimum we seem to have lost 3 million “deaths” that supposedly happened in the holocaust. And that’s not me saying it. That is the official count that is being attributed to Auschwitz alone. And in fact, in my country, denial that the Holocaust took place is punishable by a criminal indictment with penalties of jail and fines. I am not sure if this extends to the denial of the six-million figure, since even historian from the holocaust museum in Israel agree this figure is “symbolic”, but in any case, let me officially state that I fully believe a holocaust happened. That is, regardless of numbers actually killed, displaced, or whatever, Jews were certainly treated badly, during WWII by at least certain elements of the German military machine. Fine, no problem admitting that. But why is it a crime if someone wanted to deny that and it is not a crime to deny that Jews were responsible for far more many deaths than six million, when it came to Germans’s AFTER the war, with a death toll of about an estimated 10 million or so, that we can actually pretty much verify happened, even if no one seems to talk about what happened to Germans AFTER the war, and who came up with this starvation plan? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am happy that we can talk about what the Jews themselves did both before and after the war. Or at least, we can talk about the atrocities they committed against non Jews throughout history. At least for now, because perhaps soon this will also result in jail terms and fines, but presently at least, one could look into why the Jews have been chased out of 109 countries a grand total of some 1004 times. Again, don’t take my word for it. Look it up. While you can, bcaue a LOT of this information is fast being disappeared even from archive servers. I mean, my entire original blog from may 2022 to more recently is not even available on wayback machine. But I’m sure it’s just a Cohen-cidence.
And this is to say nothing of the millions that were killed in Russia prior, during and after WWII, by people who ran things and controlled the reins of power. Once you look into these people and their ethnicities, you may become even more uncomfortable. After all, despite the fact the ideologies these people invented have resulted in the death of over 100 million people in just the last 80 years (not counting abortion, otherwise the number goes to several hundred millions), these ideas are being pushed today as “what’s best and most fair for all”. Yes, we are of course, talking about the most murderous ideology that humanity has ever seen: Communism, which is the father of the even more bloodthirsty ideology of Feminism, that through the “sex revolution” and “equality” and destruction of the “outdated” concept of the nuclear family is today causing some 73 million deaths EVERY YEAR, by abortion. Which the cowardly, evil and absolutely monstrous French authorities have now passed a law that will fine you to the tune of 100,000 euro if you state that abortion is a cause of death. because according to them the baby in the belly is not a “living creature”. It is, of course, absolutely Satanic, but the fact that the French people have not risen up en masse to remove by physical force the people who pass such laws from their thrones of power, demonstrates the very effectiveness that the puppet-master have achieved concerning human acquiescence to their satanic rules.
I do agree a little that abortion should not be classified as a “death” though. I mean it is, but it really needs to be classified first and foremost as MURDER. Because that is what it is, of course. And no, I did not always think of it this way and I too had drunk the lies and nonsense concerning feminism, abortion and so on. I too was 50% part of four abortions that women I was with had over the years. And that stain is one I cannot wash off nor will I deny when my day of judgment comes. I get it. And I mention it here so that any female readers (if I even have any at this point) that simply assume I am some kind of male chauvinist pig that “cannot possibly understand” perhaps, if they still have a tiny shred of logic still functioning in their emotionally driven brains, may begin to realise mine is not a judgment and accusation of YOU specifically. It is a RIGHTFUL judgement of all of us, me included, who have been hoodwinked and lied to and manipulated and brainwashed to the point that we at any point could ever believe that tearing a baby out of the womb by literally ripping it apart limb from limb was not an act of murder.
But now you need to ask:
Who came up with these ideas? Where do they originate from? Who pushes the nonsensical and non-reality based theories of communism, feminism, transgenderism, homosexuality, equality, diversity and immigration, and all the other clown world staples?
Who funds these movements?
And when you start to look at that, you may then ask yourself:
Wow… why is no one talking about this? Why isn’t the mass media telling us? Why are the education boards across the planet not telling us these important details?
Who finances these things?
You may then begin to look at who pushes for trannies shaking their balls in front of toddlers under the guise of “equality, inclusion and sex education”. And then you may look at who funds such “educational” pushes. And you may begin to notice a pattern that a certain ethnicity seems to be VERY over-represented in:
Control of mass media
Control of entertainment media
Control of financial mechanisms, like the Federal Reserve and the Bank of International Settlement
And if you begin to maybe discuss these things with people, you quickly learn that you immediately become automatically labelled as a Conspiracy Theorist. Though that is sort of loosing effectiveness since people like me have literally been right about every single “conspiracy theory” we subscribed to and have the written evidence and the factual proof to demonstrate it for over 30 years. So if that is not enough, well, you certainly must be a vicious racist, bigot and hateful person. You know, the type of absolutely evil person that might just incite hatred towards totally innocent people that have done nothing wrong at all. And they did nothing wrong at all over the centuries, right back from 55BC to the present day over a thousand times in over 109 countries.
Some groups of people apparently just have really uncommon bad luck. And pointing out that it might have anything MORE to do with it than bad luck, like say, their own actions, behaviours and activities, simply means you are obviously a deluded, evil and racist bigot.
So, regardless of any evidence or facts you might come up with concerning the activities of these people that want to control the rest of humanity, even if you get past the invisibility shield, and survive the force shield, you run into the rhetoric shield that unfortunately is possibly even more effective than the invisibility shield. The average human today is no more able to control his emotions and make rational decisions based on facts instead of their feelings than the average chimp. And possibly less so.
Keep in mind that of course, each of these three levels of protection has multiple facts and they also intertwine into each other. In short, the protective shielding that such a group pf people has is truly formidable, and don’t forget that they also literally control the very concept and creation of wealth. Which can project all of these various shields towards you at levels of intensity that you cannot even imagine, and I pray you never have to find out.
And here then concludes the WHO for now, and yes, you may have to do a little research to be sure, because hey, I don’t want you to claim I put ideas in your head that are not valid in any way. So while I may have pointed you in various directions, if you want the details, you will have to follow the heavy and obvious clues I gave you and maybe, say, read up on who runs the Bank of International Settlement and what it actually is and what it actually does (it will blow your mind if you bother to do so, and literally blow the lid off pretty much everything in one go). Or you may want to investigate how Hollywood came about and what it takes to “make it” in that industry, and who runs it almost exclusively. I’m just saying… don’t take my word for anything. Find out. Know for yourself.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
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By SubStackSyncer | 27 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack
My understanding of the human mind and how it works, without any false modesty, is far beyond what even supposed experts in the field are aware of.
This is because of a fortuitous and rather unique blend of skills has come together in three aspects that all shed an incredible amount of insight into the human psyche individually, but when combined reach a level of synergistic understanding that is superior to any I have yet encountered in pretty much anyone else from doctors to hypnotists or therapists.
The blend is due to:
Martial arts
– which reshapes your psyche through forcing your body to undergo various actions, and also allows your body to perform certain feats you may have thought impossible by adjusting your mental perspective.
Hypnosis Skill
– in order to be a good hypnotist you really need to grasp mastery of various things, among which the use of language, empathy, observation, and various other perceptual modes of both receiving as well as transmitting information.
– having been a voracious reader since early childhood, I have consumed a lot of material in spheres of knowledge that while initially might seem unrelated, are in fact connective and synergistically linked to the understanding of the human mind. These topics include physics (and astronomy within it), neurology, (some emphasis on Asperger’s and autism), elements of genetics and more specifically the work of McCraty, Garajev and Aspden but also Burkhardt Heim and Kozyrev. Incidentally, on that basis, it’s why I don’t rate Chris Langan’s CTMU theory at all. It really says nothing new and couches it in neologisms for the purpose of obscurantism to look more “mysterious” or “difficult to understand because I’m so smart”.
Blending those three skills together has given me insights into how human minds work at both the individual as well as the general or group level that no one I am aware of has published yet. Though some have alluded to pieces of it here and there, in neurology works mostly, it seems none have combined all the parts I have as of yet. You can get a taste of it in this article on the mind I wrote a while back, but today I want to explain a phenomenon that is rather pervasive and to which honestly, no one has found a real answer, and it is this:
How pornography gets used to push various political agendas and what to do about it.
Explaining the first part is easy enough and most people should be able to follow the concepts I will mention here below, but no one has yet found an effective method to counter this sort of brainwashing. I may, however, have done so, which is what I will explain at the end, though it is first necessary to understand the issue of how pornography is being used to brainwash you properly, for the solution to it to work.
How it Works: Part I – The Neurology
In essence, any habit is the result of repetition and the formation of an imprint in your brainmap to one extent or other. The habit of using a fork in your left hand for example is a subtle one that will form over the years so that as an adult, if you’re right handed, you will generally use a fork with your left hand. And a certain level of brainmap will be formed to be predisposed to a certain degree to use the fork in your left when using both fork and knife. This type of behaviour forms gently over time and mostly as a result of almost entirely unconscious mechanisms rooted almost entirely on repetition.
Other habits however, can and do form with a different mechanism: fetishes.
A strong or very strong emotional event can result in the formation of a type of trauma that the mind the unconsciously seeks out for mostly one of two reasons:
An unconscious desire to repeat the trauma in such a way that it becomes “accepted” or “healed” in a way that is deemed “safe” by the unconscious, or, a semi-conscious desire to repeat the pleasure experienced by the emotionally significant event.
In the first instance is broadly speaking the reason as to why people who suffered a certain type of trauma as children from one or both of their primary caretakers or parents can go through life ending up in relationships with people that repeat that same traumatic pattern of behaviour to some degree or other.
In the second instance, you have the root of addiction and fetishising behaviour.
Every human being of normal neurology is wired this way, so your conscious dismissal of any of the above as not being applicable to you is only self-deception.
The best anyone can achieve is a conscious awareness of their brainmap patterns of their most habitual behaviours and a conscious adjusting of them towards behaviours that are generally positive or at least not destructive to self-or others.
Incidentally, this way in which the mind works is why sexual abuse of children is such a horrific trauma, that usually has some effects that last decades or even a whole lifetime. Sex and sexual urges, sexual emotions and their related intensity are so strong that usually the first sexual experiences immediately form what is known as a SEE: Significant Emotional Event.
The traumatic experience of a rape at a young age, prior to any normalised sexual experience, perhaps compounded by something like incest, causes a massive SEE in the victim, tied to extremely powerful aspects of the human condition, since sex is literally linked to our survival as a species, and as such is wired in well below any conscious aspects of our psyche.
This is why homosexual rape of children often leads to homosexual behaviour in the victim later in life, as well as an increased propensity for sexually molesting children, as statistics on this matter have consistently demonstrated around the world for many decades.
There is a reason that in Catholic dogma, regardless of your appreciation of the Christian religion or not, it is stated that the devil snares the most souls through “the sins of the flesh”.
The sexual impulse is literally driven by the most fundamental part of our brain, right down to whatever primeval, protozoic level of regression of humanity, or even life in general you assume might be at our origin. Every living organism has this instinct for procreation.
It is therefore a virtual certainty that if you can link certain types of behaviour to the sexual impulse, regardless of how twisted, there is a good chance that it becomes a compulsive activity on the part of the target.
How it Works: Part II – The Political element of it
It is unfortunately necessary to delve into some graphic explanations of how the fact that your neurology is hard-wired to the sexual impulse affects behaviour. A few examples can be used as a general way to explain the concept, but the list is essentially endless. We will be focusing on the political element of these subversive behaviours, so that the connection is easy to see.
Example 1:
It has been demonstrated, even if not widely discussed that being subjected to sexual abuse consistently over time, can rewire your sexual preference. I have read personal stories as well as some clinical reports on the effects of rape on males within the prison system. particularly of repeated rape on a subject over the time of his incarceration. These men, usually due to being physically weaker, get used as sexual release by other inmates, usually forcibly and often with injuries. over time, since the rapes will happen regardless, these men acquiesce to reduce the physical damage they suffer. after months or years of this behaviour, even when they are released from prison, they often cannot have normal heterosexual relations anymore and they can only become aroused physically by being penetrated, sometimes exclusively by other men, all while still being in internal anguish about it.
Example 2:
As various types of pornography get consumed, just as with all addictions, the necessary stimulus to get the relevant release of brain chemicals that make the addiction initially pleasant need to be increased as the body adapts to the original stimulus and requires higher doses of transgression to achieve the same chemical release of hormones that produce the pleasing effect. Over time, this will tend to lead people to increasingly extreme versions of pornography. Eventually, straightforward heterosexual coupling between a man and woman will not suffice and increasingly perverse mutations of the sex act will be indulged into. Eventually, even the heterosexual barrier may begin to be breached, until finally the target can only receive the same “high” only from increasingly disordered aspects of sex. While example 1 above is easier to understand given the very physical and “in the flesh” effects that are forced on someone, in a sense, the same is true of just viewing pornography too, as a person becomes increasingly desensitised and reaches for more intense transgressions. In order to stimulate the same effect of pleasure, their own imagination, out of control in the chase for ever stronger emotions, in order to provide the dopamine, serotonin and whatever other chemical in the brain causes the sought for pleasure sensation, effectively “brutalises” their own nervous system to the point that their imaginations will even begin to implant thoughts that normally or “in reality” or “in the flesh” such people would not normally have thought of ever doing. over time, however, this dependency can and often will, eventually lead down the path of beginning to “experiment” in reality to chase the imagined taboo that gives them the chemical hit their brain is addicted to.
Example 3:
While the above examples are pretty direct and obvious, it is the subtler versions of the degeneration of sensitivity to pornographic imagery that is most pervasive. Just like using the fork with your left hand is something almost no one ever thinks about consciously as a formed habit, the constant exposure to half-naked and scantily clad women, all chasing the idealised supermodel look, will tend to reduce both men and women to normalising the look, and subsequently the behaviours that go along with the constantly propagandised issue of how “hot” people behave with each other at every opportunity they get. The normalisation of homosexual sex scenes in almost every film and series on Netflix for example means that when some of those intrusive thoughts from pornography over-use start to show up, they are already to some extent normalised in wider society. A walk on any beach in Italy in summer today, would have resulted in almost the entire female population of the beach to be arrested a mere 70 years ago. Many bathing costumes today leave really nothing to the imagination, and in so doing, degrade the “thrill” one might have got from simply kissing, or beginning to undress with a prospective romantic partner. The idea of a lifelong companion with which to raise children has already been replaced with the idea of a “hot” person that fulfils our sexual and financial and social desires, mostly also in terms of external validation rather than internal validation. In fact, the very concept of being an internally validated and motivated person is so taboo to the powers that wants to control humanity, that they are literally banning the very concept of it. This is why such terms as “toxic masculinity” were invented, and other words, like “Sigma” are currently being “banned” in schools. Since Sigma is the very definition of a man that ignores the pervasive social order in favour of his own ideas, ideals and aims. In other words, the epitome of a self-validated and motivated person, instead of one moulded by social expectations and social validation, which are external and far less under his ability to control.
Given the above examples and understanding of the related neurology, it now becomes easier to see how pornography in general is designed to reduce the ability of human beings to form nuclear families.
The primary instinct to procreate is perverted into a purely hedonistic and selfish act, discarding the original nature-driven imperative fo the continuation of the species to pair-bond for life and raise multiple children. In that regard then, we can even identify specific “branches” of this agenda, in everything from “normal” TV shows and adverts, all the way to the type of pornography that is being produced and provided for free around the world. A short bullet-point list should suffice.
Increasing Homosexuality – Reducing resistance to unnatural sexual activity
Increasing group sex pornography – Reducing modesty at all levels. Allowing sex to become an almost public activity.
Increasing interracial sex pornography – Activating a certain element of the taboo that is exciting on the one hand, because at an instinctual level our biology responds to this from the evolutionary perspective of “an other” being interacted with in a way that biologically has been “forbidden” for most of the tribal existence of human beings, while being normalised on the other hand in everyday social aspect, since any kind of racism or perception of it is considered unacceptable today. The net effect is also of creating a “blended” people that have no real solid connection to any ancestral history, and who absent this are also more easily driven to accept current social narratives.
Increasing pornography in general – Reduces resistance to sexual immorality in general
Increasing pornography of multiple men with one woman and/or the storyline of adulterous women copulating with men outside of their marriage or primary relationship – Reduces the general resistance by women to behave in such ways, and in men against accepting such behaviour from women. Leading to swinging, cuckoldry and so on, which of course, reduce the viability of nuclear families.
The Effects
In a concise format, the effect tis ultimately one of reducing the very bedrock of functional societies: The traditional nuclear family where the man and woman stay together for their entire lives and work through whatever marital difficulties, regardless of their nature.
The fact is that even if a person might be peripherally aware of these issues, if they are addicted to these various forms of pornography, it is likely that they will affect their actual trajectory in life. Making them that much less likely to form functional and stable nuclear families.
The Solution
There are various ways in which people, young men in particular, have or are trying to overcome these issues. I have probably been contacted for help in this area by young men, usually through a combination of hypnosis and conversation more than any other issue. Which should speak volumes since in general, more or less normally heterosexual men are extremely resistant to wanting to discus the topic of masturbation with other men. And yet, enough of them feel this is an issue that is important —even if they are not necessarily aware of all the details I may have identified in this post— that they overcome this sense of shame and guilt, enough to get in touch and try reach a healthier state of mind.
Hypnosis and discussing the issue and the triggers of it can be helpful of course. Other methods like forced aversion therapy and so on, tend to often not be as useful and in fact can lead to other issues, some making the situation worse than the original problem.
In my opinion, the solution ultimately comes from the usual source: a very deep sense of self-knowledge, rooted in what we really are, and also what we really are committed to becoming. That alone, however, relies primarily on the conscious willpower of an individual, and this aspect of life has been one of the main targets for destruction by the people of the Lie for millennia, but at a pace that is like achieving faster than light travel in the last 70 years or so.
What I have found helps most of all is a full realisation that your specific addiction, is not exclusively your own doing. Of course, you certainly made the decisions and took the misguided actions that led you to whatever level of addiction, disordered sexuality or damaged ability to pair-bond for life you are at, but… it was a trap laid out for you.
It is an intentional and conscious plan to affect you that way. To make you the slave of whatever sexual gratification and consequential ability to be a proper father (or mother, as the case may be) and husband (or wife) for life.
The specific traps laid out for men in this regard (generally more visual and direct) differ from the ones laid out for women (generally subtler and not directly obviously linked to sex), but make no mistake that the objective is the total destruction of the nuclear family and the stable society composed of nuclear families achieves.
And specifically, the thing that is aimed at being destroyed most of all is the European style nuclear family that was made the primary constituent of society by the Catholic Church.
You may not like it, but it remains a fact that only the Catholic Church made it clear that marriage was for life, divorce never an option, and the purpose of it was the creation of children, and therefore the very concept of contraception was an abomination, to say nothing of the mass murder that we have today as a result of abortion.
Hopefully, as a result of this post you may now be not just somewhat aware of the fact that these traps are created for you on purpose, but you might finally have begun to become laser-focused on the reality of this agenda.
As to WHY there is such an agenda, and by WHOM it is put in place, that is a topic we will need to address in a future post in a generic sense, and in several subsequent posts in the more detailed version.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link
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By SubStackSyncer | 27 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack
I had a very interesting exchange with a friend regarding Roman Law, and an equally insightful question by a reader that was posted in all humility. I had already thought of writing on this, since it has become absolutely clear that the average person, especially if English-speaking, has got not only no clue, but also no direct experience of the intrinsic superiority of Roman Law when compared to any other legal system found on Earth; ever.
It sounds like a fantastic boast doesn’t it? Well it is not, and hopeless though the attempt is when dealing with people who are only swayed by their emotions, and not the objective facts, I hop to at least help those who can reason, to see something that they probably have been unaware of, and which, in fairness, has been kept from them by the same forces that would love to have you believe a man can get pregnant.
Allow me to share the conversation I had, as I hope you find it a good starting point to begin to see the issue. I’m the writing in the green bubbles.
Side note, for those of you that think I am a horrible racist of some kind, please note it extends to my own fellow supposed countrymen, the wops. In reality, of course, I am not Italian at all, being Venetian, and we Venetians are not wops. Of course. The correct slur for us is Dagos. Don’t say I don’t teach you guys something cool every day.
As I have been telling you all since at least 2011 officially, which is when my book on the
Russian Martial System
I trained and taught for several years came out, the baseline bedrock principle for any man is simply what the oracle at Delphi said millennia ago already:
Man – Know Thyself.
Which I modified slightly to:
Know (for) Yourself.
Meaning, both know yourself and also find things out for yourself. Don’t take my word for anything, go ahead and check. And check other stuff you took for granted since you were born. My suggestion is start looking into the Catholic Church’s REAL beliefs prior to 1958 and then compare them to Vatican II.
Then if you want to flex your veracity radar, look into the origins of WWI and even more so WWII. And a LOT of the “accepted truth” of what actually happened in that war and who did what to whom.
But for now let me continue sharing the conversation I had with my friend.
There was one more message from me here where I stated that over time, Protestantism shifted from a few (serious) doctrinal errors, all the way to the demonic nonsense it is today, with transgender “Bishops”, 40,000 denominations, and Atheist Lesbians pretending to be Priests, and more abominations and blasphemies of Christianity than you can shake a stick at.
Now, without the background I have with my friend, you might be more inclined to think I am just some zealot shouting at clouds that Catholicism is the best and only true Christianity because I am some unhinged and brainwashed Catholic.
Well… those of you who know me and my story would be aware that I had rejected Catholicism from about age 7 to age 42 entirely and it was only a Road to Damascus moment that made me aware God was real and God was Love, but NOT that God was necessarily best seen through the lens of Catholicism. What my metaphorical fall from the horse did was make me aware that God was definitely best described by the Christian tradition, but which one of those it was took a little longer. I shifted from Deism quickly to general Christianity, discarding Protestantism because it is simply utterly nonsensical and illogical from top to bottom and have no credibility at all to anyone who is not brainwashed into it from birth or mentally handicapped. Literally children can figure it out that Protestantism is nonsense, so that was discarded in a matter of hours. Originally I thought Easter “Orthodoxy” might be the closest to the truth. It didn’t seem as filled with pedophiles and weak “men” as “Catholicism” even if the theology of it was weak and a lot of things that could be reasoned out were swept under the carpet of “It’s a Mystery”.
In fact, only Catholicism seemed to provide the most logical, sensible and accurate facts, though there were obvious flaws. And I could not reconcile these until I read the Code of Canon Law of 1917 and came across Canon 188 part 4. At that point I realised that what most people think is the Catholic Church is no such thing. It is an impostor Church that has usurped the real one almost entirely and deprived us of a valid Pope since 1958. Realising I could not be the only one to have figured this out from first principles, I started to look online for anything related to Canon 188 part 4. And it was then I discovered Sedevacantism.
Since then I studied obsessively (as I tend to do when I find something worthwhile) and publish two books on the topic of Catholicism Vs. Everything else.
Despite this, I keep encountering genuine people, intelligent people, that still seem to be stumped by some of the lies that keep getting promulgated by the sophists, the liars and the enemies of truth.
It is only recently that I realise that the root of this is not, as I had assumed just due to stupidity (though, let’s never forget Professor Cipolla, who in my view should be sanctified!). It was mostly due to people’s learned helplessness when it comes to doing correct logic in the context of human affairs.
And I realise now a couple of things:
It is the rare person raised in Anglo-Zeitgeist that has any experience in performing good logic in relation to human beings and their behaviours. The emphasis is on systems. More specifically, the mechanising systems of the Industrial Revolution. The Anglos are better at measuring the efficiency of human beings as if they were cogs in a machine. Production statistics, efficiency of work. Profit margins. The logic of commerce and systems to facilitate and maximise that commerce are all “superior” to the average abilities in those fields you find in countries that were nominally Catholic (Italy, Spain, Portugal, most of South America). The “logic” of the Anglos is depersonalised and not good at all at correctly evaluating human affairs beyond those related to the material world of commerce, profit and mechanising of human beings.
The ignorance of the origins of Roman Law and its evolution is pervasive. Even most supposed Catholics are unaware of it, however, Catholics (even the flawed ones that are nominally Novus Ordo) have the momentum of Catholicism for a couple of millennia behind them that has permeated their culture and thus they have instinctively understood some elements of logic as it applies to human being and their interactions with each other in a way that remains generally more human-centric, that is, more favourably in service of human beings instead of the profit motive, or the work efficiency motive, or the materialistic motives.
The further lack of knowledge whatsoever of the terrible degradation of Roman Catholic Law into the abomination that is Anglo-Saxon Law, with its obsession on presents modifying the law in the future, is so deep that the average Anglo literally cannot understand what is being said when I point out that Roman Law is based on Principle but that the details of each case are treated uniquely for each case, and the outcomes can be very different even if superficially the cases may look very similar to an external observer. The classic example being that in that abomination of “law” that is the American legal system, people often innocent of a crime will still plead guilty to a lesser charge in order to avoid a trial that has prescribe sentences if found guilty of the charge. Roman Law does not work that way. The situation is investigated and the punishment is doled out depending on the finds of that investigation. Not all robberies are equal, not all murders are either.
The Death penalty is dogmatic under Catholicism. Certain crimes absolutely deserve capital punishment, and despite the fact that the secular and freemasonic powers of the current world order have mostly done away with this almost all over the world, the fact remains that logically and humanely, it is simply a matter of justice and human dignity that demands the death penalty must remain a law under certain circumstances.
Aside the specifics of the penal or civil code, allow me then to now show you a pertinent question from a very humble reader:
I have a question. How should I go about learning about Roman Contract Law? What books should I read? I’ve never studied law before.
[focus on learning the basic principles of logic instead]
I also just acquired a 1929 Douay-Rheims Bible. I’ve only skimmed it, but I’m already seeing subtle differences between this and the 1960 New Catholic Edition of the Holy Bible that I have read. I’ve never read the KJV Bible.
[Given the KJV is the Freemason Bible, that’s a good thing]
I now also have a physical copy of the 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law, but I don’t quite know what to do with it. I’ve only skimmed it. Do I read it?
[Yes. Do. It’s interesting. And when you see how various Codes interact with each other it will become clearer too]
Do I memorize it?
[If you can do that you’re some freak of nature, and I don’t think it’s necessary, but good luck.]
Is the purpose of the book to help us understand Vatican I (pre-Vatican II) Church administration?
[No. The purpose of it is to have ALL the rules and regulations of Catholicism in ONE book, instead of scattered all over various Papal Encyclicals, pronouncements, reasoning of the patristic fathers of the Church or its Saints and Doctors, and so on. Using this code, any situation that may present itself is covered either in positive definition or in the negative absence of it. So for example, there is no maximum time that an interregnum can last, because there is no such limit specified in the Code anywhere. Of course, reading the Code gives you an insight into how Catholicism works, what its rules are, and if you read up on the references too, this becomes even clearer. In this way you will indeed learn the various processes of the rules required foe the running of the Church, but such rules are not divine law and can change, while other rules are rooted in divine law and will never change. For example you can’ become a Catholic by being forced to convert.]
How do the contents of the book affect the lives of ordinary Sedevacantist Catholics?
[They are the rules both the clergy and laypeople, each in their own capacity and within their constraints as either clergy or layman, should live by.]
Or how do the contents of the 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law affect people who do not belong to any specific denomination, but are just searching for truth?
[Well, if you are searching for truth, genuinely and honestly, eventually you will find it. Which means eventually you will end up becoming a Sedevacantist Catholic.]
And let me also try to answer it here in a more general sense too.
Learning about Roman Law is probably best done by learning about the Roman codex that was added to and grew over time and learning about the Roman Empire. While this is definitely Roman Law, it was yet quite far from anything I would define as “the best system on Earth”. While Rome remained pagan, the laws they had could be very brutal and even unfair. There was also different rules for Roman Citizens and foreigners. This is why St. Paul, for example, who was a Roman citizen, was decapitated when he was martyred, while St. Peter was crucified (upside down by his own request). Once you are familiar with he concept of how the Romans came to have these set of laws, you need to then immerse yourself in how Catholicism went from 11 scared men to essentially conquering the Roman Empire. Once Catholicism entered the fray, Roman Law changed. The rules that the Romans had did begin on principle and then went to detail, but Catholicism added the humanity, grace, mercy, wisdom, truth and justice that are the foundation of Catholicism to the rules.
Each human being became intrinsically of equal value, regardless of citizenship or ethnicity or much of anything else. It can clearly be seen, for example, in the Papal Encyclical Cum Ex Apostolato Officio, that a heretic was to be shunned and treated as such regardless of if he were the Pope himself (which would no longer be a Pope once he became a heretic, of course), and Emperor, or the lowest janitor.
God does not differentiate on your crime or punishment based on your social status, and neither does the Church or Catholic infused Roman Law.
When I say “Roman Law” I really mean Catholic Roman Law, because I am referring to Roman Law under Catholicism.
In this respect then Catholic Roman Law is what I define as the absolute best system for governing human beings as well as giving them a set of rules and guidelines that is without question the most comprehensively just system of laws and social guidelines for dealing with the flawed humans we are that humanity has ever come up with. There simply is not anything that even comes close in any other system that has ever been tried by human beings on Earth.
Catholic Roman Law is without question the most just system of rules ever devised, precisely because it is ultimately founded on the Divine principles of Catholic dogma and hence as close as humans can get to God’s will.
Throughout the Bible, you see God’s judgements are not like Anglo-Saxon Laws. While there are absolutes (for example, touching the ark of the covenant results in instadeath) the judgement and punishment for apparently similar crimes is unique to each situation. David had a good man, Uriah, be placed in such a position that he would be killed in battle, which happened, just so he could take the man’s wife, Bathsheba. A traitorous, deceitful, murdering, sneaky bastard of a thing to do, without question. [Samuel 2:11].
Yet, David is also described as a man who was after God’s own heart [Acts 13:22].
And he clearly was not punished as would perhaps have been another man who had behaved as David did with Bathsheba. The point her sis not to get lost in the weeds of theological interpretation of these passages in the Old Testament, but rather, to understand that each situation is unique when dealing with human beings and as such the correct, logical, fair and just way to deal with them MUST BE, to begin with principles, but to study each case and judge each situation on its merits.
Anglo-laws still pay SOME lip-service to this under the guise of extenuating circumstances, but it is a far cry from the actual process of using logic and reason based in Divine order to come to the correct justice for people.
Of course, no system is free from possible corruption, abuse or error, given all human beings are flawed, but in principle at least, Roman Law is the best we have.
Take the example of two murderers. One gets condemned to death, the other gets a few months in prison, or perhaps just an admonition. How can this be?
Let’s say one murderer beats an old man to death in order to steal his pension, while the other murderer beats to death an old man who had raped his toddler son.
The method of the murder is the same. And let’s say also the level of premeditation is the same. Both men lay in wait for their victim so as to perpetuate the murder.
What are they actually guilty of? Is it the same in both instances? An Anglo reader, even if possessed of an instinctive sense of justice will say the second man had “extenuating circumstances” but is unlikely to be able to justify a lesser punishment for the father of the toddler on sound logical and legal grounds. It’ mostly just a “feeling”, right?
A Catholic that has any basic knowledge of Roman Law, on the other hand will be able to instantly see the issue.
Man number one perpetrated a homicide that was absolutely premeditated, and was done out of pure malice. Even if one might say you can’t be CERTAIN of the
to murder since whether he MEANT to kill the old man or not, his violent actions resulted in the death of the man, the point is immaterial. Once you cross the line of breaking the law and then something goes horribly wrong, like you kill a guy by “accident” when you only meant to injure or cripple him, it really doesn’t matter in an instance like this, because the initial act was premeditated and unlawful. You have taken a life and capital punishment absolutely applies.
Now let’s look at man number two, what is he actually guilty of? Is it murder? Actually, no. The old man that raped his toddler son would in any case have been put to death. That is the appropriate punishment for such an act. So the father is not really guilty of murder, since the old man really signed his own death warrant by his actions. However, the father intentionally and premeditatedly, denied the due process of law by taking the law in his own hands. He is guilty of a crime that can be labelled in different ways but we could call it “Perverting the course of justice.” It would be a bad thing in general for people to get the idea they can simply mete out the punishment that is due or that would be due under a proper process of law. Primarily because people are pretty dumb and emotional creatures and have little capacity to be objective and fair when they are hurt deeply.
So the father of the boy does need to be punished if for no other reason so that the other citizens realise that becoming a vigilante is generally a bad idea for society in general. The fiction here is that this assumes that any system of law would actually deliver perfect justice in each case. Which is probably why the father of the boy took this action. but that in itself is not reason enough to excuse his actions.
So now it depends on the evidence that the old man definitely would have been put to death for his crime. But let’s say that there is video of the old man’s crime as well as reliable witnesses and this is now beyond any doubt.
Next we need to look at how the father killed the guy. was it one punch to the head and the old man fell and died? Or did the father kidnap the old man, put him in a cellar and beat him to death over three days using a rubber hose as a whip?
If it was the first, he might get away with a caution if I was judge. Because fully cognisant that the law can be imperfect, but given the overwhelming evidence of the crime the old man did, I’d understand the father’s wish to ensure that the right punishment was meted out. And since we can’t be CERTAIN he meant to kill the old man, that one punch and done could be ruled an accident. And the “crime” of vigilantism, understood as pretty negligible in the scheme of things. And a light or even absent sentence sends a message to the wider community too. Yeah the law is imperfect sometimes…. and we’re likely to make sure it’s MORE imperfect when you rape little kids.
On the other hand, if he’d kept the old man in a cellar for three days, this complicates things. The “crime” of taking the law into his own hands and thus shall we say “besmirching” the law, is more grievous. So he must be punished for that. And probably have some kind of psychiatric evaluation too. Because doing that kind of thing is not really normal for MOST people. Though it is perfectly normal for a few types of people. So I wold not want to label such a man as mentally unhealthy, but I would prescribe some kind of therapy that would have zero bearing on his sentence and not be able to be used in the future to add to any further crimes he may commit under the guise that he is “unbalanced”. In short, it would be mandated purely for his own benefit and be sealed sessions the contents of which would remain only between him and the therapist (or priest, which I would consider an adequate alternative if the man was Catholic). Aside that, I would also mandate some community service for say six months, in a capacity that would bring him into contact with some physical work as well as helping a sector of the population that needs it.
The reasoning would be that he influenced society negatively by his extreme for of vigilantism, but no one would be made better by him rotting in jail for six months. Instead with mandated therapy he might get some help or at least get a few thoughts off his chest in safety, and his community service would counter-balance any negative effects on society he caused, by providing a net positive.
By describing this hypothetical in some detail, I hope to have shown that the concept is based on reason and logic, not emotions or vague legalistic loopholes that are really just flawed in terms of justice and logic.
In brief then remember, when it comes to human beings (and not just in relation to crime and punishment) reason, logic and the application of it on the basis of principle being imperative, but details and circumstances leading to the conclusions that are available under that overarching principle is the way to be.
If you know yourself, are honest, and can do logic, then Roman Catholic Law will come naturally to you. If any one of those ingredients is shaky, then it will not.
I truly hope this post helps at least a few of you to get the idea.
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By SubStackSyncer | 23 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack
Look, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing
per se
against Americans in general. Each nation has their good and bad sides, but the Americans have the unenviable “first” of being a nation that was created by Freemasons, both internally (the various “founding fathers” and presidents up to the present day) and externally (the money for the rebellion came from France, bankrupting it and getting the King and his consort behaved for listening to the “advice” of their closest advisors.
And being vastly wealthy, and with a system of legality that is absolutely Satanic, with a mere veneer of “law and order” it is only natural that the average American is completely oblivious of the financial origins of their war of independence, of the fact Freemasons are actually Satanists, not “brotherhood of man good guys”, and that they are fed a constant drip of lies in the media and poison in their food and medical “care”.
My previous post wasn’t really even about Catholicism, but rather the very CONCEPT of humane, correct, logica,
, justice. And of course the morons all felt they had found the cart to attack with flaming idiocy while they ululated insanity and loserman vibes.
So they got banned permanently. I’m not a big warning guy, or ask questions first type. And the couple of comments that were not banned and remain leave the impression of there having been serious head trauma in both those authors’ pasts.
It’s amusing because the commenters literally demonstrate they have no idea what the point of the post is. They ass-u-me that it’s me just saying Catholics are better than everyone else, and it isn’t that at all. In this case I was simply saying the CONCEPT and the REALITY of how Roman Law works is BETTER that the concept and reality of pretty much all other systems we have tried under the sun.
So let me be clear, that is what I was saying.
I will now here add, that since Roman Law is indeed the supreme legal system for Human beings, the Catholic Church, naturally, adapted it and improved the original version from the Pagan Romans, adding in a few concepts of baseline logic the Romans had anyway but were more clearly evidenced in Catholicism, given that Divine Law if perfectly logical. And this, among the fact that the religion is true, DOES make Catholicism infinitely superior to Protestantism, of which Vatican II Novus Ordo heretical fake “Church” is just the latest iteration of the endless ruin and Satanism that anything that pretends to be “the One True Religion” inevitably is, since —like with my nickname— there can be only one.
And your “denominationless denomination” number 38,792 is just not it.
And now we can wait for the seething comments of those too stupid to read and understand that they will be banned without a second’s hesitation if you blaspheme, make strawman attacks, or lie about what was said, or just troll moronically. Disagree all you like, but DO YOUR HOMEWORK. If you make an “argument” that has already been debunked for a few centuries and then you don’t even know read the proof of that in the post itself and make some idiotic comment like “Catholics worship Mary”, well… Sayonara sunshine!
I hope I have been clear. You’re not getting banned here because it’s an eco chamber. You get banned here because you acted like an irredeemable idiot.
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By SubStackSyncer | 20 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack
In my
recent video chat with Peter
of Two-Cities Podcast, I was correctly chastised by a viewer because I tended to interrupt Peter and go on a bit about this or that principle of Catholic dogma. This was not based on my ego, etc, as can be seen in other interviews where I am happy to let the other person answer at length and I don’t interrupt at all. I was aware while doing the livestream that this was happening, but my intent was to prevent Peter from going too far down an erroneous rabbit hole.
That is, for example, there is quite a common idea in “traditional” circles of Catholicism that if you no longer have valid Cardinals you can’t vote a Pope in. This stems from the fact that in the Code of Canon Law it states various things about Cardinals being able to vote in a new Pope etc.
The typical Anglo-Saxon mind, marinated in Anglo-Saxon version of legalese, interpret this to say if you have no Cardinals you have no ability to vote in a Pope.
In this instance, the error is one of doctrine and dogma. If you are not aware that the rules concerning Cardinals are merely ecclesiastical rules, that is, rules for the smooth running of the Church as a whole, in other words, human rules, and you assume that all rules in Canon Law have equal weight, then you will not understand that Ecclesiastical or human rules can change, but they can never invalidate Divine dogma or rules. And since in the past people who were not even ordained priests voted in a Pope, and since the office of the Pope is a Divinely instituted office, it can never disappear, it also means whatever rule applied in the past must necessarily still be valid (because the truth does not change), it means you absolutely to NOT need Cardinals, not 72 of them, or whatever the number now is supposed to be, to vote in a valid Pope. The rule applies only if everything else is in order, but since it is very far from that, and no one of the Novus Ordo “Church” clergy is even Catholic, and since the past cannot invalidate the future (and vice-versa) it is logically clear in Roman Law that no, you do not need Cardinals.
It is a simpler, more human, and perfectly logical system of law. Unlike the anglo-Saxon perversions of it, where case law becomes “new law”.
In Anglo-Saxon thinking, if you now have a rule you need 72 Cardinals under age 80 to vote in a Pope, and you only have 71 left, or, as is the case now, none, then “AW MAH GAWD!” it means a Pope can never be elected again and the Church has defected because the office of the Papacy has no hope of ever being filled again.
If, on the other hand, you understand logic and reason, you are used to thinking in terms of Roman Law, and so you realise that if in the year 300 sixteen peasants of which only 8 were priests and 2 were bishops, voted in a valid Pope, well…your not having any Cardinals today is not that big a deal. I mean, it is… in that clearly something tragic has happened (and it has: Vatican II and the fake Popes that created it and promulgate it), but it by no means implies the Church has defected.
This approach to thinking pervades almost every sphere of life and results in either a higher level of mechanisation of human beings, going from Roman Law to say English Law, to, the truly Satanic, American Legal System. Or, a more human-centred and divinely inspired system of legal system and thus social order among men, going from: Satanic bureaucracy no human mind can possibly comprehend in any part of its totality (American Legal System), to a slightly better system that is still intrinsically unfair and geared to protect the wealthy and a certain class of person (English Common Law), to an actually logical and reasonable system that while encompassing the ultimate punishment (death penalty) it also recognises the uniqueness of each human specific legal or illegal interaction, the details of which ultimately make a big difference.
In Roman Law, for example, there is the concept of silent assent.
If I tell you that X is or should happen and that requires you to do Y, and you keep silent, that means you agreed you must do Y.
This concept is enough to send English people and Indians, scurrying for the caves in the hills.
Roman Law is truly the most divinely inspired of legal systems on Earth, because it is based on principles, but makes allowances for the unique details of each case.
Pondering this would do away with a LOT of the chaotic confusion many people seem to have concerning what is “fair” or “just”, as well as understand the rules of Catholic dogma in a far superior fashion.
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By SubStackSyncer | 20 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack
I have mentioned many times before how Freemasons play both sides of the coin. They have the crazies on the “left” and the “good guys” on the right. And a few “good guys in the middle” because you never know, the coin may end on edge.
Ask yourself: Who can massacre men, women and children with impunity for months or even years on end and no one in the mass media talks about it?
Who has laws passed that make it so one can’t even assert historical facts without falling afoul of criminal prosecution in many countries?
Who is it not allowed that you criticise as a group?
As the old joke goes, if you notice bunch of Italian criminals you call them mafia.
If you notice a bunch of blacks or latinos being criminals you call them gangbangers.
If you notice a bunch of Jews being criminals, then you’re an antisemitic racist.
Educate yourself on what the Jewish religion says about non-jews and how Jews are to treat them. Or how they think about sex with children under the age of 3.
I am disturbed by people who assume that we should tolerate even the most foul, evil and disgusting practices. And my question is simple: Why?
Why should anyone tolerate child rapists or killers?
Why should anyone tolerate predatory banking practices designed to cripple the poor that are essentially and fundamentally unjust?
Why should usury be tolerated?
Why should we accept that a small group of people has the power to create fiat money out of thin air and put entire governments and most of humanity in debt to them for it?
Why should you tolerate anything http is fundamentally unjust, evil, or both?
And if there is no answer to that, or rather, no real answer, no valid answer, and if those perpetrating such crimes have removed themselves from normal society behind layers upon layers of deception, defence, and various rings of armed men willing to enforce the will of their masters regardless of how twisted it may be, how are you to fight them?
The answers are simple too.
No one should tolerate any of it, of course.
And secondly, if you cannot directly address the issue, refuse to participate in any of their sick games, including the need for fiat money. That, of course sounds insane and impossible at first. But only because you have been conditioned to think so for your entire life. Did the Red Indias of America have fiat money? No.
“But they were free and we are not!” You right say. Yes. Perhaps, but they were nearly rendered extinct because they did not see the issues facing them and react appropriately. Do you think the natives of Sentinel island have fiat money? No.
“Yes but they are savages!” You say. Yes, but they are free and you are not.
So you cannot envision how to survive and even thrive, or to create a community near you that reduces their need for reliance on fiat money at all? Nothing? The Sentinel Island “savages” have got you beat? Really?
Think to yourself: What would happen if a solar flare suddenly wiped out all the digital equipment on Earth? It would be chaos and people would start murdering each other in the street for food. Who would not be doing that? Who would have enough to stand a good chance of surviving and fighting off marauding bands of starving and crazed people?
The ones who prepared for such eventualities already.
Whatever that means… be one of those guys. Because otherwise you’re only going to be a zombie attacking their communities, or a drone-slave for the oligarchs, and yes, far more than you already are.
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By SubStackSyncer | 19 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack
It really is the case that in the roughly 35 years I read newspapers, every single time that any article that I actually knew the details of, not once was the truth of the matter actually reported. Some of these stories were front page news too. What can I say, I’ve had an interesting life.
The point remains the same: consider EVERYTHING you see reported on mainstream media as if it was being shouted at you by that one kid in class that is a complete drama queen AND a pathological liar AND a tragic fantasist. Then add skepticism.
The same goes for anything even remotely resembling “settled science” I wrote here about the reality that no vaccine, none, and not just in the US, has ever gone under any scientific safety procedures.
But it goes well beyond this. It applies to history too. History you are “sure and certain about” because it was inculcated into you at a very young age. Now, even before you make ANY generic assumptions, just consider for a moment if only two of those things I mention might be very different from what you have been told. For example, the idea that antigravity technology doesn’t exist (it does) and say, the ending of WW2 (to say nothing of its actual causes and reality of events during it).
Just on those two points, my
Overlords of Mars trilogy
, collated in one book,
Nazi Moon
, becomes quite a bit more interesting than just cool science fiction.
But aside my writing, please, for the love of all that is good, your own health and even more so that of your children, do yourself a favour and take the key advice I gave everyone in another of my books
Systema: The Russian Martial System
, and that is:
know (for) yourself.
There really is no substitute.
You think vaccines (any of them) are safe and effective? Fine, go look for the tests done on it. The hard data, not what was “reported” by some journalist in some magazine or newspaper about it. The clinical studies with the numbers and methodologies in them. You won’t find any. Because none were ever made. In Italy for example you will find that the minister of health, in a big show of telling everyone they would order safety tests to be done on vaccines, to prove their safety once and for all, in 1992, has done no such thing.
In fact, in Italy they made, thanks to an evil bitch called Lorenzin, on the usual orders from the USA, about ten vaccines “compulsory” for children to attend school. Which, of course is illegal, and if you don’t have them done, they fine you. After which your child just goes to school without vaccine and fine paid.
Which is NOT the way to handle it. The way to handle it is to write to the health services when you get the letter and ask them for the vaccine safety tests the government said would be done. After that they leave you alone.
You see? It’s all a sick game of trying to make you kill yourself by taking their lies as truth. And it plays out in pretty much every field you care to look at, but especially so in two important fields: health/pharmaceuticals/medicines and food.
Oh, and of course on the reasons for war(s) and the “reality” and “fairness” of fiat money. That last one really is a doozy once you look into it properly.
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By SubStackSyncer | 16 November 2024 | Posted in SubStack