Archive for August 2024

UK Met Police Chief incites violence

As you may be aware, the UK has recently decided to threaten its own citizens to the extent that their account was banned by X for breaking their terms of service with regard to inciting violence and hatred.

Yes it’s real.

And you can see why, when you listen to this absolute puppet of globohomo:

And you look at how his police force and the crown prosecution services have been operating in UK. One example follows amongst many:

He’s not the only one, by the way. A lady got 29 months for pushing a trash bin towards the police cordon. She even fell over.

Compared to this:

If this kind of injustice is not DESIGNED to incite hatred and violence, I don’t know what is.

In fact, they are now saying you will be arrested and prosecuted merely for having eyes in your head.

Which really just proves this:

And it looks like Elon is at least making the situation more known about:

Including in meme format:

Now, I certainly don’t trust Elon, a guy who dresses as Satan’s Champion for Halloween is a little suspect, as have been some of the relationships he’s been in, and according to CDAN he may be a meth-head too. He certainly has played the role of a ticket-taker anyway, but it’s also true that his son was transgendered by the mind-virus of woke into pretending he’s female and that does seem to have potentially woken Elon to the reality of Clown World. At any rate, it’s possible. Maybe.

If, and it’s a big if, Elon really did turn to the side of reality and truth, it could be a real thorn in the side of the Satanists at the top, but never forget that their tried and tested and most successful strategy is to play both sides of the coin, and the edge too. So Elon may just be the gatekeeper used to net all the disgruntled majority into a sense of impotence-dominated “there will be a saviour” mentality.

No one is coming to save you, except you.

Become the saviour of your own life, your own family, your own people that you want to see.

Mark Rowley, the Met Police Chief, by his own standards (well, the ones he has been told to state and promote, anyway, personally I doubt the weedy creature has an actual spine, never mind a real personal opinion) should immediately arrest himself for inciting racial hatred as a result of his police officers following a code of conduct that inevitably can only lead to racial division and hatred by unjustly arresting and prosecuting people with a white skin in disproportionate numbers and severity for minor infractions when compared to ridiculously light sentences for crimes committed by people with a darker skin.

No one still in possession of basic reasoning faculties and the grasp of logic can deny that this strategy is intentionally designed to cause the very conditions they are pretending to be against.

Australia is Hell

Some may wander why I have never had any desire whatsoever to visit Australia.

The reasons are almost endless and none of them have anything to do with the wildlife.

They are essentially stating you will need to provide your full ID to even be online and the government will have full access to anything you do online, including private messages. Because the scum that works in government around the world are all so pure and precise and honest, and they would never say use images of your family to evil ends, or, upload incriminating stuff to your account, including child porn like the FBI was caught red handed doing to political opponents it disliked.

I mean, yes, all governments already do that whole peeping tom thing anyway and have been since the 1990s at least, but the Australians want to make it official policy.

I think it’s genetic. We all know that the Australians are the rejects from British Chav society, and those kind are the worst gossiping, arrogant, dishonest sort. Give them delusions of power and they invariably become despotic and tyrannical in a flash. So I’ll have to wait before going to see a kangaroo until after China annexes Australia too, shortly after Taiwan. Or maybe before it, if immigration data is anything to go by.

On Success with Women, evaluating types of men and IQ

Vox made an interesting post on Chris Langan.

It’s definitely worth a read.

I find it interesting primarily for reasons of philosophical intellectual differences I note between people of high IQ.

It’s the one place where the uniqueness of a human mind can become really quite interesting; if you’re into noticing such things anyway, which I am. A little explanation of what I assume is Vox’s general perspective, as well as how mine differs follows, all of which is merely a preamble to explaining what I think are the differences in how Vox and myself rate Chris Langan; allegedly the smartest man on Earth.

Vox’s SSH is the result of his observations of men within various social settings. Whether he was influenced by the PUA nomenclature or even their theory or not is unknown to me and somewhat irrelevant. The process of evaluating other men en masse is a relatively natural one, at least for men who are essentially unconcerned with other humans for the most part, aside how to mostly be left alone by the vast majority of them. I.e. what Vox has labelled the Sigma.

His version is far more detailed and specific about the sexual aspect. My own version of the SSH is something I came up with long before Vox’s version or knowing anything about him or PUAs. I talked about it before, along with a version of the female SSH I came up with much later.

The point I find interesting is that Vox’s version of the SSH is indeed more detailed and more clear in defining large swathes of the male population, but I think his generic motivation for noticing is probably quite different from my own.

I can’t speak to his motives but I would assume they are rather rarefied and somewhat detached from any specific issue. It’s more the approach if a butterfly collector I would assume.

My own version was far more akin to the intent of a hunter, identifying potentially dangerous animals, generic ones that may be useful or irrelevant and other hunters, which likewise could be dangerous, useful or irrelevant.

As a result, my version of the SSH only had three types of men:

Alphas: The natural leaders in a group. Generally my perspective is taken mostly from a very primitive and physical aspect. My Alphas differ somewhat from Vox’s in that I was primarily concerned with the physical alphas. Some captains of industry that are Alphas in every other respect, become practically irrelevant when the SHTF in a physical confrontation. This was probably a combination of growing up mostly in rather primitive societies, doing martial arts pretty much from the time I could walk, and working in close protection in South Africa for some years. The Alphas in this world can literally lead gangs, have other men do violence on their behalf and so on.

Betas: pretty much everyone that wasn’t an alpha. A very few may be technically proficient in physical confrontations, but this generally limits itself to the individual level, and I became relatively proficient at not worrying too much about any confrontation one on one quite early in my life. I was, of course, aware of there being a large variety of sub-categories in this one, but my approach was to deal with each type as they came up. Some were useful, (bravos) some annoying, (gammas) some irrelevant (omegas) and most a mix of the above (deltas) that could be useful, annoying or irrelevant depending on the specific situation, but overall, as a class they were not dangerous in general terms.

Scouts: my own class. These could be unpredictable and dangerous if you got on their wrong side, for whatever reason, and if dangerous could be a far more formidable enemy than an alpha even if generally they would not have anything like the social resources of an Alpha. They also tend to be chamaleontic and able to infiltrate other cultures or societies more successfully than any other type.

The Chris Langan’s evaluation

Vox’s is in keeping with his way of seeing the world. He gives Langan his due stating it is clear that the man is smarter than he is, yet notes rhat Langan’s lack of success with women is also a fundamental aspect of his mostly Delta status. And I think this is entirely correct. Langan’s biggest chip on his shoulder is that no one is smart enough to evaluate his grand theory of everything, (CTMU) and paradoxically, that no one is giving him the accolades he deserves. Which is fully in keeping with a Delta’s concern for being respected for their work as well as having someone tell them what to do.

As for having the thought that most people are too dumb to follow my ideas, that’s nothing new to me either. I published my concepts on The Face on Mars, Systema, the Catholic Church and Catholicism, and relationships between men and women, and then, once done, I can’t even be bothered to self-promote enough to make even a modest living from it. Which is the difference between Langan and myself, regardless of IQ.

More importantly, from my perspective, I don’t rate Langan at all on any scale that I care about.

Whether he is more or less intelligent than I am is irrelevant from my perspective. What I look at is his effectiveness. And in this respect I believe he is essentially a non-entity. I don’t mean fame-wise or even society-wise. I mean on a personal level. And while I am not in Langan’s head, I think it’s fair to say that it is fairly obvious he is far from pleased with his achievements in life, by his own metrics, whatever those are.

And he certainly is less successful than I am by my own metrics.

* He does not seem to have fathered any children (at least not that I could find any evidence of it)

* He seems to have been unable to let go of the resentment built up over his hard childhood (something I managed though I think his situation was far harder than anything I had to endure)

* I believe he is not wealthy enough to have at least a comfortable life, I may be wrong on this, but given it’s just him and his wife it seems to me he is still chasing fame and fortune in his 70s.

He also had a very hard childhood, so I am not denigrating the man, I am merely stating what are objective facts as I see them.

I also read his CTMU and frankly, it is nothing revolutionary. First of all he uses a lot of unnecessarily convoluted self-defined language in a dense format. This is both unnecessary and a sign of some degree of showmanship.

While creating neologisms for efficiency can be useful, packing a half-dozen of then in every sentence or two is not the way to be efficient. Nor the way to be understood by people you deem to be a lot dumber than you are. My IQ was measured at 152 and 157, but none of my books are anything that is too complicated for a person of normal intelligence to follow.

Could I make the books shorter? Sure. Probably by 80%, but then the number of people that could appreciate them would be minimal. In fact, one of my better achievements is Believe! Which at only 98 pages has nevertheless resulted in over 100 people getting baptised into Sedevacantist Catholicism (aka actual Catholicism).

Vox also rated Jordan Peterson as smart (which he is technically, with an IQ in the 120-130 range) so he is entirely correct, but I have largely ignored the guy because he is clearly an only partly sane occultist, pathological liar and grifting conman.

Vox’s more highbrow perspective is certainly more in keeping with what society gauges as being success, intelligence, and achievement, but none of those social metrics are anything that I ever thought of as being particularly important in general, and certainly not for me specifically.

I find it interesting that given the difference in childhoods, Vox, Langan and myself also seem to have rather different ways of measuring success and effectiveness, even if broadly speaking we see the same things (covid scam, 9/11 inside job, chemtrails, etc).

It is sobering to see that emotional events that we go through in childhood may be significant for the rest of our lives, regardless of IQ. This is not news to me, as I have been intimately aware of this aspect of humanity for a long time and confirmed it many, many times thanks to the hypnosis work I do. But it is good to remind ourselves of the weaknesses we all carry around, even, or especially, the ones most hidden to ourselves.

Meanwhile in UK

I wander what the “inaccurate” information was.

Given they are saying in the article that it would “incite racial hatred”, I am guessing she referred to the Rwandan as a Rwandan, instead of as a lilly-white Welshman like any other Welshman.

Let’s just make sure we use trusty wikipedia to get the facts straight though!

Ah yes, you can clearly see how that racist bigot probably referred to this absolute Welshman as some sort of uncivilised negro from Africa, born of other uncivilised negroes from Africa.

You can see how that would be wrong and racist, surely.

It also mentions how almost 500 other people have so far been arrested for unspecified “violence” in connection with the mass stabbing and murder of small white children.

Given that the Zionist now acting as PM of the UK has labelled social media posts as also being “violence” (presumably because the unmitigated shithead has never had anyone bitchslap him for his arrogant, evil, sellout stupidity, so he can’t tell the difference between that and mean words) it is not clear if the 483 people detained were mainly Muslims guilty of attacking British citizens with bladed weapons for having the audacity of being outraged about the mass murder of little children, or whether they are posting inaccurate information regarding the exact birthplace and Islamic mosque denomination of the poor aggrieved Muslims that are only defending themselves from vicious slander by use of machetes.

Despite the horrors of the racism however, we can at least rest easy knowing the UK police are fully invested in the LGBT-Pedo lifestyle and pondering deeply how to lessen the harshness of social judgement of Pakistani rape gangs that operate under such bigotry in the UK.

Vox vs. Kurgan fight

So Vox did an AMA with the Reddit Gammas, dipping his toes in that murky swamp, as I did a few years ago. I have to say that on a quick scan there really wasn’t much that I thought was even remotely a tough question or any that would have put him in any difficulty to reply to.

This one, however amused me:

Scorpio is right about the login. In fact I couldn’t even find the avatar thing.

For the record, no, I would not be interested in a charity fight.

Aside random events like streetfights or assaults (none of which I started) or stopping some guy doing some violent shit, and willingly sparring inside dojos for years, I don’t think I would ever have been interested in a charity fight at any time.

For me a fight has always been either a necessity for one reason or another, or training (sparring or competitions, neither of which is really a fight as such).

I extended only a couple of formal challenges to braggarts online, offering to pay their way or fly to them depending, and in each instance they backed out, but my motivations for doing so are probably inscrutable to almost everyone, nor do I feel inclined to explain them. Aside that, I did in my youth offer to settle differences by way of a fight a few times, but none were very significant events, which some of the later things were.

Plus at my age, the point of fighting only if it’s a necessity is even more relevant, in which case it would then pretty much preclude there being any rules to it except trying to make sure I walk away from it and the other guy gets carried out of it, and personally I would not care at all if it’s on a gurney to the hospital or a bodybag to the morgue.

The idea of getting into a heavy sparring session with a friend when we are both at age 55 really has no appeal whatsoever.

Injuries heal a lot slower and are far more likely than 30 or even 20 or 10 years ago, and I have enough to do physically on the farm that I really don’t need any more dents.

Now, if there was a 100,000 tax free Euro paid to me for doing the fight, well… I’d consider it then.

Even then I’d prefer it if it would be someone I either don’t know or even disliked.

But since I doubt the gammas would put up that kind of cash even if it meant seeing me and Vox kick the crap out of each other, I’m fairly sure neither he nor I needs to put on Walkmen with Eye of the Tiger playing as we punch speedbags, jog along rural roads, and run up and down the steps of the local council in hoodies.

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