Vox posted on the lies told by Sabrina Penty of the Daily Mail online from the UK concerning the Spanish Inquisition.
You can correct Sabrina’s lies and mischaracterisation of Catholicism, the Spanish people and the Spanish Inquisition specifically but letting her know at her email address posted under her name on the article in question: [email protected]
She is a “foreign” correspondent, and if I had to guess, I would guess she may be a Jewish Israeli. but that’s just a guess of course. Apparently she also reported on South Africa, and studied in the UK so she may be South African, or perhaps just living outside UK. Why do I assume she’s Jewish? We’ll get to that.
Now, let me explain the viciousness of the absolute nonsense she peddles, and why it is obviously intentional falsehoods that she peddles and not a simple “error”. The alternative is that she is so incompetent, or mentally deficient, that allowing her near writing instruments like pens or other sharp objects may constitute a crime of negligence for the safety of herself and others.
For hundreds of years, people were burned at the stake, stretched to death, or otherwise tortured for the sole reason that they were not Catholic.
The Spanish Inquisition is considered to be one of the most shameful and grotesque periods in Roman Catholic history. According to some modern estimates, around 150,000 people were prosecuted for various offences during the three-century duration of the reign of terror, of whom between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed after enduring some of the most spine chilling acts of torture imaginable.
She starts off with an absolute lie. How can we prove it? Well, but using the very thing she pretends or implies to have consulted.
Extensive archival material contains accounts of torture victims’ cries and descriptions of funeral pyres, atrocities which continue to horrify historians to this day.
Those of you who have read Reclaiming the Catholic Church, will be aware that I covered the Spanish Inquisition in some detail, by referencing the largest archive in the world of not just the Spanish, but Portuguese and Roman Inquisition too.
The data I had at the time of writing was from April 2019, but as a result of today’s post I went to look up what progress has been made since.
This is from their website:
The Early Modern Inquisition Database is an ongoing project to register trials from the Spanish, Portuguese and Roman Inquisitions. As of October 2021 it contains more than 108.000 entries with information on 100.000 trials from Portugal and Spain.
The first version of the database is planned to be released in the first half of 2022.
In 2015 data on more than 31.000 trials in the Portuguese Inquisition was added from the records of the Portuguese National Archives. Cleaning and coding of this data is ongoing.
As I am not aware the first version has been released, I assume they have been delayed. The difference is about 7,000 cases have been added but we can’t know yet if to the Spanish, Portuguese or Roman Inquisition, or most likely a mixture of the three. Though possibly they are mostly from the Roman one since that was looked at last.
At any rate, from that summary you can see that the Spanish Inquisition contains approximately 69,000 cases, the Portuguese one at least 31,000 cases, which means the Roman one must contain about 8,000 cases.
So, right from the get go, she has more than doubled the archival cases we actually have from 69,000 to 150,000. She covers her tracks by saying “some modern estimates”, but that’s like someone saying “by some modern opinions, Sabrina has had sex with 1,200 men.” In other words, it’s pure bullshit.
Nevertheless, the Spanish Inquisition can be divided into roughly two periods:
From 1480 to 1560 (80 years) where documentation was less thorough, and then from 1540 to 1700, where documentation was basically complete (which also goes to show the Catholic Church took EXTREME pains to make sure everything was properly documented and done according to the rules of the time). So there is a period from about 1540 to 1560 where the documenting was basically increased and made far more thorough.
The Highest estimated of the total number of prosecutions, are as per the Tables below (reproduced from RTCC).
Let’s now look at the two most touted “Holocausts”:
The burning alive of women for the crime of being pretty, not responding sexually to the advances of some predatory churchman, etcetera, etcetera, and,
The Burning alive of poor, innocent Jews who did absolutely nothing wrong except fail to convert to Catholicism.
Pleae consider the plight of these poor thousands of souls we have all been told were first tortured to near death for fun, then burnt alive.
Now let’s look at the actual numbers that we have definite and definitive figures for, a hundred year period from 1540 to 1640:
Continued from RTCC:
Nor was it quite the holocaust of the middle ages some Jewish academics present it as, given that the total number of Jews executed under the inquisition for the period was 16. Keep in mind that Marranos where people who were pretending to be Christians in order to continue trading and in most cases make actual war alliances with Muslims, in order to fight the Christian Spaniards who were actively reclaiming their land from the Saracens.
She continues:
While the Jewish population in Spain was viciously targeted during the Spanish Inquisition, the religious fervour of the Catholic Monarchs also led to the persecution of Muslims and protestants.
In 1507, when Francisco Cardinal Jimenez de Cisneros was named gran inquisitor, he promoted the suppression of the Muslim population of Spain with the same zeal that Torquemada had directed at Jews.
But luckily, I foresaw the usual lies of Protestant, Jews and Muslims against Catholics, and in RTCC I ended the section on the Spanish Inquisition thusly:
On average then, a high overall estimate is that less than 3% of all trials led to an actual execution, meaning the death toll over a period of some 220 years was approximately of 13 people a year.
Contrast this with the period between 1530 and 1610, during which the English averaged 750 executions per year, many for petty crimes, for a total of some 60,000 deaths in an 80-year period. And that doesn’t take into account the many thousands of executions of Catholics prior to this period, by decree of King Henry VIII (including 2 of his wives).
Now, back to Sabrina, why to I assume she is Jewish? Well, because Jews have been the sworn enemies of Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) from the very start, and have been absolutely instrumental in infiltrating the Church with Communists (Communism is an entirely Jewish creation, as anyone who has studied Karl Marx or the Russian “revolution” [i.e. Jewish takeover and the killing of the Tsar] knows), homosexuals, freemasons, Carbonari, Illuminati, and so on.
The ploy of the Pharisees that did not convert to Christianity but continued to worship Satan (again, this is not hyperbole, it is admitted by the biggest Rabbis of Israel that their God is Satan, the ruler of this world, not God the Father, and they also believe Jesus is in hell in a lake of boiling excrement, please do NOT take my word for it. Look it up. Do some research of your own), and in doing so mastered the art of subterfuge, lies and duplicity, which is still the motto of Mossad to this day. By playing the victim at every turn, they leverage the sympathy and ethic from other human beings that they lack towards the entire rest of humanity, because of their dogmatic religious beliefs.
So, given that her article has not one source, is filled with massive exaggerations, lies and distortions and pages of detailed horrors the Catholics supposedly did with glee and greed in their heart, I suspect Sabrina is simply trying to push the narrative of her people. But I could, of course, be wrong. Perhaps she is just one of the goyim that are paid to run the narrative on behalf of her masters.
In any case, the lies told about the Catholic Church, Catholicism in general and so on, are and have, mostly been pushed by Jewish agitators behind the scenes. In RTCC, I also explain how, unbelievable as it sounds, the main architect behind the Vatican II abominable usurpation of the Vatican by Satanists in 1958 was actually orchestrated in its very inception, by a Jew, one Jules Isaac. You can read an archived article about it here.
But again, the narrative will just be that while the jews are all allowed to spit at Christians, revile, lie and persecute us, as they did in Gaza by bombing Christian Churches (as well as hospitals and schools), we Catholics, are just vicious anti-semites if we dare say any of the factual things that Jews do as a generalised group. And while exceptions always exist in all directions, generalisations are still statistical facts.
And never mind their actual dogmatic religious beliefs, like say, what they think it’s ok to do to little children. According to their holy Talmud, mind you, not just me saying so.
So that is where my suspicions about Sabrina come from. In case you wondered.
Anyway, she really is a crappy reporter if she couldn’t even get the basics right, which, of course, is par for the course for “journalists”.
Well, I can’t say I’d be surprised, given what we have known for decades about certain royal… erhm… proclivities!
Rumours that the then Prince Charles piolted an experimental UFO craft in 1975 is expected to be looked into. An interview with witnesses is thought to be featured with detailed accounts of their experiences.
It really does look as if the alien invasion narratives the Nazis knew about at least 70 years ago is heating up.
Remember Monkey Pox? The one they tried to start up after the covid Scamdemic, except it fizzled out after it became well known that it was spread almost exclusively by homosexuals and their usual practices? And that it then started appearing in dogs and children “adopted” by homosexuals?
Sort of spoiled the narrative a little bit so they made it disappear for a while, but I guess the skunkworks of Bill and Melinda Gates, Fauci, Soros, et all are running a little behind and they just haven’t quite got the radioactive bubonic plague at the point they want it to yet, so they are trying the double-whammy of “avian flu” (to kill and easy and secure food source of you having a bunch of chickens) and reviving monkeypox.
So let’s just remind everyone a little bit about Monkey Pox and where and how it tends to spread.
So… yeah… that narrative may not go so well, and it may actually be time for the Satanopedovores to finally go to what Werner Von Braun warned us would be their final play: the fake alien invasion.
Now, you may think this is all hyperbole, but I assure you it’s not. This guy used to work for the FBI, and the technology he talks about was actually developed in the mid 1990s and was already functional enough back then.
And this sort of thing is becoming more frequent.
So, as always, save your good cigars and cognac for the shows they have lined up and enjoy the flames from your front porch, far from the maddened crowds.
Postcards from Barsoom has a post on what happens when the lefties steal the vote in November 2024 again. Pointing out all the things I have said before in more details.
He ends with this:
So we come back to the question.
When the regime steals the election, what happens then?
Does anyone have a plan for this?
And my answer remains the same:
Absolutely nothing of consequence. The Americans with all their guns will once again bend over, spread their cheeks, and take it without any lube from the Satanic pedophiles in charge.
My last post on the little turtle reminded me of another recent conversation I had with the wife a few days ago, referring to the “stinky turd” incident.
So often we don’t realise just how courageous the women in our lives are.
Wife: I don’t know what to do anymore to make that little girl feel any sense of shame.
Me: Hmm, yeah that could be a problem, as she has definitely got my genes in that respect.
Wife: (indignant) You think?! She definitely didn’t get that from me! I’ve felt shame all my life!
Me: (speechless, and thinking…) What? And you married me?!?
On the Spanish Inquisition
Vox posted on the lies told by Sabrina Penty of the Daily Mail online from the UK concerning the Spanish Inquisition.
You can correct Sabrina’s lies and mischaracterisation of Catholicism, the Spanish people and the Spanish Inquisition specifically but letting her know at her email address posted under her name on the article in question: [email protected]
She is a “foreign” correspondent, and if I had to guess, I would guess she may be a Jewish Israeli. but that’s just a guess of course. Apparently she also reported on South Africa, and studied in the UK so she may be South African, or perhaps just living outside UK. Why do I assume she’s Jewish? We’ll get to that.
Now, let me explain the viciousness of the absolute nonsense she peddles, and why it is obviously intentional falsehoods that she peddles and not a simple “error”. The alternative is that she is so incompetent, or mentally deficient, that allowing her near writing instruments like pens or other sharp objects may constitute a crime of negligence for the safety of herself and others.
For hundreds of years, people were burned at the stake, stretched to death, or otherwise tortured for the sole reason that they were not Catholic.
The Spanish Inquisition is considered to be one of the most shameful and grotesque periods in Roman Catholic history. According to some modern estimates, around 150,000 people were prosecuted for various offences during the three-century duration of the reign of terror, of whom between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed after enduring some of the most spine chilling acts of torture imaginable.
She starts off with an absolute lie. How can we prove it? Well, but using the very thing she pretends or implies to have consulted.
Extensive archival material contains accounts of torture victims’ cries and descriptions of funeral pyres, atrocities which continue to horrify historians to this day.
Those of you who have read Reclaiming the Catholic Church, will be aware that I covered the Spanish Inquisition in some detail, by referencing the largest archive in the world of not just the Spanish, but Portuguese and Roman Inquisition too.
The data I had at the time of writing was from April 2019, but as a result of today’s post I went to look up what progress has been made since.
This is from their website:
The Early Modern Inquisition Database is an ongoing project to register trials from the Spanish, Portuguese and Roman Inquisitions. As of October 2021 it contains more than 108.000 entries with information on 100.000 trials from Portugal and Spain.
The first version of the database is planned to be released in the first half of 2022.
In 2015 data on more than 31.000 trials in the Portuguese Inquisition was added from the records of the Portuguese National Archives. Cleaning and coding of this data is ongoing.
As I am not aware the first version has been released, I assume they have been delayed. The difference is about 7,000 cases have been added but we can’t know yet if to the Spanish, Portuguese or Roman Inquisition, or most likely a mixture of the three. Though possibly they are mostly from the Roman one since that was looked at last.
At any rate, from that summary you can see that the Spanish Inquisition contains approximately 69,000 cases, the Portuguese one at least 31,000 cases, which means the Roman one must contain about 8,000 cases.
So, right from the get go, she has more than doubled the archival cases we actually have from 69,000 to 150,000. She covers her tracks by saying “some modern estimates”, but that’s like someone saying “by some modern opinions, Sabrina has had sex with 1,200 men.” In other words, it’s pure bullshit.
Nevertheless, the Spanish Inquisition can be divided into roughly two periods:
From 1480 to 1560 (80 years) where documentation was less thorough, and then from 1540 to 1700, where documentation was basically complete (which also goes to show the Catholic Church took EXTREME pains to make sure everything was properly documented and done according to the rules of the time). So there is a period from about 1540 to 1560 where the documenting was basically increased and made far more thorough.
The Highest estimated of the total number of prosecutions, are as per the Tables below (reproduced from RTCC).
Let’s now look at the two most touted “Holocausts”:
Pleae consider the plight of these poor thousands of souls we have all been told were first tortured to near death for fun, then burnt alive.
Now let’s look at the actual numbers that we have definite and definitive figures for, a hundred year period from 1540 to 1640:
Continued from RTCC:
Nor was it quite the holocaust of the middle ages some Jewish academics present it as, given that the total number of Jews executed under the inquisition for the period was 16. Keep in mind that Marranos where people who were pretending to be Christians in order to continue trading and in most cases make actual war alliances with Muslims, in order to fight the Christian Spaniards who were actively reclaiming their land from the Saracens.
She continues:
While the Jewish population in Spain was viciously targeted during the Spanish Inquisition, the religious fervour of the Catholic Monarchs also led to the persecution of Muslims and protestants.
In 1507, when Francisco Cardinal Jimenez de Cisneros was named gran inquisitor, he promoted the suppression of the Muslim population of Spain with the same zeal that Torquemada had directed at Jews.
Perhaps hoping everyone forgets that Protestants didn’t even exist until 1521 and that it was a German Monk that was probably a Crypto-Jew trying to yet again destroy the Catholic Church.
But luckily, I foresaw the usual lies of Protestant, Jews and Muslims against Catholics, and in RTCC I ended the section on the Spanish Inquisition thusly:
On average then, a high overall estimate is that less than 3% of all trials led to an actual execution, meaning the death toll over a period of some 220 years was approximately of 13 people a year.
Contrast this with the period between 1530 and 1610, during which the English averaged 750 executions per year, many for petty crimes, for a total of some 60,000 deaths in an 80-year period. And that doesn’t take into account the many thousands of executions of Catholics prior to this period, by decree of King Henry VIII (including 2 of his wives).
Now, back to Sabrina, why to I assume she is Jewish? Well, because Jews have been the sworn enemies of Christianity (i.e. Catholicism) from the very start, and have been absolutely instrumental in infiltrating the Church with Communists (Communism is an entirely Jewish creation, as anyone who has studied Karl Marx or the Russian “revolution” [i.e. Jewish takeover and the killing of the Tsar] knows), homosexuals, freemasons, Carbonari, Illuminati, and so on.
The ploy of the Pharisees that did not convert to Christianity but continued to worship Satan (again, this is not hyperbole, it is admitted by the biggest Rabbis of Israel that their God is Satan, the ruler of this world, not God the Father, and they also believe Jesus is in hell in a lake of boiling excrement, please do NOT take my word for it. Look it up. Do some research of your own), and in doing so mastered the art of subterfuge, lies and duplicity, which is still the motto of Mossad to this day. By playing the victim at every turn, they leverage the sympathy and ethic from other human beings that they lack towards the entire rest of humanity, because of their dogmatic religious beliefs.
So, given that her article has not one source, is filled with massive exaggerations, lies and distortions and pages of detailed horrors the Catholics supposedly did with glee and greed in their heart, I suspect Sabrina is simply trying to push the narrative of her people. But I could, of course, be wrong. Perhaps she is just one of the goyim that are paid to run the narrative on behalf of her masters.
In any case, the lies told about the Catholic Church, Catholicism in general and so on, are and have, mostly been pushed by Jewish agitators behind the scenes. In RTCC, I also explain how, unbelievable as it sounds, the main architect behind the Vatican II abominable usurpation of the Vatican by Satanists in 1958 was actually orchestrated in its very inception, by a Jew, one Jules Isaac. You can read an archived article about it here.
But again, the narrative will just be that while the jews are all allowed to spit at Christians, revile, lie and persecute us, as they did in Gaza by bombing Christian Churches (as well as hospitals and schools), we Catholics, are just vicious anti-semites if we dare say any of the factual things that Jews do as a generalised group. And while exceptions always exist in all directions, generalisations are still statistical facts.
And never mind their actual dogmatic religious beliefs, like say, what they think it’s ok to do to little children. According to their holy Talmud, mind you, not just me saying so.
So that is where my suspicions about Sabrina come from. In case you wondered.
Anyway, she really is a crappy reporter if she couldn’t even get the basics right, which, of course, is par for the course for “journalists”.
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By G | 20 August 2024 | Posted in Believe, Catholicism, Christianity, Clown World, Heretics, Reclaiming the Catholic Church, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within, The Jews